.float dmg; .float dmg_edge; .float dmg_force; .float dmg_radius; float Damage_DamageInfo_SendEntity(entity to, float sf) { WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, ENT_CLIENT_DAMAGEINFO); WriteShort(MSG_ENTITY, self.projectiledeathtype); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, floor(self.origin_x)); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, floor(self.origin_y)); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, floor(self.origin_z)); WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, bound(1, self.dmg, 255)); WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, bound(0, self.dmg_radius, 255)); WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, bound(1, self.dmg_edge, 255)); WriteShort(MSG_ENTITY, self.oldorigin_x); WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, self.species); return TRUE; } void Damage_DamageInfo(vector org, float coredamage, float edgedamage, float rad, vector force, float deathtype, float bloodtype, entity dmgowner) { // TODO maybe call this from non-edgedamage too? // TODO maybe make the client do the particle effects for the weapons and the impact sounds using this info? entity e; if(!sound_allowed(MSG_BROADCAST, dmgowner)) deathtype |= 0x8000; e = spawn(); setorigin(e, org); e.projectiledeathtype = deathtype; e.dmg = coredamage; e.dmg_edge = edgedamage; e.dmg_radius = rad; e.dmg_force = vlen(force); e.velocity = force; e.oldorigin_x = compressShortVector(e.velocity); e.species = bloodtype; Net_LinkEntity(e, FALSE, 0.2, Damage_DamageInfo_SendEntity); } float checkrules_firstblood; float yoda; float damage_goodhits; float damage_gooddamage; float headshot; float damage_headshotbonus; // bonus multiplier for head shots, set to 0 after use .float dmg_team; .float teamkill_complain; .float teamkill_soundtime; .entity teamkill_soundsource; .entity pusher; .float taunt_soundtime; float IsDifferentTeam(entity a, entity b) { if(teamplay) { if(a.team == b.team) return 0; } else { if(a == b) return 0; } return 1; } float IsFlying(entity a) { if(a.flags & FL_ONGROUND) return 0; if(a.waterlevel >= WATERLEVEL_SWIMMING) return 0; traceline(a.origin, a.origin - '0 0 48', MOVE_NORMAL, a); if(trace_fraction < 1) return 0; return 1; } vector GetHeadshotMins(entity targ) { return '-0.5 0 0' * PL_HEAD_x + '0 -0.5 0' * PL_HEAD_y + '0 0 1' * (targ.maxs_z - PL_HEAD_z); } vector GetHeadshotMaxs(entity targ) { return '0.5 0 0' * PL_HEAD_x + '0 0.5 0' * PL_HEAD_y + '0 0 1' * targ.maxs_z; } void UpdateFrags(entity player, float f) { PlayerTeamScore_AddScore(player, f); } // NOTE: f=0 means still count as a (positive) kill, but count no frags for it void W_SwitchWeapon_Force(entity e, float w); entity GiveFrags_randomweapons; void GiveFrags (entity attacker, entity targ, float f, float deathtype) { // TODO route through PlayerScores instead if(gameover) return; if(f < 0) { if(targ == attacker) { // suicide PlayerScore_Add(attacker, SP_SUICIDES, 1); } else { // teamkill PlayerScore_Add(attacker, SP_KILLS, -1); // or maybe add a teamkills field? } } else { // regular frag PlayerScore_Add(attacker, SP_KILLS, 1); if(targ.playerid) PlayerStats_Event(attacker, sprintf("kills-%d", targ.playerid), 1); } PlayerScore_Add(targ, SP_DEATHS, 1); if(g_arena || g_ca) if(autocvar_g_arena_roundbased) return; if(targ != attacker) // not for suicides if(g_weaponarena_random) { // after a frag, exchange the current weapon (or the culprit, if detectable) by a new random weapon float culprit; culprit = DEATH_WEAPONOF(deathtype); if(!culprit) culprit = attacker.weapon; else if(!WEPSET_CONTAINS_EW(attacker, culprit)) culprit = attacker.weapon; if(g_weaponarena_random_with_laser && culprit == WEP_LASER) { // no exchange } else { if(!GiveFrags_randomweapons) { GiveFrags_randomweapons = spawn(); GiveFrags_randomweapons.classname = "GiveFrags_randomweapons"; } if(inWarmupStage) WEPSET_COPY_EA(GiveFrags_randomweapons, warmup_start_weapons); else WEPSET_COPY_EA(GiveFrags_randomweapons, start_weapons); // all others (including the culprit): remove WEPSET_ANDNOT_EE(GiveFrags_randomweapons, attacker); WEPSET_ANDNOT_EW(GiveFrags_randomweapons, culprit); // among the remaining ones, choose one by random W_RandomWeapons(GiveFrags_randomweapons, 1); if(!WEPSET_EMPTY_E(GiveFrags_randomweapons)) { WEPSET_OR_EE(attacker, GiveFrags_randomweapons); WEPSET_ANDNOT_EW(attacker, culprit); } } // after a frag, choose another random weapon set if not(WEPSET_CONTAINS_EW(attacker, attacker.weapon)) W_SwitchWeapon_Force(attacker, w_getbestweapon(attacker)); } // FIXME fix the mess this is (we have REAL points now!) entity oldself; oldself = self; self = attacker; frag_attacker = attacker; frag_target = targ; frag_score = f; if(MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(GiveFragsForKill)) { f = frag_score; self = oldself; } else { self = oldself; if(g_runematch) { f = RunematchHandleFrags(attacker, targ, f); } else if(g_lms) { // remove a life float tl; tl = PlayerScore_Add(targ, SP_LMS_LIVES, -1); if(tl < lms_lowest_lives) lms_lowest_lives = tl; if(tl <= 0) { if(!lms_next_place) lms_next_place = player_count; else lms_next_place = min(lms_next_place, player_count); PlayerScore_Add(targ, SP_LMS_RANK, lms_next_place); // won't ever spawn again --lms_next_place; } f = 0; } } attacker.totalfrags += f; if(f) UpdateFrags(attacker, f); } string Obituary_ExtraFragInfo(entity player) // Extra fragmessage information { string health_output = string_null; string ping_output = string_null; string handicap_output = string_null; string output = string_null; if(autocvar_sv_fraginfo && ((autocvar_sv_fraginfo == 2) || inWarmupStage)) { // health/armor of attacker (person who killed you) if(autocvar_sv_fraginfo_stats && (player.health >= 1)) health_output = strcat("^7(Health ^1", ftos(rint(player.health)), "^7 / Armor ^2", ftos(rint(player.armorvalue)), "^7)"); // ping display if(autocvar_sv_fraginfo_ping) ping_output = ((clienttype(player) == CLIENTTYPE_BOT) ? "^2Bot" : strcat("Ping ", ((player.ping >= 150) ? "^1" : "^2"), ftos(rint(player.ping)), "ms")); // handicap display if(autocvar_sv_fraginfo_handicap) { if(autocvar_sv_fraginfo_handicap == 2) handicap_output = strcat(output, strcat("Handicap ^2", ((player.cvar_cl_handicap <= 1) ? "Off" : ftos(rint(player.cvar_cl_handicap))))); else if(player.cvar_cl_handicap) // with _handicap 1, only show this if there actually is a handicap enabled. handicap_output = strcat("Handicap ^2", ftos(rint(player.cvar_cl_handicap))); } // format the string output = strcat(health_output, (health_output ? ((ping_output || handicap_output) ? " ^7(" : "") : ((ping_output || handicap_output) ? "^7(" : "")), ping_output, (handicap_output ? "^7 / " : ""), handicap_output, ((ping_output || handicap_output) ? "^7)" : "")); // add new line to the beginning if there is a message if(output) { output = strcat("\n", output); } } return output; } string AppendItemcodes(string s, entity player) { float w; w = player.weapon; //if(w == 0) // w = player.switchweapon; if(w == 0) w = player.cnt; // previous weapon! s = strcat(s, ftos(w)); if(time < player.strength_finished) s = strcat(s, "S"); if(time < player.invincible_finished) s = strcat(s, "I"); if(player.flagcarried != world) s = strcat(s, "F"); if(player.BUTTON_CHAT) s = strcat(s, "T"); if(player.kh_next) s = strcat(s, "K"); if(player.runes) s = strcat(s, "|", ftos(player.runes)); return s; } void LogDeath(string mode, float deathtype, entity killer, entity killed) { string s; if(!autocvar_sv_eventlog) return; s = strcat(":kill:", mode); s = strcat(s, ":", ftos(killer.playerid)); s = strcat(s, ":", ftos(killed.playerid)); s = strcat(s, ":type=", ftos(deathtype)); s = strcat(s, ":items="); s = AppendItemcodes(s, killer); if(killed != killer) { s = strcat(s, ":victimitems="); s = AppendItemcodes(s, killed); } GameLogEcho(s); } void Send_KillNotification (string s1, string s2, string s3, float msg, float type) { WriteByte(MSG_ALL, SVC_TEMPENTITY); WriteByte(MSG_ALL, TE_CSQC_KILLNOTIFY); WriteString(MSG_ALL, s1); WriteString(MSG_ALL, s2); WriteString(MSG_ALL, s3); WriteShort(MSG_ALL, msg); WriteByte(MSG_ALL, type); } // Function is used to send a generic centerprint whose content CSQC gets to decide (gentle version or not in the below cases) void Send_CSQC_KillCenterprint(entity e, string s1, string s2, float msg, float type) { if (clienttype(e) == CLIENTTYPE_REAL) { msg_entity = e; WRITESPECTATABLE_MSG_ONE({ WriteByte(MSG_ONE, SVC_TEMPENTITY); WriteByte(MSG_ONE, TE_CSQC_KILLCENTERPRINT); WriteString(MSG_ONE, s1); WriteString(MSG_ONE, s2); WriteShort(MSG_ONE, msg); WriteByte(MSG_ONE, type); }); } } void Obituary (entity attacker, entity inflictor, entity targ, float deathtype) { string s, a, msg; float w, type; if (targ.classname == "player") { s = targ.netname; a = attacker.netname; if (targ == attacker) // suicides { if (deathtype == DEATH_TEAMCHANGE || deathtype == DEATH_AUTOTEAMCHANGE) msg = ColoredTeamName(targ.team); // TODO: check if needed? else msg = ""; if(!g_cts) // no "killed your own dumb self" message in CTS Send_CSQC_KillCenterprint(targ, msg, "", deathtype, MSG_SUICIDE); if(deathtype != DEATH_TEAMCHANGE && deathtype != DEATH_QUIET) { LogDeath("suicide", deathtype, targ, targ); GiveFrags(attacker, targ, -1, deathtype); } if (targ.killcount > 2) msg = ftos(targ.killcount); else msg = ""; if(teamplay && deathtype == DEATH_MIRRORDAMAGE) { if(attacker.team == COLOR_TEAM1) deathtype = KILL_TEAM_RED; else deathtype = KILL_TEAM_BLUE; } Send_KillNotification(s, msg, ftos(w), deathtype, MSG_SUICIDE); } else if (attacker.classname == "player") { if(!IsDifferentTeam(attacker, targ)) { if(attacker.team == COLOR_TEAM1) type = KILL_TEAM_RED; else type = KILL_TEAM_BLUE; GiveFrags(attacker, targ, -1, deathtype); Send_CSQC_KillCenterprint(attacker, s, "", type, MSG_KILL); if (targ.killcount > 2) msg = ftos(targ.killcount); else msg = ""; if (attacker.killcount > 2) { msg = ftos(attacker.killcount); type = KILL_TEAM_SPREE; } Send_KillNotification(a, s, msg, type, MSG_KILL); attacker.killcount = 0; LogDeath("tk", deathtype, attacker, targ); } else { if (!checkrules_firstblood) { checkrules_firstblood = TRUE; Send_KillNotification(a, "", "", KILL_FIRST_BLOOD, MSG_KILL); // TODO: make these print a newline if they dont Send_CSQC_KillCenterprint(attacker, "", "", KILL_FIRST_BLOOD, MSG_KILL); Send_CSQC_KillCenterprint(targ, "", "", KILL_FIRST_VICTIM, MSG_KILL); PlayerStats_Event(attacker, PLAYERSTATS_ACHIEVEMENT_FIRSTBLOOD, 1); PlayerStats_Event(targ, PLAYERSTATS_ACHIEVEMENT_FIRSTVICTIM, 1); } if(targ.BUTTON_CHAT) { Send_CSQC_KillCenterprint(attacker, s, Obituary_ExtraFragInfo(targ), KILL_TYPEFRAG, MSG_KILL); Send_CSQC_KillCenterprint(targ, a, Obituary_ExtraFragInfo(attacker), KILL_TYPEFRAGGED, MSG_KILL); } else { Send_CSQC_KillCenterprint(attacker, s, Obituary_ExtraFragInfo(targ), KILL_FRAG, MSG_KILL); Send_CSQC_KillCenterprint(targ, a, Obituary_ExtraFragInfo(attacker), KILL_FRAGGED, MSG_KILL); } attacker.taunt_soundtime = time + 1; if (deathtype == DEATH_HURTTRIGGER && inflictor.message2 != "") msg = inflictor.message2; else if (deathtype == DEATH_CUSTOM) msg = deathmessage; else msg = ""; if(strstrofs(msg, "%", 0) < 0) msg = strcat("%s ", msg, " by %s"); Send_KillNotification(a, s, msg, deathtype, MSG_KILL); GiveFrags(attacker, targ, 1, deathtype); if (targ.killcount > 2) { Send_KillNotification(s, ftos(targ.killcount), a, KILL_END_SPREE, MSG_SPREE); } attacker.killcount = attacker.killcount + 1; if (attacker.killcount > 2) { Send_KillNotification(a, ftos(attacker.killcount), "", KILL_SPREE, MSG_SPREE); } else if (attacker.killcount == 3) { Send_KillNotification(a, "", "", KILL_SPREE_3, MSG_SPREE); AnnounceTo(attacker, "03kills"); PlayerStats_Event(attacker, PLAYERSTATS_ACHIEVEMENT_KILL_SPREE_3, 1); } else if (attacker.killcount == 5) { Send_KillNotification(a, "", "", KILL_SPREE_5, MSG_SPREE); AnnounceTo(attacker, "05kills"); PlayerStats_Event(attacker, PLAYERSTATS_ACHIEVEMENT_KILL_SPREE_5, 1); } else if (attacker.killcount == 10) { Send_KillNotification(a, "", "", KILL_SPREE_10, MSG_SPREE); AnnounceTo(attacker, "10kills"); PlayerStats_Event(attacker, PLAYERSTATS_ACHIEVEMENT_KILL_SPREE_10, 1); } else if (attacker.killcount == 15) { Send_KillNotification(a, "", "", KILL_SPREE_15, MSG_SPREE); AnnounceTo(attacker, "15kills"); PlayerStats_Event(attacker, PLAYERSTATS_ACHIEVEMENT_KILL_SPREE_15, 1); } else if (attacker.killcount == 20) { Send_KillNotification(a, "", "", KILL_SPREE_20, MSG_SPREE); AnnounceTo(attacker, "20kills"); PlayerStats_Event(attacker, PLAYERSTATS_ACHIEVEMENT_KILL_SPREE_20, 1); } else if (attacker.killcount == 25) { Send_KillNotification(a, "", "", KILL_SPREE_25, MSG_SPREE); AnnounceTo(attacker, "25kills"); PlayerStats_Event(attacker, PLAYERSTATS_ACHIEVEMENT_KILL_SPREE_25, 1); } else if (attacker.killcount == 30) { Send_KillNotification(a, "", "", KILL_SPREE_30, MSG_SPREE); AnnounceTo(attacker, "30kills"); PlayerStats_Event(attacker, PLAYERSTATS_ACHIEVEMENT_KILL_SPREE_30, 1); } LogDeath("frag", deathtype, attacker, targ); } } else { Send_CSQC_KillCenterprint(targ, "", "", deathtype, MSG_KILL_ACTION); if (deathtype == DEATH_HURTTRIGGER && inflictor.message != "") msg = inflictor.message; else if (deathtype == DEATH_CUSTOM) msg = deathmessage; else msg = ""; if(strstrofs(msg, "%", 0) < 0) msg = strcat("%s ", msg); GiveFrags(targ, targ, -1, deathtype); if(PlayerScore_Add(targ, SP_SCORE, 0) == -5) { AnnounceTo(targ, "botlike"); PlayerStats_Event(attacker, PLAYERSTATS_ACHIEVEMENT_BOTLIKE, 1); } Send_KillNotification(s, msg, "", deathtype, MSG_KILL_ACTION); if (targ.killcount > 2) Send_KillNotification(s, ftos(targ.killcount), "", 0, MSG_KILL_ACTION_SPREE); LogDeath("accident", deathtype, targ, targ); } targ.death_origin = targ.origin; if(targ != attacker) targ.killer_origin = attacker.origin; // FIXME: this should go in PutClientInServer if (targ.killcount) targ.killcount = 0; } } // these are updated by each Damage call for use in button triggering and such entity damage_targ; entity damage_inflictor; entity damage_attacker; void Damage (entity targ, entity inflictor, entity attacker, float damage, float deathtype, vector hitloc, vector force) { float mirrordamage; float mirrorforce; float teamdamage0; entity attacker_save; mirrordamage = 0; mirrorforce = 0; if (gameover || targ.killcount == -666) return; entity oldself; oldself = self; self = targ; damage_targ = targ; damage_inflictor = inflictor; damage_attacker = attacker; attacker_save = attacker; if(targ.classname == "player") if(targ.hook) if(targ.hook.aiment) if(targ.hook.aiment == attacker) RemoveGrapplingHook(targ); // STOP THAT, you parasite! // special rule: gravity bomb does not hit team mates (other than for disconnecting the hook) if(DEATH_ISWEAPON(deathtype, WEP_HOOK) || DEATH_ISWEAPON(deathtype, WEP_TUBA)) { if(targ.classname == "player") if not(IsDifferentTeam(targ, attacker)) { self = oldself; return; } } if(deathtype == DEATH_KILL || deathtype == DEATH_TEAMCHANGE || deathtype == DEATH_AUTOTEAMCHANGE || deathtype == DEATH_QUIET) { // These are ALWAYS lethal // No damage modification here // Instead, prepare the victim for his death... targ.armorvalue = 0; targ.spawnshieldtime = 0; targ.health = 0.9; // this is < 1 targ.flags -= targ.flags & FL_GODMODE; damage = 100000; } else if(deathtype == DEATH_MIRRORDAMAGE || deathtype == DEATH_NOAMMO) { // no processing } else { /* skill based bot damage? gtfo. (tZork) if (targ.classname == "player") if (attacker.classname == "player") if (!targ.isbot) if (attacker.isbot) damage = damage * bound(0.1, (skill + 5) * 0.1, 1); */ // nullify damage if teamplay is on if(deathtype != DEATH_TELEFRAG) if(attacker.classname == "player") { if(targ.classname == "player" && targ != attacker && (IS_INDEPENDENT_PLAYER(attacker) || IS_INDEPENDENT_PLAYER(targ))) { damage = 0; force = '0 0 0'; } else if(!IsDifferentTeam(attacker, targ)) { if(autocvar_teamplay_mode == 1) damage = 0; else if(attacker != targ) { if(autocvar_teamplay_mode == 3) damage = 0; else if(autocvar_teamplay_mode == 4) { if(targ.classname == "player" && targ.deadflag == DEAD_NO) { teamdamage0 = max(attacker.dmg_team, autocvar_g_teamdamage_threshold); attacker.dmg_team = attacker.dmg_team + damage; if(attacker.dmg_team > teamdamage0 && !g_ca) mirrordamage = autocvar_g_mirrordamage * (attacker.dmg_team - teamdamage0); mirrorforce = autocvar_g_mirrordamage * vlen(force); if(g_minstagib) { if(autocvar_g_friendlyfire == 0) damage = 0; } else if(g_ca) damage = 0; else damage = autocvar_g_friendlyfire * damage; // mirrordamage will be used LATER if(autocvar_g_mirrordamage_virtual) { vector v = healtharmor_applydamage(attacker.armorvalue, autocvar_g_balance_armor_blockpercent, mirrordamage); attacker.dmg_take += v_x; attacker.dmg_save += v_y; attacker.dmg_inflictor = inflictor; mirrordamage = 0; mirrorforce = 0; } if(autocvar_g_friendlyfire_virtual) { vector v = healtharmor_applydamage(targ.armorvalue, autocvar_g_balance_armor_blockpercent, damage); targ.dmg_take += v_x; targ.dmg_save += v_y; targ.dmg_inflictor = inflictor; damage = 0; if(!autocvar_g_friendlyfire_virtual_force) force = '0 0 0'; } } else damage = 0; } } } } if(targ.classname == "player") if(attacker.classname == "player") if(attacker != targ) { targ.lms_traveled_distance = autocvar_g_lms_campcheck_distance; attacker.lms_traveled_distance = autocvar_g_lms_campcheck_distance; } if(targ.classname == "player") if (g_minstagib) { if ((deathtype == DEATH_FALL) || (deathtype == DEATH_DROWN) || (deathtype == DEATH_SLIME) || (deathtype == DEATH_LAVA) || (!DEATH_ISWEAPON(deathtype, WEP_LASER) && damage > 0 && damage < 100)) { self = oldself; return; } if(damage > 0) damage = 10000; if (targ.armorvalue && (deathtype == WEP_MINSTANEX) && damage) { targ.armorvalue -= 1; centerprint(targ, strcat("^3Remaining extra lives: ",ftos(targ.armorvalue))); damage = 0; targ.hitsound += 1; attacker.hitsound += 1; // TODO change this to a future specific hitsound for armor hit } if (DEATH_ISWEAPON(deathtype, WEP_LASER)) { damage = 0; mirrordamage = 0; if (targ != attacker) { if ((targ.health >= 1) && (targ.classname == "player")) centerprint(attacker, "Secondary fire inflicts no damage!"); force = '0 0 0'; // keep mirrorforce attacker = targ; } } } if not(DEATH_ISSPECIAL(deathtype)) { damage *= g_weapondamagefactor; mirrordamage *= g_weapondamagefactor; force = force * g_weaponforcefactor; mirrorforce *= g_weaponforcefactor; } // should this be changed at all? If so, in what way? frag_attacker = attacker; frag_target = targ; frag_damage = damage; frag_force = force; frag_deathtype = deathtype; MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(PlayerDamage_Calculate); damage = frag_damage; force = frag_force; // apply strength multiplier if ((attacker.items & IT_STRENGTH) && !g_minstagib) { if(targ == attacker) { damage = damage * autocvar_g_balance_powerup_strength_selfdamage; force = force * autocvar_g_balance_powerup_strength_selfforce; } else { damage = damage * autocvar_g_balance_powerup_strength_damage; force = force * autocvar_g_balance_powerup_strength_force; } } // apply invincibility multiplier if (targ.items & IT_INVINCIBLE && !g_minstagib) damage = damage * autocvar_g_balance_powerup_invincible_takedamage; if (targ == attacker) { if(g_ca || (g_cts && !autocvar_g_cts_selfdamage)) damage = 0; else damage = damage * autocvar_g_balance_selfdamagepercent; // Partial damage if the attacker hits himself } if(g_runematch) { // apply strength rune if (attacker.runes & RUNE_STRENGTH) { if(attacker.runes & CURSE_WEAK) // have both curse & rune { damage = damage * autocvar_g_balance_rune_strength_combo_damage; force = force * autocvar_g_balance_rune_strength_combo_force; } else { damage = damage * autocvar_g_balance_rune_strength_damage; force = force * autocvar_g_balance_rune_strength_force; } } else if (attacker.runes & CURSE_WEAK) { damage = damage * autocvar_g_balance_curse_weak_damage; force = force * autocvar_g_balance_curse_weak_force; } // apply defense rune if (targ.runes & RUNE_DEFENSE) { if (targ.runes & CURSE_VULNER) // have both curse & rune damage = damage * autocvar_g_balance_rune_defense_combo_takedamage; else damage = damage * autocvar_g_balance_rune_defense_takedamage; } else if (targ.runes & CURSE_VULNER) damage = damage * autocvar_g_balance_curse_vulner_takedamage; } // count the damage if(attacker) if(!targ.deadflag) if(targ.takedamage == DAMAGE_AIM) if(targ != attacker) { if(damage_headshotbonus) { if(targ.classname == "player") { // HEAD SHOT: // find height of hit on player axis // if above view_ofs and below maxs, and also in the middle half of the bbox, it is head shot vector headmins, headmaxs, org; org = antilag_takebackorigin(targ, time - ANTILAG_LATENCY(attacker)); headmins = org + GetHeadshotMins(targ); headmaxs = org + GetHeadshotMaxs(targ); if(trace_hits_box(railgun_start, railgun_end, headmins, headmaxs)) { deathtype |= HITTYPE_HEADSHOT; } } else if(targ.classname == "turret_head") { deathtype |= HITTYPE_HEADSHOT; } if(deathtype & HITTYPE_HEADSHOT) if(damage_headshotbonus > 0) damage *= 1 + damage_headshotbonus; } entity victim; if((targ.vehicle_flags & VHF_ISVEHICLE) && targ.owner) victim = targ.owner; else victim = targ; if(victim.classname == "player" || victim.turrcaps_flags & TFL_TURRCAPS_ISTURRET) { if(IsDifferentTeam(victim, attacker)) { if(damage > 0) { if(deathtype != DEATH_FIRE) { if(victim.BUTTON_CHAT) attacker.typehitsound += 1; else attacker.hitsound += 1; } damage_goodhits += 1; damage_gooddamage += damage; if not(DEATH_ISSPECIAL(deathtype)) { if(targ.classname == "player") // don't do this for vehicles if(!g_minstagib) if(IsFlying(victim)) yoda = 1; if(g_minstagib) if(victim.items & IT_STRENGTH) yoda = 1; if(deathtype & HITTYPE_HEADSHOT) headshot = 1; } if(g_ca) PlayerScore_Add(attacker, SP_SCORE, damage * autocvar_g_ca_damage2score_multiplier); } } else { if(deathtype != DEATH_FIRE) { attacker.typehitsound += 1; } if(mirrordamage > 0) if(time > attacker.teamkill_complain) { attacker.teamkill_complain = time + 5; attacker.teamkill_soundtime = time + 0.4; attacker.teamkill_soundsource = targ; } } } } } // apply push if (self.damageforcescale) if (vlen(force)) if (self.classname != "player" || time >= self.spawnshieldtime || g_midair) { vector farce = damage_explosion_calcpush(self.damageforcescale * force, self.velocity, autocvar_g_balance_damagepush_speedfactor); if(self.movetype == MOVETYPE_PHYSICS) { entity farcent; farcent = spawn(); farcent.classname = "farce"; farcent.enemy = self; farcent.movedir = farce * 10; if(self.mass) farcent.movedir = farcent.movedir * self.mass; farcent.origin = hitloc; farcent.forcetype = FORCETYPE_FORCEATPOS; farcent.nextthink = time + 0.1; farcent.think = SUB_Remove; } else self.velocity = self.velocity + farce; self.flags &~= FL_ONGROUND; UpdateCSQCProjectile(self); } // apply damage if (damage != 0 || (self.damageforcescale && vlen(force))) if (self.event_damage) self.event_damage (inflictor, attacker, damage, deathtype, hitloc, force); self = oldself; if(targ.classname == "player" && attacker.classname == "player" && attacker != targ && attacker.health > 2) { if(g_runematch) { if (attacker.runes & RUNE_VAMPIRE) { // apply vampire rune if (attacker.runes & CURSE_EMPATHY) // have the curse too { //attacker.health = attacker.health + damage * autocvar_g_balance_rune_vampire_combo_absorb; attacker.health = bound( autocvar_g_balance_curse_empathy_minhealth, // LA: was 3, now 40 attacker.health + damage * autocvar_g_balance_rune_vampire_combo_absorb, autocvar_g_balance_rune_vampire_maxhealth); // LA: was 1000, now 500 } else { //attacker.health = attacker.health + damage * autocvar_g_balance_rune_vampire_absorb; attacker.health = bound( attacker.health, // LA: was 3, but changed so that you can't lose health // empathy won't let you gain health in the same way... attacker.health + damage * autocvar_g_balance_rune_vampire_absorb, autocvar_g_balance_rune_vampire_maxhealth); // LA: was 1000, now 500 } } // apply empathy curse else if (attacker.runes & CURSE_EMPATHY) { attacker.health = bound( autocvar_g_balance_curse_empathy_minhealth, // LA: was 3, now 20 attacker.health + damage * autocvar_g_balance_curse_empathy_takedamage, attacker.health); } } } // apply mirror damage if any if(mirrordamage > 0 || mirrorforce > 0) { attacker = attacker_save; if(g_minstagib) if(mirrordamage > 0) { // just lose extra LIVES, don't kill the player for mirror damage if(attacker.armorvalue > 0) { attacker.armorvalue = attacker.armorvalue - 1; centerprint(attacker, strcat("^3Remaining extra lives: ",ftos(attacker.armorvalue))); attacker.hitsound += 1; } mirrordamage = 0; } force = normalize(attacker.origin + attacker.view_ofs - hitloc) * mirrorforce; Damage(attacker, inflictor, attacker, mirrordamage, DEATH_MIRRORDAMAGE, attacker.origin, force); } } float RadiusDamage_running; float RadiusDamage (entity inflictor, entity attacker, float coredamage, float edgedamage, float rad, entity ignore, float forceintensity, float deathtype, entity directhitentity) // Returns total damage applies to creatures { entity targ; vector blastorigin; vector force; float total_damage_to_creatures; entity next; float tfloordmg; float tfloorforce; float stat_damagedone; if(RadiusDamage_running) { backtrace("RadiusDamage called recursively! Expect stuff to go HORRIBLY wrong."); return 0; } RadiusDamage_running = 1; tfloordmg = autocvar_g_throughfloor_damage; tfloorforce = autocvar_g_throughfloor_force; blastorigin = (inflictor.origin + (inflictor.mins + inflictor.maxs) * 0.5); total_damage_to_creatures = 0; if(deathtype != (WEP_HOOK | HITTYPE_SECONDARY | HITTYPE_BOUNCE)) // only send gravity bomb damage once if(DEATH_WEAPONOF(deathtype) != WEP_TUBA) // do not send tuba damage (bandwidth hog) { force = inflictor.velocity; if(vlen(force) == 0) force = '0 0 -1'; else force = normalize(force); if(forceintensity >= 0) Damage_DamageInfo(blastorigin, coredamage, edgedamage, rad, forceintensity * force, deathtype, 0, attacker); else Damage_DamageInfo(blastorigin, coredamage, edgedamage, -rad, (-forceintensity) * force, deathtype, 0, attacker); } stat_damagedone = 0; targ = WarpZone_FindRadius (blastorigin, rad + MAX_DAMAGEEXTRARADIUS, FALSE); while (targ) { next = targ.chain; if (targ != inflictor) if (ignore != targ) if(targ.takedamage) { vector nearest; vector diff; float power; // LordHavoc: measure distance to nearest point on target (not origin) // (this guarentees 100% damage on a touch impact) nearest = targ.WarpZone_findradius_nearest; diff = targ.WarpZone_findradius_dist; // round up a little on the damage to ensure full damage on impacts // and turn the distance into a fraction of the radius power = 1 - ((vlen (diff) - bound(MIN_DAMAGEEXTRARADIUS, targ.damageextraradius, MAX_DAMAGEEXTRARADIUS)) / rad); //bprint(" "); //bprint(ftos(power)); //if (targ == attacker) // print(ftos(power), "\n"); if (power > 0) { float finaldmg; if (power > 1) power = 1; finaldmg = coredamage * power + edgedamage * (1 - power); if (finaldmg > 0) { float a; float c; vector hitloc; vector myblastorigin; vector center; myblastorigin = WarpZone_TransformOrigin(targ, blastorigin); // if it's a player, use the view origin as reference if (targ.classname == "player") center = targ.origin + targ.view_ofs; else center = targ.origin + (targ.mins + targ.maxs) * 0.5; force = normalize(center - myblastorigin); force = force * (finaldmg / coredamage) * forceintensity; hitloc = nearest; if(targ != directhitentity) { float hits; float total; float hitratio; float mininv_f, mininv_d; // test line of sight to multiple positions on box, // and do damage if any of them hit hits = 0; // we know: max stddev of hitratio = 1 / (2 * sqrt(n)) // so for a given max stddev: // n = (1 / (2 * max stddev of hitratio))^2 mininv_d = (finaldmg * (1-tfloordmg)) / autocvar_g_throughfloor_damage_max_stddev; mininv_f = (vlen(force) * (1-tfloorforce)) / autocvar_g_throughfloor_force_max_stddev; if(autocvar_g_throughfloor_debug) print(sprintf("THROUGHFLOOR: D=%f F=%f max(dD)=1/%f max(dF)=1/%f", finaldmg, vlen(force), mininv_d, mininv_f)); total = 0.25 * pow(max(mininv_f, mininv_d), 2); if(autocvar_g_throughfloor_debug) print(sprintf(" steps=%f", total)); if (targ.classname == "player") total = ceil(bound(autocvar_g_throughfloor_min_steps_player, total, autocvar_g_throughfloor_max_steps_player)); else total = ceil(bound(autocvar_g_throughfloor_min_steps_other, total, autocvar_g_throughfloor_max_steps_other)); if(autocvar_g_throughfloor_debug) print(sprintf(" steps=%f dD=%f dF=%f", total, finaldmg * (1-tfloordmg) / (2 * sqrt(total)), vlen(force) * (1-tfloorforce) / (2 * sqrt(total)))); for(c = 0; c < total; ++c) { //traceline(targ.WarpZone_findradius_findorigin, nearest, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, inflictor); WarpZone_TraceLine(blastorigin, WarpZone_UnTransformOrigin(targ, nearest), MOVE_NOMONSTERS, inflictor); if (trace_fraction == 1 || trace_ent == targ) { ++hits; if (hits > 1) hitloc = hitloc + nearest; else hitloc = nearest; } nearest_x = targ.origin_x + targ.mins_x + random() * targ.size_x; nearest_y = targ.origin_y + targ.mins_y + random() * targ.size_y; nearest_z = targ.origin_z + targ.mins_z + random() * targ.size_z; } nearest = hitloc * (1 / max(1, hits)); hitratio = (hits / total); a = bound(0, tfloordmg + (1-tfloordmg) * hitratio, 1); finaldmg = finaldmg * a; a = bound(0, tfloorforce + (1-tfloorforce) * hitratio, 1); force = force * a; if(autocvar_g_throughfloor_debug) print(sprintf(" D=%f F=%f\n", finaldmg, vlen(force))); } // laser force adjustments :P if(DEATH_WEAPONOF(deathtype) == WEP_LASER) { if (targ == attacker) { vector vel; float force_zscale; float force_velocitybiasramp; float force_velocitybias; force_velocitybiasramp = autocvar_sv_maxspeed; if(deathtype & HITTYPE_SECONDARY) { force_zscale = autocvar_g_balance_laser_secondary_force_zscale; force_velocitybias = autocvar_g_balance_laser_secondary_force_velocitybias; } else { force_zscale = autocvar_g_balance_laser_primary_force_zscale; force_velocitybias = autocvar_g_balance_laser_primary_force_velocitybias; } vel = targ.velocity; vel_z = 0; vel = normalize(vel) * bound(0, vlen(vel) / force_velocitybiasramp, 1) * force_velocitybias; force = vlen(force) * normalize(normalize(force) + vel); force_z *= force_zscale; } else { if(deathtype & HITTYPE_SECONDARY) { force *= autocvar_g_balance_laser_secondary_force_other_scale; } else { force *= autocvar_g_balance_laser_primary_force_other_scale; } } } //if (targ == attacker) //{ // print("hits ", ftos(hits), " / ", ftos(total)); // print(" finaldmg ", ftos(finaldmg), " force ", vtos(force)); // print(" (", ftos(a), ")\n"); //} if(finaldmg || vlen(force)) { if(targ.iscreature) { total_damage_to_creatures += finaldmg; if(accuracy_isgooddamage(attacker, targ)) stat_damagedone += finaldmg; } if(targ == directhitentity || DEATH_ISSPECIAL(deathtype)) Damage (targ, inflictor, attacker, finaldmg, deathtype, nearest, force); else Damage (targ, inflictor, attacker, finaldmg, deathtype | HITTYPE_SPLASH, nearest, force); } } } } targ = next; } RadiusDamage_running = 0; if(!DEATH_ISSPECIAL(deathtype)) accuracy_add(attacker, DEATH_WEAPONOFWEAPONDEATH(deathtype), 0, min(coredamage, stat_damagedone)); return total_damage_to_creatures; } .float fire_damagepersec; .float fire_endtime; .float fire_deathtype; .entity fire_owner; .float fire_hitsound; .entity fire_burner; void fireburner_think(); float Fire_IsBurning(entity e) { return (time < e.fire_endtime); } float Fire_AddDamage(entity e, entity o, float d, float t, float dt) { float dps; float maxtime, mintime, maxdamage, mindamage, maxdps, mindps, totaldamage, totaltime; if(e.classname == "player") { if(e.deadflag) return -1; } else { if(!e.fire_burner) { // print("adding a fire burner to ", e.classname, "\n"); e.fire_burner = spawn(); e.fire_burner.classname = "fireburner"; e.fire_burner.think = fireburner_think; e.fire_burner.nextthink = time; e.fire_burner.owner = e; } } t = max(t, 0.1); dps = d / t; if(Fire_IsBurning(e)) { mintime = e.fire_endtime - time; maxtime = max(mintime, t); mindps = e.fire_damagepersec; maxdps = max(mindps, dps); if(maxtime > mintime || maxdps > mindps) { mindamage = mindps * mintime; maxdamage = mindamage + d; // interval [mintime, maxtime] * [mindps, maxdps] // intersected with // [mindamage, maxdamage] // maximum of this! if(maxdamage >= maxtime * maxdps) { totaltime = maxtime; totaldamage = maxtime * maxdps; // this branch increases totaldamage if either t > mintime, or dps > mindps } else { // maxdamage is inside the interval! // first, try to use mindps; only if this fails, increase dps as needed totaltime = min(maxdamage / mindps, maxtime); // maxdamage / mindps >= mindamage / mindps = mintime totaldamage = maxdamage; // can totaldamage / totaltime be >= maxdps? // max(mindps, maxdamage / maxtime) >= maxdps? // we know maxdamage < maxtime * maxdps // so it cannot be // this branch ALWAYS increases totaldamage, but requires maxdamage < maxtime * maxdps } // total conditions for increasing: // maxtime > mintime OR maxdps > mindps OR maxtime * maxdps > maxdamage // however: // if maxtime = mintime, maxdps = mindps // then: // maxdamage = mindamage + d // mindamage = mindps * mintime = maxdps * maxtime < maxdamage! // so the last condition is not needed e.fire_damagepersec = totaldamage / totaltime; e.fire_endtime = time + totaltime; if(totaldamage > 1.2 * mindamage) { e.fire_deathtype = dt; if(e.fire_owner != o) { e.fire_owner = o; e.fire_hitsound = FALSE; } } if(accuracy_isgooddamage(o, e)) accuracy_add(o, DEATH_WEAPONOFWEAPONDEATH(dt), 0, max(0, totaldamage - mindamage)); return max(0, totaldamage - mindamage); // can never be negative, but to make sure } else return 0; } else { e.fire_damagepersec = dps; e.fire_endtime = time + t; e.fire_deathtype = dt; e.fire_owner = o; e.fire_hitsound = FALSE; if(accuracy_isgooddamage(o, e)) accuracy_add(o, DEATH_WEAPONOFWEAPONDEATH(dt), 0, d); return d; } } void Fire_ApplyDamage(entity e) { float t, d, hi, ty; entity o; if not(Fire_IsBurning(e)) return; for(t = 0, o = e.owner; o.owner && t < 16; o = o.owner, ++t); if(clienttype(o) == CLIENTTYPE_NOTACLIENT) o = e.fire_owner; // water and slime stop fire if(e.waterlevel) if(e.watertype != CONTENT_LAVA) e.fire_endtime = 0; // ice stops fire if(e.freezetag_frozen) e.fire_endtime = 0; t = min(frametime, e.fire_endtime - time); d = e.fire_damagepersec * t; hi = e.fire_owner.hitsound; ty = e.fire_owner.typehitsound; Damage(e, e, e.fire_owner, d, e.fire_deathtype, e.origin, '0 0 0'); if(e.fire_hitsound && e.fire_owner) { e.fire_owner.hitsound = hi; e.fire_owner.typehitsound = ty; } e.fire_hitsound = TRUE; if not(IS_INDEPENDENT_PLAYER(e)) FOR_EACH_PLAYER(other) if(e != other) { if(other.classname == "player") if(other.deadflag == DEAD_NO) if not(IS_INDEPENDENT_PLAYER(other)) if(boxesoverlap(e.absmin, e.absmax, other.absmin, other.absmax)) { t = autocvar_g_balance_firetransfer_time * (e.fire_endtime - time); d = autocvar_g_balance_firetransfer_damage * e.fire_damagepersec * t; Fire_AddDamage(other, o, d, t, DEATH_FIRE); } } } void Fire_ApplyEffect(entity e) { if(Fire_IsBurning(e)) e.effects |= EF_FLAME; else e.effects &~= EF_FLAME; } void fireburner_think() { // for players, this is done in the regular loop if(wasfreed(self.owner)) { remove(self); return; } Fire_ApplyEffect(self.owner); if(!Fire_IsBurning(self.owner)) { self.owner.fire_burner = world; remove(self); return; } Fire_ApplyDamage(self.owner); self.nextthink = time; }