#pragma once #include float autocvar_sv_clientcommand_antispam_time; int autocvar_sv_clientcommand_antispam_count; .float cmd_floodtime; .string ignore_list; // stores player id's, maybe can be upgraded to store net address for reconnect protection const int IGNORE_MAXPLAYERS = 8; // maximum players to be ignored in the personal chat string MapVote_Suggest(entity this, string m); // used by common/command/generic.qc:GenericCommand_dumpcommands to list all commands into a .txt file void ClientCommand_macro_write_aliases(float fh); // functions for ignore command string ignore_removefromlist(entity list, entity ignore) { if(ignore.crypto_idfp && ignore.crypto_idfp != "" && list.crypto_idfp && list.crypto_idfp != "") { for(int j = 0; j < IGNORE_MAXPLAYERS; ++j) { string pos = db_get(ServerProgsDB, strcat("/ignore/", list.crypto_idfp, "/", ftos(j))); if(pos == ignore.crypto_idfp) { db_remove(ServerProgsDB, strcat("/ignore/", list.crypto_idfp, "/", ftos(j))); return string_null; } } // should this fall back? we know advanced mode is being used } string newlist = ""; string theid = ftos(etof(ignore)); FOREACH_WORD(list.ignore_list, it != theid, { newlist = cons(newlist, it); }); if(newlist == "") return string_null; else return newlist; } bool ignore_playerinlist(entity sender, entity targ) { // TODO: optimize this by saving it to .ignore_list? if(targ.crypto_idfp && targ.crypto_idfp != "" && sender.crypto_idfp && sender.crypto_idfp != "") { string thelist = ""; for(int j = 0; j < IGNORE_MAXPLAYERS; ++j) { string pos = db_get(ServerProgsDB, strcat("/ignore/", targ.crypto_idfp, "/", ftos(j))); thelist = cons(thelist, pos); } return ((thelist != "") ? PlayerInList(sender, thelist) : false); } else if(!targ.ignore_list || targ.ignore_list == "") return false; string theid = ftos(etof(sender)); FOREACH_WORD(targ.ignore_list, it == theid, { return true; }); return false; } void ignore_clearall(entity this) { for(int j = 0; j < IGNORE_MAXPLAYERS; ++j) { string pos = db_get(ServerProgsDB, strcat("/ignore/", this.crypto_idfp, "/", ftos(j))); if(pos != "") db_remove(ServerProgsDB, strcat("/ignore/", this.crypto_idfp, "/", ftos(j))); } }