#ifdef REGISTER_MONSTER REGISTER_MONSTER( /* MON_##id */ MAGE, /* function */ m_mage, /* spawnflags */ MON_FLAG_MELEE | MON_FLAG_RANGED, /* mins,maxs */ '-36 -36 -24', '36 36 50', /* model */ "mage.dpm", /* netname */ "mage", /* fullname */ _("Mage") ); #else #ifdef SVQC float autocvar_g_monster_mage_health; float autocvar_g_monster_mage_attack_spike_damage; float autocvar_g_monster_mage_attack_spike_radius; float autocvar_g_monster_mage_attack_spike_delay; float autocvar_g_monster_mage_attack_spike_accel; float autocvar_g_monster_mage_attack_spike_decel; float autocvar_g_monster_mage_attack_spike_turnrate; float autocvar_g_monster_mage_attack_spike_speed_max; float autocvar_g_monster_mage_attack_spike_smart; float autocvar_g_monster_mage_attack_spike_smart_trace_min; float autocvar_g_monster_mage_attack_spike_smart_trace_max; float autocvar_g_monster_mage_attack_spike_smart_mindist; float autocvar_g_monster_mage_attack_push_damage; float autocvar_g_monster_mage_attack_push_radius; float autocvar_g_monster_mage_attack_push_delay; float autocvar_g_monster_mage_attack_push_force; float autocvar_g_monster_mage_heal_self; float autocvar_g_monster_mage_heal_allies; float autocvar_g_monster_mage_heal_minhealth; float autocvar_g_monster_mage_heal_range; float autocvar_g_monster_mage_heal_delay; float autocvar_g_monster_mage_shield_time; float autocvar_g_monster_mage_shield_delay; float autocvar_g_monster_mage_shield_blockpercent; float autocvar_g_monster_mage_speed_stop; float autocvar_g_monster_mage_speed_run; float autocvar_g_monster_mage_speed_walk; const float mage_anim_idle = 0; const float mage_anim_walk = 1; const float mage_anim_attack = 2; const float mage_anim_pain = 3; const float mage_anim_death = 4; const float mage_anim_run = 5; void() mage_heal; void() mage_shield; .entity mage_spike; .float shield_ltime; float friend_needshelp(entity e) { if(e == world) return FALSE; if(e.health <= 0) return FALSE; if(DIFF_TEAM(e, self) && e != self.monster_owner) return FALSE; if(e.freezetag_frozen) return FALSE; if(!IS_PLAYER(e)) return ((e.flags & FL_MONSTER) && e.health < e.max_health); if(e.items & IT_INVINCIBLE) return FALSE; switch(self.skin) { case 0: return (e.health < autocvar_g_balance_health_regenstable); case 1: return ((e.ammo_cells && e.ammo_cells < g_pickup_cells_max) || (e.ammo_plasma && e.ammo_plasma < g_pickup_plasma_max) || (e.ammo_rockets && e.ammo_rockets < g_pickup_rockets_max) || (e.ammo_nails && e.ammo_nails < g_pickup_nails_max) || (e.ammo_shells && e.ammo_shells < g_pickup_shells_max)); case 2: return (e.armorvalue < autocvar_g_balance_armor_regenstable); case 3: return (e.health > 0); } return FALSE; } void mage_spike_explode() { self.event_damage = func_null; sound(self, CH_SHOTS, "weapons/grenade_impact.wav", VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NORM); self.realowner.mage_spike = world; pointparticles(particleeffectnum("explosion_small"), self.origin, '0 0 0', 1); RadiusDamage (self, self.realowner, (autocvar_g_monster_mage_attack_spike_damage), (autocvar_g_monster_mage_attack_spike_damage) * 0.5, (autocvar_g_monster_mage_attack_spike_radius), world, world, 0, DEATH_MONSTER_MAGE, other); remove (self); } void mage_spike_touch() { PROJECTILE_TOUCH; mage_spike_explode(); } // copied from W_Seeker_Think void mage_spike_think() { entity e; vector desireddir, olddir, newdir, eorg; float turnrate; float dist; float spd; if (time > self.ltime || self.enemy.health <= 0 || self.owner.health <= 0) { self.projectiledeathtype |= HITTYPE_SPLASH; mage_spike_explode(); } spd = vlen(self.velocity); spd = bound( spd - (autocvar_g_monster_mage_attack_spike_decel) * frametime, (autocvar_g_monster_mage_attack_spike_speed_max), spd + (autocvar_g_monster_mage_attack_spike_accel) * frametime ); if (self.enemy != world) if (self.enemy.takedamage != DAMAGE_AIM || self.enemy.deadflag != DEAD_NO) self.enemy = world; if (self.enemy != world) { e = self.enemy; eorg = 0.5 * (e.absmin + e.absmax); turnrate = (autocvar_g_monster_mage_attack_spike_turnrate); // how fast to turn desireddir = normalize(eorg - self.origin); olddir = normalize(self.velocity); // get my current direction dist = vlen(eorg - self.origin); // Do evasive maneuvers for world objects? ( this should be a cpu hog. :P ) if ((autocvar_g_monster_mage_attack_spike_smart) && (dist > (autocvar_g_monster_mage_attack_spike_smart_mindist))) { // Is it a better idea (shorter distance) to trace to the target itself? if ( vlen(self.origin + olddir * self.wait) < dist) traceline(self.origin, self.origin + olddir * self.wait, FALSE, self); else traceline(self.origin, eorg, FALSE, self); // Setup adaptive tracelength self.wait = bound((autocvar_g_monster_mage_attack_spike_smart_trace_min), vlen(self.origin - trace_endpos), self.wait = (autocvar_g_monster_mage_attack_spike_smart_trace_max)); // Calc how important it is that we turn and add this to the desierd (enemy) dir. desireddir = normalize(((trace_plane_normal * (1 - trace_fraction)) + (desireddir * trace_fraction)) * 0.5); } newdir = normalize(olddir + desireddir * turnrate); // take the average of the 2 directions; not the best method but simple & easy self.velocity = newdir * spd; // make me fly in the new direction at my flight speed } else dist = 0; /////////////// //self.angles = vectoangles(self.velocity); // turn model in the new flight direction self.nextthink = time;// + 0.05; // csqc projectiles UpdateCSQCProjectile(self); } void mage_attack_spike() { entity missile; vector dir = normalize((self.enemy.origin + '0 0 10') - self.origin); makevectors(self.angles); missile = spawn (); missile.owner = missile.realowner = self; missile.think = mage_spike_think; missile.ltime = time + 7; missile.nextthink = time; missile.solid = SOLID_BBOX; missile.movetype = MOVETYPE_FLYMISSILE; missile.flags = FL_PROJECTILE; setorigin(missile, self.origin + v_forward * 14 + '0 0 30' + v_right * -14); setsize (missile, '0 0 0', '0 0 0'); missile.velocity = dir * 400; missile.avelocity = '300 300 300'; missile.enemy = self.enemy; missile.touch = mage_spike_touch; self.mage_spike = missile; CSQCProjectile(missile, TRUE, PROJECTILE_MAGE_SPIKE, TRUE); } void mage_heal() { entity head; float washealed = FALSE; for(head = findradius(self.origin, (autocvar_g_monster_mage_heal_range)); head; head = head.chain) if(friend_needshelp(head)) { washealed = TRUE; string fx = ""; if(IS_PLAYER(head)) { switch(self.skin) { case 0: if(head.health < autocvar_g_balance_health_regenstable) head.health = bound(0, head.health + (autocvar_g_monster_mage_heal_allies), autocvar_g_balance_health_regenstable); fx = "healing_fx"; break; case 1: if(head.ammo_cells) head.ammo_cells = bound(head.ammo_cells, head.ammo_cells + 1, g_pickup_cells_max); if(head.ammo_plasma) head.ammo_plasma = bound(head.ammo_plasma, head.ammo_plasma + 1, g_pickup_plasma_max); if(head.ammo_rockets) head.ammo_rockets = bound(head.ammo_rockets, head.ammo_rockets + 1, g_pickup_rockets_max); if(head.ammo_shells) head.ammo_shells = bound(head.ammo_shells, head.ammo_shells + 2, g_pickup_shells_max); if(head.ammo_nails) head.ammo_nails = bound(head.ammo_nails, head.ammo_nails + 5, g_pickup_nails_max); fx = "ammoregen_fx"; break; case 2: if(head.armorvalue < autocvar_g_balance_armor_regenstable) { head.armorvalue = bound(0, head.armorvalue + (autocvar_g_monster_mage_heal_allies), autocvar_g_balance_armor_regenstable); fx = "armorrepair_fx"; } break; case 3: head.health = bound(0, head.health - ((head == self) ? (autocvar_g_monster_mage_heal_self) : (autocvar_g_monster_mage_heal_allies)), autocvar_g_balance_health_regenstable); fx = "rage"; break; } pointparticles(particleeffectnum(fx), head.origin, '0 0 0', 1); } else { pointparticles(particleeffectnum("healing_fx"), head.origin, '0 0 0', 1); head.health = bound(0, head.health + (autocvar_g_monster_mage_heal_allies), head.max_health); if(!(head.spawnflags & MONSTERFLAG_INVINCIBLE)) WaypointSprite_UpdateHealth(head.sprite, head.health); } } if(washealed) { self.frame = mage_anim_attack; self.attack_finished_single = time + (autocvar_g_monster_mage_heal_delay); } } void mage_push() { sound(self, CH_SHOTS, "weapons/tagexp1.wav", 1, ATTEN_NORM); RadiusDamage (self, self, (autocvar_g_monster_mage_attack_push_damage), (autocvar_g_monster_mage_attack_push_damage), (autocvar_g_monster_mage_attack_push_radius), world, world, (autocvar_g_monster_mage_attack_push_force), DEATH_MONSTER_MAGE, self.enemy); pointparticles(particleeffectnum("TE_EXPLOSION"), self.origin, '0 0 0', 1); self.frame = mage_anim_attack; self.attack_finished_single = time + (autocvar_g_monster_mage_attack_push_delay); } void mage_teleport() { if(vlen(self.enemy.origin - self.origin) >= 500) return; makevectors(self.enemy.angles); tracebox(self.enemy.origin + ((v_forward * -1) * 200), self.mins, self.maxs, self.origin, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, self); if(trace_fraction < 1) return; pointparticles(particleeffectnum("spawn_event_neutral"), self.origin, '0 0 0', 1); setorigin(self, self.enemy.origin + ((v_forward * -1) * 200)); self.attack_finished_single = time + 0.2; } void mage_shield_remove() { self.effects &= ~(EF_ADDITIVE | EF_BLUE); self.armorvalue = 0; self.m_armor_blockpercent = autocvar_g_monsters_armor_blockpercent; } void mage_shield() { self.effects |= (EF_ADDITIVE | EF_BLUE); self.lastshielded = time + (autocvar_g_monster_mage_shield_delay); self.m_armor_blockpercent = (autocvar_g_monster_mage_shield_blockpercent); self.armorvalue = self.health; self.shield_ltime = time + (autocvar_g_monster_mage_shield_time); self.frame = mage_anim_attack; self.attack_finished_single = time + 1; } float mage_attack(float attack_type) { switch(attack_type) { case MONSTER_ATTACK_MELEE: { if(random() <= 0.7) { mage_push(); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } case MONSTER_ATTACK_RANGED: { if(!self.mage_spike) { if(random() <= 0.4) { mage_teleport(); return TRUE; } else { self.frame = mage_anim_attack; self.attack_finished_single = time + (autocvar_g_monster_mage_attack_spike_delay); defer(0.2, mage_attack_spike); return TRUE; } } if(self.mage_spike) return TRUE; else return FALSE; } } return FALSE; } void spawnfunc_monster_mage() { self.classname = "monster_mage"; if(!monster_initialize(MON_MAGE)) { remove(self); return; } } // compatibility with old spawns void spawnfunc_monster_shalrath() { spawnfunc_monster_mage(); } float m_mage(float req) { switch(req) { case MR_THINK: { entity head; float need_help = FALSE; for(head = findradius(self.origin, (autocvar_g_monster_mage_heal_range)); head; head = head.chain) if(head != self) if(friend_needshelp(head)) { need_help = TRUE; break; } if(self.health < (autocvar_g_monster_mage_heal_minhealth) || need_help) if(time >= self.attack_finished_single) if(random() < 0.5) mage_heal(); if(time >= self.shield_ltime && self.armorvalue) mage_shield_remove(); if(self.enemy) if(self.health < self.max_health) if(time >= self.lastshielded) if(random() < 0.5) mage_shield(); monster_move((autocvar_g_monster_mage_speed_run), (autocvar_g_monster_mage_speed_walk), (autocvar_g_monster_mage_speed_stop), mage_anim_walk, mage_anim_run, mage_anim_idle); return TRUE; } case MR_DEATH: { self.frame = mage_anim_death; return TRUE; } case MR_SETUP: { if(!self.health) self.health = (autocvar_g_monster_mage_health); self.monster_loot = spawnfunc_item_health_large; self.monster_attackfunc = mage_attack; self.frame = mage_anim_walk; return TRUE; } case MR_PRECACHE: { precache_model("models/monsters/mage.dpm"); precache_sound ("weapons/grenade_impact.wav"); precache_sound ("weapons/tagexp1.wav"); return TRUE; } } return TRUE; } #endif // SVQC #ifdef CSQC float m_mage(float req) { switch(req) { case MR_PRECACHE: { return TRUE; } } return TRUE; } #endif // CSQC #endif // REGISTER_MONSTER