#ifndef MISCFUNCTIONS_H #define MISCFUNCTIONS_H entity players; entity teams; float team_count; // real teams void AuditLists(); float RegisterPlayer(entity player); void RemovePlayer(entity player); void MoveToLast(entity e); float RegisterTeam(entity Team); void RemoveTeam(entity Team); entity GetTeam(int Team, bool add); vector HUD_GetFontsize(string cvarname); float PreviewExists(string name); vector rotate(vector v, float a); int ColorTranslateMode; string ColorTranslateRGB(string s); // decolorizes and team colors the player name when needed string playername(string thename, float teamid); float cvar_or(string cv, float v); vector project_3d_to_2d(vector vec); void dummyfunction(float a1, float a2, float a3, float a4, float a5, float a6, float a7, float a8); float expandingbox_sizefactor_from_fadelerp(float fadelerp); vector expandingbox_resize_centered_box_offset(float sz, vector boxsize, float boxxsizefactor); void drawborderlines(float thickness, vector pos, vector dim, vector color, float theAlpha, float drawflag); void drawpic_tiled(vector pos, string pic, vector sz, vector area, vector color, float theAlpha, float drawflag); void defer(float fdelay, void() func); void defer_clear(entity ent); // drawpic wrapper to draw an image as large as possible with preserved aspect ratio into a box float _drawpic_imgaspect; vector _drawpic_imgsize; vector _drawpic_sz; float _drawpic_oldsz; string _drawpic_picpath; #define drawpic_aspect(pos,pic,mySize,color,theAlpha,drawflag)\ do {\ _drawpic_imgsize = draw_getimagesize(pic);\ if(_drawpic_imgsize != '0 0 0') {\ _drawpic_imgaspect = _drawpic_imgsize.x/_drawpic_imgsize.y;\ _drawpic_sz = mySize;\ if(_drawpic_sz.x/_drawpic_sz.y > _drawpic_imgaspect) {\ _drawpic_oldsz = _drawpic_sz.x;\ _drawpic_sz.x = _drawpic_sz.y * _drawpic_imgaspect;\ if(_drawpic_sz.x)\ drawpic(pos + eX * (_drawpic_oldsz - _drawpic_sz.x) * 0.5, pic, _drawpic_sz, color, theAlpha, drawflag);\ } else {\ _drawpic_oldsz = _drawpic_sz.y;\ _drawpic_sz.y = _drawpic_sz.x / _drawpic_imgaspect;\ if(_drawpic_sz.y)\ drawpic(pos + eY * (_drawpic_oldsz - _drawpic_sz.y) * 0.5, pic, _drawpic_sz, color, theAlpha, drawflag);\ }\ }\ } while(0) // draw HUD element with image from gfx/hud/hud_skin/foo.tga if it exists, otherwise gfx/hud/default/foo.tga #define drawpic_aspect_skin(pos,pic,sz,color,theAlpha,drawflag)\ do{\ _drawpic_picpath = strcat(hud_skin_path, "/", pic);\ if(precache_pic(_drawpic_picpath) == "") {\ _drawpic_picpath = strcat("gfx/hud/default/", pic);\ }\ drawpic_aspect(pos, _drawpic_picpath, sz, color, theAlpha, drawflag);\ _drawpic_picpath = string_null;\ } while(0) // draw HUD element with image from gfx/hud/hud_skin/foo.tga if it exists, otherwise gfx/hud/default/foo.tga #define drawpic_skin(pos,pic,sz,color,theAlpha,drawflag)\ do{\ _drawpic_picpath = strcat(hud_skin_path, "/", pic);\ if(precache_pic(_drawpic_picpath) == "") {\ _drawpic_picpath = strcat("gfx/hud/default/", pic);\ }\ drawpic(pos, _drawpic_picpath, sz, color, theAlpha, drawflag);\ _drawpic_picpath = string_null;\ } while(0) void drawpic_aspect_skin_expanding(vector position, string pic, vector theScale, vector rgb, float theAlpha, float flag, float fadelerp); void drawpic_aspect_skin_expanding_two(vector position, string pic, vector theScale, vector rgb, float theAlpha, float flag, float fadelerp); #define SET_POS_AND_SZ_Y_ASPECT(allow_colors) do { \ float textaspect, oldsz; \ textaspect = stringwidth(text, allow_colors, '1 1 1' * sz.y) / sz.y; \ if(sz.x/sz.y > textaspect) { \ oldsz = sz.x; \ sz.x = sz.y * textaspect; \ pos.x += (oldsz - sz.x) * 0.5; \ } else { \ oldsz = sz.y; \ sz.y = sz.x / textaspect; \ pos.y += (oldsz - sz.y) * 0.5; \ } \ } while(0) // drawstring wrapper to draw a string as large as possible with preserved aspect ratio into a box void drawstring_aspect(vector pos, string text, vector sz, vector color, float theAlpha, float drawflag); // drawstring wrapper to draw a colorcodedstring as large as possible with preserved aspect ratio into a box void drawcolorcodedstring_aspect(vector pos, string text, vector sz, float theAlpha, float drawflag); vector drawfontscale; void drawstring_expanding(vector position, string text, vector theScale, vector rgb, float theAlpha, float flag, float fadelerp); // drawstring wrapper to draw a string as large as possible with preserved aspect ratio into a box void drawstring_aspect_expanding(vector pos, string text, vector sz, vector color, float theAlpha, float drawflag, float fadelerp); void drawcolorcodedstring_expanding(vector position, string text, vector theScale, float theAlpha, float flag, float fadelerp); void drawcolorcodedstring_aspect_expanding(vector pos, string text, vector sz, float theAlpha, float drawflag, float fadelerp); // this draws the triangles of a model DIRECTLY. Don't expect high performance, really... float PolyDrawModelSurface(entity e, float i_s); void PolyDrawModel(entity e); void DrawCircleClippedPic(vector centre, float radius, string pic, float f, vector rgb, float a, float drawflag); const vector GETPLAYERORIGIN_ERROR = '1123581321 2357111317 3141592653'; // way out of bounds for anything on the map vector getplayerorigin(int pl); float getplayeralpha(float pl); vector getcsqcplayercolor(float pl); float getplayerisdead(float pl); void URI_Get_Callback(int id, float status, string data); void draw_beginBoldFont(); void draw_endBoldFont(); const int MAX_ACCURACY_LEVELS = 10; float acc_lev[MAX_ACCURACY_LEVELS]; vector acc_col[MAX_ACCURACY_LEVELS]; float acc_col_loadtime; int acc_levels; string acc_color_levels; void Accuracy_LoadLevels(); void Accuracy_LoadColors(); vector Accuracy_GetColor(float accuracy); #endif