/* Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ // r_main.c #include "quakedef.h" #include "r_shadow.h" #include "polygon.h" mempool_t *r_main_mempool; rtexturepool_t *r_main_texturepool; // used for dlight push checking and other things int r_framecount; mplane_t frustum[5]; renderstats_t renderstats; // true during envmap command capture qboolean envmap; // maximum visible distance (recalculated from world box each frame) float r_farclip; // brightness of world lightmaps and related lighting // (often reduced when world rtlights are enabled) float r_lightmapintensity; // whether to draw world lights realtime, dlights realtime, and their shadows qboolean r_rtworld; qboolean r_rtworldshadows; qboolean r_rtdlight; qboolean r_rtdlightshadows; // forces all rendering to draw triangle outlines int r_showtrispass; // view origin vec3_t r_vieworigin; vec3_t r_viewforward; vec3_t r_viewleft; vec3_t r_viewright; vec3_t r_viewup; int r_view_x; int r_view_y; int r_view_z; int r_view_width; int r_view_height; int r_view_depth; matrix4x4_t r_view_matrix; // // screen size info // refdef_t r_refdef; cvar_t r_nearclip = {0, "r_nearclip", "1", "distance from camera of nearclip plane" }; cvar_t r_showtris = {0, "r_showtris", "0", "shows triangle outlines, value controls brightness (can be above 1)"}; cvar_t r_showtris_polygonoffset = {0, "r_showtris_polygonoffset", "-10", "nudges triangle outlines in hardware depth units, used to make outlines appear infront of walls"}; cvar_t r_shownormals = {0, "r_shownormals", "0", "shows per-vertex surface normals and tangent vectors for bumpmapped lighting"}; cvar_t r_showlighting = {0, "r_showlighting", "0", "shows areas lit by lights, useful for finding out why some areas of a map render slowly (bright orange = lots of passes = slow), a value of 2 disables depth testing which can be interesting but not very useful"}; cvar_t r_showshadowvolumes = {0, "r_showshadowvolumes", "0", "shows areas shadowed by lights, useful for finding out why some areas of a map render slowly (bright blue = lots of passes = slow), a value of 2 disables depth testing which can be interesting but not very useful"}; cvar_t r_showcollisionbrushes = {0, "r_showcollisionbrushes", "0", "draws collision brushes in quake3 maps (mode 1), mode 2 disables rendering of world (trippy!)"}; cvar_t r_showcollisionbrushes_polygonfactor = {0, "r_showcollisionbrushes_polygonfactor", "-1", "expands outward the brush polygons a little bit, used to make collision brushes appear infront of walls"}; cvar_t r_showcollisionbrushes_polygonoffset = {0, "r_showcollisionbrushes_polygonoffset", "0", "nudges brush polygon depth in hardware depth units, used to make collision brushes appear infront of walls"}; cvar_t r_showdisabledepthtest = {0, "r_showdisabledepthtest", "0", "disables depth testing on r_show* cvars, allowing you to see what hidden geometry the graphics card is processing\n"}; cvar_t r_drawentities = {0, "r_drawentities","1", "draw entities (doors, players, projectiles, etc)"}; cvar_t r_drawviewmodel = {0, "r_drawviewmodel","1", "draw your weapon model"}; cvar_t r_speeds = {0, "r_speeds","0", "displays rendering statistics and per-subsystem timings"}; cvar_t r_fullbright = {0, "r_fullbright","0", "make everything bright cheat (not allowed in multiplayer)"}; cvar_t r_wateralpha = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_wateralpha","1", "opacity of water polygons"}; cvar_t r_dynamic = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_dynamic","1", "enables dynamic lights (rocket glow and such)"}; cvar_t r_fullbrights = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_fullbrights", "1", "enables glowing pixels in quake textures (changes need r_restart to take effect)"}; cvar_t gl_fogenable = {0, "gl_fogenable", "0", "nehahra fog enable (for Nehahra compatibility only)"}; cvar_t gl_fogdensity = {0, "gl_fogdensity", "0.25", "nehahra fog density (recommend values below 0.1) (for Nehahra compatibility only)"}; cvar_t gl_fogred = {0, "gl_fogred","0.3", "nehahra fog color red value (for Nehahra compatibility only)"}; cvar_t gl_foggreen = {0, "gl_foggreen","0.3", "nehahra fog color green value (for Nehahra compatibility only)"}; cvar_t gl_fogblue = {0, "gl_fogblue","0.3", "nehahra fog color blue value (for Nehahra compatibility only)"}; cvar_t gl_fogstart = {0, "gl_fogstart", "0", "nehahra fog start distance (for Nehahra compatibility only)"}; cvar_t gl_fogend = {0, "gl_fogend","0", "nehahra fog end distance (for Nehahra compatibility only)"}; cvar_t r_textureunits = {0, "r_textureunits", "32", "number of hardware texture units reported by driver (note: setting this to 1 turns off gl_combine)"}; cvar_t r_glsl = {0, "r_glsl", "1", "enables use of OpenGL 2.0 pixel shaders for lighting"}; cvar_t r_glsl_offsetmapping = {0, "r_glsl_offsetmapping", "0", "enables offset mapping effect (also known as parallax mapping or sometimes as virtual displacement mapping, not as good as relief mapping or silohuette mapping but much faster), can cause strange artifacts on many textures, requires bumpmaps for depth information (normalmaps can have depth information as alpha channel, but most do not)"}; cvar_t r_glsl_offsetmapping_scale = {0, "r_glsl_offsetmapping_scale", "-0.04", "how deep the offset mapping effect is, and whether it is inward or outward"}; cvar_t r_glsl_offsetmapping_bias = {0, "r_glsl_offsetmapping_bias", "0.04", "pushes the effect closer/further"}; cvar_t r_glsl_usehalffloat = {0, "r_glsl_usehalffloat", "0", "use half and hvec variables in GLSL shader for a speed gain (NVIDIA only)"}; cvar_t r_glsl_surfacenormalize = {0, "r_glsl_surfacenormalize", "1", "normalize bumpmap texels in GLSL shader, produces a more rounded look on small bumps and dents"}; cvar_t r_lerpsprites = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_lerpsprites", "1", "enables animation smoothing on sprites (requires r_lerpmodels 1)"}; cvar_t r_lerpmodels = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_lerpmodels", "1", "enables animation smoothing on models"}; cvar_t r_waterscroll = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_waterscroll", "1", "makes water scroll around, value controls how much"}; cvar_t r_bloom = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_bloom", "0", "enables bloom effect (makes bright pixels affect neighboring pixels)"}; cvar_t r_bloom_intensity = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_bloom_intensity", "1.5", "how bright the glow is"}; cvar_t r_bloom_blur = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_bloom_blur", "4", "how large the glow is"}; cvar_t r_bloom_resolution = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_bloom_resolution", "320", "what resolution to perform the bloom effect at (independent of screen resolution)"}; cvar_t r_bloom_power = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_bloom_power", "2", "how much to darken the image before blurring to make the bloom effect"}; cvar_t r_smoothnormals_areaweighting = {0, "r_smoothnormals_areaweighting", "1", "uses significantly faster (and supposedly higher quality) area-weighted vertex normals and tangent vectors rather than summing normalized triangle normals and tangents"}; cvar_t developer_texturelogging = {0, "developer_texturelogging", "0", "produces a textures.log file containing names of skins and map textures the engine tried to load"}; cvar_t gl_lightmaps = {0, "gl_lightmaps", "0", "draws only lightmaps, no texture (for level designers)"}; cvar_t r_test = {0, "r_test", "0", "internal development use only, leave it alone (usually does nothing anyway)"}; // used for testing renderer code changes, otherwise does nothing rtexture_t *r_bloom_texture_screen; rtexture_t *r_bloom_texture_bloom; rtexture_t *r_texture_blanknormalmap; rtexture_t *r_texture_white; rtexture_t *r_texture_black; rtexture_t *r_texture_notexture; rtexture_t *r_texture_whitecube; rtexture_t *r_texture_normalizationcube; rtexture_t *r_texture_fogattenuation; rtexture_t *r_texture_fogintensity; // information about each possible shader permutation r_glsl_permutation_t r_glsl_permutations[SHADERPERMUTATION_COUNT]; // currently selected permutation r_glsl_permutation_t *r_glsl_permutation; void R_ModulateColors(float *in, float *out, int verts, float r, float g, float b) { int i; for (i = 0;i < verts;i++) { out[0] = in[0] * r; out[1] = in[1] * g; out[2] = in[2] * b; out[3] = in[3]; in += 4; out += 4; } } void R_FillColors(float *out, int verts, float r, float g, float b, float a) { int i; for (i = 0;i < verts;i++) { out[0] = r; out[1] = g; out[2] = b; out[3] = a; out += 4; } } vec3_t fogcolor; vec_t fogdensity; vec_t fogrange; vec_t fograngerecip; int fogtableindex; vec_t fogtabledistmultiplier; float fogtable[FOGTABLEWIDTH]; float fog_density, fog_red, fog_green, fog_blue; qboolean fogenabled; qboolean oldgl_fogenable; void R_UpdateFog(void) { if (gamemode == GAME_NEHAHRA) { if (gl_fogenable.integer) { oldgl_fogenable = true; fog_density = gl_fogdensity.value; fog_red = gl_fogred.value; fog_green = gl_foggreen.value; fog_blue = gl_fogblue.value; } else if (oldgl_fogenable) { oldgl_fogenable = false; fog_density = 0; fog_red = 0; fog_green = 0; fog_blue = 0; } } if (fog_density) { fogcolor[0] = fog_red = bound(0.0f, fog_red , 1.0f); fogcolor[1] = fog_green = bound(0.0f, fog_green, 1.0f); fogcolor[2] = fog_blue = bound(0.0f, fog_blue , 1.0f); } if (fog_density) { fogenabled = true; fogdensity = -4000.0f / (fog_density * fog_density); // this is the point where the fog reaches 0.9986 alpha, which we // consider a good enough cutoff point for the texture // (0.9986 * 256 == 255.6) fogrange = 400 / fog_density; fograngerecip = 1.0f / fogrange; fogtabledistmultiplier = FOGTABLEWIDTH * fograngerecip; // fog color was already set } else fogenabled = false; } // FIXME: move this to client? void FOG_clear(void) { if (gamemode == GAME_NEHAHRA) { Cvar_Set("gl_fogenable", "0"); Cvar_Set("gl_fogdensity", "0.2"); Cvar_Set("gl_fogred", "0.3"); Cvar_Set("gl_foggreen", "0.3"); Cvar_Set("gl_fogblue", "0.3"); } fog_density = fog_red = fog_green = fog_blue = 0.0f; } // FIXME: move this to client? void FOG_registercvars(void) { int x; double r, alpha; if (gamemode == GAME_NEHAHRA) { Cvar_RegisterVariable (&gl_fogenable); Cvar_RegisterVariable (&gl_fogdensity); Cvar_RegisterVariable (&gl_fogred); Cvar_RegisterVariable (&gl_foggreen); Cvar_RegisterVariable (&gl_fogblue); Cvar_RegisterVariable (&gl_fogstart); Cvar_RegisterVariable (&gl_fogend); } r = (-1.0/256.0) * (FOGTABLEWIDTH * FOGTABLEWIDTH); for (x = 0;x < FOGTABLEWIDTH;x++) { alpha = exp(r / ((double)x*(double)x)); if (x == FOGTABLEWIDTH - 1) alpha = 1; fogtable[x] = bound(0, alpha, 1); } } static void R_BuildBlankTextures(void) { unsigned char data[4]; data[0] = 128; // normal X data[1] = 128; // normal Y data[2] = 255; // normal Z data[3] = 128; // height r_texture_blanknormalmap = R_LoadTexture2D(r_main_texturepool, "blankbump", 1, 1, data, TEXTYPE_RGBA, TEXF_PRECACHE, NULL); data[0] = 255; data[1] = 255; data[2] = 255; data[3] = 255; r_texture_white = R_LoadTexture2D(r_main_texturepool, "blankwhite", 1, 1, data, TEXTYPE_RGBA, TEXF_PRECACHE, NULL); data[0] = 0; data[1] = 0; data[2] = 0; data[3] = 255; r_texture_black = R_LoadTexture2D(r_main_texturepool, "blankblack", 1, 1, data, TEXTYPE_RGBA, TEXF_PRECACHE, NULL); } static void R_BuildNoTexture(void) { int x, y; unsigned char pix[16][16][4]; // this makes a light grey/dark grey checkerboard texture for (y = 0;y < 16;y++) { for (x = 0;x < 16;x++) { if ((y < 8) ^ (x < 8)) { pix[y][x][0] = 128; pix[y][x][1] = 128; pix[y][x][2] = 128; pix[y][x][3] = 255; } else { pix[y][x][0] = 64; pix[y][x][1] = 64; pix[y][x][2] = 64; pix[y][x][3] = 255; } } } r_texture_notexture = R_LoadTexture2D(r_main_texturepool, "notexture", 16, 16, &pix[0][0][0], TEXTYPE_RGBA, TEXF_MIPMAP, NULL); } static void R_BuildWhiteCube(void) { unsigned char data[6*1*1*4]; data[ 0] = 255;data[ 1] = 255;data[ 2] = 255;data[ 3] = 255; data[ 4] = 255;data[ 5] = 255;data[ 6] = 255;data[ 7] = 255; data[ 8] = 255;data[ 9] = 255;data[10] = 255;data[11] = 255; data[12] = 255;data[13] = 255;data[14] = 255;data[15] = 255; data[16] = 255;data[17] = 255;data[18] = 255;data[19] = 255; data[20] = 255;data[21] = 255;data[22] = 255;data[23] = 255; r_texture_whitecube = R_LoadTextureCubeMap(r_main_texturepool, "whitecube", 1, data, TEXTYPE_RGBA, TEXF_PRECACHE | TEXF_CLAMP, NULL); } static void R_BuildNormalizationCube(void) { int x, y, side; vec3_t v; vec_t s, t, intensity; #define NORMSIZE 64 unsigned char data[6][NORMSIZE][NORMSIZE][4]; for (side = 0;side < 6;side++) { for (y = 0;y < NORMSIZE;y++) { for (x = 0;x < NORMSIZE;x++) { s = (x + 0.5f) * (2.0f / NORMSIZE) - 1.0f; t = (y + 0.5f) * (2.0f / NORMSIZE) - 1.0f; switch(side) { default: case 0: v[0] = 1; v[1] = -t; v[2] = -s; break; case 1: v[0] = -1; v[1] = -t; v[2] = s; break; case 2: v[0] = s; v[1] = 1; v[2] = t; break; case 3: v[0] = s; v[1] = -1; v[2] = -t; break; case 4: v[0] = s; v[1] = -t; v[2] = 1; break; case 5: v[0] = -s; v[1] = -t; v[2] = -1; break; } intensity = 127.0f / sqrt(DotProduct(v, v)); data[side][y][x][0] = 128.0f + intensity * v[0]; data[side][y][x][1] = 128.0f + intensity * v[1]; data[side][y][x][2] = 128.0f + intensity * v[2]; data[side][y][x][3] = 255; } } } r_texture_normalizationcube = R_LoadTextureCubeMap(r_main_texturepool, "normalcube", NORMSIZE, &data[0][0][0][0], TEXTYPE_RGBA, TEXF_PRECACHE | TEXF_CLAMP, NULL); } static void R_BuildFogTexture(void) { int x, b; double r, alpha; #define FOGWIDTH 64 unsigned char data1[FOGWIDTH][4]; unsigned char data2[FOGWIDTH][4]; r = (-1.0/256.0) * (FOGWIDTH * FOGWIDTH); for (x = 0;x < FOGWIDTH;x++) { alpha = exp(r / ((double)x*(double)x)); if (x == FOGWIDTH - 1) alpha = 1; b = (int)(256.0 * alpha); b = bound(0, b, 255); data1[x][0] = 255 - b; data1[x][1] = 255 - b; data1[x][2] = 255 - b; data1[x][3] = 255; data2[x][0] = b; data2[x][1] = b; data2[x][2] = b; data2[x][3] = 255; } r_texture_fogattenuation = R_LoadTexture2D(r_main_texturepool, "fogattenuation", FOGWIDTH, 1, &data1[0][0], TEXTYPE_RGBA, TEXF_PRECACHE | TEXF_FORCELINEAR | TEXF_CLAMP, NULL); r_texture_fogintensity = R_LoadTexture2D(r_main_texturepool, "fogintensity", FOGWIDTH, 1, &data2[0][0], TEXTYPE_RGBA, TEXF_PRECACHE | TEXF_FORCELINEAR | TEXF_CLAMP, NULL); } static const char *builtinshaderstring = "// ambient+diffuse+specular+normalmap+attenuation+cubemap+fog shader\n" "// written by Forest 'LordHavoc' Hale\n" "\n" "// common definitions between vertex shader and fragment shader:\n" "\n" "// use half floats if available for math performance\n" "#ifdef GEFORCEFX\n" "#define myhalf half\n" "#define myhvec2 hvec2\n" "#define myhvec3 hvec3\n" "#define myhvec4 hvec4\n" "#else\n" "#define myhalf float\n" "#define myhvec2 vec2\n" "#define myhvec3 vec3\n" "#define myhvec4 vec4\n" "#endif\n" "\n" "varying vec2 TexCoord;\n" "\n" "#ifdef USELIGHTSOURCE\n" "varying myhvec3 CubeVector;\n" "varying vec3 LightVector;\n" "#endif\n" "\n" "#if defined(USESPECULAR) || defined(USEFOG) || defined(USEOFFSETMAPPING)\n" "varying vec3 EyeVector;\n" "#endif\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "// vertex shader specific:\n" "#ifdef VERTEX_SHADER\n" "\n" "#ifdef USELIGHTSOURCE\n" "uniform vec3 LightPosition;\n" "#endif\n" "\n" "#if defined(USESPECULAR) || defined(USEFOG) || defined(USEOFFSETMAPPING)\n" "uniform vec3 EyePosition;\n" "#endif\n" "\n" "// TODO: get rid of tangentt (texcoord2) and use a crossproduct to regenerate it from tangents (texcoord1) and normal (texcoord3)\n" "\n" "void main(void)\n" "{\n" " // copy the surface texcoord\n" " TexCoord = vec2(gl_TextureMatrix[0] * gl_MultiTexCoord0);\n" "\n" "#ifdef USELIGHTSOURCE\n" " // transform vertex position into light attenuation/cubemap space\n" " // (-1 to +1 across the light box)\n" " CubeVector = vec3(gl_TextureMatrix[3] * gl_Vertex);\n" "\n" " // transform unnormalized light direction into tangent space\n" " // (we use unnormalized to ensure that it interpolates correctly and then\n" " // normalize it per pixel)\n" " vec3 lightminusvertex = LightPosition - gl_Vertex.xyz;\n" " LightVector.x = dot(lightminusvertex, gl_MultiTexCoord1.xyz);\n" " LightVector.y = dot(lightminusvertex, gl_MultiTexCoord2.xyz);\n" " LightVector.z = dot(lightminusvertex, gl_MultiTexCoord3.xyz);\n" "#endif\n" "\n" "#if defined(USESPECULAR) || defined(USEFOG) || defined(USEOFFSETMAPPING)\n" " // transform unnormalized eye direction into tangent space\n" " vec3 eyeminusvertex = EyePosition - gl_Vertex.xyz;\n" " EyeVector.x = dot(eyeminusvertex, gl_MultiTexCoord1.xyz);\n" " EyeVector.y = dot(eyeminusvertex, gl_MultiTexCoord2.xyz);\n" " EyeVector.z = dot(eyeminusvertex, gl_MultiTexCoord3.xyz);\n" "#endif\n" "\n" " // transform vertex to camera space, using ftransform to match non-VS\n" " // rendering\n" " gl_Position = ftransform();\n" "}\n" "\n" "#endif\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "// fragment shader specific:\n" "#ifdef FRAGMENT_SHADER\n" "\n" "uniform myhvec3 LightColor;\n" "#ifdef USEOFFSETMAPPING\n" "uniform myhalf OffsetMapping_Scale;\n" "uniform myhalf OffsetMapping_Bias;\n" "#endif\n" "\n" "#if defined(USELIGHTSOURCE) || defined(USEDELUXEMAPPING)\n" "uniform sampler2D Texture_Normal;\n" "#endif\n" "\n" "uniform sampler2D Texture_Color;\n" "\n" "#ifdef USECOLORMAPPING\n" "uniform sampler2D Texture_Pants;\n" "uniform sampler2D Texture_Shirt;\n" "uniform myhvec3 Color_Pants;\n" "uniform myhvec3 Color_Shirt;\n" "#endif\n" "\n" "uniform myhalf AmbientScale;\n" "uniform myhalf DiffuseScale;\n" "#ifdef USESPECULAR\n" "uniform myhalf SpecularScale;\n" "uniform myhalf SpecularPower;\n" "uniform sampler2D Texture_Gloss;\n" "#endif\n" "\n" "#ifdef USECUBEFILTER\n" "uniform samplerCube Texture_Cube;\n" "#endif\n" "\n" "#ifdef USEFOG\n" "uniform myhalf FogRangeRecip;\n" "uniform sampler2D Texture_FogMask;\n" "#endif\n" "\n" "void main(void)\n" "{\n" " // apply offsetmapping\n" "#ifdef USEOFFSETMAPPING\n" " // this is 3 sample because of ATI Radeon 9500-9800/X300 limits\n" " myhvec2 OffsetVector = normalize(EyeVector).xy * vec2(-0.333, 0.333);\n" " myhvec2 TexCoordOffset = TexCoord + OffsetVector * (OffsetMapping_Bias + OffsetMapping_Scale * texture2D(Texture_Normal, TexCoord).w);\n" " TexCoordOffset += OffsetVector * (OffsetMapping_Bias + OffsetMapping_Scale * texture2D(Texture_Normal, TexCoordOffset).w);\n" " TexCoordOffset += OffsetVector * (OffsetMapping_Bias + OffsetMapping_Scale * texture2D(Texture_Normal, TexCoordOffset).w);\n" "#define TexCoord TexCoordOffset\n" "#endif\n" "\n" " // combine the diffuse textures (base, pants, shirt)\n" " myhvec4 color = myhvec4(texture2D(Texture_Color, TexCoord));\n" "#ifdef USECOLORMAPPING\n" " color.rgb += myhvec3(texture2D(Texture_Pants, TexCoord)) * Color_Pants + myhvec3(texture2D(Texture_Shirt, TexCoord)) * Color_Shirt;\n" "#endif\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "#ifdef USELIGHTSOURCE\n" " // light source\n" "\n" " // get the surface normal and light normal\n" "#ifdef SURFACENORMALIZE\n" " myhvec3 surfacenormal = normalize(myhvec3(texture2D(Texture_Normal, TexCoord)) - 0.5);\n" "#else\n" " myhvec3 surfacenormal = -1.0 + 2.0 * myhvec3(texture2D(Texture_Normal, TexCoord));\n" "#endif\n" " myhvec3 diffusenormal = myhvec3(normalize(LightVector));\n" "\n" " // calculate directional shading\n" " color.rgb *= (AmbientScale + DiffuseScale * max(dot(surfacenormal, diffusenormal), 0.0));\n" "#ifdef USESPECULAR\n" " myhvec3 specularnormal = myhvec3(normalize(diffusenormal + myhvec3(normalize(EyeVector))));\n" " color.rgb += myhvec3(texture2D(Texture_Gloss, TexCoord)) * SpecularScale * pow(max(dot(surfacenormal, specularnormal), 0.0), SpecularPower);\n" "#endif\n" "\n" "#ifdef USECUBEFILTER\n" " // apply light cubemap filter\n" " color.rgb *= myhvec3(textureCube(Texture_Cube, CubeVector));\n" "#endif\n" "\n" " // apply light color\n" " color.rgb = color.rgb * LightColor;\n" "\n" " // apply attenuation\n" " //\n" " // the attenuation is (1-(x*x+y*y+z*z)) which gives a large bright\n" " // center and sharp falloff at the edge, this is about the most efficient\n" " // we can get away with as far as providing illumination.\n" " //\n" " // pow(1-(x*x+y*y+z*z), 4) is far more realistic but needs large lights to\n" " // provide significant illumination, large = slow = pain.\n" " color.rgb *= max(1.0 - dot(CubeVector, CubeVector), 0.0);\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "#else\n" "#ifdef USEDELUXEMAPPING\n" " // deluxemap lightmapping\n" "\n" " // get the surface normal and light normal\n" "#ifdef SURFACENORMALIZE\n" " myhvec3 surfacenormal = normalize(myhvec3(texture2D(Texture_Normal, TexCoord)) - 0.5);\n" " myhvec3 diffusenormal = normalize(myhvec3(texture2D(Texture_Deluxemap, TexCoordLightmap)));\n" "#else\n" " myhvec3 surfacenormal = -1.0 + 2.0 * myhvec3(texture2D(Texture_Normal, TexCoord));\n" " myhvec3 diffusenormal = myhvec3(texture2D(Texture_Deluxemap, TexCoordLightmap));\n" "#endif\n" "\n" " // calculate directional shading\n" " color.rgb *= (AmbientScale + DiffuseScale * max(dot(surfacenormal, diffusenormal), 0.0));\n" "#ifdef USESPECULAR\n" " myhvec3 specularnormal = myhvec3(normalize(diffusenormal + myhvec3(normalize(EyeVector))));\n" " color.rgb += myhvec3(texture2D(Texture_Gloss, TexCoord)) * SpecularScale * pow(max(dot(surfacenormal, specularnormal), 0.0), SpecularPower);\n" "#endif\n" "\n" " // apply lightmap color\n" " color.rgb *= myhvec3(texture2D(Texture_Lightmap, TexCoordLightmap));\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "#else\n" " // apply lightmap color\n" " color.rgb *= myhvec3(texture2D(Texture_Lightmap, TexCoordLightmap)) * DiffuseScale;\n" "#endif\n" "#endif\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "#ifdef USEFOG\n" " // apply fog\n" " myhalf fog = texture2D(Texture_FogMask, myhvec2(length(EyeVector)*FogRangeRecip, 0)).x;\n" " color.rgb = color.rgb * (1 - fog) + FogColor * fog;\n" "#endif\n" "\n" " gl_FragColor = color;\n" "}\n" "\n" "#endif\n" ; // the loaded GLSL shader file for compiling shader permutations as needed static char *shaderstring = NULL; void R_GLSL_CompilePermutation(int permutation) { r_glsl_permutation_t *p = r_glsl_permutations + permutation; int vertstrings_count; int fragstrings_count; const char *vertstrings_list[SHADERPERMUTATION_COUNT+1]; const char *fragstrings_list[SHADERPERMUTATION_COUNT+1]; char permutationname[256]; if (p->compiled) return; p->compiled = true; vertstrings_list[0] = "#define VERTEX_SHADER\n"; fragstrings_list[0] = "#define FRAGMENT_SHADER\n"; vertstrings_count = 1; fragstrings_count = 1; permutationname[0] = 0; if (permutation & SHADERPERMUTATION_DELUXEMAPPING) { vertstrings_list[vertstrings_count++] = "#define USEDELUXEMAP\n"; fragstrings_list[fragstrings_count++] = "#define USEDELUXEMAP\n"; strlcat(permutationname, " deluxemap", sizeof(permutationname)); } if (permutation & SHADERPERMUTATION_LIGHTSOURCE) { vertstrings_list[vertstrings_count++] = "#define USELIGHTSOURCE\n"; fragstrings_list[fragstrings_count++] = "#define USELIGHTSOURCE\n"; strlcat(permutationname, " lightsource", sizeof(permutationname)); } if (permutation & SHADERPERMUTATION_COLORMAPPING) { vertstrings_list[vertstrings_count++] = "#define USECOLORMAPPING\n"; fragstrings_list[fragstrings_count++] = "#define USECOLORMAPPING\n"; strlcat(permutationname, " colormapping", sizeof(permutationname)); } if (permutation & SHADERPERMUTATION_SPECULAR) { vertstrings_list[vertstrings_count++] = "#define USESPECULAR\n"; fragstrings_list[fragstrings_count++] = "#define USESPECULAR\n"; strlcat(permutationname, " specular", sizeof(permutationname)); } if (permutation & SHADERPERMUTATION_FOG) { vertstrings_list[vertstrings_count++] = "#define USEFOG\n"; fragstrings_list[fragstrings_count++] = "#define USEFOG\n"; strlcat(permutationname, " fog", sizeof(permutationname)); } if (permutation & SHADERPERMUTATION_CUBEFILTER) { vertstrings_list[vertstrings_count++] = "#define USECUBEFILTER\n"; fragstrings_list[fragstrings_count++] = "#define USECUBEFILTER\n"; strlcat(permutationname, " cubefilter", sizeof(permutationname)); } if (permutation & SHADERPERMUTATION_OFFSETMAPPING) { vertstrings_list[vertstrings_count++] = "#define USEOFFSETMAPPING\n"; fragstrings_list[fragstrings_count++] = "#define USEOFFSETMAPPING\n"; strlcat(permutationname, " offsetmapping", sizeof(permutationname)); } if (permutation & SHADERPERMUTATION_SURFACENORMALIZE) { vertstrings_list[vertstrings_count++] = "#define SURFACENORMALIZE\n"; fragstrings_list[fragstrings_count++] = "#define SURFACENORMALIZE\n"; strlcat(permutationname, " surfacenormalize", sizeof(permutationname)); } if (permutation & SHADERPERMUTATION_GEFORCEFX) { vertstrings_list[vertstrings_count++] = "#define GEFORCEFX\n"; fragstrings_list[fragstrings_count++] = "#define GEFORCEFX\n"; strlcat(permutationname, " halffloat", sizeof(permutationname)); } if (shaderstring) { vertstrings_list[vertstrings_count++] = shaderstring; fragstrings_list[fragstrings_count++] = shaderstring; } else { vertstrings_list[vertstrings_count++] = builtinshaderstring; fragstrings_list[fragstrings_count++] = builtinshaderstring; } p->program = GL_Backend_CompileProgram(vertstrings_count, vertstrings_list, fragstrings_count, fragstrings_list); if (p->program) { CHECKGLERROR qglUseProgramObjectARB(p->program); p->loc_Texture_Normal = qglGetUniformLocationARB(p->program, "Texture_Normal"); p->loc_Texture_Color = qglGetUniformLocationARB(p->program, "Texture_Color"); p->loc_Texture_Gloss = qglGetUniformLocationARB(p->program, "Texture_Gloss"); p->loc_Texture_Cube = qglGetUniformLocationARB(p->program, "Texture_Cube"); p->loc_Texture_FogMask = qglGetUniformLocationARB(p->program, "Texture_FogMask"); p->loc_Texture_Pants = qglGetUniformLocationARB(p->program, "Texture_Pants"); p->loc_Texture_Shirt = qglGetUniformLocationARB(p->program, "Texture_Shirt"); p->loc_FogColor = qglGetUniformLocationARB(p->program, "FogColor"); p->loc_LightPosition = qglGetUniformLocationARB(p->program, "LightPosition"); p->loc_EyePosition = qglGetUniformLocationARB(p->program, "EyePosition"); p->loc_LightColor = qglGetUniformLocationARB(p->program, "LightColor"); p->loc_Color_Pants = qglGetUniformLocationARB(p->program, "Color_Pants"); p->loc_Color_Shirt = qglGetUniformLocationARB(p->program, "Color_Shirt"); p->loc_FogRangeRecip = qglGetUniformLocationARB(p->program, "FogRangeRecip"); p->loc_AmbientScale = qglGetUniformLocationARB(p->program, "AmbientScale"); p->loc_DiffuseScale = qglGetUniformLocationARB(p->program, "DiffuseScale"); p->loc_SpecularPower = qglGetUniformLocationARB(p->program, "SpecularPower"); p->loc_SpecularScale = qglGetUniformLocationARB(p->program, "SpecularScale"); p->loc_OffsetMapping_Scale = qglGetUniformLocationARB(p->program, "OffsetMapping_Scale"); p->loc_OffsetMapping_Bias = qglGetUniformLocationARB(p->program, "OffsetMapping_Bias"); if (p->loc_Texture_Normal) qglUniform1iARB(p->loc_Texture_Normal, 0); if (p->loc_Texture_Color) qglUniform1iARB(p->loc_Texture_Color, 1); if (p->loc_Texture_Gloss) qglUniform1iARB(p->loc_Texture_Gloss, 2); if (p->loc_Texture_Cube) qglUniform1iARB(p->loc_Texture_Cube, 3); if (p->loc_Texture_FogMask) qglUniform1iARB(p->loc_Texture_FogMask, 4); if (p->loc_Texture_Pants) qglUniform1iARB(p->loc_Texture_Pants, 5); if (p->loc_Texture_Shirt) qglUniform1iARB(p->loc_Texture_Shirt, 6); if (p->loc_Texture_Lightmap) qglUniform1iARB(p->loc_Texture_Lightmap, 7); if (p->loc_Texture_Deluxemap) qglUniform1iARB(p->loc_Texture_Deluxemap, 8); qglUseProgramObjectARB(0); CHECKGLERROR } else Con_Printf("permutation%s failed for shader %s, some features may not work properly!\n", permutationname, "glsl/default.glsl"); } void R_SetupSurfaceShader(const entity_render_t *ent, const texture_t *texture, const vec3_t lightcolorbase, const vec3_t lightcolorpants, const vec3_t lightcolorshirt, rtexture_t *basetexture, rtexture_t *pantstexture, rtexture_t *shirttexture, rtexture_t *normalmaptexture, rtexture_t *glosstexture, float specularscale, qboolean dopants, qboolean doshirt) { // select a permutation of the lighting shader appropriate to this // combination of texture, entity, light source, and fogging, only use the // minimum features necessary to avoid wasting rendering time in the // fragment shader on features that are not being used int permutation = 0; r_glsl_permutation = NULL; if (r_shadow_rtlight) permutation |= SHADERPERMUTATION_LIGHTSOURCE; else if (false) permutation |= SHADERPERMUTATION_DELUXEMAPPING; if (fogenabled) permutation |= SHADERPERMUTATION_FOG; if ((dopants || doshirt)) permutation |= SHADERPERMUTATION_COLORMAPPING; if (specularscale > 0) permutation |= SHADERPERMUTATION_SPECULAR; if (r_shadow_rtlight->currentcubemap != r_texture_whitecube) permutation |= SHADERPERMUTATION_CUBEFILTER; if (r_glsl_offsetmapping.integer) permutation |= SHADERPERMUTATION_OFFSETMAPPING; if (r_glsl_surfacenormalize.integer) permutation |= SHADERPERMUTATION_SURFACENORMALIZE; if (r_glsl_usehalffloat.integer) permutation |= SHADERPERMUTATION_GEFORCEFX; if (!r_glsl_permutations[permutation].program) { if (!r_glsl_permutations[permutation].compiled) R_GLSL_CompilePermutation(permutation); if (!r_glsl_permutations[permutation].program) { // remove features until we find a valid permutation int i; for (i = SHADERPERMUTATION_COUNT-1;;i>>=1) { // reduce i more quickly whenever it would not remove any bits if (permutation < i) continue; permutation &= i; if (!r_glsl_permutations[permutation].compiled) R_GLSL_CompilePermutation(permutation); if (r_glsl_permutations[permutation].program) break; if (!i) return; // utterly failed } } } r_glsl_permutation = r_glsl_permutations + permutation; CHECKGLERROR qglUseProgramObjectARB(r_glsl_permutation->program);CHECKGLERROR R_Mesh_TexMatrix(0, &texture->currenttexmatrix); if (r_shadow_rtlight) R_Mesh_TexMatrix(3, &r_shadow_entitytolight); if (r_glsl_permutation->loc_Texture_Normal) R_Mesh_TexBind(0, R_GetTexture(normalmaptexture)); if (r_glsl_permutation->loc_Texture_Color) R_Mesh_TexBind(1, R_GetTexture(basetexture)); if (r_glsl_permutation->loc_FogColor) { // additive passes are only darkened by fog, not tinted if (r_shadow_rtlight || (texture->currentmaterialflags & MATERIALFLAG_ADD)) qglUniform3fARB(r_glsl_permutation->loc_FogColor, 0, 0, 0); else qglUniform3fARB(r_glsl_permutation->loc_FogColor, fogcolor[0], fogcolor[1], fogcolor[2]); } if (r_glsl_permutation->loc_LightPosition) qglUniform3fARB(r_glsl_permutation->loc_LightPosition, r_shadow_entitylightorigin[0], r_shadow_entitylightorigin[1], r_shadow_entitylightorigin[2]); if (r_glsl_permutation->loc_EyePosition) qglUniform3fARB(r_glsl_permutation->loc_EyePosition, r_shadow_entityeyeorigin[0], r_shadow_entityeyeorigin[1], r_shadow_entityeyeorigin[2]); if (r_glsl_permutation->loc_LightColor) qglUniform3fARB(r_glsl_permutation->loc_LightColor, lightcolorbase[0], lightcolorbase[1], lightcolorbase[2]); if (r_glsl_permutation->loc_Texture_Pants) R_Mesh_TexBind(5, R_GetTexture(pantstexture)); if (r_glsl_permutation->loc_Texture_Shirt) R_Mesh_TexBind(6, R_GetTexture(shirttexture)); if (r_glsl_permutation->loc_Color_Pants) qglUniform3fARB(r_glsl_permutation->loc_Color_Pants, ent->colormap_pantscolor[0], ent->colormap_pantscolor[1], ent->colormap_pantscolor[2]); if (r_glsl_permutation->loc_Color_Shirt) qglUniform3fARB(r_glsl_permutation->loc_Color_Shirt, ent->colormap_shirtcolor[0], ent->colormap_shirtcolor[1], ent->colormap_shirtcolor[2]); if (r_glsl_permutation->loc_FogRangeRecip) qglUniform1fARB(r_glsl_permutation->loc_FogRangeRecip, fograngerecip); if (r_glsl_permutation->loc_AmbientScale) qglUniform1fARB(r_glsl_permutation->loc_AmbientScale, r_shadow_rtlight->ambientscale); if (r_glsl_permutation->loc_DiffuseScale) qglUniform1fARB(r_glsl_permutation->loc_DiffuseScale, r_shadow_rtlight->diffusescale); if (r_glsl_permutation->loc_Texture_Gloss) R_Mesh_TexBind(2, R_GetTexture(glosstexture)); if (r_glsl_permutation->loc_SpecularPower) qglUniform1fARB(r_glsl_permutation->loc_SpecularPower, 8); if (r_glsl_permutation->loc_SpecularScale) qglUniform1fARB(r_glsl_permutation->loc_SpecularScale, specularscale); if (r_glsl_permutation->loc_OffsetMapping_Scale) qglUniform1fARB(r_glsl_permutation->loc_OffsetMapping_Scale, r_glsl_offsetmapping_scale.value); if (r_glsl_permutation->loc_OffsetMapping_Bias) qglUniform1fARB(r_glsl_permutation->loc_OffsetMapping_Bias, r_glsl_offsetmapping_bias.value); CHECKGLERROR } void gl_main_start(void) { // use half float math where available (speed gain on NVIDIA GFFX and GF6) if (gl_support_half_float) Cvar_SetValue("r_glsl_usehalffloat", 1); r_main_texturepool = R_AllocTexturePool(); r_bloom_texture_screen = NULL; r_bloom_texture_bloom = NULL; R_BuildBlankTextures(); R_BuildNoTexture(); if (gl_texturecubemap) { R_BuildWhiteCube(); R_BuildNormalizationCube(); } R_BuildFogTexture(); shaderstring = NULL; if (gl_support_fragment_shader) { shaderstring = (char *)FS_LoadFile("glsl/default.glsl", r_main_mempool, false, NULL); if (shaderstring) Con_Printf("GLSL shader text loaded from disk\n"); // if we couldn't load the shader file, fall back to builtin shader if (!shaderstring) { if (shaderstring) Con_Printf("GLSL shader text loaded from fallback\n"); shaderstring = Mem_Alloc(r_main_mempool, strlen(builtinshaderstring) + 1); strcpy(shaderstring, builtinshaderstring); } } if (shaderstring) Con_Printf("GLSL shader text loaded\n"); memset(r_glsl_permutations, 0, sizeof(r_glsl_permutations)); } void gl_main_shutdown(void) { int i; R_FreeTexturePool(&r_main_texturepool); r_bloom_texture_screen = NULL; r_bloom_texture_bloom = NULL; r_texture_blanknormalmap = NULL; r_texture_white = NULL; r_texture_black = NULL; r_texture_whitecube = NULL; r_texture_normalizationcube = NULL; if (shaderstring) Mem_Free(shaderstring); shaderstring = NULL; for (i = 0;i < SHADERPERMUTATION_COUNT;i++) if (r_glsl_permutations[i].program) GL_Backend_FreeProgram(r_glsl_permutations[i].program); memset(r_glsl_permutations, 0, sizeof(r_glsl_permutations)); } extern void CL_ParseEntityLump(char *entitystring); void gl_main_newmap(void) { // FIXME: move this code to client int l; char *entities, entname[MAX_QPATH]; r_framecount = 1; if (cl.worldmodel) { strlcpy(entname, cl.worldmodel->name, sizeof(entname)); l = (int)strlen(entname) - 4; if (l >= 0 && !strcmp(entname + l, ".bsp")) { strcpy(entname + l, ".ent"); if ((entities = (char *)FS_LoadFile(entname, tempmempool, true, NULL))) { CL_ParseEntityLump(entities); Mem_Free(entities); return; } } if (cl.worldmodel->brush.entities) CL_ParseEntityLump(cl.worldmodel->brush.entities); } } void GL_Main_Init(void) { r_main_mempool = Mem_AllocPool("Renderer", 0, NULL); FOG_registercvars(); // FIXME: move this fog stuff to client? Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_nearclip); Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_showtris); Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_showtris_polygonoffset); Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_shownormals); Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_showlighting); Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_showshadowvolumes); Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_showcollisionbrushes); Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_showcollisionbrushes_polygonfactor); Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_showcollisionbrushes_polygonoffset); Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_showdisabledepthtest); Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_drawentities); Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_drawviewmodel); Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_speeds); Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_fullbrights); Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_wateralpha); Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_dynamic); Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_fullbright); Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_textureunits); Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_glsl); Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_glsl_offsetmapping); Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_glsl_offsetmapping_scale); Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_glsl_offsetmapping_bias); Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_glsl_usehalffloat); Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_glsl_surfacenormalize); Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_lerpsprites); Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_lerpmodels); Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_waterscroll); Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_bloom); Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_bloom_intensity); Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_bloom_blur); Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_bloom_resolution); Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_bloom_power); Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_smoothnormals_areaweighting); Cvar_RegisterVariable(&developer_texturelogging); Cvar_RegisterVariable(&gl_lightmaps); Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_test); if (gamemode == GAME_NEHAHRA || gamemode == GAME_TENEBRAE) Cvar_SetValue("r_fullbrights", 0); R_RegisterModule("GL_Main", gl_main_start, gl_main_shutdown, gl_main_newmap); } static vec3_t r_farclip_origin; static vec3_t r_farclip_direction; static vec_t r_farclip_directiondist; static vec_t r_farclip_meshfarclip; static int r_farclip_directionbit0; static int r_farclip_directionbit1; static int r_farclip_directionbit2; // enlarge farclip to accomodate box static void R_FarClip_Box(vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs) { float d; d = (r_farclip_directionbit0 ? mins[0] : maxs[0]) * r_farclip_direction[0] + (r_farclip_directionbit1 ? mins[1] : maxs[1]) * r_farclip_direction[1] + (r_farclip_directionbit2 ? mins[2] : maxs[2]) * r_farclip_direction[2]; if (r_farclip_meshfarclip < d) r_farclip_meshfarclip = d; } // return farclip value static float R_FarClip(vec3_t origin, vec3_t direction, vec_t startfarclip) { int i; VectorCopy(origin, r_farclip_origin); VectorCopy(direction, r_farclip_direction); r_farclip_directiondist = DotProduct(r_farclip_origin, r_farclip_direction); r_farclip_directionbit0 = r_farclip_direction[0] < 0; r_farclip_directionbit1 = r_farclip_direction[1] < 0; r_farclip_directionbit2 = r_farclip_direction[2] < 0; r_farclip_meshfarclip = r_farclip_directiondist + startfarclip; if (r_refdef.worldmodel) R_FarClip_Box(r_refdef.worldmodel->normalmins, r_refdef.worldmodel->normalmaxs); for (i = 0;i < r_refdef.numentities;i++) R_FarClip_Box(r_refdef.entities[i]->mins, r_refdef.entities[i]->maxs); return r_farclip_meshfarclip - r_farclip_directiondist; } extern void R_Textures_Init(void); extern void GL_Draw_Init(void); extern void GL_Main_Init(void); extern void R_Shadow_Init(void); extern void R_Sky_Init(void); extern void GL_Surf_Init(void); extern void R_Crosshairs_Init(void); extern void R_Light_Init(void); extern void R_Particles_Init(void); extern void R_Explosion_Init(void); extern void gl_backend_init(void); extern void Sbar_Init(void); extern void R_LightningBeams_Init(void); extern void Mod_RenderInit(void); void Render_Init(void) { gl_backend_init(); R_Textures_Init(); R_MeshQueue_Init(); GL_Main_Init(); GL_Draw_Init(); R_Shadow_Init(); R_Sky_Init(); GL_Surf_Init(); R_Crosshairs_Init(); R_Light_Init(); R_Particles_Init(); R_Explosion_Init(); Sbar_Init(); R_LightningBeams_Init(); Mod_RenderInit(); } /* =============== GL_Init =============== */ extern char *ENGINE_EXTENSIONS; void GL_Init (void) { VID_CheckExtensions(); // LordHavoc: report supported extensions Con_DPrintf("\nengine extensions: %s\n", vm_sv_extensions ); // clear to black (loading plaque will be seen over this) qglClearColor(0,0,0,1); qglClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); } int R_CullBox(const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs) { int i; mplane_t *p; for (i = 0;i < 4;i++) { p = frustum + i; switch(p->signbits) { default: case 0: if (p->normal[0]*maxs[0] + p->normal[1]*maxs[1] + p->normal[2]*maxs[2] < p->dist) return true; break; case 1: if (p->normal[0]*mins[0] + p->normal[1]*maxs[1] + p->normal[2]*maxs[2] < p->dist) return true; break; case 2: if (p->normal[0]*maxs[0] + p->normal[1]*mins[1] + p->normal[2]*maxs[2] < p->dist) return true; break; case 3: if (p->normal[0]*mins[0] + p->normal[1]*mins[1] + p->normal[2]*maxs[2] < p->dist) return true; break; case 4: if (p->normal[0]*maxs[0] + p->normal[1]*maxs[1] + p->normal[2]*mins[2] < p->dist) return true; break; case 5: if (p->normal[0]*mins[0] + p->normal[1]*maxs[1] + p->normal[2]*mins[2] < p->dist) return true; break; case 6: if (p->normal[0]*maxs[0] + p->normal[1]*mins[1] + p->normal[2]*mins[2] < p->dist) return true; break; case 7: if (p->normal[0]*mins[0] + p->normal[1]*mins[1] + p->normal[2]*mins[2] < p->dist) return true; break; } } return false; } //================================================================================== static void R_MarkEntities (void) { int i, renderimask; entity_render_t *ent; if (!r_drawentities.integer) return; r_refdef.worldentity->visframe = r_framecount; renderimask = envmap ? (RENDER_EXTERIORMODEL | RENDER_VIEWMODEL) : (chase_active.integer ? 0 : RENDER_EXTERIORMODEL); if (r_refdef.worldmodel && r_refdef.worldmodel->brush.BoxTouchingVisibleLeafs) { // worldmodel can check visibility for (i = 0;i < r_refdef.numentities;i++) { ent = r_refdef.entities[i]; // some of the renderer still relies on origin... Matrix4x4_OriginFromMatrix(&ent->matrix, ent->origin); // some of the renderer still relies on scale... ent->scale = Matrix4x4_ScaleFromMatrix(&ent->matrix); if (!(ent->flags & renderimask) && !R_CullBox(ent->mins, ent->maxs) && ((ent->effects & EF_NODEPTHTEST) || r_refdef.worldmodel->brush.BoxTouchingVisibleLeafs(r_refdef.worldmodel, r_worldleafvisible, ent->mins, ent->maxs))) { R_UpdateEntLights(ent); ent->visframe = r_framecount; } } } else { // no worldmodel or it can't check visibility for (i = 0;i < r_refdef.numentities;i++) { ent = r_refdef.entities[i]; // some of the renderer still relies on origin... Matrix4x4_OriginFromMatrix(&ent->matrix, ent->origin); // some of the renderer still relies on scale... ent->scale = Matrix4x4_ScaleFromMatrix(&ent->matrix); if (!(ent->flags & renderimask) && !R_CullBox(ent->mins, ent->maxs) && (ent->effects & EF_NODEPTHTEST)) { R_UpdateEntLights(ent); ent->visframe = r_framecount; } } } } // only used if skyrendermasked, and normally returns false int R_DrawBrushModelsSky (void) { int i, sky; entity_render_t *ent; if (!r_drawentities.integer) return false; sky = false; for (i = 0;i < r_refdef.numentities;i++) { ent = r_refdef.entities[i]; if (ent->visframe == r_framecount && ent->model && ent->model->DrawSky) { ent->model->DrawSky(ent); sky = true; } } return sky; } void R_DrawNoModel(entity_render_t *ent); void R_DrawModels(void) { int i; entity_render_t *ent; if (!r_drawentities.integer) return; for (i = 0;i < r_refdef.numentities;i++) { ent = r_refdef.entities[i]; if (ent->visframe == r_framecount) { renderstats.entities++; if (ent->model && ent->model->Draw != NULL) ent->model->Draw(ent); else R_DrawNoModel(ent); } } } static void R_SetFrustum(void) { // break apart the view matrix into vectors for various purposes Matrix4x4_ToVectors(&r_view_matrix, r_viewforward, r_viewleft, r_viewup, r_vieworigin); VectorNegate(r_viewleft, r_viewright); #if 0 frustum[0].normal[0] = 0 - 1.0 / r_refdef.frustum_x; frustum[0].normal[1] = 0 - 0; frustum[0].normal[2] = -1 - 0; frustum[1].normal[0] = 0 + 1.0 / r_refdef.frustum_x; frustum[1].normal[1] = 0 + 0; frustum[1].normal[2] = -1 + 0; frustum[2].normal[0] = 0 - 0; frustum[2].normal[1] = 0 - 1.0 / r_refdef.frustum_y; frustum[2].normal[2] = -1 - 0; frustum[3].normal[0] = 0 + 0; frustum[3].normal[1] = 0 + 1.0 / r_refdef.frustum_y; frustum[3].normal[2] = -1 + 0; #endif #if 0 zNear = r_nearclip.value; nudge = 1.0 - 1.0 / (1<<23); frustum[4].normal[0] = 0 - 0; frustum[4].normal[1] = 0 - 0; frustum[4].normal[2] = -1 - -nudge; frustum[4].dist = 0 - -2 * zNear * nudge; frustum[5].normal[0] = 0 + 0; frustum[5].normal[1] = 0 + 0; frustum[5].normal[2] = -1 + -nudge; frustum[5].dist = 0 + -2 * zNear * nudge; #endif #if 0 frustum[0].normal[0] = m[3] - m[0]; frustum[0].normal[1] = m[7] - m[4]; frustum[0].normal[2] = m[11] - m[8]; frustum[0].dist = m[15] - m[12]; frustum[1].normal[0] = m[3] + m[0]; frustum[1].normal[1] = m[7] + m[4]; frustum[1].normal[2] = m[11] + m[8]; frustum[1].dist = m[15] + m[12]; frustum[2].normal[0] = m[3] - m[1]; frustum[2].normal[1] = m[7] - m[5]; frustum[2].normal[2] = m[11] - m[9]; frustum[2].dist = m[15] - m[13]; frustum[3].normal[0] = m[3] + m[1]; frustum[3].normal[1] = m[7] + m[5]; frustum[3].normal[2] = m[11] + m[9]; frustum[3].dist = m[15] + m[13]; frustum[4].normal[0] = m[3] - m[2]; frustum[4].normal[1] = m[7] - m[6]; frustum[4].normal[2] = m[11] - m[10]; frustum[4].dist = m[15] - m[14]; frustum[5].normal[0] = m[3] + m[2]; frustum[5].normal[1] = m[7] + m[6]; frustum[5].normal[2] = m[11] + m[10]; frustum[5].dist = m[15] + m[14]; #endif VectorMAM(1, r_viewforward, 1.0 / -r_refdef.frustum_x, r_viewleft, frustum[0].normal); VectorMAM(1, r_viewforward, 1.0 / r_refdef.frustum_x, r_viewleft, frustum[1].normal); VectorMAM(1, r_viewforward, 1.0 / -r_refdef.frustum_y, r_viewup, frustum[2].normal); VectorMAM(1, r_viewforward, 1.0 / r_refdef.frustum_y, r_viewup, frustum[3].normal); VectorCopy(r_viewforward, frustum[4].normal); VectorNormalize(frustum[0].normal); VectorNormalize(frustum[1].normal); VectorNormalize(frustum[2].normal); VectorNormalize(frustum[3].normal); frustum[0].dist = DotProduct (r_vieworigin, frustum[0].normal); frustum[1].dist = DotProduct (r_vieworigin, frustum[1].normal); frustum[2].dist = DotProduct (r_vieworigin, frustum[2].normal); frustum[3].dist = DotProduct (r_vieworigin, frustum[3].normal); frustum[4].dist = DotProduct (r_vieworigin, frustum[4].normal) + r_nearclip.value; PlaneClassify(&frustum[0]); PlaneClassify(&frustum[1]); PlaneClassify(&frustum[2]); PlaneClassify(&frustum[3]); PlaneClassify(&frustum[4]); // LordHavoc: note to all quake engine coders, Quake had a special case // for 90 degrees which assumed a square view (wrong), so I removed it, // Quake2 has it disabled as well. // rotate R_VIEWFORWARD right by FOV_X/2 degrees //RotatePointAroundVector( frustum[0].normal, r_viewup, r_viewforward, -(90 - r_refdef.fov_x / 2)); //frustum[0].dist = DotProduct (r_vieworigin, frustum[0].normal); //PlaneClassify(&frustum[0]); // rotate R_VIEWFORWARD left by FOV_X/2 degrees //RotatePointAroundVector( frustum[1].normal, r_viewup, r_viewforward, (90 - r_refdef.fov_x / 2)); //frustum[1].dist = DotProduct (r_vieworigin, frustum[1].normal); //PlaneClassify(&frustum[1]); // rotate R_VIEWFORWARD up by FOV_X/2 degrees //RotatePointAroundVector( frustum[2].normal, r_viewleft, r_viewforward, -(90 - r_refdef.fov_y / 2)); //frustum[2].dist = DotProduct (r_vieworigin, frustum[2].normal); //PlaneClassify(&frustum[2]); // rotate R_VIEWFORWARD down by FOV_X/2 degrees //RotatePointAroundVector( frustum[3].normal, r_viewleft, r_viewforward, (90 - r_refdef.fov_y / 2)); //frustum[3].dist = DotProduct (r_vieworigin, frustum[3].normal); //PlaneClassify(&frustum[3]); // nearclip plane //VectorCopy(r_viewforward, frustum[4].normal); //frustum[4].dist = DotProduct (r_vieworigin, frustum[4].normal) + r_nearclip.value; //PlaneClassify(&frustum[4]); } static void R_BlendView(void) { int screenwidth, screenheight; qboolean dobloom; qboolean doblend; rmeshstate_t m; // set the (poorly named) screenwidth and screenheight variables to // a power of 2 at least as large as the screen, these will define the // size of the texture to allocate for (screenwidth = 1;screenwidth < vid.width;screenwidth *= 2); for (screenheight = 1;screenheight < vid.height;screenheight *= 2); doblend = r_refdef.viewblend[3] >= 0.01f; dobloom = r_bloom.integer && screenwidth <= gl_max_texture_size && screenheight <= gl_max_texture_size && r_bloom_resolution.value >= 32 && r_bloom_power.integer >= 1 && r_bloom_power.integer < 100 && r_bloom_blur.value >= 0 && r_bloom_blur.value < 512; if (!dobloom && !doblend) return; GL_SetupView_Mode_Ortho(0, 0, 1, 1, -10, 100); GL_DepthMask(true); GL_DepthTest(false); R_Mesh_Matrix(&identitymatrix); // vertex coordinates for a quad that covers the screen exactly varray_vertex3f[0] = 0;varray_vertex3f[1] = 0;varray_vertex3f[2] = 0; varray_vertex3f[3] = 1;varray_vertex3f[4] = 0;varray_vertex3f[5] = 0; varray_vertex3f[6] = 1;varray_vertex3f[7] = 1;varray_vertex3f[8] = 0; varray_vertex3f[9] = 0;varray_vertex3f[10] = 1;varray_vertex3f[11] = 0; if (dobloom) { int bloomwidth, bloomheight, x, dobloomblend, range; float xoffset, yoffset, r; renderstats.bloom++; // allocate textures as needed if (!r_bloom_texture_screen) r_bloom_texture_screen = R_LoadTexture2D(r_main_texturepool, "screen", screenwidth, screenheight, NULL, TEXTYPE_RGBA, TEXF_FORCENEAREST | TEXF_CLAMP | TEXF_ALWAYSPRECACHE, NULL); if (!r_bloom_texture_bloom) r_bloom_texture_bloom = R_LoadTexture2D(r_main_texturepool, "bloom", screenwidth, screenheight, NULL, TEXTYPE_RGBA, TEXF_FORCELINEAR | TEXF_CLAMP | TEXF_ALWAYSPRECACHE, NULL); // set bloomwidth and bloomheight to the bloom resolution that will be // used (often less than the screen resolution for faster rendering) bloomwidth = min(r_view_width, r_bloom_resolution.integer); bloomheight = min(r_view_height, bloomwidth * r_view_height / r_view_width); // set up a texcoord array for the full resolution screen image // (we have to keep this around to copy back during final render) varray_texcoord2f[0][0] = 0; varray_texcoord2f[0][1] = (float)r_view_height / (float)screenheight; varray_texcoord2f[0][2] = (float)r_view_width / (float)screenwidth; varray_texcoord2f[0][3] = (float)r_view_height / (float)screenheight; varray_texcoord2f[0][4] = (float)r_view_width / (float)screenwidth; varray_texcoord2f[0][5] = 0; varray_texcoord2f[0][6] = 0; varray_texcoord2f[0][7] = 0; // set up a texcoord array for the reduced resolution bloom image // (which will be additive blended over the screen image) varray_texcoord2f[1][0] = 0; varray_texcoord2f[1][1] = (float)bloomheight / (float)screenheight; varray_texcoord2f[1][2] = (float)bloomwidth / (float)screenwidth; varray_texcoord2f[1][3] = (float)bloomheight / (float)screenheight; varray_texcoord2f[1][4] = (float)bloomwidth / (float)screenwidth; varray_texcoord2f[1][5] = 0; varray_texcoord2f[1][6] = 0; varray_texcoord2f[1][7] = 0; memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m)); m.pointer_vertex = varray_vertex3f; m.pointer_texcoord[0] = varray_texcoord2f[0]; m.tex[0] = R_GetTexture(r_bloom_texture_screen); R_Mesh_State(&m); // copy view into the full resolution screen image texture GL_ActiveTexture(0); qglCopyTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, r_view_x, vid.height - (r_view_y + r_view_height), r_view_width, r_view_height); renderstats.bloom_copypixels += r_view_width * r_view_height; // now scale it down to the bloom size and raise to a power of itself // to darken it (this leaves the really bright stuff bright, and // everything else becomes very dark) // TODO: optimize with multitexture or GLSL qglViewport(r_view_x, vid.height - (r_view_y + bloomheight), bloomwidth, bloomheight); GL_BlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ZERO); GL_Color(1, 1, 1, 1); R_Mesh_Draw(0, 4, 2, polygonelements); renderstats.bloom_drawpixels += bloomwidth * bloomheight; // render multiple times with a multiply blendfunc to raise to a power GL_BlendFunc(GL_DST_COLOR, GL_ZERO); for (x = 1;x < r_bloom_power.integer;x++) { R_Mesh_Draw(0, 4, 2, polygonelements); renderstats.bloom_drawpixels += bloomwidth * bloomheight; } // we now have a darkened bloom image in the framebuffer, copy it into // the bloom image texture for more processing memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m)); m.pointer_vertex = varray_vertex3f; m.tex[0] = R_GetTexture(r_bloom_texture_bloom); m.pointer_texcoord[0] = varray_texcoord2f[2]; R_Mesh_State(&m); GL_ActiveTexture(0); qglCopyTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, r_view_x, vid.height - (r_view_y + bloomheight), bloomwidth, bloomheight); renderstats.bloom_copypixels += bloomwidth * bloomheight; // blend on at multiple vertical offsets to achieve a vertical blur // TODO: do offset blends using GLSL range = r_bloom_blur.integer * bloomwidth / 320; GL_BlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ZERO); for (x = -range;x <= range;x++) { xoffset = 0 / (float)bloomwidth * (float)bloomwidth / (float)screenwidth; yoffset = x / (float)bloomheight * (float)bloomheight / (float)screenheight; // compute a texcoord array with the specified x and y offset varray_texcoord2f[2][0] = xoffset+0; varray_texcoord2f[2][1] = yoffset+(float)bloomheight / (float)screenheight; varray_texcoord2f[2][2] = xoffset+(float)bloomwidth / (float)screenwidth; varray_texcoord2f[2][3] = yoffset+(float)bloomheight / (float)screenheight; varray_texcoord2f[2][4] = xoffset+(float)bloomwidth / (float)screenwidth; varray_texcoord2f[2][5] = yoffset+0; varray_texcoord2f[2][6] = xoffset+0; varray_texcoord2f[2][7] = yoffset+0; // this r value looks like a 'dot' particle, fading sharply to // black at the edges // (probably not realistic but looks good enough) r = r_bloom_intensity.value/(range*2+1)*(1 - x*x/(float)(range*range)); if (r < 0.01f) continue; GL_Color(r, r, r, 1); R_Mesh_Draw(0, 4, 2, polygonelements); renderstats.bloom_drawpixels += bloomwidth * bloomheight; GL_BlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ONE); } // copy the vertically blurred bloom view to a texture GL_ActiveTexture(0); qglCopyTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, r_view_x, vid.height - (r_view_y + bloomheight), bloomwidth, bloomheight); renderstats.bloom_copypixels += bloomwidth * bloomheight; // blend the vertically blurred image at multiple offsets horizontally // to finish the blur effect // TODO: do offset blends using GLSL range = r_bloom_blur.integer * bloomwidth / 320; GL_BlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ZERO); for (x = -range;x <= range;x++) { xoffset = x / (float)bloomwidth * (float)bloomwidth / (float)screenwidth; yoffset = 0 / (float)bloomheight * (float)bloomheight / (float)screenheight; // compute a texcoord array with the specified x and y offset varray_texcoord2f[2][0] = xoffset+0; varray_texcoord2f[2][1] = yoffset+(float)bloomheight / (float)screenheight; varray_texcoord2f[2][2] = xoffset+(float)bloomwidth / (float)screenwidth; varray_texcoord2f[2][3] = yoffset+(float)bloomheight / (float)screenheight; varray_texcoord2f[2][4] = xoffset+(float)bloomwidth / (float)screenwidth; varray_texcoord2f[2][5] = yoffset+0; varray_texcoord2f[2][6] = xoffset+0; varray_texcoord2f[2][7] = yoffset+0; // this r value looks like a 'dot' particle, fading sharply to // black at the edges // (probably not realistic but looks good enough) r = r_bloom_intensity.value/(range*2+1)*(1 - x*x/(float)(range*range)); if (r < 0.01f) continue; GL_Color(r, r, r, 1); R_Mesh_Draw(0, 4, 2, polygonelements); renderstats.bloom_drawpixels += bloomwidth * bloomheight; GL_BlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ONE); } // copy the blurred bloom view to a texture GL_ActiveTexture(0); qglCopyTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, r_view_x, vid.height - (r_view_y + bloomheight), bloomwidth, bloomheight); renderstats.bloom_copypixels += bloomwidth * bloomheight; // go back to full view area qglViewport(r_view_x, vid.height - (r_view_y + r_view_height), r_view_width, r_view_height); // put the original screen image back in place and blend the bloom // texture on it memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m)); m.pointer_vertex = varray_vertex3f; m.tex[0] = R_GetTexture(r_bloom_texture_screen); m.pointer_texcoord[0] = varray_texcoord2f[0]; #if 0 dobloomblend = false; #else // do both in one pass if possible if (r_textureunits.integer >= 2 && gl_combine.integer) { dobloomblend = false; m.texcombinergb[1] = GL_ADD; m.tex[1] = R_GetTexture(r_bloom_texture_bloom); m.pointer_texcoord[1] = varray_texcoord2f[1]; } else dobloomblend = true; #endif R_Mesh_State(&m); GL_BlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ZERO); GL_Color(1,1,1,1); R_Mesh_Draw(0, 4, 2, polygonelements); renderstats.bloom_drawpixels += r_view_width * r_view_height; // now blend on the bloom texture if multipass if (dobloomblend) { memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m)); m.pointer_vertex = varray_vertex3f; m.tex[0] = R_GetTexture(r_bloom_texture_bloom); m.pointer_texcoord[0] = varray_texcoord2f[1]; R_Mesh_State(&m); GL_BlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ONE); GL_Color(1,1,1,1); R_Mesh_Draw(0, 4, 2, polygonelements); renderstats.bloom_drawpixels += r_view_width * r_view_height; } } if (doblend) { // apply a color tint to the whole view memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m)); m.pointer_vertex = varray_vertex3f; R_Mesh_State(&m); GL_BlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); GL_Color(r_refdef.viewblend[0], r_refdef.viewblend[1], r_refdef.viewblend[2], r_refdef.viewblend[3]); R_Mesh_Draw(0, 4, 2, polygonelements); } } void R_RenderScene(void); matrix4x4_t r_waterscrollmatrix; /* ================ R_RenderView ================ */ void R_RenderView(void) { if (!r_refdef.entities/* || !r_refdef.worldmodel*/) return; //Host_Error ("R_RenderView: NULL worldmodel"); r_view_width = bound(0, r_refdef.width, vid.width); r_view_height = bound(0, r_refdef.height, vid.height); r_view_depth = 1; r_view_x = bound(0, r_refdef.x, vid.width - r_refdef.width); r_view_y = bound(0, r_refdef.y, vid.height - r_refdef.height); r_view_z = 0; r_view_matrix = r_refdef.viewentitymatrix; GL_ColorMask(r_refdef.colormask[0], r_refdef.colormask[1], r_refdef.colormask[2], 1); r_rtworld = r_shadow_realtime_world.integer; r_rtworldshadows = r_shadow_realtime_world_shadows.integer && gl_stencil; r_rtdlight = (r_shadow_realtime_world.integer || r_shadow_realtime_dlight.integer) && !gl_flashblend.integer; r_rtdlightshadows = r_rtdlight && (r_rtworld ? r_shadow_realtime_world_dlightshadows.integer : r_shadow_realtime_dlight_shadows.integer) && gl_stencil; r_lightmapintensity = r_rtworld ? r_shadow_realtime_world_lightmaps.value : 1; // GL is weird because it's bottom to top, r_view_y is top to bottom qglViewport(r_view_x, vid.height - (r_view_y + r_view_height), r_view_width, r_view_height); GL_Scissor(r_view_x, r_view_y, r_view_width, r_view_height); GL_ScissorTest(true); GL_DepthMask(true); R_ClearScreen(); R_Textures_Frame(); R_UpdateFog(); if (r_timereport_active) R_TimeReport("setup"); qglDepthFunc(GL_LEQUAL); qglPolygonOffset(0, 0); qglEnable(GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL); R_RenderScene(); qglPolygonOffset(0, 0); qglDisable(GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL); R_BlendView(); if (r_timereport_active) R_TimeReport("blendview"); GL_Scissor(0, 0, vid.width, vid.height); GL_ScissorTest(false); } //[515]: csqc void CSQC_R_ClearScreen (void) { if (!r_refdef.entities/* || !r_refdef.worldmodel*/) return; //Host_Error ("R_RenderView: NULL worldmodel"); r_view_width = bound(0, r_refdef.width, vid.width); r_view_height = bound(0, r_refdef.height, vid.height); r_view_depth = 1; r_view_x = bound(0, r_refdef.x, vid.width - r_refdef.width); r_view_y = bound(0, r_refdef.y, vid.height - r_refdef.height); r_view_z = 0; r_view_matrix = r_refdef.viewentitymatrix; GL_ColorMask(r_refdef.colormask[0], r_refdef.colormask[1], r_refdef.colormask[2], 1); r_rtworld = r_shadow_realtime_world.integer; r_rtworldshadows = r_shadow_realtime_world_shadows.integer && gl_stencil; r_rtdlight = (r_shadow_realtime_world.integer || r_shadow_realtime_dlight.integer) && !gl_flashblend.integer; r_rtdlightshadows = r_rtdlight && (r_rtworld ? r_shadow_realtime_world_dlightshadows.integer : r_shadow_realtime_dlight_shadows.integer) && gl_stencil; r_lightmapintensity = r_rtworld ? r_shadow_realtime_world_lightmaps.value : 1; // GL is weird because it's bottom to top, r_view_y is top to bottom qglViewport(r_view_x, vid.height - (r_view_y + r_view_height), r_view_width, r_view_height); GL_Scissor(r_view_x, r_view_y, r_view_width, r_view_height); GL_ScissorTest(true); GL_DepthMask(true); R_ClearScreen(); R_Textures_Frame(); R_UpdateFog(); if (r_timereport_active) R_TimeReport("setup"); } //[515]: csqc void CSQC_R_RenderScene (void) { qglDepthFunc(GL_LEQUAL); qglPolygonOffset(0, 0); qglEnable(GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL); R_RenderScene(); qglPolygonOffset(0, 0); qglDisable(GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL); R_BlendView(); if (r_timereport_active) R_TimeReport("blendview"); GL_Scissor(0, 0, vid.width, vid.height); GL_ScissorTest(false); } extern void R_DrawLightningBeams (void); extern void VM_AddPolygonsToMeshQueue (void); void R_RenderScene(void) { float nearclip; // don't let sound skip if going slow if (r_refdef.extraupdate) S_ExtraUpdate (); r_framecount++; R_MeshQueue_BeginScene(); R_SetFrustum(); r_farclip = R_FarClip(r_vieworigin, r_viewforward, 768.0f) + 256.0f; nearclip = bound (0.001f, r_nearclip.value, r_farclip - 1.0f); if (r_rtworldshadows || r_rtdlightshadows) GL_SetupView_Mode_PerspectiveInfiniteFarClip(r_refdef.frustum_x, r_refdef.frustum_y, nearclip); else GL_SetupView_Mode_Perspective(r_refdef.frustum_x, r_refdef.frustum_y, nearclip, r_farclip); GL_SetupView_Orientation_FromEntity(&r_view_matrix); Matrix4x4_CreateTranslate(&r_waterscrollmatrix, sin(r_refdef.time) * 0.025 * r_waterscroll.value, sin(r_refdef.time * 0.8f) * 0.025 * r_waterscroll.value, 0); R_SkyStartFrame(); R_WorldVisibility(); if (r_timereport_active) R_TimeReport("worldvis"); R_MarkEntities(); if (r_timereport_active) R_TimeReport("markentity"); R_Shadow_UpdateWorldLightSelection(); for (r_showtrispass = 0;r_showtrispass <= (r_showtris.value > 0);r_showtrispass++) { if (r_showtrispass) { rmeshstate_t m; r_showtrispass = 0; GL_BlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ONE); GL_DepthTest(!r_showdisabledepthtest.integer); GL_DepthMask(GL_FALSE); memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m)); R_Mesh_State(&m); //qglEnable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH); qglEnable(GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_LINE); qglPolygonOffset(0, r_showtris_polygonoffset.value); r_showtrispass = 1; } if (cl.csqc_vidvars.drawworld) { // don't let sound skip if going slow if (r_refdef.extraupdate) S_ExtraUpdate (); if (r_showtrispass) GL_ShowTrisColor(0.025, 0.025, 0, 1); if (r_refdef.worldmodel && r_refdef.worldmodel->DrawSky) { r_refdef.worldmodel->DrawSky(r_refdef.worldentity); if (r_timereport_active) R_TimeReport("worldsky"); } if (R_DrawBrushModelsSky() && r_timereport_active) R_TimeReport("bmodelsky"); if (r_showtrispass) GL_ShowTrisColor(0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 1); if (r_refdef.worldmodel && r_refdef.worldmodel->Draw) { r_refdef.worldmodel->Draw(r_refdef.worldentity); if (r_timereport_active) R_TimeReport("world"); } } // don't let sound skip if going slow if (r_refdef.extraupdate) S_ExtraUpdate (); if (r_showtrispass) GL_ShowTrisColor(0, 0.015, 0, 1); R_DrawModels(); if (r_timereport_active) R_TimeReport("models"); // don't let sound skip if going slow if (r_refdef.extraupdate) S_ExtraUpdate (); if (r_showtrispass) GL_ShowTrisColor(0, 0, 0.033, 1); R_ShadowVolumeLighting(false); if (r_timereport_active) R_TimeReport("rtlights"); // don't let sound skip if going slow if (r_refdef.extraupdate) S_ExtraUpdate (); if (r_showtrispass) GL_ShowTrisColor(0.1, 0, 0, 1); if (cl.csqc_vidvars.drawworld) { R_DrawLightningBeams(); if (r_timereport_active) R_TimeReport("lightning"); R_DrawParticles(); if (r_timereport_active) R_TimeReport("particles"); R_DrawExplosions(); if (r_timereport_active) R_TimeReport("explosions"); } R_MeshQueue_RenderTransparent(); if (r_timereport_active) R_TimeReport("drawtrans"); if (cl.csqc_vidvars.drawworld) { R_DrawCoronas(); if (r_timereport_active) R_TimeReport("coronas"); } if(cl.csqc_vidvars.drawcrosshair) { R_DrawWorldCrosshair(); if (r_timereport_active) R_TimeReport("crosshair"); } VM_AddPolygonsToMeshQueue(); R_MeshQueue_Render(); if (r_showtrispass) { //qglDisable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH); qglDisable(GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_LINE); } } r_showtrispass = 0; R_MeshQueue_EndScene(); // don't let sound skip if going slow if (r_refdef.extraupdate) S_ExtraUpdate (); } /* void R_DrawBBoxMesh(vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, float cr, float cg, float cb, float ca) { int i; float *v, *c, f1, f2, diff[3], vertex3f[8*3], color4f[8*4]; rmeshstate_t m; GL_BlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); GL_DepthMask(false); GL_DepthTest(true); R_Mesh_Matrix(&identitymatrix); vertex3f[ 0] = mins[0];vertex3f[ 1] = mins[1];vertex3f[ 2] = mins[2]; vertex3f[ 3] = maxs[0];vertex3f[ 4] = mins[1];vertex3f[ 5] = mins[2]; vertex3f[ 6] = mins[0];vertex3f[ 7] = maxs[1];vertex3f[ 8] = mins[2]; vertex3f[ 9] = maxs[0];vertex3f[10] = maxs[1];vertex3f[11] = mins[2]; vertex3f[12] = mins[0];vertex3f[13] = mins[1];vertex3f[14] = maxs[2]; vertex3f[15] = maxs[0];vertex3f[16] = mins[1];vertex3f[17] = maxs[2]; vertex3f[18] = mins[0];vertex3f[19] = maxs[1];vertex3f[20] = maxs[2]; vertex3f[21] = maxs[0];vertex3f[22] = maxs[1];vertex3f[23] = maxs[2]; R_FillColors(color, 8, cr, cg, cb, ca); if (fogenabled) { for (i = 0, v = vertex, c = color;i < 8;i++, v += 4, c += 4) { f2 = VERTEXFOGTABLE(VectorDistance(v, r_vieworigin)); f1 = 1 - f2; c[0] = c[0] * f1 + fogcolor[0] * f2; c[1] = c[1] * f1 + fogcolor[1] * f2; c[2] = c[2] * f1 + fogcolor[2] * f2; } } memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m)); m.pointer_vertex = vertex3f; m.pointer_color = color; R_Mesh_State(&m); R_Mesh_Draw(8, 12); } */ int nomodelelements[24] = { 5, 2, 0, 5, 1, 2, 5, 0, 3, 5, 3, 1, 0, 2, 4, 2, 1, 4, 3, 0, 4, 1, 3, 4 }; float nomodelvertex3f[6*3] = { -16, 0, 0, 16, 0, 0, 0, -16, 0, 0, 16, 0, 0, 0, -16, 0, 0, 16 }; float nomodelcolor4f[6*4] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.5f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.5f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f }; void R_DrawNoModel_TransparentCallback(const entity_render_t *ent, int surfacenumber, const rtlight_t *rtlight) { int i; float f1, f2, *c; float color4f[6*4]; rmeshstate_t m; R_Mesh_Matrix(&ent->matrix); memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m)); m.pointer_vertex = nomodelvertex3f; if (ent->flags & EF_ADDITIVE) { GL_BlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE); GL_DepthMask(false); } else if (ent->alpha < 1) { GL_BlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); GL_DepthMask(false); } else { GL_BlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ZERO); GL_DepthMask(true); } GL_DepthTest(!(ent->effects & EF_NODEPTHTEST)); if (fogenabled) { memcpy(color4f, nomodelcolor4f, sizeof(float[6*4])); m.pointer_color = color4f; f2 = VERTEXFOGTABLE(VectorDistance(ent->origin, r_vieworigin)); f1 = 1 - f2; for (i = 0, c = color4f;i < 6;i++, c += 4) { c[0] = (c[0] * f1 + fogcolor[0] * f2); c[1] = (c[1] * f1 + fogcolor[1] * f2); c[2] = (c[2] * f1 + fogcolor[2] * f2); c[3] *= ent->alpha; } } else if (ent->alpha != 1) { memcpy(color4f, nomodelcolor4f, sizeof(float[6*4])); m.pointer_color = color4f; for (i = 0, c = color4f;i < 6;i++, c += 4) c[3] *= ent->alpha; } else m.pointer_color = nomodelcolor4f; R_Mesh_State(&m); R_Mesh_Draw(0, 6, 8, nomodelelements); } void R_DrawNoModel(entity_render_t *ent) { //if ((ent->effects & EF_ADDITIVE) || (ent->alpha < 1)) R_MeshQueue_AddTransparent(ent->effects & EF_NODEPTHTEST ? r_vieworigin : ent->origin, R_DrawNoModel_TransparentCallback, ent, 0, r_shadow_rtlight); //else // R_DrawNoModelCallback(ent, 0); } void R_CalcBeam_Vertex3f (float *vert, const vec3_t org1, const vec3_t org2, float width) { vec3_t right1, right2, diff, normal; VectorSubtract (org2, org1, normal); // calculate 'right' vector for start VectorSubtract (r_vieworigin, org1, diff); CrossProduct (normal, diff, right1); VectorNormalize (right1); // calculate 'right' vector for end VectorSubtract (r_vieworigin, org2, diff); CrossProduct (normal, diff, right2); VectorNormalize (right2); vert[ 0] = org1[0] + width * right1[0]; vert[ 1] = org1[1] + width * right1[1]; vert[ 2] = org1[2] + width * right1[2]; vert[ 3] = org1[0] - width * right1[0]; vert[ 4] = org1[1] - width * right1[1]; vert[ 5] = org1[2] - width * right1[2]; vert[ 6] = org2[0] - width * right2[0]; vert[ 7] = org2[1] - width * right2[1]; vert[ 8] = org2[2] - width * right2[2]; vert[ 9] = org2[0] + width * right2[0]; vert[10] = org2[1] + width * right2[1]; vert[11] = org2[2] + width * right2[2]; } float spritetexcoord2f[4*2] = {0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1}; void R_DrawSprite(int blendfunc1, int blendfunc2, rtexture_t *texture, rtexture_t *fogtexture, int depthdisable, const vec3_t origin, const vec3_t left, const vec3_t up, float scalex1, float scalex2, float scaley1, float scaley2, float cr, float cg, float cb, float ca) { float fog = 0.0f, ifog; rmeshstate_t m; if (fogenabled) fog = VERTEXFOGTABLE(VectorDistance(origin, r_vieworigin)); ifog = 1 - fog; R_Mesh_Matrix(&identitymatrix); GL_BlendFunc(blendfunc1, blendfunc2); GL_DepthMask(false); GL_DepthTest(!depthdisable); varray_vertex3f[ 0] = origin[0] + left[0] * scalex2 + up[0] * scaley1; varray_vertex3f[ 1] = origin[1] + left[1] * scalex2 + up[1] * scaley1; varray_vertex3f[ 2] = origin[2] + left[2] * scalex2 + up[2] * scaley1; varray_vertex3f[ 3] = origin[0] + left[0] * scalex2 + up[0] * scaley2; varray_vertex3f[ 4] = origin[1] + left[1] * scalex2 + up[1] * scaley2; varray_vertex3f[ 5] = origin[2] + left[2] * scalex2 + up[2] * scaley2; varray_vertex3f[ 6] = origin[0] + left[0] * scalex1 + up[0] * scaley2; varray_vertex3f[ 7] = origin[1] + left[1] * scalex1 + up[1] * scaley2; varray_vertex3f[ 8] = origin[2] + left[2] * scalex1 + up[2] * scaley2; varray_vertex3f[ 9] = origin[0] + left[0] * scalex1 + up[0] * scaley1; varray_vertex3f[10] = origin[1] + left[1] * scalex1 + up[1] * scaley1; varray_vertex3f[11] = origin[2] + left[2] * scalex1 + up[2] * scaley1; memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m)); m.tex[0] = R_GetTexture(texture); m.pointer_texcoord[0] = spritetexcoord2f; m.pointer_vertex = varray_vertex3f; R_Mesh_State(&m); GL_Color(cr * ifog, cg * ifog, cb * ifog, ca); R_Mesh_Draw(0, 4, 2, polygonelements); if (blendfunc2 == GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) { R_Mesh_TexBind(0, R_GetTexture(fogtexture)); GL_BlendFunc(blendfunc1, GL_ONE); GL_Color(fogcolor[0] * fog, fogcolor[1] * fog, fogcolor[2] * fog, ca); R_Mesh_Draw(0, 4, 2, polygonelements); } } int R_Mesh_AddVertex3f(rmesh_t *mesh, const float *v) { int i; float *vertex3f; for (i = 0, vertex3f = mesh->vertex3f;i < mesh->numvertices;i++, vertex3f += 3) if (VectorDistance2(v, vertex3f) < mesh->epsilon2) break; if (i == mesh->numvertices) { if (mesh->numvertices < mesh->maxvertices) { VectorCopy(v, vertex3f); mesh->numvertices++; } return mesh->numvertices; } else return i; } void R_Mesh_AddPolygon3f(rmesh_t *mesh, int numvertices, float *vertex3f) { int i; int *e, element[3]; element[0] = R_Mesh_AddVertex3f(mesh, vertex3f);vertex3f += 3; element[1] = R_Mesh_AddVertex3f(mesh, vertex3f);vertex3f += 3; e = mesh->element3i + mesh->numtriangles * 3; for (i = 0;i < numvertices - 2;i++, vertex3f += 3) { element[2] = R_Mesh_AddVertex3f(mesh, vertex3f); if (mesh->numtriangles < mesh->maxtriangles) { *e++ = element[0]; *e++ = element[1]; *e++ = element[2]; mesh->numtriangles++; } element[1] = element[2]; } } void R_Mesh_AddBrushMeshFromPlanes(rmesh_t *mesh, int numplanes, mplane_t *planes) { int planenum, planenum2; int w; int tempnumpoints; mplane_t *plane, *plane2; float temppoints[2][256*3]; for (planenum = 0, plane = planes;planenum < numplanes;planenum++, plane++) { w = 0; tempnumpoints = 4; PolygonF_QuadForPlane(temppoints[w], plane->normal[0], plane->normal[1], plane->normal[2], plane->normal[3], 1024.0*1024.0*1024.0); for (planenum2 = 0, plane2 = planes;planenum2 < numplanes && tempnumpoints >= 3;planenum2++, plane2++) { if (planenum2 == planenum) continue; PolygonF_Divide(tempnumpoints, temppoints[w], plane2->normal[0], plane2->normal[1], plane2->normal[2], plane2->dist, 1.0/32.0, 0, NULL, NULL, 256, temppoints[!w], &tempnumpoints, NULL); w = !w; } if (tempnumpoints < 3) continue; // generate elements forming a triangle fan for this polygon R_Mesh_AddPolygon3f(mesh, tempnumpoints, temppoints[w]); } } static void R_Texture_AddLayer(texture_t *t, qboolean depthmask, int blendfunc1, int blendfunc2, texturelayertype_t type, rtexture_t *texture, const matrix4x4_t *matrix, float r, float g, float b, float a) { texturelayer_t *layer; layer = t->currentlayers + t->currentnumlayers++; layer->type = type; layer->depthmask = depthmask; layer->blendfunc1 = blendfunc1; layer->blendfunc2 = blendfunc2; layer->texture = texture; layer->texmatrix = *matrix; layer->color[0] = r; layer->color[1] = g; layer->color[2] = b; layer->color[3] = a; } void R_UpdateTextureInfo(const entity_render_t *ent, texture_t *t) { // FIXME: identify models using a better check than ent->model->brush.shadowmesh //int lightmode = ((ent->effects & EF_FULLBRIGHT) || ent->model->brush.shadowmesh) ? 0 : 2; { texture_t *texture = t; model_t *model = ent->model; int s = ent->skinnum; if ((unsigned int)s >= (unsigned int)model->numskins) s = 0; if (model->skinscenes) { if (model->skinscenes[s].framecount > 1) s = model->skinscenes[s].firstframe + (unsigned int) (r_refdef.time * model->skinscenes[s].framerate) % model->skinscenes[s].framecount; else s = model->skinscenes[s].firstframe; } if (s > 0) t = t + s * model->num_surfaces; if (t->animated) t = t->anim_frames[ent->frame != 0][(t->anim_total[ent->frame != 0] >= 2) ? ((int)(r_refdef.time * 5.0f) % t->anim_total[ent->frame != 0]) : 0]; texture->currentframe = t; } t->currentmaterialflags = t->basematerialflags; t->currentalpha = ent->alpha; if (t->basematerialflags & MATERIALFLAG_WATERALPHA) t->currentalpha *= r_wateralpha.value; if (!(ent->flags & RENDER_LIGHT)) t->currentmaterialflags |= MATERIALFLAG_FULLBRIGHT; if (ent->effects & EF_ADDITIVE) t->currentmaterialflags |= MATERIALFLAG_ADD | MATERIALFLAG_TRANSPARENT; else if (t->currentalpha < 1) t->currentmaterialflags |= MATERIALFLAG_ALPHA | MATERIALFLAG_TRANSPARENT; if (ent->effects & EF_NODEPTHTEST) t->currentmaterialflags |= MATERIALFLAG_NODEPTHTEST; if (t->currentmaterialflags & MATERIALFLAG_WATER && r_waterscroll.value != 0) t->currenttexmatrix = r_waterscrollmatrix; else t->currenttexmatrix = identitymatrix; t->currentnumlayers = 0; if (!(t->currentmaterialflags & MATERIALFLAG_NODRAW)) { if (gl_lightmaps.integer) R_Texture_AddLayer(t, true, GL_ONE, GL_ZERO, TEXTURELAYERTYPE_LITTEXTURE_MULTIPASS, r_texture_white, &identitymatrix, 1, 1, 1, 1); else if (t->currentmaterialflags & MATERIALFLAG_SKY) { // transparent sky would be ridiculous if (!(t->currentmaterialflags & MATERIALFLAG_TRANSPARENT)) R_Texture_AddLayer(t, true, GL_ONE, GL_ZERO, TEXTURELAYERTYPE_SKY, r_texture_white, &identitymatrix, fogcolor[0], fogcolor[1], fogcolor[2], 1); } else { int blendfunc1, blendfunc2, depthmask; if (t->currentmaterialflags & MATERIALFLAG_ADD) { blendfunc1 = GL_SRC_ALPHA; blendfunc2 = GL_ONE; depthmask = false; } else if (t->currentmaterialflags & MATERIALFLAG_ALPHA) { blendfunc1 = GL_SRC_ALPHA; blendfunc2 = GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA; depthmask = false; } else { blendfunc1 = GL_ONE; blendfunc2 = GL_ZERO; depthmask = true; } if (t->currentmaterialflags & (MATERIALFLAG_WATER | MATERIALFLAG_WALL)) { rtexture_t *currentbasetexture; int layerflags = 0; if (fogenabled && (t->currentmaterialflags & MATERIALFLAG_TRANSPARENT)) layerflags |= TEXTURELAYERFLAG_FOGDARKEN; currentbasetexture = (VectorLength2(ent->colormap_pantscolor) + VectorLength2(ent->colormap_shirtcolor) < (1.0f / 1048576.0f) && t->skin.merged) ? t->skin.merged : t->skin.base; if (t->currentmaterialflags & MATERIALFLAG_FULLBRIGHT) { // fullbright is not affected by r_lightmapintensity R_Texture_AddLayer(t, depthmask, blendfunc1, blendfunc2, TEXTURELAYERTYPE_TEXTURE, currentbasetexture, &t->currenttexmatrix, ent->colormod[0], ent->colormod[1], ent->colormod[2], t->currentalpha); if (VectorLength2(ent->colormap_pantscolor) >= (1.0f / 1048576.0f) && t->skin.pants) R_Texture_AddLayer(t, false, GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE, TEXTURELAYERTYPE_TEXTURE, t->skin.pants, &t->currenttexmatrix, ent->colormap_pantscolor[0] * ent->colormod[0], ent->colormap_pantscolor[1] * ent->colormod[1], ent->colormap_pantscolor[2] * ent->colormod[2], t->currentalpha); if (VectorLength2(ent->colormap_shirtcolor) >= (1.0f / 1048576.0f) && t->skin.shirt) R_Texture_AddLayer(t, false, GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE, TEXTURELAYERTYPE_TEXTURE, t->skin.shirt, &t->currenttexmatrix, ent->colormap_shirtcolor[0] * ent->colormod[0], ent->colormap_shirtcolor[1] * ent->colormod[1], ent->colormap_shirtcolor[2] * ent->colormod[2], t->currentalpha); } else { float colorscale; colorscale = 2; // q3bsp has no lightmap updates, so the lightstylevalue that // would normally be baked into the lightmaptexture must be // applied to the color if (ent->model->type == mod_brushq3) colorscale *= r_refdef.lightstylevalue[0] * (1.0f / 256.0f); colorscale *= r_lightmapintensity; if (r_textureunits.integer >= 2 && gl_combine.integer) R_Texture_AddLayer(t, depthmask, blendfunc1, blendfunc2, TEXTURELAYERTYPE_LITTEXTURE_COMBINE, currentbasetexture, &t->currenttexmatrix, ent->colormod[0] * colorscale, ent->colormod[1] * colorscale, ent->colormod[2] * colorscale, t->currentalpha); else if ((t->currentmaterialflags & MATERIALFLAG_TRANSPARENT) == 0) R_Texture_AddLayer(t, true, GL_ONE, GL_ZERO, TEXTURELAYERTYPE_LITTEXTURE_MULTIPASS, currentbasetexture, &t->currenttexmatrix, ent->colormod[0] * colorscale * 0.5f, ent->colormod[1] * colorscale * 0.5f, ent->colormod[2] * colorscale * 0.5f, t->currentalpha); else R_Texture_AddLayer(t, depthmask, blendfunc1, blendfunc2, TEXTURELAYERTYPE_LITTEXTURE_VERTEX, currentbasetexture, &t->currenttexmatrix, ent->colormod[0] * colorscale, ent->colormod[1] * colorscale, ent->colormod[2] * colorscale, t->currentalpha); if (r_ambient.value >= (1.0f/64.0f)) R_Texture_AddLayer(t, false, GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE, TEXTURELAYERTYPE_TEXTURE, currentbasetexture, &t->currenttexmatrix, ent->colormod[0] * r_ambient.value * (1.0f / 64.0f), ent->colormod[1] * r_ambient.value * (1.0f / 64.0f), ent->colormod[2] * r_ambient.value * (1.0f / 64.0f), t->currentalpha); if (VectorLength2(ent->colormap_pantscolor) >= (1.0f / 1048576.0f) && t->skin.pants) { R_Texture_AddLayer(t, false, GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE, TEXTURELAYERTYPE_LITTEXTURE_VERTEX, t->skin.pants, &t->currenttexmatrix, ent->colormap_pantscolor[0] * ent->colormod[0] * colorscale, ent->colormap_pantscolor[1] * ent->colormod[1] * colorscale, ent->colormap_pantscolor[2] * ent->colormod[2] * colorscale, t->currentalpha); if (r_ambient.value >= (1.0f/64.0f)) R_Texture_AddLayer(t, false, GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE, TEXTURELAYERTYPE_TEXTURE, t->skin.pants, &t->currenttexmatrix, ent->colormap_pantscolor[0] * ent->colormod[0] * r_ambient.value * (1.0f / 64.0f), ent->colormap_pantscolor[1] * ent->colormod[1] * r_ambient.value * (1.0f / 64.0f), ent->colormap_pantscolor[2] * ent->colormod[2] * r_ambient.value * (1.0f / 64.0f), t->currentalpha); } if (VectorLength2(ent->colormap_shirtcolor) >= (1.0f / 1048576.0f) && t->skin.shirt) { R_Texture_AddLayer(t, false, GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE, TEXTURELAYERTYPE_LITTEXTURE_VERTEX, t->skin.shirt, &t->currenttexmatrix, ent->colormap_shirtcolor[0] * ent->colormod[0] * colorscale, ent->colormap_shirtcolor[1] * ent->colormod[1] * colorscale, ent->colormap_shirtcolor[2] * ent->colormod[2] * colorscale, t->currentalpha); if (r_ambient.value >= (1.0f/64.0f)) R_Texture_AddLayer(t, false, GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE, TEXTURELAYERTYPE_TEXTURE, t->skin.shirt, &t->currenttexmatrix, ent->colormap_shirtcolor[0] * ent->colormod[0] * r_ambient.value * (1.0f / 64.0f), ent->colormap_shirtcolor[1] * ent->colormod[1] * r_ambient.value * (1.0f / 64.0f), ent->colormap_shirtcolor[2] * ent->colormod[2] * r_ambient.value * (1.0f / 64.0f), t->currentalpha); } } if (t->skin.glow != NULL) R_Texture_AddLayer(t, false, GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE, TEXTURELAYERTYPE_TEXTURE, t->skin.glow, &t->currenttexmatrix, 1, 1, 1, t->currentalpha); if (fogenabled && !(t->currentmaterialflags & MATERIALFLAG_ADD)) { // if this is opaque use alpha blend which will darken the earlier // passes cheaply. // // if this is an alpha blended material, all the earlier passes // were darkened by fog already, so we only need to add the fog // color ontop through the fog mask texture // // if this is an additive blended material, all the earlier passes // were darkened by fog already, and we should not add fog color // (because the background was not darkened, there is no fog color // that was lost behind it). R_Texture_AddLayer(t, false, GL_SRC_ALPHA, (t->currentmaterialflags & MATERIALFLAG_TRANSPARENT) ? GL_ONE : GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, TEXTURELAYERTYPE_FOG, t->skin.fog, &identitymatrix, fogcolor[0], fogcolor[1], fogcolor[2], t->currentalpha); } } } } } void R_UpdateAllTextureInfo(entity_render_t *ent) { int i; if (ent->model) for (i = 0;i < ent->model->num_textures;i++) R_UpdateTextureInfo(ent, ent->model->data_textures + i); } float *rsurface_vertex3f; float *rsurface_svector3f; float *rsurface_tvector3f; float *rsurface_normal3f; float *rsurface_lightmapcolor4f; void RSurf_SetVertexPointer(const entity_render_t *ent, const texture_t *texture, const msurface_t *surface, const vec3_t modelorg, qboolean generatenormals, qboolean generatetangents) { if ((ent->frameblend[0].lerp != 1 || ent->frameblend[0].frame != 0) && (surface->groupmesh->data_morphvertex3f || surface->groupmesh->data_vertexboneweights)) { rsurface_vertex3f = varray_vertex3f; Mod_Alias_GetMesh_Vertex3f(ent->model, ent->frameblend, surface->groupmesh, rsurface_vertex3f); if (generatetangents || (texture->textureflags & (Q3TEXTUREFLAG_AUTOSPRITE | Q3TEXTUREFLAG_AUTOSPRITE2))) { rsurface_svector3f = varray_svector3f; rsurface_tvector3f = varray_tvector3f; rsurface_normal3f = varray_normal3f; Mod_BuildTextureVectorsAndNormals(surface->num_firstvertex, surface->num_vertices, surface->num_triangles, rsurface_vertex3f, surface->groupmesh->data_texcoordtexture2f, surface->groupmesh->data_element3i + surface->num_firsttriangle * 3, rsurface_svector3f, rsurface_tvector3f, rsurface_normal3f, r_smoothnormals_areaweighting.integer); } else { rsurface_svector3f = NULL; rsurface_tvector3f = NULL; if (generatenormals) { rsurface_normal3f = varray_normal3f; Mod_BuildNormals(surface->num_firstvertex, surface->num_vertices, surface->num_triangles, rsurface_vertex3f, surface->groupmesh->data_element3i + 3 * surface->num_firsttriangle, rsurface_normal3f, r_smoothnormals_areaweighting.integer); } else rsurface_normal3f = NULL; } } else { rsurface_vertex3f = surface->groupmesh->data_vertex3f; rsurface_svector3f = surface->groupmesh->data_svector3f; rsurface_tvector3f = surface->groupmesh->data_tvector3f; rsurface_normal3f = surface->groupmesh->data_normal3f; } if (texture->textureflags & (Q3TEXTUREFLAG_AUTOSPRITE | Q3TEXTUREFLAG_AUTOSPRITE2)) { int i, j; float center[3], forward[3], right[3], up[3], v[4][3]; matrix4x4_t matrix1, imatrix1; Matrix4x4_Transform(&ent->inversematrix, r_viewforward, forward); Matrix4x4_Transform(&ent->inversematrix, r_viewright, right); Matrix4x4_Transform(&ent->inversematrix, r_viewup, up); // a single autosprite surface can contain multiple sprites... for (j = 0;j < surface->num_vertices - 3;j += 4) { VectorClear(center); for (i = 0;i < 4;i++) VectorAdd(center, (rsurface_vertex3f + 3 * surface->num_firstvertex) + (j+i) * 3, center); VectorScale(center, 0.25f, center); // FIXME: calculate vectors from triangle edges instead of using texture vectors as an easy way out? Matrix4x4_FromVectors(&matrix1, (rsurface_normal3f + 3 * surface->num_firstvertex) + j*3, (rsurface_svector3f + 3 * surface->num_firstvertex) + j*3, (rsurface_tvector3f + 3 * surface->num_firstvertex) + j*3, center); Matrix4x4_Invert_Simple(&imatrix1, &matrix1); for (i = 0;i < 4;i++) Matrix4x4_Transform(&imatrix1, (rsurface_vertex3f + 3 * surface->num_firstvertex) + (j+i)*3, v[i]); if (texture->textureflags & Q3TEXTUREFLAG_AUTOSPRITE2) { forward[0] = modelorg[0] - center[0]; forward[1] = modelorg[1] - center[1]; forward[2] = 0; VectorNormalize(forward); right[0] = forward[1]; right[1] = -forward[0]; right[2] = 0; VectorSet(up, 0, 0, 1); } for (i = 0;i < 4;i++) VectorMAMAMAM(1, center, v[i][0], forward, v[i][1], right, v[i][2], up, varray_vertex3f + (surface->num_firstvertex+i+j) * 3); } rsurface_vertex3f = varray_vertex3f; rsurface_svector3f = varray_svector3f; rsurface_tvector3f = varray_tvector3f; rsurface_normal3f = varray_normal3f; Mod_BuildTextureVectorsAndNormals(surface->num_firstvertex, surface->num_vertices, surface->num_triangles, rsurface_vertex3f, surface->groupmesh->data_texcoordtexture2f, surface->groupmesh->data_element3i + surface->num_firsttriangle * 3, rsurface_svector3f, rsurface_tvector3f, rsurface_normal3f, r_smoothnormals_areaweighting.integer); } R_Mesh_VertexPointer(rsurface_vertex3f); } static void RSurf_DrawLightmap(const entity_render_t *ent, const texture_t *texture, const msurface_t *surface, const vec3_t modelorg, float r, float g, float b, float a, int lightmode, qboolean applycolor, qboolean applyfog) { int i; float f; float *v, *c, *c2; RSurf_SetVertexPointer(ent, texture, surface, modelorg, lightmode == 2, false); if (lightmode >= 2) { // model lighting vec4_t ambientcolor4f; vec3_t diffusecolor; vec3_t diffusenormal; if (R_LightModel(ambientcolor4f, diffusecolor, diffusenormal, ent, r*0.5f, g*0.5f, b*0.5f, a, false)) { rsurface_lightmapcolor4f = varray_color4f; R_LightModel_CalcVertexColors(ambientcolor4f, diffusecolor, diffusenormal, surface->groupmesh->num_vertices, rsurface_vertex3f + 3 * surface->num_firstvertex, rsurface_normal3f + 3 * surface->num_firstvertex, rsurface_lightmapcolor4f + 4 * surface->num_firstvertex); r = 1; g = 1; b = 1; a = 1; applycolor = false; } else { r = ambientcolor4f[0]; g = ambientcolor4f[1]; b = ambientcolor4f[2]; a = ambientcolor4f[3]; rsurface_lightmapcolor4f = NULL; } } else if (lightmode >= 1) { if (surface->lightmapinfo && surface->lightmapinfo->stainsamples) { for (i = 0, c = varray_color4f + 4 * surface->num_firstvertex;i < surface->num_vertices;i++, c += 4) { if (surface->lightmapinfo->samples) { const unsigned char *lm = surface->lightmapinfo->samples + (surface->groupmesh->data_lightmapoffsets + surface->num_firstvertex)[i]; float scale = r_refdef.lightstylevalue[surface->lightmapinfo->styles[0]] * (1.0f / 32768.0f); VectorScale(lm, scale, c); if (surface->lightmapinfo->styles[1] != 255) { int size3 = ((surface->lightmapinfo->extents[0]>>4)+1)*((surface->lightmapinfo->extents[1]>>4)+1)*3; lm += size3; scale = r_refdef.lightstylevalue[surface->lightmapinfo->styles[1]] * (1.0f / 32768.0f); VectorMA(c, scale, lm, c); if (surface->lightmapinfo->styles[2] != 255) { lm += size3; scale = r_refdef.lightstylevalue[surface->lightmapinfo->styles[2]] * (1.0f / 32768.0f); VectorMA(c, scale, lm, c); if (surface->lightmapinfo->styles[3] != 255) { lm += size3; scale = r_refdef.lightstylevalue[surface->lightmapinfo->styles[3]] * (1.0f / 32768.0f); VectorMA(c, scale, lm, c); } } } } else VectorClear(c); } rsurface_lightmapcolor4f = varray_color4f; } else rsurface_lightmapcolor4f = surface->groupmesh->data_lightmapcolor4f; } else rsurface_lightmapcolor4f = NULL; if (applyfog) { if (rsurface_lightmapcolor4f) { for (i = 0, v = (rsurface_vertex3f + 3 * surface->num_firstvertex), c = (rsurface_lightmapcolor4f + 4 * surface->num_firstvertex), c2 = (varray_color4f + 4 * surface->num_firstvertex);i < surface->num_vertices;i++, v += 3, c += 4, c2 += 4) { f = 1 - VERTEXFOGTABLE(VectorDistance(v, modelorg)); c2[0] = c[0] * f; c2[1] = c[1] * f; c2[2] = c[2] * f; c2[3] = c[3]; } } else { for (i = 0, v = (rsurface_vertex3f + 3 * surface->num_firstvertex), c2 = (varray_color4f + 4 * surface->num_firstvertex);i < surface->num_vertices;i++, v += 3, c2 += 4) { f = 1 - VERTEXFOGTABLE(VectorDistance(v, modelorg)); c2[0] = f; c2[1] = f; c2[2] = f; c2[3] = 1; } } rsurface_lightmapcolor4f = varray_color4f; } if (applycolor && rsurface_lightmapcolor4f) { for (i = 0, c = (rsurface_lightmapcolor4f + 4 * surface->num_firstvertex), c2 = (varray_color4f + 4 * surface->num_firstvertex);i < surface->num_vertices;i++, c += 4, c2 += 4) { c2[0] = c[0] * r; c2[1] = c[1] * g; c2[2] = c[2] * b; c2[3] = c[3] * a; } rsurface_lightmapcolor4f = varray_color4f; } R_Mesh_ColorPointer(rsurface_lightmapcolor4f); GL_Color(r, g, b, a); GL_LockArrays(surface->num_firstvertex, surface->num_vertices); R_Mesh_Draw(surface->num_firstvertex, surface->num_vertices, surface->num_triangles, (surface->groupmesh->data_element3i + 3 * surface->num_firsttriangle)); GL_LockArrays(0, 0); } static void RSurf_Draw(const msurface_t *surface) { GL_LockArrays(surface->num_firstvertex, surface->num_vertices); R_Mesh_Draw(surface->num_firstvertex, surface->num_vertices, surface->num_triangles, (surface->groupmesh->data_element3i + 3 * surface->num_firsttriangle)); GL_LockArrays(0, 0); } static void R_DrawTextureSurfaceList(const entity_render_t *ent, texture_t *texture, int texturenumsurfaces, const msurface_t **texturesurfacelist, const vec3_t modelorg) { int texturesurfaceindex; int lightmode; const msurface_t *surface; qboolean applycolor; qboolean applyfog; rmeshstate_t m; if (texture->currentmaterialflags & MATERIALFLAG_NODRAW) return; renderstats.entities_surfaces += texturenumsurfaces; // FIXME: identify models using a better check than ent->model->brush.shadowmesh lightmode = ((ent->effects & EF_FULLBRIGHT) || ent->model->brush.shadowmesh) ? 0 : 2; GL_DepthTest(!(texture->currentmaterialflags & MATERIALFLAG_NODEPTHTEST)); if ((texture->textureflags & Q3TEXTUREFLAG_TWOSIDED) || (ent->flags & RENDER_NOCULLFACE)) qglDisable(GL_CULL_FACE); if (texture->currentnumlayers) { int layerindex; texturelayer_t *layer; for (layerindex = 0, layer = texture->currentlayers;layerindex < texture->currentnumlayers;layerindex++, layer++) { vec4_t layercolor; int layertexrgbscale; GL_DepthMask(layer->depthmask); GL_BlendFunc(layer->blendfunc1, layer->blendfunc2); if ((layer->color[0] > 2 || layer->color[1] > 2 || layer->color[2] > 2) && (gl_combine.integer || layer->depthmask)) { layertexrgbscale = 4; VectorScale(layer->color, 0.25f, layercolor); } else if ((layer->color[0] > 1 || layer->color[1] > 1 || layer->color[2] > 1) && (gl_combine.integer || layer->depthmask)) { layertexrgbscale = 2; VectorScale(layer->color, 0.5f, layercolor); } else { layertexrgbscale = 1; VectorScale(layer->color, 1.0f, layercolor); } layercolor[3] = layer->color[3]; GL_Color(layercolor[0], layercolor[1], layercolor[2], layercolor[3]); applycolor = layercolor[0] != 1 || layercolor[1] != 1 || layercolor[2] != 1 || layercolor[3] != 1; applyfog = (layer->flags & TEXTURELAYERFLAG_FOGDARKEN) != 0; switch (layer->type) { case TEXTURELAYERTYPE_SKY: if (skyrendernow) { skyrendernow = false; if (skyrendermasked) { R_Sky(); // restore entity matrix and GL_Color R_Mesh_Matrix(&ent->matrix); GL_Color(layercolor[0], layercolor[1], layercolor[2], layercolor[3]); } } // LordHavoc: HalfLife maps have freaky skypolys... //if (!ent->model->brush.ishlbsp) { if (skyrendermasked) { // depth-only (masking) GL_ColorMask(0,0,0,0); // just to make sure that braindead drivers don't draw anything // despite that colormask... GL_BlendFunc(GL_ZERO, GL_ONE); } else { // fog sky GL_BlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ZERO); } memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m)); R_Mesh_State(&m); for (texturesurfaceindex = 0;texturesurfaceindex < texturenumsurfaces;texturesurfaceindex++) { surface = texturesurfacelist[texturesurfaceindex]; RSurf_SetVertexPointer(ent, texture, surface, modelorg, false, false); RSurf_Draw(surface); } if (skyrendermasked) GL_ColorMask(r_refdef.colormask[0], r_refdef.colormask[1], r_refdef.colormask[2], 1); } break; case TEXTURELAYERTYPE_LITTEXTURE_COMBINE: memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m)); m.tex[1] = R_GetTexture(layer->texture); m.texmatrix[1] = layer->texmatrix; m.texrgbscale[1] = layertexrgbscale; m.pointer_color = varray_color4f; R_Mesh_State(&m); if (lightmode == 2) { for (texturesurfaceindex = 0;texturesurfaceindex < texturenumsurfaces;texturesurfaceindex++) { surface = texturesurfacelist[texturesurfaceindex]; R_Mesh_TexCoordPointer(0, 2, surface->groupmesh->data_texcoordlightmap2f); R_Mesh_TexCoordPointer(1, 2, surface->groupmesh->data_texcoordtexture2f); R_Mesh_TexBind(0, R_GetTexture(r_texture_white)); RSurf_DrawLightmap(ent, texture, surface, modelorg, layercolor[0], layercolor[1], layercolor[2], layercolor[3], 2, applycolor, applyfog); } } else { for (texturesurfaceindex = 0;texturesurfaceindex < texturenumsurfaces;texturesurfaceindex++) { surface = texturesurfacelist[texturesurfaceindex]; R_Mesh_TexCoordPointer(0, 2, surface->groupmesh->data_texcoordlightmap2f); R_Mesh_TexCoordPointer(1, 2, surface->groupmesh->data_texcoordtexture2f); if (surface->lightmaptexture) { R_Mesh_TexBind(0, R_GetTexture(surface->lightmaptexture)); RSurf_DrawLightmap(ent, texture, surface, modelorg, layercolor[0], layercolor[1], layercolor[2], layercolor[3], 0, applycolor, applyfog); } else { R_Mesh_TexBind(0, R_GetTexture(r_texture_white)); RSurf_DrawLightmap(ent, texture, surface, modelorg, layercolor[0], layercolor[1], layercolor[2], layercolor[3], 1, applycolor, applyfog); } } } break; case TEXTURELAYERTYPE_LITTEXTURE_MULTIPASS: memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m)); m.tex[0] = R_GetTexture(layer->texture); m.texmatrix[0] = layer->texmatrix; m.pointer_color = varray_color4f; m.texrgbscale[0] = layertexrgbscale; R_Mesh_State(&m); if (lightmode == 2) { for (texturesurfaceindex = 0;texturesurfaceindex < texturenumsurfaces;texturesurfaceindex++) { surface = texturesurfacelist[texturesurfaceindex]; R_Mesh_TexCoordPointer(0, 2, surface->groupmesh->data_texcoordlightmap2f); R_Mesh_TexBind(0, R_GetTexture(r_texture_white)); RSurf_DrawLightmap(ent, texture, surface, modelorg, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, false, false); } } else { for (texturesurfaceindex = 0;texturesurfaceindex < texturenumsurfaces;texturesurfaceindex++) { surface = texturesurfacelist[texturesurfaceindex]; R_Mesh_TexCoordPointer(0, 2, surface->groupmesh->data_texcoordlightmap2f); if (surface->lightmaptexture) { R_Mesh_TexBind(0, R_GetTexture(surface->lightmaptexture)); RSurf_DrawLightmap(ent, texture, surface, modelorg, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, false, false); } else { R_Mesh_TexBind(0, R_GetTexture(r_texture_white)); RSurf_DrawLightmap(ent, texture, surface, modelorg, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, false, false); } } } GL_BlendFunc(GL_DST_COLOR, GL_SRC_COLOR); memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m)); m.tex[0] = R_GetTexture(layer->texture); m.texmatrix[0] = layer->texmatrix; m.pointer_color = varray_color4f; m.texrgbscale[0] = layertexrgbscale; R_Mesh_State(&m); for (texturesurfaceindex = 0;texturesurfaceindex < texturenumsurfaces;texturesurfaceindex++) { surface = texturesurfacelist[texturesurfaceindex]; R_Mesh_TexCoordPointer(0, 2, surface->groupmesh->data_texcoordtexture2f); RSurf_DrawLightmap(ent, texture, surface, modelorg, layercolor[0], layercolor[1], layercolor[2], layercolor[3], 0, applycolor, applyfog); } break; case TEXTURELAYERTYPE_LITTEXTURE_VERTEX: memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m)); m.tex[0] = R_GetTexture(layer->texture); m.texmatrix[0] = layer->texmatrix; m.texrgbscale[0] = layertexrgbscale; m.pointer_color = varray_color4f; R_Mesh_State(&m); if (lightmode == 2) { for (texturesurfaceindex = 0;texturesurfaceindex < texturenumsurfaces;texturesurfaceindex++) { surface = texturesurfacelist[texturesurfaceindex]; R_Mesh_TexCoordPointer(0, 2, surface->groupmesh->data_texcoordtexture2f); RSurf_DrawLightmap(ent, texture, surface, modelorg, layercolor[0], layercolor[1], layercolor[2], layercolor[3], 2, applycolor, applyfog); } } else { for (texturesurfaceindex = 0;texturesurfaceindex < texturenumsurfaces;texturesurfaceindex++) { surface = texturesurfacelist[texturesurfaceindex]; R_Mesh_TexCoordPointer(0, 2, surface->groupmesh->data_texcoordtexture2f); RSurf_DrawLightmap(ent, texture, surface, modelorg, layercolor[0], layercolor[1], layercolor[2], layercolor[3], 1, applycolor, applyfog); } } break; case TEXTURELAYERTYPE_TEXTURE: memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m)); m.tex[0] = R_GetTexture(layer->texture); m.texmatrix[0] = layer->texmatrix; m.pointer_color = varray_color4f; m.texrgbscale[0] = layertexrgbscale; R_Mesh_State(&m); for (texturesurfaceindex = 0;texturesurfaceindex < texturenumsurfaces;texturesurfaceindex++) { surface = texturesurfacelist[texturesurfaceindex]; R_Mesh_TexCoordPointer(0, 2, surface->groupmesh->data_texcoordtexture2f); RSurf_DrawLightmap(ent, texture, surface, modelorg, layercolor[0], layercolor[1], layercolor[2], layercolor[3], 0, applycolor, applyfog); } break; case TEXTURELAYERTYPE_FOG: memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m)); if (layer->texture) { m.tex[0] = R_GetTexture(layer->texture); m.texmatrix[0] = layer->texmatrix; } R_Mesh_State(&m); for (texturesurfaceindex = 0;texturesurfaceindex < texturenumsurfaces;texturesurfaceindex++) { int i; float f, *v, *c; surface = texturesurfacelist[texturesurfaceindex]; RSurf_SetVertexPointer(ent, texture, surface, modelorg, false, false); if (layer->texture) R_Mesh_TexCoordPointer(0, 2, surface->groupmesh->data_texcoordtexture2f); R_Mesh_ColorPointer(varray_color4f); for (i = 0, v = (rsurface_vertex3f + 3 * surface->num_firstvertex), c = (varray_color4f + 4 * surface->num_firstvertex);i < surface->num_vertices;i++, v += 3, c += 4) { f = VERTEXFOGTABLE(VectorDistance(v, modelorg)); c[0] = layercolor[0]; c[1] = layercolor[1]; c[2] = layercolor[2]; c[3] = f * layercolor[3]; } RSurf_Draw(surface); } break; default: Con_Printf("R_DrawTextureSurfaceList: unknown layer type %i\n", layer->type); } // if trying to do overbright on first pass of an opaque surface // when combine is not supported, brighten as a post process if (layertexrgbscale > 1 && !gl_combine.integer && layer->depthmask) { int scale; GL_BlendFunc(GL_DST_COLOR, GL_SRC_COLOR); GL_Color(1, 1, 1, 1); memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m)); R_Mesh_State(&m); for (texturesurfaceindex = 0;texturesurfaceindex < texturenumsurfaces;texturesurfaceindex++) { surface = texturesurfacelist[texturesurfaceindex]; RSurf_SetVertexPointer(ent, texture, surface, modelorg, false, false); for (scale = 1;scale < layertexrgbscale;scale <<= 1) RSurf_Draw(surface); } } } if (r_shownormals.integer && !r_showtrispass) { int j, k; float v[3]; GL_DepthTest(!r_showdisabledepthtest.integer); GL_DepthMask(texture->currentlayers->depthmask); GL_BlendFunc(texture->currentlayers->blendfunc1, texture->currentlayers->blendfunc2); memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m)); R_Mesh_State(&m); for (texturesurfaceindex = 0;texturesurfaceindex < texturenumsurfaces;texturesurfaceindex++) { surface = texturesurfacelist[texturesurfaceindex]; RSurf_SetVertexPointer(ent, texture, surface, modelorg, false, true); GL_Color(1, 0, 0, 1); qglBegin(GL_LINES); for (j = 0, k = surface->num_firstvertex;j < surface->num_vertices;j++, k++) { VectorCopy(rsurface_vertex3f + k * 3, v); qglVertex3f(v[0], v[1], v[2]); VectorMA(v, 8, rsurface_svector3f + k * 3, v); qglVertex3f(v[0], v[1], v[2]); } GL_Color(0, 0, 1, 1); for (j = 0, k = surface->num_firstvertex;j < surface->num_vertices;j++, k++) { VectorCopy(rsurface_vertex3f + k * 3, v); qglVertex3f(v[0], v[1], v[2]); VectorMA(v, 8, rsurface_tvector3f + k * 3, v); qglVertex3f(v[0], v[1], v[2]); } GL_Color(0, 1, 0, 1); for (j = 0, k = surface->num_firstvertex;j < surface->num_vertices;j++, k++) { VectorCopy(rsurface_vertex3f + k * 3, v); qglVertex3f(v[0], v[1], v[2]); VectorMA(v, 8, rsurface_normal3f + k * 3, v); qglVertex3f(v[0], v[1], v[2]); } qglEnd(); } } } if ((texture->textureflags & Q3TEXTUREFLAG_TWOSIDED) || (ent->flags & RENDER_NOCULLFACE)) qglEnable(GL_CULL_FACE); } static void R_DrawSurface_TransparentCallback(const entity_render_t *ent, int surfacenumber, const rtlight_t *rtlight) { const msurface_t *surface = ent->model->data_surfaces + surfacenumber; vec3_t modelorg; texture_t *texture; texture = surface->texture; if (texture->basematerialflags & MATERIALFLAG_SKY) return; // transparent sky is too difficult R_UpdateTextureInfo(ent, texture); R_Mesh_Matrix(&ent->matrix); Matrix4x4_Transform(&ent->inversematrix, r_vieworigin, modelorg); R_DrawTextureSurfaceList(ent, texture->currentframe, 1, &surface, modelorg); } void R_QueueTextureSurfaceList(entity_render_t *ent, texture_t *texture, int texturenumsurfaces, const msurface_t **texturesurfacelist, const vec3_t modelorg) { int texturesurfaceindex; const msurface_t *surface; vec3_t tempcenter, center; if (texture->currentmaterialflags & MATERIALFLAG_TRANSPARENT) { // drawing sky transparently would be too difficult if (!(texture->currentmaterialflags & MATERIALFLAG_SKY)) { for (texturesurfaceindex = 0;texturesurfaceindex < texturenumsurfaces;texturesurfaceindex++) { surface = texturesurfacelist[texturesurfaceindex]; tempcenter[0] = (surface->mins[0] + surface->maxs[0]) * 0.5f; tempcenter[1] = (surface->mins[1] + surface->maxs[1]) * 0.5f; tempcenter[2] = (surface->mins[2] + surface->maxs[2]) * 0.5f; Matrix4x4_Transform(&ent->matrix, tempcenter, center); R_MeshQueue_AddTransparent(texture->currentmaterialflags & MATERIALFLAG_NODEPTHTEST ? r_vieworigin : center, R_DrawSurface_TransparentCallback, ent, surface - ent->model->data_surfaces, r_shadow_rtlight); } } } else R_DrawTextureSurfaceList(ent, texture, texturenumsurfaces, texturesurfacelist, modelorg); } extern void R_BuildLightMap(const entity_render_t *ent, msurface_t *surface); void R_DrawSurfaces(entity_render_t *ent, qboolean skysurfaces) { int i, j, f, flagsmask; int counttriangles = 0; msurface_t *surface, **surfacechain; texture_t *t, *texture; model_t *model = ent->model; vec3_t modelorg; const int maxsurfacelist = 1024; int numsurfacelist = 0; const msurface_t *surfacelist[1024]; if (model == NULL) return; R_Mesh_Matrix(&ent->matrix); Matrix4x4_Transform(&ent->inversematrix, r_vieworigin, modelorg); // update light styles if (!skysurfaces && model->brushq1.light_styleupdatechains) { for (i = 0;i < model->brushq1.light_styles;i++) { if (model->brushq1.light_stylevalue[i] != r_refdef.lightstylevalue[model->brushq1.light_style[i]]) { model->brushq1.light_stylevalue[i] = r_refdef.lightstylevalue[model->brushq1.light_style[i]]; if ((surfacechain = model->brushq1.light_styleupdatechains[i])) for (;(surface = *surfacechain);surfacechain++) surface->cached_dlight = true; } } } R_UpdateAllTextureInfo(ent); flagsmask = skysurfaces ? MATERIALFLAG_SKY : (MATERIALFLAG_WATER | MATERIALFLAG_WALL); f = 0; t = NULL; texture = NULL; numsurfacelist = 0; if (ent == r_refdef.worldentity) { for (i = 0, j = model->firstmodelsurface, surface = model->data_surfaces + j;i < model->nummodelsurfaces;i++, j++, surface++) { if (!r_worldsurfacevisible[j]) continue; if (t != surface->texture) { if (numsurfacelist) { R_QueueTextureSurfaceList(ent, texture, numsurfacelist, surfacelist, modelorg); numsurfacelist = 0; } t = surface->texture; texture = t->currentframe; f = texture->currentmaterialflags & flagsmask; } if (f && surface->num_triangles) { // if lightmap parameters changed, rebuild lightmap texture if (surface->cached_dlight) R_BuildLightMap(ent, surface); // add face to draw list surfacelist[numsurfacelist++] = surface; counttriangles += surface->num_triangles; if (numsurfacelist >= maxsurfacelist) { R_QueueTextureSurfaceList(ent, texture, numsurfacelist, surfacelist, modelorg); numsurfacelist = 0; } } } } else { for (i = 0, j = model->firstmodelsurface, surface = model->data_surfaces + j;i < model->nummodelsurfaces;i++, j++, surface++) { if (t != surface->texture) { if (numsurfacelist) { R_QueueTextureSurfaceList(ent, texture, numsurfacelist, surfacelist, modelorg); numsurfacelist = 0; } t = surface->texture; texture = t->currentframe; f = texture->currentmaterialflags & flagsmask; } if (f && surface->num_triangles) { // if lightmap parameters changed, rebuild lightmap texture if (surface->cached_dlight) R_BuildLightMap(ent, surface); // add face to draw list surfacelist[numsurfacelist++] = surface; counttriangles += surface->num_triangles; if (numsurfacelist >= maxsurfacelist) { R_QueueTextureSurfaceList(ent, texture, numsurfacelist, surfacelist, modelorg); numsurfacelist = 0; } } } } if (numsurfacelist) R_QueueTextureSurfaceList(ent, texture, numsurfacelist, surfacelist, modelorg); if (!r_showtrispass) renderstats.entities_triangles += counttriangles; }