#if defined(CSQC) #include "../../dpdefs/csprogsdefs.qh" #include "../defs.qh" #include "../../common/constants.qh" #include "../../warpzonelib/anglestransform.qh" #include "../../common/util.qh" #include "../../common/nades.qh" #include "../../common/buffs.qh" #include "../autocvars.qh" #include "../../csqcmodellib/interpolate.qh" #include "../movetypes.qh" #include "../main.qh" #include "../../csqcmodellib/cl_model.qh" #include "projectile.qh" #include "../../server/t_items.qh" #elif defined(MENUQC) #elif defined(SVQC) #endif .vector iorigin1, iorigin2; .float spawntime; .vector trail_oldorigin; .float trail_oldtime; .float fade_time, fade_rate; void SUB_Stop() { self.move_velocity = self.move_avelocity = '0 0 0'; self.move_movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE; } .float alphamod; .int count; // set if clientside projectile .int cnt; // sound index .float gravity; .int snd_looping; .bool silent; void Projectile_ResetTrail(vector to) { self.trail_oldorigin = to; self.trail_oldtime = time; } void Projectile_DrawTrail(vector to) { vector from; float t0; from = self.trail_oldorigin; t0 = self.trail_oldtime; self.trail_oldorigin = to; self.trail_oldtime = time; // force the effect even for stationary firemine if(self.cnt == PROJECTILE_FIREMINE) if(from == to) from.z += 1; if (self.traileffect) { particles_alphamin = particles_alphamax = particles_fade = sqrt(self.alpha); boxparticles(self.traileffect, self, from, to, self.velocity, self.velocity, 1, PARTICLES_USEALPHA | PARTICLES_USEFADE | PARTICLES_DRAWASTRAIL); } } void Projectile_Draw() { vector rot; vector trailorigin; int f; bool drawn; float t; float a; f = self.move_flags; if(self.count & 0x80) { //self.move_flags &= ~FL_ONGROUND; if(self.move_movetype == MOVETYPE_NONE || self.move_movetype == MOVETYPE_FLY) Movetype_Physics_NoMatchServer(); // the trivial movetypes do not have to match the // server's ticrate as they are ticrate independent // NOTE: this assumption is only true if MOVETYPE_FLY // projectiles detonate on impact. If they continue // moving, we might still be ticrate dependent. else Movetype_Physics_MatchServer(autocvar_cl_projectiles_sloppy); if(!(self.move_flags & FL_ONGROUND)) if(self.velocity != '0 0 0') self.move_angles = self.angles = vectoangles(self.velocity); } else { InterpolateOrigin_Do(); } if(self.count & 0x80) { drawn = (time >= self.spawntime - 0.02); t = max(time, self.spawntime); } else { drawn = (self.iflags & IFLAG_VALID); t = time; } if(!(f & FL_ONGROUND)) { rot = '0 0 0'; switch(self.cnt) { /* case PROJECTILE_GRENADE: rot = '-2000 0 0'; // forward break; */ case PROJECTILE_GRENADE_BOUNCING: rot = '0 -1000 0'; // sideways break; case PROJECTILE_HOOKBOMB: rot = '1000 0 0'; // forward break; default: break; } if(Nade_IDFromProjectile(self.cnt) != 0) rot = self.avelocity; self.angles = AnglesTransform_ToAngles(AnglesTransform_Multiply(AnglesTransform_FromAngles(self.angles), rot * (t - self.spawntime))); } vector ang; ang = self.angles; ang_x = -ang.x; makevectors(ang); a = 1 - (time - self.fade_time) * self.fade_rate; self.alpha = bound(0, self.alphamod * a, 1); if(self.alpha <= 0) drawn = 0; self.renderflags = 0; trailorigin = self.origin; switch(self.cnt) { case PROJECTILE_GRENADE: case PROJECTILE_GRENADE_BOUNCING: trailorigin += v_right * 1 + v_forward * -10; break; default: break; } if(Nade_IDFromProjectile(self.cnt) != 0) trailorigin += v_up * 4; if(drawn) Projectile_DrawTrail(trailorigin); else Projectile_ResetTrail(trailorigin); self.drawmask = 0; if(!drawn) return; switch(self.cnt) { // Possibly add dlights here. default: break; } self.drawmask = MASK_NORMAL; } void loopsound(entity e, int ch, string samp, float vol, float attn) { if(self.silent) return; sound(e, ch, samp, vol, attn); e.snd_looping = ch; } void Ent_RemoveProjectile() { if(self.count & 0x80) { tracebox(self.origin, self.mins, self.maxs, self.origin + self.velocity * 0.05, MOVE_NORMAL, self); Projectile_DrawTrail(trace_endpos); } } void Ent_Projectile() { int f; // projectile properties: // kind (interpolated, or clientside) // // modelindex // origin // scale // if clientside: // velocity // gravity // soundindex (hardcoded list) // effects // // projectiles don't send angles, because they always follow the velocity f = ReadByte(); self.count = (f & 0x80); self.iflags = (self.iflags & IFLAG_INTERNALMASK) | IFLAG_AUTOANGLES | IFLAG_ANGLES | IFLAG_ORIGIN; self.solid = SOLID_TRIGGER; //self.effects = EF_NOMODELFLAGS; // this should make collisions with bmodels more exact, but it leads to // projectiles no longer being able to lie on a bmodel self.move_nomonsters = MOVE_WORLDONLY; if(f & 0x40) self.move_flags |= FL_ONGROUND; else self.move_flags &= ~FL_ONGROUND; if(!self.move_time) { // for some unknown reason, we don't need to care for // sv_gameplayfix_delayprojectiles here. self.move_time = time; self.spawntime = time; } else self.move_time = max(self.move_time, time); if(!(self.count & 0x80)) InterpolateOrigin_Undo(); if(f & 1) { self.origin_x = ReadCoord(); self.origin_y = ReadCoord(); self.origin_z = ReadCoord(); setorigin(self, self.origin); if(self.count & 0x80) { self.velocity_x = ReadCoord(); self.velocity_y = ReadCoord(); self.velocity_z = ReadCoord(); if(f & 0x10) self.gravity = ReadCoord(); else self.gravity = 0; // none self.move_origin = self.origin; self.move_velocity = self.velocity; } if(time == self.spawntime || (self.count & 0x80) || (f & 0x08)) { self.trail_oldorigin = self.origin; if(!(self.count & 0x80)) InterpolateOrigin_Reset(); } if(f & 0x20) { self.fade_time = time + ReadByte() * ticrate; self.fade_rate = 1 / (ReadByte() * ticrate); } else { self.fade_time = 0; self.fade_rate = 0; } self.team = ReadByte() - 1; } if(f & 2) { self.cnt = ReadByte(); self.silent = (self.cnt & 0x80); self.cnt = (self.cnt & 0x7F); self.scale = 1; self.traileffect = 0; switch(self.cnt) { case PROJECTILE_ELECTRO: setmodel(self, "models/ebomb.mdl");self.traileffect = particleeffectnum("TR_NEXUIZPLASMA"); break; case PROJECTILE_ROCKET: setmodel(self, "models/rocket.md3");self.traileffect = particleeffectnum("TR_ROCKET"); self.scale = 2; break; case PROJECTILE_CRYLINK: setmodel(self, "models/plasmatrail.mdl");self.traileffect = particleeffectnum("TR_CRYLINKPLASMA"); break; case PROJECTILE_CRYLINK_BOUNCING: setmodel(self, "models/plasmatrail.mdl");self.traileffect = particleeffectnum("TR_CRYLINKPLASMA"); break; case PROJECTILE_ELECTRO_BEAM: setmodel(self, "models/elaser.mdl");self.traileffect = particleeffectnum("TR_NEXUIZPLASMA"); break; case PROJECTILE_GRENADE: setmodel(self, "models/grenademodel.md3");self.traileffect = particleeffectnum("TR_GRENADE"); break; case PROJECTILE_GRENADE_BOUNCING: setmodel(self, "models/grenademodel.md3");self.traileffect = particleeffectnum("TR_GRENADE"); break; case PROJECTILE_MINE: setmodel(self, "models/mine.md3");self.traileffect = particleeffectnum("TR_GRENADE"); break; case PROJECTILE_BLASTER: setmodel(self, "models/laser.mdl");self.traileffect = particleeffectnum(""); break; case PROJECTILE_HLAC: setmodel(self, "models/hlac_bullet.md3");self.traileffect = particleeffectnum(""); break; case PROJECTILE_PORTO_RED: setmodel(self, "models/grenademodel.md3");self.traileffect = particleeffectnum("TR_WIZSPIKE"); self.scale = 4; break; case PROJECTILE_PORTO_BLUE: setmodel(self, "models/grenademodel.md3");self.traileffect = particleeffectnum("TR_WIZSPIKE"); self.scale = 4; break; case PROJECTILE_HOOKBOMB: setmodel(self, "models/grenademodel.md3");self.traileffect = particleeffectnum("TR_KNIGHTSPIKE"); break; case PROJECTILE_HAGAR: setmodel(self, "models/hagarmissile.mdl");self.traileffect = particleeffectnum("tr_hagar"); self.scale = 0.75; break; case PROJECTILE_HAGAR_BOUNCING: setmodel(self, "models/hagarmissile.mdl");self.traileffect = particleeffectnum("tr_hagar"); self.scale = 0.75; break; case PROJECTILE_NAPALM_FOUNTAIN: //self.model = ""; self.modelindex = 0; self.traileffect = particleeffectnum("torch_small"); break; case PROJECTILE_FIREBALL: self.model = ""; self.modelindex = 0; self.traileffect = particleeffectnum("fireball"); break; // particle effect is good enough case PROJECTILE_FIREMINE: self.model = ""; self.modelindex = 0; self.traileffect = particleeffectnum("firemine"); break; // particle effect is good enough case PROJECTILE_TAG: setmodel(self, "models/laser.mdl"); self.traileffect = particleeffectnum("TR_ROCKET"); break; case PROJECTILE_FLAC: setmodel(self, "models/hagarmissile.mdl"); self.scale = 0.4; self.traileffect = particleeffectnum("TR_SEEKER"); break; case PROJECTILE_SEEKER: setmodel(self, "models/tagrocket.md3"); self.traileffect = particleeffectnum("TR_SEEKER"); break; case PROJECTILE_MAGE_SPIKE: setmodel(self, "models/ebomb.mdl"); self.traileffect = particleeffectnum("TR_VORESPIKE"); break; case PROJECTILE_SHAMBLER_LIGHTNING: setmodel(self, "models/ebomb.mdl"); self.traileffect = particleeffectnum("TR_NEXUIZPLASMA"); break; case PROJECTILE_RAPTORBOMB: setmodel(self, "models/vehicles/clusterbomb.md3"); self.gravity = 1; self.avelocity = '0 0 180'; self.traileffect = particleeffectnum(""); break; case PROJECTILE_RAPTORBOMBLET: setmodel(self, "models/vehicles/bomblet.md3"); self.gravity = 1; self.avelocity = '0 0 180'; self.traileffect = particleeffectnum(""); break; case PROJECTILE_RAPTORCANNON: setmodel(self, "models/plasmatrail.mdl"); self.traileffect = particleeffectnum("TR_CRYLINKPLASMA"); break; case PROJECTILE_SPIDERROCKET: setmodel(self, "models/vehicles/rocket02.md3"); self.traileffect = particleeffectnum("spiderbot_rocket_thrust"); break; case PROJECTILE_WAKIROCKET: setmodel(self, "models/vehicles/rocket01.md3"); self.traileffect = particleeffectnum("wakizashi_rocket_thrust"); break; case PROJECTILE_WAKICANNON: setmodel(self, "models/laser.mdl"); self.traileffect = particleeffectnum(""); break; case PROJECTILE_BUMBLE_GUN: setmodel(self, "models/elaser.mdl");self.traileffect = particleeffectnum("TR_NEXUIZPLASMA"); break; case PROJECTILE_BUMBLE_BEAM: setmodel(self, "models/elaser.mdl");self.traileffect = particleeffectnum("TR_NEXUIZPLASMA"); break; case PROJECTILE_RPC: setmodel(self, "models/weapons/ok_rocket.md3");self.traileffect = particleeffectnum("TR_ROCKET"); break; default: if(Nade_IDFromProjectile(self.cnt) != 0) { setmodel(self, "models/weapons/v_ok_grenade.md3");self.traileffect = particleeffectnum(Nade_TrailEffect(self.cnt, self.team)); break; } error("Received invalid CSQC projectile, can't work with this!"); break; } self.mins = '0 0 0'; self.maxs = '0 0 0'; self.colormod = '0 0 0'; self.move_touch = SUB_Stop; self.move_movetype = MOVETYPE_TOSS; self.alphamod = 1; switch(self.cnt) { case PROJECTILE_ELECTRO: // only new engines support sound moving with object loopsound(self, CH_SHOTS_SINGLE, "weapons/electro_fly.wav", VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NORM); self.mins = '0 0 -4'; self.maxs = '0 0 -4'; self.move_movetype = MOVETYPE_BOUNCE; self.move_touch = func_null; self.move_bounce_factor = g_balance_electro_secondary_bouncefactor; self.move_bounce_stopspeed = g_balance_electro_secondary_bouncestop; break; case PROJECTILE_RPC: case PROJECTILE_ROCKET: loopsound(self, CH_SHOTS_SINGLE, "weapons/rocket_fly.wav", VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NORM); self.mins = '-3 -3 -3'; self.maxs = '3 3 3'; break; case PROJECTILE_GRENADE: self.mins = '-3 -3 -3'; self.maxs = '3 3 3'; break; case PROJECTILE_GRENADE_BOUNCING: self.mins = '-3 -3 -3'; self.maxs = '3 3 3'; self.move_movetype = MOVETYPE_BOUNCE; self.move_touch = func_null; self.move_bounce_factor = g_balance_mortar_bouncefactor; self.move_bounce_stopspeed = g_balance_mortar_bouncestop; break; case PROJECTILE_SHAMBLER_LIGHTNING: self.mins = '-8 -8 -8'; self.maxs = '8 8 8'; self.scale = 2.5; self.avelocity = randomvec() * 720; break; case PROJECTILE_MINE: self.mins = '-4 -4 -4'; self.maxs = '4 4 4'; break; case PROJECTILE_PORTO_RED: self.colormod = '2 1 1'; self.alphamod = 0.5; self.move_movetype = MOVETYPE_BOUNCE; self.move_touch = func_null; break; case PROJECTILE_PORTO_BLUE: self.colormod = '1 1 2'; self.alphamod = 0.5; self.move_movetype = MOVETYPE_BOUNCE; self.move_touch = func_null; break; case PROJECTILE_HAGAR_BOUNCING: self.move_movetype = MOVETYPE_BOUNCE; self.move_touch = func_null; break; case PROJECTILE_CRYLINK_BOUNCING: self.move_movetype = MOVETYPE_BOUNCE; self.move_touch = func_null; break; case PROJECTILE_NAPALM_FOUNTAIN: case PROJECTILE_FIREBALL: loopsound(self, CH_SHOTS_SINGLE, "weapons/fireball_fly2.wav", VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NORM); self.mins = '-16 -16 -16'; self.maxs = '16 16 16'; break; case PROJECTILE_FIREMINE: loopsound(self, CH_SHOTS_SINGLE, "weapons/fireball_fly.wav", VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NORM); self.move_movetype = MOVETYPE_BOUNCE; self.move_touch = func_null; self.mins = '-4 -4 -4'; self.maxs = '4 4 4'; break; case PROJECTILE_TAG: self.mins = '-2 -2 -2'; self.maxs = '2 2 2'; break; case PROJECTILE_FLAC: self.mins = '-2 -2 -2'; self.maxs = '2 2 2'; break; case PROJECTILE_SEEKER: loopsound(self, CH_SHOTS_SINGLE, "weapons/tag_rocket_fly.wav", VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NORM); self.mins = '-4 -4 -4'; self.maxs = '4 4 4'; break; case PROJECTILE_RAPTORBOMB: self.mins = '-3 -3 -3'; self.maxs = '3 3 3'; break; case PROJECTILE_RAPTORBOMBLET: break; case PROJECTILE_RAPTORCANNON: break; case PROJECTILE_SPIDERROCKET: loopsound(self, CH_SHOTS_SINGLE, "weapons/tag_rocket_fly.wav", VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NORM); break; case PROJECTILE_WAKIROCKET: loopsound(self, CH_SHOTS_SINGLE, "weapons/tag_rocket_fly.wav", VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NORM); break; /* case PROJECTILE_WAKICANNON: break; case PROJECTILE_BUMBLE_GUN: // only new engines support sound moving with object loopsound(self, CH_SHOTS_SINGLE, "weapons/electro_fly.wav", VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NORM); self.mins = '0 0 -4'; self.maxs = '0 0 -4'; self.move_movetype = MOVETYPE_BOUNCE; self.move_touch = func_null; self.move_bounce_factor = g_balance_electro_secondary_bouncefactor; self.move_bounce_stopspeed = g_balance_electro_secondary_bouncestop; break; */ default: break; } if(Nade_IDFromProjectile(self.cnt) != 0) { int nade_type = Nade_IDFromProjectile(self.cnt); self.mins = '-16 -16 -16'; self.maxs = '16 16 16'; self.colormod = Nade_Color(nade_type); self.move_movetype = MOVETYPE_BOUNCE; self.move_touch = func_null; self.scale = 1.5; self.avelocity = randomvec() * 720; if(nade_type == NADE_TYPE_TRANSLOCATE || nade_type == NADE_TYPE_SPAWN) self.dphitcontentsmask = DPCONTENTS_SOLID | DPCONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP | DPCONTENTS_BOTCLIP; else self.dphitcontentsmask = DPCONTENTS_SOLID | DPCONTENTS_BODY; } setsize(self, self.mins, self.maxs); } if(self.gravity) { if(self.move_movetype == MOVETYPE_FLY) self.move_movetype = MOVETYPE_TOSS; if(self.move_movetype == MOVETYPE_BOUNCEMISSILE) self.move_movetype = MOVETYPE_BOUNCE; } else { if(self.move_movetype == MOVETYPE_TOSS) self.move_movetype = MOVETYPE_FLY; if(self.move_movetype == MOVETYPE_BOUNCE) self.move_movetype = MOVETYPE_BOUNCEMISSILE; } if(!(self.count & 0x80)) InterpolateOrigin_Note(); self.draw = Projectile_Draw; self.entremove = Ent_RemoveProjectile; } void Projectile_Precache() { precache_model("models/ebomb.mdl"); precache_model("models/elaser.mdl"); precache_model("models/grenademodel.md3"); precache_model("models/mine.md3"); precache_model("models/hagarmissile.mdl"); precache_model("models/hlac_bullet.md3"); precache_model("models/laser.mdl"); precache_model("models/plasmatrail.mdl"); precache_model("models/rocket.md3"); precache_model("models/tagrocket.md3"); precache_model("models/tracer.mdl"); precache_model("models/sphere/sphere.md3"); precache_model("models/weapons/v_ok_grenade.md3"); precache_model("models/weapons/ok_rocket.md3"); precache_sound("weapons/electro_fly.wav"); precache_sound("weapons/rocket_fly.wav"); precache_sound("weapons/fireball_fly.wav"); precache_sound("weapons/fireball_fly2.wav"); precache_sound("weapons/tag_rocket_fly.wav"); }