float maxspawned; float numspawned; float arena_roundbased; .float spawned; .entity spawnqueue_next; .entity spawnqueue_prev; .float spawnqueue_in; entity spawnqueue_first; entity spawnqueue_last; entity champion; float warmup; float ca_players; float required_ca_players; .float caplayer; void PutObserverInServer(); void PutClientInServer(); void(entity e) ReturnFlag; void dom_controlpoint_setup(); void onslaught_generator_reset(); void onslaught_controlpoint_reset(); void func_breakable_reset(); void assault_objective_reset(); void target_assault_roundend_reset(); float next_round; float stopalivecheck; float redalive, bluealive, yellowalive, pinkalive; float totalalive; .float redalive_stat, bluealive_stat, yellowalive_stat, pinkalive_stat; float redspawned, bluespawned, yellowspawned, pinkspawned; float totalspawned; /** * Resets the state of all clients, items, flags, runes, keys, weapons, waypoints, ... of the map. * Sets the 'warmup' global variable. */ void reset_map(float dorespawn) { entity oldself; oldself = self; if(g_arena && autocvar_g_arena_warmup) warmup = time + autocvar_g_arena_warmup; else if(g_ca) { warmup = time + autocvar_g_ca_warmup; allowed_to_spawn = 1; } else if(g_freezetag) { warmup = time + autocvar_g_freezetag_warmup; } lms_lowest_lives = 999; lms_next_place = player_count; race_ReadyRestart(); for(self = world; (self = nextent(self)); ) if(clienttype(self) == CLIENTTYPE_NOTACLIENT && self.items != IT_STRENGTH && self.items != IT_INVINCIBLE) // don't respawn strength or shield, that will only lead to them spawning very early each match { if(self.reset) { self.reset(); continue; } if(self.team_saved) self.team = self.team_saved; if(self.flags & FL_PROJECTILE) // remove any projectiles left { stopsound(self, CHAN_PAIN); remove(self); } } // Waypoints and assault start come LAST for(self = world; (self = nextent(self)); ) if(clienttype(self) == CLIENTTYPE_NOTACLIENT) { if(self.reset2) { self.reset2(); continue; } } // Moving the player reset code here since the player-reset depends // on spawnpoint entities which have to be reset first --blub if(dorespawn) FOR_EACH_CLIENT(self) { if(self.flags & FL_CLIENT) // reset all players { if(g_arena) { if(self.spawned) PutClientInServer(); else PutObserverInServer(); } else if(g_ca && self.caplayer) { self.classname = "player"; PutClientInServer(); } else if(g_freezetag) { if(self.classname == "player") PutClientInServer(); } else { /* only reset players if a restart countdown is active this can either be due to cvar sv_ready_restart_after_countdown having set restart_mapalreadyrestarted to 1 after the countdown ended or when sv_ready_restart_after_countdown is not used and countdown is still running */ if (restart_mapalreadyrestarted || (time < game_starttime)) { //NEW: changed behaviour so that it prevents that previous spectators/observers suddenly spawn as players if (self.classname == "player") { //PlayerScore_Clear(self); if(g_lms) PlayerScore_Add(self, SP_LMS_LIVES, LMS_NewPlayerLives()); self.killcount = 0; //stop the player from moving so that he stands still once he gets respawned self.velocity = '0 0 0'; self.avelocity = '0 0 0'; self.movement = '0 0 0'; PutClientInServer(); } } } } } if(g_keyhunt) kh_Controller_SetThink_NoMsg(autocvar_g_balance_keyhunt_delay_round+(game_starttime - time), kh_StartRound); if(g_arena) if(champion && champion.classname == "player" && player_count > 1) UpdateFrags(champion, +1); self = oldself; } void Spawnqueue_Insert(entity e) { if(e.spawnqueue_in) return; dprint(strcat("Into queue: ", e.netname, "\n")); e.spawnqueue_in = TRUE; e.spawnqueue_prev = spawnqueue_last; e.spawnqueue_next = world; if(spawnqueue_last) spawnqueue_last.spawnqueue_next = e; spawnqueue_last = e; if(!spawnqueue_first) spawnqueue_first = e; } void Spawnqueue_Remove(entity e) { if(!e.spawnqueue_in) return; dprint(strcat("Out of queue: ", e.netname, "\n")); e.spawnqueue_in = FALSE; if(e == spawnqueue_first) spawnqueue_first = e.spawnqueue_next; if(e == spawnqueue_last) spawnqueue_last = e.spawnqueue_prev; if(e.spawnqueue_prev) e.spawnqueue_prev.spawnqueue_next = e.spawnqueue_next; if(e.spawnqueue_next) e.spawnqueue_next.spawnqueue_prev = e.spawnqueue_prev; e.spawnqueue_next = world; e.spawnqueue_prev = world; } void Spawnqueue_Unmark(entity e) { if(!e.spawned) return; e.spawned = FALSE; numspawned = numspawned - 1; } void Spawnqueue_Mark(entity e) { if(e.spawned) return; e.spawned = TRUE; numspawned = numspawned + 1; } /** * If roundbased arena game mode is active, it centerprints the texts for the * player when player is waiting for the countdown to finish. * Blocks the players movement while countdown is active. * Unblocks the player once the countdown is over. * * Called in PlayerPostThink() */ float roundStartTime_prev; // prevent networkspam void Arena_Warmup() { float f; entity e; if((!g_arena && !g_ca && !g_freezetag) || (g_arena && !arena_roundbased) || (time < game_starttime)) return; f = ceil(warmup - time); allowed_to_spawn = 0; if(inWarmupStage) allowed_to_spawn = 1; if(ca_players < required_ca_players) allowed_to_spawn = 1; if(time < warmup && !inWarmupStage) { if (g_ca) allowed_to_spawn = 1; if(champion && g_arena) { FOR_EACH_PLAYER(e) centerprint(e, strcat("The Champion is ", champion.netname)); } if(f != roundStartTime_prev) { roundStartTime_prev = f; if(f == 5) Announce("prepareforbattle"); else if(f == 3) Announce("3"); else if(f == 2) Announce("2"); else if(f == 1) Announce("1"); FOR_EACH_PLAYER(e) Send_CSQC_Centerprint_Generic(e, CPID_ROUND_STARTING, "Round will start in %d", 1, f); } if (g_arena) { if(self.spawned && self.classname == "player") self.movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE; self.velocity = '0 0 0'; self.avelocity = '0 0 0'; self.movement = '0 0 0'; } } else if(f > -1 && f != roundStartTime_prev) { roundStartTime_prev = f; Announce("begin"); FOR_EACH_PLAYER(e) Send_CSQC_Centerprint_Generic(e, CPID_ROUND_STARTING, "^1Begin!", 1, 0); if(g_ca) { ca_players = 0; FOR_EACH_PLAYER(e) ca_players += 1; } if(self.classname == "player" && self.health > 0 && self.movetype == MOVETYPE_NONE) self.movetype = MOVETYPE_WALK; } // clear champion to avoid centerprinting again the champion msg if (champion) champion = world; } void count_spawned_players() { // TODO fix "*spawned" name, it should rather be "*players" or so // not doing this now to prevent merge hell with Tag // fix after merging with Tag // count amount of players in each team totalspawned = redspawned = bluespawned = yellowspawned = pinkspawned = 0; FOR_EACH_PLAYER(self) { if (self.team == COLOR_TEAM1) { redspawned += 1; totalspawned += 1; } else if (self.team == COLOR_TEAM2) { bluespawned += 1; totalspawned += 1; } else if (self.team == COLOR_TEAM3) { yellowspawned += 1; totalspawned += 1; } else if (self.team == COLOR_TEAM4) { pinkspawned += 1; totalspawned += 1; } } } void count_alive_players() { totalalive = redalive = bluealive = yellowalive = pinkalive = 0; if(g_ca) { FOR_EACH_PLAYER(self) { if (self.team == COLOR_TEAM1 && self.health >= 1) { redalive += 1; totalalive += 1; } else if (self.team == COLOR_TEAM2 && self.health >= 1) { bluealive += 1; totalalive += 1; } } FOR_EACH_REALCLIENT(self) { self.redalive_stat = redalive; self.bluealive_stat = bluealive; } } else if(g_freezetag) { // count amount of alive players in each team FOR_EACH_PLAYER(self) { if (self.team == COLOR_TEAM1 && self.freezetag_frozen == 0 && self.health >= 1) { redalive += 1; totalalive += 1; } else if (self.team == COLOR_TEAM2 && self.freezetag_frozen == 0 && self.health >= 1) { bluealive += 1; totalalive += 1; } else if (self.team == COLOR_TEAM3 && self.freezetag_frozen == 0 && self.health >= 1) { yellowalive += 1; totalalive += 1; } else if (self.team == COLOR_TEAM4 && self.freezetag_frozen == 0 && self.health >= 1) { pinkalive += 1; totalalive += 1; } } FOR_EACH_REALCLIENT(self) { self.redalive_stat = redalive; self.bluealive_stat = bluealive; self.yellowalive_stat = yellowalive; self.pinkalive_stat = pinkalive; } } } /** * This function finds out whether an arena round is over 1 player is left. * It determines the last player who's still alive and saves it's entity reference * in the global variable 'champion'. Then the new enemy/enemies are put into the server. * * Gets called in StartFrame() */ float warntime; void Spawnqueue_Check() { count_spawned_players(); if(g_ca || g_freezetag) // we want to perform this before the return block below (CA)... { count_alive_players(); } if(time < warmup + 1 || inWarmupStage || intermission_running) return; if(g_ca) { required_ca_players = max(2, fabs(autocvar_bot_vs_human + 1)); if(ca_players < required_ca_players && (redspawned && bluespawned)) { reset_map(TRUE); } else if(ca_players < required_ca_players) { if (time > warntime) { FOR_EACH_PLAYER(self) centerprint(self, strcat("^1Need at least 1 player in each team to play CA", "^7\n")); warntime = time + 1; } return; } else if(!next_round) { if((redspawned && !bluespawned) || (bluespawned && !redspawned)) { next_round = time + 5; } else if((!redspawned && !bluespawned) || time - warmup > autocvar_g_ca_round_timelimit) { FOR_EACH_CLIENT(self) centerprint(self, strcat("^7Round tied.", "^7\n")); next_round = time + 5; } } if(!stopalivecheck) { if(redalive && !bluealive) { play2all("ctf/red_capture.wav"); FOR_EACH_CLIENT(self) centerprint(self, "^1 RED ^7team wins the round.\n"); TeamScore_AddToTeam(COLOR_TEAM1, ST_SCORE, +1); stopalivecheck = TRUE; } else if(bluealive && !redalive) { play2all("ctf/blue_capture.wav"); FOR_EACH_CLIENT(self) centerprint(self, "^4 BLUE ^7team wins the round.\n"); TeamScore_AddToTeam(COLOR_TEAM2, ST_SCORE, +1); stopalivecheck = TRUE; } } if((next_round && next_round < time)) { stopalivecheck = FALSE; next_round = 0; reset_map(TRUE); } } else if(g_freezetag) { if((next_round && next_round < time)) { next_round = 0; reset_map(TRUE); } } else { // arena //extend next_round if it isn't set yet and only 1 player is spawned if(!next_round) if(numspawned < 2) next_round = time + 3; if(!arena_roundbased || (next_round && next_round < time && player_count > 1)) { next_round = 0; if(arena_roundbased) { champion = find(world, classname, "player"); while(champion && champion.deadflag) champion = find(champion, classname, "player"); reset_map(TRUE); } while(numspawned < maxspawned && spawnqueue_first) { self = spawnqueue_first; bprint ("^4", self.netname, "^4 is the next challenger\n"); Spawnqueue_Remove(self); Spawnqueue_Mark(self); self.classname = "player"; PutClientInServer(); } } } }