#include "hud.qh" #include #include #include #include "panel/scoreboard.qh" #include "hud_config.qh" #include "../mapvoting.qh" #include "../teamradar.qh" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* ================== Misc HUD functions ================== */ void draw_cursor(vector pos, vector ofs, string img, vector col, float a) { ofs = vec2(ofs.x * SIZE_CURSOR.x, ofs.y * SIZE_CURSOR.y); drawpic(pos - ofs, strcat(draw_currentSkin, img), SIZE_CURSOR, col, a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } void draw_cursor_normal(vector pos, vector col, float a) { draw_cursor(pos, OFFSET_CURSOR, "/cursor", col, a); } void LoadMenuSkinValues() { int fh = -1; if(cvar_string("menu_skin") != "") { draw_currentSkin = strcat("gfx/menu/", cvar_string("menu_skin")); fh = fopen(strcat(draw_currentSkin, "/skinvalues.txt"), FILE_READ); } if(fh < 0 && cvar_defstring("menu_skin") != "") { cvar_set("menu_skin", cvar_defstring("menu_skin")); draw_currentSkin = strcat("gfx/menu/", cvar_string("menu_skin")); fh = fopen(strcat(draw_currentSkin, "/skinvalues.txt"), FILE_READ); } if(fh < 0) { draw_currentSkin = "gfx/menu/default"; fh = fopen(strcat(draw_currentSkin, "/skinvalues.txt"), FILE_READ); } draw_currentSkin = strzone(draw_currentSkin); if(fh >= 0) { string s; while((s = fgets(fh))) { int n = tokenize_console(s); if (n < 2) continue; if(substring(argv(0), 0, 2) == "//") continue; if(argv(0) == "SIZE_CURSOR") SIZE_CURSOR = stov(substring(s, argv_start_index(1), argv_end_index(-1) - argv_start_index(1))); else if(argv(0) == "OFFSET_CURSOR") OFFSET_CURSOR = stov(substring(s, argv_start_index(1), argv_end_index(-1) - argv_start_index(1))); } fclose(fh); } } vector HUD_Get_Num_Color(float hp, float maxvalue, bool blink) { const vector COLOR100 = '0 1 0'; // green const vector COLOR75 = '0.4 0.9 0'; // lightgreen const vector COLOR50 = '1 1 1'; // white const vector COLOR25 = '1 1 0.2'; // lightyellow const vector COLOR10 = '1 0 0'; // red vector color; float hp_percent = hp / maxvalue * 100; #define CASE_COLOR_BETWEEN(min, max) \ if(hp_percent > min) \ color = COLOR##min + (COLOR##max - COLOR##min) * ((hp_percent - min) / (max - min)) if(hp_percent > 100) color = COLOR100; else CASE_COLOR_BETWEEN(75, 100); else CASE_COLOR_BETWEEN(50, 75); else CASE_COLOR_BETWEEN(25, 50); else CASE_COLOR_BETWEEN(10, 25); else color = COLOR10; #undef CASE_COLOR_BETWEEN if (blink) { if(hp_percent >= 100) { float f = sin(2*M_PI*time); if (color.x == 0) color.x = f; if (color.y == 0) color.y = f; if (color.z == 0) color.z = f; } else if(hp_percent < 25) { float f = (1 - hp_percent / 25) * sin(2*M_PI*time); color -= color * f; } } return color; } float HUD_GetRowCount(int item_count, vector size, float item_aspect) { TC(int, item_count); float aspect = size_y / size_x; return bound(1, floor((sqrt(4 * item_aspect * aspect * item_count + aspect * aspect) + aspect + 0.5) / 2), item_count); } vector HUD_GetTableSize_BestItemAR(int item_count, vector psize, float item_aspect) { TC(int, item_count); float columns, rows; float ratio, best_ratio = 0; float best_columns = 1, best_rows = 1; bool vertical = (psize.x / psize.y >= item_aspect); if(vertical) { psize = eX * psize.y + eY * psize.x; item_aspect = 1 / item_aspect; } rows = ceil(sqrt(item_count)); columns = ceil(item_count/rows); while(columns >= 1) { ratio = (psize.x/columns) / (psize.y/rows); if(ratio > item_aspect) ratio = item_aspect * item_aspect / ratio; if(ratio <= best_ratio) break; // ratio starts decreasing by now, skip next configurations best_columns = columns; best_rows = rows; best_ratio = ratio; if(columns == 1) break; --columns; rows = ceil(item_count/columns); } return (vertical) ? vec2(best_rows, best_columns) : vec2(best_columns, best_rows); } /* ================== HUD panels ================== */ void HUD_Panel_LoadCvars() { // NOTE: in hud_configure mode cvars must be reloaded every frame if (panel.update_time <= time) { panel_pos = stov(cvar_string(strcat("hud_panel_", panel.panel_name, "_pos"))); panel_size = stov(cvar_string(strcat("hud_panel_", panel.panel_name, "_size"))); HUD_Panel_ScalePosSize(); panel_bg_str = cvar_string(strcat("hud_panel_", panel.panel_name, "_bg")); panel_bg_color_str = cvar_string(strcat("hud_panel_", panel.panel_name, "_bg_color")); panel_bg_color_team_str = cvar_string(strcat("hud_panel_", panel.panel_name, "_bg_color_team")); panel_bg_alpha_str = cvar_string(strcat("hud_panel_", panel.panel_name, "_bg_alpha")); panel_bg_border_str = cvar_string(strcat("hud_panel_", panel.panel_name, "_bg_border")); panel_bg_padding_str = cvar_string(strcat("hud_panel_", panel.panel_name, "_bg_padding")); HUD_Panel_GetBg(); if (panel.current_panel_bg != "0") { HUD_Panel_GetBgAlpha(); HUD_Panel_GetBorder(); } HUD_Panel_GetColorTeam(); HUD_Panel_GetColor(); HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(); HUD_Panel_GetPadding(); panel.current_panel_bg_alpha = panel_bg_alpha; panel.current_panel_fg_alpha = panel_fg_alpha; if (hud_configure_menu_open == 2 && panel == highlightedPanel) HUD_Panel_UpdatePosSize_ForMenu(); else { panel_bg_alpha *= hud_fade_alpha * panel_fade_alpha; panel_fg_alpha *= hud_fade_alpha * panel_fade_alpha; } panel.current_panel_pos = panel_pos; panel.current_panel_size = panel_size; panel.current_panel_bg_border = panel_bg_border; panel.current_panel_bg_color = panel_bg_color; panel.current_panel_bg_color_team = panel_bg_color_team; panel.current_panel_bg_padding = panel_bg_padding; panel.update_time = (autocvar__hud_configure) ? time : time + autocvar_hud_panel_update_interval; return; } panel_pos = panel.current_panel_pos; panel_size = panel.current_panel_size; panel_bg_alpha = panel.current_panel_bg_alpha * hud_fade_alpha * panel_fade_alpha; panel_bg_border = panel.current_panel_bg_border; panel_bg_color = panel.current_panel_bg_color; panel_bg_color_team = panel.current_panel_bg_color_team; panel_bg_padding = panel.current_panel_bg_padding; panel_fg_alpha = panel.current_panel_fg_alpha * hud_fade_alpha * panel_fade_alpha; } //basically the same code of draw_ButtonPicture and draw_VertButtonPicture for the menu void HUD_Panel_DrawProgressBar(vector theOrigin, vector theSize, string pic, float length_ratio, bool vertical, float baralign, vector theColor, float theAlpha, int drawflag) { TC(bool, vertical); TC(int, drawflag); if(!length_ratio || !theAlpha) return; if(length_ratio > 1) length_ratio = 1; if (baralign == 3) { if(length_ratio < -1) length_ratio = -1; } else if(length_ratio < 0) return; theOrigin = HUD_Shift(theOrigin); theSize = HUD_Scale(theSize); vector square; vector width, height; if(vertical) { pic = strcat(hud_skin_path, "/", pic, "_vertical"); if(precache_pic(pic) == "") { pic = "gfx/hud/default/progressbar_vertical"; } if (baralign == 1) // bottom align theOrigin.y += (1 - length_ratio) * theSize.y; else if (baralign == 2) // center align theOrigin.y += 0.5 * (1 - length_ratio) * theSize.y; else if (baralign == 3) // center align, positive values down, negative up { theSize.y *= 0.5; if (length_ratio > 0) theOrigin.y += theSize.y; else { theOrigin.y += (1 + length_ratio) * theSize.y; length_ratio = -length_ratio; } } theSize.y *= length_ratio; vector bH; width = eX * theSize.x; height = eY * theSize.y; if(theSize.y <= theSize.x * 2) { // button not high enough // draw just upper and lower part then square = eY * theSize.y * 0.5; bH = eY * (0.25 * theSize.y / (theSize.x * 2)); drawsubpic(theOrigin, square + width, pic, '0 0 0', eX + bH, theColor, theAlpha, drawflag); drawsubpic(theOrigin + square, square + width, pic, eY - bH, eX + bH, theColor, theAlpha, drawflag); } else { square = eY * theSize.x; drawsubpic(theOrigin, width + square, pic, '0 0 0', '1 0.25 0', theColor, theAlpha, drawflag); drawsubpic(theOrigin + square, theSize - 2 * square, pic, '0 0.25 0', '1 0.5 0', theColor, theAlpha, drawflag); drawsubpic(theOrigin + height - square, width + square, pic, '0 0.75 0', '1 0.25 0', theColor, theAlpha, drawflag); } } else { pic = strcat(hud_skin_path, "/", pic); if(precache_pic(pic) == "") { pic = "gfx/hud/default/progressbar"; } if (baralign == 1) // right align theOrigin.x += (1 - length_ratio) * theSize.x; else if (baralign == 2) // center align theOrigin.x += 0.5 * (1 - length_ratio) * theSize.x; else if (baralign == 3) // center align, positive values on the right, negative on the left { theSize.x *= 0.5; if (length_ratio > 0) theOrigin.x += theSize.x; else { theOrigin.x += (1 + length_ratio) * theSize.x; length_ratio = -length_ratio; } } theSize.x *= length_ratio; vector bW; width = eX * theSize.x; height = eY * theSize.y; if(theSize.x <= theSize.y * 2) { // button not wide enough // draw just left and right part then square = eX * theSize.x * 0.5; bW = eX * (0.25 * theSize.x / (theSize.y * 2)); drawsubpic(theOrigin, square + height, pic, '0 0 0', eY + bW, theColor, theAlpha, drawflag); drawsubpic(theOrigin + square, square + height, pic, eX - bW, eY + bW, theColor, theAlpha, drawflag); } else { square = eX * theSize.y; drawsubpic(theOrigin, height + square, pic, '0 0 0', '0.25 1 0', theColor, theAlpha, drawflag); drawsubpic(theOrigin + square, theSize - 2 * square, pic, '0.25 0 0', '0.5 1 0', theColor, theAlpha, drawflag); drawsubpic(theOrigin + width - square, height + square, pic, '0.75 0 0', '0.25 1 0', theColor, theAlpha, drawflag); } } } void HUD_Panel_DrawHighlight(vector pos, vector mySize, vector color, float theAlpha, int drawflag) { TC(int, drawflag); if(!theAlpha) return; pos = HUD_Shift(pos); mySize = HUD_Scale(mySize); string pic; pic = strcat(hud_skin_path, "/num_leading"); if(precache_pic(pic) == "") { pic = "gfx/hud/default/num_leading"; } drawsubpic(pos, eX * min(mySize.x * 0.5, mySize.y) + eY * mySize.y, pic, '0 0 0', '0.25 1 0', color, theAlpha, drawflag); if(mySize.x/mySize.y > 2) drawsubpic(pos + eX * mySize.y, eX * (mySize.x - 2 * mySize.y) + eY * mySize.y, pic, '0.25 0 0', '0.5 1 0', color, theAlpha, drawflag); drawsubpic(pos + eX * mySize.x - eX * min(mySize.x * 0.5, mySize.y), eX * min(mySize.x * 0.5, mySize.y) + eY * mySize.y, pic, '0.75 0 0', '0.25 1 0', color, theAlpha, drawflag); } void DrawNumIcon_expanding(vector myPos, vector mySize, float theTime, string icon, bool vertical, int icon_right_align, vector color, float theAlpha, float fadelerp) { TC(bool, vertical); TC(int, icon_right_align); vector newPos = '0 0 0', newSize = '0 0 0'; vector picpos, numpos; if (vertical) { if(mySize.y/mySize.x > 2) { newSize.y = 2 * mySize.x; newSize.x = mySize.x; newPos.y = myPos.y + (mySize.y - newSize.y) / 2; newPos.x = myPos.x; } else { newSize.x = 1/2 * mySize.y; newSize.y = mySize.y; newPos.x = myPos.x + (mySize.x - newSize.x) / 2; newPos.y = myPos.y; } if(icon_right_align) { numpos = newPos; picpos = newPos + eY * newSize.x; } else { picpos = newPos; numpos = newPos + eY * newSize.x; } newSize.y /= 2; drawpic_aspect_skin(picpos, icon, newSize, '1 1 1', panel_fg_alpha * theAlpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); // make number smaller than icon, it looks better // reduce only y to draw numbers with different number of digits with the same y size numpos.y += newSize.y * ((1 - 0.7) / 2); newSize.y *= 0.7; drawstring_aspect(numpos, ftos(theTime), newSize, color, panel_fg_alpha * theAlpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); return; } if(mySize.x/mySize.y > 3) { newSize.x = 3 * mySize.y; newSize.y = mySize.y; newPos.x = myPos.x + (mySize.x - newSize.x) / 2; newPos.y = myPos.y; } else { newSize.y = 1/3 * mySize.x; newSize.x = mySize.x; newPos.y = myPos.y + (mySize.y - newSize.y) / 2; newPos.x = myPos.x; } if(icon_right_align) // right align { numpos = newPos; picpos = newPos + eX * 2 * newSize.y; } else // left align { numpos = newPos + eX * newSize.y; picpos = newPos; } // NOTE: newSize_x is always equal to 3 * mySize_y so we can use // '2 1 0' * newSize_y instead of eX * (2/3) * newSize_x + eY * newSize_y drawstring_aspect_expanding(numpos, ftos(theTime), '2 1 0' * newSize.y, color, panel_fg_alpha * theAlpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL, fadelerp); drawpic_aspect_skin_expanding(picpos, icon, '1 1 0' * newSize.y, '1 1 1', panel_fg_alpha * theAlpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL, fadelerp); } void DrawNumIcon(vector myPos, vector mySize, float theTime, string icon, bool vertical, int icon_right_align, vector color, float theAlpha) { TC(bool, vertical); TC(int, icon_right_align); DrawNumIcon_expanding(myPos, mySize, theTime, icon, vertical, icon_right_align, color, theAlpha, 0); } /* ================== Main HUD system ================== */ float lasthud; float vh_notice_time; void HUD_Vehicle() { if(autocvar__hud_configure) return; if(intermission == 2) return; if(hud == HUD_BUMBLEBEE_GUN) CSQC_BUMBLE_GUN_HUD(); else { Vehicle info = REGISTRY_GET(Vehicles, hud); info.vr_hud(info); } if(hud != HUD_NORMAL && lasthud == HUD_NORMAL) vh_notice_time = time + autocvar_cl_vehicles_notify_time; lasthud = hud; } void HUD_Panel_Draw(entity panent) { panel = panent; if (autocvar__hud_configure) { if (!(panel.panel_configflags & PANEL_CONFIG_MAIN)) return; panel_fade_alpha = 1; Hud_Panel_GetPanelEnabled(); panel.panel_draw(); return; } bool draw_allowed = false; if (scoreboard_fade_alpha && panel.panel_showflags & PANEL_SHOW_WITH_SB) { draw_allowed = true; } else if (active_minigame && HUD_MinigameMenu_IsOpened()) { if (panel.panel_showflags & PANEL_SHOW_MINIGAME) draw_allowed = true; } else if(intermission == 2) { if(panel.panel_showflags & PANEL_SHOW_MAPVOTE) draw_allowed = true; } else if (panel.panel_showflags & PANEL_SHOW_MAINGAME) draw_allowed = true; if (draw_allowed) { if (panel.panel_showflags & PANEL_SHOW_WITH_SB) { if (scoreboard_fade_alpha && intermission == 2 && !(panel.panel_showflags & PANEL_SHOW_MAPVOTE)) panel_fade_alpha = scoreboard_fade_alpha; else panel_fade_alpha = 1; } else { panel_fade_alpha = 1 - scoreboard_fade_alpha; if(!panel_fade_alpha) return; } panel.panel_draw(); } } void HUD_Reset() { // reset gametype specific icons if(gametype.m_modicons_reset) gametype.m_modicons_reset(); } float autocvar_hud_dynamic_shake = 1; float autocvar_hud_dynamic_shake_damage_max = 130; float autocvar_hud_dynamic_shake_damage_min = 10; float autocvar_hud_dynamic_shake_scale = 0.2; float hud_dynamic_shake_x[10] = {0, 1, -0.7, 0.5, -0.3, 0.2, -0.1, 0.1, 0.0, 0}; float hud_dynamic_shake_y[10] = {0, 0.4, 0.8, -0.2, -0.6, 0.0, 0.3, 0.1, -0.1, 0}; bool Hud_Shake_Update() { if(time - hud_dynamic_shake_time < 0) return false; float anim_speed = 17 + 9 * hud_dynamic_shake_factor; float elapsed_time = (time - hud_dynamic_shake_time) * anim_speed; int i = floor(elapsed_time); if(i >= 9) return false; float f = elapsed_time - i; hud_dynamic_shake_realofs.x = (1 - f) * hud_dynamic_shake_x[i] + f * hud_dynamic_shake_x[i+1]; hud_dynamic_shake_realofs.y = (1 - f) * hud_dynamic_shake_y[i] + f * hud_dynamic_shake_y[i+1]; hud_dynamic_shake_realofs.z = 0; hud_dynamic_shake_realofs *= hud_dynamic_shake_factor * autocvar_hud_dynamic_shake_scale; hud_dynamic_shake_realofs.x = bound(-0.1, hud_dynamic_shake_realofs.x, 0.1) * vid_conwidth; hud_dynamic_shake_realofs.y = bound(-0.1, hud_dynamic_shake_realofs.y, 0.1) * vid_conheight; return true; } void Hud_Dynamic_Frame() { vector ofs = '0 0 0'; hud_scale_current = '1 1 0'; hud_shift_current = '0 0 0'; if (autocvar_hud_dynamic_follow) { entity view = CSQCModel_server2csqc(player_localentnum - 1); calc_followmodel_ofs(view); ofs = -cl_followmodel_ofs * autocvar_hud_dynamic_follow_scale; ofs.x *= autocvar_hud_dynamic_follow_scale_xyz.z; ofs.y *= autocvar_hud_dynamic_follow_scale_xyz.x; ofs.z *= autocvar_hud_dynamic_follow_scale_xyz.y; if (fabs(ofs.x) < 0.001) ofs.x = 0; if (fabs(ofs.y) < 0.001) ofs.y = 0; if (fabs(ofs.z) < 0.001) ofs.z = 0; ofs.x = bound(-0.1, ofs.x, 0.1); ofs.y = bound(-0.1, ofs.y, 0.1); ofs.z = bound(-0.1, ofs.z, 0.1); hud_shift_current.x = ofs.y * vid_conwidth; hud_shift_current.y = ofs.z * vid_conheight; hud_shift_current.z = ofs.x; hud_scale_current.x = (1 + hud_shift_current.z); hud_scale_current.y = hud_scale_current.x; } if(autocvar_hud_dynamic_shake > 0) { static float old_health = 0; float health = max(-1, STAT(HEALTH)); if(hud_dynamic_shake_factor == -1) // don't allow the effect for this frame { hud_dynamic_shake_factor = 0; old_health = health; } else { float new_hud_dynamic_shake_factor = 0; if (old_health - health >= autocvar_hud_dynamic_shake_damage_min && autocvar_hud_dynamic_shake_damage_max > autocvar_hud_dynamic_shake_damage_min && old_health > 0 && !intermission) { float m = max(autocvar_hud_dynamic_shake_damage_min, 1); new_hud_dynamic_shake_factor = (old_health - health - m) / (autocvar_hud_dynamic_shake_damage_max - m); if(new_hud_dynamic_shake_factor >= 1) new_hud_dynamic_shake_factor = 1; if(new_hud_dynamic_shake_factor >= hud_dynamic_shake_factor) { hud_dynamic_shake_factor = new_hud_dynamic_shake_factor; hud_dynamic_shake_time = time; } } old_health = health; if(hud_dynamic_shake_factor) if(!Hud_Shake_Update()) hud_dynamic_shake_factor = 0; } if(hud_dynamic_shake_factor > 0) { hud_shift_current.x += hud_dynamic_shake_realofs.x; hud_shift_current.y += hud_dynamic_shake_realofs.y; } } hud_scale_center.x = 0.5 * vid_conwidth; hud_scale_center.y = 0.5 * vid_conheight; HUD_Scale_Disable(); } bool HUD_WouldShowCursor() { if(autocvar__hud_configure) return true; if(mv_active) return true; //entity local_player = ((csqcplayer) ? csqcplayer : CSQCModel_server2csqc(player_localentnum - 1)); // TODO: doesn't use regular cursor handling //if(local_player.viewloc && (local_player.viewloc.spawnflags & VIEWLOC_FREEAIM)) //return true; if(HUD_Radar_Clickable()) return true; if(HUD_MinigameMenu_IsOpened()) return true; if(QuickMenu_IsOpened()) return true; return false; } float prev_myteam; void HUD_Main() { int i; if(hud_configure_menu_open == 1) hud_fade_alpha = 1; else hud_fade_alpha = 1 - autocvar__menu_alpha; if(myteam != prev_myteam) { myteamcolors = colormapPaletteColor(myteam, 1); FOREACH(hud_panels, true, it.update_time = time); prev_myteam = myteam; } HUD_Configure_Frame(); if(scoreboard_fade_alpha == 1) if(autocvar__menu_alpha == 1) return; // Drawing stuff if (hud_skin_prev != autocvar_hud_skin) { strcpy(hud_skin_path, strcat("gfx/hud/", autocvar_hud_skin)); strcpy(hud_skin_prev, autocvar_hud_skin); } // draw the dock if(autocvar_hud_dock != "" && autocvar_hud_dock != "0") { int f; vector color; float hud_dock_color_team = autocvar_hud_dock_color_team; if((teamplay) && hud_dock_color_team) { if(autocvar__hud_configure && myteam == NUM_SPECTATOR) color = '1 0 0' * hud_dock_color_team; else color = myteamcolors * hud_dock_color_team; } else if(autocvar_hud_configure_teamcolorforced && autocvar__hud_configure && hud_dock_color_team) { color = '1 0 0' * hud_dock_color_team; } else { string hud_dock_color = autocvar_hud_dock_color; if(hud_dock_color == "shirt") { f = entcs_GetClientColors(current_player); color = colormapPaletteColor(floor(f / 16), 0); } else if(hud_dock_color == "pants") { f = entcs_GetClientColors(current_player); color = colormapPaletteColor(f % 16, 1); } else color = stov(hud_dock_color); } string pic; pic = strcat(hud_skin_path, "/", autocvar_hud_dock); if(precache_pic(pic) == "") { pic = strcat(hud_skin_path, "/dock_medium"); if(precache_pic(pic) == "") { pic = "gfx/hud/default/dock_medium"; } } drawpic('0 0 0', pic, eX * vid_conwidth + eY * vid_conheight, color, autocvar_hud_dock_alpha * hud_fade_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); // no aspect ratio forcing on dock... } // cache the panel order into the panel_order array if(autocvar__hud_panelorder != hud_panelorder_prev) { for(i = 0; i < REGISTRY_COUNT(hud_panels); ++i) panel_order[i] = -1; string s = ""; int p_num; bool warning = false; int argc = tokenize_console(autocvar__hud_panelorder); if (argc > REGISTRY_COUNT(hud_panels)) warning = true; //first detect wrong/missing panel numbers for(i = 0; i < REGISTRY_COUNT(hud_panels); ++i) { p_num = stoi(argv(i)); if (p_num >= 0 && p_num < REGISTRY_COUNT(hud_panels)) { //correct panel number? if (panel_order[p_num] == -1) //found for the first time? s = strcat(s, ftos(p_num), " "); panel_order[p_num] = 1; //mark as found } else warning = true; } for(i = 0; i < REGISTRY_COUNT(hud_panels); ++i) { if (panel_order[i] == -1) { warning = true; s = strcat(s, ftos(i), " "); //add missing panel number } } if (warning) LOG_TRACE("Automatically fixed wrong/missing panel numbers in _hud_panelorder"); cvar_set("_hud_panelorder", s); strcpy(hud_panelorder_prev, s); //now properly set panel_order tokenize_console(s); for(i = 0; i < REGISTRY_COUNT(hud_panels); ++i) { panel_order[i] = stof(argv(i)); } } hud_draw_maximized = 0; // draw panels in the order specified by panel_order array for(i = REGISTRY_COUNT(hud_panels) - 1; i >= 0; --i) HUD_Panel_Draw(REGISTRY_GET(hud_panels, panel_order[i])); HUD_Vehicle(); hud_draw_maximized = 1; // panels that may be maximized must check this var // draw maximized panels on top if(hud_panel_radar_maximized) HUD_Panel_Draw(HUD_PANEL(RADAR)); if(autocvar__con_chat_maximized) HUD_Panel_Draw(HUD_PANEL(CHAT)); if (QuickMenu_IsOpened()) HUD_Panel_Draw(HUD_PANEL(QUICKMENU)); HUD_Panel_Draw(HUD_PANEL(SCOREBOARD)); int cursor_active_prev = cursor_active; cursor_active = HUD_WouldShowCursor(); if (cursor_active_prev != cursor_active && autocvar_hud_cursormode) { setcursormode(cursor_active); // cursor inactive this frame, will be set to 1 the next frame if (cursor_active) cursor_active = -1; } if (intermission == 2) HUD_Reset(); HUD_Configure_PostDraw(); hud_configure_prev = autocvar__hud_configure; }