#include "sv_spawn.qh" #if defined(CSQC) #elif defined(MENUQC) #elif defined(SVQC) #include "../util.qh" #include "all.qh" #include "sv_monsters.qh" #include #include #endif entity spawnmonster (entity e, string monster, int monster_id, entity spawnedby, entity own, vector orig, bool respwn, bool removeifinvalid, int moveflag) { e.spawnflags = MONSTERFLAG_SPAWNED; if(!respwn) { e.spawnflags |= MONSTERFLAG_NORESPAWN; } //if(invincible) { e.spawnflags |= MONSTERFLAG_INVINCIBLE; } setorigin(e, orig); bool allow_any = boolean(monster == "anyrandom"); if(monster == "random" || allow_any) { RandomSelection_Init(); FOREACH(Monsters, it != MON_Null && (allow_any || !(it.spawnflags & MONSTER_TYPE_PASSIVE)) && !(it.spawnflags & MON_FLAG_HIDDEN), { RandomSelection_AddEnt(it, 1, 1); }); monster_id = RandomSelection_chosen_ent.monsterid; } else if(monster != "") { bool found = false; FOREACH(Monsters, it != MON_Null, { if(it.netname == monster) { found = true; monster_id = it.monsterid; // we have the monster, old monster id is no longer required break; } }); if(!found && !monster_id) { if(removeifinvalid) { delete(e); return NULL; // no good } else monster_id = MON_FIRST; } } e.realowner = spawnedby; if(moveflag) e.monster_moveflags = moveflag; if(IS_PLAYER(spawnedby)) { if(teamplay && autocvar_g_monsters_teams) e.team = spawnedby.team; // colors handled in spawn code if(autocvar_g_monsters_owners) e.monster_follow = own; // using .owner makes the monster non-solid for its master e.angles_y = spawnedby.angles_y; } // Monster_Spawn checks if monster is valid if(!Monster_Spawn(e, false, monster_id)) { delete(e); return NULL; // remove even if told not to, as we didn't spawn any kind of monster } return e; }