#include "bot.qh" #include "aim.qh" #include "navigation.qh" #include "waypoints.qh" #include "aim.qc" #include "navigation.qc" #include "waypoints.qc" #include "scripting.qc" #include "havocbot/havocbot.qc" entity bot_spawn() { local entity oldself, bot; bot = spawnclient(); if (bot) { currentbots = currentbots + 1; oldself = self; self = bot; bot_setnameandstuff(); ClientConnect(); PutClientInServer(); self = oldself; } return bot; }; void bot_think() { if (self.bot_nextthink > time) return; self.flags &~= FL_GODMODE; if(autocvar_bot_god) self.flags |= FL_GODMODE; self.bot_nextthink = self.bot_nextthink + autocvar_bot_ai_thinkinterval * pow(0.5, self.bot_aiskill); //if (self.bot_painintensity > 0) // self.bot_painintensity = self.bot_painintensity - (skill + 1) * 40 * frametime; //self.bot_painintensity = self.bot_painintensity + self.bot_oldhealth - self.health; //self.bot_painintensity = bound(0, self.bot_painintensity, 100); if (autocvar_g_campaign && !campaign_bots_may_start) { self.nextthink = time + 0.5; return; } if (self.fixangle) { self.v_angle = self.angles; self.v_angle_z = 0; self.fixangle = FALSE; } self.dmg_take = 0; self.dmg_save = 0; self.dmg_inflictor = world; // calculate an aiming latency based on the skill setting // (simulated network latency + naturally delayed reflexes) //self.ping = 0.7 - bound(0, 0.05 * skill, 0.5); // moved the reflexes to bot_aimdir (under the name 'think') // minimum ping 20+10 random self.ping = bound(0,0.07 - bound(0, (skill + self.bot_pingskill) * 0.005,0.05)+random()*0.01,0.65); // Now holds real lag to server, and higer skill players take a less laggy server // skill 10 = ping 0.2 (adrenaline) // skill 0 = ping 0.7 (slightly drunk) // clear buttons self.BUTTON_ATCK = 0; self.button1 = 0; self.BUTTON_JUMP = 0; self.BUTTON_ATCK2 = 0; self.BUTTON_ZOOM = 0; self.BUTTON_CROUCH = 0; self.BUTTON_HOOK = 0; self.BUTTON_INFO = 0; self.button8 = 0; self.BUTTON_CHAT = 0; self.BUTTON_USE = 0; if (time < game_starttime) { // block the bot during the countdown to game start self.movement = '0 0 0'; self.nextthink = game_starttime; return; } // if dead, just wait until we can respawn if (self.deadflag) { if (self.deadflag == DEAD_DEAD) { self.BUTTON_JUMP = 1; // press jump to respawn self.bot_strategytime = 0; } } // if(self.aistatus & AI_STATUS_STUCK) navigation_unstuck(); // now call the current bot AI (havocbot for example) self.bot_ai(); }; void bot_setnameandstuff() { string readfile, s; float file, tokens, prio; entity p; string bot_name, bot_model, bot_skin, bot_shirt, bot_pants; string name, prefix, suffix; if(autocvar_g_campaign) { prefix = ""; suffix = ""; } else { prefix = autocvar_bot_prefix; suffix = autocvar_bot_suffix; } file = fopen(autocvar_bot_config_file, FILE_READ); if(file < 0) print(strcat("Error: Can not open the bot configuration file '",autocvar_bot_config_file,"'\n")); else { RandomSelection_Init(); for(;;) { readfile = fgets(file); if(!readfile) break; if(substring(readfile, 0, 2) == "//") continue; if(substring(readfile, 0, 1) == "#") continue; tokens = tokenizebyseparator(readfile, "\t"); s = argv(0); prio = 1; FOR_EACH_CLIENT(p) { if(clienttype(p) == CLIENTTYPE_BOT) if(s == p.cleanname) { prio = 0; break; } } RandomSelection_Add(world, 0, readfile, 1, prio); } readfile = RandomSelection_chosen_string; fclose(file); } tokens = tokenizebyseparator(readfile, "\t"); if(argv(0) != "") bot_name = argv(0); else bot_name = "Bot"; if(argv(1) != "") bot_model = argv(1); else bot_model = ""; if(argv(2) != "") bot_skin = argv(2); else bot_skin = "0"; if(argv(3) != "" && stof(argv(3)) >= 0) bot_shirt = argv(3); else bot_shirt = ftos(floor(random() * 15)); if(argv(4) != "" && stof(argv(4)) >= 0) bot_pants = argv(4); else bot_pants = ftos(floor(random() * 15)); self.bot_forced_team = stof(argv(5)); prio = 6; #define READSKILL(f,w,r) if(argv(prio) != "") self.f = stof(argv(prio)) * (w); else self.f = (!autocvar_g_campaign) * (2 * random() - 1) * (r) * (w); ++prio //print(bot_name, ": ping=", argv(9), "\n"); READSKILL(havocbot_keyboardskill, 0.5, 0.5); // keyboard skill READSKILL(bot_moveskill, 2, 0); // move skill READSKILL(bot_dodgeskill, 2, 0); // dodge skill READSKILL(bot_pingskill, 0.5, 0); // ping skill READSKILL(bot_weaponskill, 2, 0); // weapon skill READSKILL(bot_aggresskill, 1, 0); // aggre skill READSKILL(bot_rangepreference, 1, 0); // read skill READSKILL(bot_aimskill, 2, 0); // aim skill READSKILL(bot_offsetskill, 2, 0.5); // offset skill READSKILL(bot_mouseskill, 1, 0.5); // mouse skill READSKILL(bot_thinkskill, 1, 0.5); // think skill READSKILL(bot_aiskill, 2, 0); // "ai" skill self.bot_config_loaded = TRUE; // this is really only a default, JoinBestTeam is called later setcolor(self, stof(bot_shirt) * 16 + stof(bot_pants)); self.bot_preferredcolors = self.clientcolors; // pick the name if (autocvar_bot_usemodelnames) name = bot_model; else name = bot_name; // number bots with identical names float i; i = 0; FOR_EACH_CLIENT(p) { if(clienttype(p) == CLIENTTYPE_BOT) if(p.cleanname == name) ++i; } if (i) self.netname = self.netname_freeme = strzone(strcat(prefix, name, "(", ftos(i), ")", suffix)); else self.netname = self.netname_freeme = strzone(strcat(prefix, name, suffix)); self.cleanname = strzone(name); // pick the model and skin if(substring(bot_model, -4, 1) != ".") bot_model = strcat(bot_model, ".iqm"); self.playermodel = self.playermodel_freeme = strzone(strcat("models/player/", bot_model)); self.playerskin = self.playerskin_freeme = strzone(bot_skin); self.cvar_cl_accuracy_data_share = 1; // share the bots weapon accuracy data with the world self.cvar_cl_accuracy_data_receive = 0; // don't receive any weapon accuracy data }; void bot_custom_weapon_priority_setup() { local float tokens, i, c, w; bot_custom_weapon = FALSE; if( autocvar_bot_ai_custom_weapon_priority_far == "" || autocvar_bot_ai_custom_weapon_priority_mid == "" || autocvar_bot_ai_custom_weapon_priority_close == "" || autocvar_bot_ai_custom_weapon_priority_distances == "" ) return; // Parse distances tokens = tokenizebyseparator(autocvar_bot_ai_custom_weapon_priority_distances," "); if (tokens!=2) return; bot_distance_far = stof(argv(0)); bot_distance_close = stof(argv(1)); if(bot_distance_far < bot_distance_close){ bot_distance_far = stof(argv(1)); bot_distance_close = stof(argv(0)); } // Initialize list of weapons bot_weapons_far[0] = -1; bot_weapons_mid[0] = -1; bot_weapons_close[0] = -1; // Parse far distance weapon priorities tokens = tokenizebyseparator(W_NumberWeaponOrder(autocvar_bot_ai_custom_weapon_priority_far)," "); c = 0; for(i=0; i < tokens && c < WEP_COUNT; ++i){ w = stof(argv(i)); if ( w >= WEP_FIRST && w <= WEP_LAST) { bot_weapons_far[c] = w; ++c; } } if(c < WEP_COUNT) bot_weapons_far[c] = -1; // Parse mid distance weapon priorities tokens = tokenizebyseparator(W_NumberWeaponOrder(autocvar_bot_ai_custom_weapon_priority_mid)," "); c = 0; for(i=0; i < tokens && c < WEP_COUNT; ++i){ w = stof(argv(i)); if ( w >= WEP_FIRST && w <= WEP_LAST) { bot_weapons_mid[c] = w; ++c; } } if(c < WEP_COUNT) bot_weapons_mid[c] = -1; // Parse close distance weapon priorities tokens = tokenizebyseparator(W_NumberWeaponOrder(autocvar_bot_ai_custom_weapon_priority_close)," "); c = 0; for(i=0; i < tokens && i < WEP_COUNT; ++i){ w = stof(argv(i)); if ( w >= WEP_FIRST && w <= WEP_LAST) { bot_weapons_close[c] = w; ++c; } } if(c < WEP_COUNT) bot_weapons_close[c] = -1; bot_custom_weapon = TRUE; }; void bot_endgame() { local entity e; //dprint("bot_endgame\n"); e = bot_list; while (e) { setcolor(e, e.bot_preferredcolors); e = e.nextbot; } // if dynamic waypoints are ever implemented, save them here }; void bot_relinkplayerlist() { local entity e; local entity prevbot; player_count = 0; currentbots = 0; player_list = e = findchainflags(flags, FL_CLIENT); bot_list = world; prevbot = world; while (e) { player_count = player_count + 1; e.nextplayer = e.chain; if (clienttype(e) == CLIENTTYPE_BOT) { if (prevbot) prevbot.nextbot = e; else { bot_list = e; bot_list.nextbot = world; } prevbot = e; currentbots = currentbots + 1; } e = e.chain; } dprint(strcat("relink: ", ftos(currentbots), " bots seen.\n")); bot_strategytoken = bot_list; bot_strategytoken_taken = TRUE; }; void bot_clientdisconnect() { if (clienttype(self) != CLIENTTYPE_BOT) return; if(self.cleanname) strunzone(self.cleanname); if(self.netname_freeme) strunzone(self.netname_freeme); if(self.playermodel_freeme) strunzone(self.playermodel_freeme); if(self.playerskin_freeme) strunzone(self.playerskin_freeme); self.cleanname = string_null; self.netname_freeme = string_null; self.playermodel_freeme = string_null; self.playerskin_freeme = string_null; remove(self.bot_cmd_current); if(navigation_wander_owner==self) navigation_wander_owner = world; } void bot_clientconnect() { if (clienttype(self) != CLIENTTYPE_BOT) return; self.bot_preferredcolors = self.clientcolors; self.bot_nextthink = time - random(); self.lag_func = bot_lagfunc; self.isbot = TRUE; self.createdtime = self.nextthink; if(!self.bot_config_loaded) // This is needed so team overrider doesn't break between matches bot_setnameandstuff(); if(self.bot_forced_team==1) self.team = COLOR_TEAM1; else if(self.bot_forced_team==2) self.team = COLOR_TEAM2; else if(self.bot_forced_team==3) self.team = COLOR_TEAM3; else if(self.bot_forced_team==4) self.team = COLOR_TEAM4; else JoinBestTeam(self, FALSE, TRUE); havocbot_setupbot(); }; void bot_removefromlargestteam() { local float besttime, bestcount, thiscount; local entity best, head; CheckAllowedTeams(world); GetTeamCounts(world); head = findchainfloat(isbot, TRUE); if (!head) return; best = head; besttime = head.createdtime; bestcount = 0; while (head) { if(head.team == COLOR_TEAM1) thiscount = c1; else if(head.team == COLOR_TEAM2) thiscount = c2; else if(head.team == COLOR_TEAM3) thiscount = c3; else if(head.team == COLOR_TEAM4) thiscount = c4; else thiscount = 0; if (thiscount > bestcount) { bestcount = thiscount; besttime = head.createdtime; best = head; } else if (thiscount == bestcount && besttime < head.createdtime) { besttime = head.createdtime; best = head; } head = head.chain; } currentbots = currentbots - 1; dropclient(best); }; void bot_removenewest() { local float besttime; local entity best, head; if(teams_matter) { bot_removefromlargestteam(); return; } head = findchainfloat(isbot, TRUE); if (!head) return; best = head; besttime = head.createdtime; while (head) { if (besttime < head.createdtime) { besttime = head.createdtime; best = head; } head = head.chain; } currentbots = currentbots - 1; dropclient(best); }; void autoskill(float factor) { float bestbot; float bestplayer; entity head; bestbot = -1; bestplayer = -1; FOR_EACH_PLAYER(head) { if(clienttype(head) == CLIENTTYPE_REAL) bestplayer = max(bestplayer, head.totalfrags - head.totalfrags_lastcheck); else bestbot = max(bestbot, head.totalfrags - head.totalfrags_lastcheck); } dprint("autoskill: best player got ", ftos(bestplayer), ", "); dprint("best bot got ", ftos(bestbot), "; "); if(bestbot < 0 || bestplayer < 0) { dprint("not doing anything\n"); // don't return, let it reset all counters below } else if(bestbot <= bestplayer * factor - 2) { if(autocvar_skill < 17) { dprint("2 frags difference, increasing skill\n"); cvar_set("skill", ftos(autocvar_skill + 1)); bprint("^2SKILL UP!^7 Now at level ", ftos(autocvar_skill), "\n"); } } else if(bestbot >= bestplayer * factor + 2) { if(autocvar_skill > 0) { dprint("2 frags difference, decreasing skill\n"); cvar_set("skill", ftos(autocvar_skill - 1)); bprint("^1SKILL DOWN!^7 Now at level ", ftos(autocvar_skill), "\n"); } } else { dprint("not doing anything\n"); return; // don't reset counters, wait for them to accumulate } FOR_EACH_PLAYER(head) head.totalfrags_lastcheck = head.totalfrags; } void bot_serverframe() { float realplayers, bots, activerealplayers; entity head; if (intermission_running) return; if (time < 2) return; stepheightvec = autocvar_sv_stepheight * '0 0 1'; bot_navigation_movemode = ((autocvar_bot_navigation_ignoreplayers) ? MOVE_NOMONSTERS : MOVE_NORMAL); if(time > autoskill_nextthink) { float a; a = autocvar_skill_auto; if(a) autoskill(a); autoskill_nextthink = time + 5; } activerealplayers = 0; realplayers = 0; FOR_EACH_REALCLIENT(head) { if(head.classname == "player" || g_lms || g_arena || g_ca) ++activerealplayers; ++realplayers; } // add/remove bots if needed to make sure there are at least // minplayers+bot_number, or remove all bots if no one is playing // But don't remove bots immediately on level change, as the real players // usually haven't rejoined yet bots_would_leave = FALSE; if (teams_matter && autocvar_bot_vs_human && (c3==-1 && c4==-1)) bots = min(ceil(fabs(autocvar_bot_vs_human) * activerealplayers), maxclients - realplayers); else if ((realplayers || autocvar_bot_join_empty || (currentbots > 0 && time < 5))) { float realminplayers, minplayers; realminplayers = autocvar_minplayers; minplayers = max(0, floor(realminplayers)); float realminbots, minbots; realminbots = autocvar_bot_number; minbots = max(0, floor(realminbots)); bots = min(max(minbots, minplayers - activerealplayers), maxclients - realplayers); if(bots > minbots) bots_would_leave = TRUE; } else { // if there are no players, remove bots bots = 0; } bot_ignore_bots = autocvar_bot_ignore_bots; // only add one bot per frame to avoid utter chaos if(time > botframe_nextthink) { //dprint(ftos(bots), " ? ", ftos(currentbots), "\n"); while (currentbots < bots) { if (bot_spawn() == world) { bprint("Can not add bot, server full.\n"); botframe_nextthink = time + 10; break; } } while (currentbots > bots) bot_removenewest(); } if(botframe_spawnedwaypoints) { if(autocvar_waypoint_benchmark) localcmd("quit\n"); } if (currentbots > 0 || autocvar_g_waypointeditor) if (botframe_spawnedwaypoints) { if(botframe_cachedwaypointlinks) { if(!botframe_loadedforcedlinks) waypoint_load_links_hardwired(); } else { // TODO: Make this check cleaner local entity wp = findchain(classname, "waypoint"); if(time - wp.nextthink > 10) waypoint_save_links(); } } else { botframe_spawnedwaypoints = TRUE; waypoint_loadall(); if(!waypoint_load_links()) waypoint_schedulerelinkall(); } if (bot_list) { // cycle the goal token from one bot to the next each frame // (this prevents them from all doing spawnfunc_waypoint searches on the same // frame, which causes choppy framerates) if (bot_strategytoken_taken) { bot_strategytoken_taken = FALSE; if (bot_strategytoken) bot_strategytoken = bot_strategytoken.nextbot; if (!bot_strategytoken) bot_strategytoken = bot_list; } if (botframe_nextdangertime < time) { local float interval; interval = autocvar_bot_ai_dangerdetectioninterval; if (botframe_nextdangertime < time - interval * 1.5) botframe_nextdangertime = time; botframe_nextdangertime = botframe_nextdangertime + interval; botframe_updatedangerousobjects(autocvar_bot_ai_dangerdetectionupdates); } } if (autocvar_g_waypointeditor) botframe_showwaypointlinks(); if(time > bot_cvar_nextthink) { if(currentbots>0) bot_custom_weapon_priority_setup(); bot_cvar_nextthink = time + 5; } };