#ifdef SVQC float magicear_matched; float W_Tuba_HasPlayed(entity pl, string melody, float instrument, float ignorepitch, float mintempo, float maxtempo); string trigger_magicear_processmessage(entity ear, entity source, float teamsay, entity privatesay, string msgin) {SELFPARAM(); float domatch, dotrigger, matchstart, l; string s, msg; string savemessage; magicear_matched = false; dotrigger = ((IS_PLAYER(source)) && (!IS_DEAD(source)) && ((ear.radius == 0) || (vdist(source.origin - ear.origin, <=, ear.radius)))); domatch = ((ear.spawnflags & 32) || dotrigger); if (!domatch) return msgin; if (!msgin) { // we are in TUBA mode! if (!(ear.spawnflags & 256)) return msgin; if(!W_Tuba_HasPlayed(source, ear.message, ear.movedir_x, !(ear.spawnflags & 512), ear.movedir_y, ear.movedir_z)) return msgin; magicear_matched = true; if(dotrigger) { savemessage = self.message; self.message = string_null; SUB_UseTargets(ear, source, NULL); self.message = savemessage; } if(ear.netname != "") return ear.netname; return msgin; } if(ear.spawnflags & 256) // ENOTUBA return msgin; if(privatesay) { if(ear.spawnflags & 4) return msgin; } else { if(!teamsay) if(ear.spawnflags & 1) return msgin; if(teamsay > 0) if(ear.spawnflags & 2) return msgin; if(teamsay < 0) if(ear.spawnflags & 8) return msgin; } matchstart = -1; l = strlen(ear.message); if(ear.spawnflags & 128) msg = msgin; else msg = strdecolorize(msgin); if(substring(ear.message, 0, 1) == "*") { if(substring(ear.message, -1, 1) == "*") { // two wildcards // as we need multi-replacement here... s = substring(ear.message, 1, -2); l -= 2; if(strstrofs(msg, s, 0) >= 0) matchstart = -2; // we use strreplace on s } else { // match at start s = substring(ear.message, 1, -1); l -= 1; if(substring(msg, -l, l) == s) matchstart = strlen(msg) - l; } } else { if(substring(ear.message, -1, 1) == "*") { // match at end s = substring(ear.message, 0, -2); l -= 1; if(substring(msg, 0, l) == s) matchstart = 0; } else { // full match s = ear.message; if(msg == ear.message) matchstart = 0; } } if(matchstart == -1) // no match return msgin; magicear_matched = true; if(dotrigger) { savemessage = self.message; self.message = string_null; SUB_UseTargets(ear, source, NULL); self.message = savemessage; } if(ear.spawnflags & 16) { return ear.netname; } else if(ear.netname != "") { if(matchstart < 0) return strreplace(s, ear.netname, msg); else return strcat( substring(msg, 0, matchstart), ear.netname, substring(msg, matchstart + l, -1) ); } else return msgin; } entity magicears; string trigger_magicear_processmessage_forallears(entity source, float teamsay, entity privatesay, string msgin) { entity ear; string msgout; for(ear = magicears; ear; ear = ear.enemy) { msgout = trigger_magicear_processmessage(ear, source, teamsay, privatesay, msgin); if(!(ear.spawnflags & 64)) if(magicear_matched) return msgout; msgin = msgout; } return msgin; } spawnfunc(trigger_magicear) { this.enemy = magicears; magicears = this; // actually handled in "say" processing // spawnflags: // 1 = ignore say // 2 = ignore teamsay // 4 = ignore tell // 8 = ignore tell to unknown player // 16 = let netname replace the whole message (otherwise, netname is a word replacement if set) // 32 = perform the replacement even if outside the radius or dead // 64 = continue replacing/triggering even if this one matched // 128 = don't decolorize message before matching // 256 = message is a tuba note sequence (pitch.duration pitch.duration ...) // 512 = tuba notes must be exact right pitch, no transposing // message: either // *pattern* // or // *pattern // or // pattern* // or // pattern // netname: // if set, replacement for the matched text // radius: // "hearing distance" // target: // what to trigger // movedir: // for spawnflags 256, defines 'instrument+1 mintempo maxtempo' (zero component doesn't matter) this.movedir_x -= 1; // map to tuba instrument numbers } #endif