option( ENGINE_BUILD_CLIENT "Build the client" ON) option( ENGINE_BUILD_SERVER "Build the server" ON) option_string( ENGINE_BUILD_NAME "Engine binary name" "darkplaces") option_string( ENGINE_BUILD_WINRC "Location of Windows .rc, usually for icon" "${GAME_PROJECT_DIR}/res/darkplaces.rc") option_string( GAME_BUILD_CUSTOM_COMMAND "Custom tool to bootstrap. Enter what you would with execute_process" "") option_string( GAME_BUILD_EXTERNAL_PROJECT "External cmake project to add. Enter what you would with ExternalProject_Add" "") option( ENGINE_CONFIG_MENU "Enable menu support" ON) option( ENGINE_CONFIG_VIDEO_CAPTURE "Enable video capture support" ON) option( ENGINE_CONFIG_BUILD_TIMESTAMP "Add the git commit timestamp to the version string" ON) option( ENGINE_CONFIG_BUILD_REVISION "Add the git revision to the version string" ON)