#include "client.qh" #include "common.qh" #if defined(CSQC) #include #elif defined(MENUQC) #elif defined(SVQC) #endif void WarpZone_Fade_PreDraw(entity this) { vector org; org = getpropertyvec(VF_ORIGIN); if(!checkpvs(org, this)) // this makes sense as long as we don't support recursive warpzones this.alpha = 0; else if(this.warpzone_fadestart) this.alpha = bound(0, (this.warpzone_fadeend - vlen(org - this.origin - 0.5 * (this.mins + this.maxs))) / (this.warpzone_fadeend - this.warpzone_fadestart), 1); else this.alpha = 1; //printf("%v <-> %v\n", view_origin, this.origin + 0.5 * (this.mins + this.maxs)); if(this.alpha <= 0) this.drawmask = 0; else this.drawmask = MASK_NORMAL; } void WarpZone_Touch(entity this, entity toucher); NET_HANDLE(ENT_CLIENT_WARPZONE, bool isnew) { if(!warpzone_warpzones_exist) { cvar_settemp("r_water", "1"); // HACK for DarkPlaces: always enable reflections when a map has warpzones cvar_settemp("r_water_resolutionmultiplier", "1"); // HACK for DarkPlaces: enforce full quality so entities can be seen clearly through warpzones } warpzone_warpzones_exist = 1; if (!this.enemy) { this.enemy = new(warpzone_from); } this.classname = "trigger_warpzone"; if(isnew) IL_PUSH(g_warpzones, this); int f = ReadByte(); this.warpzone_isboxy = (f & 1); if(f & 4) { this.origin = ReadVector(); } else this.origin = '0 0 0'; this.modelindex = ReadShort(); this.mins = ReadVector(); this.maxs = ReadVector(); this.scale = ReadByte() / 16; this.enemy.oldorigin = ReadVector(); this.enemy.avelocity = ReadVector(); this.oldorigin = ReadVector(); this.avelocity = ReadVector(); if(f & 2) { this.warpzone_fadestart = ReadShort(); this.warpzone_fadeend = max(this.warpzone_fadestart + 1, ReadShort()); } else { this.warpzone_fadestart = 0; this.warpzone_fadeend = 0; } // common stuff WarpZone_SetUp(this, this.enemy.oldorigin, this.enemy.avelocity, this.oldorigin, this.avelocity); // link me //setmodel(this, this.model); setorigin(this, this.origin); setsize(this, this.mins, this.maxs); // how to draw // engine currently wants this setpredraw(this, WarpZone_Fade_PreDraw); //settouch(this, WarpZone_Touch); return true; } NET_HANDLE(ENT_CLIENT_WARPZONE_CAMERA, bool isnew) { if(!warpzone_cameras_exist) { cvar_settemp("r_water", "1"); // HACK for DarkPlaces: always enable reflections when a map has cameras cvar_settemp("r_water_resolutionmultiplier", "1"); // HACK for DarkPlaces: enforce full quality so entities can be seen clearly through warpzones } warpzone_cameras_exist = 1; this.classname = "func_warpzone_camera"; int f = ReadByte(); if(f & 4) { this.origin = ReadVector(); } else this.origin = '0 0 0'; this.modelindex = ReadShort(); this.mins = ReadVector(); this.maxs = ReadVector(); this.scale = ReadByte() / 16; this.oldorigin = ReadVector(); this.avelocity = ReadVector(); if(f & 2) { this.warpzone_fadestart = ReadShort(); this.warpzone_fadeend = max(this.warpzone_fadestart + 1, ReadShort()); } else { this.warpzone_fadestart = 0; this.warpzone_fadeend = 0; } // common stuff WarpZone_Camera_SetUp(this, this.oldorigin, this.avelocity); // engine currently wants this this.drawmask = MASK_NORMAL; // link me //setmodel(this, this.model); setorigin(this, this.origin); setsize(this, this.mins, this.maxs); // how to draw // engine currently wants this setpredraw(this, WarpZone_Fade_PreDraw); return true; } void CL_RotateMoves(vector ang) = #638; NET_HANDLE(ENT_CLIENT_WARPZONE_TELEPORTED, bool isnew) { this.classname = "warpzone_teleported"; vector v = ReadVector(); return = true; if (!isnew) return; this.warpzone_transform = v; setproperty(VF_CL_VIEWANGLES, WarpZone_TransformVAngles(this, getpropertyvec(VF_CL_VIEWANGLES))); if(checkextension("DP_CSQC_ROTATEMOVES")) CL_RotateMoves(v); //CL_RotateMoves('0 90 0'); } float warpzone_fixingview; float warpzone_fixingview_drawexteriormodel; void WarpZone_View_Outside() { if(!warpzone_fixingview) return; warpzone_fixingview = 0; cvar_set("r_drawexteriormodel", ftos(warpzone_fixingview_drawexteriormodel)); } void WarpZone_View_Inside() { if(autocvar_chase_active) { WarpZone_View_Outside(); return; } if(warpzone_fixingview) return; warpzone_fixingview = 1; warpzone_fixingview_drawexteriormodel = cvar("r_drawexteriormodel"); cvar_set("r_drawexteriormodel", "0"); } vector WarpZone_FixNearClip(vector o, vector c0, vector c1, vector c2, vector c3) { vector mi, ma; entity e; float pd; mi.x = min(o.x, c0_x, c1_x, c2_x, c3_x); ma.x = max(o.x, c0_x, c1_x, c2_x, c3_x); mi.y = min(o.y, c0_y, c1_y, c2_y, c3_y); ma.y = max(o.y, c0_y, c1_y, c2_y, c3_y); mi.z = min(o.z, c0_z, c1_z, c2_z, c3_z); ma.z = max(o.z, c0_z, c1_z, c2_z, c3_z); e = WarpZone_Find(mi, ma); if(e) { if(WarpZone_PlaneDist(e, o) < 0) return '0 0 0'; // can't really be, though, but if it is, this is not my warpzone, but a random different one in the same mins/maxs pd = min( WarpZone_PlaneDist(e, c0), WarpZone_PlaneDist(e, c1), WarpZone_PlaneDist(e, c2), WarpZone_PlaneDist(e, c3) ); if(pd < 0) return e.warpzone_forward * -pd; } return '0 0 0'; } void WarpZone_FixPMove() { entity e = WarpZone_Find(pmove_org, pmove_org); if(e) { pmove_org = WarpZone_TransformOrigin(e, pmove_org); input_angles = WarpZone_TransformVAngles(e, input_angles); } } #ifndef KEEP_ROLL float autocvar_cl_rollkillspeed = 10; #endif void WarpZone_FixView() { entity e; vector org, ang, nearclip, corner0, corner1, corner2, corner3, o; warpzone_save_view_origin = org = getpropertyvec(VF_ORIGIN); warpzone_save_view_angles = ang = getpropertyvec(VF_ANGLES); e = WarpZone_Find(org, org); if(e) { org = WarpZone_TransformOrigin(e, org); ang = WarpZone_TransformVAngles(e, ang); WarpZone_View_Inside(); } else WarpZone_View_Outside(); #ifndef KEEP_ROLL float rick; float f; static float rollkill; if (STAT(HEALTH) > 0 || STAT(HEALTH) == -666 || STAT(HEALTH) == -2342) { f = 0; // reset roll when passing through a warpzone that change player's roll angle if(autocvar_cl_rollkillspeed) f = max(0, (1 - frametime * autocvar_cl_rollkillspeed)); if(rollkill) rollkill = 0; } else { f = 1; // roll the view when killed (v_deathtilt) if(autocvar_cl_rollkillspeed) { rollkill += frametime * autocvar_cl_rollkillspeed; f = min(1, rollkill); } else if(rollkill) rollkill = 0; } rick = getproperty(VF_CL_VIEWANGLES_Z); rick *= f; setproperty(VF_CL_VIEWANGLES_Z, rick); ang.z *= f; #endif setproperty(VF_ORIGIN, org); setproperty(VF_ANGLES, ang); nearclip = '0 0 1' * (cvar("r_nearclip") * 1.125); corner0 = cs_unproject('0 0 0' + nearclip); corner1 = cs_unproject('1 0 0' * cvar("vid_conwidth") + nearclip); corner2 = cs_unproject('0 1 0' * cvar("vid_conheight") + nearclip); corner3 = cs_unproject('1 0 0' * cvar("vid_conwidth") + '0 1 0' * cvar("vid_conheight") + nearclip); o = WarpZone_FixNearClip(org, corner0, corner1, corner2, corner3); if(o != '0 0 0') setproperty(VF_ORIGIN, org + o); } void WarpZone_Shutdown() { WarpZone_View_Outside(); }