#if defined(CSQC) #include "../dpdefs/csprogsdefs.qh" #include "defs.qh" #include "../common/util.qh" #include "autocvars.qh" #include "../csqcmodellib/interpolate.qh" #include "teamradar.qh" #include "hud.qh" #include "main.qh" #include "../csqcmodellib/cl_model.qh" #elif defined(MENUQC) #elif defined(SVQC) #endif float teamradar_angle; // player yaw angle vector teamradar_origin3d_in_texcoord; // player origin vector teamradar_origin2d; // 2D origin vector teamradar_size2d; // 2D size vector teamradar_extraclip_mins, teamradar_extraclip_maxs; // for non-centered radar display float teamradar_size; // 2D scale factor float v_flipped; float vlen2d(vector v) { return sqrt(v.x * v.x + v.y * v.y); } float vlen_maxnorm2d(vector v) { return max(v.x, v.y, -v.x, -v.y); } float vlen_minnorm2d(vector v) { return min(max(v.x, -v.x), max(v.y, -v.y)); } vector teamradar_3dcoord_to_texcoord(vector in) { vector out; out_x = (in.x - mi_picmin.x) / (mi_picmax.x - mi_picmin.x); out_y = (in.y - mi_picmin.y) / (mi_picmax.y - mi_picmin.y); out_z = 0; return out; } vector teamradar_texcoord_to_2dcoord(vector in) { vector out; in -= teamradar_origin3d_in_texcoord; out = rotate(in, teamradar_angle * DEG2RAD); out_y = - out.y; // screen space is reversed out = out * teamradar_size; if(v_flipped) out_x = -out.x; out += teamradar_origin2d; return out; } vector yinvert(vector v) { v_y = 1 - v.y; return v; } void draw_teamradar_background(float fg) { float fga; vector fgc; if(fg > 0 && minimapname != "") { fga = 1; fgc = '1 1 1' * fg; R_BeginPolygon(minimapname, DRAWFLAG_SCREEN | DRAWFLAG_MIPMAP); if(v_flipped) { R_PolygonVertex(teamradar_texcoord_to_2dcoord(mi_pictexcoord3), yinvert(mi_pictexcoord3), fgc, fga); R_PolygonVertex(teamradar_texcoord_to_2dcoord(mi_pictexcoord2), yinvert(mi_pictexcoord2), fgc, fga); R_PolygonVertex(teamradar_texcoord_to_2dcoord(mi_pictexcoord1), yinvert(mi_pictexcoord1), fgc, fga); R_PolygonVertex(teamradar_texcoord_to_2dcoord(mi_pictexcoord0), yinvert(mi_pictexcoord0), fgc, fga); } else { R_PolygonVertex(teamradar_texcoord_to_2dcoord(mi_pictexcoord0), yinvert(mi_pictexcoord0), fgc, fga); R_PolygonVertex(teamradar_texcoord_to_2dcoord(mi_pictexcoord1), yinvert(mi_pictexcoord1), fgc, fga); R_PolygonVertex(teamradar_texcoord_to_2dcoord(mi_pictexcoord2), yinvert(mi_pictexcoord2), fgc, fga); R_PolygonVertex(teamradar_texcoord_to_2dcoord(mi_pictexcoord3), yinvert(mi_pictexcoord3), fgc, fga); } R_EndPolygon(); } } void draw_teamradar_player(vector coord3d, vector pangles, vector rgb) { vector coord, rgb2; coord = teamradar_texcoord_to_2dcoord(teamradar_3dcoord_to_texcoord(coord3d)); makevectors(pangles - '0 1 0' * teamradar_angle); if(v_flipped) { v_forward_x = -v_forward.x; v_right_x = -v_right.x; v_up_x = -v_up.x; } v_forward_z = 0; v_forward = normalize(v_forward); v_forward.y *= -1.0; v_right_x = -v_forward.y; v_right_y = v_forward.x; if(rgb == '1 1 1') rgb2 = '0 0 0'; else rgb2 = '1 1 1'; R_BeginPolygon("", 0); R_PolygonVertex(coord+v_forward*3, '0 0 0', rgb2, panel_fg_alpha); R_PolygonVertex(coord+v_right*4-v_forward*2.5, '0 1 0', rgb2, panel_fg_alpha); R_PolygonVertex(coord-v_forward*2, '1 0 0', rgb2, panel_fg_alpha); R_PolygonVertex(coord-v_right*4-v_forward*2.5, '1 1 0', rgb2, panel_fg_alpha); R_EndPolygon(); R_BeginPolygon("", 0); R_PolygonVertex(coord+v_forward*2, '0 0 0', rgb, panel_fg_alpha); R_PolygonVertex(coord+v_right*3-v_forward*2, '0 1 0', rgb, panel_fg_alpha); R_PolygonVertex(coord-v_forward, '1 0 0', rgb, panel_fg_alpha); R_PolygonVertex(coord-v_right*3-v_forward*2, '1 1 0', rgb, panel_fg_alpha); R_EndPolygon(); } void draw_teamradar_icon(vector coord, float icon, entity pingdata, vector rgb, float a) { float dt; vector v; float i; coord = teamradar_texcoord_to_2dcoord(teamradar_3dcoord_to_texcoord(coord)); drawpic(coord - '4 4 0', strcat("gfx/teamradar_icon_", ftos(icon)), '8 8 0', rgb, a, 0); if(pingdata) { for(i = 0; i < MAX_TEAMRADAR_TIMES; ++i) { dt = pingdata.(teamradar_times[i]); if(dt == 0) continue; dt = time - dt; if(dt >= 1 || dt <= 0) continue; v = '2 2 0' * teamradar_size * dt; drawpic(coord - 0.5 * v, "gfx/teamradar_ping", v, '1 1 1', (1 - dt) * a, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE); } } } void draw_teamradar_link(vector start, vector end, int colors) { vector c0, c1, norm; start = teamradar_texcoord_to_2dcoord(teamradar_3dcoord_to_texcoord(start)); end = teamradar_texcoord_to_2dcoord(teamradar_3dcoord_to_texcoord(end)); norm = normalize(start - end); norm_z = norm.x; norm_x = -norm.y; norm_y = norm.z; norm_z = 0; c0 = colormapPaletteColor(colors & 0x0F, false); c1 = colormapPaletteColor((colors & 0xF0) / 0x10, false); R_BeginPolygon("", 0); R_PolygonVertex(start - norm, '0 0 0', c0, panel_fg_alpha); R_PolygonVertex(start + norm, '0 1 0', c0, panel_fg_alpha); R_PolygonVertex(end + norm, '1 1 0', c1, panel_fg_alpha); R_PolygonVertex(end - norm, '1 0 0', c1, panel_fg_alpha); R_EndPolygon(); } float hud_panel_radar_scale; // window size = ...qu float hud_panel_radar_foreground_alpha; float hud_panel_radar_rotation; vector hud_panel_radar_size; float hud_panel_radar_zoommode; float hud_panel_radar_maximized_zoommode; float hud_panel_radar_maximized_rotation; void teamradar_loadcvars() { v_flipped = autocvar_v_flipped; hud_panel_radar_scale = autocvar_hud_panel_radar_scale; if (hud_panel_radar_maximized && !autocvar__hud_configure) { if (autocvar_hud_panel_radar_maximized_scale > 0) hud_panel_radar_scale = autocvar_hud_panel_radar_maximized_scale; } hud_panel_radar_foreground_alpha = autocvar_hud_panel_radar_foreground_alpha * panel_fg_alpha; hud_panel_radar_rotation = autocvar_hud_panel_radar_rotation; hud_panel_radar_zoommode = autocvar_hud_panel_radar_zoommode; hud_panel_radar_maximized_rotation = autocvar_hud_panel_radar_maximized_rotation; hud_panel_radar_maximized_zoommode = autocvar_hud_panel_radar_maximized_zoommode; // others default to 0 // match this to defaultXonotic.cfg! if(!hud_panel_radar_scale) hud_panel_radar_scale = 4096; if(!hud_panel_radar_foreground_alpha) hud_panel_radar_foreground_alpha = 0.8 * panel_fg_alpha; if(!hud_panel_radar_size.x) hud_panel_radar_size_x = 128; if(!hud_panel_radar_size.y) hud_panel_radar_size_y = hud_panel_radar_size.x; } // radar links void Ent_RadarLink() { int sendflags = ReadByte(); InterpolateOrigin_Undo(); self.iflags = IFLAG_VELOCITY | IFLAG_ORIGIN; self.classname = "radarlink"; if(sendflags & 1) { self.origin_x = ReadCoord(); self.origin_y = ReadCoord(); self.origin_z = ReadCoord(); setorigin(self, self.origin); } if(sendflags & 2) { self.velocity_x = ReadCoord(); self.velocity_y = ReadCoord(); self.velocity_z = ReadCoord(); } if(sendflags & 4) { self.team = ReadByte(); } InterpolateOrigin_Note(); }