#include "modeleffects.qh" REGISTER_NET_LINKED(ENT_CLIENT_MODELEFFECT) #ifdef SVQC .float scale2; bool modeleffect_SendEntity(entity this, entity to, int sf) { float f; WriteHeader(MSG_ENTITY, ENT_CLIENT_MODELEFFECT); f = 0; if(this.velocity != '0 0 0') f |= 1; if(this.angles != '0 0 0') f |= 2; if(this.avelocity != '0 0 0') f |= 4; WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, f); WriteShort(MSG_ENTITY, this.modelindex); WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, this.skin); WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, this.frame); WriteVector(MSG_ENTITY, this.origin); if(f & 1) { WriteVector(MSG_ENTITY, this.velocity); } if(f & 2) { WriteAngleVector(MSG_ENTITY, this.angles); } if(f & 4) { WriteAngleVector(MSG_ENTITY, this.avelocity); } WriteShort(MSG_ENTITY, this.scale * 256.0); WriteShort(MSG_ENTITY, this.scale2 * 256.0); WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, this.teleport_time * 100.0); WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, this.fade_time * 100.0); WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, this.alpha * 255.0); return true; } void modeleffect_spawn(string m, float s, float f, vector o, vector v, vector ang, vector angv, float s0, float s2, float a, float t1, float t2) { entity e = new(modeleffect); _setmodel(e, m); e.frame = f; setorigin(e, o); e.velocity = v; e.angles = ang; e.avelocity = angv; e.alpha = a; e.teleport_time = t1; e.fade_time = t2; e.skin = s; if(s0 >= 0) e.scale = s0 / max6(-e.mins.x, -e.mins.y, -e.mins.z, e.maxs.x, e.maxs.y, e.maxs.z); else e.scale = -s0; if(s2 >= 0) e.scale2 = s2 / max6(-e.mins.x, -e.mins.y, -e.mins.z, e.maxs.x, e.maxs.y, e.maxs.z); else e.scale2 = -s2; float sz = max(e.scale, e.scale2); setsize(e, e.mins * sz, e.maxs * sz); Net_LinkEntity(e, false, 0.1, modeleffect_SendEntity); } #endif #ifdef CSQC entityclass(ModelEffect); classfield(ModelEffect) .float frame1time; classfield(ModelEffect) .float lifetime, fadetime; classfield(ModelEffect) .float teleport_time; classfield(ModelEffect) .float scale1, scale2; .float cnt; .float scale; .float alpha; void ModelEffect_Draw(entity this) { this.angles = this.angles + frametime * this.avelocity; setorigin(this, this.origin + frametime * this.velocity); this.scale = this.scale1 + (this.scale2 - this.scale1) * (time - this.teleport_time) / (this.lifetime + this.fadetime - this.teleport_time); this.alpha = this.cnt * bound(0, 1 - (time - this.lifetime) / this.fadetime, 1); if(this.alpha < ALPHA_MIN_VISIBLE) { delete(this); return; } this.drawmask = MASK_NORMAL; if(this.scale <= 0) { this.drawmask = 0; return; } } NET_HANDLE(ENT_CLIENT_MODELEFFECT, bool isnew) { make_pure(this); int f = ReadByte(); entity e = new(modeleffect); e.model = "from network"; e.modelindex = ReadShort(); e.skin = ReadByte(); e.frame = ReadByte(); e.frame1time = time; e.origin = ReadVector(); setorigin(e, e.origin); if(f & 1) { e.velocity = ReadVector(); } if(f & 2) { e.angles = ReadAngleVector(); } if(f & 4) { e.avelocity = ReadAngleVector(); } e.scale1 = ReadShort() / 256.0; e.scale2 = ReadShort() / 256.0; e.lifetime = time + ReadByte() * 0.01; e.fadetime = ReadByte() * 0.01; e.teleport_time = time; e.cnt = ReadByte() / 255.0; // actually alpha e.draw = ModelEffect_Draw; if (isnew) IL_PUSH(g_drawables, e); if (!isnew) delete(e); // yes, this IS stupid, but I don't need to duplicate all the read* stuff then return true; } #endif