#include "ttt.qh" REGISTER_MINIGAME(ttt, _("Tic Tac Toe")); const int TTT_TURN_PLACE = 0x0100; // player has to place a piece on the board const int TTT_TURN_WIN = 0x0200; // player has won const int TTT_TURN_DRAW = 0x0400; // no moves are possible const int TTT_TURN_NEXT = 0x0800; // a player wants to start a new match const int TTT_TURN_TYPE = 0x0f00; // turn type mask const int TTT_TURN_TEAM1 = 0x0001; const int TTT_TURN_TEAM2 = 0x0002; const int TTT_TURN_TEAM = 0x000f; // turn team mask // send flags const int TTT_SF_PLAYERSCORE = MINIG_SF_CUSTOM; // send minigame_player scores (won matches) const int TTT_SF_SINGLEPLAYER = MINIG_SF_CUSTOM<<1;// send minigame.ttt_ai const int TTT_LET_CNT = 3; const int TTT_NUM_CNT = 3; const int TTT_TILE_SIZE = 3; .int ttt_npieces; // (minigame) number of pieces on the board (simplifies checking a draw) .int ttt_nexteam; // (minigame) next team (used to change the starting team on following matches) .int ttt_ai; // (minigame) when non-zero, singleplayer vs AI // find tic tac toe piece given its tile name entity ttt_find_piece(entity minig, string tile) { entity e = NULL; while ( ( e = findentity(e,owner,minig) ) ) if ( e.classname == "minigame_board_piece" && e.netname == tile ) return e; return NULL; } // Checks if the given piece completes a row bool ttt_winning_piece(entity piece) { int number = minigame_tile_number(piece.netname); int letter = minigame_tile_letter(piece.netname); if ( ttt_find_piece(piece.owner,minigame_tile_buildname(0,number)).team == piece.team ) if ( ttt_find_piece(piece.owner,minigame_tile_buildname(1,number)).team == piece.team ) if ( ttt_find_piece(piece.owner,minigame_tile_buildname(2,number)).team == piece.team ) return true; if ( ttt_find_piece(piece.owner,minigame_tile_buildname(letter,0)).team == piece.team ) if ( ttt_find_piece(piece.owner,minigame_tile_buildname(letter,1)).team == piece.team ) if ( ttt_find_piece(piece.owner,minigame_tile_buildname(letter,2)).team == piece.team ) return true; if ( number == letter ) if ( ttt_find_piece(piece.owner,minigame_tile_buildname(0,0)).team == piece.team ) if ( ttt_find_piece(piece.owner,minigame_tile_buildname(1,1)).team == piece.team ) if ( ttt_find_piece(piece.owner,minigame_tile_buildname(2,2)).team == piece.team ) return true; if ( number == 2-letter ) if ( ttt_find_piece(piece.owner,minigame_tile_buildname(0,2)).team == piece.team ) if ( ttt_find_piece(piece.owner,minigame_tile_buildname(1,1)).team == piece.team ) if ( ttt_find_piece(piece.owner,minigame_tile_buildname(2,0)).team == piece.team ) return true; return false; } // check if the tile name is valid (3x3 grid) bool ttt_valid_tile(string tile) { if ( !tile ) return 0; int number = minigame_tile_number(tile); int letter = minigame_tile_letter(tile); return 0 <= number && number < TTT_NUM_CNT && 0 <= letter && letter < TTT_LET_CNT; } // make a move void ttt_move(entity minigame, entity player, string pos ) { if ( minigame.minigame_flags & TTT_TURN_PLACE ) if ( pos && player.team == (minigame.minigame_flags & TTT_TURN_TEAM) ) { if ( ttt_valid_tile(pos) ) if ( !ttt_find_piece(minigame,pos) ) { entity piece = msle_spawn(minigame,"minigame_board_piece"); piece.team = player.team; piece.netname = strzone(pos); minigame_server_sendflags(piece,MINIG_SF_ALL); minigame_server_sendflags(minigame,MINIG_SF_UPDATE); minigame.ttt_npieces++; minigame.ttt_nexteam = minigame_next_team(player.team,2); if ( ttt_winning_piece(piece) ) { player.minigame_flags++; minigame_server_sendflags(player, TTT_SF_PLAYERSCORE); minigame.minigame_flags = TTT_TURN_WIN | player.team; } else if ( minigame.ttt_npieces >= (TTT_LET_CNT * TTT_NUM_CNT) ) minigame.minigame_flags = TTT_TURN_DRAW; else minigame.minigame_flags = TTT_TURN_PLACE | minigame.ttt_nexteam; } } } // request a new match void ttt_next_match(entity minigame, entity player) { #ifdef SVQC // on multiplayer matches, wait for both players to agree if ( minigame.minigame_flags & (TTT_TURN_WIN|TTT_TURN_DRAW) ) { minigame.minigame_flags = TTT_TURN_NEXT | player.team; minigame.SendFlags |= MINIG_SF_UPDATE; } else if ( (minigame.minigame_flags & TTT_TURN_NEXT) && !( minigame.minigame_flags & player.team ) ) #endif { minigame.minigame_flags = TTT_TURN_PLACE | minigame.ttt_nexteam; minigame_server_sendflags(minigame,MINIG_SF_UPDATE); minigame.ttt_npieces = 0; entity e = NULL; while ( ( e = findentity(e,owner,minigame) ) ) if ( e.classname == "minigame_board_piece" ) delete(e); } } #ifdef SVQC // required function, handle server side events int ttt_server_event(entity minigame, string event, ...) { switch(event) { case "start": { minigame.minigame_flags = (TTT_TURN_PLACE | TTT_TURN_TEAM1); return true; } case "end": { entity e = NULL; while( (e = findentity(e, owner, minigame)) ) if(e.classname == "minigame_board_piece") { strfree(e.netname); delete(e); } return false; } case "join": { int pl_num = minigame_count_players(minigame); // Don't allow joining a single player match if ( (minigame.ttt_ai) && pl_num > 0 ) return false; // Don't allow more than 2 players if(pl_num >= 2) { return false; } // Get the right team if(minigame.minigame_players) return minigame_next_team(minigame.minigame_players.team, 2); // Team 1 by default return 1; } case "cmd": { switch(argv(0)) { case "move": ttt_move(minigame, ...(0,entity), ...(1,int) == 2 ? argv(1) : string_null ); return true; case "next": ttt_next_match(minigame,...(0,entity)); return true; case "singleplayer": if ( minigame_count_players(minigame) == 1 ) { minigame.ttt_ai = minigame_next_team(minigame.minigame_players.team, 2); minigame.SendFlags = TTT_SF_SINGLEPLAYER; } return true; } return false; } case "network_send": { entity sent = ...(0,entity); int sf = ...(1,int); if ( sent.classname == "minigame_player" && (sf & TTT_SF_PLAYERSCORE ) ) { WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY,sent.minigame_flags); } else if ( sent.classname == "minigame" && (sf & TTT_SF_SINGLEPLAYER) ) { WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY,sent.ttt_ai); } return false; } } return false; } #elif defined(CSQC) string ttt_curr_pos; // identifier of the tile under the mouse vector ttt_boardpos; // HUD board position vector ttt_boardsize;// HUD board size .int ttt_checkwin; // Used to optimize checks to display a win // Required function, draw the game board void ttt_hud_board(vector pos, vector mySize) { minigame_hud_fitsqare(pos, mySize); ttt_boardpos = pos; ttt_boardsize = mySize; minigame_hud_simpleboard(pos,mySize,minigame_texture("ttt/board")); vector tile_size = minigame_hud_denormalize_size('1 1 0'/TTT_TILE_SIZE,pos,mySize); vector tile_pos; if ( (active_minigame.minigame_flags & TTT_TURN_TEAM) == minigame_self.team ) if ( ttt_valid_tile(ttt_curr_pos) ) { tile_pos = minigame_tile_pos(ttt_curr_pos,TTT_LET_CNT,TTT_NUM_CNT); tile_pos = minigame_hud_denormalize(tile_pos,pos,mySize); minigame_drawpic_centered( tile_pos, minigame_texture(strcat("ttt/piece",ftos(minigame_self.team))), tile_size, '1 1 1', panel_fg_alpha/2, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL ); } entity e; FOREACH_MINIGAME_ENTITY(e) { if ( e.classname == "minigame_board_piece" ) { tile_pos = minigame_tile_pos(e.netname,TTT_LET_CNT,TTT_NUM_CNT); tile_pos = minigame_hud_denormalize(tile_pos,pos,mySize); if ( active_minigame.minigame_flags & TTT_TURN_WIN ) if ( !e.ttt_checkwin ) e.ttt_checkwin = ttt_winning_piece(e) ? 1 : -1; float icon_color = 1; if ( e.ttt_checkwin == -1 ) icon_color = 0.4; else if ( e.ttt_checkwin == 1 ) { icon_color = 2; minigame_drawpic_centered( tile_pos, minigame_texture("ttt/winglow"), tile_size, '1 1 1', panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE ); } minigame_drawpic_centered( tile_pos, minigame_texture(strcat("ttt/piece",ftos(e.team))), tile_size, '1 1 1'*icon_color, panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL ); } } } // Required function, draw the game status panel void ttt_hud_status(vector pos, vector mySize) { HUD_Panel_DrawBg(); vector ts; ts = minigame_drawstring_wrapped(mySize_x,pos,active_minigame.descriptor.message, hud_fontsize * 2, '0.25 0.47 0.72', panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL,0.5); pos_y += ts_y; mySize_y -= ts_y; vector player_fontsize = hud_fontsize * 1.75; ts_y = ( mySize_y - 2*player_fontsize_y ) / 2; ts_x = mySize_x; vector mypos; vector tile_size = '48 48 0'; entity e; FOREACH_MINIGAME_ENTITY(e) { if ( e.classname == "minigame_player" ) { mypos = pos; if ( e.team == 2 ) mypos_y += player_fontsize_y + ts_y; minigame_drawcolorcodedstring_trunc(mySize_x,mypos, (e.minigame_playerslot ? entcs_GetName(e.minigame_playerslot-1) : _("AI")), player_fontsize, panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); mypos_y += player_fontsize_y; drawpic( mypos, minigame_texture(strcat("ttt/piece",ftos(e.team))), tile_size, '1 1 1', panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL ); mypos_x += tile_size_x; drawstring(mypos,ftos(e.minigame_flags),tile_size, '0.7 0.84 1', panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } } } // Turn a set of flags into a help message string ttt_turn_to_string(int turnflags) { if ( turnflags & TTT_TURN_DRAW ) return _("Draw"); if ( turnflags & TTT_TURN_WIN ) { if ( (turnflags&TTT_TURN_TEAM) != minigame_self.team ) strcat(_("You lost the game!"), "\n", _("Select \"^1Next Match^7\" on the menu for a rematch!")); return strcat(_("You win!"), "\n", _("Select \"^1Next Match^7\" on the menu to start a new match!")); } if ( turnflags & TTT_TURN_NEXT ) { if ( (turnflags&TTT_TURN_TEAM) != minigame_self.team ) return _("Select \"^1Next Match^7\" on the menu to start a new match!"); return _("Wait for your opponent to confirm the rematch"); } if ( (turnflags & TTT_TURN_TEAM) != minigame_self.team ) return _("Wait for your opponent to make their move"); if ( turnflags & TTT_TURN_PLACE ) return _("Click on the game board to place your piece"); return ""; } const int TTT_AI_POSFLAG_A1 = 0x0001; const int TTT_AI_POSFLAG_A2 = 0x0002; const int TTT_AI_POSFLAG_A3 = 0x0004; const int TTT_AI_POSFLAG_B1 = 0x0008; const int TTT_AI_POSFLAG_B2 = 0x0010; const int TTT_AI_POSFLAG_B3 = 0x0020; const int TTT_AI_POSFLAG_C1 = 0x0040; const int TTT_AI_POSFLAG_C2 = 0x0080; const int TTT_AI_POSFLAG_C3 = 0x0100; // convert a flag to a position string ttt_ai_piece_flag2pos(int pieceflag) { switch(pieceflag) { case TTT_AI_POSFLAG_A1: return "a1"; case TTT_AI_POSFLAG_A2: return "a2"; case TTT_AI_POSFLAG_A3: return "a3"; case TTT_AI_POSFLAG_B1: return "b1"; case TTT_AI_POSFLAG_B2: return "b2"; case TTT_AI_POSFLAG_B3: return "b3"; case TTT_AI_POSFLAG_C1: return "c1"; case TTT_AI_POSFLAG_C2: return "c2"; case TTT_AI_POSFLAG_C3: return "c3"; default: return string_null; } } bool ttt_ai_checkmask(int piecemask, int checkflags) { return checkflags && (piecemask & checkflags) == checkflags; } // get the third flag if the mask matches two of them int ttt_ai_1of3(int piecemask, int flag1, int flag2, int flag3) { if ( ttt_ai_checkmask(piecemask,flag1|flag2|flag3) ) return 0; if ( ttt_ai_checkmask(piecemask,flag1|flag2) ) return flag3; if ( ttt_ai_checkmask(piecemask,flag3|flag2) ) return flag1; if ( ttt_ai_checkmask(piecemask,flag3|flag1) ) return flag2; return 0; } // Select a random flag in the mask int ttt_ai_random(int piecemask) { if ( !piecemask ) return 0; int f = 1; RandomSelection_Init(); for ( int i = 0; i < 9; i++ ) { if ( piecemask & f ) RandomSelection_AddFloat(f, 1, 1); f <<= 1; } LOG_TRACE(sprintf("TTT AI: selected %x from %x", RandomSelection_chosen_float, piecemask) ); return RandomSelection_chosen_float; } // Block/complete a 3 i na row int ttt_ai_block3 ( int piecemask, int piecemask_free ) { int r = 0; r |= ttt_ai_1of3(piecemask,TTT_AI_POSFLAG_A1,TTT_AI_POSFLAG_A2,TTT_AI_POSFLAG_A3); r |= ttt_ai_1of3(piecemask,TTT_AI_POSFLAG_B1,TTT_AI_POSFLAG_B2,TTT_AI_POSFLAG_B3); r |= ttt_ai_1of3(piecemask,TTT_AI_POSFLAG_C1,TTT_AI_POSFLAG_C2,TTT_AI_POSFLAG_C3); r |= ttt_ai_1of3(piecemask,TTT_AI_POSFLAG_A1,TTT_AI_POSFLAG_B1,TTT_AI_POSFLAG_C1); r |= ttt_ai_1of3(piecemask,TTT_AI_POSFLAG_A2,TTT_AI_POSFLAG_B2,TTT_AI_POSFLAG_C2); r |= ttt_ai_1of3(piecemask,TTT_AI_POSFLAG_A3,TTT_AI_POSFLAG_B3,TTT_AI_POSFLAG_C3); r |= ttt_ai_1of3(piecemask,TTT_AI_POSFLAG_A1,TTT_AI_POSFLAG_B2,TTT_AI_POSFLAG_C3); r |= ttt_ai_1of3(piecemask,TTT_AI_POSFLAG_A3,TTT_AI_POSFLAG_B2,TTT_AI_POSFLAG_C1); LOG_TRACE(sprintf("TTT AI: possible 3 in a rows in %x: %x (%x)",piecemask,r, r&piecemask_free)); r &= piecemask_free; return ttt_ai_random(r); } // Simple AI // 1) tries to win the game if possible // 2) tries to block the opponent if they have 2 in a row // 3) places a piece randomly string ttt_ai_choose_simple(int piecemask_self, int piecemask_opponent, int piecemask_free ) { int move = 0; LOG_TRACE("TTT AI: checking winning move"); if (( move = ttt_ai_block3(piecemask_self,piecemask_free) )) return ttt_ai_piece_flag2pos(move); // place winning move LOG_TRACE("TTT AI: checking opponent's winning move"); if (( move = ttt_ai_block3(piecemask_opponent,piecemask_free) )) return ttt_ai_piece_flag2pos(move); // block opponent LOG_TRACE("TTT AI: random move"); return ttt_ai_piece_flag2pos(ttt_ai_random(piecemask_free)); } // AI move (if it's AI's turn) void ttt_aimove(entity minigame) { if ( minigame.minigame_flags == (TTT_TURN_PLACE|minigame.ttt_ai) ) { entity aiplayer = NULL; while ( ( aiplayer = findentity(aiplayer,owner,minigame) ) ) if ( aiplayer.classname == "minigame_player" && !aiplayer.minigame_playerslot ) break; /* * Build bit masks for the board pieces * .---.---.---. * | 4 | 32|256| 3 * |---+---+---| * | 2 | 16|128| 2 * |---+---+---| * | 1 | 8 | 64| 1 * '---'---'---' * A B C */ int piecemask_self = 0; int piecemask_opponent = 0; int piecemask_free = 0; int pieceflag = 1; string pos; for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { for ( int j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) { pos = minigame_tile_buildname(i,j); entity piece = ttt_find_piece(minigame,pos); if ( piece ) { if ( piece.team == aiplayer.team ) piecemask_self |= pieceflag; else piecemask_opponent |= pieceflag; } else piecemask_free |= pieceflag; pieceflag <<= 1; } } // TODO multiple AI difficulties LOG_TRACE(sprintf("TTT AI: self: %x opponent: %x free: %x", piecemask_self, piecemask_opponent, piecemask_free)); pos = ttt_ai_choose_simple(piecemask_self, piecemask_opponent, piecemask_free); LOG_TRACE("TTT AI: chosen move: ", pos); if ( !pos ) LOG_TRACE("Tic Tac Toe AI has derped!"); else ttt_move(minigame,aiplayer,pos); } minigame.message = ttt_turn_to_string(minigame.minigame_flags); } // Make the correct move void ttt_make_move(entity minigame) { if ( minigame.minigame_flags == (TTT_TURN_PLACE|minigame_self.team) ) { if ( minigame.ttt_ai ) { ttt_move(minigame, minigame_self, ttt_curr_pos ); ttt_aimove(minigame); } else minigame_cmd("move ",ttt_curr_pos); } } void ttt_set_curr_pos(string s) { strfree(ttt_curr_pos); if ( s ) s = strzone(s); ttt_curr_pos = s; } // Required function, handle client events int ttt_client_event(entity minigame, string event, ...) { switch(event) { case "activate": { ttt_set_curr_pos(""); minigame.message = ttt_turn_to_string(minigame.minigame_flags); return false; } case "key_pressed": { if((minigame.minigame_flags & TTT_TURN_TEAM) == minigame_self.team) { switch ( ...(0,int) ) { case K_RIGHTARROW: case K_KP_RIGHTARROW: if ( ! ttt_curr_pos ) ttt_set_curr_pos("a3"); else ttt_set_curr_pos(minigame_relative_tile(ttt_curr_pos,1,0,TTT_LET_CNT,TTT_NUM_CNT)); return true; case K_LEFTARROW: case K_KP_LEFTARROW: if ( ! ttt_curr_pos ) ttt_set_curr_pos("c3"); else ttt_set_curr_pos(minigame_relative_tile(ttt_curr_pos,-1,0,TTT_LET_CNT,TTT_NUM_CNT)); return true; case K_UPARROW: case K_KP_UPARROW: if ( ! ttt_curr_pos ) ttt_set_curr_pos("a1"); else ttt_set_curr_pos(minigame_relative_tile(ttt_curr_pos,0,1,TTT_LET_CNT,TTT_NUM_CNT)); return true; case K_DOWNARROW: case K_KP_DOWNARROW: if ( ! ttt_curr_pos ) ttt_set_curr_pos("a3"); else ttt_set_curr_pos(minigame_relative_tile(ttt_curr_pos,0,-1,TTT_LET_CNT,TTT_NUM_CNT)); return true; case K_ENTER: case K_KP_ENTER: case K_SPACE: ttt_make_move(minigame); return true; } } return false; } case "mouse_pressed": { if(...(0,int) == K_MOUSE1) { ttt_make_move(minigame); return true; } return false; } case "mouse_moved": { vector mouse_pos = minigame_hud_normalize(mousepos,ttt_boardpos,ttt_boardsize); if ( minigame.minigame_flags == (TTT_TURN_PLACE|minigame_self.team) ) ttt_set_curr_pos(minigame_tile_name(mouse_pos,TTT_LET_CNT,TTT_NUM_CNT)); if ( ! ttt_valid_tile(ttt_curr_pos) ) ttt_set_curr_pos(""); return true; } case "network_receive": { entity sent = ...(0,entity); int sf = ...(1,int); if ( sent.classname == "minigame" ) { if ( sf & MINIG_SF_UPDATE ) { sent.message = ttt_turn_to_string(sent.minigame_flags); if ( sent.minigame_flags & minigame_self.team ) minigame_prompt(); } if ( (sf & TTT_SF_SINGLEPLAYER) ) { int ai = ReadByte(); bool spawnai = ai && !sent.ttt_ai; sent.ttt_ai = ai; if ( spawnai ) { entity aiplayer = new(minigame_player); aiplayer.owner = minigame; aiplayer.team = ai; aiplayer.minigame_playerslot = 0; aiplayer.minigame_autoclean = 1; ttt_aimove(minigame); } } } else if ( sent.classname == "minigame_player" && (sf & TTT_SF_PLAYERSCORE ) ) { sent.minigame_flags = ReadByte(); } return false; } case "menu_show": { HUD_MinigameMenu_CustomEntry(...(0,entity),_("Next Match"),"next"); HUD_MinigameMenu_CustomEntry(...(0,entity),_("Single Player"),"singleplayer"); return false; } case "menu_click": { if(...(0,string) == "next") { if ( minigame.ttt_ai ) { ttt_next_match(minigame,minigame_self); ttt_aimove(minigame); } else minigame_cmd("next"); } else if ( ...(0,string) == "singleplayer" && !minigame.ttt_ai ) { if ( minigame_count_players(minigame) == 1 ) minigame_cmd("singleplayer"); } return false; } } return false; } #endif