#ifndef DIALOG_TEAMSELECT_H #define DIALOG_TEAMSELECT_H #include "rootdialog.qc" CLASS(XonoticTeamSelectDialog, XonoticRootDialog) METHOD(XonoticTeamSelectDialog, fill, void(entity)); // to be overridden by user to fill the dialog with controls METHOD(XonoticTeamSelectDialog, showNotify, void(entity)); ATTRIB(XonoticTeamSelectDialog, title, string, _("Team Selection")) // ;) ATTRIB(XonoticTeamSelectDialog, color, vector, SKINCOLOR_DIALOG_TEAMSELECT) ATTRIB(XonoticTeamSelectDialog, intendedWidth, float, 0.4) ATTRIB(XonoticTeamSelectDialog, rows, float, 5) ATTRIB(XonoticTeamSelectDialog, columns, float, 4) ATTRIB(XonoticTeamSelectDialog, name, string, "TeamSelect") ATTRIB(XonoticTeamSelectDialog, team1, entity, NULL) ATTRIB(XonoticTeamSelectDialog, team2, entity, NULL) ATTRIB(XonoticTeamSelectDialog, team3, entity, NULL) ATTRIB(XonoticTeamSelectDialog, team4, entity, NULL) ATTRIB(XonoticTeamSelectDialog, requiresConnection, float, true) ENDCLASS(XonoticTeamSelectDialog) #endif #ifdef IMPLEMENTATION entity makeTeamButton_T(string theName, vector theColor, string commandtheName, string theTooltip) { entity b; b = makeXonoticBigCommandButton_T(theName, theColor, commandtheName, 1, theTooltip); return b; } entity makeTeamButton(string theName, vector theColor, string commandtheName) { return makeTeamButton_T(theName, theColor, commandtheName, string_null); } void XonoticTeamSelectDialog_showNotify(entity me) { float teams, nTeams; teams = cvar("_teams_available"); nTeams = 0; me.team1.disabled = !(teams & 1); nTeams += !!(teams & 1); me.team2.disabled = !(teams & 2); nTeams += !!(teams & 2); me.team3.disabled = !(teams & 4); nTeams += !!(teams & 4); me.team4.disabled = !(teams & 8); nTeams += !!(teams & 8); } void XonoticTeamSelectDialog_fill(entity me) { entity e; me.TR(me); me.TD(me, 2, 4, e = makeTeamButton_T(_("join 'best' team (auto-select)"), '0 0 0', "cmd selectteam auto; cmd join", _("Autoselect team (recommended)"))); e.preferredFocusPriority = 1; me.TR(me); me.TR(me); me.TD(me, 2, 1, e = me.team1 = makeTeamButton(_("red"), '1 0.5 0.5', "cmd selectteam red; cmd join")); me.TD(me, 2, 1, e = me.team2 = makeTeamButton(_("blue"), '0.5 0.5 1', "cmd selectteam blue; cmd join")); me.TD(me, 2, 1, e = me.team3 = makeTeamButton(_("yellow"), '1 1 0.5', "cmd selectteam yellow; cmd join")); me.TD(me, 2, 1, e = me.team4 = makeTeamButton(_("pink"), '1 0.5 1', "cmd selectteam pink; cmd join")); me.TR(me); me.TR(me); me.TD(me, 1, 4, makeXonoticCommandButton(_("spectate"), '0 0 0', "cmd spectate", 1)); } #endif /* Click. The c-word is here so you can grep for it :-) */