#include "golem.qh" #ifdef SVQC float autocvar_g_monster_golem_health; float autocvar_g_monster_golem_damageforcescale = 0.1; float autocvar_g_monster_golem_attack_smash_damage; float autocvar_g_monster_golem_attack_smash_force = 100; float autocvar_g_monster_golem_attack_smash_range = 200; float autocvar_g_monster_golem_attack_claw_damage; float autocvar_g_monster_golem_attack_lightning_damage; float autocvar_g_monster_golem_attack_lightning_damage_zap = 15; float autocvar_g_monster_golem_attack_lightning_force; float autocvar_g_monster_golem_attack_lightning_radius; float autocvar_g_monster_golem_attack_lightning_radius_zap; float autocvar_g_monster_golem_attack_lightning_speed; float autocvar_g_monster_golem_attack_lightning_speed_up; float autocvar_g_monster_golem_speed_stop; float autocvar_g_monster_golem_speed_run; float autocvar_g_monster_golem_speed_walk; .float golem_lastattack; // delay attacks separately void M_Golem_Attack_Smash(entity this) { makevectors(this.angles); Send_Effect(EFFECT_EXPLOSION_MEDIUM, (this.origin + (v_forward * 150)) - ('0 0 1' * this.maxs.z), '0 0 0', 1); sound(this, CH_SHOTS, SND_ROCKET_IMPACT, VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NORM); vector loc = this.origin + v_forward * 50; entity dmgent = spawn(); dmgent.owner = dmgent.realowner = this; setorigin(dmgent, loc); RadiusDamage (dmgent, this, (autocvar_g_monster_golem_attack_smash_damage) * MONSTER_SKILLMOD(this), (autocvar_g_monster_golem_attack_smash_damage * 0.5) * MONSTER_SKILLMOD(this), autocvar_g_monster_golem_attack_smash_range, this, NULL, autocvar_g_monster_golem_attack_smash_force, DEATH_MONSTER_GOLEM_SMASH.m_id, DMG_NOWEP, NULL); delete(dmgent); } void M_Golem_Attack_Swing(entity this) { Monster_Attack_Melee(this, this.enemy, (autocvar_g_monster_golem_attack_claw_damage), ((random() >= 0.5) ? this.anim_melee2 : this.anim_melee3), this.attack_range, 0.8, DEATH_MONSTER_GOLEM_CLAW.m_id, true); } #include void M_Golem_Attack_Lightning_Explode(entity this, entity directhitentity) { sound(this, CH_SHOTS, SND_ELECTRO_IMPACT, VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NORM); Send_Effect(EFFECT_ELECTRO_IMPACT, this.origin, '0 0 0', 1); this.event_damage = func_null; this.takedamage = DAMAGE_NO; set_movetype(this, MOVETYPE_NONE); this.velocity = '0 0 0'; if(this.move_movetype == MOVETYPE_NONE) this.velocity = this.oldvelocity; RadiusDamage (this, this.realowner, (autocvar_g_monster_golem_attack_lightning_damage), (autocvar_g_monster_golem_attack_lightning_damage), (autocvar_g_monster_golem_attack_lightning_radius), NULL, NULL, (autocvar_g_monster_golem_attack_lightning_force), this.projectiledeathtype, DMG_NOWEP, directhitentity); FOREACH_ENTITY_RADIUS(this.origin, autocvar_g_monster_golem_attack_lightning_radius_zap, it != this.realowner && it.takedamage, { te_csqc_lightningarc(this.origin, it.origin); Damage(it, this, this.realowner, (autocvar_g_monster_golem_attack_lightning_damage_zap) * MONSTER_SKILLMOD(this), DEATH_MONSTER_GOLEM_ZAP.m_id, DMG_NOWEP, it.origin, '0 0 0'); }); setthink(this, SUB_Remove); this.nextthink = time + 0.2; } void M_Golem_Attack_Lightning_Explode_use(entity this, entity actor, entity trigger) { M_Golem_Attack_Lightning_Explode(this, trigger); } void M_Golem_Attack_Lightning_Damage(entity this, entity inflictor, entity attacker, float damage, int deathtype, .entity weaponentity, vector hitloc, vector force) { if (GetResource(this, RES_HEALTH) <= 0) return; if (!W_CheckProjectileDamage(inflictor.realowner, this.realowner, deathtype, -1)) // no exceptions return; // g_projectiles_damage says to halt TakeResource(this, RES_HEALTH, damage); if (GetResource(this, RES_HEALTH) <= 0) W_PrepareExplosionByDamage(this, attacker, adaptor_think2use); } void M_Golem_Attack_Lightning_Touch(entity this, entity toucher) { PROJECTILE_TOUCH(this, toucher); this.use(this, NULL, toucher); } void M_Golem_Attack_Lightning_Think(entity this) { this.nextthink = time; if (time > this.cnt) { M_Golem_Attack_Lightning_Explode(this, NULL); return; } } void M_Golem_Attack_Lightning(entity this) { entity gren; monster_makevectors(this, this.enemy); gren = new(grenade); gren.owner = gren.realowner = this; gren.bot_dodge = true; gren.bot_dodgerating = (autocvar_g_monster_golem_attack_lightning_damage); set_movetype(gren, MOVETYPE_BOUNCE); PROJECTILE_MAKETRIGGER(gren); gren.projectiledeathtype = DEATH_MONSTER_GOLEM_ZAP.m_id; setorigin(gren, CENTER_OR_VIEWOFS(this)); setsize(gren, '-8 -8 -8', '8 8 8'); gren.scale = 2.5; gren.cnt = time + 5; gren.nextthink = time; setthink(gren, M_Golem_Attack_Lightning_Think); gren.use = M_Golem_Attack_Lightning_Explode_use; settouch(gren, M_Golem_Attack_Lightning_Touch); gren.takedamage = DAMAGE_YES; SetResourceExplicit(gren, RES_HEALTH, 50); gren.damageforcescale = 0; gren.event_damage = M_Golem_Attack_Lightning_Damage; gren.damagedbycontents = true; IL_PUSH(g_damagedbycontents, gren); gren.missile_flags = MIF_SPLASH | MIF_ARC; W_SetupProjVelocity_Explicit(gren, v_forward, v_up, (autocvar_g_monster_golem_attack_lightning_speed), (autocvar_g_monster_golem_attack_lightning_speed_up), 0, 0, false); gren.angles = vectoangles (gren.velocity); gren.flags = FL_PROJECTILE; IL_PUSH(g_projectiles, gren); IL_PUSH(g_bot_dodge, gren); CSQCProjectile(gren, true, PROJECTILE_GOLEM_LIGHTNING, true); } .int state; bool M_Golem_Attack(int attack_type, entity actor, entity targ, .entity weaponentity) { switch(attack_type) { case MONSTER_ATTACK_MELEE: { setanim(actor, ((random() >= 0.5) ? actor.anim_melee2 : actor.anim_melee3), false, true, true); int swing_cnt = bound(1, floor(random() * 4), 3); Monster_Delay(actor, swing_cnt, 0.5, M_Golem_Attack_Swing); actor.anim_finished = actor.attack_finished_single[0] = time + (0.5 * swing_cnt); // set this for the delay return true; } case MONSTER_ATTACK_RANGED: { float randomness = random(); if(time < actor.golem_lastattack || !IS_ONGROUND(actor)) return false; if(randomness <= 0.5 && vdist(actor.enemy.origin - actor.origin, <=, autocvar_g_monster_golem_attack_smash_range)) { setanim(actor, actor.anim_melee1, false, true, true); Monster_Delay(actor, 1, 1.1, M_Golem_Attack_Smash); if(actor.animstate_endtime > time) actor.anim_finished = actor.animstate_endtime; else actor.anim_finished = time + 1.2; actor.attack_finished_single[0] = actor.anim_finished + 0.2; actor.state = MONSTER_ATTACK_MELEE; // kinda a melee attack actor.golem_lastattack = time + 3 + random() * 1.5; return true; } else if(randomness <= 0.1 && vdist(actor.enemy.origin - actor.origin, >=, autocvar_g_monster_golem_attack_smash_range * 1.5)) // small chance, don't want this spammed { setanim(actor, actor.anim_melee2, true, true, false); actor.state = MONSTER_ATTACK_MELEE; // maybe we should rename this to something more general actor.attack_finished_single[0] = time + 1.1; actor.anim_finished = 1.1; actor.golem_lastattack = time + 3 + random() * 1.5; Monster_Delay(actor, 1, 0.6, M_Golem_Attack_Lightning); return true; } return false; } } return false; } spawnfunc(monster_golem) { Monster_Spawn(this, true, MON_GOLEM); } // compatibility spawnfunc(monster_shambler) { spawnfunc_monster_golem(this); } #endif // SVQC #ifdef SVQC METHOD(Golem, mr_think, bool(Golem this, entity actor)) { TC(Golem, this); return true; } METHOD(Golem, mr_pain, float(Golem this, entity actor, float damage_take, entity attacker, float deathtype)) { TC(Golem, this); actor.pain_finished = time + 0.5; setanim(actor, ((random() >= 0.5) ? actor.anim_pain2 : actor.anim_pain1), true, true, false); return damage_take; } METHOD(Golem, mr_death, bool(Golem this, entity actor)) { TC(Golem, this); setanim(actor, actor.anim_die1, false, true, true); return true; } #endif #ifdef GAMEQC METHOD(Golem, mr_anim, bool(Golem this, entity actor)) { TC(Golem, this); vector none = '0 0 0'; actor.anim_idle = animfixfps(actor, '0 1 1', none); actor.anim_walk = animfixfps(actor, '1 1 1', none); actor.anim_run = animfixfps(actor, '2 1 1', none); //actor.anim_melee1 = animfixfps(actor, '3 1 5', none); // analyze models and set framerate actor.anim_melee2 = animfixfps(actor, '4 1 5', none); // analyze models and set framerate actor.anim_melee3 = animfixfps(actor, '5 1 5', none); // analyze models and set framerate //actor.anim_melee4 = animfixfps(actor, '6 1 5', none); // analyze models and set framerate actor.anim_melee1 = animfixfps(actor, '6 1 5', none); // analyze models and set framerate actor.anim_pain1 = animfixfps(actor, '7 1 2', none); // 0.5 seconds actor.anim_pain2 = animfixfps(actor, '8 1 2', none); // 0.5 seconds //actor.anim_pain3 = animfixfps(actor, '9 1 2', none); // 0.5 seconds //actor.anim_pain4 = animfixfps(actor, '10 1 2', none); // 0.5 seconds //actor.anim_pain5 = animfixfps(actor, '11 1 2', none); // 0.5 seconds actor.anim_spawn = animfixfps(actor, '12 1 5', none); // analyze models and set framerate actor.anim_die1 = animfixfps(actor, '13 1 0.5', none); // 2 seconds //actor.anim_dead = animfixfps(actor, '14 1 0.5', none); // 2 seconds actor.anim_die2 = animfixfps(actor, '15 1 0.5', none); // 2 seconds // dead2 16 //actor.anim_dieback = animfixfps(actor, '16 1 0.5', none); // 2 seconds //actor.anim_deadback = animfixfps(actor, '17 1 0.5', none); // 2 seconds //actor.anim_dead2 = animfixfps(actor, '18 1 0.5', none); // 2 seconds //actor.anim_dead3 = animfixfps(actor, '19 1 0.5', none); // 2 seconds //actor.anim_dead4 = animfixfps(actor, '20 1 0.5', none); // 2 seconds //actor.anim_dead5 = animfixfps(actor, '21 1 0.5', none); // 2 seconds //actor.anim_dead6 = animfixfps(actor, '22 1 0.5', none); // 2 seconds return true; } #endif #ifdef SVQC .float animstate_endtime; METHOD(Golem, mr_setup, bool(Golem this, entity actor)) { TC(Golem, this); if(!GetResource(actor, RES_HEALTH)) SetResourceExplicit(actor, RES_HEALTH, autocvar_g_monster_golem_health); if(!actor.attack_range) actor.attack_range = 150; if(!actor.speed) { actor.speed = (autocvar_g_monster_golem_speed_walk); } if(!actor.speed2) { actor.speed2 = (autocvar_g_monster_golem_speed_run); } if(!actor.stopspeed) { actor.stopspeed = (autocvar_g_monster_golem_speed_stop); } if(!actor.damageforcescale) { actor.damageforcescale = (autocvar_g_monster_golem_damageforcescale); } actor.monster_loot = ITEM_HealthMega; actor.weapon = WEP_ELECTRO.m_id; // matches attacks better than WEP_VORTEX setanim(actor, actor.anim_spawn, false, true, true); actor.spawn_time = actor.animstate_endtime; StatusEffects_apply(STATUSEFFECT_SpawnShield, actor, actor.spawn_time, 0); actor.monster_attackfunc = M_Golem_Attack; return true; } #endif