#include "cpicomodel.h" #include "qertypes.h" #include #include #define RADIANT_ASSERT(condition, message) if(!(condition)) { Sys_Printf("ASSERTION FAILURE: " message "\n"); } else template class cache_element { public: inline cache_element() : m_count(0), m_value(NULL) {} inline ~cache_element() { RADIANT_ASSERT(m_count == 0 , "destroyed a reference before it was released\n"); if(m_count > 0) destroy(); } inline value_type* capture(const key_type& key) { if(++m_count == 1) construct(key); return m_value; } inline void release() { RADIANT_ASSERT(!empty(), "failed to release reference - not found in cache\n"); if(--m_count == 0) destroy(); } inline bool empty() { return m_count == 0; } inline void refresh(const key_type& key) { m_value->refresh(key); } private: inline void construct(const key_type& key) { m_value = new value_type(key); } inline void destroy() { delete m_value; } unsigned int m_count; value_type* m_value; }; class ModelCache { typedef CPicoModel value_type; public: typedef PicoModelKey key_type; typedef cache_element elem_type; typedef map cache_type; value_type* capture(const key_type& key) { return m_cache[key].capture(key); } void release(const key_type& key) { m_cache[key].release(); } private: cache_type m_cache; }; ModelCache g_model_cache; typedef struct remap_s { char m_remapbuff[64+1024]; char *original; char *remap; } remap_t; class RemapWrapper : public IRender, public ISelect { unsigned int m_refcount; public: RemapWrapper(entity_interfaces_t* model, const char* name) : m_refcount(1) { parse_namestr(name); m_model = g_model_cache.capture(ModelCache::key_type(m_name.GetBuffer(), m_frame)); model->pRender = this; model->pRender->IncRef(); model->pEdit = NULL; model->pSelect = this; model->pSelect->IncRef(); construct_shaders(); } virtual ~RemapWrapper() { g_model_cache.release(ModelCache::key_type(m_name.GetBuffer(), m_frame)); for(shaders_t::iterator i = m_shaders.begin(); i != m_shaders.end(); ++i) { (*i)->DecRef(); } for(remaps_t::iterator j = m_remaps.begin(); j != m_remaps.end(); ++j) { remap_t *pRemap = (*j); delete pRemap; } m_remaps.clear(); } virtual void IncRef() { ++m_refcount; } virtual void DecRef() { if(--m_refcount == 0) delete this; } virtual void Draw(int state, int rflags) const { m_model->Draw(state, m_shaders, rflags); } virtual const aabb_t *GetAABB() const { return m_model->GetAABB(); } virtual bool TestRay(const ray_t *ray, vec_t *dist) const { return m_model->TestRay(ray, dist); } private: void add_remap(const char *remap) { const char *ch; remap_t *pRemap; ch = remap; while( *ch && *ch != ';' ) ch++; if( *ch == '\0' ) { // bad remap Sys_FPrintf( SYS_WRN, "WARNING: Shader _remap key found in a model entity without a ; character\n" ); } else { pRemap = new remap_t; strncpy( pRemap->m_remapbuff, remap, sizeof(pRemap->m_remapbuff) ); pRemap->m_remapbuff[ch - remap] = '\0'; pRemap->original = pRemap->m_remapbuff; pRemap->remap = pRemap->m_remapbuff + ( ch - remap ) + 1; m_remaps.push_back( pRemap ); } } void parse_namestr(const char *name) { const char *ptr, *s; char buf[1024]; bool hasName, hasFrame; hasName = hasFrame = false; for( s = ptr = name; *ptr; ptr++ ) { if( !hasName && *ptr == ':' ) { // model name hasName = true; strncpy( buf, s, ptr - s ); buf[ptr - s] = '\0'; m_name = buf; s = ptr + 1; } else if( *ptr == '?' ) { // model frame hasFrame = true; strncpy( buf, s, ptr - s ); buf[ptr - s] = '\0'; m_frame = atoi(buf); s = ptr + 1; } else if( *ptr == '&' ) { // a remap strncpy( buf, s, ptr - s ); buf[ptr - s] = '\0'; add_remap( buf ); s = ptr + 1; } } if( !hasFrame ) { // model frame strncpy( buf, s, ptr - s ); buf[ptr - s] = '\0'; m_frame = atoi(buf); } else { // a remap strncpy( buf, s, ptr - s ); buf[ptr - s] = '\0'; add_remap( buf ); } } void construct_shaders() { IShader* global_shader = shader_for_remap("*"); unsigned int numSurfaces = m_model->GetNumSurfaces(); m_shaders.reserve(numSurfaces); // now go through our surface and find our shaders, remap if needed for(unsigned int j = 0; j < numSurfaces; j++ ) { const char* surfShaderName = m_model->GetShaderNameForSurface(j); IShader* shader = shader_for_remap(surfShaderName); // m_shaders.push_back((shader) ? shader : (global_shader) ? global_shader : QERApp_Shader_ForName(surfShaderName)); // Determine which shader it is going to be if( !shader ) { if( global_shader ) { shader = global_shader; } else { shader = QERApp_Shader_ForName(surfShaderName); } } // Add reference shader->IncRef(); // Done, continue m_shaders.push_back( shader ); } } inline IShader* shader_for_remap(const char* remap) { remap_t *pRemap; remaps_t::iterator i; for(i = m_remaps.begin(); i != m_remaps.end(); ++i) { pRemap = (*i); if( stricmp( remap, pRemap->original ) == 0 ) break; } return (i != m_remaps.end()) ? QERApp_Shader_ForName(pRemap->remap) : NULL; } Str m_name; int m_frame; CPicoModel* m_model; typedef vector remaps_t; remaps_t m_remaps; typedef vector shaders_t; shaders_t m_shaders; }; class ModelWrapper : public IRender, public ISelect { unsigned int m_refcount; public: ModelWrapper(entity_interfaces_t* model, const char* name) : m_refcount(1), m_name(name) { m_model = g_model_cache.capture(ModelCache::key_type(m_name.GetBuffer(), 0)); model->pRender = this; model->pRender->IncRef(); model->pEdit = NULL; model->pSelect = this; model->pSelect->IncRef(); } virtual ~ModelWrapper() { g_model_cache.release(ModelCache::key_type(m_name.GetBuffer(), 0)); } virtual void IncRef() { ++m_refcount; } virtual void DecRef() { if(--m_refcount == 0) delete this; } virtual void Draw(int state, int rflags) const { m_model->Draw(state, rflags); } virtual const aabb_t *GetAABB() const { return m_model->GetAABB(); } virtual bool TestRay(const ray_t *ray, vec_t *dist) const { return m_model->TestRay(ray, dist); } Str m_name; CPicoModel* m_model; }; void LoadModel(entity_interfaces_t* model, const char* name) { if(strchr(name, ':') != NULL || strchr(name, '?') != NULL || strchr(name, '&') != NULL) { RemapWrapper* wrapper = new RemapWrapper(model, name); wrapper->DecRef(); } else { ModelWrapper* wrapper = new ModelWrapper(model, name); wrapper->DecRef(); } }