#include "sv_lms.qh" #include #include #include #include int autocvar_g_lms_extra_lives; bool autocvar_g_lms_join_anytime; int autocvar_g_lms_last_join; bool autocvar_g_lms_regenerate; // main functions int LMS_NewPlayerLives() { int fl = floor(autocvar_fraglimit); if(fl == 0 || fl > 999) fl = 999; // first player has left the game for dying too much? Nobody else can get in. if(lms_lowest_lives < 1) return 0; if(!autocvar_g_lms_join_anytime) if(lms_lowest_lives < fl - max(0, floor(autocvar_g_lms_last_join))) return 0; return bound(1, lms_lowest_lives, fl); } void ClearWinners(); // LMS winning condition: game terminates if and only if there's at most one // one player who's living lives. Top two scores being equal cancels the time // limit. int WinningCondition_LMS() { entity first_player = NULL; int totalplayers = 0; FOREACH_CLIENT(IS_PLAYER(it) && it.frags != FRAGS_PLAYER_OUT_OF_GAME, { if (!totalplayers) first_player = it; ++totalplayers; }); if (totalplayers) { if (totalplayers > 1) { // two or more active players - continue with the game if (autocvar_g_campaign) { FOREACH_CLIENT(IS_REAL_CLIENT(it), { float pl_lives = GameRules_scoring_add(it, LMS_LIVES, 0); if (!pl_lives) return WINNING_YES; // human player lost, game over break; }); } } else { // exactly one player? ClearWinners(); SetWinners(winning, 0); // NOTE: exactly one player is still "player", so this works out if (LMS_NewPlayerLives()) { // game still running (that is, nobody got removed from the game by a frag yet)? then continue return WINNING_NO; } else { // a winner! // and assign him his first place GameRules_scoring_add(first_player, LMS_RANK, 1); if(warmup_stage) return WINNING_NO; else return WINNING_YES; } } } else { // nobody is playing at all... if (LMS_NewPlayerLives()) { // wait for players... } else { // SNAFU (maybe a draw game?) ClearWinners(); LOG_TRACE("No players, ending game."); return WINNING_YES; } } // When we get here, we have at least two players who are actually LIVING, // now check if the top two players have equal score. WinningConditionHelper(NULL); ClearWinners(); if(WinningConditionHelper_winner) WinningConditionHelper_winner.winning = true; if(WinningConditionHelper_topscore == WinningConditionHelper_secondscore) return WINNING_NEVER; // Top two have different scores? Way to go for our beloved TIMELIMIT! return WINNING_NO; } // mutator hooks MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(lms, reset_map_global) { lms_lowest_lives = 999; } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(lms, reset_map_players) { FOREACH_CLIENT(true, { TRANSMUTE(Player, it); it.frags = FRAGS_PLAYER; GameRules_scoring_add(it, LMS_LIVES, LMS_NewPlayerLives()); PutClientInServer(it); }); } // FIXME add support for sv_ready_restart_after_countdown // that is find a way to respawn/reset players IN GAME without setting lives to 0 MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(lms, ReadLevelCvars) { // incompatible sv_ready_restart_after_countdown = 0; } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(lms, PutClientInServer) { entity player = M_ARGV(0, entity); if(player.frags == FRAGS_SPECTATOR) TRANSMUTE(Observer, player); else { float tl = GameRules_scoring_add(player, LMS_LIVES, 0); if(tl < lms_lowest_lives) lms_lowest_lives = tl; if(tl <= 0) TRANSMUTE(Observer, player); if(warmup_stage) GameRules_scoring_add(player, LMS_RANK, -GameRules_scoring_add(player, LMS_RANK, 0)); } } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(lms, ForbidSpawn) { entity player = M_ARGV(0, entity); if(warmup_stage) return false; if(player.frags == FRAGS_SPECTATOR || GameRules_scoring_add(player, LMS_LIVES, 0) <= 0) { Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE, player, MSG_CENTER, CENTER_LMS_NOLIVES); return true; } return false; } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(lms, PlayerDies) { entity frag_target = M_ARGV(2, entity); frag_target.respawn_flags |= RESPAWN_FORCE; } void lms_RemovePlayer(entity player) { static int quitters = 0; float player_rank = GameRules_scoring_add(player, LMS_RANK, 0); if (!player_rank) { if (player.lms_spectate_warning < 2) { if(IS_BOT_CLIENT(player)) bot_clear(player); player.frags = FRAGS_PLAYER_OUT_OF_GAME; int pl_cnt = 0; FOREACH_CLIENT(IS_PLAYER(it) && it.frags != FRAGS_PLAYER_OUT_OF_GAME, { pl_cnt++; }); GameRules_scoring_add(player, LMS_RANK, pl_cnt + 1); } else { FOREACH_CLIENT(true, { if (it.frags == FRAGS_PLAYER_OUT_OF_GAME) { float it_rank = GameRules_scoring_add(it, LMS_RANK, 0); if (it_rank > player_rank && it_rank <= 256) GameRules_scoring_add(it, LMS_RANK, -1); } else if (it.frags != FRAGS_SPECTATOR) { float tl = GameRules_scoring_add(it, LMS_LIVES, 0); if(tl < lms_lowest_lives) lms_lowest_lives = tl; } }); GameRules_scoring_add(player, LMS_RANK, 665 - quitters); // different from 666 if(!warmup_stage) { GameRules_scoring_add(player, LMS_LIVES, -GameRules_scoring_add(player, LMS_LIVES, 0)); ++quitters; } player.frags = FRAGS_PLAYER_OUT_OF_GAME; TRANSMUTE(Observer, player); } } if (CS(player).killcount != FRAGS_SPECTATOR && player.lms_spectate_warning < 3) { if (GameRules_scoring_add(player, LMS_RANK, 0) > 0 && player.lms_spectate_warning < 2) Send_Notification(NOTIF_ALL, NULL, MSG_INFO, INFO_LMS_NOLIVES, player.netname); else Send_Notification(NOTIF_ALL, NULL, MSG_INFO, INFO_LMS_FORFEIT, player.netname); } } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(lms, ClientDisconnect) { entity player = M_ARGV(0, entity); // no further message other than the disconnect message player.lms_spectate_warning = 3; lms_RemovePlayer(player); } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(lms, MakePlayerObserver) { entity player = M_ARGV(0, entity); if (!IS_PLAYER(player)) return true; lms_RemovePlayer(player); return true; // prevent team reset } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(lms, ClientConnect) { entity player = M_ARGV(0, entity); if(GameRules_scoring_add(player, LMS_LIVES, LMS_NewPlayerLives()) <= 0) { GameRules_scoring_add(player, LMS_RANK, 666); // mark as forced spectator for the hud code player.frags = FRAGS_SPECTATOR; } } // FIXME LMS doesn't allow clients to spectate due to its particular implementation MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(lms, AutoJoinOnConnection) { if(autocvar_g_campaign) return false; return true; } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(lms, PlayerPreThink) { entity player = M_ARGV(0, entity); if(player.deadflag == DEAD_DYING) player.deadflag = DEAD_RESPAWNING; } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(lms, PlayerRegen) { if(autocvar_g_lms_regenerate) return false; return true; } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(lms, ForbidThrowCurrentWeapon) { // forbode! return true; } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(lms, GiveFragsForKill) { entity frag_target = M_ARGV(1, entity); if (!warmup_stage) { // remove a life int tl = GameRules_scoring_add(frag_target, LMS_LIVES, -1); if(tl < lms_lowest_lives) lms_lowest_lives = tl; if(tl <= 0) { int pl_cnt = 0; FOREACH_CLIENT(IS_PLAYER(it) && it.frags != FRAGS_PLAYER_OUT_OF_GAME, { pl_cnt++; }); if(IS_BOT_CLIENT(frag_target)) bot_clear(frag_target); frag_target.frags = FRAGS_PLAYER_OUT_OF_GAME; GameRules_scoring_add(frag_target, LMS_RANK, pl_cnt); } } M_ARGV(2, float) = 0; // frag score return true; } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(lms, SetStartItems) { start_items &= ~(IT_UNLIMITED_AMMO | IT_UNLIMITED_SUPERWEAPONS); start_health = warmup_start_health = cvar("g_lms_start_health"); start_armorvalue = warmup_start_armorvalue = cvar("g_lms_start_armor"); start_ammo_shells = warmup_start_ammo_shells = cvar("g_lms_start_ammo_shells"); start_ammo_nails = warmup_start_ammo_nails = cvar("g_lms_start_ammo_nails"); start_ammo_rockets = warmup_start_ammo_rockets = cvar("g_lms_start_ammo_rockets"); start_ammo_cells = warmup_start_ammo_cells = cvar("g_lms_start_ammo_cells"); start_ammo_plasma = warmup_start_ammo_plasma = cvar("g_lms_start_ammo_plasma"); start_ammo_fuel = warmup_start_ammo_fuel = cvar("g_lms_start_ammo_fuel"); } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(lms, ForbidPlayerScore_Clear) { // don't clear player score return true; } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(lms, FilterItemDefinition) { entity definition = M_ARGV(0, entity); if (autocvar_g_lms_extra_lives && definition == ITEM_ExtraLife) { return false; } return true; } void lms_extralife(entity this) { StartItem(this, ITEM_ExtraLife); } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(lms, OnEntityPreSpawn) { if (!autocvar_g_powerups) return false; if (!autocvar_g_lms_extra_lives) return false; entity ent = M_ARGV(0, entity); // Can't use .itemdef here if (ent.classname != "item_health_mega") return false; entity e = spawn(); setthink(e, lms_extralife); e.nextthink = time + 0.1; e.spawnflags = ent.spawnflags; e.noalign = ent.noalign; setorigin(e, ent.origin); return true; } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(lms, ItemTouch) { entity item = M_ARGV(0, entity); entity toucher = M_ARGV(1, entity); if(item.itemdef == ITEM_ExtraLife) { Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE, toucher, MSG_CENTER, CENTER_EXTRALIVES, autocvar_g_lms_extra_lives); GameRules_scoring_add(toucher, LMS_LIVES, autocvar_g_lms_extra_lives); return MUT_ITEMTOUCH_PICKUP; } return MUT_ITEMTOUCH_CONTINUE; } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(lms, Bot_FixCount, CBC_ORDER_EXCLUSIVE) { FOREACH_CLIENT(IS_REAL_CLIENT(it), { ++M_ARGV(0, int); // activerealplayers ++M_ARGV(1, int); // realplayers }); return true; } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(lms, ClientCommand_Spectate) { entity player = M_ARGV(0, entity); if(warmup_stage || player.lms_spectate_warning) { // for the forfeit message... player.lms_spectate_warning = 2; } else { if(player.frags != FRAGS_SPECTATOR && player.frags != FRAGS_PLAYER_OUT_OF_GAME) { player.lms_spectate_warning = 1; sprint(player, "WARNING: you won't be able to enter the game again after spectating in LMS. Use the same command again to spectate anyway.\n"); } return MUT_SPECCMD_RETURN; } return MUT_SPECCMD_CONTINUE; } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(lms, CheckRules_World) { M_ARGV(0, float) = WinningCondition_LMS(); return true; } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(lms, SetWeaponArena) { if(M_ARGV(0, string) == "0" || M_ARGV(0, string) == "") M_ARGV(0, string) = autocvar_g_lms_weaponarena; } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(lms, GetPlayerStatus) { return true; } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(lms, AddPlayerScore) { if(game_stopped) if(M_ARGV(0, entity) == SP_LMS_RANK) // score field return true; // allow writing to this field in intermission as it is needed for newly joining players } void lms_Initialize() { lms_lowest_lives = 999; }