#include "keylock.qh" /** * trigger given targets */ void trigger_keylock_trigger(entity this, entity actor, string s) { for(entity t = NULL; (t = find(t, targetname, s)); ) if(t.use) t.use(t, actor, this); } /** * kill killtarget of trigger keylock. */ void trigger_keylock_kill(string s) { entity t; for(t = NULL; (t = find(t, targetname, s)); ) delete(t); } void trigger_keylock_touch(entity this, entity toucher) { bool key_used = false; bool started_delay = false; // only player may trigger the lock if(!IS_PLAYER(toucher)) return; // check silver key if(this.itemkeys) { #ifdef SVQC entity store = PS(toucher); #elif defined(CSQC) entity store = toucher; #endif key_used = item_keys_usekey(this, store); } if(this.itemkeys) { #ifdef SVQC // at least one of the keys is missing if(key_used) { // one or more keys were given, but others are still missing! play2(toucher, this.noise1); Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE, toucher, MSG_CENTER, CENTER_DOOR_LOCKED_ALSONEED, item_keys_keylist(this.itemkeys)); toucher.key_door_messagetime = time + 2; } else if(toucher.key_door_messagetime <= time) { // no keys were given play2(toucher, this.noise2); Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE, toucher, MSG_CENTER, CENTER_DOOR_LOCKED_NEED, item_keys_keylist(this.itemkeys)); toucher.key_door_messagetime = time + 2; } #endif // trigger target2 if(this.delay <= time || started_delay == true) if(this.target2) { trigger_keylock_trigger(this, toucher, this.target2); started_delay = true; this.delay = time + this.wait; } } else { #ifdef SVQC // all keys were given! play2(toucher, this.noise); centerprint(toucher, this.message); #endif if(this.target) trigger_keylock_trigger(this, toucher, this.target); if(this.killtarget) trigger_keylock_kill(this.killtarget); delete(this); } } REGISTER_NET_LINKED(ENT_CLIENT_KEYLOCK) #ifdef SVQC bool trigger_keylock_send(entity this, entity to, int sf) { WriteHeader(MSG_ENTITY, ENT_CLIENT_KEYLOCK); WriteInt24_t(MSG_ENTITY, this.itemkeys); WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, this.height); trigger_common_write(this, true); return true; } void trigger_keylock_link(entity this) { // uncomment to network keylocks //Net_LinkEntity(this, false, 0, trigger_keylock_send); } /*QUAKED trigger_keylock (.0 .5 .8) ? Keylock trigger. Must target other entities. This trigger will trigger target entities when all required keys are provided. -------- KEYS -------- itemkeys: A bit field with key IDs that are needed to open this lock. sounds: 1 to play misc/secret.wav, 2 to play misc/talk.wav, 3 to play misc/trigger1.wav (3 is default) target: trigger all entities with this targetname when triggered and all keys have been given to it, then remove this trigger target2: trigger all entities with this targetname when triggered without giving it all the required keys. killtarget: remove all entities with this targetname when triggered with all the needed keys. message: print this message to the player who activated the trigger when all needed keys have been given. message2: print this message to the player who activated the trigger when not all of the needed keys have been given. noise: sound to play when lock gets unlocked (default: see sounds) noise1: sound to play when only some of the needed key were used but not all (default: misc/decreasevalue.wav) noise2: sound to play when a key is missing (default: misc/talk.wav) wait: prevent triggering again for this amount of time (default: 5) - applies to target2, target3, target4. ---------NOTES---------- If spawned without any key specified in itemkeys, this trigger will display an error and remove itself. message2 and noise2 will be resent to the player every 2 seconds while they are in the trigger zone. */ spawnfunc(trigger_keylock) { if(!this.itemkeys) { delete(this); return; } // set unlocked message if(this.message == "") this.message = "Unlocked!"; // set default unlock noise if(this.noise == "") { if(this.sounds == 1) this.noise = "misc/secret.wav"; else if(this.sounds == 2) this.noise = strzone(SND(TALK)); else //if (this.sounds == 3) { this.noise = "misc/trigger1.wav"; } // set default use key sound if(this.noise1 == "") this.noise1 = "misc/decreasevalue.wav"; // set closed sourd if(this.noise2 == "") this.noise2 = SND(TALK); // delay between triggering message2 and trigger2 if(!this.wait) { this.wait = 5; } // precache sounds precache_sound(this.noise); precache_sound(this.noise1); precache_sound(this.noise2); EXACTTRIGGER_INIT; settouch(this, trigger_keylock_touch); trigger_keylock_link(this); } #elif defined(CSQC) NET_HANDLE(ENT_CLIENT_KEYLOCK, bool isnew) { this.itemkeys = ReadInt24_t(); this.height = ReadByte(); trigger_common_read(this, true); return = true; this.entremove = trigger_remove_generic; } #endif