#include "sv_buffs.qh" #include #include .float buff_time = _STAT(BUFF_TIME); void buffs_DelayedInit(entity this); REGISTER_MUTATOR(buffs, cvar("g_buffs")) { MUTATOR_ONADD { InitializeEntity(NULL, buffs_DelayedInit, INITPRIO_FINDTARGET); } } bool buffs_BuffModel_Customize(entity this, entity client) { entity player, myowner; bool same_team; player = WaypointSprite_getviewentity(client); myowner = this.owner; same_team = (SAME_TEAM(player, myowner) || SAME_TEAM(player, myowner)); if(myowner.alpha <= 0.5 && !same_team && myowner.alpha != 0) return false; if(MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(BuffModel_Customize, this, player)) return false; if(player == myowner || (IS_SPEC(client) && client.enemy == myowner)) { // somewhat hide the model, but keep the glow this.effects = 0; this.alpha = -1; } else { this.effects = EF_FULLBRIGHT | EF_LOWPRECISION; this.alpha = 1; } return true; } void buffs_BuffModel_Spawn(entity player) { player.buff_model = spawn(); setmodel(player.buff_model, MDL_BUFF); setsize(player.buff_model, '0 0 -40', '0 0 40'); setattachment(player.buff_model, player, ""); setorigin(player.buff_model, '0 0 1' * (player.buff_model.maxs.z * 1)); player.buff_model.owner = player; player.buff_model.scale = 0.7; player.buff_model.pflags = PFLAGS_FULLDYNAMIC; player.buff_model.light_lev = 200; setcefc(player.buff_model, buffs_BuffModel_Customize); } vector buff_GlowColor(entity buff) { //if(buff.team) { return Team_ColorRGB(buff.team); } return buff.m_color; } void buff_Effect(entity player, string eff) { if(!autocvar_g_buffs_effects) { return; } if(time >= player.buff_effect_delay) { Send_Effect_(eff, player.origin + ((player.mins + player.maxs) * 0.5), '0 0 0', 1); player.buff_effect_delay = time + 0.05; // prevent spam } } // buff item bool buff_Waypoint_visible_for_player(entity this, entity player, entity view) { if(!this.owner.buff_active && !this.owner.buff_activetime) return false; if (view.buffs) { return view.cvar_cl_buffs_autoreplace == false || view.buffs != this.owner.buffs; } return WaypointSprite_visible_for_player(this, player, view); } void buff_Waypoint_Spawn(entity e) { entity buff = buff_FirstFromFlags(e.buffs); entity wp = WaypointSprite_Spawn(WP_Buff, 0, autocvar_g_buffs_waypoint_distance, e, '0 0 1' * e.maxs.z, NULL, e.team, e, buff_waypoint, true, RADARICON_Buff); wp.wp_extra = buff.m_id; WaypointSprite_UpdateTeamRadar(e.buff_waypoint, RADARICON_Buff, e.glowmod); e.buff_waypoint.waypointsprite_visible_for_player = buff_Waypoint_visible_for_player; } void buff_SetCooldown(entity this, float cd) { cd = max(0, cd); if(!this.buff_waypoint) buff_Waypoint_Spawn(this); WaypointSprite_UpdateBuildFinished(this.buff_waypoint, time + cd); this.buff_activetime = cd; this.buff_active = !cd; } void buff_Respawn(entity this) { if(gameover) { return; } vector oldbufforigin = this.origin; this.velocity = '0 0 200'; if(!MoveToRandomMapLocation(this, DPCONTENTS_SOLID | DPCONTENTS_CORPSE | DPCONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP, DPCONTENTS_SLIME | DPCONTENTS_LAVA | DPCONTENTS_SKY | DPCONTENTS_BODY | DPCONTENTS_DONOTENTER, Q3SURFACEFLAG_SKY, ((autocvar_g_buffs_random_location_attempts > 0) ? autocvar_g_buffs_random_location_attempts : 10), 1024, 256)) { entity spot = SelectSpawnPoint(this, true); setorigin(this, spot.origin); this.velocity = ((randomvec() * 100) + '0 0 200'); this.angles = spot.angles; } tracebox(this.origin, this.mins * 1.5, this.maxs * 1.5, this.origin, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, this); setorigin(this, trace_endpos); // attempt to unstick set_movetype(this, MOVETYPE_TOSS); makevectors(this.angles); this.angles = '0 0 0'; if(autocvar_g_buffs_random_lifetime > 0) this.lifetime = time + autocvar_g_buffs_random_lifetime; Send_Effect(EFFECT_ELECTRO_COMBO, oldbufforigin + ((this.mins + this.maxs) * 0.5), '0 0 0', 1); Send_Effect(EFFECT_ELECTRO_COMBO, CENTER_OR_VIEWOFS(this), '0 0 0', 1); WaypointSprite_Ping(this.buff_waypoint); sound(this, CH_TRIGGER, SND_KA_RESPAWN, VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NONE); // ATTEN_NONE (it's a sound intended to be heard anywhere) } void buff_Touch(entity this, entity toucher) { if(gameover) { return; } if(ITEM_TOUCH_NEEDKILL()) { buff_Respawn(this); return; } if((this.team && DIFF_TEAM(toucher, this)) || (STAT(FROZEN, toucher)) || (toucher.vehicle) || (!this.buff_active) ) { // can't touch this return; } if(MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(BuffTouch, this, toucher)) return; toucher = M_ARGV(1, entity); if(!IS_PLAYER(toucher)) return; // incase mutator changed toucher if (toucher.buffs) { if (toucher.cvar_cl_buffs_autoreplace && toucher.buffs != this.buffs) { int buffid = buff_FirstFromFlags(toucher.buffs).m_id; //Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE, toucher, MSG_MULTI, ITEM_BUFF_DROP, toucher.buffs); Send_Notification(NOTIF_ALL, NULL, MSG_INFO, INFO_ITEM_BUFF_LOST, toucher.netname, buffid); toucher.buffs = 0; //sound(toucher, CH_TRIGGER, SND_BUFF_LOST, VOL_BASE, ATTN_NORM); } else { return; } // do nothing } this.owner = toucher; this.buff_active = false; this.lifetime = 0; int buffid = buff_FirstFromFlags(this.buffs).m_id; Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE, toucher, MSG_MULTI, ITEM_BUFF_GOT, buffid); Send_Notification(NOTIF_ALL_EXCEPT, toucher, MSG_INFO, INFO_ITEM_BUFF, toucher.netname, buffid); Send_Effect(EFFECT_ITEM_PICKUP, CENTER_OR_VIEWOFS(this), '0 0 0', 1); sound(toucher, CH_TRIGGER, SND_SHIELD_RESPAWN, VOL_BASE, ATTN_NORM); toucher.buffs |= (this.buffs); } float buff_Available(entity buff) { if (buff == BUFF_Null) return false; if (buff == BUFF_AMMO && ((start_items & IT_UNLIMITED_WEAPON_AMMO) || (start_items & IT_UNLIMITED_AMMO) || (cvar("g_melee_only")))) return false; if (buff == BUFF_VAMPIRE && cvar("g_vampire")) return false; return cvar(strcat("g_buffs_", buff.m_name)); } .int buff_seencount; void buff_NewType(entity ent, float cb) { RandomSelection_Init(); FOREACH(Buffs, buff_Available(it), LAMBDA( it.buff_seencount += 1; // if it's already been chosen, give it a lower priority RandomSelection_Add(NULL, it.m_itemid, string_null, 1, max(0.2, 1 / it.buff_seencount)); )); ent.buffs = RandomSelection_chosen_float; } void buff_Think(entity this) { if(this.buffs != this.oldbuffs) { entity buff = buff_FirstFromFlags(this.buffs); this.color = buff.m_color; this.glowmod = buff_GlowColor(buff); this.skin = buff.m_skin; setmodel(this, MDL_BUFF); if(this.buff_waypoint) { //WaypointSprite_Disown(this.buff_waypoint, 1); WaypointSprite_Kill(this.buff_waypoint); buff_Waypoint_Spawn(this); if(this.buff_activetime) WaypointSprite_UpdateBuildFinished(this.buff_waypoint, time + this.buff_activetime - frametime); } this.oldbuffs = this.buffs; } if(!gameover) if((round_handler_IsActive() && !round_handler_IsRoundStarted()) || time >= game_starttime) if(!this.buff_activetime_updated) { buff_SetCooldown(this, this.buff_activetime); this.buff_activetime_updated = true; } if(!this.buff_active && !this.buff_activetime) if(!this.owner || STAT(FROZEN, this.owner) || IS_DEAD(this.owner) || !this.owner.iscreature || !(this.owner.buffs & this.buffs)) { buff_SetCooldown(this, autocvar_g_buffs_cooldown_respawn + frametime); this.owner = NULL; if(autocvar_g_buffs_randomize) buff_NewType(this, this.buffs); if(autocvar_g_buffs_random_location || (this.spawnflags & 64)) buff_Respawn(this); } if(this.buff_activetime) if(!gameover) if((round_handler_IsActive() && !round_handler_IsRoundStarted()) || time >= game_starttime) { this.buff_activetime = max(0, this.buff_activetime - frametime); if(!this.buff_activetime) { this.buff_active = true; sound(this, CH_TRIGGER, SND_STRENGTH_RESPAWN, VOL_BASE, ATTN_NORM); Send_Effect(EFFECT_ITEM_RESPAWN, CENTER_OR_VIEWOFS(this), '0 0 0', 1); } } if(this.buff_active) { if(this.team && !this.buff_waypoint) buff_Waypoint_Spawn(this); if(this.lifetime) if(time >= this.lifetime) buff_Respawn(this); } this.nextthink = time; //this.angles_y = time * 110.1; } void buff_Waypoint_Reset(entity this) { WaypointSprite_Kill(this.buff_waypoint); if(this.buff_activetime) { buff_Waypoint_Spawn(this); } } void buff_Reset(entity this) { if(autocvar_g_buffs_randomize) buff_NewType(this, this.buffs); this.owner = NULL; buff_SetCooldown(this, autocvar_g_buffs_cooldown_activate); buff_Waypoint_Reset(this); this.buff_activetime_updated = false; if(autocvar_g_buffs_random_location || (this.spawnflags & 64)) buff_Respawn(this); } bool buff_Customize(entity this, entity client) { entity player = WaypointSprite_getviewentity(client); if(!this.buff_active || (this.team && DIFF_TEAM(player, this))) { this.alpha = 0.3; if(this.effects & EF_FULLBRIGHT) { this.effects &= ~(EF_FULLBRIGHT); } this.pflags = 0; } else { this.alpha = 1; if(!(this.effects & EF_FULLBRIGHT)) { this.effects |= EF_FULLBRIGHT; } this.light_lev = 220 + 36 * sin(time); this.pflags = PFLAGS_FULLDYNAMIC; } return true; } void buff_Init(entity this) { if(!cvar("g_buffs")) { delete(this); return; } if(!teamplay && this.team) { this.team = 0; } entity buff = buff_FirstFromFlags(this.buffs); if(!this.buffs || buff_Available(buff)) buff_NewType(this, 0); this.classname = "item_buff"; this.solid = SOLID_TRIGGER; this.flags = FL_ITEM; this.bot_pickup = true; this.bot_pickupevalfunc = commodity_pickupevalfunc; this.bot_pickupbasevalue = 1000; IL_PUSH(g_items, this); setthink(this, buff_Think); settouch(this, buff_Touch); this.reset = buff_Reset; this.nextthink = time + 0.1; this.gravity = 1; set_movetype(this, MOVETYPE_TOSS); this.scale = 1; this.skin = buff.m_skin; this.effects = EF_FULLBRIGHT | EF_STARDUST | EF_NOSHADOW; this.dphitcontentsmask = DPCONTENTS_SOLID | DPCONTENTS_BODY; setcefc(this, buff_Customize); //this.gravity = 100; this.color = buff.m_color; this.glowmod = buff_GlowColor(this); buff_SetCooldown(this, autocvar_g_buffs_cooldown_activate + game_starttime); this.buff_active = !this.buff_activetime; this.pflags = PFLAGS_FULLDYNAMIC; if(this.spawnflags & 1) this.noalign = true; if(this.noalign) set_movetype(this, MOVETYPE_NONE); // reset by random location setmodel(this, MDL_BUFF); setsize(this, BUFF_MIN, BUFF_MAX); if(cvar("g_buffs_random_location") || (this.spawnflags & 64)) buff_Respawn(this); } void buff_Init_Compat(entity ent, entity replacement) { if (ent.spawnflags & 2) ent.team = NUM_TEAM_1; else if (ent.spawnflags & 4) ent.team = NUM_TEAM_2; ent.buffs = replacement.m_itemid; buff_Init(ent); } void buff_SpawnReplacement(entity ent, entity old) { setorigin(ent, old.origin); ent.angles = old.angles; ent.noalign = (old.noalign || (old.spawnflags & 1)); buff_Init(ent); } void buff_Vengeance_DelayedDamage(entity this) { if(this.enemy) Damage(this.enemy, this.owner, this.owner, this.dmg, DEATH_BUFF.m_id, this.enemy.origin, '0 0 0'); delete(this); return; } // note: only really useful in teamplay void buff_Medic_Heal(entity this) { FOREACH_CLIENT(IS_PLAYER(it) && it != this && vdist(it.origin - this.origin, <=, autocvar_g_buffs_medic_heal_range), { if(SAME_TEAM(it, this)) if(it.health < autocvar_g_balance_health_regenstable) { Send_Effect(EFFECT_HEALING, it.origin, '0 0 0', 1); it.health = bound(0, it.health + autocvar_g_buffs_medic_heal_amount, autocvar_g_balance_health_regenstable); } }); } float buff_Inferno_CalculateTime(float x, float offset_x, float offset_y, float intersect_x, float intersect_y, float base) { return offset_y + (intersect_y - offset_y) * logn(((x - offset_x) * ((base - 1) / intersect_x)) + 1, base); } // mutator hooks MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(buffs, PlayerDamage_SplitHealthArmor) { entity frag_target = M_ARGV(2, entity); float frag_deathtype = M_ARGV(6, float); float frag_damage = M_ARGV(7, float); if(frag_deathtype == DEATH_BUFF.m_id) { return; } if(frag_target.buffs & BUFF_RESISTANCE.m_itemid) { vector v = healtharmor_applydamage(50, autocvar_g_buffs_resistance_blockpercent, frag_deathtype, frag_damage); M_ARGV(4, float) = v.x; // take M_ARGV(5, float) = v.y; // save } } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(buffs, PlayerDamage_Calculate) { entity frag_attacker = M_ARGV(1, entity); entity frag_target = M_ARGV(2, entity); float frag_deathtype = M_ARGV(3, float); float frag_damage = M_ARGV(4, float); vector frag_force = M_ARGV(6, vector); if(frag_deathtype == DEATH_BUFF.m_id) { return; } if(frag_target.buffs & BUFF_SPEED.m_itemid) if(frag_target != frag_attacker) frag_damage *= autocvar_g_buffs_speed_damage_take; if(frag_target.buffs & BUFF_MEDIC.m_itemid) if((frag_target.health - frag_damage) <= 0) if(!ITEM_DAMAGE_NEEDKILL(frag_deathtype)) if(frag_attacker) if(random() <= autocvar_g_buffs_medic_survive_chance) frag_damage = max(5, frag_target.health - autocvar_g_buffs_medic_survive_health); if(frag_target.buffs & BUFF_JUMP.m_itemid) if(frag_deathtype == DEATH_FALL.m_id) frag_damage = 0; if(frag_target.buffs & BUFF_VENGEANCE.m_itemid) if(frag_attacker) if(frag_attacker != frag_target) if(!ITEM_DAMAGE_NEEDKILL(frag_deathtype)) { entity dmgent = spawn(); dmgent.dmg = frag_damage * autocvar_g_buffs_vengeance_damage_multiplier; dmgent.enemy = frag_attacker; dmgent.owner = frag_target; setthink(dmgent, buff_Vengeance_DelayedDamage); dmgent.nextthink = time + 0.1; } if(frag_target.buffs & BUFF_BASH.m_itemid) if(frag_attacker != frag_target) frag_force = '0 0 0'; if(frag_attacker.buffs & BUFF_BASH.m_itemid) if(frag_force) if(frag_attacker == frag_target) frag_force *= autocvar_g_buffs_bash_force_self; else frag_force *= autocvar_g_buffs_bash_force; if(frag_attacker.buffs & BUFF_DISABILITY.m_itemid) if(frag_target != frag_attacker) frag_target.buff_disability_time = time + autocvar_g_buffs_disability_slowtime; if(frag_target.buffs & BUFF_INFERNO.m_itemid) { if(frag_deathtype == DEATH_FIRE.m_id) frag_damage = 0; if(frag_deathtype == DEATH_LAVA.m_id) frag_damage *= 0.5; // TODO: cvarize? } if(frag_attacker.buffs & BUFF_LUCK.m_itemid) if(frag_attacker != frag_target) if(autocvar_g_buffs_luck_damagemultiplier > 0) if(random() <= autocvar_g_buffs_luck_chance) frag_damage *= autocvar_g_buffs_luck_damagemultiplier; if(frag_attacker.buffs & BUFF_INFERNO.m_itemid) if(frag_target != frag_attacker) { float btime = buff_Inferno_CalculateTime( frag_damage, 0, autocvar_g_buffs_inferno_burntime_min_time, autocvar_g_buffs_inferno_burntime_target_damage, autocvar_g_buffs_inferno_burntime_target_time, autocvar_g_buffs_inferno_burntime_factor ); Fire_AddDamage(frag_target, frag_attacker, (frag_damage * autocvar_g_buffs_inferno_damagemultiplier), btime, DEATH_BUFF.m_id); } // this... is ridiculous (TODO: fix!) if(frag_attacker.buffs & BUFF_VAMPIRE.m_itemid) if(!frag_target.vehicle) if(!ITEM_DAMAGE_NEEDKILL(frag_deathtype)) if(!IS_DEAD(frag_target)) if(IS_PLAYER(frag_target) || IS_MONSTER(frag_target)) if(frag_attacker != frag_target) if(!STAT(FROZEN, frag_target)) if(frag_target.takedamage) if(DIFF_TEAM(frag_attacker, frag_target)) { frag_attacker.health = bound(0, frag_attacker.health + bound(0, frag_damage * autocvar_g_buffs_vampire_damage_steal, frag_target.health), g_pickup_healthsmall_max); if(frag_target.armorvalue) frag_attacker.armorvalue = bound(0, frag_attacker.armorvalue + bound(0, frag_damage * autocvar_g_buffs_vampire_damage_steal, frag_target.armorvalue), g_pickup_armorsmall_max); } M_ARGV(4, float) = frag_damage; M_ARGV(6, vector) = frag_force; } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(buffs, PlayerSpawn) { entity player = M_ARGV(0, entity); player.buffs = 0; player.buff_time = 0; // reset timers here to prevent them continuing after re-spawn player.buff_disability_time = 0; player.buff_disability_effect_time = 0; } .float stat_sv_maxspeed; .float stat_sv_airspeedlimit_nonqw; .float stat_sv_jumpvelocity; MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(buffs, PlayerPhysics) { entity player = M_ARGV(0, entity); if(player.buffs & BUFF_SPEED.m_itemid) { player.stat_sv_maxspeed *= autocvar_g_buffs_speed_speed; player.stat_sv_airspeedlimit_nonqw *= autocvar_g_buffs_speed_speed; } if(time < player.buff_disability_time) { player.stat_sv_maxspeed *= autocvar_g_buffs_disability_speed; player.stat_sv_airspeedlimit_nonqw *= autocvar_g_buffs_disability_speed; } if(player.buffs & BUFF_JUMP.m_itemid) { // automatically reset, no need to worry player.stat_sv_jumpvelocity = autocvar_g_buffs_jump_height; } } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(buffs, PlayerJump) { entity player = M_ARGV(0, entity); if(player.buffs & BUFF_JUMP.m_itemid) M_ARGV(1, float) = autocvar_g_buffs_jump_height; } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(buffs, MonsterMove) { entity mon = M_ARGV(0, entity); if(time < mon.buff_disability_time) { M_ARGV(1, float) *= autocvar_g_buffs_disability_speed; // run speed M_ARGV(2, float) *= autocvar_g_buffs_disability_speed; // walk speed } } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(buffs, PlayerDies) { entity frag_target = M_ARGV(2, entity); if(frag_target.buffs) { int buffid = buff_FirstFromFlags(frag_target.buffs).m_id; Send_Notification(NOTIF_ALL_EXCEPT, frag_target, MSG_INFO, INFO_ITEM_BUFF_LOST, frag_target.netname, buffid); frag_target.buffs = 0; if(frag_target.buff_model) { delete(frag_target.buff_model); frag_target.buff_model = NULL; } } } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(buffs, PlayerUseKey, CBC_ORDER_FIRST) { if(MUTATOR_RETURNVALUE || gameover) { return; } entity player = M_ARGV(0, entity); if(player.buffs) { int buffid = buff_FirstFromFlags(player.buffs).m_id; Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE, player, MSG_MULTI, ITEM_BUFF_DROP, buffid); Send_Notification(NOTIF_ALL_EXCEPT, player, MSG_INFO, INFO_ITEM_BUFF_LOST, player.netname, buffid); player.buffs = 0; player.buff_time = 0; // already notified sound(player, CH_TRIGGER, SND_BUFF_LOST, VOL_BASE, ATTN_NORM); return true; } } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(buffs, ForbidThrowCurrentWeapon) { if(MUTATOR_RETURNVALUE || gameover) { return; } entity player = M_ARGV(0, entity); if(player.buffs & BUFF_SWAPPER.m_itemid) { float best_distance = autocvar_g_buffs_swapper_range; entity closest = NULL; FOREACH_CLIENT(IS_PLAYER(it), LAMBDA( if(!IS_DEAD(it) && !STAT(FROZEN, it) && !it.vehicle) if(DIFF_TEAM(it, player)) { float test = vlen2(player.origin - it.origin); if(test <= best_distance * best_distance) { best_distance = sqrt(test); closest = it; } } )); if(closest) { vector my_org, my_vel, my_ang, their_org, their_vel, their_ang; my_org = player.origin; my_vel = player.velocity; my_ang = player.angles; their_org = closest.origin; their_vel = closest.velocity; their_ang = closest.angles; Drop_Special_Items(closest); MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(PortalTeleport, player); // initiate flag dropper setorigin(player, their_org); setorigin(closest, my_org); closest.velocity = my_vel; closest.angles = my_ang; closest.fixangle = true; closest.oldorigin = my_org; closest.oldvelocity = my_vel; player.velocity = their_vel; player.angles = their_ang; player.fixangle = true; player.oldorigin = their_org; player.oldvelocity = their_vel; // set pusher so player gets the kill if they fall into void closest.pusher = player; closest.pushltime = time + autocvar_g_maxpushtime; closest.istypefrag = PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_CHAT(closest); Send_Effect(EFFECT_ELECTRO_COMBO, their_org, '0 0 0', 1); Send_Effect(EFFECT_ELECTRO_COMBO, my_org, '0 0 0', 1); sound(player, CH_TRIGGER, SND_KA_RESPAWN, VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NORM); sound(closest, CH_TRIGGER, SND_KA_RESPAWN, VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NORM); // TODO: add a counter to handle how many times one can teleport, and a delay to prevent spam player.buffs = 0; return true; } } } bool buffs_RemovePlayer(entity player) { if(player.buff_model) { delete(player.buff_model); player.buff_model = NULL; } // also reset timers here to prevent them continuing after spectating player.buff_disability_time = 0; player.buff_disability_effect_time = 0; return false; } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(buffs, MakePlayerObserver) { entity player = M_ARGV(0, entity); return buffs_RemovePlayer(player); } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(buffs, ClientDisconnect) { entity player = M_ARGV(0, entity); return buffs_RemovePlayer(player); } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(buffs, CustomizeWaypoint) { entity wp = M_ARGV(0, entity); entity player = M_ARGV(1, entity); entity e = WaypointSprite_getviewentity(player); // if you have the invisibility powerup, sprites ALWAYS are restricted to your team // but only apply this to real players, not to spectators if((wp.owner.flags & FL_CLIENT) && (wp.owner.buffs & BUFF_INVISIBLE.m_itemid) && (e == player)) if(DIFF_TEAM(wp.owner, e)) return true; } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(buffs, OnEntityPreSpawn, CBC_ORDER_LAST) { entity ent = M_ARGV(0, entity); if(autocvar_g_buffs_replace_powerups) switch(ent.classname) { case "item_strength": case "item_invincible": { entity e = spawn(); buff_SpawnReplacement(e, ent); return true; } } } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(buffs, WeaponRateFactor) { entity player = M_ARGV(1, entity); if(player.buffs & BUFF_SPEED.m_itemid) M_ARGV(0, float) *= autocvar_g_buffs_speed_rate; if(time < player.buff_disability_time) M_ARGV(0, float) *= autocvar_g_buffs_disability_rate; } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(buffs, WeaponSpeedFactor) { entity player = M_ARGV(1, entity); if(player.buffs & BUFF_SPEED.m_itemid) M_ARGV(0, float) *= autocvar_g_buffs_speed_weaponspeed; if(time < player.buff_disability_time) M_ARGV(0, float) *= autocvar_g_buffs_disability_weaponspeed; } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(buffs, PlayerPreThink) { entity player = M_ARGV(0, entity); if(gameover || IS_DEAD(player)) { return; } if(time < player.buff_disability_time) if(time >= player.buff_disability_effect_time) { Send_Effect(EFFECT_SMOKING, player.origin + ((player.mins + player.maxs) * 0.5), '0 0 0', 1); player.buff_disability_effect_time = time + 0.5; } // handle buff lost status // 1: notify everyone else // 2: notify carrier as well int buff_lost = 0; if(player.buff_time && player.buffs) if(time >= player.buff_time) { player.buff_time = 0; buff_lost = 2; } if(STAT(FROZEN, player)) { buff_lost = 1; } if(buff_lost) { if(player.buffs) { int buffid = buff_FirstFromFlags(player.buffs).m_id; if(buff_lost == 2) { Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE, player, MSG_MULTI, ITEM_BUFF_DROP, buffid); // TODO: special timeout message? sound(player, CH_TRIGGER, SND_BUFF_LOST, VOL_BASE, ATTN_NORM); } else Send_Notification(NOTIF_ALL_EXCEPT, player, MSG_INFO, INFO_ITEM_BUFF_LOST, player.netname, buffid); player.buffs = 0; } } if(player.buffs & BUFF_MAGNET.m_itemid) { vector pickup_size; IL_EACH(g_items, it.classname != "item_flag_team" && it.classname != "item_kh_key", { if(it.buffs) pickup_size = '1 1 1' * autocvar_g_buffs_magnet_range_buff; else pickup_size = '1 1 1' * autocvar_g_buffs_magnet_range_item; if(boxesoverlap(player.absmin - pickup_size, player.absmax + pickup_size, it.absmin, it.absmax)) { if(gettouch(it)) gettouch(it)(it, player); } }); } .entity weaponentity = weaponentities[0]; // TODO: unhardcode if(player.buffs & BUFF_AMMO.m_itemid) if(player.(weaponentity).clip_size) player.(weaponentity).clip_load = player.(weapon_load[player.(weaponentity).m_switchweapon.m_id]) = player.(weaponentity).clip_size; if((player.buffs & BUFF_INVISIBLE.m_itemid) && (player.oldbuffs & BUFF_INVISIBLE.m_itemid)) if(player.alpha != autocvar_g_buffs_invisible_alpha) player.alpha = autocvar_g_buffs_invisible_alpha; // powerups reset alpha, so we must enforce this (TODO) if(player.buffs & BUFF_MEDIC.m_itemid) if(time >= player.buff_medic_healtime) { buff_Medic_Heal(player); player.buff_medic_healtime = time + autocvar_g_buffs_medic_heal_delay; } #define BUFF_ONADD(b) if ( (player.buffs & (b).m_itemid) && !(player.oldbuffs & (b).m_itemid)) #define BUFF_ONREM(b) if (!(player.buffs & (b).m_itemid) && (player.oldbuffs & (b).m_itemid)) if(player.buffs != player.oldbuffs) { entity buff = buff_FirstFromFlags(player.buffs); float bufftime = buff != BUFF_Null ? buff.m_time(buff) : 0; player.buff_time = (bufftime) ? time + bufftime : 0; BUFF_ONADD(BUFF_AMMO) { player.buff_ammo_prev_infitems = (player.items & IT_UNLIMITED_WEAPON_AMMO); player.items |= IT_UNLIMITED_WEAPON_AMMO; if(player.(weaponentity).clip_load) player.(weaponentity).buff_ammo_prev_clipload = player.(weaponentity).clip_load; player.(weaponentity).clip_load = player.(weapon_load[player.(weaponentity).m_switchweapon.m_id]) = player.(weaponentity).clip_size; } BUFF_ONREM(BUFF_AMMO) { if(player.buff_ammo_prev_infitems) player.items |= IT_UNLIMITED_WEAPON_AMMO; else player.items &= ~IT_UNLIMITED_WEAPON_AMMO; if(player.(weaponentity).buff_ammo_prev_clipload) player.(weaponentity).clip_load = player.(weaponentity).buff_ammo_prev_clipload; } BUFF_ONADD(BUFF_INVISIBLE) { if(time < player.strength_finished && g_instagib) player.alpha = autocvar_g_instagib_invis_alpha; else player.alpha = player.buff_invisible_prev_alpha; player.alpha = autocvar_g_buffs_invisible_alpha; } BUFF_ONREM(BUFF_INVISIBLE) player.alpha = player.buff_invisible_prev_alpha; player.oldbuffs = player.buffs; if(player.buffs) { if(!player.buff_model) buffs_BuffModel_Spawn(player); player.buff_model.color = buff.m_color; player.buff_model.glowmod = buff_GlowColor(player.buff_model); player.buff_model.skin = buff.m_skin; player.effects |= EF_NOSHADOW; } else { delete(player.buff_model); player.buff_model = NULL; player.effects &= ~(EF_NOSHADOW); } } if(player.buff_model) { player.buff_model.effects = player.effects; player.buff_model.effects |= EF_LOWPRECISION; player.buff_model.effects = player.buff_model.effects & EFMASK_CHEAP; // eat performance player.buff_model.alpha = player.alpha; } #undef BUFF_ONADD #undef BUFF_ONREM } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(buffs, SpectateCopy) { entity spectatee = M_ARGV(0, entity); entity client = M_ARGV(1, entity); client.buffs = spectatee.buffs; } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(buffs, VehicleEnter) { entity player = M_ARGV(0, entity); entity veh = M_ARGV(1, entity); veh.buffs = player.buffs; player.buffs = 0; veh.buff_time = max(0, player.buff_time - time); player.buff_time = 0; } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(buffs, VehicleExit) { entity player = M_ARGV(0, entity); entity veh = M_ARGV(1, entity); player.buffs = player.oldbuffs = veh.buffs; veh.buffs = 0; player.buff_time = time + veh.buff_time; veh.buff_time = 0; } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(buffs, PlayerRegen) { entity player = M_ARGV(0, entity); if(player.buffs & BUFF_MEDIC.m_itemid) { M_ARGV(2, float) = autocvar_g_buffs_medic_rot; // rot_mod M_ARGV(4, float) = M_ARGV(1, float) = autocvar_g_buffs_medic_max; // limit_mod = max_mod M_ARGV(2, float) = autocvar_g_buffs_medic_regen; // regen_mod } if(player.buffs & BUFF_SPEED.m_itemid) M_ARGV(2, float) = autocvar_g_buffs_speed_regen; // regen_mod } REPLICATE(cvar_cl_buffs_autoreplace, bool, "cl_buffs_autoreplace"); MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(buffs, BuildMutatorsString) { M_ARGV(0, string) = strcat(M_ARGV(0, string), ":Buffs"); } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(buffs, BuildMutatorsPrettyString) { M_ARGV(0, string) = strcat(M_ARGV(0, string), ", Buffs"); } void buffs_DelayedInit(entity this) { if(autocvar_g_buffs_spawn_count > 0) if(find(NULL, classname, "item_buff") == NULL) { float i; for(i = 0; i < autocvar_g_buffs_spawn_count; ++i) { entity e = spawn(); e.spawnflags |= 64; // always randomize e.velocity = randomvec() * 250; // this gets reset anyway if random location works buff_Init(e); } } }