#include "sv_cmd.qh" #include "_mod.qh" #include #include "banning.qh" #include "cmd.qh" #include "common.qh" #include "getreplies.qh" #include "radarmap.qh" #include "../anticheat.qh" #include "../campaign.qh" #include "../client.qh" #include "../player.qh" #include "../world.qh" #include "../ipban.qh" #include "../teamplay.qh" #include "../bot/api.qh" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // used by GameCommand_make_mapinfo() void make_mapinfo_Think(entity this) { if (_MapInfo_FilterGametype(MAPINFO_TYPE_ALL, 0, 0, 0, 1)) { LOG_INFO("Done rebuiling mapinfos."); MapInfo_FilterGametype(MapInfo_CurrentGametype(), MapInfo_CurrentFeatures(), MapInfo_RequiredFlags(), MapInfo_ForbiddenFlags(), 0); delete(this); } else { setthink(this, make_mapinfo_Think); this.nextthink = time; } } // used by GameCommand_extendmatchtime() and GameCommand_reducematchtime() void changematchtime(float delta, float mi, float ma) { float cur; float update; float lim; if (delta == 0) return; if (autocvar_timelimit < 0) return; if (mi <= 10) mi = 10; // at least ten sec in the future cur = time - game_starttime; if (cur > 0) mi += cur; // from current time! lim = autocvar_timelimit * 60; if (delta > 0) { if (lim == 0) return; // cannot increase any further else if (lim < ma) update = min(ma, lim + delta); else // already above maximum: FAIL return; } else { if (lim == 0) // infinite: try reducing to max, if we are allowed to update = max(mi, ma); else if (lim > mi) // above minimum: decrease update = max(mi, lim + delta); else // already below minimum: FAIL return; } cvar_set("timelimit", ftos(update / 60)); } // ======================= // Command Sub-Functions // ======================= void GameCommand_adminmsg(int request, int argc) { switch (request) { case CMD_REQUEST_COMMAND: { entity client; float accepted; string targets = strreplace(",", " ", argv(1)); string original_targets = strreplace(" ", ", ", targets); string admin_message = argv(2); float infobartime = stof(argv(3)); string successful, t; successful = string_null; if ((targets) && (admin_message)) { for ( ; targets; ) { t = car(targets); targets = cdr(targets); // Check to see if the player is a valid target client = GetFilteredEntity(t); accepted = VerifyClientEntity(client, true, false); if (accepted <= 0) { LOG_INFO("adminmsg: ", GetClientErrorString(accepted, t), (targets ? ", skipping to next player.\n" : ".")); continue; } // send the centerprint/console print or infomessage if (infobartime) { stuffcmd(client, sprintf("\ninfobar %f \"%s\"\n", infobartime, MakeConsoleSafe(admin_message))); } else { centerprint(client, strcat("^3", GetCallerName(NULL), ":\n^7", admin_message)); sprint(client, strcat("\{1}\{13}^3", GetCallerName(NULL), "^7: ", admin_message, "\n")); } successful = strcat(successful, (successful ? ", " : ""), playername(client, false)); LOG_TRACE("Message sent to ", playername(client, false)); continue; } if (successful) bprint("Successfully sent message '", admin_message, "' to ", successful, ".\n"); else LOG_INFO("No players given (", original_targets, ") could receive the message."); return; } } default: LOG_INFOF("Incorrect parameters for ^2%s^7", argv(0)); case CMD_REQUEST_USAGE: { LOG_HELP("Usage:^3 sv_cmd adminmsg clients \"message\" [infobartime]"); LOG_HELP(" 'clients' is a list (separated by commas) of player entity ID's or nicknames"); LOG_HELP(" If infobartime is provided, the message will be sent to infobar."); LOG_HELP(" Otherwise, it will just be sent as a centerprint message."); LOG_HELP("Examples: adminmsg 2,4 \"this infomessage will last for ten seconds\" 10"); LOG_HELP(" adminmsg 2,5 \"this message will be a centerprint\""); return; } } } void GameCommand_team_name(int request, int argc) { switch (request) { case CMD_REQUEST_COMMAND: { if (argv(1) == "") { return; } if (!teamplay) { LOG_INFO("selectteam can only be used in teamgames"); return; } switch (argv(1)) { case "red": case "blue": case "yellow": case "pink": { if(argv(2) != "") { cvar_set(strcat("g_teamnames_", argv(1)), argv(2)); int tm = Team_ColorToTeam(argv(1)); bprintf("\{1}%s%s^7 team is now known as %s^7\n", Team_ColorCode(tm), Team_ColorName(tm), argv(2)); } else { cvar_set(strcat("g_teamnames_", argv(1)), ""); bprintf("\{1}%s%s^7 team now doesn't have a team name\n", Team_ColorCode(tm), Team_ColorName(tm), argv(2)); } break; } default: { return; } } send_TeamNames(MSG_BROADCAST, NULL); return; } default: LOG_INFOF("Incorrect parameters for ^2%s^7", argv(0)); case CMD_REQUEST_USAGE: { LOG_HELP("Usage:^3 sv_cmd sendteams"); LOG_HELP(" No arguments required."); return; } } } void GameCommand_allready(int request) { switch (request) { case CMD_REQUEST_COMMAND: { ReadyRestart(); return; } default: case CMD_REQUEST_USAGE: { LOG_HELP("Usage:^3 sv_cmd allready"); LOG_HELP(" No arguments required."); return; } } } void GameCommand_allspec(int request, int argc) { switch (request) { case CMD_REQUEST_COMMAND: { string reason = argv(1); int n = 0; FOREACH_CLIENT(IS_PLAYER(it) && IS_REAL_CLIENT(it), { if (it.caplayer) it.caplayer = 0; PutObserverInServer(it); ++n; }); if (n) bprint(strcat("Successfully forced all (", ftos(n), ") players to spectate", (reason ? strcat(" for reason: '", reason, "'") : ""), ".\n")); else LOG_INFO("No players found to spectate."); return; } default: case CMD_REQUEST_USAGE: { LOG_HELP("Usage:^3 sv_cmd allspec [reason]"); LOG_HELP(" Where 'reason' is an optional argument for explanation of allspec command."); LOG_HELP("See also: ^2moveplayer, shuffleteams^7"); return; } } } void GameCommand_anticheat(int request, int argc) { switch (request) { case CMD_REQUEST_COMMAND: { entity client = GetIndexedEntity(argc, 1); float accepted = VerifyClientEntity(client, false, false); if (accepted > 0) { anticheat_report_to_eventlog(client); return; } else { LOG_INFO("anticheat: ", GetClientErrorString(accepted, argv(1)), "."); } } default: LOG_INFOF("Incorrect parameters for ^2%s^7", argv(0)); case CMD_REQUEST_USAGE: { LOG_HELP("Usage:^3 sv_cmd anticheat client"); LOG_HELP(" 'client' is the entity number or name of the player."); return; } } } void GameCommand_bbox(int request) { switch (request) { case CMD_REQUEST_COMMAND: { vector size_min = '0 0 0'; vector size_max = '0 0 0'; tracebox('1 0 0' * world.absmin.x, '0 1 0' * world.absmin.y + '0 0 1' * world.absmin.z, '0 1 0' * world.absmax.y + '0 0 1' * world.absmax.z, '1 0 0' * world.absmax.x, MOVE_WORLDONLY, NULL); size_min.x = (trace_startsolid) ? world.absmin.x : trace_endpos.x; tracebox('0 1 0' * world.absmin.y, '1 0 0' * world.absmin.x + '0 0 1' * world.absmin.z, '1 0 0' * world.absmax.x + '0 0 1' * world.absmax.z, '0 1 0' * world.absmax.y, MOVE_WORLDONLY, NULL); size_min.y = (trace_startsolid) ? world.absmin.y : trace_endpos.y; tracebox('0 0 1' * world.absmin.z, '1 0 0' * world.absmin.x + '0 1 0' * world.absmin.y, '1 0 0' * world.absmax.x + '0 1 0' * world.absmax.y, '0 0 1' * world.absmax.z, MOVE_WORLDONLY, NULL); size_min.z = (trace_startsolid) ? world.absmin.z : trace_endpos.z; tracebox('1 0 0' * world.absmax.x, '0 1 0' * world.absmin.y + '0 0 1' * world.absmin.z, '0 1 0' * world.absmax.y + '0 0 1' * world.absmax.z, '1 0 0' * world.absmin.x, MOVE_WORLDONLY, NULL); size_max.x = (trace_startsolid) ? world.absmax.x : trace_endpos.x; tracebox('0 1 0' * world.absmax.y, '1 0 0' * world.absmin.x + '0 0 1' * world.absmin.z, '1 0 0' * world.absmax.x + '0 0 1' * world.absmax.z, '0 1 0' * world.absmin.y, MOVE_WORLDONLY, NULL); size_max.y = (trace_startsolid) ? world.absmax.y : trace_endpos.y; tracebox('0 0 1' * world.absmax.z, '1 0 0' * world.absmin.x + '0 1 0' * world.absmin.y, '1 0 0' * world.absmax.x + '0 1 0' * world.absmax.y, '0 0 1' * world.absmin.z, MOVE_WORLDONLY, NULL); size_max.z = (trace_startsolid) ? world.absmax.z : trace_endpos.z; LOG_INFOF("Original size: %v %v", world.absmin, world.absmax); LOG_INFOF("Currently set size: %v %v", world.mins, world.maxs); LOG_INFOF("Solid bounding box size: %v %v", size_min, size_max); return; } default: case CMD_REQUEST_USAGE: { LOG_HELP("Usage:^3 sv_cmd bbox"); LOG_HELP(" No arguments required."); LOG_HELP("See also: ^2gettaginfo, trace^7"); return; } } } void GameCommand_bot_cmd(int request, int argc, string command) { switch (request) { case CMD_REQUEST_COMMAND: { entity bot; if (argv(1) == "reset") { bot_resetqueues(); return; } else if (argv(1) == "setbots") { cvar_settemp("bot_vs_human", "0"); cvar_settemp("minplayers", "0"); cvar_settemp("minplayers_per_team", "0"); cvar_settemp("bot_number", "0"); bot_fixcount(); cvar_settemp("bot_number", argv(2)); if (!bot_fixcount()) LOG_INFO("Sorry, could not set requested bot count"); return; } else if (argv(1) == "load" && argc == 3) { float fh, i; string s; fh = fopen(argv(2), FILE_READ); if (fh < 0) { LOG_INFO("cannot open the file"); return; } i = 0; while ((s = fgets(fh))) { argc = tokenize_console(s); if (argc >= 3 && argv(0) == "sv_cmd" && argv(1) == "bot_cmd") { if (argv(2) == "reset") { bot_resetqueues(); } else if (argv(2) == "setbots") { cvar_settemp("bot_vs_human", "0"); cvar_settemp("minplayers", "0"); cvar_settemp("minplayers_per_team", "0"); cvar_settemp("bot_number", "0"); bot_fixcount(); cvar_settemp("bot_number", argv(3)); if (!bot_fixcount()) LOG_INFO("Sorry, could not set requested bot count"); } else { if(argv(2) == "*" || argv(2) == "all") FOREACH_CLIENT(IS_BOT_CLIENT(it), { bot_queuecommand(it, substring(s, argv_start_index(3), -1)); }); else { bot = find_bot_by_number(stof(argv(2))); if (bot == NULL) bot = find_bot_by_name(argv(2)); if (bot) bot_queuecommand(bot, substring(s, argv_start_index(3), -1)); } } } else { localcmd(strcat(s, "\n")); } ++i; } LOG_INFO(ftos(i), " commands read"); fclose(fh); return; } else if (argv(1) == "help") { if (argv(2)) bot_cmdhelp(argv(2)); else bot_list_commands(); return; } else if (argc >= 3) // this comes last { if(argv(1) == "*" || argv(1) == "all") { int bot_num = 0; FOREACH_CLIENT(IS_BOT_CLIENT(it), { bot_queuecommand(it, substring(command, argv_start_index(2), -1)); bot_num++; }); if(bot_num) LOG_INFO("Command '", substring(command, argv_start_index(2), -1), "' sent to all bots (", ftos(bot_num), ")"); return; } else { bot = find_bot_by_number(stof(argv(1))); if (bot == NULL) bot = find_bot_by_name(argv(1)); if (bot) { LOG_INFO("Command '", substring(command, argv_start_index(2), -1), "' sent to bot ", bot.netname); bot_queuecommand(bot, substring(command, argv_start_index(2), -1)); return; } else { LOG_INFO("Error: Can't find bot with the name or id '", argv(1), "' - Did you mistype the command?"); // don't return so that usage is shown } } } } default: LOG_INFOF("Incorrect parameters for ^2%s^7", argv(0)); case CMD_REQUEST_USAGE: { LOG_HELP("Usage:^3 sv_cmd bot_cmd client command [argument]"); LOG_HELP(" 'client' can be either the name of the bot or a progressive number (not the entity number!)"); LOG_HELP(" can also be '*' or 'all' to allow sending the command to all the bots"); LOG_HELP(" For full list of commands, see bot_cmd help [command]."); LOG_HELP("Examples: sv_cmd bot_cmd 1 cc \"say something\""); LOG_HELP(" sv_cmd bot_cmd 1 presskey jump"); LOG_HELP(" sv_cmd bot_cmd * pause"); return; } } } void GameCommand_cointoss(int request, int argc) { switch (request) { case CMD_REQUEST_COMMAND: { string result1 = (argv(2) ? strcat("^7", argv(1)) : "^1HEADS"); string result2 = (argv(2) ? strcat("^7", argv(2)) : "^4TAILS"); string choice = ((random() > 0.5) ? result1 : result2); Send_Notification(NOTIF_ALL, NULL, MSG_MULTI, MULTI_COINTOSS, choice); return; } default: case CMD_REQUEST_USAGE: { LOG_HELP("Usage:^3 sv_cmd cointoss [result1 result2]"); LOG_HELP(" Where 'result1' and 'result2' are user created options."); return; } } } void GameCommand_database(int request, int argc) { switch (request) { case CMD_REQUEST_COMMAND: { if (argc == 3) { if (argv(1) == "save") { db_save(ServerProgsDB, argv(2)); LOG_INFO("Copied serverprogs database to '", argv(2), "' in the data directory."); return; } else if (argv(1) == "dump") { db_dump(ServerProgsDB, argv(2)); LOG_INFO("DB dumped."); // wtf does this do? return; } else if (argv(1) == "load") { db_close(ServerProgsDB); ServerProgsDB = db_load(argv(2)); LOG_INFO("Loaded '", argv(2), "' as new serverprogs database."); return; } } } default: LOG_INFOF("Incorrect parameters for ^2%s^7", argv(0)); case CMD_REQUEST_USAGE: { LOG_HELP("Usage:^3 sv_cmd database action filename"); LOG_HELP(" Where 'action' is the command to complete,"); LOG_HELP(" and 'filename' is what it acts upon."); LOG_HELP(" Full list of commands here: \"save, dump, load.\""); return; } } } void GameCommand_defer_clear(int request, int argc) { switch (request) { case CMD_REQUEST_COMMAND: { entity client; float accepted; if (argc >= 2) { client = GetIndexedEntity(argc, 1); accepted = VerifyClientEntity(client, true, false); if (accepted > 0) { stuffcmd(client, "defer clear\n"); LOG_INFO("defer clear stuffed to ", playername(client, false)); } else { LOG_INFO("defer_clear: ", GetClientErrorString(accepted, argv(1)), "."); } return; } } default: LOG_INFOF("Incorrect parameters for ^2%s^7", argv(0)); case CMD_REQUEST_USAGE: { LOG_HELP("Usage:^3 sv_cmd defer_clear client"); LOG_HELP(" 'client' is the entity number or name of the player."); LOG_HELP("See also: ^2defer_clear_all^7"); return; } } } void GameCommand_defer_clear_all(int request) { switch (request) { case CMD_REQUEST_COMMAND: { int n = 0; int argc; FOREACH_CLIENT(true, { argc = tokenize_console(strcat("defer_clear ", ftos(etof(it)))); GameCommand_defer_clear(CMD_REQUEST_COMMAND, argc); ++n; }); if (n) LOG_INFO("Successfully stuffed defer clear to all clients (", ftos(n), ")"); // should a message be added if no players were found? return; } default: case CMD_REQUEST_USAGE: { LOG_HELP("Usage:^3 sv_cmd defer_clear_all"); LOG_HELP(" No arguments required."); LOG_HELP("See also: ^2defer_clear^7"); return; } } } void GameCommand_delrec(int request, int argc) // perhaps merge later with records and printstats and such? { switch (request) { case CMD_REQUEST_COMMAND: { if (argv(1)) { if (argv(2)) race_deleteTime(argv(2), stof(argv(1))); else race_deleteTime(GetMapname(), stof(argv(1))); return; } } default: LOG_INFOF("Incorrect parameters for ^2%s^7", argv(0)); case CMD_REQUEST_USAGE: { LOG_HELP("Usage:^3 sv_cmd delrec ranking [map]"); LOG_HELP(" 'ranking' is which ranking level to clear up to, "); LOG_HELP(" it will clear all records up to nth place."); LOG_HELP(" if 'map' is not provided it will use current map."); return; } } } void print_Effect_Index(int d, string effect_name) { // this is inside a function to avoid expanding it on compilation everytime LOG_INFO("effect ", effect_name, " is ", ftos(_particleeffectnum(effect_name)), "\n"); db_put(d, effect_name, "1"); } void GameCommand_effectindexdump(int request) { switch (request) { case CMD_REQUEST_COMMAND: { float fh, d; string s; d = db_create(); LOG_INFO("begin of effects list"); print_Effect_Index(d, "TE_GUNSHOT"); print_Effect_Index(d, "TE_GUNSHOTQUAD"); print_Effect_Index(d, "TE_SPIKE"); print_Effect_Index(d, "TE_SPIKEQUAD"); print_Effect_Index(d, "TE_SUPERSPIKE"); print_Effect_Index(d, "TE_SUPERSPIKEQUAD"); print_Effect_Index(d, "TE_WIZSPIKE"); print_Effect_Index(d, "TE_KNIGHTSPIKE"); print_Effect_Index(d, "TE_EXPLOSION"); print_Effect_Index(d, "TE_EXPLOSIONQUAD"); print_Effect_Index(d, "TE_TAREXPLOSION"); print_Effect_Index(d, "TE_TELEPORT"); print_Effect_Index(d, "TE_LAVASPLASH"); print_Effect_Index(d, "TE_SMALLFLASH"); print_Effect_Index(d, "TE_FLAMEJET"); print_Effect_Index(d, "EF_FLAME"); print_Effect_Index(d, "TE_BLOOD"); print_Effect_Index(d, "TE_SPARK"); print_Effect_Index(d, "TE_PLASMABURN"); print_Effect_Index(d, "TE_TEI_G3"); print_Effect_Index(d, "TE_TEI_SMOKE"); print_Effect_Index(d, "TE_TEI_BIGEXPLOSION"); print_Effect_Index(d, "TE_TEI_PLASMAHIT"); print_Effect_Index(d, "EF_STARDUST"); print_Effect_Index(d, "TR_ROCKET"); print_Effect_Index(d, "TR_GRENADE"); print_Effect_Index(d, "TR_BLOOD"); print_Effect_Index(d, "TR_WIZSPIKE"); print_Effect_Index(d, "TR_SLIGHTBLOOD"); print_Effect_Index(d, "TR_KNIGHTSPIKE"); print_Effect_Index(d, "TR_VORESPIKE"); print_Effect_Index(d, "TR_NEHAHRASMOKE"); print_Effect_Index(d, "TR_NEXUIZPLASMA"); print_Effect_Index(d, "TR_GLOWTRAIL"); print_Effect_Index(d, "TR_SEEKER"); print_Effect_Index(d, "SVC_PARTICLE"); fh = fopen("effectinfo.txt", FILE_READ); while ((s = fgets(fh))) { tokenize_console(s); if (argv(0) == "effect") { if (db_get(d, argv(1)) != "1") { int i = _particleeffectnum(argv(1)); if (i >= 0) LOG_INFO("effect ", argv(1), " is ", ftos(i)); db_put(d, argv(1), "1"); } } } LOG_INFO("end of effects list"); db_close(d); return; } default: case CMD_REQUEST_USAGE: { LOG_HELP("Usage:^3 sv_cmd effectindexdump"); LOG_HELP(" No arguments required."); return; } } } void GameCommand_extendmatchtime(int request) { switch (request) { case CMD_REQUEST_COMMAND: { changematchtime(autocvar_timelimit_increment * 60, autocvar_timelimit_min * 60, autocvar_timelimit_max * 60); return; } default: case CMD_REQUEST_USAGE: { LOG_HELP("Usage:^3 sv_cmd extendmatchtime"); LOG_HELP(" No arguments required."); LOG_HELP("See also: ^2reducematchtime^7"); return; } } } void GameCommand_gametype(int request, int argc) { switch (request) { case CMD_REQUEST_COMMAND: { if (argv(1) != "") { string s = argv(1); Gametype t = MapInfo_Type_FromString(s, false), tsave = MapInfo_CurrentGametype(); if (t) { MapInfo_SwitchGameType(t); MapInfo_FilterGametype(MapInfo_CurrentGametype(), MapInfo_CurrentFeatures(), MapInfo_RequiredFlags(), MapInfo_ForbiddenFlags(), 0); if (MapInfo_count > 0) { // update lsmaps in case the gametype changed, this way people can easily list maps for it if (lsmaps_reply != "") strunzone(lsmaps_reply); lsmaps_reply = strzone(getlsmaps()); bprint("Game type successfully switched to ", s, "\n"); } else { bprint("Cannot use this game type: no map for it found\n"); MapInfo_SwitchGameType(tsave); MapInfo_FilterGametype(MapInfo_CurrentGametype(), MapInfo_CurrentFeatures(), MapInfo_RequiredFlags(), MapInfo_ForbiddenFlags(), 0); } } else { bprint("Game type switch to ", s, " failed: this type does not exist!\n"); } return; } } default: LOG_INFOF("Incorrect parameters for ^2%s^7", argv(0)); case CMD_REQUEST_USAGE: { LOG_HELP("Usage:^3 sv_cmd gametype mode"); LOG_HELP(" Where 'mode' is the gametype mode to switch to."); LOG_HELP("See also: ^2gotomap^7"); return; } } } void GameCommand_gettaginfo(int request, int argc) { switch (request) { case CMD_REQUEST_COMMAND: { entity tmp_entity; float i; vector v; if (argc >= 4) { tmp_entity = spawn(); if (argv(1) == "w") { .entity weaponentity = weaponentities[0]; _setmodel(tmp_entity, (nextent(NULL)).(weaponentity).model); } else { precache_model(argv(1)); _setmodel(tmp_entity, argv(1)); } tmp_entity.frame = stof(argv(2)); if (substring(argv(3), 0, 1) == "#") i = stof(substring(argv(3), 1, -1)); else i = gettagindex(tmp_entity, argv(3)); if (i) { v = gettaginfo(tmp_entity, i); LOG_INFOF( "model %s frame %s tag %s index %s parent %s", tmp_entity.model, ftos(tmp_entity.frame), gettaginfo_name, ftos(i), ftos(gettaginfo_parent) ); LOG_INFOF(" vector = %s %s %s", ftos(v.x), ftos(v.y), ftos(v.z)); LOG_INFOF(" offset = %s %s %s", ftos(gettaginfo_offset.x), ftos(gettaginfo_offset.y), ftos(gettaginfo_offset.z)); LOG_INFOF(" forward = %s %s %s", ftos(gettaginfo_forward.x), ftos(gettaginfo_forward.y), ftos(gettaginfo_forward.z)); LOG_INFOF(" right = %s %s %s", ftos(gettaginfo_right.x), ftos(gettaginfo_right.y), ftos(gettaginfo_right.z)); LOG_INFOF(" up = %s %s %s", ftos(gettaginfo_up.x), ftos(gettaginfo_up.y), ftos(gettaginfo_up.z)); if (argc >= 6) { v.y = -v.y; localcmd(strcat(argv(4), vtos(v), argv(5), "\n")); } } else { LOG_INFO("bone not found"); } delete(tmp_entity); return; } } default: LOG_INFOF("Incorrect parameters for ^2%s^7", argv(0)); case CMD_REQUEST_USAGE: { LOG_HELP("Usage:^3 sv_cmd gettaginfo model frame index [command one] [command two]"); LOG_HELP("See also: ^2bbox, trace^7"); return; } } } void GameCommand_animbench(int request, int argc) { switch (request) { case CMD_REQUEST_COMMAND: { entity tmp_entity; if (argc >= 4) { tmp_entity = spawn(); if (argv(1) == "w") { .entity weaponentity = weaponentities[0]; _setmodel(tmp_entity, (nextent(NULL)).(weaponentity).model); } else { precache_model(argv(1)); _setmodel(tmp_entity, argv(1)); } float f1 = stof(argv(2)); float f2 = stof(argv(3)); float t0; float t1 = 0; float t2 = 0; float n = 0; while (t1 + t2 < 1) { tmp_entity.frame = f1; t0 = gettime(GETTIME_HIRES); getsurfacepoint(tmp_entity, 0, 0); t1 += gettime(GETTIME_HIRES) - t0; tmp_entity.frame = f2; t0 = gettime(GETTIME_HIRES); getsurfacepoint(tmp_entity, 0, 0); t2 += gettime(GETTIME_HIRES) - t0; n += 1; } LOG_INFO("model ", tmp_entity.model, " frame ", ftos(f1), " animtime ", ftos(n / t1), "/s"); LOG_INFO("model ", tmp_entity.model, " frame ", ftos(f2), " animtime ", ftos(n / t2), "/s"); delete(tmp_entity); return; } } default: LOG_INFOF("Incorrect parameters for ^2%s^7", argv(0)); case CMD_REQUEST_USAGE: { LOG_HELP("Usage:^3 sv_cmd gettaginfo model frame index [command one] [command two]"); LOG_HELP("See also: ^2bbox, trace^7"); return; } } } void GameCommand_gotomap(int request, int argc) { switch (request) { case CMD_REQUEST_COMMAND: { if (argv(1)) { LOG_INFO(GotoMap(argv(1))); return; } } default: LOG_INFOF("Incorrect parameters for ^2%s^7", argv(0)); case CMD_REQUEST_USAGE: { LOG_HELP("Usage:^3 sv_cmd gotomap map"); LOG_HELP(" Where 'map' is the *.bsp file to change to."); LOG_HELP("See also: ^2gametype^7"); return; } } } void GameCommand_lockteams(int request) { switch (request) { case CMD_REQUEST_COMMAND: { if (teamplay) { lockteams = 1; bprint("\{1}^1The teams are now locked.\n"); } else { bprint("lockteams command can only be used in a team-based gamemode.\n"); } return; } default: case CMD_REQUEST_USAGE: { LOG_HELP("Usage:^3 sv_cmd lockteams"); LOG_HELP(" No arguments required."); LOG_HELP("See also: ^2unlockteams^7"); return; } } } void GameCommand_make_mapinfo(int request) { switch (request) { case CMD_REQUEST_COMMAND: { entity tmp_entity; tmp_entity = new(make_mapinfo); setthink(tmp_entity, make_mapinfo_Think); tmp_entity.nextthink = time; MapInfo_Enumerate(); return; } default: case CMD_REQUEST_USAGE: { LOG_HELP("Usage:^3 sv_cmd make_mapinfo"); LOG_HELP(" No arguments required."); LOG_HELP("See also: ^2radarmap^7"); return; } } } void GameCommand_moveplayer(int request, int argc) { switch (request) { case CMD_REQUEST_COMMAND: { float accepted; entity client; string targets = strreplace(",", " ", argv(1)); string original_targets = strreplace(" ", ", ", targets); string destination = argv(2); string successful, t; successful = string_null; // lets see if the target(s) even actually exist. if ((targets) && (destination)) { for ( ; targets; ) { t = car(targets); targets = cdr(targets); // Check to see if the player is a valid target client = GetFilteredEntity(t); accepted = VerifyClientEntity(client, false, false); if (accepted <= 0) { LOG_INFO("moveplayer: ", GetClientErrorString(accepted, t), (targets ? ", skipping to next player.\n" : ".")); continue; } // Where are we putting this player? if (destination == "spec" || destination == "spectator") { if (!IS_SPEC(client) && !IS_OBSERVER(client)) { if (client.caplayer) client.caplayer = 0; PutObserverInServer(client); successful = strcat(successful, (successful ? ", " : ""), playername(client, false)); } else { LOG_INFO("Player ", ftos(GetFilteredNumber(t)), " (", playername(client, false), ") is already spectating."); } continue; } else { if (!IS_SPEC(client) && !IS_OBSERVER(client)) { if (teamplay) { // set up int save = Player_GetForcedTeamIndex(client); Player_SetForcedTeamIndex(client, TEAM_FORCE_DEFAULT); // find the team to move the player to int team_num = Team_ColorToTeam(destination); entity balance; if (team_num == client.team) // already on the destination team { // keep the forcing undone LOG_INFO("Player ", ftos(GetFilteredNumber(t)), " (", playername(client, false), ") is already on the ", Team_ColoredFullName(client.team), (targets ? "^7, skipping to next player.\n" : "^7.")); continue; } else if (team_num == 0) // auto team { balance = TeamBalance_CheckAllowedTeams(client); team_num = Team_IndexToTeam(TeamBalance_FindBestTeam(balance, client, false)); } else { balance = TeamBalance_CheckAllowedTeams(client); } Player_SetForcedTeamIndex(client, save); // Check to see if the destination team is even available int team_id = Team_TeamToIndex(team_num); if (team_id == -1) { LOG_INFO("Sorry, can't move player here if team ", destination, " doesn't exist."); TeamBalance_Destroy(balance); return; } if (!TeamBalance_IsTeamAllowed(balance, team_id)) { LOG_INFOF("Sorry, can't move player to %s team if it doesn't exist.", destination); TeamBalance_Destroy(balance); return; } TeamBalance_Destroy(balance); // If so, lets continue and finally move the player Player_SetForcedTeamIndex(client, TEAM_FORCE_DEFAULT); if (MoveToTeam(client, team_id, 6)) { successful = strcat(successful, (successful ? ", " : ""), playername(client, false)); LOG_INFO("Player ", ftos(GetFilteredNumber(t)), " (", playername(client, false), ") has been moved to the ", Team_ColoredFullName(team_id), "^7."); } else { LOG_INFO("Unable to move player ", ftos(GetFilteredNumber(t)), " (", playername(client, false), ")"); } continue; } else { LOG_INFO("Can't change teams when currently not playing a team game."); return; } } else { LOG_INFO("Can't change teams if the player isn't in the game."); // well technically we could, but should we allow that? :P return; } } } if (successful) bprint("Successfully moved players ", successful, " to destination ", destination, ".\n"); else LOG_INFO("No players given (", original_targets, ") are able to move."); return; // still correct parameters so return to avoid usage print } } default: LOG_INFOF("Incorrect parameters for ^2%s^7", argv(0)); case CMD_REQUEST_USAGE: { LOG_HELP("Usage:^3 sv_cmd moveplayer clients destination"); LOG_HELP(" 'clients' is a list (separated by commas) of player entity ID's or nicknames"); LOG_HELP(" 'destination' is what to send the player to, be it team or spectating"); LOG_HELP(" Full list of destinations here: \"spec, spectator, red, blue, yellow, pink, auto.\""); LOG_HELP("Examples: sv_cmd moveplayer 1,3,5 red"); LOG_HELP(" sv_cmd moveplayer 2 spec"); LOG_HELP("See also: ^2allspec, shuffleteams^7"); return; } } } void GameCommand_nospectators(int request) { switch (request) { case CMD_REQUEST_COMMAND: { blockSpectators = 1; // give every spectator seconds time to become a player FOREACH_CLIENT(IS_REAL_CLIENT(it) && (IS_SPEC(it) || IS_OBSERVER(it)) && !it.caplayer, { if(!it.caplayer) { CS(it).spectatortime = time; Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE_ONLY, it, MSG_INFO, INFO_SPECTATE_WARNING, autocvar_g_maxplayers_spectator_blocktime); } }); bprint(strcat("^7All spectators will be automatically kicked when not joining the game after ", ftos(autocvar_g_maxplayers_spectator_blocktime), " seconds!\n")); return; } default: case CMD_REQUEST_USAGE: { LOG_HELP("Usage:^3 sv_cmd nospectators"); LOG_HELP(" No arguments required."); return; } } } void GameCommand_printstats(int request) { switch (request) { case CMD_REQUEST_COMMAND: { DumpStats(false); LOG_INFO("stats dumped."); return; } default: case CMD_REQUEST_USAGE: { LOG_HELP("Usage:^3 sv_cmd printstats"); LOG_HELP(" No arguments required."); return; } } } void GameCommand_radarmap(int request, int argc) { switch (request) { case CMD_REQUEST_COMMAND: { if (RadarMap_Make(argc)) return; } default: LOG_INFOF("Incorrect parameters for ^2%s^7", argv(0)); case CMD_REQUEST_USAGE: { LOG_HELP("Usage:^3 sv_cmd radarmap [--force] [--loop] [--quit] [--block | --trace | --sample | --lineblock] [--sharpen N] [--res W H] [--qual Q]"); LOG_HELP(" The quality factor Q is roughly proportional to the time taken."); LOG_HELP(" trace supports no quality factor; its result should look like --block with infinite quality factor."); LOG_HELP("See also: ^2make_mapinfo^7"); return; } } } void GameCommand_reducematchtime(int request) { switch (request) { case CMD_REQUEST_COMMAND: { changematchtime(autocvar_timelimit_decrement * -60, autocvar_timelimit_min * 60, autocvar_timelimit_max * 60); return; } default: case CMD_REQUEST_USAGE: { LOG_HELP("Usage:^3 sv_cmd reducematchtime"); LOG_HELP(" No arguments required."); LOG_HELP("See also: ^2extendmatchtime^7"); return; } } } void GameCommand_setbots(int request, int argc) { switch (request) { case CMD_REQUEST_COMMAND: { if (argc >= 2) { cvar_settemp("minplayers", "0"); cvar_settemp("minplayers_per_team", "0"); cvar_settemp("bot_number", argv(1)); bot_fixcount(); return; } } default: LOG_INFOF("Incorrect parameters for ^2%s^7", argv(0)); case CMD_REQUEST_USAGE: { LOG_HELP("Usage:^3 sv_cmd setbots botnumber"); LOG_HELP(" Where 'botnumber' is the amount of bots to set bot_number cvar to."); LOG_HELP("See also: ^2bot_cmd^7"); return; } } } void shuffleteams() { if (!teamplay) { LOG_INFO("Can't shuffle teams when currently not playing a team game."); return; } FOREACH_CLIENT(IS_PLAYER(it) || it.caplayer, { if (Player_HasRealForcedTeam(it)) { // we could theoretically assign forced players to their teams // and shuffle the rest to fill the empty spots but in practise // either all players or none are gonna have forced teams LOG_INFO("Can't shuffle teams because at least one player has a forced team."); return; } }); int number_of_teams = 0; entity balance = TeamBalance_CheckAllowedTeams(NULL); for (int i = 1; i <= NUM_TEAMS; ++i) { if (TeamBalance_IsTeamAllowed(balance, i)) { number_of_teams = max(i, number_of_teams); } } TeamBalance_Destroy(balance); int team_index = 0; FOREACH_CLIENT_RANDOM(IS_PLAYER(it) || it.caplayer, { int target_team_index = team_index + 1; if (Entity_GetTeamIndex(it) != target_team_index) { MoveToTeam(it, target_team_index, 6); } team_index = (team_index + 1) % number_of_teams; }); bprint("Successfully shuffled the players around randomly.\n"); } void GameCommand_shuffleteams(int request) { switch (request) { case CMD_REQUEST_COMMAND: { if (shuffleteams_on_reset_map) { bprint("Players will be shuffled when this round is over.\n"); shuffleteams_on_reset_map = true; } else shuffleteams(); return; } default: case CMD_REQUEST_USAGE: { LOG_HELP("Usage:^3 sv_cmd shuffleteams"); LOG_HELP(" No arguments required."); LOG_HELP("See also: ^2moveplayer, allspec^7"); return; } } } void GameCommand_stuffto(int request, int argc) { // This... is a fairly dangerous and powerful command... - It allows any arguments to be sent to a client via rcon. // Because of this, it is disabled by default and must be enabled by the server owner when doing compilation. That way, // we can be certain they understand the risks of it... So to enable, compile server with -DSTUFFTO_ENABLED argument. #ifdef STUFFTO_ENABLED switch (request) { case CMD_REQUEST_COMMAND: { if (argv(2)) { entity client = GetIndexedEntity(argc, 1); float accepted = VerifyClientEntity(client, true, false); if (accepted > 0) { stuffcmd(client, strcat("\n", argv(next_token), "\n")); LOG_INFO("Command: \"", argv(next_token), "\" sent to ", GetCallerName(client), " (", argv(1), ")."); } else { LOG_INFO("stuffto: ", GetClientErrorString(accepted, argv(1)), "."); } return; } } default: LOG_INFOF("Incorrect parameters for ^2%s^7", argv(0)); case CMD_REQUEST_USAGE: { LOG_HELP("Usage:^3 sv_cmd stuffto client \"command\""); LOG_HELP(" 'client' is the entity number or name of the player,"); LOG_HELP(" and 'command' is the command to be sent to that player."); return; } } #else if (request) { LOG_HELP("stuffto command is not enabled on this server."); return; } #endif } void GameCommand_trace(int request, int argc) { switch (request) { case CMD_REQUEST_COMMAND: { entity e; vector org, delta, start, end, p, q, q0, pos, vv, dv; float i, f, safe, unsafe, dq, dqf; switch (argv(1)) { case "debug": { float hitcount = 0; LOG_INFO("TEST CASE. If this returns the runaway loop counter error, possibly everything is oaky."); float worst_endpos_bug = 0; for ( ; ; ) { org = world.mins; delta = world.maxs - world.mins; start.x = org.x + random() * delta.x; start.y = org.y + random() * delta.y; start.z = org.z + random() * delta.z; end.x = org.x + random() * delta.x; end.y = org.y + random() * delta.y; end.z = org.z + random() * delta.z; start = stov(vtos(start)); end = stov(vtos(end)); tracebox(start, PL_MIN_CONST, PL_MAX_CONST, end, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, NULL); if (!trace_startsolid && trace_fraction < 1) { p = trace_endpos; tracebox(p, PL_MIN_CONST, PL_MAX_CONST, p, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, NULL); if (trace_startsolid) { rint(42); // do an engine breakpoint on VM_rint so you can get the trace that errnoeously returns startsolid tracebox(start, PL_MIN_CONST, PL_MAX_CONST, end, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, NULL); // how much do we need to back off? safe = 1; unsafe = 0; for ( ; ; ) { pos = p * (1 - (safe + unsafe) * 0.5) + start * ((safe + unsafe) * 0.5); tracebox(pos, PL_MIN_CONST, PL_MAX_CONST, pos, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, NULL); if (trace_startsolid) { if ((safe + unsafe) * 0.5 == unsafe) break; unsafe = (safe + unsafe) * 0.5; } else { if ((safe + unsafe) * 0.5 == safe) break; safe = (safe + unsafe) * 0.5; } } LOG_INFO("safe distance to back off: ", ftos(safe * vlen(p - start)), "qu"); LOG_INFO("unsafe distance to back off: ", ftos(unsafe * vlen(p - start)), "qu"); tracebox(p, PL_MIN_CONST + '0.1 0.1 0.1', PL_MAX_CONST - '0.1 0.1 0.1', p, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, NULL); if (trace_startsolid) LOG_INFO("trace_endpos much in solid when tracing from ", vtos(start), " to ", vtos(end), " endpos ", vtos(p)); else LOG_INFO("trace_endpos just in solid when tracing from ", vtos(start), " to ", vtos(end), " endpos ", vtos(p)); if (++hitcount >= 10) break; } else { q0 = p; dq = 0; dqf = 1; for ( ; ; ) { q = p + normalize(end - p) * (dq + dqf); if (q == q0) break; tracebox(p, PL_MIN_CONST, PL_MAX_CONST, q, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, NULL); if (trace_startsolid) error("THIS ONE cannot happen"); if (trace_fraction > 0) dq += dqf * trace_fraction; dqf *= 0.5; q0 = q; } if (dq > worst_endpos_bug) { worst_endpos_bug = dq; LOG_INFO("trace_endpos still before solid when tracing from ", vtos(start), " to ", vtos(end), " endpos ", vtos(p)); LOG_INFO("could go ", ftos(dq), " units further to ", vtos(q)); if (++hitcount >= 10) break; } } } } return; } case "debug2": { e = nextent(NULL); tracebox(e.origin + '0 0 32', e.mins, e.maxs, e.origin + '0 0 -1024', MOVE_NORMAL, e); vv = trace_endpos; if (trace_fraction == 1) { LOG_INFO("not above ground, aborting"); return; } f = 0; for (i = 0; i < 100000; ++i) { dv = randomvec(); if (dv.z > 0) dv = -1 * dv; tracebox(vv, e.mins, e.maxs, vv + dv, MOVE_NORMAL, e); if (trace_startsolid) LOG_INFO("bug 1"); if (trace_fraction == 1) { if (dv.z < f) { LOG_INFO("bug 2: ", ftos(dv.x), " ", ftos(dv.y), " ", ftos(dv.z)); LOG_INFO(" (", ftos(asin(dv.z / vlen(dv)) * 180 / M_PI), " degrees)"); f = dv.z; } } } LOG_INFO("highest possible dist: ", ftos(f)); return; } case "walk": { if (argc == 4 || argc == 5) { e = nextent(NULL); int dphitcontentsmask_save = e.dphitcontentsmask; e.dphitcontentsmask = DPCONTENTS_SOLID | DPCONTENTS_BODY | DPCONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP | DPCONTENTS_BOTCLIP; if (tracewalk(e, stov(argv(2)), e.mins, e.maxs, stov(argv(3)), stof(argv(4)), MOVE_NORMAL)) LOG_INFO("can walk"); else LOG_INFO("cannot walk"); e.dphitcontentsmask = dphitcontentsmask_save; return; } } case "showline": { if (argc == 4) { vv = stov(argv(2)); dv = stov(argv(3)); traceline(vv, dv, MOVE_NORMAL, NULL); __trailparticles(NULL, particleeffectnum(EFFECT_TR_NEXUIZPLASMA), vv, trace_endpos); __trailparticles(NULL, particleeffectnum(EFFECT_TR_CRYLINKPLASMA), trace_endpos, dv); return; } } // no default case, just go straight to invalid } } default: LOG_INFOF("Incorrect parameters for ^2%s^7", argv(0)); case CMD_REQUEST_USAGE: { LOG_HELP("Usage:^3 sv_cmd trace command [startpos endpos] [endpos_height]"); LOG_HELP(" Where startpos and endpos are parameters for 'walk' and 'showline' commands,"); LOG_HELP(" 'endpos_height' is an optional parameter for 'walk' command,"); LOG_HELP(" Full list of commands here: \"debug, debug2, walk, showline.\""); LOG_HELP("See also: ^2bbox, gettaginfo^7"); return; } } } void GameCommand_unlockteams(int request) { switch (request) { case CMD_REQUEST_COMMAND: { if (teamplay) { lockteams = 0; bprint("\{1}^1The teams are now unlocked.\n"); } else { bprint("unlockteams command can only be used in a team-based gamemode.\n"); } return; } default: case CMD_REQUEST_USAGE: { LOG_HELP("Usage:^3 sv_cmd unlockteams"); LOG_HELP(" No arguments required."); LOG_HELP("See also: ^2lockteams^7"); return; } } } void GameCommand_warp(int request, int argc) { switch (request) { case CMD_REQUEST_COMMAND: { if (autocvar_g_campaign) { if (argc >= 2) { CampaignLevelWarp(stof(argv(1))); LOG_INFO("Successfully warped to campaign level ", argv(1), "."); } else { CampaignLevelWarp(-1); LOG_INFO("Successfully warped to next campaign level."); } } else { LOG_INFO("Not in campaign, can't level warp"); } return; } default: case CMD_REQUEST_USAGE: { LOG_HELP("Usage:^3 sv_cmd warp [level]"); LOG_HELP(" 'level' is the level to change campaign mode to."); LOG_HELP(" if 'level' is not provided it will change to the next level."); return; } } } /* use this when creating a new command, making sure to place it in alphabetical order... also, ** ADD ALL NEW COMMANDS TO commands.cfg WITH PROPER ALIASES IN THE SAME FASHION! void GameCommand_(int request) { switch(request) { case CMD_REQUEST_COMMAND: { return; } default: case CMD_REQUEST_USAGE: { LOG_HELP("Usage:^3 sv_cmd "); LOG_HELP(" No arguments required."); return; } } } */ // ================================== // Macro system for server commands // ================================== // Do not hard code aliases for these, instead create them in commands.cfg... also: keep in alphabetical order, please ;) SERVER_COMMAND(team_name, "Set team name") { GameCommand_team_name(request, arguments); } SERVER_COMMAND(adminmsg, "Send an admin message to a client directly") { GameCommand_adminmsg(request, arguments); } SERVER_COMMAND(allready, "Restart the server and reset the players") { GameCommand_allready(request); } SERVER_COMMAND(allspec, "Force all players to spectate") { GameCommand_allspec(request, arguments); } SERVER_COMMAND(anticheat, "Create an anticheat report for a client") { GameCommand_anticheat(request, arguments); } SERVER_COMMAND(animbench, "Benchmark model animation (LAGS)") { GameCommand_animbench(request, arguments); } SERVER_COMMAND(bbox, "Print detailed information about world size") { GameCommand_bbox(request); } SERVER_COMMAND(bot_cmd, "Control and send commands to bots") { GameCommand_bot_cmd(request, arguments, command); } SERVER_COMMAND(cointoss, "Flip a virtual coin and give random result") { GameCommand_cointoss(request, arguments); } SERVER_COMMAND(database, "Extra controls of the serverprogs database") { GameCommand_database(request, arguments); } SERVER_COMMAND(defer_clear, "Clear all queued defer commands for a specific client") { GameCommand_defer_clear(request, arguments); } SERVER_COMMAND(defer_clear_all, "Clear all queued defer commands for all clients") { GameCommand_defer_clear_all(request); } SERVER_COMMAND(delrec, "Delete race time record for a map") { GameCommand_delrec(request, arguments); } SERVER_COMMAND(effectindexdump, "Dump list of effects from code and effectinfo.txt") { GameCommand_effectindexdump(request); } SERVER_COMMAND(extendmatchtime, "Increase the timelimit value incrementally") { GameCommand_extendmatchtime(request); } SERVER_COMMAND(gametype, "Simple command to change the active gametype") { GameCommand_gametype(request, arguments); } SERVER_COMMAND(gettaginfo, "Get specific information about a weapon model") { GameCommand_gettaginfo(request, arguments); } SERVER_COMMAND(gotomap, "Simple command to switch to another map") { GameCommand_gotomap(request, arguments); } SERVER_COMMAND(lockteams, "Disable the ability for players to switch or enter teams") { GameCommand_lockteams(request); } SERVER_COMMAND(make_mapinfo, "Automatically rebuild mapinfo files") { GameCommand_make_mapinfo(request); } SERVER_COMMAND(moveplayer, "Change the team/status of a player") { GameCommand_moveplayer(request, arguments); } SERVER_COMMAND(nospectators, "Automatically remove spectators from a match") { GameCommand_nospectators(request); } SERVER_COMMAND(printstats, "Dump eventlog player stats and other score information") { GameCommand_printstats(request); } SERVER_COMMAND(radarmap, "Generate a radar image of the map") { GameCommand_radarmap(request, arguments); } SERVER_COMMAND(reducematchtime, "Decrease the timelimit value incrementally") { GameCommand_reducematchtime(request); } SERVER_COMMAND(setbots, "Adjust how many bots are in the match") { GameCommand_setbots(request, arguments); } SERVER_COMMAND(shuffleteams, "Randomly move players to different teams") { GameCommand_shuffleteams(request); } SERVER_COMMAND(stuffto, "Send a command to be executed on a client") { GameCommand_stuffto(request, arguments); } SERVER_COMMAND(trace, "Various debugging tools with tracing") { GameCommand_trace(request, arguments); } SERVER_COMMAND(unlockteams, "Enable the ability for players to switch or enter teams") { GameCommand_unlockteams(request); } SERVER_COMMAND(warp, "Choose different level in campaign") { GameCommand_warp(request, arguments); } void GameCommand_macro_help() { FOREACH(SERVER_COMMANDS, true, { LOG_HELPF(" ^2%s^7: %s", it.m_name, it.m_description); }); } float GameCommand_macro_command(int argc, string command) { string c = strtolower(argv(0)); FOREACH(SERVER_COMMANDS, it.m_name == c, { it.m_invokecmd(it, CMD_REQUEST_COMMAND, NULL, argc, command); return true; }); return false; } float GameCommand_macro_usage(int argc) { string c = strtolower(argv(1)); FOREACH(SERVER_COMMANDS, it.m_name == c, { it.m_invokecmd(it, CMD_REQUEST_USAGE, NULL, argc, ""); return true; }); return false; } void GameCommand_macro_write_aliases(float fh) { FOREACH(SERVER_COMMANDS, true, { CMD_Write_Alias("qc_cmd_sv", it.m_name, it.m_description); }); } // ========================================= // Main Function Called By Engine (sv_cmd) // ========================================= // If this function exists, game code handles gamecommand instead of the engine code. void GameCommand(string command) { int argc = tokenize_console(command); // Guide for working with argc arguments by example: // argc: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 // argv: 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 // cmd vote - master - login - password if (strtolower(argv(0)) == "help") { if (argc == 1) { LOG_HELP("Server console commands:"); GameCommand_macro_help(); LOG_HELP("\nBanning commands:"); BanCommand_macro_help(); LOG_HELP("\nCommon networked commands:"); CommonCommand_macro_help(NULL); LOG_HELP("\nGeneric commands shared by all programs:"); GenericCommand_macro_help(); LOG_HELP("\nUsage:^3 sv_cmd COMMAND...^7, where possible commands are listed above.\n" "For help about a specific command, type sv_cmd help COMMAND"); return; } else if (BanCommand_macro_usage(argc)) // Instead of trying to call a command, we're going to see detailed information about it { return; } else if (CommonCommand_macro_usage(argc, NULL)) // same here, but for common commands instead { return; } else if (GenericCommand_macro_usage(argc)) // same here, but for generic commands instead { return; } else if (GameCommand_macro_usage(argc)) // finally try for normal commands too { return; } } else if (MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(SV_ParseServerCommand, strtolower(argv(0)), argc, command)) { return; // handled by a mutator } else if (BanCommand(command)) { return; // handled by server/command/ipban.qc } else if (CommonCommand_macro_command(argc, NULL, command)) { return; // handled by server/command/common.qc } else if (GenericCommand(command)) { return; // handled by common/command/generic.qc } else if (GameCommand_macro_command(argc, command)) // continue as usual and scan for normal commands { return; // handled by one of the above GameCommand_* functions } // nothing above caught the command, must be invalid LOG_INFO(((command != "") ? strcat("Unknown server command \"", command, "\"") : "No command provided"), ". For a list of supported commands, try sv_cmd help."); }