/* * Copyright (c) 2011 Rudolf Polzer * Copyright (c) 2015 Micah Talkiewicz * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS * IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "cl_player.qh" #include "cl_model.qh" #include "common.qh" #include "interpolate.qh" float autocvar_cl_movement_errorcompensation = 0; bool autocvar_cl_movement_intermissionrunning = false; // engine stuff float pmove_onground; // weird engine flag we shouldn't really use but have to for now vector csqcplayer_origin, csqcplayer_velocity; float csqcplayer_sequence; int player_pmflags; float csqcplayer_moveframe; vector csqcplayer_predictionerroro; vector csqcplayer_predictionerrorv; float csqcplayer_predictionerrortime; float csqcplayer_predictionerrorfactor; vector CSQCPlayer_GetPredictionErrorO() { if (time >= csqcplayer_predictionerrortime) return '0 0 0'; return csqcplayer_predictionerroro * (csqcplayer_predictionerrortime - time) * csqcplayer_predictionerrorfactor; } vector CSQCPlayer_GetPredictionErrorV() { if (time >= csqcplayer_predictionerrortime) return '0 0 0'; return csqcplayer_predictionerrorv * (csqcplayer_predictionerrortime - time) * csqcplayer_predictionerrorfactor; } void CSQCPlayer_SetPredictionError(vector o, vector v, float onground_diff) { // error too big to compensate, we LIKELY hit a teleport or a // jumppad, or it's a jump time disagreement that'll get fixed // next frame // FIXME we sometimes have disagreement in order of jump velocity. Do not act on them! /* // commented out as this one did not help if(onground_diff) { printf("ONGROUND MISMATCH: %d x=%v v=%v\n", onground_diff, o, v); return; } */ if(vdist(o, >, 32) || vdist(v, >, 192)) { //printf("TOO BIG: x=%v v=%v\n", o, v); return; } if(!autocvar_cl_movement_errorcompensation) { csqcplayer_predictionerrorfactor = 0; return; } csqcplayer_predictionerroro = CSQCPlayer_GetPredictionErrorO() + o; csqcplayer_predictionerrorv = CSQCPlayer_GetPredictionErrorV() + v; csqcplayer_predictionerrorfactor = autocvar_cl_movement_errorcompensation / ((ticrate) ? ticrate : 1); csqcplayer_predictionerrortime = time + 1.0 / csqcplayer_predictionerrorfactor; } void CSQCPlayer_Unpredict(entity this) { if (csqcplayer_status == CSQCPLAYERSTATUS_UNPREDICTED) return; if (csqcplayer_status != CSQCPLAYERSTATUS_PREDICTED) LOG_FATALF("Cannot unpredict in current status (%d)", csqcplayer_status); this.origin = csqcplayer_origin; this.velocity = csqcplayer_velocity; csqcplayer_moveframe = csqcplayer_sequence + 1; // + 1 because the recieved frame has the move already done (server side) this.flags = player_pmflags; } void CSQCPlayer_SetMinsMaxs(entity this) { if (IS_DUCKED(this) || !(this.isplayermodel & ISPLAYER_PLAYER)) { this.mins = PHYS_PL_CROUCH_MIN(this); this.maxs = PHYS_PL_CROUCH_MAX(this); this.view_ofs = PHYS_PL_CROUCH_VIEWOFS(this); } else { this.mins = PHYS_PL_MIN(this); this.maxs = PHYS_PL_MAX(this); if (IS_DEAD(this)) this.maxs.z = 5; this.view_ofs = PHYS_PL_VIEWOFS(this); } } void CSQCPlayer_SavePrediction(entity this) { player_pmflags = this.flags; csqcplayer_origin = this.origin; csqcplayer_velocity = this.velocity; csqcplayer_sequence = servercommandframe; csqcplayer_status = CSQCPLAYERSTATUS_PREDICTED; } void CSQC_ClientMovement_PlayerMove_Frame(entity this); void CSQCPlayer_Physics(entity this) { if(!autocvar_cl_movement) { return; } //_Movetype_CheckWater(this); // we apparently need to check water *before* physics so it can use this for water jump vector oldv_angle = this.v_angle; vector oldangles = this.angles; // we need to save these, as they're abused by other code this.v_angle = PHYS_INPUT_ANGLES(this); this.angles = PHYS_WORLD_ANGLES(this); CSQC_ClientMovement_PlayerMove_Frame(this); Movetype_Physics_NoMatchTicrate(this, PHYS_INPUT_TIMELENGTH, true); view_angles = this.v_angle; input_angles = this.angles; this.v_angle = oldv_angle; this.angles = oldangles; this.pmove_flags = ((IS_DUCKED(this)) ? PMF_DUCKED : 0) | ((IS_JUMP_HELD(this)) ? PMF_JUMP_HELD : 0) | ((IS_ONGROUND(this)) ? PMF_ONGROUND : 0); } void CSQCPlayer_PredictTo(entity this, float endframe, bool apply_error) { CSQCPlayer_Unpredict(this); if (apply_error) { this.origin += CSQCPlayer_GetPredictionErrorO(); this.velocity += CSQCPlayer_GetPredictionErrorV(); } CSQCPlayer_SetMinsMaxs(this); csqcplayer_status = CSQCPLAYERSTATUS_PREDICTED; #if 0 // we don't need this // darkplaces makes servercommandframe == 0 in these cases anyway if (STAT(HEALTH) <= 0) { csqcplayer_moveframe = clientcommandframe; getinputstate(csqcplayer_moveframe-1); LOG_INFO("the Weird code path got hit"); return; } #endif if (csqcplayer_moveframe >= endframe) { getinputstate(csqcplayer_moveframe - 1); } else { do { if (!getinputstate(csqcplayer_moveframe)) break; /*if (input_timelength > 0.0005) { if (input_timelength > 0.05) { input_timelength /= 2; CSQCPlayer_Physics(this); } CSQCPlayer_Physics(this); }*/ CSQCPlayer_Physics(this); CSQCPlayer_SetMinsMaxs(this); ++csqcplayer_moveframe; } while (csqcplayer_moveframe < endframe); } // add in anything that was applied after (for low packet rate protocols) input_angles = view_angles; } bool CSQCPlayer_IsLocalPlayer(entity this) { return (this == csqcplayer); } float stairsmoothz; float autocvar_cl_stairsmoothspeed = 200; float autocvar_cl_smoothviewheight = 0.05; float smooth_prevtime; float viewheightavg; vector CSQCPlayer_ApplySmoothing(entity this, vector v) { float smoothtime = bound(0, time - smooth_prevtime, 0.1); smooth_prevtime = max(smooth_prevtime, drawtime); // drawtime is the previous frame's time at this point if(this.csqcmodel_teleported || !(this.pmove_flags & PMF_ONGROUND) || autocvar_cl_stairsmoothspeed <= 0 || this.ground_networkentity) stairsmoothz = v.z; else { if(stairsmoothz < v.z) v.z = stairsmoothz = bound(v.z - PHYS_STEPHEIGHT(this), stairsmoothz + smoothtime * autocvar_cl_stairsmoothspeed, v.z); else if(stairsmoothz > v.z) v.z = stairsmoothz = bound(v.z, stairsmoothz - smoothtime * autocvar_cl_stairsmoothspeed, v.z + PHYS_STEPHEIGHT(this)); } float viewheight = bound(0, (time - smooth_prevtime) / max(0.0001, autocvar_cl_smoothviewheight), 1); viewheightavg = viewheightavg * (1 - viewheight) + this.view_ofs.z * viewheight; v.z += viewheightavg; smooth_prevtime = time; return v; } // simplified copy of CSQCPlayer_ApplySmoothing for use on player models .float stairsmooth_offset; .float stairsmooth_prevtime; .float stairsmooth_drawtime; // holds the previous draw time vector CSQCModel_ApplyStairSmoothing(entity this, bool isonground, vector v) { float smoothtime = bound(0, time - this.stairsmooth_prevtime, 0.1); this.stairsmooth_prevtime = max(this.stairsmooth_prevtime, this.stairsmooth_drawtime); // stairsmooth_drawtime is the previous frame's time at this point if(this.csqcmodel_teleported || !isonground || autocvar_cl_stairsmoothspeed <= 0 || this.ground_networkentity) this.stairsmooth_offset = v.z; else { if(this.stairsmooth_offset < v.z) v.z = this.stairsmooth_offset = bound(v.z - PHYS_STEPHEIGHT(this), this.stairsmooth_offset + smoothtime * autocvar_cl_stairsmoothspeed, v.z); else if(this.stairsmooth_offset > v.z) v.z = this.stairsmooth_offset = bound(v.z, this.stairsmooth_offset - smoothtime * autocvar_cl_stairsmoothspeed, v.z + PHYS_STEPHEIGHT(this)); } this.stairsmooth_prevtime = time; this.stairsmooth_drawtime = drawtime; return v; } bool autocvar_v_deathtilt; float autocvar_v_deathtiltangle; void CSQCPlayer_ApplyDeathTilt(entity this) { if(!this.csqcmodel_isdead || !autocvar_v_deathtilt) return; view_angles.z = autocvar_v_deathtiltangle; } float autocvar_v_idlescale; float autocvar_v_ipitch_cycle; float autocvar_v_iyaw_cycle; float autocvar_v_iroll_cycle; float autocvar_v_ipitch_level; float autocvar_v_iyaw_level; float autocvar_v_iroll_level; void CSQCPlayer_ApplyIdleScaling(entity this) { if(!autocvar_v_idlescale) return; view_angles.x += autocvar_v_idlescale * sin(time * autocvar_v_ipitch_cycle) * autocvar_v_ipitch_level; view_angles.y += autocvar_v_idlescale * sin(time * autocvar_v_iyaw_cycle) * autocvar_v_iyaw_level; view_angles.z += autocvar_v_idlescale * sin(time * autocvar_v_iroll_cycle) * autocvar_v_iroll_level; //setproperty(VF_CL_VIEWANGLES, view_angles); // update view angles as well so we can aim } float autocvar_cl_bob = 0; float autocvar_cl_bobcycle = 0.5; float autocvar_cl_bob_limit = 7; float autocvar_cl_bob_limit_heightcheck = 0; float autocvar_cl_bob_velocity_limit = 400; float autocvar_cl_bobup = 0.5; float autocvar_cl_bobfall = 0.05; float autocvar_cl_bobfallcycle = 3; float autocvar_cl_bobfallminspeed = 200; float autocvar_cl_bob2 = 0; float autocvar_cl_bob2cycle = 1; float autocvar_cl_bob2smooth = 0.05; float bobfall_swing; float bobfall_speed; float bob2_smooth; vector CSQCPlayer_ApplyBobbing(entity this, vector v) { if(this.csqcmodel_isdead || PHYS_INVEHICLE(this)) return v; // bounded XY speed, used by several effects below float bob, cycle; // vertical view bobbing code if(autocvar_cl_bob && autocvar_cl_bobcycle) { float bob_limit = autocvar_cl_bob_limit; if(autocvar_cl_bob_limit_heightcheck) { // use traces to determine what range the view can bob in, and scale down the bob as needed vector bob_height_check_dest = v; bob_height_check_dest.z += autocvar_cl_bob_limit * 1.1; traceline(v, bob_height_check_dest, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, NULL); float trace1fraction = trace_fraction; bob_height_check_dest = v; bob_height_check_dest.z += autocvar_cl_bob_limit * -0.5; traceline(v, bob_height_check_dest, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, NULL); float trace2fraction = trace_fraction; bob_limit *= min(trace1fraction, trace2fraction); } // LordHavoc: figured out bobup: the time at which the sin is at 180 // degrees (which allows lengthening or squishing the peak or valley) cycle = time / autocvar_cl_bobcycle; cycle -= rint(cycle); if(cycle < autocvar_cl_bobup) cycle = sin(M_PI * cycle / autocvar_cl_bobup); else cycle = sin(M_PI + M_PI * (cycle - autocvar_cl_bobup) / (1.0 - autocvar_cl_bobup)); // bob is proportional to velocity in the xy plane // (don't count Z, or jumping messes it up) float xyspeed = bound(0, sqrt(this.velocity.x * this.velocity.x + this.velocity.y * this.velocity.y), autocvar_cl_bob_velocity_limit); bob = xyspeed * autocvar_cl_bob; bob = bound(0, bob, bob_limit); bob = bob * 0.3 + bob * 0.7 * cycle; v.z += bob; } // horizontal view bobbing code if(autocvar_cl_bob2 && autocvar_cl_bob2cycle) { cycle = time / autocvar_cl_bob2cycle; cycle -= rint(cycle); if(cycle < 0.5) cycle = cos(M_PI * cycle / 0.5); // cos looks better here with the other view bobbing using sin else cycle = cos(M_PI + M_PI * (cycle - 0.5) / 0.5); bob = autocvar_cl_bob2 * cycle; // this value slowly decreases from 1 to 0 when we stop touching the ground. // The cycle is later multiplied with it so the view smooths back to normal if(IS_ONGROUND(this) && !(input_buttons & BIT(1))) // also block the effect while the jump button is pressed, to avoid twitches when bunny-hopping bob2_smooth = 1; else { if(bob2_smooth > 0) bob2_smooth -= bound(0, autocvar_cl_bob2smooth, 1); else bob2_smooth = 0; } // calculate the front and side of the player between the X and Y axes makevectors(view_angles); // now get the speed based on those angles. The bounds should match the same value as xyspeed's float side = bound(-autocvar_cl_bob_velocity_limit, (this.velocity * v_right) * bob2_smooth, autocvar_cl_bob_velocity_limit); float front = bound(-autocvar_cl_bob_velocity_limit, (this.velocity * v_forward) * bob2_smooth, autocvar_cl_bob_velocity_limit); v_forward = v_forward * bob; v_right = v_right * bob; // we use side with forward and front with right, so the bobbing goes // to the side when we walk forward and to the front when we strafe vector bob2vel; bob2vel.x = side * v_forward.x + front * v_right.x + 0 * v_up.x; bob2vel.y = side * v_forward.y + front * v_right.y + 0 * v_up.y; bob2vel.z = side * v_forward.z + front * v_right.z + 0 * v_up.z; v.x += bob2vel.x; v.y += bob2vel.y; } // fall bobbing code // causes the view to swing down and back up when touching the ground if(autocvar_cl_bobfall && autocvar_cl_bobfallcycle) { if(!IS_ONGROUND(this)) { bobfall_speed = bound(-400, this.velocity.z, 0) * bound(0, autocvar_cl_bobfall, 0.1); if(this.velocity.z < -autocvar_cl_bobfallminspeed) bobfall_swing = 1; else bobfall_swing = 0; // really? } else { bobfall_swing = max(0, bobfall_swing - autocvar_cl_bobfallcycle * frametime); float bobfall = sin(M_PI * bobfall_swing) * bobfall_speed; v.z += bobfall; } } return v; } float autocvar_cl_rollangle; float autocvar_cl_rollspeed; float CSQCPlayer_CalcRoll(entity this) { makevectors(view_angles); float side = (this.velocity * v_right); float sign = (side < 0) ? -1 : 1; side = fabs(side); if(side < autocvar_cl_rollspeed) side = side * autocvar_cl_rollangle / autocvar_cl_rollspeed; else side = autocvar_cl_rollangle; return side * sign; } float autocvar_chase_back; float autocvar_chase_up; bool autocvar_chase_overhead; float autocvar_chase_pitchangle; vector CSQCPlayer_ApplyChase(entity this, vector v) { vector forward; vector chase_dest; if(autocvar_chase_overhead) { view_angles.x = 0; makevectors(view_angles); forward = v_forward; vector up = v_up; // trace a little further so it hits a surface more consistently (to avoid 'snapping' on the edge of the range) chase_dest.x = v.x - forward.x * autocvar_chase_back + up.x * autocvar_chase_up; chase_dest.y = v.y - forward.y * autocvar_chase_back + up.y * autocvar_chase_up; chase_dest.z = v.z - forward.z * autocvar_chase_back + up.z * autocvar_chase_up; // trace from first person view location to our chosen third person view location traceline(v, chase_dest, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, NULL); vector bestvieworg = trace_endpos; vector offset = '0 0 0'; for(offset.x = -16; offset.x <= 16; offset.x += 8) { for(offset.y = -16; offset.y <= 16; offset.y += 8) { makevectors(view_angles); up = v_up; chase_dest.x = v.x - forward.x * autocvar_chase_back + up.x * autocvar_chase_up + offset.x; chase_dest.y = v.y - forward.y * autocvar_chase_back + up.y * autocvar_chase_up + offset.y; chase_dest.z = v.z - forward.z * autocvar_chase_back + up.z * autocvar_chase_up + offset.z; traceline(v, chase_dest, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, NULL); if(bestvieworg.z > trace_endpos.z) bestvieworg.z = trace_endpos.z; } } bestvieworg.z -= 8; v = bestvieworg; view_angles.x = autocvar_chase_pitchangle; //setproperty(VF_CL_VIEWANGLES, view_angles); // update view angles as well so we can aim } else { makevectors(view_angles); forward = v_forward; // trace a little further so it hits a surface more consistently (to avoid 'snapping' on the edge of the range) float cdist = -autocvar_chase_back - 8; chase_dest.x = v.x + forward.x * cdist; chase_dest.y = v.y + forward.y * cdist; chase_dest.z = v.z + forward.z * cdist + autocvar_chase_up; traceline(v, chase_dest, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, NULL); v.x = 1 * trace_endpos.x + 8 * forward.x + 4 * trace_plane_normal.x; v.y = 1 * trace_endpos.y + 8 * forward.y + 4 * trace_plane_normal.y; v.z = 1 * trace_endpos.z + 8 * forward.z + 4 * trace_plane_normal.z; } #if 0 tracebox(v, '-4 -4 -4', '4 4 4', v - v_forward * autocvar_chase_back, MOVE_NORMAL, this); v = trace_endpos; tracebox(v, '-4 -4 -4', '4 4 4', v + v_up * autocvar_chase_up, MOVE_NORMAL, this); v = trace_endpos; #endif return v; } void CSQCPlayer_CalcRefdef(entity this) { vector vieworg = this.origin; if(intermission) { // just update view offset, don't need to do anything else vieworg.z += this.view_ofs.z; } else { vieworg = CSQCPlayer_ApplySmoothing(this, vieworg); if(autocvar_chase_active) vieworg = CSQCPlayer_ApplyChase(this, vieworg); else { // angles CSQCPlayer_ApplyDeathTilt(this); view_angles = view_angles + view_punchangle; view_angles.z += CSQCPlayer_CalcRoll(this); // TODO? we don't have damage time accessible here // origin vieworg = vieworg + view_punchvector; vieworg = CSQCPlayer_ApplyBobbing(this, vieworg); } CSQCPlayer_ApplyIdleScaling(this); } setproperty(VF_ORIGIN, vieworg); setproperty(VF_ANGLES, view_angles); } bool autocvar_cl_useenginerefdef = false; /** Called once per CSQC_UpdateView() */ void CSQCPlayer_SetCamera() { vector v0 = ((intermission && !autocvar_cl_movement_intermissionrunning) ? '0 0 0' : pmove_vel); // TRICK: pmove_vel is set by the engine when we get here. No need to network velocity float vh = PHYS_VIEWHEIGHT(NULL); vector pl_viewofs = PHYS_PL_VIEWOFS(NULL); vector pl_viewofs_crouch = PHYS_PL_CROUCH_VIEWOFS(NULL); entity e = csqcplayer; if (e) { if (servercommandframe == 0 || clientcommandframe == 0) { InterpolateOrigin_Do(e); e.view_ofs = '0 0 1' * vh; // get crouch state from the server if (vh == pl_viewofs.z) e.flags &= ~FL_DUCKED; else if (vh == pl_viewofs_crouch.z) e.flags |= FL_DUCKED; // get onground state from the server e.flags = BITSET(e.flags, FL_ONGROUND, pmove_onground); CSQCPlayer_SetMinsMaxs(e); // override it back just in case e.view_ofs = '0 0 1' * vh; // set velocity e.velocity = v0; } else { int flg = e.iflags; e.iflags &= ~(IFLAG_ORIGIN | IFLAG_ANGLES); InterpolateOrigin_Do(e); e.iflags = flg; if (csqcplayer_status == CSQCPLAYERSTATUS_FROMSERVER) { vector o = e.origin; csqcplayer_status = CSQCPLAYERSTATUS_PREDICTED; CSQCPlayer_PredictTo(e, servercommandframe + 1, false); CSQCPlayer_SetPredictionError(e.origin - o, e.velocity - v0, pmove_onground - IS_ONGROUND(e)); e.origin = o; e.velocity = v0; // get crouch state from the server if (vh == pl_viewofs.z) e.flags &= ~FL_DUCKED; else if(vh == pl_viewofs_crouch.z) e.flags |= FL_DUCKED; // get onground state from the server e.flags = BITSET(e.flags, FL_ONGROUND, pmove_onground); CSQCPlayer_SavePrediction(e); } CSQCPlayer_PredictTo(e, clientcommandframe + 1, true); #ifdef CSQCMODEL_SERVERSIDE_CROUCH // get crouch state from the server (LAG) if (vh == pl_viewofs.z) e.flags &= ~FL_DUCKED; else if (vh == pl_viewofs_crouch.z) e.flags |= FL_DUCKED; #endif CSQCPlayer_SetMinsMaxs(e); if (!IS_DEAD(e)) e.angles.y = input_angles.y; } // relink e.stairsmooth_drawtime = drawtime; // since drawtime is a frame old at this point, copy it now to avoid using a drawtime 2 frames old! e.origin = CSQCModel_ApplyStairSmoothing(e, (e.pmove_flags & PMF_ONGROUND), e.origin); setorigin(e, e.origin); } const entity view = CSQCModel_server2csqc(player_localentnum - 1); if (view) { if (view != csqcplayer) { InterpolateOrigin_Do(view); view.view_ofs = '0 0 1' * vh; } if(autocvar_cl_useenginerefdef) { int refdefflags = 0; if (view.csqcmodel_teleported) refdefflags |= REFDEFFLAG_TELEPORTED; if (input_buttons & BIT(1)) refdefflags |= REFDEFFLAG_JUMPING; // note: these two only work in WIP2, but are harmless in WIP1 if (PHYS_HEALTH(NULL) <= 0 && PHYS_HEALTH(NULL) != -666 && PHYS_HEALTH(NULL) != -2342) refdefflags |= REFDEFFLAG_DEAD; if (intermission) refdefflags |= REFDEFFLAG_INTERMISSION; V_CalcRefdef(view, refdefflags); // TODO? uses .health stat in the engine when this isn't called here, may be broken! } else { CSQCPlayer_CalcRefdef(view); } } else { // FIXME by CSQC spec we have to do this: // but it breaks chase cam /* setproperty(VF_ORIGIN, pmove_org + '0 0 1' * vh); setproperty(VF_ANGLES, view_angles); */ } CSQCPLAYER_HOOK_POSTCAMERASETUP(); } void CSQCPlayer_Remove(entity this) { csqcplayer = NULL; cvar_settemp("cl_movement_replay", "1"); } bool CSQCPlayer_PreUpdate(entity this) { if (this != csqcplayer) return false; if (csqcplayer_status != CSQCPLAYERSTATUS_FROMSERVER) CSQCPlayer_Unpredict(this); return true; } bool CSQCPlayer_PostUpdate(entity this) { if (this.entnum != player_localnum + 1) return false; csqcplayer = this; csqcplayer_status = CSQCPLAYERSTATUS_FROMSERVER; cvar_settemp("cl_movement_replay", "0"); this.entremove = CSQCPlayer_Remove; return true; }