#include "laser.qh" #if defined(CSQC) #include #include #include #elif defined(MENUQC) #elif defined(SVQC) #endif REGISTER_NET_LINKED(ENT_CLIENT_LASER) #ifdef SVQC .float modelscale; void misc_laser_aim(entity this) { vector a; if(this.enemy) { if(this.spawnflags & 2) { if(this.enemy.origin != this.mangle) { this.mangle = this.enemy.origin; this.SendFlags |= 2; } } else { a = vectoangles(this.enemy.origin - this.origin); a_x = -a_x; if(a != this.mangle) { this.mangle = a; this.SendFlags |= 2; } } } else { if(this.angles != this.mangle) { this.mangle = this.angles; this.SendFlags |= 2; } } if(this.origin != this.oldorigin) { this.SendFlags |= 1; this.oldorigin = this.origin; } } void misc_laser_init(entity this) { if(this.target != "") this.enemy = find(NULL, targetname, this.target); } .entity pusher; void misc_laser_think(entity this) { vector o; entity hitent; vector hitloc; this.nextthink = time; if(!this.state) return; misc_laser_aim(this); if(this.enemy) { o = this.enemy.origin; if (!(this.spawnflags & 2)) o = this.origin + normalize(o - this.origin) * 32768; } else { makevectors(this.mangle); o = this.origin + v_forward * 32768; } if(this.dmg || this.enemy.target != "") { traceline(this.origin, o, MOVE_NORMAL, this); } hitent = trace_ent; hitloc = trace_endpos; if(this.enemy.target != "") // DETECTOR laser { if(trace_ent.iscreature) { this.pusher = hitent; if(!this.count) { this.count = 1; SUB_UseTargets(this.enemy, this.enemy.pusher, NULL); } } else { if(this.count) { this.count = 0; SUB_UseTargets(this.enemy, this.enemy.pusher, NULL); } } } if(this.dmg) { if(this.team) if(((this.spawnflags & 8) == 0) == (this.team != hitent.team)) return; if(hitent.takedamage) Damage(hitent, this, this, ((this.dmg < 0) ? 100000 : (this.dmg * frametime)), DEATH_HURTTRIGGER.m_id, hitloc, '0 0 0'); } } bool laser_SendEntity(entity this, entity to, float fl) { WriteHeader(MSG_ENTITY, ENT_CLIENT_LASER); fl = fl - (fl & 0xF0); // use that bit to indicate finite length laser if(this.spawnflags & 2) fl |= 0x80; if(this.alpha) fl |= 0x40; if(this.scale != 1 || this.modelscale != 1) fl |= 0x20; if(this.spawnflags & 4) fl |= 0x10; WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, fl); if(fl & 1) { WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, this.origin_x); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, this.origin_y); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, this.origin_z); } if(fl & 8) { WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, this.colormod_x * 255.0); WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, this.colormod_y * 255.0); WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, this.colormod_z * 255.0); if(fl & 0x40) WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, this.alpha * 255.0); if(fl & 0x20) { WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, bound(0, this.scale * 16.0, 255)); WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, bound(0, this.modelscale * 16.0, 255)); } if((fl & 0x80) || !(fl & 0x10)) // effect doesn't need sending if the laser is infinite and has collision testing turned off WriteShort(MSG_ENTITY, this.cnt + 1); } if(fl & 2) { if(fl & 0x80) { WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, this.enemy.origin_x); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, this.enemy.origin_y); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, this.enemy.origin_z); } else { WriteAngle(MSG_ENTITY, this.mangle_x); WriteAngle(MSG_ENTITY, this.mangle_y); } } if(fl & 4) WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, this.state); return 1; } /*QUAKED spawnfunc_misc_laser (.5 .5 .5) ? START_ON DEST_IS_FIXED Any object touching the beam will be hurt Keys: "target" spawnfunc_target_position where the laser ends "mdl" name of beam end effect to use "colormod" color of the beam (default: red) "dmg" damage per second (-1 for a laser that kills immediately) */ void laser_use(entity this, entity actor, entity trigger) { this.state = !this.state; this.SendFlags |= 4; misc_laser_aim(this); } void laser_reset(entity this) { if(this.spawnflags & 1) this.state = 1; else this.state = 0; } spawnfunc(misc_laser) { if(this.mdl) { if(this.mdl == "none") this.cnt = -1; else { this.cnt = _particleeffectnum(this.mdl); if(this.cnt < 0 && this.dmg) this.cnt = particleeffectnum(EFFECT_LASER_DEADLY); } } else if(!this.cnt) { if(this.dmg) this.cnt = particleeffectnum(EFFECT_LASER_DEADLY); else this.cnt = -1; } if(this.cnt < 0) this.cnt = -1; if(this.colormod == '0 0 0') if(!this.alpha) this.colormod = '1 0 0'; if(this.message == "") this.message = "saw the light"; if (this.message2 == "") this.message2 = "was pushed into a laser by"; if(!this.scale) this.scale = 1; if(!this.modelscale) this.modelscale = 1; else if(this.modelscale < 0) this.modelscale = 0; setthink(this, misc_laser_think); this.nextthink = time; InitializeEntity(this, misc_laser_init, INITPRIO_FINDTARGET); this.mangle = this.angles; Net_LinkEntity(this, false, 0, laser_SendEntity); if(THIS_TARGETED) { this.reset = laser_reset; this.reset(this); this.use = laser_use; } else this.state = 1; } #elif defined(CSQC) // a laser goes from origin in direction angles // it has color 'colormod' // and stops when something is in the way entityclass(Laser); class(Laser) .int cnt; // end effect class(Laser) .vector colormod; class(Laser) .int state; // on-off class(Laser) .int count; // flags for the laser class(Laser) .vector velocity; class(Laser) .float alpha; class(Laser) .float scale; // scaling factor of the thickness class(Laser) .float modelscale; // scaling factor of the dlight void Draw_Laser(entity this) { if(!this.state) return; InterpolateOrigin_Do(this); if(this.count & 0x80) { if(this.count & 0x10) { trace_endpos = this.velocity; trace_dphitq3surfaceflags = 0; } else traceline(this.origin, this.velocity, 0, this); } else { if(this.count & 0x10) { makevectors(this.angles); trace_endpos = this.origin + v_forward * 1048576; trace_dphitq3surfaceflags = Q3SURFACEFLAG_SKY; } else { makevectors(this.angles); traceline(this.origin, this.origin + v_forward * 32768, 0, this); if(trace_dphitq3surfaceflags & Q3SURFACEFLAG_SKY) trace_endpos = this.origin + v_forward * 1048576; } } if(this.scale != 0) { if(this.alpha) { Draw_CylindricLine(this.origin, trace_endpos, this.scale, "particles/laserbeam", 0, time * 3, this.colormod, this.alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL, view_origin); } else { Draw_CylindricLine(this.origin, trace_endpos, this.scale, "particles/laserbeam", 0, time * 3, this.colormod, 0.5, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE, view_origin); } } if (!(trace_dphitq3surfaceflags & (Q3SURFACEFLAG_SKY | Q3SURFACEFLAG_NOIMPACT))) { if(this.cnt >= 0) __pointparticles(this.cnt, trace_endpos, trace_plane_normal, drawframetime * 1000); if(this.colormod != '0 0 0' && this.modelscale != 0) adddynamiclight(trace_endpos + trace_plane_normal * 1, this.modelscale, this.colormod * 5); } } NET_HANDLE(ENT_CLIENT_LASER, bool isnew) { InterpolateOrigin_Undo(this); // 30 bytes, or 13 bytes for just moving int f = ReadByte(); this.count = (f & 0xF0); if(this.count & 0x80) this.iflags = IFLAG_VELOCITY | IFLAG_ORIGIN; else this.iflags = IFLAG_ANGLES | IFLAG_ORIGIN; if(f & 1) { this.origin_x = ReadCoord(); this.origin_y = ReadCoord(); this.origin_z = ReadCoord(); setorigin(this, this.origin); } if(f & 8) { this.colormod_x = ReadByte() / 255.0; this.colormod_y = ReadByte() / 255.0; this.colormod_z = ReadByte() / 255.0; if(f & 0x40) this.alpha = ReadByte() / 255.0; else this.alpha = 0; this.scale = 2; this.modelscale = 50; if(f & 0x20) { this.scale *= ReadByte() / 16.0; // beam radius this.modelscale *= ReadByte() / 16.0; // dlight radius } if((f & 0x80) || !(f & 0x10)) this.cnt = ReadShort() - 1; // effect number else this.cnt = 0; } if(f & 2) { if(f & 0x80) { this.velocity_x = ReadCoord(); this.velocity_y = ReadCoord(); this.velocity_z = ReadCoord(); } else { this.angles_x = ReadAngle(); this.angles_y = ReadAngle(); } } if(f & 4) this.state = ReadByte(); return = true; InterpolateOrigin_Note(this); this.draw = Draw_Laser; if (isnew) IL_PUSH(g_drawables, this); } #endif