#include "sv_monsters.qh" #include #include "../constants.qh" #include "../teams.qh" #include "../util.qh" #include "all.qh" #include "../physics/movelib.qh" #include "../weapons/_mod.qh" #include #include #include #include "../deathtypes/all.qh" #include #include #include #include #include "../turrets/sv_turrets.qh" #include "../turrets/util.qh" #include "../vehicles/all.qh" #include #include #include #include "../mapobjects/triggers.qh" #include #include #include void monsters_setstatus(entity this) { STAT(MONSTERS_TOTAL, this) = monsters_total; STAT(MONSTERS_KILLED, this) = monsters_killed; } void monster_dropitem(entity this, entity attacker) { if(!this.candrop || !this.monster_loot) return; vector org = CENTER_OR_VIEWOFS(this); entity e = spawn(); Item_SetLoot(e, true); e.spawnfunc_checked = true; e.monster_loot = this.monster_loot; MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(MonsterDropItem, this, e, attacker); e = M_ARGV(1, entity); if(e && e.monster_loot) { e.noalign = true; StartItem(e, e.monster_loot); e.gravity = 1; setorigin(e, org); e.velocity = randomvec() * 175 + '0 0 325'; e.item_spawnshieldtime = time + 0.7; SUB_SetFade(e, time + autocvar_g_monsters_drop_time, 1); } } void monster_makevectors(entity this, entity targ) { if(IS_MONSTER(this)) { vector v = targ.origin + (targ.mins + targ.maxs) * 0.5; this.v_angle = vectoangles(v - (this.origin + this.view_ofs)); this.v_angle_x = -this.v_angle_x; } makevectors(this.v_angle); } // =============== // Target handling // =============== bool Monster_ValidTarget(entity this, entity targ) { // ensure we're not checking nonexistent monster/target if(!this || !targ) { return false; } if((targ == this) || (autocvar_g_monsters_lineofsight && !checkpvs(this.origin + this.view_ofs, targ)) // enemy cannot be seen || (IS_VEHICLE(targ) && !(this.monsterdef.spawnflags & MON_FLAG_RANGED)) // melee vs vehicle is useless || (time < game_starttime) // monsters do nothing before match has started || (targ.takedamage == DAMAGE_NO) || (game_stopped) || (targ.items & IT_INVISIBILITY) || (IS_SPEC(targ) || IS_OBSERVER(targ)) // don't attack spectators || (!IS_VEHICLE(targ) && (IS_DEAD(targ) || IS_DEAD(this) || GetResource(targ, RES_HEALTH) <= 0 || GetResource(this, RES_HEALTH) <= 0)) || (this.monster_follow == targ || targ.monster_follow == this) || (!IS_VEHICLE(targ) && (targ.flags & FL_NOTARGET)) || (!autocvar_g_monsters_typefrag && PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_CHAT(targ)) || (SAME_TEAM(targ, this)) || (STAT(FROZEN, targ)) || (targ.alpha != 0 && targ.alpha < 0.5) || (MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(MonsterValidTarget, this, targ)) ) { // if any of the above checks fail, target is not valid return false; } vector targ_origin = ((targ.absmin + targ.absmax) * 0.5); traceline(this.origin + this.view_ofs, targ_origin, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, this); if(trace_fraction < 1 && trace_ent != targ) return false; // solid if(autocvar_g_monsters_target_infront || (this.spawnflags & MONSTERFLAG_INFRONT)) if(this.enemy != targ) { makevectors (this.angles); float dot = normalize (targ.origin - this.origin) * v_forward; if(dot <= autocvar_g_monsters_target_infront_range) { return false; } } return true; // this target is valid! } entity Monster_FindTarget(entity this) { if(MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(MonsterFindTarget)) { return this.enemy; } // Handled by a mutator entity closest_target = NULL; vector my_center = CENTER_OR_VIEWOFS(this); // find the closest acceptable target to pass to IL_EACH(g_monster_targets, it.monster_attack && vdist(it.origin - this.origin, <, this.target_range), { if(Monster_ValidTarget(this, it)) { // if it's a player, use the view origin as reference (stolen from RadiusDamage functions in g_damage.qc) vector targ_center = CENTER_OR_VIEWOFS(it); if(closest_target) { vector closest_target_center = CENTER_OR_VIEWOFS(closest_target); if(vlen2(my_center - targ_center) < vlen2(my_center - closest_target_center)) { closest_target = it; } } else { closest_target = it; } } }); return closest_target; } void monster_setupcolors(entity this) { if(IS_PLAYER(this.realowner)) this.colormap = this.realowner.colormap; else if(teamplay && this.team) this.colormap = 1024 + (this.team - 1) * 17; else { if(this.monster_skill <= MONSTER_SKILL_EASY) this.colormap = 1029; else if(this.monster_skill <= MONSTER_SKILL_MEDIUM) this.colormap = 1027; else if(this.monster_skill <= MONSTER_SKILL_HARD) this.colormap = 1038; else if(this.monster_skill <= MONSTER_SKILL_INSANE) this.colormap = 1028; else if(this.monster_skill <= MONSTER_SKILL_NIGHTMARE) this.colormap = 1032; else this.colormap = 1024; } } void monster_changeteam(entity this, int newteam) { if(!teamplay) { return; } this.team = newteam; if(!this.monster_attack) IL_PUSH(g_monster_targets, this); this.monster_attack = true; // new team, activate attacking monster_setupcolors(this); if(this.sprite) { WaypointSprite_UpdateTeamRadar(this.sprite, RADARICON_DANGER, ((newteam) ? Team_ColorRGB(newteam) : '1 0 0')); this.sprite.team = newteam; this.sprite.SendFlags |= 1; } } .void(entity) monster_delayedfunc; void Monster_Delay_Action(entity this) { if(Monster_ValidTarget(this.owner, this.owner.enemy)) { monster_makevectors(this.owner, this.owner.enemy); this.monster_delayedfunc(this.owner); } if(this.cnt > 1) { this.cnt -= 1; setthink(this, Monster_Delay_Action); this.nextthink = time + this.count; } else { setthink(this, SUB_Remove); this.nextthink = time; } } void Monster_Delay(entity this, int repeat_count, float defer_amnt, void(entity) func) { // deferred attacking, checks if monster is still alive and target is still valid before attacking entity e = spawn(); setthink(e, Monster_Delay_Action); e.nextthink = time + defer_amnt; e.count = defer_amnt; e.owner = this; e.monster_delayedfunc = func; e.cnt = repeat_count; } // ============== // Monster sounds // ============== string get_monster_model_datafilename(string m, float sk, string fil) { if(m) m = strcat(m, "_"); else m = "models/monsters/*_"; if(sk >= 0) m = strcat(m, ftos(sk)); else m = strcat(m, "*"); return strcat(m, ".", fil); } void Monster_Sound_Precache(string f) { float fh; string s; fh = fopen(f, FILE_READ); if(fh < 0) return; while((s = fgets(fh))) { if(tokenize_console(s) != 3) { //LOG_DEBUG("Invalid sound info line: ", s); // probably a comment, no need to spam warnings continue; } PrecacheGlobalSound(strcat(argv(1), " ", argv(2))); } fclose(fh); } void Monster_Sounds_Precache(entity this) { string m = this.monsterdef.m_model.model_str(); float globhandle, n, i; string f; globhandle = search_begin(strcat(m, "_*.sounds"), true, false); if (globhandle < 0) return; n = search_getsize(globhandle); for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { //print(search_getfilename(globhandle, i), "\n"); f = search_getfilename(globhandle, i); Monster_Sound_Precache(f); } search_end(globhandle); } void Monster_Sounds_Clear(entity this) { #define _MSOUND(m) strfree(this.monstersound_##m); ALLMONSTERSOUNDS #undef _MSOUND } .string Monster_Sound_SampleField(string type) { GetMonsterSoundSampleField_notFound = 0; switch(type) { #define _MSOUND(m) case #m: return monstersound_##m; ALLMONSTERSOUNDS #undef _MSOUND } GetMonsterSoundSampleField_notFound = 1; return string_null; } bool Monster_Sounds_Load(entity this, string f, int first) { string s; var .string field; float fh = fopen(f, FILE_READ); if(fh < 0) { //LOG_DEBUG("Monster sound file not found: ", f); // no biggie, monster has no sounds, let's not spam it return false; } while((s = fgets(fh))) { if(tokenize_console(s) != 3) continue; field = Monster_Sound_SampleField(argv(0)); if(GetMonsterSoundSampleField_notFound) continue; strcpy(this.(field), strcat(argv(1), " ", argv(2))); } fclose(fh); return true; } .int skin_for_monstersound; void Monster_Sounds_Update(entity this) { if(this.skin == this.skin_for_monstersound) { return; } this.skin_for_monstersound = this.skin; Monster_Sounds_Clear(this); if(!Monster_Sounds_Load(this, get_monster_model_datafilename(this.model, this.skin, "sounds"), 0)) Monster_Sounds_Load(this, get_monster_model_datafilename(this.model, 0, "sounds"), 0); } void Monster_Sound(entity this, .string samplefield, float sound_delay, bool delaytoo, float chan) { if(!autocvar_g_monsters_sounds) { return; } if(delaytoo) if(time < this.msound_delay) return; // too early string sample = this.(samplefield); if (sample != "") sample = GlobalSound_sample(sample, random()); float myscale = ((this.scale) ? this.scale : 1); // safety net // TODO: change volume depending on size too? sound7(this, chan, sample, VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NORM, 100 / myscale, 0); this.msound_delay = time + sound_delay; } // ======================= // Monster attack handlers // ======================= bool Monster_Attack_Melee(entity this, entity targ, float damg, vector anim, float er, float animtime, int deathtype, bool dostop) { if(dostop && IS_MONSTER(this)) { this.state = MONSTER_ATTACK_MELEE; } setanim(this, anim, false, true, false); if(this.animstate_endtime > time && IS_MONSTER(this)) this.attack_finished_single[0] = this.anim_finished = this.animstate_endtime; else this.attack_finished_single[0] = this.anim_finished = time + animtime; traceline(this.origin + this.view_ofs, this.origin + v_forward * er, 0, this); if(trace_ent.takedamage) Damage(trace_ent, this, this, damg * MONSTER_SKILLMOD(this), deathtype, DMG_NOWEP, trace_ent.origin, normalize(trace_ent.origin - this.origin)); return true; } bool Monster_Attack_Leap_Check(entity this, vector vel) { if(this.state && IS_MONSTER(this)) return false; // already attacking if(!IS_ONGROUND(this)) return false; // not on the ground if(GetResource(this, RES_HEALTH) <= 0 || IS_DEAD(this)) return false; // called when dead? if(time < this.attack_finished_single[0]) return false; // still attacking vector old = this.velocity; this.velocity = vel; tracetoss(this, this); this.velocity = old; if(trace_ent != this.enemy) return false; return true; } bool Monster_Attack_Leap(entity this, vector anm, void(entity this, entity toucher) touchfunc, vector vel, float animtime) { if(!Monster_Attack_Leap_Check(this, vel)) return false; setanim(this, anm, false, true, false); if(this.animstate_endtime > time && IS_MONSTER(this)) this.attack_finished_single[0] = this.anim_finished = this.animstate_endtime; else this.attack_finished_single[0] = this.anim_finished = time + animtime; if(IS_MONSTER(this)) this.state = MONSTER_ATTACK_RANGED; settouch(this, touchfunc); this.origin_z += 1; this.velocity = vel; UNSET_ONGROUND(this); return true; } void Monster_Attack_Check(entity this, entity targ, .entity weaponentity) { int slot = weaponslot(weaponentity); if((!this || !targ) || (!this.monster_attackfunc) || (time < this.attack_finished_single[slot]) ) { return; } if(vdist(targ.origin - this.origin, <=, this.attack_range)) { monster_makevectors(this, targ); int attack_success = this.monster_attackfunc(MONSTER_ATTACK_MELEE, this, targ, weaponentity); if(attack_success == 1) Monster_Sound(this, monstersound_melee, 0, false, CH_VOICE); else if(attack_success > 0) return; } if(vdist(targ.origin - this.origin, >, this.attack_range)) { monster_makevectors(this, targ); int attack_success = this.monster_attackfunc(MONSTER_ATTACK_RANGED, this, targ, weaponentity); if(attack_success == 1) Monster_Sound(this, monstersound_melee, 0, false, CH_VOICE); else if(attack_success > 0) return; } } // ====================== // Main monster functions // ====================== void Monster_UpdateModel(entity this) { // assume some defaults /*this.anim_idle = animfixfps(this, '0 1 0.01', '0 0 0'); this.anim_walk = animfixfps(this, '1 1 0.01', '0 0 0'); this.anim_run = animfixfps(this, '2 1 0.01', '0 0 0'); this.anim_fire1 = animfixfps(this, '3 1 0.01', '0 0 0'); this.anim_fire2 = animfixfps(this, '4 1 0.01', '0 0 0'); this.anim_melee = animfixfps(this, '5 1 0.01', '0 0 0'); this.anim_pain1 = animfixfps(this, '6 1 0.01', '0 0 0'); this.anim_pain2 = animfixfps(this, '7 1 0.01', '0 0 0'); this.anim_die1 = animfixfps(this, '8 1 0.01', '0 0 0'); this.anim_die2 = animfixfps(this, '9 1 0.01', '0 0 0');*/ // then get the real values Monster mon = this.monsterdef; mon.mr_anim(mon, this); } void Monster_Touch(entity this, entity toucher) { if(toucher == NULL) { return; } if(toucher.monster_attack) if(this.enemy != toucher) if(!IS_MONSTER(toucher)) if(Monster_ValidTarget(this, toucher)) this.enemy = toucher; } void Monster_Miniboss_Check(entity this) { if(MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(MonsterCheckBossFlag, this)) return; float chance = random() * 100; // g_monsters_miniboss_chance cvar or spawnflags 64 causes a monster to be a miniboss if ((this.spawnflags & MONSTERFLAG_MINIBOSS) || (chance < autocvar_g_monsters_miniboss_chance)) { GiveResource(this, RES_HEALTH, autocvar_g_monsters_miniboss_healthboost); this.effects |= EF_RED; if(!this.weapon) this.weapon = WEP_VORTEX.m_id; } } bool Monster_Respawn_Check(entity this) { if(this.deadflag == DEAD_DEAD) // don't call when monster isn't dead if(MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(MonsterRespawn, this)) return true; // enabled by a mutator if(this.spawnflags & MONSTERFLAG_NORESPAWN) return false; if(!autocvar_g_monsters_respawn) return false; return true; } void Monster_Respawn(entity this) { Monster_Spawn(this, true, this.monsterdef); } .vector pos1, pos2; void Monster_Dead_Fade(entity this) { if(Monster_Respawn_Check(this)) { this.spawnflags |= MONSTERFLAG_RESPAWNED; setthink(this, Monster_Respawn); this.nextthink = time + this.respawntime; this.monster_lifetime = 0; this.deadflag = DEAD_RESPAWNING; if(this.spawnflags & MONSTER_RESPAWN_DEATHPOINT) { this.pos1 = this.origin; this.pos2 = this.angles; } this.event_damage = func_null; this.event_heal = func_null; this.takedamage = DAMAGE_NO; setorigin(this, this.pos1); this.angles = this.pos2; SetResourceExplicit(this, RES_HEALTH, this.max_health); setmodel(this, MDL_Null); } else { // number of monsters spawned with mobspawn command totalspawned -= 1; SUB_SetFade(this, time + 3, 1); } } void Monster_Use(entity this, entity actor, entity trigger) { if(Monster_ValidTarget(this, actor)) { this.enemy = actor; } } .float pass_distance; vector Monster_Move_Target(entity this, entity targ) { // enemy is always preferred target if(this.enemy) { vector targ_origin = ((this.enemy.absmin + this.enemy.absmax) * 0.5); targ_origin = WarpZone_RefSys_TransformOrigin(this.enemy, this, targ_origin); // origin of target as seen by the monster (us) WarpZone_TraceLine(this.origin, targ_origin, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, this); // cases where the enemy may have changed their state (don't need to check everything here) if((!this.enemy) || (IS_DEAD(this.enemy) || GetResource(this.enemy, RES_HEALTH) < 1) || (STAT(FROZEN, this.enemy)) || (this.enemy.flags & FL_NOTARGET) || (this.enemy.alpha < 0.5 && this.enemy.alpha != 0) || (this.enemy.takedamage == DAMAGE_NO) || (vdist(this.origin - targ_origin, >, this.target_range)) || ((trace_fraction < 1) && (trace_ent != this.enemy))) { this.enemy = NULL; //this.pass_distance = 0; } if(this.enemy) { /*WarpZone_TrailParticles(NULL, particleeffectnum(EFFECT_RED_PASS), this.origin, targ_origin); print("Trace origin: ", vtos(targ_origin), "\n"); print("Target origin: ", vtos(this.enemy.origin), "\n"); print("My origin: ", vtos(this.origin), "\n"); */ this.monster_movestate = MONSTER_MOVE_ENEMY; this.last_trace = time + 1.2; if(this.monster_moveto) return this.monster_moveto; // assumes code is properly setting this when monster has an enemy else return targ_origin; } /*makevectors(this.angles); this.monster_movestate = MONSTER_MOVE_ENEMY; this.last_trace = time + 1.2; return this.enemy.origin; */ } switch(this.monster_moveflags) { case MONSTER_MOVE_FOLLOW: { this.monster_movestate = MONSTER_MOVE_FOLLOW; this.last_trace = time + 0.3; return (this.monster_follow) ? this.monster_follow.origin : this.origin; } case MONSTER_MOVE_SPAWNLOC: { this.monster_movestate = MONSTER_MOVE_SPAWNLOC; this.last_trace = time + 2; return this.pos1; } case MONSTER_MOVE_NOMOVE: { if(this.monster_moveto) { this.last_trace = time + 0.5; return this.monster_moveto; } else { this.monster_movestate = MONSTER_MOVE_NOMOVE; this.last_trace = time + 2; } return this.origin; } default: case MONSTER_MOVE_WANDER: { vector pos; this.monster_movestate = MONSTER_MOVE_WANDER; if(this.monster_moveto) { this.last_trace = time + 0.5; pos = this.monster_moveto; } else if(targ) { this.last_trace = time + 0.5; pos = targ.origin; } else { this.last_trace = time + this.wander_delay; this.angles_y = rint(random() * 500); makevectors(this.angles); pos = this.origin + v_forward * this.wander_distance; if(((this.flags & FL_FLY) && (this.spawnflags & MONSTERFLAG_FLY_VERTICAL)) || (this.flags & FL_SWIM)) { pos.z = random() * 200; if(random() >= 0.5) pos.z *= -1; } } return pos; } } } void Monster_CalculateVelocity(entity this, vector to, vector from, float turnrate, float movespeed) { //float current_distance = vlen((('1 0 0' * to.x) + ('0 1 0' * to.y)) - (('1 0 0' * from.x) + ('0 1 0' * from.y))); // for the sake of this check, exclude Z axis //float initial_height = 0; //min(50, (targ_distance * tanh(20))); //float current_height = (initial_height * min(1, (this.pass_distance) ? (current_distance / this.pass_distance) : current_distance)); //print("current_height = ", ftos(current_height), ", initial_height = ", ftos(initial_height), ".\n"); vector targpos = to; #if 0 if(current_height) // make sure we can actually do this arcing path { targpos = (to + ('0 0 1' * current_height)); WarpZone_TraceLine(this.origin, targpos, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, this); if(trace_fraction < 1) { //print("normal arc line failed, trying to find new pos..."); WarpZone_TraceLine(to, targpos, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, this); targpos = (trace_endpos + '0 0 -10'); WarpZone_TraceLine(this.origin, targpos, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, this); if(trace_fraction < 1) { targpos = to; /* print(" ^1FAILURE^7, reverting to original direction.\n"); */ } /*else { print(" ^3SUCCESS^7, using new arc line.\n"); } */ } } else { targpos = to; } #endif //this.angles = normalize(('0 1 0' * to_y) - ('0 1 0' * from_y)); vector desired_direction = normalize(targpos - from); if(turnrate) { this.velocity = (normalize(normalize(this.velocity) + (desired_direction * 50)) * movespeed); } else { this.velocity = (desired_direction * movespeed); } //this.steerto = steerlib_attract2(targpos, 0.5, 500, 0.95); //this.angles = vectoangles(this.velocity); } .entity draggedby; void Monster_Move(entity this, float runspeed, float walkspeed, float stpspeed) { // update goal entity if lost if(this.target2 && this.target2 != "" && this.goalentity.targetname != this.target2) this.goalentity = find(NULL, targetname, this.target2); if(STAT(FROZEN, this)) { movelib_brake_simple(this, stpspeed); setanim(this, this.anim_idle, true, false, false); return; // no physics while frozen! } if(this.flags & FL_SWIM) { if(this.waterlevel < WATERLEVEL_WETFEET) { if(time >= this.last_trace) { this.last_trace = time + 0.4; Damage (this, NULL, NULL, 2, DEATH_DROWN.m_id, DMG_NOWEP, this.origin, '0 0 0'); this.angles = '90 90 0'; if(random() < 0.5) { this.velocity_y += random() * 50; this.velocity_x -= random() * 50; } else { this.velocity_y -= random() * 50; this.velocity_x += random() * 50; } this.velocity_z += random() * 150; } set_movetype(this, MOVETYPE_BOUNCE); //this.velocity_z = -200; return; } else if(this.move_movetype == MOVETYPE_BOUNCE) { this.angles_x = 0; set_movetype(this, MOVETYPE_WALK); } } entity targ = this.goalentity; if (MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(MonsterMove, this, runspeed, walkspeed, targ) || game_stopped || this.draggedby != NULL || (round_handler_IsActive() && !round_handler_IsRoundStarted()) || time < game_starttime || (autocvar_g_campaign && !campaign_bots_may_start) || time < this.spawn_time) { runspeed = walkspeed = 0; if(time >= this.spawn_time) setanim(this, this.anim_idle, true, false, false); movelib_brake_simple(this, stpspeed); return; } targ = M_ARGV(3, entity); runspeed = bound(0, M_ARGV(1, float) * MONSTER_SKILLMOD(this), runspeed * 2.5); // limit maxspeed to prevent craziness walkspeed = bound(0, M_ARGV(2, float) * MONSTER_SKILLMOD(this), walkspeed * 2.5); // limit maxspeed to prevent craziness if(teamplay && autocvar_g_monsters_teams) if(DIFF_TEAM(this.monster_follow, this)) this.monster_follow = NULL; if(this.state == MONSTER_ATTACK_RANGED && IS_ONGROUND(this)) { this.state = 0; settouch(this, Monster_Touch); } if(this.state && time >= this.attack_finished_single[0]) this.state = 0; // attack is over if(this.state != MONSTER_ATTACK_MELEE) // don't move if set if(time >= this.last_trace || this.enemy) // update enemy or rider instantly this.moveto = Monster_Move_Target(this, targ); if(!this.enemy) Monster_Sound(this, monstersound_idle, 7, true, CH_VOICE); if(this.state == MONSTER_ATTACK_MELEE) this.moveto = this.origin; if(this.enemy && this.enemy.vehicle) runspeed = 0; if(!(this.spawnflags & MONSTERFLAG_FLY_VERTICAL) && !(this.flags & FL_SWIM)) this.moveto_z = this.origin_z; if(vdist(this.origin - this.moveto, >, 100)) { bool do_run = (this.enemy || this.monster_moveto); if(IS_ONGROUND(this) || ((this.flags & FL_FLY) || (this.flags & FL_SWIM))) Monster_CalculateVelocity(this, this.moveto, this.origin, true, ((do_run) ? runspeed : walkspeed)); if(time > this.pain_finished && time > this.anim_finished) // TODO: use anim_finished instead!? if(!this.state) { if(vdist(this.velocity, >, 10)) setanim(this, ((do_run) ? this.anim_run : this.anim_walk), true, false, false); else setanim(this, this.anim_idle, true, false, false); } } else { entity e = this.goalentity; //find(NULL, targetname, this.target2); if(e.target2 && e.target2 != "") this.target2 = e.target2; else if(e.target && e.target != "") // compatibility this.target2 = e.target; movelib_brake_simple(this, stpspeed); if(time > this.anim_finished && time > this.pain_finished) if(!this.state) if(vdist(this.velocity, <=, 30)) setanim(this, this.anim_idle, true, false, false); } this.steerto = steerlib_attract2(this, ((this.monster_face) ? this.monster_face : this.moveto), 0.5, 500, 0.95); vector real_angle = vectoangles(this.steerto) - this.angles; float turny = 25; if(this.state == MONSTER_ATTACK_MELEE) turny = 0; if(turny) { turny = bound(turny * -1, shortangle_f(real_angle.y, this.angles.y), turny); this.angles_y += turny; } } void Monster_Remove(entity this) { if(IS_CLIENT(this)) return; // don't remove it? if(!this) { return; } if(!MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(MonsterRemove, this)) Send_Effect(EFFECT_ITEM_PICKUP, this.origin, '0 0 0', 1); for(int slot = 0; slot < MAX_WEAPONSLOTS; ++slot) { .entity weaponentity = weaponentities[slot]; if(this.(weaponentity)) delete(this.(weaponentity)); } if(this.iceblock) { delete(this.iceblock); } WaypointSprite_Kill(this.sprite); delete(this); } void Monster_Dead_Think(entity this) { this.nextthink = time + this.ticrate; if(this.monster_lifetime != 0) if(time >= this.monster_lifetime) { Monster_Dead_Fade(this); return; } } void Monster_Appear(entity this, entity actor, entity trigger) { this.enemy = actor; Monster_Spawn(this, false, this.monsterdef); } bool Monster_Appear_Check(entity this, Monster monster_id) { if(!(this.spawnflags & MONSTERFLAG_APPEAR)) return false; setthink(this, func_null); this.monsterdef = monster_id; // set so this monster is properly registered (otherwise, normal initialization is used) this.nextthink = 0; this.use = Monster_Appear; this.flags = FL_MONSTER; // set so this monster can get butchered return true; } void Monster_Reset(entity this) { setorigin(this, this.pos1); this.angles = this.pos2; Unfreeze(this, false); // remove any icy remains SetResourceExplicit(this, RES_HEALTH, this.max_health); this.velocity = '0 0 0'; this.enemy = NULL; this.goalentity = NULL; this.attack_finished_single[0] = 0; this.moveto = this.origin; } void Monster_Dead_Damage(entity this, entity inflictor, entity attacker, float damage, int deathtype, .entity weaponentity, vector hitloc, vector force) { TakeResource(this, RES_HEALTH, damage); Violence_GibSplash_At(hitloc, force, 2, bound(0, damage, 200) / 16, this, attacker); if(GetResource(this, RES_HEALTH) <= -50) // 100 health until gone? { Violence_GibSplash_At(hitloc, force, 2, bound(0, damage, 200) / 16, this, attacker); // number of monsters spawned with mobspawn command totalspawned -= 1; setthink(this, SUB_Remove); this.nextthink = time + 0.1; this.event_damage = func_null; } } void Monster_Dead(entity this, entity attacker, float gibbed) { setthink(this, Monster_Dead_Think); this.nextthink = time; this.monster_lifetime = time + 5; if(STAT(FROZEN, this)) Unfreeze(this, false); // remove any icy remains monster_dropitem(this, attacker); Monster_Sound(this, monstersound_death, 0, false, CH_VOICE); if(!(this.spawnflags & MONSTERFLAG_SPAWNED) && !(this.spawnflags & MONSTERFLAG_RESPAWNED)) monsters_killed += 1; if(IS_PLAYER(attacker)) if(autocvar_g_monsters_score_spawned || !((this.spawnflags & MONSTERFLAG_SPAWNED) || (this.spawnflags & MONSTERFLAG_RESPAWNED))) GameRules_scoring_add(attacker, SCORE, +autocvar_g_monsters_score_kill); if(gibbed) { // number of monsters spawned with mobspawn command totalspawned -= 1; } if(!gibbed && this.mdl_dead && this.mdl_dead != "") _setmodel(this, this.mdl_dead); this.event_damage = ((gibbed) ? func_null : Monster_Dead_Damage); this.event_heal = func_null; this.solid = SOLID_CORPSE; this.takedamage = DAMAGE_AIM; this.deadflag = DEAD_DEAD; this.enemy = NULL; set_movetype(this, MOVETYPE_TOSS); this.moveto = this.origin; settouch(this, Monster_Touch); // reset incase monster was pouncing this.reset = func_null; this.state = 0; this.attack_finished_single[0] = 0; this.effects = 0; if(!((this.flags & FL_FLY) || (this.flags & FL_SWIM))) this.velocity = '0 0 0'; CSQCModel_UnlinkEntity(this); Monster mon = this.monsterdef; mon.mr_death(mon, this); if(this.candrop && this.weapon) { .entity weaponentity = weaponentities[0]; // TODO: unhardcode W_ThrowNewWeapon(this, this.weapon, 0, this.origin, randomvec() * 150 + '0 0 325', weaponentity); } } void Monster_Damage(entity this, entity inflictor, entity attacker, float damage, int deathtype, .entity weaponentity, vector hitloc, vector force) { if((this.spawnflags & MONSTERFLAG_INVINCIBLE) && deathtype != DEATH_KILL.m_id && !ITEM_DAMAGE_NEEDKILL(deathtype)) return; if(STAT(FROZEN, this) && deathtype != DEATH_KILL.m_id && deathtype != DEATH_NADE_ICE_FREEZE.m_id) return; //if(time < this.pain_finished && deathtype != DEATH_KILL.m_id) //return; if(time < this.spawnshieldtime && deathtype != DEATH_KILL.m_id) return; if(deathtype == DEATH_FALL.m_id && this.draggedby != NULL) return; vector v = healtharmor_applydamage(100, GetResource(this, RES_ARMOR) / 100, deathtype, damage); float take = v.x; //float save = v.y; Monster mon = this.monsterdef; take = mon.mr_pain(mon, this, take, attacker, deathtype); if(take) { TakeResource(this, RES_HEALTH, take); Monster_Sound(this, monstersound_pain, 1.2, true, CH_PAIN); } if(this.sprite) WaypointSprite_UpdateHealth(this.sprite, GetResource(this, RES_HEALTH)); this.dmg_time = time; if(deathtype != DEATH_DROWN.m_id && deathtype != DEATH_FIRE.m_id && sound_allowed(MSG_BROADCAST, attacker)) spamsound (this, CH_PAIN, SND_BODYIMPACT1, VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NORM); // FIXME: PLACEHOLDER this.velocity += force * this.damageforcescale; if(deathtype != DEATH_DROWN.m_id && take) { Violence_GibSplash_At(hitloc, force, 2, bound(0, take, 200) / 16, this, attacker); if (take > 50) Violence_GibSplash_At(hitloc, force * -0.1, 3, 1, this, attacker); if (take > 100) Violence_GibSplash_At(hitloc, force * -0.2, 3, 1, this, attacker); } if(GetResource(this, RES_HEALTH) <= 0) { if(deathtype == DEATH_KILL.m_id) this.candrop = false; // killed by mobkill command // TODO: fix this? SUB_UseTargets(this, attacker, this.enemy); this.target2 = this.oldtarget2; // reset to original target on death, incase we respawn Monster_Dead(this, attacker, (GetResource(this, RES_HEALTH) <= -100 || deathtype == DEATH_KILL.m_id)); WaypointSprite_Kill(this.sprite); MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(MonsterDies, this, attacker, deathtype); if(GetResource(this, RES_HEALTH) <= -100 || deathtype == DEATH_KILL.m_id) // check if we're already gibbed { Violence_GibSplash(this, 1, 0.5, attacker); setthink(this, SUB_Remove); this.nextthink = time + 0.1; } } } bool Monster_Heal(entity targ, entity inflictor, float amount, float limit) { float true_limit = ((limit != RES_LIMIT_NONE) ? limit : targ.max_health); if(GetResource(targ, RES_HEALTH) <= 0 || GetResource(targ, RES_HEALTH) >= true_limit) return false; GiveResourceWithLimit(targ, RES_HEALTH, amount, true_limit); if(targ.sprite) WaypointSprite_UpdateHealth(targ.sprite, GetResource(targ, RES_HEALTH)); return true; } // don't check for enemies, just keep walking in a straight line void Monster_Move_2D(entity this, float mspeed, bool allow_jumpoff) { if(game_stopped || (round_handler_IsActive() && !round_handler_IsRoundStarted()) || this.draggedby != NULL || time < game_starttime || (autocvar_g_campaign && !campaign_bots_may_start) || time < this.spawn_time) { mspeed = 0; if(time >= this.spawn_time) setanim(this, this.anim_idle, true, false, false); movelib_brake_simple(this, 0.6); return; } makevectors(this.angles); vector a = CENTER_OR_VIEWOFS(this); vector b = CENTER_OR_VIEWOFS(this) + v_forward * 32; traceline(a, b, MOVE_NORMAL, this); bool reverse = false; if(trace_fraction != 1.0) reverse = true; if(trace_ent && IS_PLAYER(trace_ent) && !(trace_ent.items & ITEM_Strength.m_itemid)) reverse = false; if(trace_ent && IS_MONSTER(trace_ent)) reverse = true; if(!allow_jumpoff && IS_ONGROUND(this)) { traceline(b, b - '0 0 32', MOVE_NORMAL, this); if(trace_fraction == 1.0) reverse = true; } if(reverse) { this.angles_y = anglemods(this.angles_y - 180); makevectors(this.angles); } movelib_move_simple_gravity(this, v_forward, mspeed, 1); if(time > this.pain_finished && time > this.attack_finished_single[0]) { if(vdist(this.velocity, >, 10)) setanim(this, this.anim_walk, true, false, false); else setanim(this, this.anim_idle, true, false, false); } } void Monster_Anim(entity this) { int deadbits = (this.anim_state & (ANIMSTATE_DEAD1 | ANIMSTATE_DEAD2)); if(IS_DEAD(this)) { if (!deadbits) { // Decide on which death animation to use. if(random() < 0.5) deadbits = ANIMSTATE_DEAD1; else deadbits = ANIMSTATE_DEAD2; } } else { // Clear a previous death animation. deadbits = 0; } int animbits = deadbits; if(STAT(FROZEN, this)) animbits |= ANIMSTATE_FROZEN; if(IS_DUCKED(this)) animbits |= ANIMSTATE_DUCK; // not that monsters can crouch currently... animdecide_setstate(this, animbits, false); animdecide_setimplicitstate(this, (IS_ONGROUND(this))); /* // weapon entities for monsters? if (this.weaponentity) { updateanim(this.weaponentity); if (!this.weaponentity.animstate_override) setanim(this.weaponentity, this.weaponentity.anim_idle, true, false, false); } */ } void Monster_Frozen_Think(entity this) { if (STAT(FROZEN, this) == FROZEN_TEMP_REVIVING) { STAT(REVIVE_PROGRESS, this) = bound(0, STAT(REVIVE_PROGRESS, this) + this.ticrate * this.revive_speed, 1); SetResourceExplicit(this, RES_HEALTH, max(1, STAT(REVIVE_PROGRESS, this) * this.max_health)); if (this.iceblock) this.iceblock.alpha = bound(0.2, 1 - STAT(REVIVE_PROGRESS, this), 1); if(!(this.spawnflags & MONSTERFLAG_INVINCIBLE) && this.sprite) WaypointSprite_UpdateHealth(this.sprite, GetResource(this, RES_HEALTH)); if(STAT(REVIVE_PROGRESS, this) >= 1) Unfreeze(this, false); } else if (STAT(FROZEN, this) == FROZEN_TEMP_DYING) { STAT(REVIVE_PROGRESS, this) = bound(0, STAT(REVIVE_PROGRESS, this) - this.ticrate * this.revive_speed, 1); SetResourceExplicit(this, RES_HEALTH, max(0, autocvar_g_nades_ice_health + (this.max_health-autocvar_g_nades_ice_health) * STAT(REVIVE_PROGRESS, this))); if(!(this.spawnflags & MONSTERFLAG_INVINCIBLE) && this.sprite) WaypointSprite_UpdateHealth(this.sprite, GetResource(this, RES_HEALTH)); if(GetResource(this, RES_HEALTH) < 1) { Unfreeze(this, false); if(this.event_damage) this.event_damage(this, this, this.frozen_by, 1, DEATH_NADE_ICE_FREEZE.m_id, DMG_NOWEP, this.origin, '0 0 0'); } else if ( STAT(REVIVE_PROGRESS, this) <= 0 ) Unfreeze(this, false); } // otherwise, no revival! this.enemy = NULL; // TODO: save enemy, and attack when revived? } void Monster_Enemy_Check(entity this) { if(!this.enemy) { this.enemy = Monster_FindTarget(this); if(this.enemy) { WarpZone_RefSys_Copy(this.enemy, this); WarpZone_RefSys_AddInverse(this.enemy, this); // wz1^-1 ... wzn^-1 receiver // update move target immediately? this.moveto = WarpZone_RefSys_TransformOrigin(this.enemy, this, (0.5 * (this.enemy.absmin + this.enemy.absmax))); this.monster_moveto = '0 0 0'; this.monster_face = '0 0 0'; //this.pass_distance = vlen((('1 0 0' * this.enemy.origin_x) + ('0 1 0' * this.enemy.origin_y)) - (('1 0 0' * this.origin_x) + ('0 1 0' * this.origin_y))); Monster_Sound(this, monstersound_sight, 0, false, CH_VOICE); } } } void Monster_Think(entity this) { setthink(this, Monster_Think); this.nextthink = time + this.ticrate; if(this.monster_lifetime && time >= this.monster_lifetime) { Damage(this, this, this, GetResource(this, RES_HEALTH) + this.max_health, DEATH_KILL.m_id, DMG_NOWEP, this.origin, this.origin); return; } if(STAT(FROZEN, this)) Monster_Frozen_Think(this); else if(time >= this.last_enemycheck) { Monster_Enemy_Check(this); this.last_enemycheck = time + 1; // check for enemies every second } Monster mon = this.monsterdef; if(mon.mr_think(mon, this)) { Monster_Move(this, this.speed2, this.speed, this.stopspeed); .entity weaponentity = weaponentities[0]; // TODO? Monster_Attack_Check(this, this.enemy, weaponentity); } Monster_Anim(this); CSQCMODEL_AUTOUPDATE(this); } bool Monster_Spawn_Setup(entity this) { Monster mon = this.monsterdef; mon.mr_setup(mon, this); // ensure some basic needs are met if(!GetResource(this, RES_HEALTH)) { SetResourceExplicit(this, RES_HEALTH, 100); } if(!GetResource(this, RES_ARMOR)) { SetResourceExplicit(this, RES_ARMOR, bound(0.2, 0.5 * MONSTER_SKILLMOD(this), 0.9)); } if(!this.target_range) { this.target_range = autocvar_g_monsters_target_range; } if(!this.respawntime) { this.respawntime = autocvar_g_monsters_respawn_delay; } if(!this.monster_moveflags) { this.monster_moveflags = MONSTER_MOVE_WANDER; } if(!this.attack_range) { this.attack_range = autocvar_g_monsters_attack_range; } if(!this.damageforcescale) { this.damageforcescale = autocvar_g_monsters_damageforcescale; } if(!(this.spawnflags & MONSTERFLAG_RESPAWNED)) { Monster_Miniboss_Check(this); SetResourceExplicit(this, RES_HEALTH, GetResource(this, RES_HEALTH) * MONSTER_SKILLMOD(this)); if(!this.skin) this.skin = rint(random() * 4); } this.max_health = GetResource(this, RES_HEALTH); this.pain_finished = this.nextthink; if(IS_PLAYER(this.monster_follow)) this.effects |= EF_DIMLIGHT; if(!this.wander_delay) { this.wander_delay = 2; } if(!this.wander_distance) { this.wander_distance = 600; } Monster_Sounds_Precache(this); Monster_Sounds_Update(this); if(teamplay) { if(!this.monster_attack) IL_PUSH(g_monster_targets, this); this.monster_attack = true; // we can have monster enemies in team games } Monster_Sound(this, monstersound_spawn, 0, false, CH_VOICE); if(autocvar_g_monsters_healthbars) { entity wp = WaypointSprite_Spawn(WP_Monster, 0, 1024, this, '0 0 1' * (this.maxs.z + 15), NULL, this.team, this, sprite, true, RADARICON_DANGER); wp.wp_extra = this.monsterdef.monsterid; wp.colormod = ((this.team) ? Team_ColorRGB(this.team) : '1 0 0'); if(!(this.spawnflags & MONSTERFLAG_INVINCIBLE)) { WaypointSprite_UpdateMaxHealth(this.sprite, this.max_health); WaypointSprite_UpdateHealth(this.sprite, GetResource(this, RES_HEALTH)); } } setthink(this, Monster_Think); this.nextthink = time + this.ticrate; if(MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(MonsterSpawn, this)) return false; return true; } bool Monster_Spawn(entity this, bool check_appear, Monster mon) { // setup the basic required properties for a monster if(!mon || mon == MON_Null) { return false; } // invalid monster if(!autocvar_g_monsters) { Monster_Remove(this); return false; } if(!(this.spawnflags & MONSTERFLAG_RESPAWNED) && !(this.flags & FL_MONSTER)) { IL_PUSH(g_monsters, this); if(this.mdl && this.mdl != "") precache_model(this.mdl); if(this.mdl_dead && this.mdl_dead != "") precache_model(this.mdl_dead); } if(check_appear && Monster_Appear_Check(this, mon)) { return true; } // return true so the monster isn't removed if(!this.monster_skill) this.monster_skill = cvar("g_monsters_skill"); // support for quake style removing monsters based on skill if(this.monster_skill == MONSTER_SKILL_EASY) if(this.spawnflags & MONSTERSKILL_NOTEASY) { Monster_Remove(this); return false; } if(this.monster_skill == MONSTER_SKILL_MEDIUM) if(this.spawnflags & MONSTERSKILL_NOTMEDIUM) { Monster_Remove(this); return false; } if(this.monster_skill == MONSTER_SKILL_HARD) if(this.spawnflags & MONSTERSKILL_NOTHARD) { Monster_Remove(this); return false; } if(this.team && !teamplay) this.team = 0; if(!(this.spawnflags & MONSTERFLAG_SPAWNED)) // naturally spawned monster if(!(this.spawnflags & MONSTERFLAG_RESPAWNED)) // don't count re-spawning monsters either monsters_total += 1; if(this.mdl && this.mdl != "") _setmodel(this, this.mdl); else setmodel(this, mon.m_model); this.flags = FL_MONSTER; this.classname = "monster"; this.takedamage = DAMAGE_AIM; if(!this.bot_attack) IL_PUSH(g_bot_targets, this); this.bot_attack = true; this.iscreature = true; this.teleportable = true; if(!this.damagedbycontents) IL_PUSH(g_damagedbycontents, this); this.damagedbycontents = true; this.monsterdef = mon; this.event_damage = Monster_Damage; this.event_heal = Monster_Heal; settouch(this, Monster_Touch); this.use = Monster_Use; this.solid = SOLID_BBOX; set_movetype(this, MOVETYPE_WALK); this.spawnshieldtime = time + autocvar_g_monsters_spawnshieldtime; this.enemy = NULL; this.velocity = '0 0 0'; this.moveto = this.origin; this.pos1 = this.origin; this.pos2 = this.angles; this.reset = Monster_Reset; this.netname = mon.netname; this.monster_attackfunc = mon.monster_attackfunc; this.monster_name = mon.monster_name; this.candrop = true; this.view_ofs = '0 0 0.7' * (this.maxs_z * 0.5); this.oldtarget2 = this.target2; //this.pass_distance = 0; this.deadflag = DEAD_NO; this.spawn_time = time; this.gravity = 1; this.monster_moveto = '0 0 0'; this.monster_face = '0 0 0'; this.dphitcontentsmask = DPCONTENTS_SOLID | DPCONTENTS_BODY | DPCONTENTS_BOTCLIP | DPCONTENTS_MONSTERCLIP; if(!this.noalign) { this.noalign = ((mon.spawnflags & MONSTER_TYPE_FLY) || (mon.spawnflags & MONSTER_TYPE_SWIM)); } if(!this.scale) { this.scale = 1; } if(autocvar_g_monsters_edit) { this.grab = 1; } if(autocvar_g_fullbrightplayers) { this.effects |= EF_FULLBRIGHT; } if(autocvar_g_nodepthtestplayers) { this.effects |= EF_NODEPTHTEST; } if(mon.spawnflags & MONSTER_TYPE_SWIM) { this.flags |= FL_SWIM; } if(autocvar_g_playerclip_collisions) this.dphitcontentsmask |= DPCONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP; if(mon.spawnflags & MONSTER_TYPE_FLY) { this.flags |= FL_FLY; set_movetype(this, MOVETYPE_FLY); } if(!(this.spawnflags & MONSTERFLAG_RESPAWNED)) { if(mon.spawnflags & MONSTER_SIZE_BROKEN) this.scale *= 1.3; if(mon.spawnflags & MONSTER_SIZE_QUAKE) if(autocvar_g_monsters_quake_resize) this.scale *= 1.3; } setsize(this, mon.m_mins * this.scale, mon.m_maxs * this.scale); this.ticrate = bound(sys_frametime, ((!this.ticrate) ? autocvar_g_monsters_think_delay : this.ticrate), 60); Monster_UpdateModel(this); if(!Monster_Spawn_Setup(this)) { Monster_Remove(this); return false; } if(!this.noalign) { setorigin(this, this.origin + '0 0 20'); tracebox(this.origin + '0 0 64', this.mins, this.maxs, this.origin - '0 0 10000', MOVE_WORLDONLY, this); setorigin(this, trace_endpos); } if(!(this.spawnflags & MONSTERFLAG_RESPAWNED)) monster_setupcolors(this); CSQCMODEL_AUTOINIT(this); return true; }