#include "client.qh" #include #include #include #include "anticheat.qh" #include "impulse.qh" #include "player.qh" #include "ipban.qh" #include "miscfunctions.qh" #include "portals.qh" #include "teamplay.qh" #include "spawnpoints.qh" #include "resources.qh" #include "g_damage.qh" #include "handicap.qh" #include "g_hook.qh" #include "command/common.qh" #include "command/vote.qh" #include "clientkill.qh" #include "cheats.qh" #include "g_world.qh" #include "race.qh" #include "antilag.qh" #include "campaign.qh" #include "command/common.qh" #include "scores_rules.qh" #include "weapons/common.qh" #include "bot/api.qh" #include "../common/ent_cs.qh" #include "../common/wepent.qh" #include #include "compat/quake3.qh" #include #include "../common/mapobjects/func/conveyor.qh" #include "../common/mapobjects/teleporters.qh" #include "../common/mapobjects/target/spawnpoint.qh" #include #include #include "../common/vehicles/all.qh" #include "weapons/hitplot.qh" #include "weapons/weaponsystem.qh" #include "../common/net_notice.qh" #include "../common/net_linked.qh" #include "../common/physics/player.qh" #include #include "../common/items/_mod.qh" #include "../common/mutators/mutator/waypoints/all.qh" #include "../common/mutators/mutator/instagib/sv_instagib.qh" #include #include "../common/mapobjects/subs.qh" #include "../common/mapobjects/triggers.qh" #include "../common/mapobjects/trigger/secret.qh" #include "../common/minigames/sv_minigames.qh" #include "../common/items/inventory.qh" #include "../common/monsters/sv_monsters.qh" #include "../lib/warpzone/server.qh" #include STATIC_METHOD(Client, Add, void(Client this, int _team)) { ClientConnect(this); TRANSMUTE(Player, this); this.frame = 12; // 7 this.team = _team; PutClientInServer(this); } STATIC_METHOD(Client, Remove, void(Client this)) { TRANSMUTE(Observer, this); PutClientInServer(this); ClientDisconnect(this); } void send_CSQC_teamnagger() { WriteHeader(MSG_BROADCAST, TE_CSQC_TEAMNAGGER); } int CountSpectators(entity player, entity to) { if(!player) { return 0; } // not sure how, but best to be safe int spec_count = 0; FOREACH_CLIENT(IS_REAL_CLIENT(it) && IS_SPEC(it) && it != to && it.enemy == player, { spec_count++; }); return spec_count; } void WriteSpectators(entity player, entity to) { if(!player) { return; } // not sure how, but best to be safe FOREACH_CLIENT(IS_REAL_CLIENT(it) && IS_SPEC(it) && it != to && it.enemy == player, { WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, num_for_edict(it)); }); } bool ClientData_Send(entity this, entity to, int sf) { assert(to == this.owner, return false); entity e = to; if (IS_SPEC(e)) e = e.enemy; sf = 0; if (CS(e).race_completed) sf |= BIT(0); // forced scoreboard if (CS(to).spectatee_status) sf |= BIT(1); // spectator ent number follows if (CS(e).zoomstate) sf |= BIT(2); // zoomed if (autocvar_sv_showspectators) sf |= BIT(4); // show spectators WriteHeader(MSG_ENTITY, ENT_CLIENT_CLIENTDATA); WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, sf); if (sf & BIT(1)) WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, CS(to).spectatee_status); if(sf & BIT(4)) { float specs = CountSpectators(e, to); WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, specs); WriteSpectators(e, to); } return true; } void ClientData_Attach(entity this) { Net_LinkEntity(CS(this).clientdata = new_pure(clientdata), false, 0, ClientData_Send); CS(this).clientdata.drawonlytoclient = this; CS(this).clientdata.owner = this; } void ClientData_Detach(entity this) { delete(CS(this).clientdata); CS(this).clientdata = NULL; } void ClientData_Touch(entity e) { entity cd = CS(e).clientdata; if (cd) { cd.SendFlags = 1; } // make it spectatable FOREACH_CLIENT(IS_REAL_CLIENT(it) && it != e && IS_SPEC(it) && it.enemy == e, { entity cd = CS(it).clientdata; if (cd) { cd.SendFlags = 1; } }); } /* ============= CheckPlayerModel Checks if the argument string can be a valid playermodel. Returns a valid one in doubt. ============= */ string FallbackPlayerModel; string CheckPlayerModel(string plyermodel) { if(FallbackPlayerModel != cvar_defstring("_cl_playermodel")) { // note: we cannot summon Don Strunzone here, some player may // still have the model string set. In case anyone manages how // to change a cvar default, we'll have a small leak here. FallbackPlayerModel = strzone(cvar_defstring("_cl_playermodel")); } // only in right path if( substring(plyermodel,0,14) != "models/player/") return FallbackPlayerModel; // only good file extensions if(substring(plyermodel,-4,4) != ".zym") if(substring(plyermodel,-4,4) != ".dpm") if(substring(plyermodel,-4,4) != ".iqm") if(substring(plyermodel,-4,4) != ".md3") if(substring(plyermodel,-4,4) != ".psk") return FallbackPlayerModel; // forbid the LOD models if(substring(plyermodel, -9,5) == "_lod1") return FallbackPlayerModel; if(substring(plyermodel, -9,5) == "_lod2") return FallbackPlayerModel; if(plyermodel != strtolower(plyermodel)) return FallbackPlayerModel; // also, restrict to server models if(autocvar_sv_servermodelsonly) { if(!fexists(plyermodel)) return FallbackPlayerModel; } return plyermodel; } void setplayermodel(entity e, string modelname) { precache_model(modelname); _setmodel(e, modelname); player_setupanimsformodel(e); if(!autocvar_g_debug_globalsounds) UpdatePlayerSounds(e); } /** putting a client as observer in the server */ void PutObserverInServer(entity this) { bool mutator_returnvalue = MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(MakePlayerObserver, this); PlayerState_detach(this); if (IS_PLAYER(this)) { if(GetResource(this, RES_HEALTH) >= 1) { // despawn effect Send_Effect(EFFECT_SPAWN_NEUTRAL, this.origin, '0 0 0', 1); } // was a player, recount votes and ready status if(IS_REAL_CLIENT(this)) { if (vote_called) { VoteCount(false); } ReadyCount(); } } { entity spot = SelectSpawnPoint(this, true); if (!spot) LOG_FATAL("No spawnpoints for observers?!?"); this.angles = vec2(spot.angles); this.fixangle = true; // offset it so that the spectator spawns higher off the ground, looks better this way setorigin(this, spot.origin + STAT(PL_VIEW_OFS, this)); if (IS_REAL_CLIENT(this)) { msg_entity = this; WriteByte(MSG_ONE, SVC_SETVIEW); WriteEntity(MSG_ONE, this); } // give the spectator some space between walls for MOVETYPE_FLY_WORLDONLY // so that your view doesn't go into the ceiling with MOVETYPE_FLY_WORLDONLY, previously "PL_VIEW_OFS" if(!autocvar_g_debug_globalsounds) { // needed for player sounds this.model = ""; FixPlayermodel(this); } setmodel(this, MDL_Null); setsize(this, STAT(PL_CROUCH_MIN, this), STAT(PL_CROUCH_MAX, this)); this.view_ofs = '0 0 0'; } RemoveGrapplingHooks(this); Portal_ClearAll(this); Unfreeze(this, false); SetSpectatee(this, NULL); if (this.alivetime) { if (!warmup_stage) PlayerStats_GameReport_Event_Player(this, PLAYERSTATS_ALIVETIME, time - this.alivetime); this.alivetime = 0; } if (this.vehicle) vehicles_exit(this.vehicle, VHEF_RELEASE); WaypointSprite_PlayerDead(this); if (CS(this).killcount != FRAGS_SPECTATOR) { if(!game_stopped) if(autocvar_g_chat_nospectators == 1 || (!warmup_stage && autocvar_g_chat_nospectators == 2)) Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE_ONLY, this, MSG_INFO, INFO_CHAT_NOSPECTATORS); } accuracy_resend(this); CS(this).spectatortime = time; if(this.bot_attack) IL_REMOVE(g_bot_targets, this); this.bot_attack = false; if(this.monster_attack) IL_REMOVE(g_monster_targets, this); this.monster_attack = false; STAT(HUD, this) = HUD_NORMAL; TRANSMUTE(Observer, this); this.iscreature = false; this.teleportable = TELEPORT_SIMPLE; if(this.damagedbycontents) IL_REMOVE(g_damagedbycontents, this); this.damagedbycontents = false; SetResourceExplicit(this, RES_HEALTH, FRAGS_SPECTATOR); SetSpectatee_status(this, etof(this)); this.takedamage = DAMAGE_NO; this.solid = SOLID_NOT; set_movetype(this, MOVETYPE_FLY_WORLDONLY); // user preference is controlled by playerprethink this.flags = FL_CLIENT | FL_NOTARGET; this.effects = 0; SetResourceExplicit(this, RES_ARMOR, autocvar_g_balance_armor_start); // was 666?! this.pauserotarmor_finished = 0; this.pauserothealth_finished = 0; this.pauseregen_finished = 0; this.damageforcescale = 0; this.death_time = 0; this.respawn_flags = 0; this.respawn_time = 0; STAT(RESPAWN_TIME, this) = 0; this.alpha = 0; this.scale = 0; this.fade_time = 0; this.pain_frame = 0; this.pain_finished = 0; STAT(STRENGTH_FINISHED, this) = 0; STAT(INVINCIBLE_FINISHED, this) = 0; STAT(SUPERWEAPONS_FINISHED, this) = 0; this.air_finished = 0; //this.dphitcontentsmask = 0; this.dphitcontentsmask = DPCONTENTS_SOLID; if (autocvar_g_playerclip_collisions) this.dphitcontentsmask |= DPCONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP; this.pushltime = 0; this.istypefrag = 0; setthink(this, func_null); this.nextthink = 0; this.deadflag = DEAD_NO; this.crouch = false; STAT(REVIVE_PROGRESS, this) = 0; this.revival_time = 0; this.draggable = drag_undraggable; this.items = 0; STAT(WEAPONS, this) = '0 0 0'; this.drawonlytoclient = this; this.viewloc = NULL; //this.spawnpoint_targ = NULL; // keep it so they can return to where they were? this.weaponmodel = ""; for (int slot = 0; slot < MAX_WEAPONSLOTS; ++slot) { this.weaponentities[slot] = NULL; } this.exteriorweaponentity = NULL; CS(this).killcount = FRAGS_SPECTATOR; this.velocity = '0 0 0'; this.avelocity = '0 0 0'; this.punchangle = '0 0 0'; this.punchvector = '0 0 0'; this.oldvelocity = this.velocity; this.fire_endtime = -1; this.event_damage = func_null; this.event_heal = func_null; for(int slot = 0; slot < MAX_AXH; ++slot) { entity axh = this.(AuxiliaryXhair[slot]); this.(AuxiliaryXhair[slot]) = NULL; if(axh.owner == this && axh != NULL && !wasfreed(axh)) delete(axh); } if (mutator_returnvalue) { // mutator prevents resetting teams+score } else { SetPlayerTeam(this, -1, TEAM_CHANGE_SPECTATOR); this.frags = FRAGS_SPECTATOR; } if (CS(this).just_joined) CS(this).just_joined = false; } int player_getspecies(entity this) { get_model_parameters(this.model, this.skin); int s = get_model_parameters_species; get_model_parameters(string_null, 0); if (s < 0) return SPECIES_HUMAN; return s; } .float model_randomizer; void FixPlayermodel(entity player) { string defaultmodel = ""; int defaultskin = 0; if(autocvar_sv_defaultcharacter) { if(teamplay) { switch(player.team) { case NUM_TEAM_1: defaultmodel = autocvar_sv_defaultplayermodel_red; defaultskin = autocvar_sv_defaultplayerskin_red; break; case NUM_TEAM_2: defaultmodel = autocvar_sv_defaultplayermodel_blue; defaultskin = autocvar_sv_defaultplayerskin_blue; break; case NUM_TEAM_3: defaultmodel = autocvar_sv_defaultplayermodel_yellow; defaultskin = autocvar_sv_defaultplayerskin_yellow; break; case NUM_TEAM_4: defaultmodel = autocvar_sv_defaultplayermodel_pink; defaultskin = autocvar_sv_defaultplayerskin_pink; break; } } if(defaultmodel == "") { defaultmodel = autocvar_sv_defaultplayermodel; defaultskin = autocvar_sv_defaultplayerskin; } int n = tokenize_console(defaultmodel); if(n > 0) { defaultmodel = argv(floor(n * CS(player).model_randomizer)); // However, do NOT randomize if the player-selected model is in the list. for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) if ((argv(i) == player.playermodel && defaultskin == stof(player.playerskin)) || argv(i) == strcat(player.playermodel, ":", player.playerskin)) defaultmodel = argv(i); } int i = strstrofs(defaultmodel, ":", 0); if(i >= 0) { defaultskin = stof(substring(defaultmodel, i+1, -1)); defaultmodel = substring(defaultmodel, 0, i); } } if(autocvar_sv_defaultcharacterskin && !defaultskin) { if(teamplay) { switch(player.team) { case NUM_TEAM_1: defaultskin = autocvar_sv_defaultplayerskin_red; break; case NUM_TEAM_2: defaultskin = autocvar_sv_defaultplayerskin_blue; break; case NUM_TEAM_3: defaultskin = autocvar_sv_defaultplayerskin_yellow; break; case NUM_TEAM_4: defaultskin = autocvar_sv_defaultplayerskin_pink; break; } } if(!defaultskin) defaultskin = autocvar_sv_defaultplayerskin; } MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(FixPlayermodel, defaultmodel, defaultskin, player); defaultmodel = M_ARGV(0, string); defaultskin = M_ARGV(1, int); bool chmdl = false; int oldskin; if(defaultmodel != "") { if (defaultmodel != player.model) { vector m1 = player.mins; vector m2 = player.maxs; setplayermodel (player, defaultmodel); setsize (player, m1, m2); chmdl = true; } oldskin = player.skin; player.skin = defaultskin; } else { if (player.playermodel != player.model || player.playermodel == "") { player.playermodel = CheckPlayerModel(player.playermodel); // this is never "", so no endless loop vector m1 = player.mins; vector m2 = player.maxs; setplayermodel (player, player.playermodel); setsize (player, m1, m2); chmdl = true; } if(!autocvar_sv_defaultcharacterskin) { oldskin = player.skin; player.skin = stof(player.playerskin); } else { oldskin = player.skin; player.skin = defaultskin; } } if(chmdl || oldskin != player.skin) // model or skin has changed { player.species = player_getspecies(player); // update species if(!autocvar_g_debug_globalsounds) UpdatePlayerSounds(player); // update skin sounds } if(!teamplay) if(strlen(autocvar_sv_defaultplayercolors)) if(player.clientcolors != stof(autocvar_sv_defaultplayercolors)) setcolor(player, stof(autocvar_sv_defaultplayercolors)); } void PutPlayerInServer(entity this) { if (this.vehicle) vehicles_exit(this.vehicle, VHEF_RELEASE); PlayerState_attach(this); accuracy_resend(this); if (this.team < 0) TeamBalance_JoinBestTeam(this); entity spot = SelectSpawnPoint(this, false); if (!spot) { Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE_ONLY, this, MSG_CENTER, CENTER_JOIN_NOSPAWNS); return; // spawn failed } TRANSMUTE(Player, this); CS(this).wasplayer = true; this.iscreature = true; this.teleportable = TELEPORT_NORMAL; if(!this.damagedbycontents) IL_PUSH(g_damagedbycontents, this); this.damagedbycontents = true; set_movetype(this, MOVETYPE_WALK); this.solid = SOLID_SLIDEBOX; this.dphitcontentsmask = DPCONTENTS_BODY | DPCONTENTS_SOLID; if (autocvar_g_playerclip_collisions) this.dphitcontentsmask |= DPCONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP; if (IS_BOT_CLIENT(this) && autocvar_g_botclip_collisions) this.dphitcontentsmask |= DPCONTENTS_BOTCLIP; this.frags = FRAGS_PLAYER; if (INDEPENDENT_PLAYERS) MAKE_INDEPENDENT_PLAYER(this); this.flags = FL_CLIENT | FL_PICKUPITEMS; if (autocvar__notarget) this.flags |= FL_NOTARGET; this.takedamage = DAMAGE_AIM; this.effects = EF_TELEPORT_BIT | EF_RESTARTANIM_BIT; if (warmup_stage) { SetResource(this, RES_SHELLS, warmup_start_ammo_shells); SetResource(this, RES_BULLETS, warmup_start_ammo_nails); SetResource(this, RES_ROCKETS, warmup_start_ammo_rockets); SetResource(this, RES_CELLS, warmup_start_ammo_cells); SetResource(this, RES_PLASMA, warmup_start_ammo_plasma); SetResource(this, RES_FUEL, warmup_start_ammo_fuel); SetResource(this, RES_HEALTH, warmup_start_health); SetResource(this, RES_ARMOR, warmup_start_armorvalue); STAT(WEAPONS, this) = WARMUP_START_WEAPONS; } else { SetResource(this, RES_SHELLS, start_ammo_shells); SetResource(this, RES_BULLETS, start_ammo_nails); SetResource(this, RES_ROCKETS, start_ammo_rockets); SetResource(this, RES_CELLS, start_ammo_cells); SetResource(this, RES_PLASMA, start_ammo_plasma); SetResource(this, RES_FUEL, start_ammo_fuel); SetResource(this, RES_HEALTH, start_health); SetResource(this, RES_ARMOR, start_armorvalue); STAT(WEAPONS, this) = start_weapons; if (MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(ForbidRandomStartWeapons, this) == false) { GiveRandomWeapons(this, random_start_weapons_count, autocvar_g_random_start_weapons, random_start_ammo); } } SetSpectatee_status(this, 0); PS(this).dual_weapons = '0 0 0'; STAT(SUPERWEAPONS_FINISHED, this) = (STAT(WEAPONS, this) & WEPSET_SUPERWEAPONS) ? time + autocvar_g_balance_superweapons_time : 0; this.items = start_items; this.spawnshieldtime = time + autocvar_g_spawnshieldtime; this.pauserotarmor_finished = time + autocvar_g_balance_pause_armor_rot_spawn; this.pauserothealth_finished = time + autocvar_g_balance_pause_health_rot_spawn; this.pauserotfuel_finished = time + autocvar_g_balance_pause_fuel_rot_spawn; this.pauseregen_finished = time + autocvar_g_balance_pause_health_regen_spawn; if (!sv_ready_restart_after_countdown && time < game_starttime) { float f = game_starttime - time; this.spawnshieldtime += f; this.pauserotarmor_finished += f; this.pauserothealth_finished += f; this.pauseregen_finished += f; } this.damageforcescale = autocvar_g_player_damageforcescale; this.death_time = 0; this.respawn_flags = 0; this.respawn_time = 0; STAT(RESPAWN_TIME, this) = 0; bool q3dfcompat = autocvar_sv_q3defragcompat && autocvar_sv_q3defragcompat_changehitbox; this.scale = ((q3dfcompat) ? 0.9 : autocvar_sv_player_scale); this.fade_time = 0; this.pain_frame = 0; this.pain_finished = 0; this.pushltime = 0; setthink(this, func_null); // players have no think function this.nextthink = 0; this.dmg_team = 0; PS(this).ballistics_density = autocvar_g_ballistics_density_player; this.deadflag = DEAD_NO; this.angles = spot.angles; this.angles_z = 0; // never spawn tilted even if the spot says to if (IS_BOT_CLIENT(this)) { this.v_angle = this.angles; bot_aim_reset(this); } this.fixangle = true; // turn this way immediately this.oldvelocity = this.velocity = '0 0 0'; this.avelocity = '0 0 0'; this.punchangle = '0 0 0'; this.punchvector = '0 0 0'; STAT(STRENGTH_FINISHED, this) = 0; STAT(INVINCIBLE_FINISHED, this) = 0; this.fire_endtime = -1; STAT(REVIVE_PROGRESS, this) = 0; this.revival_time = 0; // TODO: we can't set these in the PlayerSpawn hook since the target code is called before it! STAT(BUFFS, this) = 0; STAT(BUFF_TIME, this) = 0; this.air_finished = 0; this.waterlevel = WATERLEVEL_NONE; this.watertype = CONTENT_EMPTY; entity spawnevent = new_pure(spawnevent); spawnevent.owner = this; Net_LinkEntity(spawnevent, false, 0.5, SpawnEvent_Send); // Cut off any still running player sounds. stopsound(this, CH_PLAYER_SINGLE); stopsound(this, CH_TRIGGER_SINGLE); this.model = ""; FixPlayermodel(this); this.drawonlytoclient = NULL; this.viewloc = NULL; for(int slot = 0; slot < MAX_AXH; ++slot) { entity axh = this.(AuxiliaryXhair[slot]); this.(AuxiliaryXhair[slot]) = NULL; if(axh.owner == this && axh != NULL && !wasfreed(axh)) delete(axh); } this.spawnpoint_targ = NULL; this.crouch = false; this.view_ofs = STAT(PL_VIEW_OFS, this); setsize(this, STAT(PL_MIN, this), STAT(PL_MAX, this)); this.spawnorigin = spot.origin; setorigin(this, spot.origin + '0 0 1' * (1 - this.mins.z - 24)); // don't reset back to last position, even if new position is stuck in solid this.oldorigin = this.origin; if(this.conveyor) IL_REMOVE(g_conveyed, this); this.conveyor = NULL; // prevent conveyors at the previous location from moving a freshly spawned player if(this.swampslug) IL_REMOVE(g_swamped, this); this.swampslug = NULL; this.swamp_interval = 0; IL_EACH(g_counters, it.realowner == this, { delete(it); }); STAT(HUD, this) = HUD_NORMAL; this.event_damage = PlayerDamage; this.event_heal = PlayerHeal; this.draggable = func_null; if(!this.bot_attack) IL_PUSH(g_bot_targets, this); this.bot_attack = true; if(!this.monster_attack) IL_PUSH(g_monster_targets, this); this.monster_attack = true; navigation_dynamicgoal_init(this, false); PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK(this) = PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_JUMP(this) = PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK2(this) = false; // player was spectator if (CS(this).killcount == FRAGS_SPECTATOR) { PlayerScore_Clear(this); CS(this).killcount = 0; CS(this).startplaytime = time; } for (int slot = 0; slot < MAX_WEAPONSLOTS; ++slot) { .entity weaponentity = weaponentities[slot]; CL_SpawnWeaponentity(this, weaponentity); } this.alpha = default_player_alpha; this.colormod = '1 1 1' * autocvar_g_player_brightness; this.exteriorweaponentity.alpha = default_weapon_alpha; this.speedrunning = false; this.counter_cnt = 0; this.fragsfilter_cnt = 0; target_voicescript_clear(this); // reset fields the weapons may use FOREACH(Weapons, true, { it.wr_resetplayer(it, this); // reload all reloadable weapons if (it.spawnflags & WEP_FLAG_RELOADABLE) { for(int slot = 0; slot < MAX_WEAPONSLOTS; ++slot) { .entity weaponentity = weaponentities[slot]; this.(weaponentity).weapon_load[it.m_id] = it.reloading_ammo; } } }); { string s = spot.target; if(g_assault || g_race) // TODO: make targeting work in assault & race without this hack spot.target = string_null; SUB_UseTargets(spot, this, NULL); if(g_assault || g_race) spot.target = s; } Unfreeze(this, false); MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(PlayerSpawn, this, spot); if (autocvar_spawn_debug) { sprint(this, strcat("spawnpoint origin: ", vtos(spot.origin), "\n")); delete(spot); // usefull for checking if there are spawnpoints, that let drop through the floor } for(int slot = 0; slot < MAX_WEAPONSLOTS; ++slot) { .entity weaponentity = weaponentities[slot]; if(slot == 0 || autocvar_g_weaponswitch_debug == 1) this.(weaponentity).m_switchweapon = w_getbestweapon(this, weaponentity); else this.(weaponentity).m_switchweapon = WEP_Null; this.(weaponentity).m_weapon = WEP_Null; this.(weaponentity).weaponname = ""; this.(weaponentity).m_switchingweapon = WEP_Null; this.(weaponentity).cnt = -1; } MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(PlayerWeaponSelect, this); if (CS(this).impulse) ImpulseCommands(this); W_ResetGunAlign(this, CS(this).cvar_cl_gunalign); for(int slot = 0; slot < MAX_WEAPONSLOTS; ++slot) { .entity weaponentity = weaponentities[slot]; W_WeaponFrame(this, weaponentity); } if (!warmup_stage && !this.alivetime) this.alivetime = time; antilag_clear(this, CS(this)); } /** Called when a client spawns in the server */ void PutClientInServer(entity this) { if (IS_BOT_CLIENT(this)) { TRANSMUTE(Player, this); } else if (IS_REAL_CLIENT(this)) { msg_entity = this; WriteByte(MSG_ONE, SVC_SETVIEW); WriteEntity(MSG_ONE, this); } if (game_stopped) TRANSMUTE(Observer, this); SetSpectatee(this, NULL); // reset player keys if(PS(this)) PS(this).itemkeys = 0; MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(PutClientInServer, this); if (IS_OBSERVER(this)) { PutObserverInServer(this); } else if (IS_PLAYER(this)) { PutPlayerInServer(this); } } // TODO do we need all these fields, or should we stop autodetecting runtime // changes and just have a console command to update this? bool ClientInit_SendEntity(entity this, entity to, int sf) { WriteHeader(MSG_ENTITY, _ENT_CLIENT_INIT); return = true; msg_entity = to; // MSG_INIT replacement // TODO: make easier to use Registry_send_all(); W_PROP_reload(MSG_ONE, to); ClientInit_misc(this); MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(Ent_Init); } void ClientInit_misc(entity this) { int channel = MSG_ONE; WriteHeader(channel, ENT_CLIENT_INIT); WriteByte(channel, g_nexball_meter_period * 32); WriteInt24_t(channel, compressShotOrigin(hook_shotorigin[0])); WriteInt24_t(channel, compressShotOrigin(hook_shotorigin[1])); WriteInt24_t(channel, compressShotOrigin(hook_shotorigin[2])); WriteInt24_t(channel, compressShotOrigin(hook_shotorigin[3])); WriteInt24_t(channel, compressShotOrigin(arc_shotorigin[0])); WriteInt24_t(channel, compressShotOrigin(arc_shotorigin[1])); WriteInt24_t(channel, compressShotOrigin(arc_shotorigin[2])); WriteInt24_t(channel, compressShotOrigin(arc_shotorigin[3])); if(sv_foginterval && world.fog != "") WriteString(channel, world.fog); else WriteString(channel, ""); WriteByte(channel, this.count * 255.0); // g_balance_armor_blockpercent WriteByte(channel, this.cnt * 255.0); // g_balance_damagepush_speedfactor WriteByte(channel, serverflags); WriteCoord(channel, autocvar_g_trueaim_minrange); } void ClientInit_CheckUpdate(entity this) { this.nextthink = time; if(this.count != autocvar_g_balance_armor_blockpercent) { this.count = autocvar_g_balance_armor_blockpercent; this.SendFlags |= 1; } if(this.cnt != autocvar_g_balance_damagepush_speedfactor) { this.cnt = autocvar_g_balance_damagepush_speedfactor; this.SendFlags |= 1; } } void ClientInit_Spawn() { entity e = new_pure(clientinit); setthink(e, ClientInit_CheckUpdate); Net_LinkEntity(e, false, 0, ClientInit_SendEntity); ClientInit_CheckUpdate(e); } /* ============= SetNewParms ============= */ void SetNewParms () { // initialize parms for a new player parm1 = -(86400 * 366); MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(SetNewParms); } /* ============= SetChangeParms ============= */ void SetChangeParms (entity this) { // save parms for level change parm1 = CS(this).parm_idlesince - time; MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(SetChangeParms); } /* ============= DecodeLevelParms ============= */ void DecodeLevelParms(entity this) { // load parms CS(this).parm_idlesince = parm1; if (CS(this).parm_idlesince == -(86400 * 366)) CS(this).parm_idlesince = time; // whatever happens, allow 60 seconds of idling directly after connect for map loading CS(this).parm_idlesince = max(CS(this).parm_idlesince, time - sv_maxidle + 60); MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(DecodeLevelParms); } void FixClientCvars(entity e) { // send prediction settings to the client stuffcmd(e, "\nin_bindmap 0 0\n"); if(autocvar_g_antilag == 3) // client side hitscan stuffcmd(e, "cl_cmd settemp cl_prydoncursor_notrace 0\n"); if(autocvar_sv_gentle) stuffcmd(e, "cl_cmd settemp cl_gentle 1\n"); stuffcmd(e, sprintf("\ncl_jumpspeedcap_min \"%s\"\n", autocvar_sv_jumpspeedcap_min)); stuffcmd(e, sprintf("\ncl_jumpspeedcap_max \"%s\"\n", autocvar_sv_jumpspeedcap_max)); stuffcmd(e, sprintf("\ncl_shootfromfixedorigin \"%s\"\n", autocvar_g_shootfromfixedorigin)); MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(FixClientCvars, e); } bool findinlist_abbrev(string tofind, string list) { if(list == "" || tofind == "") return false; // empty list or search, just return // this function allows abbreviated strings! FOREACH_WORD(list, it == substring(tofind, 0, strlen(it)), { return true; }); return false; } bool PlayerInIPList(entity p, string iplist) { // some safety checks (never allow local?) if(p.netaddress == "local" || p.netaddress == "" || !IS_REAL_CLIENT(p)) return false; return findinlist_abbrev(p.netaddress, iplist); } bool PlayerInIDList(entity p, string idlist) { // NOTE: we do NOT check crypto_idfp_signed here, an unsigned ID is fine too for this if(!p.crypto_idfp) return false; return findinlist_abbrev(p.crypto_idfp, idlist); } bool PlayerInList(entity player, string list) { return boolean(PlayerInIDList(player, list) || PlayerInIPList(player, list)); } #ifdef DP_EXT_PRECONNECT /* ============= ClientPreConnect Called once (not at each match start) when a client begins a connection to the server ============= */ void ClientPreConnect(entity this) { if(autocvar_sv_eventlog) { GameLogEcho(sprintf(":connect:%d:%d:%s", this.playerid, etof(this), ((IS_REAL_CLIENT(this)) ? this.netaddress : "bot") )); } } #endif string GetClientVersionMessage(entity this) { if (CS(this).version_mismatch) { if(CS(this).version < autocvar_gameversion) { return strcat("This is Xonotic ", autocvar_g_xonoticversion, "\n^3Your client version is outdated.\n\n\n### YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO PLAY ON THIS SERVER ###\n\n\nPlease update!!!^8"); } else { return strcat("This is Xonotic ", autocvar_g_xonoticversion, "\n^3This server is using an outdated Xonotic version.\n\n\n ### THIS SERVER IS INCOMPATIBLE AND THUS YOU CANNOT JOIN ###.^8"); } } else { return strcat("Welcome to Xonotic ", autocvar_g_xonoticversion); } } string getwelcomemessage(entity this) { MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(BuildMutatorsPrettyString, ""); string modifications = M_ARGV(0, string); if(g_weaponarena) { if(g_weaponarena_random) modifications = strcat(modifications, ", ", ftos(g_weaponarena_random), " of ", g_weaponarena_list, " Arena"); else modifications = strcat(modifications, ", ", g_weaponarena_list, " Arena"); } else if(cvar("g_balance_blaster_weaponstartoverride") == 0) modifications = strcat(modifications, ", No start weapons"); if(cvar("sv_gravity") < stof(cvar_defstring("sv_gravity"))) modifications = strcat(modifications, ", Low gravity"); if(g_weapon_stay && !g_cts) modifications = strcat(modifications, ", Weapons stay"); if(g_jetpack) modifications = strcat(modifications, ", Jet pack"); if(autocvar_g_powerups == 0) modifications = strcat(modifications, ", No powerups"); if(autocvar_g_powerups > 0) modifications = strcat(modifications, ", Powerups"); modifications = substring(modifications, 2, strlen(modifications) - 2); string versionmessage = GetClientVersionMessage(this); string s = strcat(versionmessage, "^8\n^8\nhost is ^9", autocvar_hostname, "^8\n"); s = strcat(s, "^8\nmatch type is ^1", gamemode_name, "^8\n"); if(modifications != "") s = strcat(s, "^8\nactive modifications: ^3", modifications, "^8\n"); if(cache_lastmutatormsg != autocvar_g_mutatormsg) { strcpy(cache_lastmutatormsg, autocvar_g_mutatormsg); strcpy(cache_mutatormsg, cache_lastmutatormsg); } if (cache_mutatormsg != "") { s = strcat(s, "\n\n^8special gameplay tips: ^7", cache_mutatormsg); } string mutator_msg = ""; MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(BuildGameplayTipsString, mutator_msg); mutator_msg = M_ARGV(0, string); s = strcat(s, mutator_msg); // trust that the mutator will do proper formatting string motd = autocvar_sv_motd; if (motd != "") { s = strcat(s, "\n\n^8MOTD: ^7", strreplace("\\n", "\n", motd)); } return s; } bool autocvar_sv_qcphysics = true; // TODO this is for testing - remove when qcphysics work /** ============= ClientConnect Called when a client connects to the server ============= */ void ClientConnect(entity this) { if (Ban_MaybeEnforceBanOnce(this)) return; assert(!IS_CLIENT(this), return); this.flags |= FL_CLIENT; assert(player_count >= 0, player_count = 0); #ifdef WATERMARK Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE_ONLY, this, MSG_INFO, INFO_WATERMARK, WATERMARK); #endif TRANSMUTE(Client, this); CS(this).version_nagtime = time + 10 + random() * 10; Send_Notification(NOTIF_ALL, NULL, MSG_INFO, INFO_JOIN_CONNECT, this.netname); bot_clientconnect(this); Player_DetermineForcedTeam(this); TRANSMUTE(Observer, this); PlayerStats_GameReport_AddEvent(sprintf("kills-%d", this.playerid)); // always track bots, don't ask for cl_allow_uidtracking if (IS_BOT_CLIENT(this)) PlayerStats_GameReport_AddPlayer(this); else CS(this).allowed_timeouts = autocvar_sv_timeout_number; if (autocvar_sv_eventlog) GameLogEcho(strcat(":join:", ftos(this.playerid), ":", ftos(etof(this)), ":", ((IS_REAL_CLIENT(this)) ? GameLog_ProcessIP(this.netaddress) : "bot"), ":", playername(this, false))); CS(this).just_joined = true; // stop spamming the eventlog with additional lines when the client connects stuffcmd(this, clientstuff, "\n"); stuffcmd(this, "cl_particles_reloadeffects\n"); // TODO do we still need this? FixClientCvars(this); // get version info from player stuffcmd(this, "cmd clientversion $gameversion\n"); // notify about available teams if (teamplay) { entity balance = TeamBalance_CheckAllowedTeams(this); int t = TeamBalance_GetAllowedTeams(balance); TeamBalance_Destroy(balance); stuffcmd(this, sprintf("set _teams_available %d\n", t)); } else { stuffcmd(this, "set _teams_available 0\n"); } bot_relinkplayerlist(); CS(this).spectatortime = time; if (blockSpectators) { Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE_ONLY, this, MSG_INFO, INFO_SPECTATE_WARNING, autocvar_g_maxplayers_spectator_blocktime); } CS(this).jointime = time; if (IS_REAL_CLIENT(this)) { if (g_weaponarena_weapons == WEPSET(TUBA)) stuffcmd(this, "cl_cmd settemp chase_active 1\n"); } if (!sv_foginterval && world.fog != "") stuffcmd(this, strcat("\nfog ", world.fog, "\nr_fog_exp2 0\nr_drawfog 1\n")); if (autocvar_sv_teamnagger && !(autocvar_bot_vs_human && AvailableTeams() == 2)) if(!MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(HideTeamNagger, this)) send_CSQC_teamnagger(); CSQCMODEL_AUTOINIT(this); CS(this).model_randomizer = random(); if (IS_REAL_CLIENT(this)) sv_notice_join(this); this.move_qcphysics = autocvar_sv_qcphysics; // update physics stats (players can spawn before physics runs) Physics_UpdateStats(this); IL_EACH(g_initforplayer, it.init_for_player, { it.init_for_player(it, this); }); Handicap_Initialize(this); MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(ClientConnect, this); if (IS_REAL_CLIENT(this)) { if (!autocvar_g_campaign && !IS_PLAYER(this)) { CS(this).motd_actived_time = -1; Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE_ONLY, this, MSG_CENTER, CENTER_MOTD, getwelcomemessage(this)); } } } /* ============= ClientDisconnect Called when a client disconnects from the server ============= */ .entity chatbubbleentity; void ClientDisconnect(entity this) { assert(IS_CLIENT(this), return); PlayerStats_GameReport_FinalizePlayer(this); if (this.vehicle) vehicles_exit(this.vehicle, VHEF_RELEASE); if (CS(this).active_minigame) part_minigame(this); if (IS_PLAYER(this)) Send_Effect(EFFECT_SPAWN_NEUTRAL, this.origin, '0 0 0', 1); if (autocvar_sv_eventlog) GameLogEcho(strcat(":part:", ftos(this.playerid))); Send_Notification(NOTIF_ALL, NULL, MSG_INFO, INFO_QUIT_DISCONNECT, this.netname); if(IS_SPEC(this)) SetSpectatee(this, NULL); MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(ClientDisconnect, this); strfree(CS(this).netname_previous); // needs to be before the CS entity is removed! strfree(CS(this).weaponorder_byimpulse); ClientState_detach(this); Portal_ClearAll(this); Unfreeze(this, false); RemoveGrapplingHooks(this); // Here, everything has been done that requires this player to be a client. this.flags &= ~FL_CLIENT; if (this.chatbubbleentity) delete(this.chatbubbleentity); if (this.killindicator) delete(this.killindicator); IL_EACH(g_counters, it.realowner == this, { delete(it); }); WaypointSprite_PlayerGone(this); bot_relinkplayerlist(); strfree(this.clientstatus); if (this.personal) delete(this.personal); this.playerid = 0; ReadyCount(); if (vote_called && IS_REAL_CLIENT(this)) VoteCount(false); ONREMOVE(this); } void ChatBubbleThink(entity this) { this.nextthink = time; if ((this.owner.alpha < 0) || this.owner.chatbubbleentity != this) { if(this.owner) // but why can that ever be NULL? this.owner.chatbubbleentity = NULL; delete(this); return; } this.mdl = ""; if ( !IS_DEAD(this.owner) && IS_PLAYER(this.owner) ) { if ( CS(this.owner).active_minigame && PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_MINIGAME(this.owner) ) this.mdl = "models/sprites/minigame_busy.iqm"; else if (PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_CHAT(this.owner)) this.mdl = "models/misc/chatbubble.spr"; } if ( this.model != this.mdl ) _setmodel(this, this.mdl); } void UpdateChatBubble(entity this) { if (this.alpha < 0) return; // spawn a chatbubble entity if needed if (!this.chatbubbleentity) { this.chatbubbleentity = new(chatbubbleentity); this.chatbubbleentity.owner = this; this.chatbubbleentity.exteriormodeltoclient = this; setthink(this.chatbubbleentity, ChatBubbleThink); this.chatbubbleentity.nextthink = time; setmodel(this.chatbubbleentity, MDL_CHAT); // precision set below //setorigin(this.chatbubbleentity, this.origin + '0 0 15' + this.maxs_z * '0 0 1'); setorigin(this.chatbubbleentity, '0 0 15' + this.maxs_z * '0 0 1'); setattachment(this.chatbubbleentity, this, ""); // sticks to moving player better, also conserves bandwidth this.chatbubbleentity.mdl = this.chatbubbleentity.model; //this.chatbubbleentity.model = ""; this.chatbubbleentity.effects = EF_LOWPRECISION; } } // LordHavoc: this hack will be removed when proper _pants/_shirt layers are // added to the model skins /*void UpdateColorModHack() { float c; c = this.clientcolors & 15; // LordHavoc: only bothering to support white, green, red, yellow, blue if (!teamplay) this.colormod = '0 0 0'; else if (c == 0) this.colormod = '1.00 1.00 1.00'; else if (c == 3) this.colormod = '0.10 1.73 0.10'; else if (c == 4) this.colormod = '1.73 0.10 0.10'; else if (c == 12) this.colormod = '1.22 1.22 0.10'; else if (c == 13) this.colormod = '0.10 0.10 1.73'; else this.colormod = '1 1 1'; }*/ void respawn(entity this) { if(this.alpha >= 0 && autocvar_g_respawn_ghosts) { this.solid = SOLID_NOT; this.takedamage = DAMAGE_NO; set_movetype(this, MOVETYPE_FLY); this.velocity = '0 0 1' * autocvar_g_respawn_ghosts_speed; this.avelocity = randomvec() * autocvar_g_respawn_ghosts_speed * 3 - randomvec() * autocvar_g_respawn_ghosts_speed * 3; this.effects |= CSQCMODEL_EF_RESPAWNGHOST; Send_Effect(EFFECT_RESPAWN_GHOST, this.origin, '0 0 0', 1); if(autocvar_g_respawn_ghosts_maxtime) SUB_SetFade (this, time + autocvar_g_respawn_ghosts_maxtime / 2 + random () * (autocvar_g_respawn_ghosts_maxtime - autocvar_g_respawn_ghosts_maxtime / 2), 1.5); } CopyBody(this, 1); this.effects |= EF_NODRAW; // prevent another CopyBody PutClientInServer(this); } ERASEABLE void PrintToChat(entity client, string text) { text = strcat("\{1}^7", text, "\n"); sprint(client, text); } ERASEABLE void DebugPrintToChat(entity client, string text) { if (autocvar_developer > 0) { PrintToChat(client, text); } } ERASEABLE void PrintToChatAll(string text) { text = strcat("\{1}^7", text, "\n"); bprint(text); } ERASEABLE void DebugPrintToChatAll(string text) { if (autocvar_developer > 0) { PrintToChatAll(text); } } ERASEABLE void PrintToChatTeam(int team_num, string text) { text = strcat("\{1}^7", text, "\n"); FOREACH_CLIENT(IS_REAL_CLIENT(it), { if (it.team == team_num) { sprint(it, text); } }); } ERASEABLE void DebugPrintToChatTeam(int team_num, string text) { if (autocvar_developer > 0) { PrintToChatTeam(team_num, text); } } void play_countdown(entity this, float finished, Sound samp) { TC(Sound, samp); if(IS_REAL_CLIENT(this)) if(floor(finished - time - frametime) != floor(finished - time)) if(finished - time < 6) sound (this, CH_INFO, samp, VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NORM); } void player_powerups(entity this) { // add a way to see what the items were BEFORE all of these checks for the mutator hook int items_prev = this.items; if((this.items & IT_USING_JETPACK) && !IS_DEAD(this) && !game_stopped) this.modelflags |= MF_ROCKET; else this.modelflags &= ~MF_ROCKET; this.effects &= ~(EF_RED | EF_BLUE | EF_ADDITIVE | EF_FULLBRIGHT | EF_FLAME | EF_NODEPTHTEST); if((this.alpha < 0 || IS_DEAD(this)) && !this.vehicle) // don't apply the flags if the player is gibbed return; Fire_ApplyDamage(this); Fire_ApplyEffect(this); if (!MUTATOR_IS_ENABLED(mutator_instagib)) { if (this.items & ITEM_Strength.m_itemid) { play_countdown(this, STAT(STRENGTH_FINISHED, this), SND_POWEROFF); this.effects = this.effects | (EF_BLUE | EF_ADDITIVE | EF_FULLBRIGHT); if (time > STAT(STRENGTH_FINISHED, this)) { this.items = this.items - (this.items & ITEM_Strength.m_itemid); //Send_Notification(NOTIF_ALL, NULL, MSG_INFO, INFO_POWERDOWN_STRENGTH, this.netname); Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE, this, MSG_CENTER, CENTER_POWERDOWN_STRENGTH); } } else { if (time < STAT(STRENGTH_FINISHED, this)) { this.items = this.items | ITEM_Strength.m_itemid; if(!g_cts) Send_Notification(NOTIF_ALL, NULL, MSG_INFO, INFO_POWERUP_STRENGTH, this.netname); Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE, this, MSG_CENTER, CENTER_POWERUP_STRENGTH); } } if (this.items & ITEM_Shield.m_itemid) { play_countdown(this, STAT(INVINCIBLE_FINISHED, this), SND_POWEROFF); this.effects = this.effects | (EF_RED | EF_ADDITIVE | EF_FULLBRIGHT); if (time > STAT(INVINCIBLE_FINISHED, this)) { this.items = this.items - (this.items & ITEM_Shield.m_itemid); //Send_Notification(NOTIF_ALL, NULL, MSG_INFO, INFO_POWERDOWN_SHIELD, this.netname); Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE, this, MSG_CENTER, CENTER_POWERDOWN_SHIELD); } } else { if (time < STAT(INVINCIBLE_FINISHED, this)) { this.items = this.items | ITEM_Shield.m_itemid; if(!g_cts) Send_Notification(NOTIF_ALL, NULL, MSG_INFO, INFO_POWERUP_SHIELD, this.netname); Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE, this, MSG_CENTER, CENTER_POWERUP_SHIELD); } } if (this.items & IT_SUPERWEAPON) { if (!(STAT(WEAPONS, this) & WEPSET_SUPERWEAPONS)) { STAT(SUPERWEAPONS_FINISHED, this) = 0; this.items = this.items - (this.items & IT_SUPERWEAPON); //Send_Notification(NOTIF_ALL, NULL, MSG_INFO, INFO_SUPERWEAPON_LOST, this.netname); Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE, this, MSG_CENTER, CENTER_SUPERWEAPON_LOST); } else if (this.items & IT_UNLIMITED_SUPERWEAPONS) { // don't let them run out } else { play_countdown(this, STAT(SUPERWEAPONS_FINISHED, this), SND_POWEROFF); if (time > STAT(SUPERWEAPONS_FINISHED, this)) { this.items = this.items - (this.items & IT_SUPERWEAPON); STAT(WEAPONS, this) &= ~WEPSET_SUPERWEAPONS; //Send_Notification(NOTIF_ALL, NULL, MSG_INFO, INFO_SUPERWEAPON_BROKEN, this.netname); Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE, this, MSG_CENTER, CENTER_SUPERWEAPON_BROKEN); } } } else if(STAT(WEAPONS, this) & WEPSET_SUPERWEAPONS) { if (time < STAT(SUPERWEAPONS_FINISHED, this) || (this.items & IT_UNLIMITED_SUPERWEAPONS)) { this.items = this.items | IT_SUPERWEAPON; if(!(this.items & IT_UNLIMITED_SUPERWEAPONS)) { if(!g_cts) Send_Notification(NOTIF_ALL, NULL, MSG_INFO, INFO_SUPERWEAPON_PICKUP, this.netname); Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE, this, MSG_CENTER, CENTER_SUPERWEAPON_PICKUP); } } else { STAT(SUPERWEAPONS_FINISHED, this) = 0; STAT(WEAPONS, this) &= ~WEPSET_SUPERWEAPONS; } } else { STAT(SUPERWEAPONS_FINISHED, this) = 0; } } if(autocvar_g_nodepthtestplayers) this.effects = this.effects | EF_NODEPTHTEST; if(autocvar_g_fullbrightplayers) this.effects = this.effects | EF_FULLBRIGHT; if (time >= game_starttime) if (time < this.spawnshieldtime) this.effects = this.effects | (EF_ADDITIVE | EF_FULLBRIGHT); MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(PlayerPowerups, this, items_prev); } float CalcRegen(float current, float stable, float regenfactor, float regenframetime) { if(current > stable) return current; else if(current > stable - 0.25) // when close enough, "snap" return stable; else return min(stable, current + (stable - current) * regenfactor * regenframetime); } float CalcRot(float current, float stable, float rotfactor, float rotframetime) { if(current < stable) return current; else if(current < stable + 0.25) // when close enough, "snap" return stable; else return max(stable, current + (stable - current) * rotfactor * rotframetime); } void RotRegen(entity this, int res, float regenstable, float regenfactor, float regenlinear, float regenframetime, float rotstable, float rotfactor, float rotlinear, float rotframetime, float limit_mod) { float old = GetResource(this, res); float current = old; if(current > rotstable) { if(rotframetime > 0) { current = CalcRot(current, rotstable, rotfactor, rotframetime); current = max(rotstable, current - rotlinear * rotframetime); } } else if(current < regenstable) { if(regenframetime > 0) { current = CalcRegen(current, regenstable, regenfactor, regenframetime); current = min(regenstable, current + regenlinear * regenframetime); } } float limit = GetResourceLimit(this, res) * limit_mod; if(current > limit) current = limit; if (current != old) SetResource(this, res, current); } void player_regen(entity this) { float max_mod, regen_mod, rot_mod, limit_mod; max_mod = regen_mod = rot_mod = limit_mod = 1; float regen_health = autocvar_g_balance_health_regen; float regen_health_linear = autocvar_g_balance_health_regenlinear; float regen_health_rot = autocvar_g_balance_health_rot; float regen_health_rotlinear = autocvar_g_balance_health_rotlinear; float regen_health_stable = autocvar_g_balance_health_regenstable; float regen_health_rotstable = autocvar_g_balance_health_rotstable; bool mutator_returnvalue = MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(PlayerRegen, this, max_mod, regen_mod, rot_mod, limit_mod, regen_health, regen_health_linear, regen_health_rot, regen_health_rotlinear, regen_health_stable, regen_health_rotstable); max_mod = M_ARGV(1, float); regen_mod = M_ARGV(2, float); rot_mod = M_ARGV(3, float); limit_mod = M_ARGV(4, float); regen_health = M_ARGV(5, float); regen_health_linear = M_ARGV(6, float); regen_health_rot = M_ARGV(7, float); regen_health_rotlinear = M_ARGV(8, float); regen_health_stable = M_ARGV(9, float); regen_health_rotstable = M_ARGV(10, float); if(!mutator_returnvalue) if(!STAT(FROZEN, this)) { float maxa = autocvar_g_balance_armor_rotstable; float mina = autocvar_g_balance_armor_regenstable; RotRegen(this, RES_ARMOR, mina, autocvar_g_balance_armor_regen, autocvar_g_balance_armor_regenlinear, regen_mod * frametime * (time > this.pauseregen_finished), maxa, autocvar_g_balance_armor_rot, autocvar_g_balance_armor_rotlinear, rot_mod * frametime * (time > this.pauserotarmor_finished), limit_mod); RotRegen(this, RES_HEALTH, regen_health_stable * max_mod, regen_health, regen_health_linear, regen_mod * frametime * (time > this.pauseregen_finished), regen_health_rotstable * max_mod, regen_health_rot, regen_health_rotlinear, rot_mod * frametime * (time > this.pauserothealth_finished), limit_mod); } // if player rotted to death... die! // check this outside above checks, as player may still be able to rot to death if(GetResource(this, RES_HEALTH) < 1) { if(this.vehicle) vehicles_exit(this.vehicle, VHEF_RELEASE); if(this.event_damage) this.event_damage(this, this, this, 1, DEATH_ROT.m_id, DMG_NOWEP, this.origin, '0 0 0'); } if (!(this.items & IT_UNLIMITED_AMMO)) { float maxf = autocvar_g_balance_fuel_rotstable; float minf = autocvar_g_balance_fuel_regenstable; RotRegen(this, RES_FUEL, minf, autocvar_g_balance_fuel_regen, autocvar_g_balance_fuel_regenlinear, frametime * (time > this.pauseregen_finished) * ((this.items & ITEM_JetpackRegen.m_itemid) != 0), maxf, autocvar_g_balance_fuel_rot, autocvar_g_balance_fuel_rotlinear, frametime * (time > this.pauserotfuel_finished), 1); } } bool zoomstate_set; void SetZoomState(entity this, float newzoom) { if(newzoom != CS(this).zoomstate) { CS(this).zoomstate = newzoom; ClientData_Touch(this); } zoomstate_set = true; } void GetPressedKeys(entity this) { MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(GetPressedKeys, this); int keys = STAT(PRESSED_KEYS, this); keys = BITSET(keys, KEY_FORWARD, CS(this).movement.x > 0); keys = BITSET(keys, KEY_BACKWARD, CS(this).movement.x < 0); keys = BITSET(keys, KEY_RIGHT, CS(this).movement.y > 0); keys = BITSET(keys, KEY_LEFT, CS(this).movement.y < 0); keys = BITSET(keys, KEY_JUMP, PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_JUMP(this)); keys = BITSET(keys, KEY_CROUCH, IS_DUCKED(this)); // workaround: player can't un-crouch until their path is clear, so we keep the button held here keys = BITSET(keys, KEY_ATCK, PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK(this)); keys = BITSET(keys, KEY_ATCK2, PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK2(this)); CS(this).pressedkeys = keys; // store for other users STAT(PRESSED_KEYS, this) = keys; } /* ====================== spectate mode routines ====================== */ void SpectateCopy(entity this, entity spectatee) { TC(Client, this); TC(Client, spectatee); MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(SpectateCopy, spectatee, this); PS(this) = PS(spectatee); this.armortype = spectatee.armortype; SetResourceExplicit(this, RES_ARMOR, GetResource(spectatee, RES_ARMOR)); SetResourceExplicit(this, RES_CELLS, GetResource(spectatee, RES_CELLS)); SetResourceExplicit(this, RES_PLASMA, GetResource(spectatee, RES_PLASMA)); SetResourceExplicit(this, RES_SHELLS, GetResource(spectatee, RES_SHELLS)); SetResourceExplicit(this, RES_BULLETS, GetResource(spectatee, RES_BULLETS)); SetResourceExplicit(this, RES_ROCKETS, GetResource(spectatee, RES_ROCKETS)); SetResourceExplicit(this, RES_FUEL, GetResource(spectatee, RES_FUEL)); this.effects = spectatee.effects & EFMASK_CHEAP; // eat performance SetResourceExplicit(this, RES_HEALTH, GetResource(spectatee, RES_HEALTH)); CS(this).impulse = 0; this.disableclientprediction = 1; // no need to run prediction on a spectator this.items = spectatee.items; STAT(LAST_PICKUP, this) = STAT(LAST_PICKUP, spectatee); STAT(HIT_TIME, this) = STAT(HIT_TIME, spectatee); STAT(STRENGTH_FINISHED, this) = STAT(STRENGTH_FINISHED, spectatee); STAT(INVINCIBLE_FINISHED, this) = STAT(INVINCIBLE_FINISHED, spectatee); STAT(SUPERWEAPONS_FINISHED, this) = STAT(SUPERWEAPONS_FINISHED, spectatee); this.air_finished = spectatee.air_finished; STAT(PRESSED_KEYS, this) = STAT(PRESSED_KEYS, spectatee); STAT(WEAPONS, this) = STAT(WEAPONS, spectatee); this.punchangle = spectatee.punchangle; this.view_ofs = spectatee.view_ofs; this.velocity = spectatee.velocity; this.dmg_take = spectatee.dmg_take; this.dmg_save = spectatee.dmg_save; this.dmg_inflictor = spectatee.dmg_inflictor; this.v_angle = spectatee.v_angle; this.angles = spectatee.v_angle; STAT(FROZEN, this) = STAT(FROZEN, spectatee); STAT(REVIVE_PROGRESS, this) = STAT(REVIVE_PROGRESS, spectatee); this.viewloc = spectatee.viewloc; if(!PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_USE(this) && STAT(CAMERA_SPECTATOR, this) != 2) this.fixangle = true; setorigin(this, spectatee.origin); setsize(this, spectatee.mins, spectatee.maxs); SetZoomState(this, CS(spectatee).zoomstate); anticheat_spectatecopy(this, spectatee); STAT(HUD, this) = STAT(HUD, spectatee); if(spectatee.vehicle) { this.angles = spectatee.v_angle; //this.fixangle = false; //this.velocity = spectatee.vehicle.velocity; this.vehicle_health = spectatee.vehicle_health; this.vehicle_shield = spectatee.vehicle_shield; this.vehicle_energy = spectatee.vehicle_energy; this.vehicle_ammo1 = spectatee.vehicle_ammo1; this.vehicle_ammo2 = spectatee.vehicle_ammo2; this.vehicle_reload1 = spectatee.vehicle_reload1; this.vehicle_reload2 = spectatee.vehicle_reload2; //msg_entity = this; // WriteByte (MSG_ONE, SVC_SETVIEWANGLES); //WriteAngle(MSG_ONE, spectatee.v_angle.x); // WriteAngle(MSG_ONE, spectatee.v_angle.y); // WriteAngle(MSG_ONE, spectatee.v_angle.z); //WriteByte (MSG_ONE, SVC_SETVIEW); // WriteEntity(MSG_ONE, this); //makevectors(spectatee.v_angle); //setorigin(this, spectatee.origin - v_forward * 400 + v_up * 300);*/ } } bool SpectateUpdate(entity this) { if(!this.enemy) return false; if(!IS_PLAYER(this.enemy) || this == this.enemy) { SetSpectatee(this, NULL); return false; } SpectateCopy(this, this.enemy); return true; } bool SpectateSet(entity this) { if(!IS_PLAYER(this.enemy)) return false; ClientData_Touch(this.enemy); msg_entity = this; WriteByte(MSG_ONE, SVC_SETVIEW); WriteEntity(MSG_ONE, this.enemy); set_movetype(this, MOVETYPE_NONE); accuracy_resend(this); if(!SpectateUpdate(this)) PutObserverInServer(this); return true; } void SetSpectatee_status(entity this, int spectatee_num) { int oldspectatee_status = CS(this).spectatee_status; CS(this).spectatee_status = spectatee_num; if (CS(this).spectatee_status != oldspectatee_status) { if (STAT(PRESSED_KEYS, this)) { CS(this).pressedkeys = 0; STAT(PRESSED_KEYS, this) = 0; } ClientData_Touch(this); if (g_race || g_cts) race_InitSpectator(); } } void SetSpectatee(entity this, entity spectatee) { if(IS_BOT_CLIENT(this)) return; // bots abuse .enemy, this code is useless to them entity old_spectatee = this.enemy; this.enemy = spectatee; // WEAPONTODO // these are required to fix the spectator bug with arc if(old_spectatee) { for(int slot = 0; slot < MAX_WEAPONSLOTS; ++slot) { .entity weaponentity = weaponentities[slot]; if(old_spectatee.(weaponentity).arc_beam) old_spectatee.(weaponentity).arc_beam.SendFlags |= ARC_SF_SETTINGS; } } if(this.enemy) { for(int slot = 0; slot < MAX_WEAPONSLOTS; ++slot) { .entity weaponentity = weaponentities[slot]; if(this.enemy.(weaponentity).arc_beam) this.enemy.(weaponentity).arc_beam.SendFlags |= ARC_SF_SETTINGS; } } if (this.enemy) SetSpectatee_status(this, etof(this.enemy)); // needed to update spectator list if(old_spectatee) { ClientData_Touch(old_spectatee); } } bool Spectate(entity this, entity pl) { if(MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(SpectateSet, this, pl)) return false; pl = M_ARGV(1, entity); SetSpectatee(this, pl); return SpectateSet(this); } bool SpectateNext(entity this) { entity ent = find(this.enemy, classname, STR_PLAYER); if (MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(SpectateNext, this, ent)) ent = M_ARGV(1, entity); else if (!ent) ent = find(ent, classname, STR_PLAYER); if(ent) { SetSpectatee(this, ent); } return SpectateSet(this); } bool SpectatePrev(entity this) { // NOTE: chain order is from the highest to the lower entnum (unlike find) entity ent = findchain(classname, STR_PLAYER); if (!ent) // no player return false; entity first = ent; // skip players until current spectated player if(this.enemy) while(ent && ent != this.enemy) ent = ent.chain; switch (MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(SpectatePrev, this, ent, first)) { case MUT_SPECPREV_FOUND: ent = M_ARGV(1, entity); break; case MUT_SPECPREV_RETURN: return true; case MUT_SPECPREV_CONTINUE: default: { if(ent.chain) ent = ent.chain; else ent = first; break; } } SetSpectatee(this, ent); return SpectateSet(this); } /* ============= ShowRespawnCountdown() Update a respawn countdown display. ============= */ void ShowRespawnCountdown(entity this) { float number; if(!IS_DEAD(this)) // just respawned? return; else { number = ceil(this.respawn_time - time); if(number <= 0) return; if(number <= this.respawn_countdown) { this.respawn_countdown = number - 1; if(ceil(this.respawn_time - (time + 0.5)) == number) // only say it if it is the same number even in 0.5s; to prevent overlapping sounds { Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE, this, MSG_ANNCE, Announcer_PickNumber(CNT_RESPAWN, number)); } } } } .bool team_selected; bool ShowTeamSelection(entity this) { if (!teamplay || autocvar_g_campaign || autocvar_g_balance_teams || this.team_selected || (CS(this).wasplayer && autocvar_g_changeteam_banned) || Player_HasRealForcedTeam(this)) return false; stuffcmd(this, "menu_showteamselect\n"); return true; } void Join(entity this) { TRANSMUTE(Player, this); if(!this.team_selected) if(autocvar_g_campaign || autocvar_g_balance_teams) TeamBalance_JoinBestTeam(this); if(autocvar_g_campaign) campaign_bots_may_start = true; Kill_Notification(NOTIF_ONE_ONLY, this, MSG_CENTER, CPID_PREVENT_JOIN); PutClientInServer(this); if(IS_PLAYER(this)) if(teamplay && this.team != -1) { } else Send_Notification(NOTIF_ALL, NULL, MSG_INFO, INFO_JOIN_PLAY, this.netname); this.team_selected = false; } int GetPlayerLimit() { if(g_duel) return 2; // TODO: this workaround is needed since the mutator hook from duel can't be activated before the gametype is loaded (e.g. switching modes via gametype vote screen) int player_limit = autocvar_g_maxplayers; MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(GetPlayerLimit, player_limit); player_limit = M_ARGV(0, int); return player_limit; } /** * Determines whether the player is allowed to join. This depends on cvar * g_maxplayers, if it isn't used this function always return true, otherwise * it checks whether the number of currently playing players exceeds g_maxplayers. * @return int number of free slots for players, 0 if none */ int nJoinAllowed(entity this, entity ignore) { if(!ignore) // this is called that way when checking if anyone may be able to join (to build qcstatus) // so report 0 free slots if restricted { if(autocvar_g_forced_team_otherwise == "spectate") return 0; if(autocvar_g_forced_team_otherwise == "spectator") return 0; } if(this && (Player_GetForcedTeamIndex(this) == TEAM_FORCE_SPECTATOR)) return 0; // forced spectators can never join // TODO simplify this int totalClients = 0; int currentlyPlaying = 0; FOREACH_CLIENT(true, { if(it != ignore) ++totalClients; if(IS_REAL_CLIENT(it)) if(IS_PLAYER(it) || it.caplayer) ++currentlyPlaying; }); int player_limit = GetPlayerLimit(); float free_slots = 0; if (!player_limit) free_slots = maxclients - totalClients; else if(currentlyPlaying < player_limit) free_slots = min(maxclients - totalClients, player_limit - currentlyPlaying); static float msg_time = 0; if(this && !this.caplayer && ignore && !free_slots && time > msg_time) { Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE_ONLY, this, MSG_CENTER, CENTER_JOIN_PREVENT); msg_time = time + 0.5; } return free_slots; } /** * Checks whether the client is an observer or spectator, if so, he will get kicked after * g_maxplayers_spectator_blocktime seconds */ void checkSpectatorBlock(entity this) { if(IS_SPEC(this) || IS_OBSERVER(this)) if(!this.caplayer) if(IS_REAL_CLIENT(this)) { if( time > (CS(this).spectatortime + autocvar_g_maxplayers_spectator_blocktime) ) { Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE_ONLY, this, MSG_INFO, INFO_QUIT_KICK_SPECTATING); dropclient(this); } } } void PrintWelcomeMessage(entity this) { if(CS(this).motd_actived_time == 0) { if (autocvar_g_campaign) { if ((IS_PLAYER(this) && PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_INFO(this)) || (!IS_PLAYER(this))) { CS(this).motd_actived_time = time; Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE_ONLY, this, MSG_CENTER, CENTER_CAMPAIGN_MESSAGE, Campaign_GetMessage(), Campaign_GetLevelNum()); } } else { if (PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_INFO(this)) { CS(this).motd_actived_time = time; Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE_ONLY, this, MSG_CENTER, CENTER_MOTD, getwelcomemessage(this)); } } } else if(CS(this).motd_actived_time > 0) // showing MOTD or campaign message { if (autocvar_g_campaign) { if (PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_INFO(this)) CS(this).motd_actived_time = time; else if ((time - CS(this).motd_actived_time > 2) && IS_PLAYER(this)) { // hide it some seconds after BUTTON_INFO has been released CS(this).motd_actived_time = 0; Kill_Notification(NOTIF_ONE_ONLY, this, MSG_CENTER, CPID_CAMPAIGN_MESSAGE); } } else { if (PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_INFO(this)) CS(this).motd_actived_time = time; else if (time - CS(this).motd_actived_time > 2) { // hide it some seconds after BUTTON_INFO has been released CS(this).motd_actived_time = 0; Kill_Notification(NOTIF_ONE_ONLY, this, MSG_CENTER, CPID_MOTD); } } } else //if(CS(this).motd_actived_time < 0) // just connected, motd is active { if(PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_INFO(this)) // BUTTON_INFO hides initial MOTD CS(this).motd_actived_time = -2; // wait until BUTTON_INFO gets released else if (CS(this).motd_actived_time == -2) { // instantly hide MOTD CS(this).motd_actived_time = 0; if (autocvar_g_campaign) Kill_Notification(NOTIF_ONE_ONLY, this, MSG_CENTER, CPID_CAMPAIGN_MESSAGE); else Kill_Notification(NOTIF_ONE_ONLY, this, MSG_CENTER, CPID_MOTD); } else if (IS_PLAYER(this) || IS_SPEC(this)) { // FIXME occasionally for some reason MOTD never goes away // delay MOTD removal a little bit in the hope it fixes this bug if (CS(this).motd_actived_time == -1) // MOTD marked to fade away as soon as client becomes player or spectator CS(this).motd_actived_time = -(5 + floor(random() * 10)); // add small delay else //if (CS(this).motd_actived_time < -2) CS(this).motd_actived_time++; } } } const int MIN_SPEC_TIME = 1; bool joinAllowed(entity this) { if (CS(this).version_mismatch) return false; if (time < CS(this).jointime + MIN_SPEC_TIME) return false; if (!nJoinAllowed(this, this)) return false; if (teamplay && lockteams) return false; if (MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(ForbidSpawn, this)) return false; if (ShowTeamSelection(this)) return false; return true; } .string shootfromfixedorigin; .bool dualwielding_prev; bool PlayerThink(entity this) { if (game_stopped || intermission_running) { this.modelflags &= ~MF_ROCKET; if(intermission_running) IntermissionThink(this); return false; } if (timeout_status == TIMEOUT_ACTIVE) { // don't allow the player to turn around while game is paused // FIXME turn this into CSQC stuff this.v_angle = this.lastV_angle; this.angles = this.lastV_angle; this.fixangle = true; } if (frametime) player_powerups(this); if (IS_DEAD(this)) { if (this.personal && g_race_qualifying) { if (time > this.respawn_time) { STAT(RESPAWN_TIME, this) = this.respawn_time = time + 1; // only retry once a second respawn(this); CS(this).impulse = CHIMPULSE_SPEEDRUN.impulse; } } else { if (frametime) player_anim(this); if (this.respawn_flags & RESPAWN_DENY) { STAT(RESPAWN_TIME, this) = 0; return false; } bool button_pressed = (PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK(this) || PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_JUMP(this) || PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK2(this) || PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_HOOK(this) || PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_USE(this)); switch(this.deadflag) { case DEAD_DYING: { if ((this.respawn_flags & RESPAWN_FORCE) && !(this.respawn_time < this.respawn_time_max)) this.deadflag = DEAD_RESPAWNING; else if (!button_pressed || (time >= this.respawn_time_max && (this.respawn_flags & RESPAWN_FORCE))) this.deadflag = DEAD_DEAD; break; } case DEAD_DEAD: { if (button_pressed) this.deadflag = DEAD_RESPAWNABLE; else if (time >= this.respawn_time_max && (this.respawn_flags & RESPAWN_FORCE)) this.deadflag = DEAD_RESPAWNING; break; } case DEAD_RESPAWNABLE: { if (!button_pressed || (this.respawn_flags & RESPAWN_FORCE)) this.deadflag = DEAD_RESPAWNING; break; } case DEAD_RESPAWNING: { if (time > this.respawn_time) { this.respawn_time = time + 1; // only retry once a second this.respawn_time_max = this.respawn_time; respawn(this); } break; } } ShowRespawnCountdown(this); if (this.respawn_flags & RESPAWN_SILENT) STAT(RESPAWN_TIME, this) = 0; else if ((this.respawn_flags & RESPAWN_FORCE) && this.respawn_time < this.respawn_time_max) { if (time < this.respawn_time) STAT(RESPAWN_TIME, this) = this.respawn_time; else if (this.deadflag != DEAD_RESPAWNING) STAT(RESPAWN_TIME, this) = -this.respawn_time_max; } else STAT(RESPAWN_TIME, this) = this.respawn_time; } // if respawning, invert stat_respawn_time to indicate this, the client translates it if (this.deadflag == DEAD_RESPAWNING && STAT(RESPAWN_TIME, this) > 0) STAT(RESPAWN_TIME, this) *= -1; return false; } FixPlayermodel(this); if (this.shootfromfixedorigin != autocvar_g_shootfromfixedorigin) { this.shootfromfixedorigin = autocvar_g_shootfromfixedorigin; stuffcmd(this, sprintf("\ncl_shootfromfixedorigin \"%s\"\n", autocvar_g_shootfromfixedorigin)); } // reset gun alignment when dual wielding status changes // to ensure guns are always aligned right and left bool dualwielding = W_DualWielding(this); if(this.dualwielding_prev != dualwielding) { W_ResetGunAlign(this, CS(this).cvar_cl_gunalign); this.dualwielding_prev = dualwielding; } // LordHavoc: allow firing on move frames (sub-ticrate), this gives better timing on slow servers //if(frametime) { for(int slot = 0; slot < MAX_WEAPONSLOTS; ++slot) { .entity weaponentity = weaponentities[slot]; if(WEP_CVAR(vortex, charge_always)) W_Vortex_Charge(this, weaponentity, frametime); W_WeaponFrame(this, weaponentity); } } if (frametime) { // WEAPONTODO: Add a weapon request for this // rot vortex charge to the charge limit for(int slot = 0; slot < MAX_WEAPONSLOTS; ++slot) { .entity weaponentity = weaponentities[slot]; if (WEP_CVAR(vortex, charge_rot_rate) && this.(weaponentity).vortex_charge > WEP_CVAR(vortex, charge_limit) && this.(weaponentity).vortex_charge_rottime < time) this.(weaponentity).vortex_charge = bound(WEP_CVAR(vortex, charge_limit), this.(weaponentity).vortex_charge - WEP_CVAR(vortex, charge_rot_rate) * frametime / W_TICSPERFRAME, 1); } player_regen(this); player_anim(this); this.dmg_team = max(0, this.dmg_team - autocvar_g_teamdamage_resetspeed * frametime); } secrets_setstatus(this); monsters_setstatus(this); return true; } .bool would_spectate; void ObserverThink(entity this) { if ( CS(this).impulse ) { MinigameImpulse(this, CS(this).impulse); CS(this).impulse = 0; } if (this.flags & FL_JUMPRELEASED) { if (PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_JUMP(this) && joinAllowed(this)) { this.flags &= ~FL_JUMPRELEASED; this.flags |= FL_SPAWNING; } else if(PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK(this) && !CS(this).version_mismatch || this.would_spectate) { this.flags &= ~FL_JUMPRELEASED; if(SpectateNext(this)) { TRANSMUTE(Spectator, this); } } else { int preferred_movetype = ((!PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_USE(this) ? CS(this).cvar_cl_clippedspectating : !CS(this).cvar_cl_clippedspectating) ? MOVETYPE_FLY_WORLDONLY : MOVETYPE_NOCLIP); set_movetype(this, preferred_movetype); } } else { if (!(PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK(this) || PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_JUMP(this))) { this.flags |= FL_JUMPRELEASED; if(this.flags & FL_SPAWNING) { this.flags &= ~FL_SPAWNING; if(joinAllowed(this)) Join(this); return; } } } } void SpectatorThink(entity this) { if ( CS(this).impulse ) { if(MinigameImpulse(this, CS(this).impulse)) CS(this).impulse = 0; if (CS(this).impulse == IMP_weapon_drop.impulse) { STAT(CAMERA_SPECTATOR, this) = (STAT(CAMERA_SPECTATOR, this) + 1) % 3; CS(this).impulse = 0; return; } } if (this.flags & FL_JUMPRELEASED) { if (PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_JUMP(this) && joinAllowed(this)) { this.flags &= ~FL_JUMPRELEASED; this.flags |= FL_SPAWNING; } else if(PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK(this) || CS(this).impulse == 10 || CS(this).impulse == 15 || CS(this).impulse == 18 || (CS(this).impulse >= 200 && CS(this).impulse <= 209)) { this.flags &= ~FL_JUMPRELEASED; if(SpectateNext(this)) { TRANSMUTE(Spectator, this); } else { TRANSMUTE(Observer, this); PutClientInServer(this); } CS(this).impulse = 0; } else if(CS(this).impulse == 12 || CS(this).impulse == 16 || CS(this).impulse == 19 || (CS(this).impulse >= 220 && CS(this).impulse <= 229)) { this.flags &= ~FL_JUMPRELEASED; if(SpectatePrev(this)) { TRANSMUTE(Spectator, this); } else { TRANSMUTE(Observer, this); PutClientInServer(this); } CS(this).impulse = 0; } else if (PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK2(this)) { this.would_spectate = false; this.flags &= ~FL_JUMPRELEASED; TRANSMUTE(Observer, this); PutClientInServer(this); } else { if(!SpectateUpdate(this)) { if(!SpectateNext(this)) { PutObserverInServer(this); this.would_spectate = true; } } } } else { if (!(PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK(this) || PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK2(this))) { this.flags |= FL_JUMPRELEASED; if(this.flags & FL_SPAWNING) { this.flags &= ~FL_SPAWNING; Join(this); return; } } if(!SpectateUpdate(this)) PutObserverInServer(this); } this.flags |= FL_CLIENT | FL_NOTARGET; } void PlayerUseKey(entity this) { if (!IS_PLAYER(this)) return; if(this.vehicle) { if(!game_stopped) { vehicles_exit(this.vehicle, VHEF_NORMAL); return; } } else if(autocvar_g_vehicles_enter) { if(!game_stopped && !STAT(FROZEN, this) && !IS_DEAD(this) && !IS_INDEPENDENT_PLAYER(this)) { entity head, closest_target = NULL; head = WarpZone_FindRadius(this.origin, autocvar_g_vehicles_enter_radius, true); while(head) // find the closest acceptable target to enter { if(IS_VEHICLE(head) && !IS_DEAD(head) && head.takedamage != DAMAGE_NO) if(!head.owner || ((head.vehicle_flags & VHF_MULTISLOT) && SAME_TEAM(head.owner, this))) { if(closest_target) { if(vlen2(this.origin - head.origin) < vlen2(this.origin - closest_target.origin)) { closest_target = head; } } else { closest_target = head; } } head = head.chain; } if(closest_target) { vehicles_enter(this, closest_target); return; } } } // a use key was pressed; call handlers MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(PlayerUseKey, this); } /* ============= PlayerPreThink Called every frame for each client before the physics are run ============= */ .float last_vehiclecheck; void PlayerPreThink (entity this) { STAT(GUNALIGN, this) = CS(this).cvar_cl_gunalign; // TODO STAT(MOVEVARS_CL_TRACK_CANJUMP, this) = CS(this).cvar_cl_movement_track_canjump; WarpZone_PlayerPhysics_FixVAngle(this); if (frametime) { // physics frames: update anticheat stuff anticheat_prethink(this); } if (blockSpectators && frametime) { // WORKAROUND: only use dropclient in server frames (frametime set). // Never use it in cl_movement frames (frametime zero). checkSpectatorBlock(this); } zoomstate_set = false; // Check for nameless players if (this.netname == "" || this.netname != CS(this).netname_previous) { bool assume_unchanged = (CS(this).netname_previous == ""); if (autocvar_sv_name_maxlength > 0 && strlennocol(this.netname) > autocvar_sv_name_maxlength) { int new_length = textLengthUpToLength(this.netname, autocvar_sv_name_maxlength, strlennocol); this.netname = strzone(strcat(substring(this.netname, 0, new_length), "^7")); sprint(this, sprintf("Warning: your name is longer than %d characters, it has been truncated.\n", autocvar_sv_name_maxlength)); assume_unchanged = false; // stuffcmd(this, strcat("name ", this.netname, "\n")); // maybe? } if (isInvisibleString(this.netname)) { this.netname = strzone(sprintf("Player#%d", this.playerid)); sprint(this, "Warning: invisible names are not allowed.\n"); assume_unchanged = false; // stuffcmd(this, strcat("name ", this.netname, "\n")); // maybe? } if (!assume_unchanged && autocvar_sv_eventlog) GameLogEcho(strcat(":name:", ftos(this.playerid), ":", playername(this, false))); strcpy(CS(this).netname_previous, this.netname); } // version nagging if (CS(this).version_nagtime && CS(this).cvar_g_xonoticversion && time > CS(this).version_nagtime) { CS(this).version_nagtime = 0; if (strstrofs(CS(this).cvar_g_xonoticversion, "git", 0) >= 0 || strstrofs(CS(this).cvar_g_xonoticversion, "autobuild", 0) >= 0) { // git client } else if (strstrofs(autocvar_g_xonoticversion, "git", 0) >= 0 || strstrofs(autocvar_g_xonoticversion, "autobuild", 0) >= 0) { // git server Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE_ONLY, this, MSG_INFO, INFO_VERSION_BETA, autocvar_g_xonoticversion, CS(this).cvar_g_xonoticversion); } else { int r = vercmp(CS(this).cvar_g_xonoticversion, autocvar_g_xonoticversion); if (r < 0) { // old client Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE_ONLY, this, MSG_INFO, INFO_VERSION_OUTDATED, autocvar_g_xonoticversion, CS(this).cvar_g_xonoticversion); } else if (r > 0) { // old server Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE_ONLY, this, MSG_INFO, INFO_VERSION_OLD, autocvar_g_xonoticversion, CS(this).cvar_g_xonoticversion); } } } // GOD MODE info if (!(this.flags & FL_GODMODE) && this.max_armorvalue) { Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE_ONLY, this, MSG_INFO, INFO_GODMODE_OFF, this.max_armorvalue); this.max_armorvalue = 0; } if (frametime && IS_PLAYER(this)) { if (STAT(FROZEN, this) == FROZEN_TEMP_REVIVING) { STAT(REVIVE_PROGRESS, this) = bound(0, STAT(REVIVE_PROGRESS, this) + frametime * this.revive_speed, 1); SetResourceExplicit(this, RES_HEALTH, max(1, STAT(REVIVE_PROGRESS, this) * start_health)); this.iceblock.alpha = bound(0.2, 1 - STAT(REVIVE_PROGRESS, this), 1); if (STAT(REVIVE_PROGRESS, this) >= 1) Unfreeze(this, false); } else if (STAT(FROZEN, this) == FROZEN_TEMP_DYING) { STAT(REVIVE_PROGRESS, this) = bound(0, STAT(REVIVE_PROGRESS, this) - frametime * this.revive_speed, 1); SetResourceExplicit(this, RES_HEALTH, max(0, autocvar_g_nades_ice_health + (start_health-autocvar_g_nades_ice_health) * STAT(REVIVE_PROGRESS, this))); if (GetResource(this, RES_HEALTH) < 1) { if (this.vehicle) vehicles_exit(this.vehicle, VHEF_RELEASE); if(this.event_damage) this.event_damage(this, this, this.frozen_by, 1, DEATH_NADE_ICE_FREEZE.m_id, DMG_NOWEP, this.origin, '0 0 0'); } else if (STAT(REVIVE_PROGRESS, this) <= 0) Unfreeze(this, false); } } MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(PlayerPreThink, this); if(autocvar_g_vehicles_enter && (time > this.last_vehiclecheck) && !game_stopped && !this.vehicle) if(IS_PLAYER(this) && !STAT(FROZEN, this) && !IS_DEAD(this) && !IS_INDEPENDENT_PLAYER(this)) { FOREACH_ENTITY_RADIUS(this.origin, autocvar_g_vehicles_enter_radius, IS_VEHICLE(it) && !IS_DEAD(it) && it.takedamage != DAMAGE_NO, { if(!it.owner) { if(!it.team || SAME_TEAM(this, it)) Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE, this, MSG_CENTER, CENTER_VEHICLE_ENTER); else if(autocvar_g_vehicles_steal) Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE, this, MSG_CENTER, CENTER_VEHICLE_ENTER_STEAL); } else if((it.vehicle_flags & VHF_MULTISLOT) && SAME_TEAM(it.owner, this)) { Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE, this, MSG_CENTER, CENTER_VEHICLE_ENTER_GUNNER); } }); this.last_vehiclecheck = time + 1; } if(!CS(this).cvar_cl_newusekeysupported) // FIXME remove this - it was a stupid idea to begin with, we can JUST use the button { if(PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_USE(this) && !CS(this).usekeypressed) PlayerUseKey(this); CS(this).usekeypressed = PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_USE(this); } if (IS_REAL_CLIENT(this)) PrintWelcomeMessage(this); if (IS_PLAYER(this)) { if (IS_REAL_CLIENT(this) && time < CS(this).jointime + MIN_SPEC_TIME) error("Client can't be spawned as player on connection!"); if(!PlayerThink(this)) return; } else if (game_stopped || intermission_running) { if(intermission_running) IntermissionThink(this); return; } else if (IS_REAL_CLIENT(this) && !CS(this).autojoin_checked && time >= CS(this).jointime + MIN_SPEC_TIME) { CS(this).autojoin_checked = true; // don't do this in ClientConnect // many things can go wrong if a client is spawned as player on connection if (MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(AutoJoinOnConnection, this) || (!(autocvar_sv_spectate || autocvar_g_campaign || (Player_GetForcedTeamIndex(this) == TEAM_FORCE_SPECTATOR)) && (!teamplay || autocvar_g_balance_teams))) { campaign_bots_may_start = true; Join(this); return; } } else if (IS_OBSERVER(this)) { ObserverThink(this); } else if (IS_SPEC(this)) { SpectatorThink(this); } // WEAPONTODO: Add weapon request for this if (!zoomstate_set) { bool wep_zoomed = false; for(int slot = 0; slot < MAX_WEAPONSLOTS; ++slot) { .entity weaponentity = weaponentities[slot]; Weapon thiswep = this.(weaponentity).m_weapon; if(thiswep != WEP_Null && thiswep.wr_zoom) wep_zoomed += thiswep.wr_zoom(thiswep, this); } SetZoomState(this, PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ZOOM(this) || PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ZOOMSCRIPT(this) || wep_zoomed); } if (CS(this).teamkill_soundtime && time > CS(this).teamkill_soundtime) { CS(this).teamkill_soundtime = 0; entity e = CS(this).teamkill_soundsource; entity oldpusher = e.pusher; e.pusher = this; PlayerSound(e, playersound_teamshoot, CH_VOICE, VOL_BASEVOICE, VOICETYPE_LASTATTACKER_ONLY); e.pusher = oldpusher; } if (CS(this).taunt_soundtime && time > CS(this).taunt_soundtime) { CS(this).taunt_soundtime = 0; PlayerSound(this, playersound_taunt, CH_VOICE, VOL_BASEVOICE, VOICETYPE_AUTOTAUNT); } target_voicescript_next(this); // WEAPONTODO: Move into weaponsystem somehow // if a player goes unarmed after holding a loaded weapon, empty his clip size and remove the crosshair ammo ring for(int slot = 0; slot < MAX_WEAPONSLOTS; ++slot) { .entity weaponentity = weaponentities[slot]; if(this.(weaponentity).m_weapon == WEP_Null) this.(weaponentity).clip_load = this.(weaponentity).clip_size = 0; } } void DrownPlayer(entity this) { if(IS_DEAD(this) || game_stopped || time < game_starttime || this.vehicle || STAT(FROZEN, this) || this.watertype != CONTENT_WATER) { this.air_finished = 0; return; } if (this.waterlevel != WATERLEVEL_SUBMERGED) { if(this.air_finished && this.air_finished < time) PlayerSound(this, playersound_gasp, CH_PLAYER, VOL_BASE, VOICETYPE_PLAYERSOUND); this.air_finished = 0; } else { if (!this.air_finished) this.air_finished = time + autocvar_g_balance_contents_drowndelay; if (this.air_finished < time) { // drown! if (this.pain_finished < time) { Damage (this, NULL, NULL, autocvar_g_balance_contents_playerdamage_drowning * autocvar_g_balance_contents_damagerate, DEATH_DROWN.m_id, DMG_NOWEP, this.origin, '0 0 0'); this.pain_finished = time + 0.5; } } } } .bool move_qcphysics; void Player_Physics(entity this) { this.movetype = (this.move_qcphysics) ? MOVETYPE_QCPLAYER : this.move_movetype; if(!this.move_qcphysics) return; if(!frametime && !CS(this).pm_frametime) return; Movetype_Physics_NoMatchTicrate(this, CS(this).pm_frametime, true); CS(this).pm_frametime = 0; } /* ============= PlayerPostThink Called every frame for each client after the physics are run ============= */ void PlayerPostThink (entity this) { Player_Physics(this); if (sv_maxidle > 0) if (frametime) // WORKAROUND: only use dropclient in server frames (frametime set). Never use it in cl_movement frames (frametime zero). if (IS_REAL_CLIENT(this)) if (IS_PLAYER(this) || sv_maxidle_spectatorsareidle) { int totalClients = 0; if(sv_maxidle_slots > 0) { FOREACH_CLIENT(IS_REAL_CLIENT(it) || sv_maxidle_slots_countbots, { ++totalClients; }); } if (sv_maxidle_slots > 0 && (maxclients - totalClients) > sv_maxidle_slots) { /* do nothing */ } else if (time - CS(this).parm_idlesince < 1) // instead of (time == this.parm_idlesince) to support sv_maxidle <= 10 { if (CS(this).idlekick_lasttimeleft) { CS(this).idlekick_lasttimeleft = 0; Kill_Notification(NOTIF_ONE_ONLY, this, MSG_CENTER, CPID_IDLING); } } else { float timeleft = ceil(sv_maxidle - (time - CS(this).parm_idlesince)); if (timeleft == min(10, sv_maxidle - 1)) { // - 1 to support sv_maxidle <= 10 if (!CS(this).idlekick_lasttimeleft) Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE_ONLY, this, MSG_CENTER, CENTER_DISCONNECT_IDLING, timeleft); } if (timeleft <= 0) { Send_Notification(NOTIF_ALL, NULL, MSG_INFO, INFO_QUIT_KICK_IDLING, this.netname); dropclient(this); return; } else if (timeleft <= 10) { if (timeleft != CS(this).idlekick_lasttimeleft) { Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE, this, MSG_ANNCE, Announcer_PickNumber(CNT_IDLE, timeleft)); } CS(this).idlekick_lasttimeleft = timeleft; } } } CheatFrame(this); if (game_stopped) { this.solid = SOLID_NOT; this.takedamage = DAMAGE_NO; set_movetype(this, MOVETYPE_NONE); } if (IS_PLAYER(this)) { if(this.death_time == time && IS_DEAD(this)) { // player's bbox gets resized now, instead of in the damage event that killed the player, // once all the damage events of this frame have been processed with normal size this.maxs.z = 5; setsize(this, this.mins, this.maxs); } DrownPlayer(this); UpdateChatBubble(this); if (CS(this).impulse) ImpulseCommands(this); if (game_stopped) { CSQCMODEL_AUTOUPDATE(this); return; } GetPressedKeys(this); } else if (IS_OBSERVER(this) && STAT(PRESSED_KEYS, this)) { CS(this).pressedkeys = 0; STAT(PRESSED_KEYS, this) = 0; } if (this.waypointsprite_attachedforcarrier) { float hp = healtharmor_maxdamage(GetResource(this, RES_HEALTH), GetResource(this, RES_ARMOR), autocvar_g_balance_armor_blockpercent, DEATH_WEAPON.m_id).x; WaypointSprite_UpdateHealth(this.waypointsprite_attachedforcarrier, hp); } CSQCMODEL_AUTOUPDATE(this); } /** * message "": do not say, just test flood control * return value: * 1 = accept * 0 = reject * -1 = fake accept */ int Say(entity source, int teamsay, entity privatesay, string msgin, bool floodcontrol) { if (!teamsay && !privatesay && substring(msgin, 0, 1) == " ") msgin = substring(msgin, 1, -1); // work around DP say bug (say_team does not have this!) if (source) msgin = formatmessage(source, msgin); string colorstr; if (!(IS_PLAYER(source) || source.caplayer)) colorstr = "^0"; // black for spectators else if(teamplay) colorstr = Team_ColorCode(source.team); else { colorstr = ""; teamsay = false; } if (!source) { colorstr = ""; teamsay = false; } if(msgin != "") msgin = trigger_magicear_processmessage_forallears(source, teamsay, privatesay, msgin); /* * using bprint solves this... me stupid // how can we prevent the message from appearing in a listen server? // for now, just give "say" back and only handle say_team if(!teamsay) { clientcommand(source, strcat("say ", msgin)); return; } */ string namestr = ""; if (source) namestr = playername(source, autocvar_g_chat_teamcolors); string colorprefix = (strdecolorize(namestr) == namestr) ? "^3" : "^7"; string msgstr = "", cmsgstr = ""; string privatemsgprefix = string_null; int privatemsgprefixlen = 0; if (msgin != "") { bool found_me = false; if(strstrofs(msgin, "/me", 0) >= 0) { string newmsgin = ""; string newnamestr = ((teamsay) ? strcat(colorstr, "(", colorprefix, namestr, colorstr, ")", "^7") : strcat(colorprefix, namestr, "^7")); FOREACH_WORD(msgin, true, { if(strdecolorize(it) == "/me") { found_me = true; newmsgin = cons(newmsgin, newnamestr); } else newmsgin = cons(newmsgin, it); }); msgin = newmsgin; } if(privatesay) { msgstr = strcat("\{1}\{13}* ", colorprefix, namestr, "^3 tells you: ^7"); privatemsgprefixlen = strlen(msgstr); msgstr = strcat(msgstr, msgin); cmsgstr = strcat(colorstr, colorprefix, namestr, "^3 tells you:\n^7", msgin); privatemsgprefix = strcat("\{1}\{13}* ^3You tell ", playername(privatesay, autocvar_g_chat_teamcolors), ": ^7"); } else if(teamsay) { if(found_me) { //msgin = strreplace("/me", "", msgin); //msgin = substring(msgin, 3, strlen(msgin)); //msgin = strreplace("/me", strcat(colorstr, "(", colorprefix, namestr, colorstr, ")^7"), msgin); msgstr = strcat("\{1}\{13}^4* ", "^7", msgin); } else msgstr = strcat("\{1}\{13}", colorstr, "(", colorprefix, namestr, colorstr, ") ^7", msgin); cmsgstr = strcat(colorstr, "(", colorprefix, namestr, colorstr, ")\n^7", msgin); } else { if(found_me) { //msgin = strreplace("/me", "", msgin); //msgin = substring(msgin, 3, strlen(msgin)); //msgin = strreplace("/me", strcat(colorprefix, namestr), msgin); msgstr = strcat("\{1}^4* ^7", msgin); } else { msgstr = "\{1}"; msgstr = strcat(msgstr, (namestr != "") ? strcat(colorprefix, namestr, "^7: ") : "^7"); msgstr = strcat(msgstr, msgin); } cmsgstr = ""; } msgstr = strcat(strreplace("\n", " ", msgstr), "\n"); // newlines only are good for centerprint } string fullmsgstr = msgstr; string fullcmsgstr = cmsgstr; // FLOOD CONTROL int flood = 0; var .float flood_field = floodcontrol_chat; if(floodcontrol && source) { float flood_spl; float flood_burst; float flood_lmax; float lines; if(privatesay) { flood_spl = autocvar_g_chat_flood_spl_tell; flood_burst = autocvar_g_chat_flood_burst_tell; flood_lmax = autocvar_g_chat_flood_lmax_tell; flood_field = floodcontrol_chattell; } else if(teamsay) { flood_spl = autocvar_g_chat_flood_spl_team; flood_burst = autocvar_g_chat_flood_burst_team; flood_lmax = autocvar_g_chat_flood_lmax_team; flood_field = floodcontrol_chatteam; } else { flood_spl = autocvar_g_chat_flood_spl; flood_burst = autocvar_g_chat_flood_burst; flood_lmax = autocvar_g_chat_flood_lmax; flood_field = floodcontrol_chat; } flood_burst = max(0, flood_burst - 1); // to match explanation in default.cfg, a value of 3 must allow three-line bursts and not four! // do flood control for the default line size if(msgstr != "") { getWrappedLine_remaining = msgstr; msgstr = ""; lines = 0; while(getWrappedLine_remaining && (!flood_lmax || lines <= flood_lmax)) { msgstr = strcat(msgstr, " ", getWrappedLineLen(82.4289758859709, strlennocol)); // perl averagewidth.pl < gfx/vera-sans.width ++lines; } msgstr = substring(msgstr, 1, strlen(msgstr) - 1); if(getWrappedLine_remaining != "") { msgstr = strcat(msgstr, "\n"); flood = 2; } if (time >= source.(flood_field)) { source.(flood_field) = max(time - flood_burst * flood_spl, source.(flood_field)) + lines * flood_spl; } else { flood = 1; msgstr = fullmsgstr; } } else { if (time >= source.(flood_field)) source.(flood_field) = max(time - flood_burst * flood_spl, source.(flood_field)) + flood_spl; else flood = 1; } if (timeout_status == TIMEOUT_ACTIVE) // when game is paused, no flood protection source.(flood_field) = flood = 0; } string sourcemsgstr, sourcecmsgstr; if(flood == 2) // cannot happen for empty msgstr { if(autocvar_g_chat_flood_notify_flooder) { sourcemsgstr = strcat(msgstr, "\n^3FLOOD CONTROL: ^7message too long, trimmed\n"); sourcecmsgstr = ""; } else { sourcemsgstr = fullmsgstr; sourcecmsgstr = fullcmsgstr; } cmsgstr = ""; } else { sourcemsgstr = msgstr; sourcecmsgstr = cmsgstr; } if (!privatesay && source && !(IS_PLAYER(source) || source.caplayer)) { if (!game_stopped) if (teamsay || (autocvar_g_chat_nospectators == 1) || (autocvar_g_chat_nospectators == 2 && !warmup_stage)) teamsay = -1; // spectators } if(flood) LOG_INFO("NOTE: ", playername(source, true), "^7 is flooding."); // build sourcemsgstr by cutting off a prefix and replacing it by the other one if(privatesay) sourcemsgstr = strcat(privatemsgprefix, substring(sourcemsgstr, privatemsgprefixlen, -1)); int ret; if(source && CS(source).muted) { // always fake the message ret = -1; } else if(flood == 1) { if (autocvar_g_chat_flood_notify_flooder) { sprint(source, strcat("^3FLOOD CONTROL: ^7wait ^1", ftos(source.(flood_field) - time), "^3 seconds\n")); ret = 0; } else ret = -1; } else { ret = 1; } if (privatesay && source && !(IS_PLAYER(source) || source.caplayer)) { if (!game_stopped) if ((privatesay && (IS_PLAYER(privatesay) || privatesay.caplayer)) && ((autocvar_g_chat_nospectators == 1) || (autocvar_g_chat_nospectators == 2 && !warmup_stage))) ret = -1; // just hide the message completely } MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(ChatMessage, source, ret); ret = M_ARGV(1, int); string event_log_msg = ""; if(sourcemsgstr != "" && ret != 0) { if(ret < 0) // faked message, because the player is muted { sprint(source, sourcemsgstr); if(sourcecmsgstr != "" && !privatesay) centerprint(source, sourcecmsgstr); } else if(privatesay) // private message, between 2 people only { sprint(source, sourcemsgstr); if (!autocvar_g_chat_tellprivacy) { dedicated_print(msgstr); } // send to server console too if "tellprivacy" is disabled if(!MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(ChatMessageTo, privatesay, source)) { sprint(privatesay, msgstr); if(cmsgstr != "") centerprint(privatesay, cmsgstr); } } else if ( teamsay && CS(source).active_minigame ) { sprint(source, sourcemsgstr); dedicated_print(msgstr); // send to server console too FOREACH_CLIENT(IS_REAL_CLIENT(it) && it != source && CS(it).active_minigame == CS(source).active_minigame && !MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(ChatMessageTo, it, source), { sprint(it, msgstr); }); event_log_msg = sprintf(":chat_minigame:%d:%s:%s", source.playerid, CS(source).active_minigame.netname, msgin); } else if(teamsay > 0) // team message, only sent to team mates { sprint(source, sourcemsgstr); dedicated_print(msgstr); // send to server console too if(sourcecmsgstr != "") centerprint(source, sourcecmsgstr); FOREACH_CLIENT((IS_PLAYER(it) || it.caplayer) && IS_REAL_CLIENT(it) && it != source && it.team == source.team && !MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(ChatMessageTo, it, source), { sprint(it, msgstr); if(cmsgstr != "") centerprint(it, cmsgstr); }); event_log_msg = sprintf(":chat_team:%d:%d:%s", source.playerid, source.team, strreplace("\n", " ", msgin)); } else if(teamsay < 0) // spectator message, only sent to spectators { sprint(source, sourcemsgstr); dedicated_print(msgstr); // send to server console too FOREACH_CLIENT(!(IS_PLAYER(it) || it.caplayer) && IS_REAL_CLIENT(it) && it != source && !MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(ChatMessageTo, it, source), { sprint(it, msgstr); }); event_log_msg = sprintf(":chat_spec:%d:%s", source.playerid, strreplace("\n", " ", msgin)); } else { if (source) { sprint(source, sourcemsgstr); dedicated_print(msgstr); // send to server console too MX_Say(strcat(playername(source, true), "^7: ", msgin)); } FOREACH_CLIENT(IS_REAL_CLIENT(it) && it != source && !MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(ChatMessageTo, it, source), { sprint(it, msgstr); }); event_log_msg = sprintf(":chat:%d:%s", source.playerid, strreplace("\n", " ", msgin)); } } if (autocvar_sv_eventlog && (event_log_msg != "")) { GameLogEcho(event_log_msg); } return ret; } // hack to copy the button fields from the client entity to the Client State void PM_UpdateButtons(entity this, entity store) { if(this.impulse) store.impulse = this.impulse; this.impulse = 0; bool typing = this.buttonchat || this.button12; store.button0 = (typing) ? 0 : this.button0; //button1?! store.button2 = (typing) ? 0 : this.button2; store.button3 = (typing) ? 0 : this.button3; store.button4 = this.button4; store.button5 = (typing) ? 0 : this.button5; store.button6 = this.button6; store.button7 = this.button7; store.button8 = this.button8; store.button9 = this.button9; store.button10 = this.button10; store.button11 = this.button11; store.button12 = this.button12; store.button13 = this.button13; store.button14 = this.button14; store.button15 = this.button15; store.button16 = this.button16; store.buttonuse = this.buttonuse; store.buttonchat = this.buttonchat; store.cursor_active = this.cursor_active; store.cursor_screen = this.cursor_screen; store.cursor_trace_start = this.cursor_trace_start; store.cursor_trace_endpos = this.cursor_trace_endpos; store.cursor_trace_ent = this.cursor_trace_ent; store.ping = this.ping; store.ping_packetloss = this.ping_packetloss; store.ping_movementloss = this.ping_movementloss; store.v_angle = this.v_angle; store.movement = (typing) ? '0 0 0' : this.movement; } NET_HANDLE(fpsreport, bool) { int fps = ReadShort(); PlayerScore_Set(sender, SP_FPS, fps); return true; }