/* Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "quakedef.h" #include "image.h" #include "wad.h" #include "cl_video.h" cvar_t r_textshadow = {0, "r_textshadow", "0" "draws a shadow on all text to improve readability"}; static rtexture_t *char_texture; cachepic_t *r_crosshairs[NUMCROSSHAIRS+1]; //============================================================================= /* Support Routines */ #define FONT_FILESIZE 13468 #define MAX_CACHED_PICS 1024 #define CACHEPICHASHSIZE 256 static cachepic_t *cachepichash[CACHEPICHASHSIZE]; static cachepic_t cachepics[MAX_CACHED_PICS]; static int numcachepics; static rtexturepool_t *drawtexturepool; static unsigned char concharimage[FONT_FILESIZE] = { #include "lhfont.h" }; static rtexture_t *draw_generateconchars(void) { int i; unsigned char buffer[65536][4], *data = NULL; double random; data = LoadTGA (concharimage, FONT_FILESIZE, 256, 256); // Gold numbers for (i = 0;i < 8192;i++) { random = lhrandom (0.0,1.0); buffer[i][0] = 83 + (unsigned char)(random * 64); buffer[i][1] = 71 + (unsigned char)(random * 32); buffer[i][2] = 23 + (unsigned char)(random * 16); buffer[i][3] = data[i*4+0]; } // White chars for (i = 8192;i < 32768;i++) { random = lhrandom (0.0,1.0); buffer[i][0] = 95 + (unsigned char)(random * 64); buffer[i][1] = 95 + (unsigned char)(random * 64); buffer[i][2] = 95 + (unsigned char)(random * 64); buffer[i][3] = data[i*4+0]; } // Gold numbers for (i = 32768;i < 40960;i++) { random = lhrandom (0.0,1.0); buffer[i][0] = 83 + (unsigned char)(random * 64); buffer[i][1] = 71 + (unsigned char)(random * 32); buffer[i][2] = 23 + (unsigned char)(random * 16); buffer[i][3] = data[i*4+0]; } // Red chars for (i = 40960;i < 65536;i++) { random = lhrandom (0.0,1.0); buffer[i][0] = 96 + (unsigned char)(random * 64); buffer[i][1] = 43 + (unsigned char)(random * 32); buffer[i][2] = 27 + (unsigned char)(random * 32); buffer[i][3] = data[i*4+0]; } #if 0 Image_WriteTGARGBA ("gfx/generated_conchars.tga", 256, 256, &buffer[0][0]); #endif Mem_Free(data); return R_LoadTexture2D(drawtexturepool, "conchars", 256, 256, &buffer[0][0], TEXTYPE_RGBA, TEXF_ALPHA | TEXF_PRECACHE, NULL); } static char *pointerimage = "333333332......." "26777761........" "2655541........." "265541.........." "2654561........." "26414561........" "251.14561......." "21...14561......" "1.....141......." ".......1........" "................" "................" "................" "................" "................" "................" ; static rtexture_t *draw_generatemousepointer(void) { int i; unsigned char buffer[256][4]; for (i = 0;i < 256;i++) { if (pointerimage[i] == '.') { buffer[i][0] = 0; buffer[i][1] = 0; buffer[i][2] = 0; buffer[i][3] = 0; } else { buffer[i][0] = (pointerimage[i] - '0') * 16; buffer[i][1] = (pointerimage[i] - '0') * 16; buffer[i][2] = (pointerimage[i] - '0') * 16; buffer[i][3] = 255; } } return R_LoadTexture2D(drawtexturepool, "mousepointer", 16, 16, &buffer[0][0], TEXTYPE_RGBA, TEXF_ALPHA | TEXF_PRECACHE, NULL); } static char *crosshairtexdata[NUMCROSSHAIRS] = { "................" "................" "................" "...33......33..." "...355....553..." "....577..775...." ".....77..77....." "................" "................" ".....77..77....." "....577..775...." "...355....553..." "...33......33..." "................" "................" "................" , "................" "................" "................" "...3........3..." "....5......5...." ".....7....7....." "......7..7......" "................" "................" "......7..7......" ".....7....7....." "....5......5...." "...3........3..." "................" "................" "................" , "................" ".......77......." ".......77......." "................" "................" ".......44......." ".......44......." ".77..44..44..77." ".77..44..44..77." ".......44......." ".......44......." "................" "................" ".......77......." ".......77......." "................" , "................" "................" "................" "................" "................" "................" "................" "................" "........7777777." "........752....." "........72......" "........7......." "........7......." "........7......." "........7......." "................" , "................" "................" "................" "................" "................" "........7......." "................" "........4......." "....." "........4......." "................" "........7......." "................" "................" "................" "................" , "................" "................" "................" "................" "................" "................" "................" ".......55......." ".......55......." "................" "................" "................" "................" "................" "................" "................" }; static rtexture_t *draw_generatecrosshair(int num) { int i; char *in; unsigned char data[16*16][4]; in = crosshairtexdata[num]; for (i = 0;i < 16*16;i++) { if (in[i] == '.') { data[i][0] = 255; data[i][1] = 255; data[i][2] = 255; data[i][3] = 0; } else { data[i][0] = 255; data[i][1] = 255; data[i][2] = 255; data[i][3] = (unsigned char) ((int) (in[i] - '0') * 255 / 7); } } return R_LoadTexture2D(drawtexturepool, va("crosshair%i", num), 16, 16, &data[0][0], TEXTYPE_RGBA, TEXF_ALPHA | TEXF_PRECACHE, NULL); } static rtexture_t *draw_generateditherpattern(void) { #if 1 int x, y; unsigned char data[8*8*4]; for (y = 0;y < 8;y++) { for (x = 0;x < 8;x++) { data[(y*8+x)*4+0] = data[(y*8+x)*4+1] = data[(y*8+x)*4+2] = ((x^y) & 4) ? 255 : 0; data[(y*8+x)*4+3] = 255; } } return R_LoadTexture2D(drawtexturepool, "ditherpattern", 8, 8, data, TEXTYPE_RGBA, TEXF_FORCENEAREST | TEXF_PRECACHE, NULL); #else unsigned char data[16]; memset(data, 255, sizeof(data)); data[0] = data[1] = data[2] = data[12] = data[13] = data[14] = 0; return R_LoadTexture2D(drawtexturepool, "ditherpattern", 2, 2, data, TEXTYPE_RGBA, TEXF_FORCENEAREST | TEXF_PRECACHE, NULL); #endif } /* ================ Draw_CachePic ================ */ // FIXME: move this to client somehow cachepic_t *Draw_CachePic (const char *path, qboolean persistent) { int crc, hashkey; cachepic_t *pic; qpic_t *p; int flags; if (!strncmp(CLVIDEOPREFIX, path, sizeof(CLVIDEOPREFIX) - 1)) { clvideo_t *video; video = CL_GetVideoByName(path); if( video ) return &video->cpif; } crc = CRC_Block((unsigned char *)path, strlen(path)); hashkey = ((crc >> 8) ^ crc) % CACHEPICHASHSIZE; for (pic = cachepichash[hashkey];pic;pic = pic->chain) if (!strcmp (path, pic->name)) return pic; if (numcachepics == MAX_CACHED_PICS) { Con_Printf ("Draw_CachePic: numcachepics == MAX_CACHED_PICS\n"); // FIXME: support NULL in callers? return cachepics; // return the first one } pic = cachepics + (numcachepics++); strlcpy (pic->name, path, sizeof(pic->name)); // link into list pic->chain = cachepichash[hashkey]; cachepichash[hashkey] = pic; flags = TEXF_ALPHA; if (persistent) flags |= TEXF_PRECACHE; if (!strcmp(path, "gfx/colorcontrol/ditherpattern")) flags |= TEXF_CLAMP; // load the pic from disk pic->tex = loadtextureimage(drawtexturepool, path, 0, 0, false, flags); if (pic->tex == NULL && !strncmp(path, "gfx/", 4)) { // compatibility with older versions pic->tex = loadtextureimage(drawtexturepool, path + 4, 0, 0, false, flags); // failed to find gfx/whatever.tga or similar, try the wad if (pic->tex == NULL && (p = (qpic_t *)W_GetLumpName (path + 4))) { if (!strcmp(path, "gfx/conchars")) { // conchars is a raw image and with color 0 as transparent instead of 255 pic->tex = R_LoadTexture2D(drawtexturepool, path, 128, 128, (unsigned char *)p, TEXTYPE_PALETTE, flags, palette_font); } else pic->tex = R_LoadTexture2D(drawtexturepool, path, p->width, p->height, p->data, TEXTYPE_PALETTE, flags, palette_transparent); } } if (pic->tex == NULL && !strcmp(path, "gfx/conchars")) pic->tex = draw_generateconchars(); if (pic->tex == NULL && !strcmp(path, "ui/mousepointer")) pic->tex = draw_generatemousepointer(); if (pic->tex == NULL && !strcmp(path, "gfx/prydoncursor001")) pic->tex = draw_generatemousepointer(); if (pic->tex == NULL && !strcmp(path, "gfx/crosshair1")) pic->tex = draw_generatecrosshair(0); if (pic->tex == NULL && !strcmp(path, "gfx/crosshair2")) pic->tex = draw_generatecrosshair(1); if (pic->tex == NULL && !strcmp(path, "gfx/crosshair3")) pic->tex = draw_generatecrosshair(2); if (pic->tex == NULL && !strcmp(path, "gfx/crosshair4")) pic->tex = draw_generatecrosshair(3); if (pic->tex == NULL && !strcmp(path, "gfx/crosshair5")) pic->tex = draw_generatecrosshair(4); if (pic->tex == NULL && !strcmp(path, "gfx/crosshair6")) pic->tex = draw_generatecrosshair(5); if (pic->tex == NULL && !strcmp(path, "gfx/colorcontrol/ditherpattern")) pic->tex = draw_generateditherpattern(); if (pic->tex == NULL) { Con_Printf("Draw_CachePic: failed to load %s\n", path); pic->tex = r_texture_notexture; } pic->width = R_TextureWidth(pic->tex); pic->height = R_TextureHeight(pic->tex); return pic; } cachepic_t *Draw_NewPic(const char *picname, int width, int height, int alpha, unsigned char *pixels) { int crc, hashkey; cachepic_t *pic; crc = CRC_Block((unsigned char *)picname, strlen(picname)); hashkey = ((crc >> 8) ^ crc) % CACHEPICHASHSIZE; for (pic = cachepichash[hashkey];pic;pic = pic->chain) if (!strcmp (picname, pic->name)) break; if (pic) { if (pic->tex && pic->width == width && pic->height == height) { R_UpdateTexture(pic->tex, pixels, 0, 0, width, height); return pic; } } else { if (pic == NULL) { if (numcachepics == MAX_CACHED_PICS) { Con_Printf ("Draw_NewPic: numcachepics == MAX_CACHED_PICS\n"); // FIXME: support NULL in callers? return cachepics; // return the first one } pic = cachepics + (numcachepics++); strcpy (pic->name, picname); // link into list pic->chain = cachepichash[hashkey]; cachepichash[hashkey] = pic; } } pic->width = width; pic->height = height; if (pic->tex) R_FreeTexture(pic->tex); pic->tex = R_LoadTexture2D(drawtexturepool, picname, width, height, pixels, TEXTYPE_RGBA, alpha ? TEXF_ALPHA : 0, NULL); return pic; } void Draw_FreePic(const char *picname) { int crc; int hashkey; cachepic_t *pic; // this doesn't really free the pic, but does free it's texture crc = CRC_Block((unsigned char *)picname, strlen(picname)); hashkey = ((crc >> 8) ^ crc) % CACHEPICHASHSIZE; for (pic = cachepichash[hashkey];pic;pic = pic->chain) { if (!strcmp (picname, pic->name) && pic->tex) { R_FreeTexture(pic->tex); pic->width = 0; pic->height = 0; return; } } } /* =============== Draw_Init =============== */ static void gl_draw_start(void) { int i; drawtexturepool = R_AllocTexturePool(); numcachepics = 0; memset(cachepichash, 0, sizeof(cachepichash)); char_texture = Draw_CachePic("gfx/conchars", true)->tex; for (i = 1;i <= NUMCROSSHAIRS;i++) r_crosshairs[i] = Draw_CachePic(va("gfx/crosshair%i", i), true); } static void gl_draw_shutdown(void) { R_FreeTexturePool(&drawtexturepool); numcachepics = 0; memset(cachepichash, 0, sizeof(cachepichash)); } static void gl_draw_newmap(void) { } void GL_Draw_Init (void) { Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_textshadow); R_RegisterModule("GL_Draw", gl_draw_start, gl_draw_shutdown, gl_draw_newmap); } void DrawQ_Begin(void) { r_view_width = bound(0, r_refdef.width, vid.width); r_view_height = bound(0, r_refdef.height, vid.height); r_view_depth = 1; r_view_x = bound(0, r_refdef.x, vid.width - r_refdef.width); r_view_y = bound(0, r_refdef.y, vid.height - r_refdef.height); r_view_z = 0; r_view_matrix = r_refdef.viewentitymatrix; GL_ColorMask(r_refdef.colormask[0], r_refdef.colormask[1], r_refdef.colormask[2], 1); CHECKGLERROR qglViewport(r_view_x, vid.height - (r_view_y + r_view_height), r_view_width, r_view_height);CHECKGLERROR GL_SetupView_Mode_Ortho(0, 0, vid_conwidth.integer, vid_conheight.integer, -10, 100); qglDepthFunc(GL_LEQUAL);CHECKGLERROR R_Mesh_Matrix(&identitymatrix); GL_DepthMask(true); GL_DepthTest(false); GL_Color(1,1,1,1); r_refdef.draw2dstage = true; } static void _DrawQ_ProcessDrawFlag(int flags) { CHECKGLERROR if(flags == DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE) GL_BlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE); else if(flags == DRAWFLAG_MODULATE) GL_BlendFunc(GL_DST_COLOR, GL_ZERO); else if(flags == DRAWFLAG_2XMODULATE) GL_BlendFunc(GL_DST_COLOR,GL_SRC_COLOR); else GL_BlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); } void DrawQ_Pic(float x, float y, cachepic_t *pic, float width, float height, float red, float green, float blue, float alpha, int flags) { if (!r_refdef.draw2dstage) { Con_Printf("DrawQ_Pic: not in 2d rendering stage!\n"); return; } DrawQ_SuperPic(x,y,pic,width,height,0,0,red,green,blue,alpha,1,0,red,green,blue,alpha,0,1,red,green,blue,alpha,1,1,red,green,blue,alpha,flags); } void DrawQ_String_Real(float x, float y, const char *string, int maxlen, float w, float h, float red, float green, float blue, float alpha, int flags) { int i, num; float *av, *at; int batchcount; float vertex3f[QUADELEMENTS_MAXQUADS*4*3]; float texcoord2f[QUADELEMENTS_MAXQUADS*4*2]; if (!r_refdef.draw2dstage) { Con_Printf("DrawQ_String: not in 2d rendering stage!\n"); return; } if (!r_render.integer) return; if (alpha < (1.0f / 255.0f)) return; _DrawQ_ProcessDrawFlag(flags); GL_Color(red, green, blue, alpha); R_Mesh_VertexPointer(vertex3f); R_Mesh_ColorPointer(NULL); R_Mesh_ResetTextureState(); R_Mesh_TexBind(0, R_GetTexture(char_texture)); R_Mesh_TexCoordPointer(0, 2, texcoord2f); at = texcoord2f; av = vertex3f; batchcount = 0; if (maxlen < 1) maxlen = 9999; for (i = 0;i < maxlen && x < vid_conwidth.integer && (num = string[i]);i++, x += w) { float s, t, u, v; if (num == ' ') continue; s = (num & 15)*0.0625f + (0.5f / 256.0f); t = (num >> 4)*0.0625f + (0.5f / 256.0f); u = 0.0625f - (1.0f / 256.0f); v = 0.0625f - (1.0f / 256.0f); at[ 0] = s ;at[ 1] = t ; at[ 2] = s+u;at[ 3] = t ; at[ 4] = s+u;at[ 5] = t+v; at[ 6] = s ;at[ 7] = t+v; av[ 0] = x ;av[ 1] = y ;av[ 2] = 10; av[ 3] = x+w;av[ 4] = y ;av[ 5] = 10; av[ 6] = x+w;av[ 7] = y+h;av[ 8] = 10; av[ 9] = x ;av[10] = y+h;av[11] = 10; at += 8; av += 12; batchcount++; if (batchcount >= QUADELEMENTS_MAXQUADS) { GL_LockArrays(0, batchcount * 4); R_Mesh_Draw(0, batchcount * 4, batchcount * 2, quadelements); GL_LockArrays(0, 0); batchcount = 0; at = texcoord2f; av = vertex3f; } } if (batchcount > 0) { GL_LockArrays(0, batchcount * 4); R_Mesh_Draw(0, batchcount * 4, batchcount * 2, quadelements); GL_LockArrays(0, 0); } } void DrawQ_String(float x, float y, const char *string, int maxlen, float scalex, float scaley, float red, float green, float blue, float alpha, int flags) { if (!r_refdef.draw2dstage) { Con_Printf("DrawQ_String: not in 2d rendering stage!\n"); return; } if (r_textshadow.integer) DrawQ_String_Real(x+scalex*0.25,y+scaley*0.25,string,maxlen,scalex,scaley,0,0,0,alpha*0.8,flags); DrawQ_String_Real(x,y,string,maxlen,scalex,scaley,red,green,blue,alpha,flags); } // color tag printing static vec4_t string_colors[] = { // Quake3 colors // LordHavoc: why on earth is cyan before magenta in Quake3? // LordHavoc: note: Doom3 uses white for [0] and [7] {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0}, // black {1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0}, // red {0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0}, // green {1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0}, // yellow {0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0}, // blue {0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0}, // cyan {1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0}, // magenta {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0}, // white // [515]'s BX_COLOREDTEXT extension {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5}, // half transparent {0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0} // half brightness // Black's color table //{1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0}, //{1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0}, //{0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0}, //{0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0}, //{1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0}, //{0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0}, //{1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0}, //{0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0} }; #define STRING_COLORS_COUNT (sizeof(string_colors) / sizeof(vec4_t)) // color is read and changed in the end void DrawQ_ColoredString( float x, float y, const char *text, int maxlen, float scalex, float scaley, float basered, float basegreen, float baseblue, float basealpha, int flags, int *outcolor ) { vec_t *color; int len; int colorindex; const char *start, *current; if (!r_refdef.draw2dstage) { Con_Printf("DrawQ_ColoredString: not in 2d rendering stage!\n"); return; } if( !outcolor || *outcolor == -1 ) { colorindex = STRING_COLOR_DEFAULT; } else { colorindex = *outcolor; } color = string_colors[colorindex]; if( maxlen < 1) len = (int)strlen( text ); else len = min( maxlen, (int) strlen( text ) ); start = current = text; while( len > 0 ) { // check for color control char if( *current == STRING_COLOR_TAG ) { // get next char current++; len--; if( len == 0 ) { break; } // display the tag char? if( *current == STRING_COLOR_TAG ) { // only display one of the two start = current; // get the next char current++; len--; } else if( '0' <= *current && *current <= '9' ) { colorindex = 0; do { colorindex = colorindex * 10 + (*current - '0'); // only read as long as it makes a valid index if( colorindex >= (int)STRING_COLORS_COUNT ) { // undo the last operation colorindex /= 10; break; } current++; len--; } while( len > 0 && '0' <= *current && *current <= '9' ); // set the color color = string_colors[colorindex]; // we jump over the color tag start = current; } } // go on and read normal text in until the next control char while( len > 0 && *current != STRING_COLOR_TAG ) { current++; len--; } // display the text if( start != current ) { // draw the string DrawQ_String( x, y, start, current - start, scalex, scaley, basered * color[0], basegreen * color[1], baseblue * color[2], basealpha * color[3], flags ); // update x to be at the new start position x += (current - start) * scalex; // set start accordingly start = current; } } // return the last colorindex if( outcolor ) { *outcolor = colorindex; } } void DrawQ_SuperPic(float x, float y, cachepic_t *pic, float width, float height, float s1, float t1, float r1, float g1, float b1, float a1, float s2, float t2, float r2, float g2, float b2, float a2, float s3, float t3, float r3, float g3, float b3, float a3, float s4, float t4, float r4, float g4, float b4, float a4, int flags) { float floats[36]; if (!r_refdef.draw2dstage) { Con_Printf("DrawQ_SuperPic: not in 2d rendering stage!\n"); return; } if (!r_render.integer) return; _DrawQ_ProcessDrawFlag(flags); R_Mesh_VertexPointer(floats); R_Mesh_ColorPointer(floats + 20); R_Mesh_ResetTextureState(); if (pic) { if (width == 0) width = pic->width; if (height == 0) height = pic->height; R_Mesh_TexBind(0, R_GetTexture(pic->tex)); R_Mesh_TexCoordPointer(0, 2, floats + 12); floats[12] = s1;floats[13] = t1; floats[14] = s2;floats[15] = t2; floats[16] = s4;floats[17] = t4; floats[18] = s3;floats[19] = t3; } floats[2] = floats[5] = floats[8] = floats[11] = 0; floats[0] = floats[9] = x; floats[1] = floats[4] = y; floats[3] = floats[6] = x + width; floats[7] = floats[10] = y + height; floats[20] = r1;floats[21] = g1;floats[22] = b1;floats[23] = a1; floats[24] = r2;floats[25] = g2;floats[26] = b2;floats[27] = a2; floats[28] = r4;floats[29] = g4;floats[30] = b4;floats[31] = a4; floats[32] = r3;floats[33] = g3;floats[34] = b3;floats[35] = a3; R_Mesh_Draw(0, 4, 2, polygonelements); } void DrawQ_Mesh (drawqueuemesh_t *mesh, int flags) { if (!r_refdef.draw2dstage) { Con_Printf("DrawQ_Mesh: not in 2d rendering stage!\n"); return; } if (!r_render.integer) return; _DrawQ_ProcessDrawFlag(flags); R_Mesh_VertexPointer(mesh->data_vertex3f); R_Mesh_ColorPointer(mesh->data_color4f); R_Mesh_ResetTextureState(); R_Mesh_TexBind(0, R_GetTexture(mesh->texture)); R_Mesh_TexCoordPointer(0, 2, mesh->data_texcoord2f); GL_LockArrays(0, mesh->num_vertices); R_Mesh_Draw(0, mesh->num_vertices, mesh->num_triangles, mesh->data_element3i); GL_LockArrays(0, 0); } void DrawQ_LineLoop (drawqueuemesh_t *mesh, int flags) { int num; if (!r_refdef.draw2dstage) { Con_Printf("DrawQ_LineLoop: not in 2d rendering stage!\n"); return; } if (!r_render.integer) return; _DrawQ_ProcessDrawFlag(flags); GL_Color(1,1,1,1); CHECKGLERROR qglBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP); for (num = 0;num < mesh->num_vertices;num++) { if (mesh->data_color4f) GL_Color(mesh->data_color4f[num*4+0], mesh->data_color4f[num*4+1], mesh->data_color4f[num*4+2], mesh->data_color4f[num*4+3]); qglVertex2f(mesh->data_vertex3f[num*3+0], mesh->data_vertex3f[num*3+1]); } qglEnd(); CHECKGLERROR } //LordHavoc: FIXME: this is nasty! void DrawQ_LineWidth (float width) { if (!r_refdef.draw2dstage) { Con_Printf("DrawQ_LineWidth: not in 2d rendering stage!\n"); return; } CHECKGLERROR qglLineWidth(width);CHECKGLERROR } //[515]: this is old, delete void DrawQ_Line (float width, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float r, float g, float b, float alpha, int flags) { if (!r_refdef.draw2dstage) { Con_Printf("DrawQ_Line: not in 2d rendering stage!\n"); return; } if (!r_render.integer) return; CHECKGLERROR if(width > 0) DrawQ_LineWidth(width); _DrawQ_ProcessDrawFlag(flags); GL_Color(r,g,b,alpha); CHECKGLERROR qglBegin(GL_LINES); qglVertex2f(x1, y1); qglVertex2f(x2, y2); qglEnd(); CHECKGLERROR } void DrawQ_SetClipArea(float x, float y, float width, float height) { if (!r_refdef.draw2dstage) { Con_Printf("DrawQ_SetClipArea: not in 2d rendering stage!\n"); return; } // We have to convert the con coords into real coords // OGL uses top to bottom GL_Scissor((int)(x * ((float)vid.width / vid_conwidth.integer)), (int)(y * ((float) vid.height / vid_conheight.integer)), (int)(width * ((float)vid.width / vid_conwidth.integer)), (int)(height * ((float)vid.height / vid_conheight.integer))); GL_ScissorTest(true); } void DrawQ_ResetClipArea(void) { if (!r_refdef.draw2dstage) { Con_Printf("DrawQ_ResetClipArea: not in 2d rendering stage!\n"); return; } GL_ScissorTest(false); } void DrawQ_Finish(void) { if (!r_refdef.draw2dstage) { Con_Printf("R_DrawQueue: not in 2d rendering stage!\n"); return; } r_refdef.draw2dstage = false; } static float blendvertex3f[9] = {-5000, -5000, 10, 10000, -5000, 10, -5000, 10000, 10}; void R_DrawGamma(void) { float c[4]; if (!vid_usinghwgamma) { // all the blends ignore depth R_Mesh_VertexPointer(blendvertex3f); R_Mesh_ColorPointer(NULL); R_Mesh_ResetTextureState(); GL_DepthMask(true); GL_DepthTest(false); if (v_color_enable.integer) { c[0] = v_color_white_r.value; c[1] = v_color_white_g.value; c[2] = v_color_white_b.value; } else c[0] = c[1] = c[2] = v_contrast.value; if (c[0] >= 1.01f || c[1] >= 1.01f || c[2] >= 1.01f) { GL_BlendFunc(GL_DST_COLOR, GL_ONE); while (c[0] >= 1.01f || c[1] >= 1.01f || c[2] >= 1.01f) { GL_Color(bound(0, c[0] - 1, 1), bound(0, c[1] - 1, 1), bound(0, c[2] - 1, 1), 1); R_Mesh_Draw(0, 3, 1, polygonelements); VectorScale(c, 0.5, c); } } if (v_color_enable.integer) { c[0] = v_color_black_r.value; c[1] = v_color_black_g.value; c[2] = v_color_black_b.value; } else c[0] = c[1] = c[2] = v_brightness.value; if (c[0] >= 0.01f || c[1] >= 0.01f || c[2] >= 0.01f) { GL_BlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ONE); GL_Color(c[0], c[1], c[2], 1); R_Mesh_Draw(0, 3, 1, polygonelements); } } }