#include "nades.qh" #ifdef IMPLEMENTATION #ifndef MENUQC entity Nade_TrailEffect(int proj, int nade_team) { switch (proj) { case PROJECTILE_NADE: return EFFECT_NADE_TRAIL(nade_team); case PROJECTILE_NADE_BURN: return EFFECT_NADE_TRAIL_BURN(nade_team); } FOREACH(Nades, true, LAMBDA( for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { if (it.m_projectile[j] == proj) { string trail = it.m_trail[j].eent_eff_name; if (trail) return it.m_trail[j]; break; } } )); return EFFECT_Null; } #endif #ifdef CSQC REGISTER_MUTATOR(cl_nades, true); MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(cl_nades, HUD_Draw_overlay) { if (getstatf(STAT_HEALING_ORB) <= time) return false; MUTATOR_ARGV(0, vector) = NADE_TYPE_HEAL.m_color; MUTATOR_ARGV(0, float) = getstatf(STAT_HEALING_ORB_ALPHA); return true; } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(cl_nades, Ent_Projectile) { if (self.cnt == PROJECTILE_NAPALM_FOUNTAIN) { self.modelindex = 0; self.traileffect = EFFECT_FIREBALL.m_id; return true; } if (Nade_FromProjectile(self.cnt) != NADE_TYPE_Null) { setmodel(self, MDL_PROJECTILE_NADE); entity trail = Nade_TrailEffect(self.cnt, self.team); if (trail.eent_eff_name) self.traileffect = trail.m_id; return true; } } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(cl_nades, EditProjectile) { if (self.cnt == PROJECTILE_NAPALM_FOUNTAIN) { loopsound(self, CH_SHOTS_SINGLE, SND(FIREBALL_FLY2), VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NORM); self.mins = '-16 -16 -16'; self.maxs = '16 16 16'; } entity nade_type = Nade_FromProjectile(self.cnt); if (nade_type == NADE_TYPE_Null) return; self.mins = '-16 -16 -16'; self.maxs = '16 16 16'; self.colormod = nade_type.m_color; self.move_movetype = MOVETYPE_BOUNCE; self.move_touch = func_null; self.scale = 1.5; self.avelocity = randomvec() * 720; if (nade_type == NADE_TYPE_TRANSLOCATE || nade_type == NADE_TYPE_SPAWN) self.dphitcontentsmask = DPCONTENTS_SOLID | DPCONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP | DPCONTENTS_BOTCLIP; else self.dphitcontentsmask = DPCONTENTS_SOLID | DPCONTENTS_BODY; } bool Projectile_isnade(int p) { return Nade_FromProjectile(p) != NADE_TYPE_Null; } void DrawAmmoNades(vector myPos, vector mySize, bool draw_expanding, float expand_time) { float bonusNades = getstatf(STAT_NADE_BONUS); float bonusProgress = getstatf(STAT_NADE_BONUS_SCORE); float bonusType = getstati(STAT_NADE_BONUS_TYPE); Nade def = Nades_from(bonusType); vector nadeColor = def.m_color; string nadeIcon = def.m_icon; vector iconPos, textPos; if(autocvar_hud_panel_ammo_iconalign) { iconPos = myPos + eX * 2 * mySize.y; textPos = myPos; } else { iconPos = myPos; textPos = myPos + eX * mySize.y; } if(bonusNades > 0 || bonusProgress > 0) { DrawNadeProgressBar(myPos, mySize, bonusProgress, nadeColor); if(autocvar_hud_panel_ammo_text) drawstring_aspect(textPos, ftos(bonusNades), eX * (2/3) * mySize.x + eY * mySize.y, '1 1 1', panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); if(draw_expanding) drawpic_aspect_skin_expanding(iconPos, nadeIcon, '1 1 0' * mySize.y, '1 1 1', panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL, expand_time); drawpic_aspect_skin(iconPos, nadeIcon, '1 1 0' * mySize.y, '1 1 1', panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } } #endif #ifdef SVQC #include "../../../gamemodes/all.qh" #include "../../../monsters/spawn.qh" #include "../../../monsters/sv_monsters.qh" #include "../../../../server/g_subs.qh" REGISTER_MUTATOR(nades, cvar("g_nades")) { MUTATOR_ONADD { addstat(STAT_NADE_TIMER, AS_FLOAT, nade_timer); addstat(STAT_NADE_BONUS, AS_FLOAT, bonus_nades); addstat(STAT_NADE_BONUS_TYPE, AS_INT, nade_type); addstat(STAT_NADE_BONUS_SCORE, AS_FLOAT, bonus_nade_score); addstat(STAT_HEALING_ORB, AS_FLOAT, stat_healing_orb); addstat(STAT_HEALING_ORB_ALPHA, AS_FLOAT, stat_healing_orb_alpha); } return false; } .float nade_time_primed; .entity nade_spawnloc; void nade_timer_think() {SELFPARAM(); self.skin = 8 - (self.owner.wait - time) / (autocvar_g_nades_nade_lifetime / 10); self.nextthink = time; if(!self.owner || wasfreed(self.owner)) remove(self); } void nade_burn_spawn(entity _nade) { CSQCProjectile(_nade, true, Nades_from(_nade.nade_type).m_projectile[true], true); } void nade_spawn(entity _nade) { entity timer = new(nade_timer); setmodel(timer, MDL_NADE_TIMER); setattachment(timer, _nade, ""); timer.colormap = _nade.colormap; timer.glowmod = _nade.glowmod; timer.think = nade_timer_think; timer.nextthink = time; timer.wait = _nade.wait; timer.owner = _nade; timer.skin = 10; _nade.effects |= EF_LOWPRECISION; CSQCProjectile(_nade, true, Nades_from(_nade.nade_type).m_projectile[false], true); } void napalm_damage(float dist, float damage, float edgedamage, float burntime) {SELFPARAM(); entity e; float d; vector p; if ( damage < 0 ) return; RandomSelection_Init(); for(e = WarpZone_FindRadius(self.origin, dist, true); e; e = e.chain) if(e.takedamage == DAMAGE_AIM) if(self.realowner != e || autocvar_g_nades_napalm_selfdamage) if(!IS_PLAYER(e) || !self.realowner || DIFF_TEAM(e, self)) if(!e.frozen) { p = e.origin; p.x += e.mins.x + random() * (e.maxs.x - e.mins.x); p.y += e.mins.y + random() * (e.maxs.y - e.mins.y); p.z += e.mins.z + random() * (e.maxs.z - e.mins.z); d = vlen(WarpZone_UnTransformOrigin(e, self.origin) - p); if(d < dist) { e.fireball_impactvec = p; RandomSelection_Add(e, 0, string_null, 1 / (1 + d), !Fire_IsBurning(e)); } } if(RandomSelection_chosen_ent) { d = vlen(WarpZone_UnTransformOrigin(RandomSelection_chosen_ent, self.origin) - RandomSelection_chosen_ent.fireball_impactvec); d = damage + (edgedamage - damage) * (d / dist); Fire_AddDamage(RandomSelection_chosen_ent, self.realowner, d * burntime, burntime, self.projectiledeathtype | HITTYPE_BOUNCE); //trailparticles(self, particleeffectnum(EFFECT_FIREBALL_LASER), self.origin, RandomSelection_chosen_ent.fireball_impactvec); Send_Effect(EFFECT_FIREBALL_LASER, self.origin, RandomSelection_chosen_ent.fireball_impactvec - self.origin, 1); } } void napalm_ball_think() {SELFPARAM(); if(round_handler_IsActive()) if(!round_handler_IsRoundStarted()) { remove(self); return; } if(time > self.pushltime) { remove(self); return; } vector midpoint = ((self.absmin + self.absmax) * 0.5); if(pointcontents(midpoint) == CONTENT_WATER) { self.velocity = self.velocity * 0.5; if(pointcontents(midpoint + '0 0 16') == CONTENT_WATER) { self.velocity_z = 200; } } self.angles = vectoangles(self.velocity); napalm_damage(autocvar_g_nades_napalm_ball_radius,autocvar_g_nades_napalm_ball_damage, autocvar_g_nades_napalm_ball_damage,autocvar_g_nades_napalm_burntime); self.nextthink = time + 0.1; } void nade_napalm_ball() {SELFPARAM(); entity proj; vector kick; spamsound(self, CH_SHOTS, SND(FIREBALL_FIRE), VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NORM); proj = new(grenade); proj.owner = self.owner; proj.realowner = self.realowner; proj.team = self.owner.team; proj.bot_dodge = true; proj.bot_dodgerating = autocvar_g_nades_napalm_ball_damage; proj.movetype = MOVETYPE_BOUNCE; proj.projectiledeathtype = DEATH_NADE_NAPALM.m_id; PROJECTILE_MAKETRIGGER(proj); setmodel(proj, MDL_Null); proj.scale = 1;//0.5; setsize(proj, '-4 -4 -4', '4 4 4'); setorigin(proj, self.origin); proj.think = napalm_ball_think; proj.nextthink = time; proj.damageforcescale = autocvar_g_nades_napalm_ball_damageforcescale; proj.effects = EF_LOWPRECISION | EF_FLAME; kick.x =(random() - 0.5) * 2 * autocvar_g_nades_napalm_ball_spread; kick.y = (random() - 0.5) * 2 * autocvar_g_nades_napalm_ball_spread; kick.z = (random()/2+0.5) * autocvar_g_nades_napalm_ball_spread; proj.velocity = kick; proj.pushltime = time + autocvar_g_nades_napalm_ball_lifetime; proj.angles = vectoangles(proj.velocity); proj.flags = FL_PROJECTILE; proj.missile_flags = MIF_SPLASH | MIF_PROXY | MIF_ARC; //CSQCProjectile(proj, true, PROJECTILE_NAPALM_FIRE, true); } void napalm_fountain_think() {SELFPARAM(); if(round_handler_IsActive()) if(!round_handler_IsRoundStarted()) { remove(self); return; } if(time >= self.ltime) { remove(self); return; } vector midpoint = ((self.absmin + self.absmax) * 0.5); if(pointcontents(midpoint) == CONTENT_WATER) { self.velocity = self.velocity * 0.5; if(pointcontents(midpoint + '0 0 16') == CONTENT_WATER) { self.velocity_z = 200; } UpdateCSQCProjectile(self); } napalm_damage(autocvar_g_nades_napalm_fountain_radius, autocvar_g_nades_napalm_fountain_damage, autocvar_g_nades_napalm_fountain_edgedamage, autocvar_g_nades_napalm_burntime); self.nextthink = time + 0.1; if(time >= self.nade_special_time) { self.nade_special_time = time + autocvar_g_nades_napalm_fountain_delay; nade_napalm_ball(); } } void nade_napalm_boom() {SELFPARAM(); entity fountain; int c; for (c = 0; c < autocvar_g_nades_napalm_ball_count; c++) nade_napalm_ball(); fountain = spawn(); fountain.owner = self.owner; fountain.realowner = self.realowner; fountain.origin = self.origin; setorigin(fountain, fountain.origin); fountain.think = napalm_fountain_think; fountain.nextthink = time; fountain.ltime = time + autocvar_g_nades_napalm_fountain_lifetime; fountain.pushltime = fountain.ltime; fountain.team = self.team; fountain.movetype = MOVETYPE_TOSS; fountain.projectiledeathtype = DEATH_NADE_NAPALM.m_id; fountain.bot_dodge = true; fountain.bot_dodgerating = autocvar_g_nades_napalm_fountain_damage; fountain.nade_special_time = time; setsize(fountain, '-16 -16 -16', '16 16 16'); CSQCProjectile(fountain, true, PROJECTILE_NAPALM_FOUNTAIN, true); } void nade_ice_freeze(entity freezefield, entity frost_target, float freeze_time) { frost_target.frozen_by = freezefield.realowner; Send_Effect(EFFECT_ELECTRO_IMPACT, frost_target.origin, '0 0 0', 1); Freeze(frost_target, 1/freeze_time, 3, false); Drop_Special_Items(frost_target); } void nade_ice_think() {SELFPARAM(); if(round_handler_IsActive()) if(!round_handler_IsRoundStarted()) { remove(self); return; } if(time >= self.ltime) { if ( autocvar_g_nades_ice_explode ) { entity expef = EFFECT_NADE_EXPLODE(self.realowner.team); Send_Effect(expef, self.origin + '0 0 1', '0 0 0', 1); sound(self, CH_SHOTS, SND_ROCKET_IMPACT, VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NORM); RadiusDamage(self, self.realowner, autocvar_g_nades_nade_damage, autocvar_g_nades_nade_edgedamage, autocvar_g_nades_nade_radius, self, world, autocvar_g_nades_nade_force, self.projectiledeathtype, self.enemy); Damage_DamageInfo(self.origin, autocvar_g_nades_nade_damage, autocvar_g_nades_nade_edgedamage, autocvar_g_nades_nade_radius, '1 1 1' * autocvar_g_nades_nade_force, self.projectiledeathtype, 0, self); } remove(self); return; } self.nextthink = time+0.1; // gaussian float randomr; randomr = random(); randomr = exp(-5*randomr*randomr)*autocvar_g_nades_nade_radius; float randomw; randomw = random()*M_PI*2; vector randomp; randomp.x = randomr*cos(randomw); randomp.y = randomr*sin(randomw); randomp.z = 1; Send_Effect(EFFECT_ELECTRO_MUZZLEFLASH, self.origin + randomp, '0 0 0', 1); if(time >= self.nade_special_time) { self.nade_special_time = time+0.7; Send_Effect(EFFECT_ELECTRO_IMPACT, self.origin, '0 0 0', 1); Send_Effect(EFFECT_ICEFIELD, self.origin, '0 0 0', 1); } float current_freeze_time = self.ltime - time - 0.1; entity e; for(e = findradius(self.origin, autocvar_g_nades_nade_radius); e; e = e.chain) if(e != self) if(!autocvar_g_nades_ice_teamcheck || (DIFF_TEAM(e, self.realowner) || e == self.realowner)) if(e.takedamage && e.deadflag == DEAD_NO) if(e.health > 0) if(!e.revival_time || ((time - e.revival_time) >= 1.5)) if(!e.frozen) if(current_freeze_time > 0) nade_ice_freeze(self, e, current_freeze_time); } void nade_ice_boom() {SELFPARAM(); entity fountain; fountain = spawn(); fountain.owner = self.owner; fountain.realowner = self.realowner; fountain.origin = self.origin; setorigin(fountain, fountain.origin); fountain.think = nade_ice_think; fountain.nextthink = time; fountain.ltime = time + autocvar_g_nades_ice_freeze_time; fountain.pushltime = fountain.wait = fountain.ltime; fountain.team = self.team; fountain.movetype = MOVETYPE_TOSS; fountain.projectiledeathtype = DEATH_NADE_ICE.m_id; fountain.bot_dodge = false; setsize(fountain, '-16 -16 -16', '16 16 16'); fountain.nade_special_time = time+0.3; fountain.angles = self.angles; if ( autocvar_g_nades_ice_explode ) { setmodel(fountain, MDL_PROJECTILE_GRENADE); entity timer = new(nade_timer); setmodel(timer, MDL_NADE_TIMER); setattachment(timer, fountain, ""); timer.colormap = self.colormap; timer.glowmod = self.glowmod; timer.think = nade_timer_think; timer.nextthink = time; timer.wait = fountain.ltime; timer.owner = fountain; timer.skin = 10; } else setmodel(fountain, MDL_Null); } void nade_translocate_boom() {SELFPARAM(); if(self.realowner.vehicle) return; vector locout = self.origin + '0 0 1' * (1 - self.realowner.mins.z - 24); tracebox(locout, self.realowner.mins, self.realowner.maxs, locout, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, self.realowner); locout = trace_endpos; makevectors(self.realowner.angles); MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(PortalTeleport, self.realowner); TeleportPlayer(self, self.realowner, locout, self.realowner.angles, v_forward * vlen(self.realowner.velocity), '0 0 0', '0 0 0', TELEPORT_FLAGS_TELEPORTER); } void nade_spawn_boom() {SELFPARAM(); entity spawnloc = spawn(); setorigin(spawnloc, self.origin); setsize(spawnloc, self.realowner.mins, self.realowner.maxs); spawnloc.movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE; spawnloc.solid = SOLID_NOT; spawnloc.drawonlytoclient = self.realowner; spawnloc.effects = EF_STARDUST; spawnloc.cnt = autocvar_g_nades_spawn_count; if(self.realowner.nade_spawnloc) { remove(self.realowner.nade_spawnloc); self.realowner.nade_spawnloc = world; } self.realowner.nade_spawnloc = spawnloc; } void nade_heal_think() {SELFPARAM(); if(time >= self.ltime) { remove(self); return; } self.nextthink = time; if(time >= self.nade_special_time) { self.nade_special_time = time+0.25; self.nade_show_particles = 1; } else self.nade_show_particles = 0; } void nade_heal_touch() {SELFPARAM(); float maxhealth; float health_factor; if(IS_PLAYER(other) || IS_MONSTER(other)) if(other.deadflag == DEAD_NO) if(!other.frozen) { health_factor = autocvar_g_nades_heal_rate*frametime/2; if ( other != self.realowner ) { if ( SAME_TEAM(other,self) ) health_factor *= autocvar_g_nades_heal_friend; else health_factor *= autocvar_g_nades_heal_foe; } if ( health_factor > 0 ) { maxhealth = (IS_MONSTER(other)) ? other.max_health : g_pickup_healthmega_max; if ( other.health < maxhealth ) { if ( self.nade_show_particles ) Send_Effect(EFFECT_HEALING, other.origin, '0 0 0', 1); other.health = min(other.health+health_factor, maxhealth); } other.pauserothealth_finished = max(other.pauserothealth_finished, time + autocvar_g_balance_pause_health_rot); } else if ( health_factor < 0 ) { Damage(other,self,self.realowner,-health_factor,DEATH_NADE_HEAL.m_id,other.origin,'0 0 0'); } } if ( IS_REAL_CLIENT(other) || IS_VEHICLE(other) ) { entity show_red = (IS_VEHICLE(other)) ? other.owner : other; show_red.stat_healing_orb = time+0.1; show_red.stat_healing_orb_alpha = 0.75 * (self.ltime - time) / self.healer_lifetime; } } void nade_heal_boom() {SELFPARAM(); entity healer; healer = spawn(); healer.owner = self.owner; healer.realowner = self.realowner; setorigin(healer, self.origin); healer.healer_lifetime = autocvar_g_nades_heal_time; // save the cvar healer.ltime = time + healer.healer_lifetime; healer.team = self.realowner.team; healer.bot_dodge = false; healer.solid = SOLID_TRIGGER; healer.touch = nade_heal_touch; setmodel(healer, MDL_NADE_HEAL); healer.healer_radius = autocvar_g_nades_nade_radius; vector size = '1 1 1' * healer.healer_radius / 2; setsize(healer,-size,size); Net_LinkEntity(healer, true, 0, healer_send); healer.think = nade_heal_think; healer.nextthink = time; healer.SendFlags |= 1; } void nade_monster_boom() {SELFPARAM(); entity e = spawnmonster(self.pokenade_type, 0, self.realowner, self.realowner, self.origin, false, false, 1); if(autocvar_g_nades_pokenade_monster_lifetime > 0) e.monster_lifetime = time + autocvar_g_nades_pokenade_monster_lifetime; e.monster_skill = MONSTER_SKILL_INSANE; } void nade_boom() {SELFPARAM(); entity expef = NULL; bool nade_blast = true; switch ( Nades_from(self.nade_type) ) { case NADE_TYPE_NAPALM: nade_blast = autocvar_g_nades_napalm_blast; expef = EFFECT_EXPLOSION_MEDIUM; break; case NADE_TYPE_ICE: nade_blast = false; expef = EFFECT_ELECTRO_COMBO; // hookbomb_explode electro_combo bigplasma_impact break; case NADE_TYPE_TRANSLOCATE: nade_blast = false; break; case NADE_TYPE_MONSTER: case NADE_TYPE_SPAWN: nade_blast = false; switch(self.realowner.team) { case NUM_TEAM_1: expef = EFFECT_SPAWN_RED; break; case NUM_TEAM_2: expef = EFFECT_SPAWN_BLUE; break; case NUM_TEAM_3: expef = EFFECT_SPAWN_YELLOW; break; case NUM_TEAM_4: expef = EFFECT_SPAWN_PINK; break; default: expef = EFFECT_SPAWN_NEUTRAL; break; } break; case NADE_TYPE_HEAL: nade_blast = false; expef = EFFECT_SPAWN_RED; break; default: case NADE_TYPE_NORMAL: expef = EFFECT_NADE_EXPLODE(self.realowner.team); break; } if(expef) Send_Effect(expef, findbetterlocation(self.origin, 8), '0 0 0', 1); sound(self, CH_SHOTS_SINGLE, SND_Null, VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NORM); sound(self, CH_SHOTS, SND_ROCKET_IMPACT, VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NORM); self.event_damage = func_null; // prevent somehow calling damage in the next call if(nade_blast) { RadiusDamage(self, self.realowner, autocvar_g_nades_nade_damage, autocvar_g_nades_nade_edgedamage, autocvar_g_nades_nade_radius, self, world, autocvar_g_nades_nade_force, self.projectiledeathtype, self.enemy); Damage_DamageInfo(self.origin, autocvar_g_nades_nade_damage, autocvar_g_nades_nade_edgedamage, autocvar_g_nades_nade_radius, '1 1 1' * autocvar_g_nades_nade_force, self.projectiledeathtype, 0, self); } if(self.takedamage) switch ( Nades_from(self.nade_type) ) { case NADE_TYPE_NAPALM: nade_napalm_boom(); break; case NADE_TYPE_ICE: nade_ice_boom(); break; case NADE_TYPE_TRANSLOCATE: nade_translocate_boom(); break; case NADE_TYPE_SPAWN: nade_spawn_boom(); break; case NADE_TYPE_HEAL: nade_heal_boom(); break; case NADE_TYPE_MONSTER: nade_monster_boom(); break; } entity head; for(head = world; (head = find(head, classname, "grapplinghook")); ) if(head.aiment == self) RemoveGrapplingHook(head.realowner); remove(self); } void nade_touch() {SELFPARAM(); /*float is_weapclip = 0; if(trace_dphitq3surfaceflags & Q3SURFACEFLAG_NODRAW) if (!(trace_dphitq3surfaceflags & Q3SURFACEFLAG_NONSOLID)) if (!(trace_dphitcontents & DPCONTENTS_OPAQUE)) is_weapclip = 1;*/ if(ITEM_TOUCH_NEEDKILL()) // || is_weapclip) { entity head; for(head = world; (head = find(head, classname, "grapplinghook")); ) if(head.aiment == self) RemoveGrapplingHook(head.realowner); remove(self); return; } PROJECTILE_TOUCH; //setsize(self, '-2 -2 -2', '2 2 2'); //UpdateCSQCProjectile(self); if(self.health == self.max_health) { spamsound(self, CH_SHOTS, SND(GRENADE_BOUNCE_RANDOM()), VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NORM); return; } self.enemy = other; nade_boom(); } void nade_beep() {SELFPARAM(); sound(self, CH_SHOTS_SINGLE, SND_NADE_BEEP, VOL_BASE, 0.5 *(ATTEN_LARGE + ATTEN_MAX)); self.think = nade_boom; self.nextthink = max(self.wait, time); } void nade_damage(entity inflictor, entity attacker, float damage, int deathtype, vector hitloc, vector force) {SELFPARAM(); if(ITEM_DAMAGE_NEEDKILL(deathtype)) { self.takedamage = DAMAGE_NO; nade_boom(); return; } if(self.nade_type == NADE_TYPE_TRANSLOCATE.m_id || self.nade_type == NADE_TYPE_SPAWN.m_id) return; if (MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(Nade_Damage, DEATH_WEAPONOF(deathtype), force, damage)) {} else if(DEATH_ISWEAPON(deathtype, WEP_BLASTER)) { force *= 1.5; damage = 0; } else if(DEATH_ISWEAPON(deathtype, WEP_VAPORIZER) && (deathtype & HITTYPE_SECONDARY)) { force *= 0.5; // too much damage = 0; } else if(DEATH_ISWEAPON(deathtype, WEP_VORTEX) || DEATH_ISWEAPON(deathtype, WEP_VAPORIZER)) { force *= 6; damage = self.max_health * 0.55; } else if(DEATH_ISWEAPON(deathtype, WEP_MACHINEGUN)) damage = self.max_health * 0.1; else if(DEATH_ISWEAPON(deathtype, WEP_SHOCKWAVE) || DEATH_ISWEAPON(deathtype, WEP_SHOTGUN)) // WEAPONTODO { if(deathtype & HITTYPE_SECONDARY) { damage = self.max_health * 0.1; force *= 10; } else damage = self.max_health * 1.15; } self.velocity += force; UpdateCSQCProjectile(self); if(damage <= 0 || ((self.flags & FL_ONGROUND) && IS_PLAYER(attacker))) return; if(self.health == self.max_health) { sound(self, CH_SHOTS_SINGLE, SND_Null, VOL_BASE, 0.5 *(ATTEN_LARGE + ATTEN_MAX)); self.nextthink = max(time + autocvar_g_nades_nade_lifetime, time); self.think = nade_beep; } self.health -= damage; if ( self.nade_type != NADE_TYPE_HEAL.m_id || IS_PLAYER(attacker) ) self.realowner = attacker; if(self.health <= 0) W_PrepareExplosionByDamage(attacker, nade_boom); else nade_burn_spawn(self); } void toss_nade(entity e, vector _velocity, float _time) {SELFPARAM(); if(e.nade == world) return; entity _nade = e.nade; e.nade = world; remove(e.fake_nade); e.fake_nade = world; makevectors(e.v_angle); W_SetupShot(e, false, false, "", CH_WEAPON_A, 0); Kill_Notification(NOTIF_ONE_ONLY, e, MSG_CENTER_CPID, CPID_NADES); vector offset = (v_forward * autocvar_g_nades_throw_offset.x) + (v_right * autocvar_g_nades_throw_offset.y) + (v_up * autocvar_g_nades_throw_offset.z); if(autocvar_g_nades_throw_offset == '0 0 0') offset = '0 0 0'; setorigin(_nade, w_shotorg + offset + (v_right * 25) * -1); //setmodel(_nade, MDL_PROJECTILE_NADE); //setattachment(_nade, world, ""); PROJECTILE_MAKETRIGGER(_nade); setsize(_nade, '-16 -16 -16', '16 16 16'); _nade.movetype = MOVETYPE_BOUNCE; tracebox(_nade.origin, _nade.mins, _nade.maxs, _nade.origin, false, _nade); if (trace_startsolid) setorigin(_nade, e.origin); if(self.v_angle.x >= 70 && self.v_angle.x <= 110 && self.BUTTON_CROUCH) _nade.velocity = '0 0 100'; else if(autocvar_g_nades_nade_newton_style == 1) _nade.velocity = e.velocity + _velocity; else if(autocvar_g_nades_nade_newton_style == 2) _nade.velocity = _velocity; else _nade.velocity = W_CalculateProjectileVelocity(e.velocity, _velocity, true); _nade.touch = nade_touch; _nade.health = autocvar_g_nades_nade_health; _nade.max_health = _nade.health; _nade.takedamage = DAMAGE_AIM; _nade.event_damage = nade_damage; _nade.customizeentityforclient = func_null; _nade.exteriormodeltoclient = world; _nade.traileffectnum = 0; _nade.teleportable = true; _nade.pushable = true; _nade.gravity = 1; _nade.missile_flags = MIF_SPLASH | MIF_ARC; _nade.damagedbycontents = true; _nade.angles = vectoangles(_nade.velocity); _nade.flags = FL_PROJECTILE; _nade.projectiledeathtype = DEATH_NADE.m_id; _nade.toss_time = time; _nade.solid = SOLID_CORPSE; //((_nade.nade_type == NADE_TYPE_TRANSLOCATE) ? SOLID_CORPSE : SOLID_BBOX); if(_nade.nade_type == NADE_TYPE_TRANSLOCATE.m_id || _nade.nade_type == NADE_TYPE_SPAWN.m_id) _nade.dphitcontentsmask = DPCONTENTS_SOLID | DPCONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP | DPCONTENTS_BOTCLIP; else _nade.dphitcontentsmask = DPCONTENTS_SOLID | DPCONTENTS_BODY; nade_spawn(_nade); if(_time) { _nade.think = nade_boom; _nade.nextthink = _time; } e.nade_refire = time + autocvar_g_nades_nade_refire; e.nade_timer = 0; } void nades_GiveBonus(entity player, float score) { if (autocvar_g_nades) if (autocvar_g_nades_bonus) if (IS_REAL_CLIENT(player)) if (IS_PLAYER(player) && player.bonus_nades < autocvar_g_nades_bonus_max) if (player.frozen == 0) if (player.deadflag == DEAD_NO) { if ( player.bonus_nade_score < 1 ) player.bonus_nade_score += score/autocvar_g_nades_bonus_score_max; if ( player.bonus_nade_score >= 1 ) { Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE, player, MSG_CENTER, CENTER_NADE_BONUS); play2(player, SND(KH_ALARM)); player.bonus_nades++; player.bonus_nade_score -= 1; } } } /** Remove all bonus nades from a player */ void nades_RemoveBonus(entity player) { player.bonus_nades = player.bonus_nade_score = 0; } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(nades, PutClientInServer) { nades_RemoveBonus(self); } float nade_customize() {SELFPARAM(); //if(IS_SPEC(other)) { return false; } if(other == self.realowner || (IS_SPEC(other) && other.enemy == self.realowner)) { // somewhat hide the model, but keep the glow //self.effects = 0; if(self.traileffectnum) self.traileffectnum = 0; self.alpha = -1; } else { //self.effects = EF_ADDITIVE | EF_FULLBRIGHT | EF_LOWPRECISION; if(!self.traileffectnum) self.traileffectnum = _particleeffectnum(Nade_TrailEffect(Nades_from(self.nade_type).m_projectile[false], self.team).eent_eff_name); self.alpha = 1; } return true; } void nade_prime() {SELFPARAM(); if(autocvar_g_nades_bonus_only) if(!self.bonus_nades) return; // only allow bonus nades if(self.nade) remove(self.nade); if(self.fake_nade) remove(self.fake_nade); entity n = new(nade), fn = new(fake_nade); if(self.items & ITEM_Strength.m_itemid && autocvar_g_nades_bonus_onstrength) n.nade_type = self.nade_type; else if (self.bonus_nades >= 1) { n.nade_type = self.nade_type; n.pokenade_type = self.pokenade_type; self.bonus_nades -= 1; } else { n.nade_type = ((autocvar_g_nades_client_select) ? self.cvar_cl_nade_type : autocvar_g_nades_nade_type); n.pokenade_type = ((autocvar_g_nades_client_select) ? self.cvar_cl_pokenade_type : autocvar_g_nades_pokenade_monster_type); } n.nade_type = bound(1, n.nade_type, Nades_COUNT); setmodel(n, MDL_PROJECTILE_NADE); //setattachment(n, self, "bip01 l hand"); n.exteriormodeltoclient = self; n.customizeentityforclient = nade_customize; n.traileffectnum = _particleeffectnum(Nade_TrailEffect(Nades_from(n.nade_type).m_projectile[false], self.team).eent_eff_name); n.colormod = Nades_from(n.nade_type).m_color; n.realowner = self; n.colormap = self.colormap; n.glowmod = self.glowmod; n.wait = time + autocvar_g_nades_nade_lifetime; n.nade_time_primed = time; n.think = nade_beep; n.nextthink = max(n.wait - 3, time); n.projectiledeathtype = DEATH_NADE.m_id; setmodel(fn, MDL_NADE_VIEW); .entity weaponentity = weaponentities[0]; // TODO: unhardcode setattachment(fn, self.(weaponentity), ""); fn.realowner = fn.owner = self; fn.colormod = Nades_from(n.nade_type).m_color; fn.colormap = self.colormap; fn.glowmod = self.glowmod; fn.think = SUB_Remove; fn.nextthink = n.wait; self.nade = n; self.fake_nade = fn; } float CanThrowNade() {SELFPARAM(); if(self.vehicle) return false; if(gameover) return false; if(self.deadflag != DEAD_NO) return false; if (!autocvar_g_nades) return false; // allow turning them off mid match if(forbidWeaponUse(self)) return false; if (!IS_PLAYER(self)) return false; return true; } .bool nade_altbutton; void nades_CheckThrow() {SELFPARAM(); if(!CanThrowNade()) return; entity held_nade = self.nade; if (!held_nade) { self.nade_altbutton = true; if(time > self.nade_refire) { Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE, self, MSG_CENTER, CENTER_NADE_THROW); nade_prime(); self.nade_refire = time + autocvar_g_nades_nade_refire; } } else { self.nade_altbutton = false; if (time >= held_nade.nade_time_primed + 1) { makevectors(self.v_angle); float _force = time - held_nade.nade_time_primed; _force /= autocvar_g_nades_nade_lifetime; _force = autocvar_g_nades_nade_minforce + (_force * (autocvar_g_nades_nade_maxforce - autocvar_g_nades_nade_minforce)); toss_nade(self, (v_forward * 0.75 + v_up * 0.2 + v_right * 0.05) * _force, 0); } } } void nades_Clear(entity player) { if(player.nade) remove(player.nade); if(player.fake_nade) remove(player.fake_nade); player.nade = player.fake_nade = world; player.nade_timer = 0; } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(nades, VehicleEnter) { if(vh_player.nade) toss_nade(vh_player, '0 0 100', max(vh_player.nade.wait, time + 0.05)); return false; } CLASS(NadeOffhand, OffhandWeapon) METHOD(NadeOffhand, offhand_think, void(NadeOffhand this, entity player, bool key_pressed)) { entity held_nade = player.nade; if (held_nade) { player.nade_timer = bound(0, (time - held_nade.nade_time_primed) / autocvar_g_nades_nade_lifetime, 1); // LOG_TRACEF("%d %d\n", player.nade_timer, time - held_nade.nade_time_primed); makevectors(player.angles); held_nade.velocity = player.velocity; setorigin(held_nade, player.origin + player.view_ofs + v_forward * 8 + v_right * -8 + v_up * 0); held_nade.angles_y = player.angles.y; if (time + 0.1 >= held_nade.wait) toss_nade(player, '0 0 0', time + 0.05); } if (!CanThrowNade()) return; if (!(time > player.nade_refire)) return; if (key_pressed) { if (!held_nade) { nade_prime(); held_nade = player.nade; } } else if (time >= held_nade.nade_time_primed + 1) { if (held_nade) { makevectors(player.v_angle); float _force = time - held_nade.nade_time_primed; _force /= autocvar_g_nades_nade_lifetime; _force = autocvar_g_nades_nade_minforce + (_force * (autocvar_g_nades_nade_maxforce - autocvar_g_nades_nade_minforce)); toss_nade(player, (v_forward * 0.7 + v_up * 0.2 + v_right * 0.1) * _force, 0); } } } ENDCLASS(NadeOffhand) NadeOffhand OFFHAND_NADE; STATIC_INIT(OFFHAND_NADE) { OFFHAND_NADE = NEW(NadeOffhand); } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(nades, ForbidThrowCurrentWeapon, CBC_ORDER_LAST) { if (self.offhand != OFFHAND_NADE || (self.weapons & WEPSET(HOOK)) || autocvar_g_nades_override_dropweapon) { nades_CheckThrow(); return true; } return false; } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(nades, PlayerPreThink) {SELFPARAM(); if (!IS_PLAYER(self)) { return false; } if (self.nade && (self.offhand != OFFHAND_NADE || (self.weapons & WEPSET(HOOK)))) OFFHAND_NADE.offhand_think(OFFHAND_NADE, self, self.nade_altbutton); if(IS_PLAYER(self)) { if ( autocvar_g_nades_bonus && autocvar_g_nades ) { entity key; float key_count = 0; FOR_EACH_KH_KEY(key) if(key.owner == self) { ++key_count; } float time_score; if(self.flagcarried || self.ballcarried) // this player is important time_score = autocvar_g_nades_bonus_score_time_flagcarrier; else time_score = autocvar_g_nades_bonus_score_time; if(key_count) time_score = autocvar_g_nades_bonus_score_time_flagcarrier * key_count; // multiply by the number of keys the player is holding if(autocvar_g_nades_bonus_client_select) { self.nade_type = self.cvar_cl_nade_type; self.pokenade_type = self.cvar_cl_pokenade_type; } else { self.nade_type = autocvar_g_nades_bonus_type; self.pokenade_type = autocvar_g_nades_pokenade_monster_type; } self.nade_type = bound(1, self.nade_type, Nades_COUNT); if(self.bonus_nade_score >= 0 && autocvar_g_nades_bonus_score_max) nades_GiveBonus(self, time_score / autocvar_g_nades_bonus_score_max); } else { self.bonus_nades = self.bonus_nade_score = 0; } } float n = 0; entity o = world; if(self.freezetag_frozen_timeout > 0 && time >= self.freezetag_frozen_timeout) n = -1; else { vector revive_extra_size = '1 1 1' * autocvar_g_freezetag_revive_extra_size; n = 0; FOR_EACH_PLAYER(other) if(self != other) { if(other.deadflag == DEAD_NO) if(other.frozen == 0) if(SAME_TEAM(other, self)) if(boxesoverlap(self.absmin - revive_extra_size, self.absmax + revive_extra_size, other.absmin, other.absmax)) { if(!o) o = other; if(self.frozen == 1) other.reviving = true; ++n; } } } if(n && self.frozen == 3) // OK, there is at least one teammate reviving us { self.revive_progress = bound(0, self.revive_progress + frametime * max(1/60, autocvar_g_freezetag_revive_speed), 1); self.health = max(1, self.revive_progress * start_health); if(self.revive_progress >= 1) { Unfreeze(self); Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE, self, MSG_CENTER, CENTER_FREEZETAG_REVIVED, o.netname); Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE, o, MSG_CENTER, CENTER_FREEZETAG_REVIVE, self.netname); } FOR_EACH_PLAYER(other) if(other.reviving) { other.revive_progress = self.revive_progress; other.reviving = false; } } return false; } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(nades, PlayerSpawn) {SELFPARAM(); if(autocvar_g_nades_spawn) self.nade_refire = time + autocvar_g_spawnshieldtime; else self.nade_refire = time + autocvar_g_nades_nade_refire; if(autocvar_g_nades_bonus_client_select) self.nade_type = self.cvar_cl_nade_type; self.nade_timer = 0; if (!self.offhand) self.offhand = OFFHAND_NADE; if(self.nade_spawnloc) { setorigin(self, self.nade_spawnloc.origin); self.nade_spawnloc.cnt -= 1; if(self.nade_spawnloc.cnt <= 0) { remove(self.nade_spawnloc); self.nade_spawnloc = world; } } return false; } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(nades, PlayerDies, CBC_ORDER_LAST) { if(frag_target.nade) if(!frag_target.frozen || !autocvar_g_freezetag_revive_nade) toss_nade(frag_target, '0 0 100', max(frag_target.nade.wait, time + 0.05)); float killcount_bonus = ((frag_attacker.killcount >= 1) ? bound(0, autocvar_g_nades_bonus_score_minor * frag_attacker.killcount, autocvar_g_nades_bonus_score_medium) : autocvar_g_nades_bonus_score_minor); if(IS_PLAYER(frag_attacker)) { if (SAME_TEAM(frag_attacker, frag_target) || frag_attacker == frag_target) nades_RemoveBonus(frag_attacker); else if(frag_target.flagcarried) nades_GiveBonus(frag_attacker, autocvar_g_nades_bonus_score_medium); else if(autocvar_g_nades_bonus_score_spree && frag_attacker.killcount > 1) { #define SPREE_ITEM(counta,countb,center,normal,gentle) \ case counta: { nades_GiveBonus(frag_attacker, autocvar_g_nades_bonus_score_spree); break; } switch(frag_attacker.killcount) { KILL_SPREE_LIST default: nades_GiveBonus(frag_attacker, autocvar_g_nades_bonus_score_minor); break; } #undef SPREE_ITEM } else nades_GiveBonus(frag_attacker, killcount_bonus); } nades_RemoveBonus(frag_target); return false; } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(nades, PlayerDamage_Calculate) { if(frag_target.frozen) if(autocvar_g_freezetag_revive_nade) if(frag_attacker == frag_target) if(frag_deathtype == DEATH_NADE.m_id) if(time - frag_inflictor.toss_time <= 0.1) { Unfreeze(frag_target); frag_target.health = autocvar_g_freezetag_revive_nade_health; Send_Effect(EFFECT_ICEORGLASS, frag_target.origin, '0 0 0', 3); frag_damage = 0; frag_force = '0 0 0'; Send_Notification(NOTIF_ALL, world, MSG_INFO, INFO_FREEZETAG_REVIVED_NADE, frag_target.netname); Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE, frag_target, MSG_CENTER, CENTER_FREEZETAG_REVIVE_SELF); } return false; } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(nades, MonsterDies) {SELFPARAM(); if(IS_PLAYER(frag_attacker)) if(DIFF_TEAM(frag_attacker, self)) if(!(self.spawnflags & MONSTERFLAG_SPAWNED)) nades_GiveBonus(frag_attacker, autocvar_g_nades_bonus_score_minor); return false; } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(nades, DropSpecialItems) { if(frag_target.nade) toss_nade(frag_target, '0 0 0', time + 0.05); return false; } bool nades_RemovePlayer() {SELFPARAM(); nades_Clear(self); nades_RemoveBonus(self); return false; } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(nades, MakePlayerObserver) { nades_RemovePlayer(); } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(nades, ClientDisconnect) { nades_RemovePlayer(); } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(nades, reset_map_global) { nades_RemovePlayer(); } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(nades, SpectateCopy) {SELFPARAM(); self.nade_timer = other.nade_timer; self.nade_type = other.nade_type; self.pokenade_type = other.pokenade_type; self.bonus_nades = other.bonus_nades; self.bonus_nade_score = other.bonus_nade_score; self.stat_healing_orb = other.stat_healing_orb; self.stat_healing_orb_alpha = other.stat_healing_orb_alpha; return false; } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(nades, GetCvars) { GetCvars_handleFloat(get_cvars_s, get_cvars_f, cvar_cl_nade_type, "cl_nade_type"); GetCvars_handleString(get_cvars_s, get_cvars_f, cvar_cl_pokenade_type, "cl_pokenade_type"); return false; } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(nades, BuildMutatorsString) { ret_string = strcat(ret_string, ":Nades"); return false; } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(nades, BuildMutatorsPrettyString) { ret_string = strcat(ret_string, ", Nades"); return false; } #endif #endif