// Name: StrafeHUD // Author: Juhu #include "strafehud.qh" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include bool fwd = true; bool state_fwd = true; bool state_fwd_prev = true; float demo_angle = -37; float demo_direction = 1; float demo_time = 0; float state_onground_time = 0; float state_strafekeys_time = 0; float state_direction_time = 0; bool state_onground = false; bool state_strafekeys = false; bool turn = false; float turnangle; // provide basic panel cvars to old clients // TODO remove them after a future release (0.8.2+) noref string autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_pos = "0.320000 0.570000"; noref string autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_size = "0.360000 0.020000"; noref string autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_bg = "0"; noref string autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_bg_color = ""; noref string autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_bg_color_team = ""; noref string autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_bg_alpha = "0.7"; noref string autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_bg_border = ""; noref string autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_bg_padding = ""; void HUD_StrafeHUD() { entity strafeplayer; bool islocal; if(!autocvar__hud_configure) { if(!autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud) return; if(spectatee_status == -1 && (autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud == 1 || autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud == 3)) return; if(autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud == 3 && !(ISGAMETYPE(RACE) || ISGAMETYPE(CTS))) return; } HUD_Panel_LoadCvars(); if(autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_dynamichud) HUD_Scale_Enable(); else HUD_Scale_Disable(); HUD_Panel_DrawBg(); if(panel_bg_padding) { panel_pos += '1 1 0' * panel_bg_padding; panel_size -= '2 2 0' * panel_bg_padding; } if(spectatee_status > 0 || isdemo()) { islocal = false; strafeplayer = CSQCModel_server2csqc(player_localentnum - 1); } else { islocal = true; strafeplayer = csqcplayer; } // draw strafehud if(csqcplayer && strafeplayer) { // physics bool onground = islocal ? IS_ONGROUND(strafeplayer) : !(strafeplayer.anim_implicit_state & ANIMIMPLICITSTATE_INAIR); bool strafekeys; bool iswater = strafeplayer.waterlevel >= WATERLEVEL_SWIMMING; float speed = !autocvar__hud_configure ? vlen(vec2(csqcplayer.velocity)) : 1337; // use local csqcmodel entity for this even when spectating, flickers too much otherwise float maxspeed_crouch_mod = IS_DUCKED(strafeplayer) && (!iswater || IS_ONGROUND(strafeplayer)) ? .5 : 1; float maxspeed_water_mod = iswater ? .7 : 1; // FIXME: water physics are way more complex than this float maxspeed_phys = onground ? PHYS_MAXSPEED(strafeplayer) : PHYS_MAXAIRSPEED(strafeplayer); float maxspeed = !autocvar__hud_configure ? maxspeed_phys * maxspeed_crouch_mod * maxspeed_water_mod : 320; float vel_angle = vectoangles(strafeplayer.velocity).y; float view_angle = view_angles.y + 180; float angle; float direction; vector movement = PHYS_INPUT_MOVEVALUES(strafeplayer); int keys = STAT(PRESSED_KEYS); int keys_fwd; float wishangle = 0; float moveangle; // HUD int mode = autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_mode >= 0 && autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_mode <= 1 ? autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_mode : 0; float hudangle; float bar_offset; float bar_width; vector currentangle_color = autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_warning_color; float currentangle_offset; vector currentangle_size = '0 0 0'; float bestangle; bool bestangle_anywhere = false; float bestangle_offset; float bestangle_width; float switch_bestangle_offset; float switch_bestangle_width; float accelzone_offset; float accelzone_width; float odd_accelzone_offset; float odd_accelzone_width; float overturn_offset; float overturn_width; float overturn_width_visible; float hidden_angle; float hidden_size; vector direction_size_vertical = '0 0 0'; vector direction_size_horizontal = '0 0 0'; float maxangle; float range_minangle; // determine whether the player is pressing forwards or backwards keys if(islocal) // if entity is local player { if(movement_x > 0) { keys_fwd = 1; } else if(movement_x < 0) { keys_fwd = -1; } else { keys_fwd = 0; } } else // alternatively determine direction by querying pressed keys { if((keys & KEY_FORWARD) && !(keys & KEY_BACKWARD)) { keys_fwd = 1; } else if(!(keys & KEY_FORWARD) && (keys & KEY_BACKWARD)) { keys_fwd = -1; } else { keys_fwd = 0; } } // determine player wishdir if(islocal) // if entity is local player { if(movement_x == 0) { if(movement_y < 0) { wishangle = -90; } else if(movement_y > 0) { wishangle = 90; } else { wishangle = 0; } } else { if(movement_y == 0) { wishangle = 0; } else { wishangle = RAD2DEG * atan2(movement_y, movement_x); // wrap the wish angle if it exceeds ±90° if(fabs(wishangle) > 90) { if(wishangle < 0) wishangle += 180; else wishangle -= 180; wishangle = -wishangle; } } } } else // alternatively calculate wishdir by querying pressed keys { if(keys & KEY_FORWARD || keys & KEY_BACKWARD) { wishangle = 45; } else { wishangle = 90; } if(keys & KEY_LEFT) { wishangle *= -1; } else if(!(keys & KEY_RIGHT)) { wishangle = 0; // wraps at 180° } } strafekeys = fabs(wishangle) == 90; // determine minimum required angle to display full strafe range range_minangle = fabs(wishangle) % 90; // maximum range is 90 degree if(range_minangle > 45) // minimum angle range is 45 { range_minangle = 45 - fabs(wishangle) % 45; } range_minangle = 90 - range_minangle; // calculate value which is never >90 or <45 range_minangle *= 2; // multiply to accommodate for both sides of the hud if(autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_angle == 0) { if(autocvar__hud_configure) { hudangle = 90; } else { hudangle = range_minangle; // use minimum angle required if dynamically setting hud angle } } else { hudangle = bound(0, fabs(autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_angle), 360); // limit HUD range to 360 degrees, higher values don't make sense } // detect air strafe turning if(onground != state_onground) { state_onground_time = time; } state_onground = onground; if(strafekeys != state_strafekeys) { state_strafekeys_time = time; } state_strafekeys = strafekeys; if((keys & KEY_FORWARD) || (keys & KEY_BACKWARD) || iswater || autocvar__hud_configure) { turn = false; } else if(onground) { if((time - state_onground_time) >= autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_timeout_ground) // timeout for strafe jumping in general { turn = false; } } else // air strafe only { if(strafekeys) { if(((time - state_onground_time) >= autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_timeout_air) || (keys & KEY_JUMP)) // timeout for slick ramps { turn = true; // CPMA turning turnangle = wishangle; } } else if((time - state_strafekeys_time) >= autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_timeout_strafe) // timeout for jumping with strafe keys only { turn = false; } } if(turn) { maxspeed = PHYS_MAXAIRSTRAFESPEED(strafeplayer); // no crouching here because it doesn't affect air strafing wishangle = turnangle; } autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_indicator_minspeed = autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_indicator_minspeed < 0 ? maxspeed + .1 : autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_indicator_minspeed; // get current strafing angle ranging from -180° to +180° if(!autocvar__hud_configure) { if(speed > 0) { // calculate view angle relative to the players current velocity direction angle = vel_angle - view_angle; // if the angle goes above 180° or below -180° wrap it to the opposite side if (angle > 180) angle -= 360; else if(angle < -180) angle += 360; // shift the strafe angle by 180° for hud calculations if(angle < 0) angle += 180; else angle -= 180; // determine whether the player is strafing forwards or backwards // if the player isn't strafe turning use forwards/backwards keys to determine direction if(!strafekeys) { if(keys_fwd > 0) { state_fwd = true; } else if(keys_fwd < 0) { state_fwd = false; } else { state_fwd = fabs(angle) <= 90; } } // otherwise determine by examining the strafe angle else { if(wishangle < 0) // detect direction since the direction is not yet set { state_fwd = angle <= -wishangle; } else { state_fwd = angle >= -wishangle; } } if(state_fwd_prev != state_fwd) { state_direction_time = time; } state_fwd_prev = state_fwd; if((time - state_direction_time) >= autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_timeout_direction) // timeout when changing between forwards and backwards strafe { fwd = state_fwd; } // shift the strafe angle by 180° when strafing backwards if(!fwd) { if(angle < 0) angle += 180; else angle -= 180; } // making the hud less flickery in case of rounding errors if(angle > 179.9 || angle < -179.9) { currentangle_color = autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_alert_color; angle = 0; } if(angle < .1 && angle > -.1) { angle = 0; } } else { angle = 0; } } else // simulate turning for HUD setup { if(autocvar__hud_panel_strafehud_center) { angle = demo_angle = 0; demo_time = 0; wishangle = 0; } else { if(autocvar__hud_panel_strafehud_demo && ((time - demo_time) >= .025)) { demo_time = time; demo_angle += demo_direction; if(fabs(demo_angle) >= 55) { demo_direction = -demo_direction; } } angle = demo_angle; wishangle = 45 * (demo_angle > 0 ? 1 : -1); } } // invert the wish angle when strafing backwards if(!fwd) { wishangle = -wishangle; } // flip angles if v_flipped is enabled if(autocvar_v_flipped) { angle = -angle; wishangle = -wishangle; } moveangle = angle + wishangle; if(wishangle != 0) { direction = wishangle > 0 ? 1 : -1; } else { direction = moveangle > 0 ? 1 : moveangle < 0 ? -1 : 0; } // how much is hidden by the current hud angle hidden_angle = 360 - hudangle; hidden_size = hidden_angle / hudangle * panel_size.x; // decelerating at this angle maxangle = 90 - fabs(wishangle); // best angle to strafe at bestangle = (speed > maxspeed ? acos(maxspeed / speed) : 0) * RAD2DEG * (direction < 0 ? -1 : 1) - wishangle; // various offsets and size calculations of hud indicator elements // current angle currentangle_size.x = panel_size.x * .005; if(currentangle_size.x < 1) currentangle_size.x = 1; if(mode == 0) { currentangle_offset = angle/hudangle * panel_size.x; } else { currentangle_offset = bound(-hudangle/2, angle, hudangle/2)/hudangle * panel_size.x + panel_size.x/2; } currentangle_size.y = panel_size.y * 1.5; // best strafe acceleration angle bestangle_offset = bestangle/hudangle * panel_size.x + panel_size.x/2; switch_bestangle_offset = -bestangle/hudangle * panel_size.x + panel_size.x/2; bestangle_width = panel_size.x * .01; if(bestangle_width < 1) bestangle_width = 1; switch_bestangle_width = bestangle_width; // remove indicator width from offset if(direction < 0) { bestangle_offset -= bestangle_width; } else { switch_bestangle_offset -= switch_bestangle_width; } // direction indicator direction_size_vertical.x = panel_size.x * .0075; if(direction_size_vertical.x < 1) direction_size_vertical.x = 1; direction_size_vertical.y = panel_size.y; direction_size_horizontal.x = direction_size_vertical.x * 3; direction_size_horizontal.y = direction_size_vertical.x; // overturn overturn_width = 180/hudangle * panel_size.x; overturn_width_visible = (hudangle/2 - maxangle) / hudangle * panel_size.x; // if the strafe bar fills the whole hud panel if(!(speed >= autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_indicator_minspeed) || !(direction != 0)) { // add a background to the strafe-o-meter if(panel_size.x > 0 && panel_size.y > 0) { HUD_Panel_DrawProgressBar(panel_pos, panel_size, "progressbar", 1, 0, 0, autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_bar_color, autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_bar_alpha * panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } } // mark the ideal strafe angle if(speed >= autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_indicator_minspeed) // only draw indicators if strafing is required to gain speed (or when whatever configured speed is reached) { if(direction != 0) // only draw acceleration zones if strafe direction can be determined { if(direction < 0) // turning left { // calculate zone in which strafe acceleration happens accelzone_width = bestangle_offset; // calculate offset of overturn area overturn_offset = overturn_width_visible - overturn_width; // move/adjust acceleration zone accelzone_offset = overturn_width_visible; accelzone_width -= overturn_width_visible; // calculate zone in which strafe acceleration could also happen without changing wishdir odd_accelzone_width = accelzone_width + bestangle_width; odd_accelzone_offset = overturn_offset - odd_accelzone_width; // calculate the background of the strafe-o-meter bar_offset = bestangle_offset + bestangle_width; bar_width = 360/hudangle * panel_size.x - bestangle_width - accelzone_width - odd_accelzone_width - overturn_width; } else // turning right { // calculate zone in which strafe acceleration happens accelzone_offset = bestangle_offset + bestangle_width; accelzone_width = panel_size.x - accelzone_offset; // calculate offset of overturn area overturn_offset = panel_size.x - overturn_width_visible; // adjust acceleration zone accelzone_width -= overturn_width_visible; // calculate zone in which strafe acceleration could also happen without changing wishdir odd_accelzone_width = accelzone_width + bestangle_width; odd_accelzone_offset = overturn_offset + overturn_width; // calculate the background of the strafe-o-meter bar_offset = odd_accelzone_offset + odd_accelzone_width; bar_width = 360/hudangle * panel_size.x - bestangle_width - accelzone_width - odd_accelzone_width - overturn_width; } if(mode == 0) { bar_offset -= currentangle_offset; accelzone_offset -= currentangle_offset; odd_accelzone_offset -= currentangle_offset; overturn_offset -= currentangle_offset; bestangle_offset -= currentangle_offset; switch_bestangle_offset -= currentangle_offset; } // draw acceleration zone HUD_Panel_DrawStrafeHUD_ProgressBar(accelzone_offset, accelzone_width, autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_indicator_color, autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_bar_alpha, hidden_size); // draw odd acceleration zone HUD_Panel_DrawStrafeHUD_ProgressBar(odd_accelzone_offset, odd_accelzone_width, autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_indicator_color, autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_bar_alpha, hidden_size); // draw overturn area HUD_Panel_DrawStrafeHUD_ProgressBar(overturn_offset, overturn_width, autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_alert_color, autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_bar_alpha, hidden_size); // draw the strafe bar background HUD_Panel_DrawStrafeHUD_ProgressBar(bar_offset, bar_width, autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_bar_color, autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_bar_alpha, hidden_size); // draw the direction indicator caps at the sides of the hud // vertical line drawfill(panel_pos + eX * (direction < 0 ? -direction_size_vertical.x : panel_size.x), direction_size_vertical, autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_direction_color, panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); // top horizontal line drawfill(panel_pos + eX * (direction < 0 ? -direction_size_vertical.x : panel_size.x - direction_size_horizontal.x + direction_size_vertical.x) - eY * direction_size_horizontal.y, direction_size_horizontal, autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_direction_color, panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); // bottom horizontal line drawfill(panel_pos + eX * (direction < 0 ? -direction_size_vertical.x : panel_size.x - direction_size_horizontal.x + direction_size_vertical.x) + eY * panel_size.y, direction_size_horizontal, autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_direction_color, panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); // draw best angles for acceleration HUD_Panel_DrawStrafeHUD_drawfill(switch_bestangle_offset, switch_bestangle_width, autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_indicator_switch_color, 1, hidden_size); HUD_Panel_DrawStrafeHUD_drawfill(bestangle_offset, bestangle_width, autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_indicator_color, 1, hidden_size); } else { // draw best angles for acceleration HUD_Panel_DrawStrafeHUD_drawfill(switch_bestangle_offset, switch_bestangle_width, autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_indicator_switch_color, 1, hidden_size); HUD_Panel_DrawStrafeHUD_drawfill(bestangle_offset, bestangle_width, autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_indicator_switch_color, 1, hidden_size); } } else { bestangle_anywhere = true; // no indicators, moving forward should suffice to gain speed } // draw the actual strafe angle if(!bestangle_anywhere) // player gains speed with strafing { if((direction > 0 && angle >= bestangle) || (direction < 0 && angle <= bestangle)) currentangle_color = autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_good_color; } if(fabs(moveangle) > 89.9) // player is overturning { currentangle_color = autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_alert_color; } if(speed <= (maxspeed + .1) && currentangle_color != autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_alert_color) // player gains speed without strafing { currentangle_color = autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_good_color; } if(mode == 0) { drawfill(panel_pos - eY * ((currentangle_size.y - panel_size.y) / 2) + eX * (panel_size.x/2 - currentangle_size.x/2), currentangle_size, currentangle_color, autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_angle_alpha * panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } else { drawfill(panel_pos - eY * ((currentangle_size.y - panel_size.y) / 2) + eX * (currentangle_offset - currentangle_size.x/2), currentangle_size, currentangle_color, autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_angle_alpha * panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } } } // functions to make hud elements align perfectly in the hud area void HUD_Panel_DrawStrafeHUD_ProgressBar(float offset, float width, vector color, float alpha, float hidden) { float mirror_offset, mirror_width; vector size = panel_size; vector mirror_size = panel_size; if(offset < 0) { mirror_width = min(fabs(offset), width); mirror_offset = panel_size.x + hidden - fabs(offset); width += offset; offset = 0; } else { mirror_width = min(offset + width - panel_size.x - hidden, width); mirror_offset = max(offset - panel_size.x - hidden, 0); } if((offset + width) > panel_size.x) { width = panel_size.x - offset; } if(mirror_offset < 0) { mirror_width += mirror_offset; mirror_offset = 0; } if((mirror_offset + mirror_width) > panel_size.x) { mirror_width = panel_size.x - mirror_offset; } size.x = width; mirror_size.x = mirror_width; if(mirror_size.x > 0 && mirror_size.y > 0) HUD_Panel_DrawProgressBar(panel_pos + eX * mirror_offset, mirror_size, "progressbar", 1, 0, 0, color, alpha * panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); if(size.x > 0 && size.y > 0) HUD_Panel_DrawProgressBar(panel_pos + eX * offset, size, "progressbar", 1, 0, 0, color, alpha * panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } void HUD_Panel_DrawStrafeHUD_drawfill(float offset, float width, vector color, float alpha, float hidden) { float mirror_offset, mirror_width; vector size = panel_size; vector mirror_size = panel_size; if(offset < 0) { mirror_width = min(fabs(offset), width); mirror_offset = panel_size.x + hidden - fabs(offset); width += offset; offset = 0; } else { mirror_width = min(offset + width - panel_size.x - hidden, width); mirror_offset = max(offset - panel_size.x - hidden, 0); } if((offset + width) > panel_size.x) { width = panel_size.x - offset; } if(mirror_offset < 0) { mirror_width += mirror_offset; mirror_offset = 0; } if((mirror_offset + mirror_width) > panel_size.x) { mirror_width = panel_size.x - mirror_offset; } size.x = width; mirror_size.x = mirror_width; if(mirror_width > 0) drawfill(panel_pos + eX * mirror_offset, mirror_size, color, alpha * panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); if(width > 0) drawfill(panel_pos + eX * offset, size, color, alpha * panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); }