#include "mapvoting.qh" #include #include #include #include #include // MapVote (#21) void MapVote_Draw_Export(int fh) { // allow saving cvars that aesthetically change the panel into hud skin files HUD_Write_Cvar("hud_panel_mapvote_highlight_border"); } int mv_num_maps; string mv_maps[MAPVOTE_COUNT]; string mv_pics[MAPVOTE_COUNT]; string mv_pk3[MAPVOTE_COUNT]; // map pk3 name or gametype human readable name string mv_desc[MAPVOTE_COUNT]; float mv_preview[MAPVOTE_COUNT]; float mv_votes[MAPVOTE_COUNT]; float mv_flags[MAPVOTE_COUNT]; float mv_flags_start[MAPVOTE_COUNT]; entity mv_pk3list; float mv_abstain; float mv_ownvote; float mv_detail; float mv_timeout; float mv_top2_time; float mv_top2_alpha; int mv_selection; int mv_columns; int mv_mouse_selection; int mv_selection_keyboard; float gametypevote; string mapvote_chosenmap; vector gtv_text_size; vector gtv_text_size_small; const int NUM_SSDIRS = 4; string ssdirs[NUM_SSDIRS]; int n_ssdirs; bool PreviewExists(string name) { if(autocvar_cl_readpicture_force) return false; if (fexists(strcat(name, ".tga"))) return true; if (fexists(strcat(name, ".png"))) return true; if (fexists(strcat(name, ".jpg"))) return true; if (fexists(strcat(name, ".pcx"))) return true; return false; } string MapVote_FormatMapItem(int id, string map, float _count, float maxwidth, vector fontsize) { TC(int, id); string pre, post; pre = sprintf("%d. ", id+1); if(mv_detail) { if(_count == 1) post = _(" (1 vote)"); else if(_count >= 0 && (mv_flags[id] & GTV_AVAILABLE)) post = sprintf(_(" (%d votes)"), _count); else post = ""; } else post = ""; maxwidth -= stringwidth(pre, false, fontsize) + stringwidth(post, false, fontsize); map = textShortenToWidth(map, maxwidth, fontsize, stringwidth_nocolors); return strcat(pre, map, post); } vector MapVote_RGB(int id) { TC(int, id); if(!(mv_flags[id] & GTV_AVAILABLE)) return '1 1 1'; if(id == mv_ownvote) return '0 1 0'; else if (id == mv_selection) return '1 1 0'; else return '1 1 1'; } void GameTypeVote_DrawGameTypeItem(vector pos, float maxh, float tsize, string gtype, string pic, float _count, int id) { TC(int, id); // Find the correct alpha float alpha; if(!(mv_flags_start[id] & GTV_AVAILABLE)) alpha = 0.2; // The gametype isn't supported by the map else if ( !(mv_flags[id] & GTV_AVAILABLE) && mv_top2_alpha) alpha = mv_top2_alpha; // Fade away if not one of the top 2 choice else alpha = 1; // Normal, full alpha alpha *= panel_fg_alpha; // Bounding box details float rect_margin = hud_fontsize.y / 2; pos.x += rect_margin + autocvar_hud_panel_mapvote_highlight_border; pos.y += rect_margin + autocvar_hud_panel_mapvote_highlight_border; maxh -= 2 * (rect_margin + autocvar_hud_panel_mapvote_highlight_border); tsize -= 2 * (rect_margin + autocvar_hud_panel_mapvote_highlight_border); vector rect_pos = pos - '0.5 0.5 0' * rect_margin; vector rect_size = '1 1 0'; rect_size.x = tsize + rect_margin; rect_size.y = maxh + rect_margin; // Highlight selected item if(id == mv_selection && (mv_flags[id] & GTV_AVAILABLE)) { drawfill(rect_pos, rect_size, '1 1 1', 0.1 * panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } // Highlight current vote vector rgb = MapVote_RGB(id); if(id == mv_ownvote) { drawfill(rect_pos, rect_size, rgb, 0.1 * alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawborderlines(autocvar_hud_panel_mapvote_highlight_border, rect_pos, rect_size, rgb, alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } vector offset = pos; float title_gap = gtv_text_size.y * 1.4; // distance between the title and the description pos.y += title_gap; maxh -= title_gap; // Evaluate the image size vector image_size = '1 1 0' * gtv_text_size.x * 3; if ( maxh < image_size.y ) image_size = '1 1 0' * maxh; image_size *= 0.8; float desc_padding = gtv_text_size.x * 0.6; pos.x += image_size.x + desc_padding; tsize -= image_size.x + desc_padding; // Split the description into lines entity title; title = spawn(); title.message = MapVote_FormatMapItem(id, mv_pk3[id], _count, tsize, gtv_text_size); string thelabel = mv_desc[id], ts; entity last = title; entity next = NULL; float nlines = 0; if( thelabel != "") { float i,n = tokenizebyseparator(thelabel, "\n"); for(i = 0; i < n && maxh > (nlines+1)*gtv_text_size_small.y; ++i) { getWrappedLine_remaining = argv(i); while(getWrappedLine_remaining && maxh > (nlines+1)*gtv_text_size_small.y) { ts = getWrappedLine(tsize, gtv_text_size_small, stringwidth_colors); if (ts != "") { next = spawn(); next.message = ts; next.origin = pos-offset; last.chain = next; last = next; pos.y += gtv_text_size_small.y; nlines++; } } } } // Center the contents in the bounding box maxh -= max(nlines*gtv_text_size_small.y,image_size.y); if ( maxh > 0 ) offset.y += maxh/2; // Draw the title drawstring(offset, title.message, gtv_text_size, rgb, alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); // Draw the icon if(pic != "") drawpic('0 1 0'*title_gap+'0.5 0 0'*desc_padding+offset, pic, image_size, '1 1 1', alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); // Draw the description for ( last = title.chain; last ; ) { drawstring(last.origin+offset, last.message, gtv_text_size_small, '1 1 1', alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); next = last; last = last.chain; delete(next); } // Cleanup delete(title); } void MapVote_DrawMapItem(vector pos, float isize, float tsize, string map, string pic, float _count, int id) { TC(int, id); vector img_size = '0 0 0'; string label; float text_size; float rect_margin = hud_fontsize.y / 2; pos.x += rect_margin + autocvar_hud_panel_mapvote_highlight_border; pos.y += rect_margin + autocvar_hud_panel_mapvote_highlight_border; isize -= 2 * (rect_margin + autocvar_hud_panel_mapvote_highlight_border); tsize -= 2 * (rect_margin + autocvar_hud_panel_mapvote_highlight_border); vector rect_pos = pos - '0.5 0.5 0' * rect_margin; vector rect_size = '1 1 0'; rect_size.x = tsize + rect_margin; rect_size.y = isize + rect_margin; float img_ar = 4/3; img_size.x = min(tsize, isize * img_ar); img_size.y = img_size.x / img_ar; img_size.y -= hud_fontsize.y; img_size.x = img_size.y * img_ar; pos.y += (isize - img_size.y - hud_fontsize.y) / 2; label = MapVote_FormatMapItem(id, map, _count, tsize, hud_fontsize); text_size = stringwidth(label, false, hud_fontsize); float save_rect_sizex = rect_size.x; rect_size.x = max(img_size.x, text_size) + rect_margin; rect_pos.x += (save_rect_sizex - rect_size.x) / 2; vector text_pos = '0 0 0'; text_pos.x = pos.x + (tsize - text_size) / 2; text_pos.y = pos.y + img_size.y; pos.x += (tsize - img_size.x) / 2; float theAlpha; if (!(mv_flags[id] & GTV_AVAILABLE) && mv_top2_alpha) theAlpha = mv_top2_alpha; else theAlpha = 1; theAlpha *= panel_fg_alpha; // Highlight selected item if(id == mv_selection && (mv_flags[id] & GTV_AVAILABLE)) drawfill(rect_pos, rect_size, '1 1 1', 0.1 * panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); // Highlight current vote vector rgb = MapVote_RGB(id); if(id == mv_ownvote) { drawfill(rect_pos, rect_size, rgb, 0.1 * theAlpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawborderlines(autocvar_hud_panel_mapvote_highlight_border, rect_pos, rect_size, rgb, theAlpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } drawstring(text_pos, label, hud_fontsize, rgb, theAlpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); if(pic == "") { drawfill(pos, img_size, '.5 .5 .5', .7 * theAlpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } else { if(drawgetimagesize(pic) == '0 0 0') drawpic(pos, draw_UseSkinFor("nopreview_map"), img_size, '1 1 1', theAlpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); else drawpic(pos, pic, img_size, '1 1 1', theAlpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } } void MapVote_DrawAbstain(vector pos, float isize, float tsize, float _count, int id) { TC(int, id); vector rgb; float text_size; string label; rgb = MapVote_RGB(id); label = MapVote_FormatMapItem(id, _("Don't care"), _count, tsize, hud_fontsize); text_size = stringwidth(label, false, hud_fontsize); pos.x -= text_size*0.5; drawstring(pos, label, hud_fontsize, rgb, panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } vector MapVote_GridVec(vector gridspec, int i, int m) { TC(int, i); TC(int, m); int r = i % m; return '1 0 0' * (gridspec.x * r) + '0 1 0' * (gridspec.y * (i - r) / m); } float MapVote_Selection(vector topleft, vector cellsize, float rows, float columns) { float c, r; mv_mouse_selection = -1; for (r = 0; r < rows; ++r) for (c = 0; c < columns; ++c) { if (mousepos.x >= topleft.x + cellsize.x * c && mousepos.x <= topleft.x + cellsize.x * (c + 1) && mousepos.y >= topleft.y + cellsize.y * r && mousepos.y <= topleft.y + cellsize.y * (r + 1)) { mv_mouse_selection = r * columns + c; break; } } if (mv_mouse_selection >= mv_num_maps) mv_mouse_selection = -1; if (mv_abstain && mv_mouse_selection < 0) mv_mouse_selection = mv_num_maps; if ( mv_selection_keyboard ) return mv_selection; return mv_mouse_selection; } vector prev_mousepos; // draws map vote or gametype vote void MapVote_Draw() { string map; int i; float tmp; vector pos; float center; float rows; vector dist = '0 0 0'; //if(intermission != 2) return; if(!mv_active) return; HUD_Panel_LoadCvars(); if (!autocvar_hud_cursormode) { if (mousepos.x != prev_mousepos.x || mousepos.y != prev_mousepos.y) { mv_selection_keyboard = 0; prev_mousepos = mousepos; } } center = (vid_conwidth - 1)/2; xmin = vid_conwidth * 0.08; xmax = vid_conwidth - xmin; ymin = 20; ymax = vid_conheight - ymin; if(chat_posy + chat_sizey / 2 < vid_conheight / 2) ymin += chat_sizey; else ymax -= chat_sizey; hud_fontsize = HUD_GetFontsize("hud_fontsize"); if (gametypevote) { gtv_text_size = hud_fontsize * 1.4; gtv_text_size_small = hud_fontsize * 1.1; } pos.y = ymin; pos.z = 0; HUD_Scale_Disable(); draw_beginBoldFont(); map = ((gametypevote) ? _("Decide the gametype") : _("Vote for a map")); pos.x = center - stringwidth(map, false, hud_fontsize * 2) * 0.5; drawstring(pos, map, hud_fontsize * 2, '1 1 1', panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); pos.y += hud_fontsize.y * 2; if( mapvote_chosenmap != "" ) { pos.y += hud_fontsize.y * 0.25; pos.x = center - stringwidth(mapvote_chosenmap, false, hud_fontsize * 1.5) * 0.5; drawstring(pos, mapvote_chosenmap, hud_fontsize * 1.5, '1 1 1', panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); pos.y += hud_fontsize.y * 1.5; } pos.y += hud_fontsize.y * 0.5; draw_endBoldFont(); i = ceil(max(0, mv_timeout - time)); map = sprintf(_("%d seconds left"), i); pos.x = center - stringwidth(map, false, hud_fontsize * 1.5) * 0.5; drawstring(pos, map, hud_fontsize * 1.5, '0 1 0', panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); pos.y += hud_fontsize.y * 1.5; pos.y += hud_fontsize.y * 0.5; // base for multi-column stuff... pos.y += hud_fontsize.y; pos.x = xmin; ymin = pos.y; float abstain_spacing = panel_bg_border + hud_fontsize.y; if(mv_abstain) { mv_num_maps -= 1; ymax -= abstain_spacing; } // higher than the image itself ratio for mapvote items to reserve space for long map names int item_aspect = (gametypevote) ? 3/1 : 5/3; vector table_size = HUD_GetTableSize_BestItemAR(mv_num_maps, vec2(xmax - xmin, ymax - ymin), item_aspect); mv_columns = table_size.x; rows = table_size.y; dist.x = (xmax - xmin) / mv_columns; dist.y = (ymax - pos.y) / rows; // reduce size of too wide items tmp = vid_conwidth / 3; // max width if(dist.x > tmp) { dist.x = tmp; dist.y = min(dist.y, dist.x / item_aspect); } tmp = vid_conheight / 3; // max height if(dist.y > tmp) { dist.y = tmp; dist.x = min(dist.x, dist.y * item_aspect); } // reduce size to fix aspect ratio if(dist.x / dist.y > item_aspect) dist.x = dist.y * item_aspect; else dist.y = dist.x / item_aspect; // adjust table pos and size according to the new size float offset; offset = ((xmax - pos.x) - dist.x * mv_columns) / 2; xmin = pos.x += offset; xmax -= offset; offset = ((ymax - pos.y) - dist.y * rows) / 2; ymax -= 2 * offset; // override panel_pos and panel_size panel_pos.x = pos.x; panel_pos.y = pos.y; panel_size.x = xmax - xmin; panel_size.y = ymax - ymin; HUD_Panel_DrawBg(); if(panel_bg_padding) { // FIXME item AR gets slightly changed here... // it's rather hard to avoid it at this point dist.x -= 2 * panel_bg_padding / mv_columns; dist.y -= 2 * panel_bg_padding / rows; xmin = pos.x += panel_bg_padding; ymin = pos.y += panel_bg_padding; xmax -= 2 * panel_bg_padding; ymax -= 2 * panel_bg_padding; } mv_selection = MapVote_Selection(pos, dist, rows, mv_columns); if (mv_top2_time) mv_top2_alpha = max(0.2, 1 - (time - mv_top2_time) ** 2); void (vector, float, float, string, string, float, float) DrawItem; if(gametypevote) DrawItem = GameTypeVote_DrawGameTypeItem; else DrawItem = MapVote_DrawMapItem; for(i = 0; i < mv_num_maps; ++i) { tmp = mv_votes[i]; // FTEQCC bug: too many array accesses in the function call screw it up map = mv_maps[i]; if(mv_preview[i]) DrawItem(pos + MapVote_GridVec(dist, i, mv_columns), dist.y, dist.x, map, mv_pics[i], tmp, i); else DrawItem(pos + MapVote_GridVec(dist, i, mv_columns), dist.y, dist.x, map, "", tmp, i); } if(mv_abstain) ++mv_num_maps; if(mv_abstain && i < mv_num_maps) { tmp = mv_votes[i]; pos.y = ymax + abstain_spacing; pos.x = (xmax+xmin)*0.5; MapVote_DrawAbstain(pos, dist.x, xmax - xmin, tmp, i); } } void Cmd_MapVote_MapDownload(int argc) { TC(int, argc); entity pak; if(argc != 2 || !mv_pk3list) { LOG_INFO(_("mv_mapdownload: ^3You're not supposed to use this command on your own!")); return; } int id = stof(argv(1)); for(pak = mv_pk3list; pak; pak = pak.chain) if(pak.sv_entnum == id) break; if(!pak || pak.sv_entnum != id) { LOG_INFO(_("^1Error:^7 Couldn't find pak index.")); return; } if(PreviewExists(pak.message)) { mv_preview[id] = true; return; } else { LOG_INFO(_("Requesting preview...")); localcmd(strcat("\ncmd mv_getpicture ", ftos(id), "\n")); } } void MapVote_CheckPK3(string pic, string pk3, int id) { TC(int, id); entity pak; pak = spawn(); pak.netname = pk3; pak.message = pic; pak.sv_entnum = id; pak.chain = mv_pk3list; mv_pk3list = pak; if(pk3 != "") { localcmd(strcat("\ncurl --pak ", pk3, "; wait; cl_cmd mv_download ", ftos(id), "\n")); } else { Cmd_MapVote_MapDownload(tokenize_console(strcat("mv_download ", ftos(id)))); } } void MapVote_CheckPic(string pic, string pk3, int id) { TC(int, id); // never try to retrieve a pic for the "don't care" 'map' if(mv_abstain && id == mv_num_maps - 1) return; if(PreviewExists(pic)) { mv_preview[id] = true; return; } MapVote_CheckPK3(pic, pk3, id); } void MapVote_ReadMask() { int i; if ( mv_num_maps < 24 ) { int mask; if(mv_num_maps < 8) mask = ReadByte(); else if(mv_num_maps < 16) mask = ReadShort(); else mask = ReadLong(); for(i = 0; i < mv_num_maps; ++i) { if (mask & BIT(i)) mv_flags[i] |= GTV_AVAILABLE; else mv_flags[i] &= ~GTV_AVAILABLE; } } else { for(i = 0; i < mv_num_maps; ++i ) mv_flags[i] = ReadByte(); } } void MapVote_ReadOption(int i) { TC(int, i); string map = strzone(ReadString()); string pk3 = strzone(ReadString()); int j = bound(0, ReadByte(), n_ssdirs - 1); mv_maps[i] = map; mv_pk3[i] = pk3; mv_flags[i] = GTV_AVAILABLE; string pic = strzone(strcat(ssdirs[j], "/", map)); mv_pics[i] = pic; mv_preview[i] = false; MapVote_CheckPic(pic, pk3, i); } void GameTypeVote_ReadOption(int i) { TC(int, i); string gt = strzone(ReadString()); mv_maps[i] = gt; mv_flags[i] = ReadByte(); string basetype = ""; if ( mv_flags[i] & GTV_CUSTOM ) { string name = ReadString(); if ( strlen(name) < 1 ) name = gt; mv_pk3[i] = strzone(name); mv_desc[i] = strzone(ReadString()); basetype = strzone(ReadString()); } else { Gametype type = MapInfo_Type_FromString(gt, false); mv_pk3[i] = strzone(MapInfo_Type_ToText(type)); mv_desc[i] = MapInfo_Type_Description(type); } string mv_picpath = sprintf("gfx/menu/%s/gametype_%s", autocvar_menu_skin, gt); if(precache_pic(mv_picpath) == "") { mv_picpath = strcat("gfx/menu/default/gametype_", gt); if(precache_pic(mv_picpath) == "") { mv_picpath = sprintf("gfx/menu/%s/gametype_%s", autocvar_menu_skin, basetype); if(precache_pic(mv_picpath) == "") { mv_picpath = strcat("gfx/menu/default/gametype_", basetype); } } } string pic = strzone(mv_picpath); mv_pics[i] = pic; mv_preview[i] = PreviewExists(pic); } void MapVote_Init() { mv_active = 1; if(!autocvar_hud_cursormode) mousepos = '0.5 0 0' * vid_conwidth + '0 0.5 0' * vid_conheight; mv_selection = -1; mv_selection_keyboard = 0; string s; for(n_ssdirs = 0; ; ++n_ssdirs) { s = ReadString(); if(s == "") break; if(n_ssdirs < NUM_SSDIRS) ssdirs[n_ssdirs] = s; } n_ssdirs = min(n_ssdirs, NUM_SSDIRS); mv_num_maps = min(MAPVOTE_COUNT, ReadByte()); mv_abstain = ReadByte(); if(mv_abstain) mv_abstain = 1; // must be 1 for bool-true, makes stuff easier mv_detail = ReadByte(); mv_ownvote = -1; mv_timeout = ReadCoord(); gametypevote = ReadByte(); if(gametypevote) { mapvote_chosenmap = strzone(ReadString()); if ( gametypevote == 2 ) gametypevote = 0; } MapVote_ReadMask(); int i; for(i = 0; i < mv_num_maps; ++i ) mv_flags_start[i] = mv_flags[i]; // Assume mv_pk3list is NULL, there should only be 1 mapvote per round mv_pk3list = NULL; // I'm still paranoid! for(i = 0; i < mv_num_maps; ++i) { mv_votes[i] = 0; if ( gametypevote ) GameTypeVote_ReadOption(i); else MapVote_ReadOption(i); } for(i = 0; i < n_ssdirs; ++i) ssdirs[n_ssdirs] = string_null; n_ssdirs = 0; } void MapVote_SendChoice(int index) { TC(int, index); localcmd(strcat("\nimpulse ", ftos(index+1), "\n")); } int MapVote_MoveLeft(int pos) { TC(int, pos); int imp; if ( pos < 0 ) imp = mv_num_maps - 1; else imp = pos < 1 ? mv_num_maps - 1 : pos - 1; if ( !(mv_flags[imp] & GTV_AVAILABLE) && imp != mv_ownvote ) imp = MapVote_MoveLeft(imp); return imp; } int MapVote_MoveRight(int pos) { TC(int, pos); int imp; if ( pos < 0 ) imp = 0; else imp = pos >= mv_num_maps - 1 ? 0 : pos + 1; if ( !(mv_flags[imp] & GTV_AVAILABLE) && imp != mv_ownvote ) imp = MapVote_MoveRight(imp); return imp; } int MapVote_MoveUp(int pos) { TC(int, pos); int imp; if ( pos < 0 ) imp = mv_num_maps - 1; else { imp = pos - mv_columns; if ( imp < 0 ) { imp = floor(mv_num_maps/mv_columns)*mv_columns + pos % mv_columns; if ( imp >= mv_num_maps ) imp -= mv_columns; } } if ( !(mv_flags[imp] & GTV_AVAILABLE) && imp != mv_ownvote ) imp = MapVote_MoveUp(imp); return imp; } int MapVote_MoveDown(int pos) { TC(int, pos); int imp; if ( pos < 0 ) imp = 0; else { imp = pos + mv_columns; if ( imp >= mv_num_maps ) imp = imp % mv_columns; } if ( !(mv_flags[imp] & GTV_AVAILABLE) && imp != mv_ownvote ) imp = MapVote_MoveDown(imp); return imp; } float MapVote_InputEvent(int bInputType, float nPrimary, float nSecondary) { TC(int, bInputType); static int first_digit = 0; if (!mv_active) return false; if(bInputType == 3) { mousepos.x = nPrimary; mousepos.y = nSecondary; mv_selection_keyboard = 0; return true; } if (bInputType == 2) return false; // at this point bInputType can be 0 or 1 (key pressed or released) bool key_pressed = (bInputType == 0); if (key_pressed) { if (nPrimary == K_ALT) hudShiftState |= S_ALT; if (nPrimary == K_CTRL) hudShiftState |= S_CTRL; if (nPrimary == K_SHIFT) hudShiftState |= S_SHIFT; } else { if (nPrimary == K_ALT) hudShiftState -= (hudShiftState & S_ALT); if (nPrimary == K_CTRL) hudShiftState -= (hudShiftState & S_CTRL); if (nPrimary == K_SHIFT) hudShiftState -= (hudShiftState & S_SHIFT); if (nPrimary == K_CTRL) first_digit = 0; } int imp = 0; switch(nPrimary) { case K_RIGHTARROW: if (!key_pressed) return true; mv_selection_keyboard = 1; mv_selection = MapVote_MoveRight(mv_selection); return true; case K_LEFTARROW: if (!key_pressed) return true; mv_selection_keyboard = 1; mv_selection = MapVote_MoveLeft(mv_selection); return true; case K_DOWNARROW: if (!key_pressed) return true; mv_selection_keyboard = 1; mv_selection = MapVote_MoveDown(mv_selection); return true; case K_UPARROW: if (!key_pressed) return true; mv_selection_keyboard = 1; mv_selection = MapVote_MoveUp(mv_selection); return true; case K_KP_ENTER: case K_ENTER: case K_SPACE: if (!key_pressed) return true; if ( mv_selection_keyboard ) MapVote_SendChoice(mv_selection); return true; case '1': case K_KP_1: imp = 1; break; case '2': case K_KP_2: imp = 2; break; case '3': case K_KP_3: imp = 3; break; case '4': case K_KP_4: imp = 4; break; case '5': case K_KP_5: imp = 5; break; case '6': case K_KP_6: imp = 6; break; case '7': case K_KP_7: imp = 7; break; case '8': case K_KP_8: imp = 8; break; case '9': case K_KP_9: imp = 9; break; case '0': case K_KP_0: imp = 10; break; } if (imp && hudShiftState & S_CTRL) { if (!first_digit) { if (!key_pressed) return true; first_digit = imp % 10; return true; } else imp = first_digit * 10 + (imp % 10); } if (nPrimary == K_MOUSE1) { if (!key_pressed) return true; mv_selection_keyboard = 0; mv_selection = mv_mouse_selection; if (mv_selection >= 0) imp = min(mv_selection + 1, mv_num_maps); } if (imp) { if (!key_pressed) return true; if (imp <= mv_num_maps) localcmd(strcat("\nimpulse ", ftos(imp), "\n")); return true; } return false; } void MapVote_UpdateMask() { MapVote_ReadMask(); mv_top2_time = time; } void MapVote_UpdateVotes() { int i; for(i = 0; i < mv_num_maps; ++i) { if(mv_flags[i] & GTV_AVAILABLE) { if(mv_detail) mv_votes[i] = ReadByte(); else mv_votes[i] = 0; } else mv_votes[i] = -1; } mv_ownvote = ReadByte()-1; } NET_HANDLE(ENT_CLIENT_MAPVOTE, bool isnew) { make_pure(this); int sf = ReadByte(); return = true; if(sf & 1) MapVote_Init(); if(sf & 2) MapVote_UpdateMask(); if(sf & 4) MapVote_UpdateVotes(); } NET_HANDLE(TE_CSQC_PICTURE, bool isNew) { Net_MapVote_Picture(); return true; } void Net_MapVote_Picture() { int type = ReadByte(); mv_preview[type] = true; mv_pics[type] = strzone(ReadPicture()); }