#include #include #define _USE_MATH_DEFINES #include #include "quakedef.h" #include "thread.h" #include "dpsoftrast.h" #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(disable : 4324) #endif #ifndef __cplusplus typedef qboolean bool; #endif #define ALIGN_SIZE 16 #define ATOMIC_SIZE 32 #ifdef SSE_POSSIBLE #if defined(__APPLE__) #include #define ALIGN(var) var __attribute__((__aligned__(16))) #define ATOMIC(var) var __attribute__((__aligned__(32))) #define MEMORY_BARRIER (_mm_sfence()) #define ATOMIC_COUNTER volatile int32_t #define ATOMIC_INCREMENT(counter) (OSAtomicIncrement32Barrier(&(counter))) #define ATOMIC_DECREMENT(counter) (OSAtomicDecrement32Barrier(&(counter))) #define ATOMIC_ADD(counter, val) ((void)OSAtomicAdd32Barrier((val), &(counter))) #elif defined(__GNUC__) #define ALIGN(var) var __attribute__((__aligned__(16))) #define ATOMIC(var) var __attribute__((__aligned__(32))) #define MEMORY_BARRIER (_mm_sfence()) //(__sync_synchronize()) #define ATOMIC_COUNTER volatile int #define ATOMIC_INCREMENT(counter) (__sync_add_and_fetch(&(counter), 1)) #define ATOMIC_DECREMENT(counter) (__sync_add_and_fetch(&(counter), -1)) #define ATOMIC_ADD(counter, val) ((void)__sync_fetch_and_add(&(counter), (val))) #elif defined(_MSC_VER) #define ALIGN(var) __declspec(align(16)) var #define ATOMIC(var) __declspec(align(32)) var #define MEMORY_BARRIER (_mm_sfence()) //(MemoryBarrier()) #define ATOMIC_COUNTER volatile LONG #define ATOMIC_INCREMENT(counter) (InterlockedIncrement(&(counter))) #define ATOMIC_DECREMENT(counter) (InterlockedDecrement(&(counter))) #define ATOMIC_ADD(counter, val) ((void)InterlockedExchangeAdd(&(counter), (val))) #endif #endif #ifndef ALIGN #define ALIGN(var) var #endif #ifndef ATOMIC #define ATOMIC(var) var #endif #ifndef MEMORY_BARRIER #define MEMORY_BARRIER ((void)0) #endif #ifndef ATOMIC_COUNTER #define ATOMIC_COUNTER int #endif #ifndef ATOMIC_INCREMENT #define ATOMIC_INCREMENT(counter) (++(counter)) #endif #ifndef ATOMIC_DECREMENT #define ATOMIC_DECREMENT(counter) (--(counter)) #endif #ifndef ATOMIC_ADD #define ATOMIC_ADD(counter, val) ((void)((counter) += (val))) #endif #ifdef SSE_POSSIBLE #include #if defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC < 4 || __GNUC_MINOR__ < 6) #define _mm_cvtss_f32(val) (__builtin_ia32_vec_ext_v4sf ((__v4sf)(val), 0)) #endif #define MM_MALLOC(size) _mm_malloc(size, ATOMIC_SIZE) static void *MM_CALLOC(size_t nmemb, size_t size) { void *ptr = _mm_malloc(nmemb*size, ATOMIC_SIZE); if (ptr != NULL) memset(ptr, 0, nmemb*size); return ptr; } #define MM_FREE _mm_free #else #define MM_MALLOC(size) malloc(size) #define MM_CALLOC(nmemb, size) calloc(nmemb, size) #define MM_FREE free #endif typedef enum DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_e { DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_COLOR, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD0, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD1, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD2, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD3, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD4, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD5, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD6, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD7, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TOTAL } DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY; typedef struct DPSOFTRAST_Texture_s { int flags; int width; int height; int depth; int sides; DPSOFTRAST_TEXTURE_FILTER filter; int mipmaps; int size; ATOMIC_COUNTER binds; unsigned char *bytes; int mipmap[DPSOFTRAST_MAXMIPMAPS][5]; } DPSOFTRAST_Texture; #define COMMAND_SIZE ALIGN_SIZE #define COMMAND_ALIGN(var) ALIGN(var) typedef COMMAND_ALIGN(struct DPSOFTRAST_Command_s { unsigned char opcode; unsigned short commandsize; } DPSOFTRAST_Command); enum { DPSOFTRAST_OPCODE_Reset = 0 }; #define DEFCOMMAND(opcodeval, name, fields) \ enum { DPSOFTRAST_OPCODE_##name = opcodeval }; \ typedef COMMAND_ALIGN(struct DPSOFTRAST_Command_##name##_s \ { \ unsigned char opcode; \ unsigned short commandsize; \ fields \ } DPSOFTRAST_Command_##name ); #define DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXCOMMANDPOOL 2097152 #define DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXCOMMANDSIZE 16384 typedef ATOMIC(struct DPSOFTRAST_State_Command_Pool_s { int freecommand; int usedcommands; ATOMIC(unsigned char commands[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXCOMMANDPOOL]); } DPSOFTRAST_State_Command_Pool); typedef ATOMIC(struct DPSOFTRAST_State_Triangle_s { unsigned char mip[DPSOFTRAST_MAXTEXTUREUNITS]; // texcoord to screen space density values (for picking mipmap of textures) float w[3]; ALIGN(float attribs[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TOTAL][3][4]); } DPSOFTRAST_State_Triangle); #define DPSOFTRAST_CALCATTRIB(triangle, span, data, slope, arrayindex) { \ slope = _mm_load_ps((triangle)->attribs[arrayindex][0]); \ data = _mm_add_ps(_mm_load_ps((triangle)->attribs[arrayindex][2]), \ _mm_add_ps(_mm_mul_ps(_mm_set1_ps((span)->x), slope), \ _mm_mul_ps(_mm_set1_ps((span)->y), _mm_load_ps((triangle)->attribs[arrayindex][1])))); \ } #define DPSOFTRAST_CALCATTRIB4F(triangle, span, data, slope, arrayindex) { \ slope[0] = (triangle)->attribs[arrayindex][0][0]; \ slope[1] = (triangle)->attribs[arrayindex][0][1]; \ slope[2] = (triangle)->attribs[arrayindex][0][2]; \ slope[3] = (triangle)->attribs[arrayindex][0][3]; \ data[0] = (triangle)->attribs[arrayindex][2][0] + (span->x)*slope[0] + (span->y)*(triangle)->attribs[arrayindex][1][0]; \ data[1] = (triangle)->attribs[arrayindex][2][1] + (span->x)*slope[1] + (span->y)*(triangle)->attribs[arrayindex][1][1]; \ data[2] = (triangle)->attribs[arrayindex][2][2] + (span->x)*slope[2] + (span->y)*(triangle)->attribs[arrayindex][1][2]; \ data[3] = (triangle)->attribs[arrayindex][2][3] + (span->x)*slope[3] + (span->y)*(triangle)->attribs[arrayindex][1][3]; \ } #define DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSUBSPAN 16 typedef ALIGN(struct DPSOFTRAST_State_Span_s { int triangle; // triangle this span was generated by int x; // framebuffer x coord int y; // framebuffer y coord int startx; // usable range (according to pixelmask) int endx; // usable range (according to pixelmask) unsigned char *pixelmask; // true for pixels that passed depth test, false for others int depthbase; // depthbuffer value at x (add depthslope*startx to get first pixel's depthbuffer value) int depthslope; // depthbuffer value pixel delta } DPSOFTRAST_State_Span); #define DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANS 1024 #define DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXTRIANGLES 128 #define DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH 256 #define DPSOFTRAST_VALIDATE_FB 1 #define DPSOFTRAST_VALIDATE_DEPTHFUNC 2 #define DPSOFTRAST_VALIDATE_BLENDFUNC 4 #define DPSOFTRAST_VALIDATE_DRAW (DPSOFTRAST_VALIDATE_FB | DPSOFTRAST_VALIDATE_DEPTHFUNC | DPSOFTRAST_VALIDATE_BLENDFUNC) typedef enum DPSOFTRAST_BLENDMODE_e { DPSOFTRAST_BLENDMODE_OPAQUE, DPSOFTRAST_BLENDMODE_ALPHA, DPSOFTRAST_BLENDMODE_ADDALPHA, DPSOFTRAST_BLENDMODE_ADD, DPSOFTRAST_BLENDMODE_INVMOD, DPSOFTRAST_BLENDMODE_MUL, DPSOFTRAST_BLENDMODE_MUL2, DPSOFTRAST_BLENDMODE_SUBALPHA, DPSOFTRAST_BLENDMODE_PSEUDOALPHA, DPSOFTRAST_BLENDMODE_INVADD, DPSOFTRAST_BLENDMODE_TOTAL } DPSOFTRAST_BLENDMODE; typedef ATOMIC(struct DPSOFTRAST_State_Thread_s { void *thread; int index; int cullface; int colormask[4]; int blendfunc[2]; int blendsubtract; int depthmask; int depthtest; int depthfunc; int scissortest; int alphatest; int alphafunc; float alphavalue; int viewport[4]; int scissor[4]; float depthrange[2]; float polygonoffset[2]; float clipplane[4]; ALIGN(float fb_clipplane[4]); int shader_mode; int shader_permutation; int shader_exactspecularmath; DPSOFTRAST_Texture *texbound[DPSOFTRAST_MAXTEXTUREUNITS]; ALIGN(float uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_TOTAL*4]); int uniform1i[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_TOTAL]; // DPSOFTRAST_VALIDATE_ flags int validate; // derived values (DPSOFTRAST_VALIDATE_FB) int fb_colormask; int fb_scissor[4]; ALIGN(float fb_viewportcenter[4]); ALIGN(float fb_viewportscale[4]); // derived values (DPSOFTRAST_VALIDATE_DEPTHFUNC) int fb_depthfunc; // derived values (DPSOFTRAST_VALIDATE_BLENDFUNC) int fb_blendmode; // band boundaries int miny1; int maxy1; int miny2; int maxy2; ATOMIC(volatile int commandoffset); volatile bool waiting; volatile bool starving; void *waitcond; void *drawcond; void *drawmutex; int numspans; int numtriangles; DPSOFTRAST_State_Span spans[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANS]; DPSOFTRAST_State_Triangle triangles[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXTRIANGLES]; unsigned char pixelmaskarray[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH+4]; // LordHavoc: padded to allow some termination bytes } DPSOFTRAST_State_Thread); typedef ATOMIC(struct DPSOFTRAST_State_s { int fb_width; int fb_height; unsigned int *fb_depthpixels; unsigned int *fb_colorpixels[4]; int viewport[4]; ALIGN(float fb_viewportcenter[4]); ALIGN(float fb_viewportscale[4]); float color[4]; ALIGN(float uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_TOTAL*4]); int uniform1i[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_TOTAL]; const float *pointer_vertex3f; const float *pointer_color4f; const unsigned char *pointer_color4ub; const float *pointer_texcoordf[DPSOFTRAST_MAXTEXCOORDARRAYS]; int stride_vertex; int stride_color; int stride_texcoord[DPSOFTRAST_MAXTEXCOORDARRAYS]; int components_texcoord[DPSOFTRAST_MAXTEXCOORDARRAYS]; DPSOFTRAST_Texture *texbound[DPSOFTRAST_MAXTEXTUREUNITS]; int firstvertex; int numvertices; float *post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TOTAL]; float *screencoord4f; int drawstarty; int drawendy; int drawclipped; int shader_mode; int shader_permutation; int shader_exactspecularmath; int texture_max; int texture_end; int texture_firstfree; DPSOFTRAST_Texture *texture; int bigendian; // error reporting const char *errorstring; bool usethreads; int interlace; int numthreads; DPSOFTRAST_State_Thread *threads; ATOMIC(volatile int drawcommand); DPSOFTRAST_State_Command_Pool commandpool; } DPSOFTRAST_State); DPSOFTRAST_State dpsoftrast; #define DPSOFTRAST_DEPTHSCALE (1024.0f*1048576.0f) #define DPSOFTRAST_DEPTHOFFSET (128.0f) #define DPSOFTRAST_BGRA8_FROM_RGBA32F(r,g,b,a) (((int)(r * 255.0f + 0.5f) << 16) | ((int)(g * 255.0f + 0.5f) << 8) | (int)(b * 255.0f + 0.5f) | ((int)(a * 255.0f + 0.5f) << 24)) #define DPSOFTRAST_DEPTH32_FROM_DEPTH32F(d) ((int)(DPSOFTRAST_DEPTHSCALE * (1-d))) static void DPSOFTRAST_Draw_DepthTest(DPSOFTRAST_State_Thread *thread, DPSOFTRAST_State_Span *span); static void DPSOFTRAST_Draw_DepthWrite(const DPSOFTRAST_State_Thread *thread, const DPSOFTRAST_State_Span *span); static void DPSOFTRAST_RecalcViewport(const int *viewport, float *fb_viewportcenter, float *fb_viewportscale) { fb_viewportcenter[1] = viewport[0] + 0.5f * viewport[2] - 0.5f; fb_viewportcenter[2] = dpsoftrast.fb_height - viewport[1] - 0.5f * viewport[3] - 0.5f; fb_viewportcenter[3] = 0.5f; fb_viewportcenter[0] = 0.0f; fb_viewportscale[1] = 0.5f * viewport[2]; fb_viewportscale[2] = -0.5f * viewport[3]; fb_viewportscale[3] = 0.5f; fb_viewportscale[0] = 1.0f; } static void DPSOFTRAST_RecalcThread(DPSOFTRAST_State_Thread *thread) { if (dpsoftrast.interlace) { thread->miny1 = (thread->index*dpsoftrast.fb_height)/(2*dpsoftrast.numthreads); thread->maxy1 = ((thread->index+1)*dpsoftrast.fb_height)/(2*dpsoftrast.numthreads); thread->miny2 = ((dpsoftrast.numthreads+thread->index)*dpsoftrast.fb_height)/(2*dpsoftrast.numthreads); thread->maxy2 = ((dpsoftrast.numthreads+thread->index+1)*dpsoftrast.fb_height)/(2*dpsoftrast.numthreads); } else { thread->miny1 = thread->miny2 = (thread->index*dpsoftrast.fb_height)/dpsoftrast.numthreads; thread->maxy1 = thread->maxy2 = ((thread->index+1)*dpsoftrast.fb_height)/dpsoftrast.numthreads; } } static void DPSOFTRAST_RecalcClipPlane(DPSOFTRAST_State_Thread *thread) { thread->fb_clipplane[0] = thread->clipplane[0] / thread->fb_viewportscale[1]; thread->fb_clipplane[1] = thread->clipplane[1] / thread->fb_viewportscale[2]; thread->fb_clipplane[2] = thread->clipplane[2] / thread->fb_viewportscale[3]; thread->fb_clipplane[3] = thread->clipplane[3] / thread->fb_viewportscale[0]; thread->fb_clipplane[3] -= thread->fb_viewportcenter[1]*thread->fb_clipplane[0] + thread->fb_viewportcenter[2]*thread->fb_clipplane[1] + thread->fb_viewportcenter[3]*thread->fb_clipplane[2] + thread->fb_viewportcenter[0]*thread->fb_clipplane[3]; } static void DPSOFTRAST_RecalcFB(DPSOFTRAST_State_Thread *thread) { // calculate framebuffer scissor, viewport, viewport clipped by scissor, // and viewport projection values int x1, x2; int y1, y2; x1 = thread->scissor[0]; x2 = thread->scissor[0] + thread->scissor[2]; y1 = dpsoftrast.fb_height - thread->scissor[1] - thread->scissor[3]; y2 = dpsoftrast.fb_height - thread->scissor[1]; if (!thread->scissortest) {x1 = 0;y1 = 0;x2 = dpsoftrast.fb_width;y2 = dpsoftrast.fb_height;} if (x1 < 0) x1 = 0; if (x2 > dpsoftrast.fb_width) x2 = dpsoftrast.fb_width; if (y1 < 0) y1 = 0; if (y2 > dpsoftrast.fb_height) y2 = dpsoftrast.fb_height; thread->fb_scissor[0] = x1; thread->fb_scissor[1] = y1; thread->fb_scissor[2] = x2 - x1; thread->fb_scissor[3] = y2 - y1; DPSOFTRAST_RecalcViewport(thread->viewport, thread->fb_viewportcenter, thread->fb_viewportscale); DPSOFTRAST_RecalcClipPlane(thread); DPSOFTRAST_RecalcThread(thread); } static void DPSOFTRAST_RecalcDepthFunc(DPSOFTRAST_State_Thread *thread) { thread->fb_depthfunc = thread->depthtest ? thread->depthfunc : GL_ALWAYS; } static void DPSOFTRAST_RecalcBlendFunc(DPSOFTRAST_State_Thread *thread) { if (thread->blendsubtract) { switch ((thread->blendfunc[0]<<16)|thread->blendfunc[1]) { #define BLENDFUNC(sfactor, dfactor, blendmode) \ case (sfactor<<16)|dfactor: thread->fb_blendmode = blendmode; break; BLENDFUNC(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE, DPSOFTRAST_BLENDMODE_SUBALPHA) default: thread->fb_blendmode = DPSOFTRAST_BLENDMODE_OPAQUE; break; } } else { switch ((thread->blendfunc[0]<<16)|thread->blendfunc[1]) { BLENDFUNC(GL_ONE, GL_ZERO, DPSOFTRAST_BLENDMODE_OPAQUE) BLENDFUNC(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, DPSOFTRAST_BLENDMODE_ALPHA) BLENDFUNC(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE, DPSOFTRAST_BLENDMODE_ADDALPHA) BLENDFUNC(GL_ONE, GL_ONE, DPSOFTRAST_BLENDMODE_ADD) BLENDFUNC(GL_ZERO, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR, DPSOFTRAST_BLENDMODE_INVMOD) BLENDFUNC(GL_ZERO, GL_SRC_COLOR, DPSOFTRAST_BLENDMODE_MUL) BLENDFUNC(GL_DST_COLOR, GL_ZERO, DPSOFTRAST_BLENDMODE_MUL) BLENDFUNC(GL_DST_COLOR, GL_SRC_COLOR, DPSOFTRAST_BLENDMODE_MUL2) BLENDFUNC(GL_ONE, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, DPSOFTRAST_BLENDMODE_PSEUDOALPHA) BLENDFUNC(GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR, GL_ONE, DPSOFTRAST_BLENDMODE_INVADD) default: thread->fb_blendmode = DPSOFTRAST_BLENDMODE_OPAQUE; break; } } } #define DPSOFTRAST_ValidateQuick(thread, f) ((thread->validate & (f)) ? (DPSOFTRAST_Validate(thread, f), 0) : 0) static void DPSOFTRAST_Validate(DPSOFTRAST_State_Thread *thread, int mask) { mask &= thread->validate; if (!mask) return; if (mask & DPSOFTRAST_VALIDATE_FB) { thread->validate &= ~DPSOFTRAST_VALIDATE_FB; DPSOFTRAST_RecalcFB(thread); } if (mask & DPSOFTRAST_VALIDATE_DEPTHFUNC) { thread->validate &= ~DPSOFTRAST_VALIDATE_DEPTHFUNC; DPSOFTRAST_RecalcDepthFunc(thread); } if (mask & DPSOFTRAST_VALIDATE_BLENDFUNC) { thread->validate &= ~DPSOFTRAST_VALIDATE_BLENDFUNC; DPSOFTRAST_RecalcBlendFunc(thread); } } DPSOFTRAST_Texture *DPSOFTRAST_Texture_GetByIndex(int index) { if (index >= 1 && index < dpsoftrast.texture_end && dpsoftrast.texture[index].bytes) return &dpsoftrast.texture[index]; return NULL; } static void DPSOFTRAST_Texture_Grow(void) { DPSOFTRAST_Texture *oldtexture = dpsoftrast.texture; DPSOFTRAST_State_Thread *thread; int i; int j; DPSOFTRAST_Flush(); // expand texture array as needed if (dpsoftrast.texture_max < 1024) dpsoftrast.texture_max = 1024; else dpsoftrast.texture_max *= 2; dpsoftrast.texture = (DPSOFTRAST_Texture *)realloc(dpsoftrast.texture, dpsoftrast.texture_max * sizeof(DPSOFTRAST_Texture)); for (i = 0; i < DPSOFTRAST_MAXTEXTUREUNITS; i++) if (dpsoftrast.texbound[i]) dpsoftrast.texbound[i] = dpsoftrast.texture + (dpsoftrast.texbound[i] - oldtexture); for (j = 0; j < dpsoftrast.numthreads; j++) { thread = &dpsoftrast.threads[j]; for (i = 0; i < DPSOFTRAST_MAXTEXTUREUNITS; i++) if (thread->texbound[i]) thread->texbound[i] = dpsoftrast.texture + (thread->texbound[i] - oldtexture); } } int DPSOFTRAST_Texture_New(int flags, int width, int height, int depth) { int w; int h; int d; int size; int s; int texnum; int mipmaps; int sides = (flags & DPSOFTRAST_TEXTURE_FLAG_CUBEMAP) ? 6 : 1; int texformat = flags & DPSOFTRAST_TEXTURE_FORMAT_COMPAREMASK; DPSOFTRAST_Texture *texture; if (width*height*depth < 1) { dpsoftrast.errorstring = "DPSOFTRAST_Texture_New: width, height or depth is less than 1"; return 0; } if (width > DPSOFTRAST_TEXTURE_MAXSIZE || height > DPSOFTRAST_TEXTURE_MAXSIZE || depth > DPSOFTRAST_TEXTURE_MAXSIZE) { dpsoftrast.errorstring = "DPSOFTRAST_Texture_New: texture size is too large"; return 0; } switch(texformat) { case DPSOFTRAST_TEXTURE_FORMAT_BGRA8: case DPSOFTRAST_TEXTURE_FORMAT_RGBA8: case DPSOFTRAST_TEXTURE_FORMAT_ALPHA8: break; case DPSOFTRAST_TEXTURE_FORMAT_DEPTH: if (flags & DPSOFTRAST_TEXTURE_FLAG_CUBEMAP) { dpsoftrast.errorstring = "DPSOFTRAST_Texture_New: DPSOFTRAST_TEXTURE_FORMAT_DEPTH only permitted on 2D textures"; return 0; } if (depth != 1) { dpsoftrast.errorstring = "DPSOFTRAST_Texture_New: DPSOFTRAST_TEXTURE_FORMAT_DEPTH only permitted on 2D textures"; return 0; } if ((flags & DPSOFTRAST_TEXTURE_FLAG_MIPMAP) && (texformat == DPSOFTRAST_TEXTURE_FORMAT_DEPTH)) { dpsoftrast.errorstring = "DPSOFTRAST_Texture_New: DPSOFTRAST_TEXTURE_FORMAT_DEPTH does not permit mipmaps"; return 0; } break; } if (depth != 1 && (flags & DPSOFTRAST_TEXTURE_FLAG_CUBEMAP)) { dpsoftrast.errorstring = "DPSOFTRAST_Texture_New: DPSOFTRAST_TEXTURE_FLAG_CUBEMAP can not be used on 3D textures"; return 0; } if (depth != 1 && (flags & DPSOFTRAST_TEXTURE_FLAG_MIPMAP)) { dpsoftrast.errorstring = "DPSOFTRAST_Texture_New: DPSOFTRAST_TEXTURE_FLAG_MIPMAP can not be used on 3D textures"; return 0; } if (depth != 1 && (flags & DPSOFTRAST_TEXTURE_FLAG_MIPMAP)) { dpsoftrast.errorstring = "DPSOFTRAST_Texture_New: DPSOFTRAST_TEXTURE_FLAG_MIPMAP can not be used on 3D textures"; return 0; } if ((flags & DPSOFTRAST_TEXTURE_FLAG_CUBEMAP) && (flags & DPSOFTRAST_TEXTURE_FLAG_MIPMAP)) { dpsoftrast.errorstring = "DPSOFTRAST_Texture_New: DPSOFTRAST_TEXTURE_FLAG_MIPMAP can not be used on cubemap textures"; return 0; } if ((width & (width-1)) || (height & (height-1)) || (depth & (depth-1))) { dpsoftrast.errorstring = "DPSOFTRAST_Texture_New: dimensions are not power of two"; return 0; } // find first empty slot in texture array for (texnum = dpsoftrast.texture_firstfree;texnum < dpsoftrast.texture_end;texnum++) if (!dpsoftrast.texture[texnum].bytes) break; dpsoftrast.texture_firstfree = texnum + 1; if (dpsoftrast.texture_max <= texnum) DPSOFTRAST_Texture_Grow(); if (dpsoftrast.texture_end <= texnum) dpsoftrast.texture_end = texnum + 1; texture = &dpsoftrast.texture[texnum]; memset(texture, 0, sizeof(*texture)); texture->flags = flags; texture->width = width; texture->height = height; texture->depth = depth; texture->sides = sides; texture->binds = 0; w = width; h = height; d = depth; size = 0; mipmaps = 0; w = width; h = height; d = depth; for (;;) { s = w * h * d * sides * 4; texture->mipmap[mipmaps][0] = size; texture->mipmap[mipmaps][1] = s; texture->mipmap[mipmaps][2] = w; texture->mipmap[mipmaps][3] = h; texture->mipmap[mipmaps][4] = d; size += s; mipmaps++; if (w * h * d == 1 || !(flags & DPSOFTRAST_TEXTURE_FLAG_MIPMAP)) break; if (w > 1) w >>= 1; if (h > 1) h >>= 1; if (d > 1) d >>= 1; } texture->mipmaps = mipmaps; texture->size = size; // allocate the pixels now texture->bytes = (unsigned char *)MM_CALLOC(1, size); return texnum; } void DPSOFTRAST_Texture_Free(int index) { DPSOFTRAST_Texture *texture; texture = DPSOFTRAST_Texture_GetByIndex(index);if (!texture) return; if (texture->binds) DPSOFTRAST_Flush(); if (texture->bytes) MM_FREE(texture->bytes); texture->bytes = NULL; memset(texture, 0, sizeof(*texture)); // adjust the free range and used range if (dpsoftrast.texture_firstfree > index) dpsoftrast.texture_firstfree = index; while (dpsoftrast.texture_end > 0 && dpsoftrast.texture[dpsoftrast.texture_end-1].bytes == NULL) dpsoftrast.texture_end--; } void DPSOFTRAST_Texture_CalculateMipmaps(int index) { int i, x, y, z, w, layer0, layer1, row0, row1; unsigned char *o, *i0, *i1, *i2, *i3; DPSOFTRAST_Texture *texture; texture = DPSOFTRAST_Texture_GetByIndex(index);if (!texture) return; if (texture->mipmaps <= 1) return; for (i = 1;i < texture->mipmaps;i++) { for (z = 0;z < texture->mipmap[i][4];z++) { layer0 = z*2; layer1 = z*2+1; if (layer1 >= texture->mipmap[i-1][4]) layer1 = texture->mipmap[i-1][4]-1; for (y = 0;y < texture->mipmap[i][3];y++) { row0 = y*2; row1 = y*2+1; if (row1 >= texture->mipmap[i-1][3]) row1 = texture->mipmap[i-1][3]-1; o = texture->bytes + texture->mipmap[i ][0] + 4*((texture->mipmap[i ][3] * z + y ) * texture->mipmap[i ][2]); i0 = texture->bytes + texture->mipmap[i-1][0] + 4*((texture->mipmap[i-1][3] * layer0 + row0) * texture->mipmap[i-1][2]); i1 = texture->bytes + texture->mipmap[i-1][0] + 4*((texture->mipmap[i-1][3] * layer0 + row1) * texture->mipmap[i-1][2]); i2 = texture->bytes + texture->mipmap[i-1][0] + 4*((texture->mipmap[i-1][3] * layer1 + row0) * texture->mipmap[i-1][2]); i3 = texture->bytes + texture->mipmap[i-1][0] + 4*((texture->mipmap[i-1][3] * layer1 + row1) * texture->mipmap[i-1][2]); w = texture->mipmap[i][2]; if (layer1 > layer0) { if (texture->mipmap[i-1][2] > 1) { // average 3D texture for (x = 0;x < w;x++, o += 4, i0 += 8, i1 += 8, i2 += 8, i3 += 8) { o[0] = (i0[0] + i0[4] + i1[0] + i1[4] + i2[0] + i2[4] + i3[0] + i3[4] + 4) >> 3; o[1] = (i0[1] + i0[5] + i1[1] + i1[5] + i2[1] + i2[5] + i3[1] + i3[5] + 4) >> 3; o[2] = (i0[2] + i0[6] + i1[2] + i1[6] + i2[2] + i2[6] + i3[2] + i3[6] + 4) >> 3; o[3] = (i0[3] + i0[7] + i1[3] + i1[7] + i2[3] + i2[7] + i3[3] + i3[7] + 4) >> 3; } } else { // average 3D mipmap with parent width == 1 for (x = 0;x < w;x++, o += 4, i0 += 8, i1 += 8) { o[0] = (i0[0] + i1[0] + i2[0] + i3[0] + 2) >> 2; o[1] = (i0[1] + i1[1] + i2[1] + i3[1] + 2) >> 2; o[2] = (i0[2] + i1[2] + i2[2] + i3[2] + 2) >> 2; o[3] = (i0[3] + i1[3] + i2[3] + i3[3] + 2) >> 2; } } } else { if (texture->mipmap[i-1][2] > 1) { // average 2D texture (common case) for (x = 0;x < w;x++, o += 4, i0 += 8, i1 += 8) { o[0] = (i0[0] + i0[4] + i1[0] + i1[4] + 2) >> 2; o[1] = (i0[1] + i0[5] + i1[1] + i1[5] + 2) >> 2; o[2] = (i0[2] + i0[6] + i1[2] + i1[6] + 2) >> 2; o[3] = (i0[3] + i0[7] + i1[3] + i1[7] + 2) >> 2; } } else { // 2D texture with parent width == 1 o[0] = (i0[0] + i1[0] + 1) >> 1; o[1] = (i0[1] + i1[1] + 1) >> 1; o[2] = (i0[2] + i1[2] + 1) >> 1; o[3] = (i0[3] + i1[3] + 1) >> 1; } } } } } } void DPSOFTRAST_Texture_UpdatePartial(int index, int mip, const unsigned char *pixels, int blockx, int blocky, int blockwidth, int blockheight) { DPSOFTRAST_Texture *texture; unsigned char *dst; texture = DPSOFTRAST_Texture_GetByIndex(index);if (!texture) return; if (texture->binds) DPSOFTRAST_Flush(); if (pixels) { dst = texture->bytes + (blocky * texture->mipmap[0][2] + blockx) * 4; while (blockheight > 0) { memcpy(dst, pixels, blockwidth * 4); pixels += blockwidth * 4; dst += texture->mipmap[0][2] * 4; blockheight--; } } DPSOFTRAST_Texture_CalculateMipmaps(index); } void DPSOFTRAST_Texture_UpdateFull(int index, const unsigned char *pixels) { DPSOFTRAST_Texture *texture; texture = DPSOFTRAST_Texture_GetByIndex(index);if (!texture) return; if (texture->binds) DPSOFTRAST_Flush(); if (pixels) memcpy(texture->bytes, pixels, texture->mipmap[0][1]); DPSOFTRAST_Texture_CalculateMipmaps(index); } int DPSOFTRAST_Texture_GetWidth(int index, int mip) { DPSOFTRAST_Texture *texture; texture = DPSOFTRAST_Texture_GetByIndex(index);if (!texture) return 0; return texture->mipmap[mip][2]; } int DPSOFTRAST_Texture_GetHeight(int index, int mip) { DPSOFTRAST_Texture *texture; texture = DPSOFTRAST_Texture_GetByIndex(index);if (!texture) return 0; return texture->mipmap[mip][3]; } int DPSOFTRAST_Texture_GetDepth(int index, int mip) { DPSOFTRAST_Texture *texture; texture = DPSOFTRAST_Texture_GetByIndex(index);if (!texture) return 0; return texture->mipmap[mip][4]; } unsigned char *DPSOFTRAST_Texture_GetPixelPointer(int index, int mip) { DPSOFTRAST_Texture *texture; texture = DPSOFTRAST_Texture_GetByIndex(index);if (!texture) return 0; if (texture->binds) DPSOFTRAST_Flush(); return texture->bytes + texture->mipmap[mip][0]; } void DPSOFTRAST_Texture_Filter(int index, DPSOFTRAST_TEXTURE_FILTER filter) { DPSOFTRAST_Texture *texture; texture = DPSOFTRAST_Texture_GetByIndex(index);if (!texture) return; if (!(texture->flags & DPSOFTRAST_TEXTURE_FLAG_MIPMAP) && filter > DPSOFTRAST_TEXTURE_FILTER_LINEAR) { dpsoftrast.errorstring = "DPSOFTRAST_Texture_Filter: requested filter mode requires mipmaps"; return; } if (texture->binds) DPSOFTRAST_Flush(); texture->filter = filter; } static void DPSOFTRAST_Draw_FlushThreads(void); static void DPSOFTRAST_Draw_SyncCommands(void) { if(dpsoftrast.usethreads) MEMORY_BARRIER; dpsoftrast.drawcommand = dpsoftrast.commandpool.freecommand; } static void DPSOFTRAST_Draw_FreeCommandPool(int space) { DPSOFTRAST_State_Thread *thread; int i; int freecommand = dpsoftrast.commandpool.freecommand; int usedcommands = dpsoftrast.commandpool.usedcommands; if (usedcommands <= DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXCOMMANDPOOL-space) return; DPSOFTRAST_Draw_SyncCommands(); for(;;) { int waitindex = -1; int commandoffset; usedcommands = 0; for (i = 0; i < dpsoftrast.numthreads; i++) { thread = &dpsoftrast.threads[i]; commandoffset = freecommand - thread->commandoffset; if (commandoffset < 0) commandoffset += DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXCOMMANDPOOL; if (commandoffset > usedcommands) { waitindex = i; usedcommands = commandoffset; } } if (usedcommands <= DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXCOMMANDPOOL-space || waitindex < 0) break; thread = &dpsoftrast.threads[waitindex]; Thread_LockMutex(thread->drawmutex); if (thread->commandoffset != dpsoftrast.drawcommand) { thread->waiting = true; if (thread->starving) Thread_CondSignal(thread->drawcond); Thread_CondWait(thread->waitcond, thread->drawmutex); thread->waiting = false; } Thread_UnlockMutex(thread->drawmutex); } dpsoftrast.commandpool.usedcommands = usedcommands; } #define DPSOFTRAST_ALIGNCOMMAND(size) \ ((size) + ((COMMAND_SIZE - ((size)&(COMMAND_SIZE-1))) & (COMMAND_SIZE-1))) #define DPSOFTRAST_ALLOCATECOMMAND(name) \ ((DPSOFTRAST_Command_##name *) DPSOFTRAST_AllocateCommand( DPSOFTRAST_OPCODE_##name , DPSOFTRAST_ALIGNCOMMAND(sizeof( DPSOFTRAST_Command_##name )))) static void *DPSOFTRAST_AllocateCommand(int opcode, int size) { DPSOFTRAST_Command *command; int freecommand = dpsoftrast.commandpool.freecommand; int usedcommands = dpsoftrast.commandpool.usedcommands; int extra = sizeof(DPSOFTRAST_Command); if (DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXCOMMANDPOOL - freecommand < size) extra += DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXCOMMANDPOOL - freecommand; if (usedcommands > DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXCOMMANDPOOL - (size + extra)) { if (dpsoftrast.usethreads) DPSOFTRAST_Draw_FreeCommandPool(size + extra); else DPSOFTRAST_Draw_FlushThreads(); freecommand = dpsoftrast.commandpool.freecommand; usedcommands = dpsoftrast.commandpool.usedcommands; } if (DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXCOMMANDPOOL - freecommand < size) { command = (DPSOFTRAST_Command *) &dpsoftrast.commandpool.commands[freecommand]; command->opcode = DPSOFTRAST_OPCODE_Reset; usedcommands += DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXCOMMANDPOOL - freecommand; freecommand = 0; } command = (DPSOFTRAST_Command *) &dpsoftrast.commandpool.commands[freecommand]; command->opcode = opcode; command->commandsize = size; freecommand += size; if (freecommand >= DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXCOMMANDPOOL) freecommand = 0; dpsoftrast.commandpool.freecommand = freecommand; dpsoftrast.commandpool.usedcommands = usedcommands + size; return command; } static void DPSOFTRAST_UndoCommand(int size) { int freecommand = dpsoftrast.commandpool.freecommand; int usedcommands = dpsoftrast.commandpool.usedcommands; freecommand -= size; if (freecommand < 0) freecommand += DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXCOMMANDPOOL; usedcommands -= size; dpsoftrast.commandpool.freecommand = freecommand; dpsoftrast.commandpool.usedcommands = usedcommands; } DEFCOMMAND(1, Viewport, int x; int y; int width; int height;) static void DPSOFTRAST_Interpret_Viewport(DPSOFTRAST_State_Thread *thread, const DPSOFTRAST_Command_Viewport *command) { thread->viewport[0] = command->x; thread->viewport[1] = command->y; thread->viewport[2] = command->width; thread->viewport[3] = command->height; thread->validate |= DPSOFTRAST_VALIDATE_FB; } void DPSOFTRAST_Viewport(int x, int y, int width, int height) { DPSOFTRAST_Command_Viewport *command = DPSOFTRAST_ALLOCATECOMMAND(Viewport); command->x = x; command->y = y; command->width = width; command->height = height; dpsoftrast.viewport[0] = x; dpsoftrast.viewport[1] = y; dpsoftrast.viewport[2] = width; dpsoftrast.viewport[3] = height; DPSOFTRAST_RecalcViewport(dpsoftrast.viewport, dpsoftrast.fb_viewportcenter, dpsoftrast.fb_viewportscale); } DEFCOMMAND(2, ClearColor, float r; float g; float b; float a;) static void DPSOFTRAST_Interpret_ClearColor(DPSOFTRAST_State_Thread *thread, const DPSOFTRAST_Command_ClearColor *command) { int i, x1, y1, x2, y2, w, h, x, y; int miny1, maxy1, miny2, maxy2; int bandy; unsigned int *p; unsigned int c; DPSOFTRAST_Validate(thread, DPSOFTRAST_VALIDATE_FB); miny1 = thread->miny1; maxy1 = thread->maxy1; miny2 = thread->miny2; maxy2 = thread->maxy2; x1 = thread->fb_scissor[0]; y1 = thread->fb_scissor[1]; x2 = thread->fb_scissor[0] + thread->fb_scissor[2]; y2 = thread->fb_scissor[1] + thread->fb_scissor[3]; if (y1 < miny1) y1 = miny1; if (y2 > maxy2) y2 = maxy2; w = x2 - x1; h = y2 - y1; if (w < 1 || h < 1) return; // FIXME: honor fb_colormask? c = DPSOFTRAST_BGRA8_FROM_RGBA32F(command->r,command->g,command->b,command->a); for (i = 0;i < 4;i++) { if (!dpsoftrast.fb_colorpixels[i]) continue; for (y = y1, bandy = min(y2, maxy1); y < y2; bandy = min(y2, maxy2), y = max(y, miny2)) for (;y < bandy;y++) { p = dpsoftrast.fb_colorpixels[i] + y * dpsoftrast.fb_width; for (x = x1;x < x2;x++) p[x] = c; } } } void DPSOFTRAST_ClearColor(float r, float g, float b, float a) { DPSOFTRAST_Command_ClearColor *command = DPSOFTRAST_ALLOCATECOMMAND(ClearColor); command->r = r; command->g = g; command->b = b; command->a = a; } DEFCOMMAND(3, ClearDepth, float depth;) static void DPSOFTRAST_Interpret_ClearDepth(DPSOFTRAST_State_Thread *thread, DPSOFTRAST_Command_ClearDepth *command) { int x1, y1, x2, y2, w, h, x, y; int miny1, maxy1, miny2, maxy2; int bandy; unsigned int *p; unsigned int c; DPSOFTRAST_Validate(thread, DPSOFTRAST_VALIDATE_FB); miny1 = thread->miny1; maxy1 = thread->maxy1; miny2 = thread->miny2; maxy2 = thread->maxy2; x1 = thread->fb_scissor[0]; y1 = thread->fb_scissor[1]; x2 = thread->fb_scissor[0] + thread->fb_scissor[2]; y2 = thread->fb_scissor[1] + thread->fb_scissor[3]; if (y1 < miny1) y1 = miny1; if (y2 > maxy2) y2 = maxy2; w = x2 - x1; h = y2 - y1; if (w < 1 || h < 1) return; c = DPSOFTRAST_DEPTH32_FROM_DEPTH32F(command->depth); for (y = y1, bandy = min(y2, maxy1); y < y2; bandy = min(y2, maxy2), y = max(y, miny2)) for (;y < bandy;y++) { p = dpsoftrast.fb_depthpixels + y * dpsoftrast.fb_width; for (x = x1;x < x2;x++) p[x] = c; } } void DPSOFTRAST_ClearDepth(float d) { DPSOFTRAST_Command_ClearDepth *command = DPSOFTRAST_ALLOCATECOMMAND(ClearDepth); command->depth = d; } DEFCOMMAND(4, ColorMask, int r; int g; int b; int a;) static void DPSOFTRAST_Interpret_ColorMask(DPSOFTRAST_State_Thread *thread, DPSOFTRAST_Command_ColorMask *command) { thread->colormask[0] = command->r != 0; thread->colormask[1] = command->g != 0; thread->colormask[2] = command->b != 0; thread->colormask[3] = command->a != 0; thread->fb_colormask = ((-thread->colormask[0]) & 0x00FF0000) | ((-thread->colormask[1]) & 0x0000FF00) | ((-thread->colormask[2]) & 0x000000FF) | ((-thread->colormask[3]) & 0xFF000000); } void DPSOFTRAST_ColorMask(int r, int g, int b, int a) { DPSOFTRAST_Command_ColorMask *command = DPSOFTRAST_ALLOCATECOMMAND(ColorMask); command->r = r; command->g = g; command->b = b; command->a = a; } DEFCOMMAND(5, DepthTest, int enable;) static void DPSOFTRAST_Interpret_DepthTest(DPSOFTRAST_State_Thread *thread, DPSOFTRAST_Command_DepthTest *command) { thread->depthtest = command->enable; thread->validate |= DPSOFTRAST_VALIDATE_DEPTHFUNC; } void DPSOFTRAST_DepthTest(int enable) { DPSOFTRAST_Command_DepthTest *command = DPSOFTRAST_ALLOCATECOMMAND(DepthTest); command->enable = enable; } DEFCOMMAND(6, ScissorTest, int enable;) static void DPSOFTRAST_Interpret_ScissorTest(DPSOFTRAST_State_Thread *thread, DPSOFTRAST_Command_ScissorTest *command) { thread->scissortest = command->enable; thread->validate |= DPSOFTRAST_VALIDATE_FB; } void DPSOFTRAST_ScissorTest(int enable) { DPSOFTRAST_Command_ScissorTest *command = DPSOFTRAST_ALLOCATECOMMAND(ScissorTest); command->enable = enable; } DEFCOMMAND(7, Scissor, float x; float y; float width; float height;) static void DPSOFTRAST_Interpret_Scissor(DPSOFTRAST_State_Thread *thread, DPSOFTRAST_Command_Scissor *command) { thread->scissor[0] = command->x; thread->scissor[1] = command->y; thread->scissor[2] = command->width; thread->scissor[3] = command->height; thread->validate |= DPSOFTRAST_VALIDATE_FB; } void DPSOFTRAST_Scissor(float x, float y, float width, float height) { DPSOFTRAST_Command_Scissor *command = DPSOFTRAST_ALLOCATECOMMAND(Scissor); command->x = x; command->y = y; command->width = width; command->height = height; } DEFCOMMAND(8, BlendFunc, int sfactor; int dfactor;) static void DPSOFTRAST_Interpret_BlendFunc(DPSOFTRAST_State_Thread *thread, DPSOFTRAST_Command_BlendFunc *command) { thread->blendfunc[0] = command->sfactor; thread->blendfunc[1] = command->dfactor; thread->validate |= DPSOFTRAST_VALIDATE_BLENDFUNC; } void DPSOFTRAST_BlendFunc(int sfactor, int dfactor) { DPSOFTRAST_Command_BlendFunc *command = DPSOFTRAST_ALLOCATECOMMAND(BlendFunc); command->sfactor = sfactor; command->dfactor = dfactor; } DEFCOMMAND(9, BlendSubtract, int enable;) static void DPSOFTRAST_Interpret_BlendSubtract(DPSOFTRAST_State_Thread *thread, DPSOFTRAST_Command_BlendSubtract *command) { thread->blendsubtract = command->enable; thread->validate |= DPSOFTRAST_VALIDATE_BLENDFUNC; } void DPSOFTRAST_BlendSubtract(int enable) { DPSOFTRAST_Command_BlendSubtract *command = DPSOFTRAST_ALLOCATECOMMAND(BlendSubtract); command->enable = enable; } DEFCOMMAND(10, DepthMask, int enable;) static void DPSOFTRAST_Interpret_DepthMask(DPSOFTRAST_State_Thread *thread, DPSOFTRAST_Command_DepthMask *command) { thread->depthmask = command->enable; } void DPSOFTRAST_DepthMask(int enable) { DPSOFTRAST_Command_DepthMask *command = DPSOFTRAST_ALLOCATECOMMAND(DepthMask); command->enable = enable; } DEFCOMMAND(11, DepthFunc, int func;) static void DPSOFTRAST_Interpret_DepthFunc(DPSOFTRAST_State_Thread *thread, DPSOFTRAST_Command_DepthFunc *command) { thread->depthfunc = command->func; } void DPSOFTRAST_DepthFunc(int func) { DPSOFTRAST_Command_DepthFunc *command = DPSOFTRAST_ALLOCATECOMMAND(DepthFunc); command->func = func; } DEFCOMMAND(12, DepthRange, float nearval; float farval;) static void DPSOFTRAST_Interpret_DepthRange(DPSOFTRAST_State_Thread *thread, DPSOFTRAST_Command_DepthRange *command) { thread->depthrange[0] = command->nearval; thread->depthrange[1] = command->farval; } void DPSOFTRAST_DepthRange(float nearval, float farval) { DPSOFTRAST_Command_DepthRange *command = DPSOFTRAST_ALLOCATECOMMAND(DepthRange); command->nearval = nearval; command->farval = farval; } DEFCOMMAND(13, PolygonOffset, float alongnormal; float intoview;) static void DPSOFTRAST_Interpret_PolygonOffset(DPSOFTRAST_State_Thread *thread, DPSOFTRAST_Command_PolygonOffset *command) { thread->polygonoffset[0] = command->alongnormal; thread->polygonoffset[1] = command->intoview; } void DPSOFTRAST_PolygonOffset(float alongnormal, float intoview) { DPSOFTRAST_Command_PolygonOffset *command = DPSOFTRAST_ALLOCATECOMMAND(PolygonOffset); command->alongnormal = alongnormal; command->intoview = intoview; } DEFCOMMAND(14, CullFace, int mode;) static void DPSOFTRAST_Interpret_CullFace(DPSOFTRAST_State_Thread *thread, DPSOFTRAST_Command_CullFace *command) { thread->cullface = command->mode; } void DPSOFTRAST_CullFace(int mode) { DPSOFTRAST_Command_CullFace *command = DPSOFTRAST_ALLOCATECOMMAND(CullFace); command->mode = mode; } DEFCOMMAND(15, AlphaTest, int enable;) static void DPSOFTRAST_Interpret_AlphaTest(DPSOFTRAST_State_Thread *thread, DPSOFTRAST_Command_AlphaTest *command) { thread->alphatest = command->enable; } void DPSOFTRAST_AlphaTest(int enable) { DPSOFTRAST_Command_AlphaTest *command = DPSOFTRAST_ALLOCATECOMMAND(AlphaTest); command->enable = enable; } DEFCOMMAND(16, AlphaFunc, int func; float ref;) static void DPSOFTRAST_Interpret_AlphaFunc(DPSOFTRAST_State_Thread *thread, DPSOFTRAST_Command_AlphaFunc *command) { thread->alphafunc = command->func; thread->alphavalue = command->ref; } void DPSOFTRAST_AlphaFunc(int func, float ref) { DPSOFTRAST_Command_AlphaFunc *command = DPSOFTRAST_ALLOCATECOMMAND(AlphaFunc); command->func = func; command->ref = ref; } void DPSOFTRAST_Color4f(float r, float g, float b, float a) { dpsoftrast.color[0] = r; dpsoftrast.color[1] = g; dpsoftrast.color[2] = b; dpsoftrast.color[3] = a; } void DPSOFTRAST_GetPixelsBGRA(int blockx, int blocky, int blockwidth, int blockheight, unsigned char *outpixels) { int outstride = blockwidth * 4; int instride = dpsoftrast.fb_width * 4; int bx1 = blockx; int by1 = blocky; int bx2 = blockx + blockwidth; int by2 = blocky + blockheight; int bw; int x; int y; unsigned char *inpixels; unsigned char *b; unsigned char *o; DPSOFTRAST_Flush(); if (bx1 < 0) bx1 = 0; if (by1 < 0) by1 = 0; if (bx2 > dpsoftrast.fb_width) bx2 = dpsoftrast.fb_width; if (by2 > dpsoftrast.fb_height) by2 = dpsoftrast.fb_height; bw = bx2 - bx1; inpixels = (unsigned char *)dpsoftrast.fb_colorpixels[0]; if (dpsoftrast.bigendian) { for (y = by1;y < by2;y++) { b = (unsigned char *)inpixels + (dpsoftrast.fb_height - 1 - y) * instride + 4 * bx1; o = (unsigned char *)outpixels + (y - by1) * outstride; for (x = bx1;x < bx2;x++) { o[0] = b[3]; o[1] = b[2]; o[2] = b[1]; o[3] = b[0]; o += 4; b += 4; } } } else { for (y = by1;y < by2;y++) { b = (unsigned char *)inpixels + (dpsoftrast.fb_height - 1 - y) * instride + 4 * bx1; o = (unsigned char *)outpixels + (y - by1) * outstride; memcpy(o, b, bw*4); } } } void DPSOFTRAST_CopyRectangleToTexture(int index, int mip, int tx, int ty, int sx, int sy, int width, int height) { int tx1 = tx; int ty1 = ty; int tx2 = tx + width; int ty2 = ty + height; int sx1 = sx; int sy1 = sy; int sx2 = sx + width; int sy2 = sy + height; int swidth; int sheight; int twidth; int theight; int sw; int sh; int tw; int th; int y; unsigned int *spixels; unsigned int *tpixels; DPSOFTRAST_Texture *texture; texture = DPSOFTRAST_Texture_GetByIndex(index);if (!texture) return; if (mip < 0 || mip >= texture->mipmaps) return; DPSOFTRAST_Flush(); spixels = dpsoftrast.fb_colorpixels[0]; swidth = dpsoftrast.fb_width; sheight = dpsoftrast.fb_height; tpixels = (unsigned int *)(texture->bytes + texture->mipmap[mip][0]); twidth = texture->mipmap[mip][2]; theight = texture->mipmap[mip][3]; if (tx1 < 0) tx1 = 0; if (ty1 < 0) ty1 = 0; if (tx2 > twidth) tx2 = twidth; if (ty2 > theight) ty2 = theight; if (sx1 < 0) sx1 = 0; if (sy1 < 0) sy1 = 0; if (sx2 > swidth) sx2 = swidth; if (sy2 > sheight) sy2 = sheight; tw = tx2 - tx1; th = ty2 - ty1; sw = sx2 - sx1; sh = sy2 - sy1; if (tw > sw) tw = sw; if (th > sh) th = sh; if (tw < 1 || th < 1) return; sy1 = sheight - 1 - sy1; for (y = 0;y < th;y++) memcpy(tpixels + ((ty1 + y) * twidth + tx1), spixels + ((sy1 - y) * swidth + sx1), tw*4); if (texture->mipmaps > 1) DPSOFTRAST_Texture_CalculateMipmaps(index); } DEFCOMMAND(17, SetTexture, int unitnum; DPSOFTRAST_Texture *texture;) static void DPSOFTRAST_Interpret_SetTexture(DPSOFTRAST_State_Thread *thread, DPSOFTRAST_Command_SetTexture *command) { if (thread->texbound[command->unitnum]) ATOMIC_DECREMENT(thread->texbound[command->unitnum]->binds); thread->texbound[command->unitnum] = command->texture; } void DPSOFTRAST_SetTexture(int unitnum, int index) { DPSOFTRAST_Command_SetTexture *command; DPSOFTRAST_Texture *texture; if (unitnum < 0 || unitnum >= DPSOFTRAST_MAXTEXTUREUNITS) { dpsoftrast.errorstring = "DPSOFTRAST_SetTexture: invalid unit number"; return; } texture = DPSOFTRAST_Texture_GetByIndex(index); if (index && !texture) { dpsoftrast.errorstring = "DPSOFTRAST_SetTexture: invalid texture handle"; return; } command = DPSOFTRAST_ALLOCATECOMMAND(SetTexture); command->unitnum = unitnum; command->texture = texture; dpsoftrast.texbound[unitnum] = texture; ATOMIC_ADD(texture->binds, dpsoftrast.numthreads); } void DPSOFTRAST_SetVertexPointer(const float *vertex3f, size_t stride) { dpsoftrast.pointer_vertex3f = vertex3f; dpsoftrast.stride_vertex = stride; } void DPSOFTRAST_SetColorPointer(const float *color4f, size_t stride) { dpsoftrast.pointer_color4f = color4f; dpsoftrast.pointer_color4ub = NULL; dpsoftrast.stride_color = stride; } void DPSOFTRAST_SetColorPointer4ub(const unsigned char *color4ub, size_t stride) { dpsoftrast.pointer_color4f = NULL; dpsoftrast.pointer_color4ub = color4ub; dpsoftrast.stride_color = stride; } void DPSOFTRAST_SetTexCoordPointer(int unitnum, int numcomponents, size_t stride, const float *texcoordf) { dpsoftrast.pointer_texcoordf[unitnum] = texcoordf; dpsoftrast.components_texcoord[unitnum] = numcomponents; dpsoftrast.stride_texcoord[unitnum] = stride; } DEFCOMMAND(18, SetShader, int mode; int permutation; int exactspecularmath;) static void DPSOFTRAST_Interpret_SetShader(DPSOFTRAST_State_Thread *thread, DPSOFTRAST_Command_SetShader *command) { thread->shader_mode = command->mode; thread->shader_permutation = command->permutation; thread->shader_exactspecularmath = command->exactspecularmath; } void DPSOFTRAST_SetShader(int mode, int permutation, int exactspecularmath) { DPSOFTRAST_Command_SetShader *command = DPSOFTRAST_ALLOCATECOMMAND(SetShader); command->mode = mode; command->permutation = permutation; command->exactspecularmath = exactspecularmath; dpsoftrast.shader_mode = mode; dpsoftrast.shader_permutation = permutation; dpsoftrast.shader_exactspecularmath = exactspecularmath; } DEFCOMMAND(19, Uniform4f, DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM index; float val[4];) static void DPSOFTRAST_Interpret_Uniform4f(DPSOFTRAST_State_Thread *thread, DPSOFTRAST_Command_Uniform4f *command) { memcpy(&thread->uniform4f[command->index*4], command->val, sizeof(command->val)); } void DPSOFTRAST_Uniform4f(DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM index, float v0, float v1, float v2, float v3) { DPSOFTRAST_Command_Uniform4f *command = DPSOFTRAST_ALLOCATECOMMAND(Uniform4f); command->index = index; command->val[0] = v0; command->val[1] = v1; command->val[2] = v2; command->val[3] = v3; dpsoftrast.uniform4f[index*4+0] = v0; dpsoftrast.uniform4f[index*4+1] = v1; dpsoftrast.uniform4f[index*4+2] = v2; dpsoftrast.uniform4f[index*4+3] = v3; } void DPSOFTRAST_Uniform4fv(DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM index, const float *v) { DPSOFTRAST_Command_Uniform4f *command = DPSOFTRAST_ALLOCATECOMMAND(Uniform4f); command->index = index; memcpy(command->val, v, sizeof(command->val)); memcpy(&dpsoftrast.uniform4f[index*4], v, sizeof(float[4])); } DEFCOMMAND(20, UniformMatrix4f, DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM index; ALIGN(float val[16]);) static void DPSOFTRAST_Interpret_UniformMatrix4f(DPSOFTRAST_State_Thread *thread, DPSOFTRAST_Command_UniformMatrix4f *command) { memcpy(&thread->uniform4f[command->index*4], command->val, sizeof(command->val)); } void DPSOFTRAST_UniformMatrix4fv(DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM uniform, int arraysize, int transpose, const float *v) { #ifdef SSE_POSSIBLE int i, index; for (i = 0, index = (int)uniform;i < arraysize;i++, index += 4, v += 16) { __m128 m0, m1, m2, m3; DPSOFTRAST_Command_UniformMatrix4f *command = DPSOFTRAST_ALLOCATECOMMAND(UniformMatrix4f); command->index = (DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM)index; if (((size_t)v)&(ALIGN_SIZE-1)) { m0 = _mm_loadu_ps(v); m1 = _mm_loadu_ps(v+4); m2 = _mm_loadu_ps(v+8); m3 = _mm_loadu_ps(v+12); } else { m0 = _mm_load_ps(v); m1 = _mm_load_ps(v+4); m2 = _mm_load_ps(v+8); m3 = _mm_load_ps(v+12); } if (transpose) { __m128 t0, t1, t2, t3; t0 = _mm_unpacklo_ps(m0, m1); t1 = _mm_unpacklo_ps(m2, m3); t2 = _mm_unpackhi_ps(m0, m1); t3 = _mm_unpackhi_ps(m2, m3); m0 = _mm_movelh_ps(t0, t1); m1 = _mm_movehl_ps(t1, t0); m2 = _mm_movelh_ps(t2, t3); m3 = _mm_movehl_ps(t3, t2); } _mm_store_ps(command->val, m0); _mm_store_ps(command->val+4, m1); _mm_store_ps(command->val+8, m2); _mm_store_ps(command->val+12, m3); _mm_store_ps(&dpsoftrast.uniform4f[index*4+0], m0); _mm_store_ps(&dpsoftrast.uniform4f[index*4+4], m1); _mm_store_ps(&dpsoftrast.uniform4f[index*4+8], m2); _mm_store_ps(&dpsoftrast.uniform4f[index*4+12], m3); } #endif } DEFCOMMAND(21, Uniform1i, DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM index; int val;) static void DPSOFTRAST_Interpret_Uniform1i(DPSOFTRAST_State_Thread *thread, DPSOFTRAST_Command_Uniform1i *command) { thread->uniform1i[command->index] = command->val; } void DPSOFTRAST_Uniform1i(DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM index, int i0) { DPSOFTRAST_Command_Uniform1i *command = DPSOFTRAST_ALLOCATECOMMAND(Uniform1i); command->index = index; command->val = i0; dpsoftrast.uniform1i[command->index] = i0; } DEFCOMMAND(24, ClipPlane, float clipplane[4];) static void DPSOFTRAST_Interpret_ClipPlane(DPSOFTRAST_State_Thread *thread, DPSOFTRAST_Command_ClipPlane *command) { memcpy(thread->clipplane, command->clipplane, 4*sizeof(float)); thread->validate |= DPSOFTRAST_VALIDATE_FB; } void DPSOFTRAST_ClipPlane(float x, float y, float z, float w) { DPSOFTRAST_Command_ClipPlane *command = DPSOFTRAST_ALLOCATECOMMAND(ClipPlane); command->clipplane[0] = x; command->clipplane[1] = y; command->clipplane[2] = z; command->clipplane[3] = w; } #ifdef SSE_POSSIBLE static void DPSOFTRAST_Load4fTo4f(float *dst, const unsigned char *src, int size, int stride) { float *end = dst + size*4; if ((((size_t)src)|stride)&(ALIGN_SIZE - 1)) // check for alignment { while (dst < end) { _mm_store_ps(dst, _mm_loadu_ps((const float *)src)); dst += 4; src += stride; } } else { while (dst < end) { _mm_store_ps(dst, _mm_load_ps((const float *)src)); dst += 4; src += stride; } } } static void DPSOFTRAST_Load3fTo4f(float *dst, const unsigned char *src, int size, int stride) { float *end = dst + size*4; if (stride == sizeof(float[3])) { float *end4 = dst + (size&~3)*4; if (((size_t)src)&(ALIGN_SIZE - 1)) // check for alignment { while (dst < end4) { __m128 v1 = _mm_loadu_ps((const float *)src), v2 = _mm_loadu_ps((const float *)src + 4), v3 = _mm_loadu_ps((const float *)src + 8), dv; dv = _mm_shuffle_ps(v1, v1, _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 1, 0, 3)); dv = _mm_move_ss(dv, _mm_set_ss(1.0f)); _mm_store_ps(dst, _mm_shuffle_ps(dv, dv, _MM_SHUFFLE(0, 3, 2, 1))); dv = _mm_shuffle_ps(v1, v2, _MM_SHUFFLE(1, 0, 3, 3)); dv = _mm_move_ss(dv, _mm_set_ss(1.0f)); _mm_store_ps(dst + 4, _mm_shuffle_ps(dv, dv, _MM_SHUFFLE(0, 3, 2, 1))); dv = _mm_shuffle_ps(v2, v3, _MM_SHUFFLE(0, 0, 3, 2)); dv = _mm_shuffle_ps(dv, dv, _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 1, 0, 3)); dv = _mm_move_ss(dv, _mm_set_ss(1.0f)); _mm_store_ps(dst + 8, _mm_shuffle_ps(dv, dv, _MM_SHUFFLE(0, 3, 2, 1))); dv = _mm_move_ss(v3, _mm_set_ss(1.0f)); _mm_store_ps(dst + 12, _mm_shuffle_ps(dv, dv, _MM_SHUFFLE(0, 3, 2, 1))); dst += 16; src += 4*sizeof(float[3]); } } else { while (dst < end4) { __m128 v1 = _mm_load_ps((const float *)src), v2 = _mm_load_ps((const float *)src + 4), v3 = _mm_load_ps((const float *)src + 8), dv; dv = _mm_shuffle_ps(v1, v1, _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 1, 0, 3)); dv = _mm_move_ss(dv, _mm_set_ss(1.0f)); _mm_store_ps(dst, _mm_shuffle_ps(dv, dv, _MM_SHUFFLE(0, 3, 2, 1))); dv = _mm_shuffle_ps(v1, v2, _MM_SHUFFLE(1, 0, 3, 3)); dv = _mm_move_ss(dv, _mm_set_ss(1.0f)); _mm_store_ps(dst + 4, _mm_shuffle_ps(dv, dv, _MM_SHUFFLE(0, 3, 2, 1))); dv = _mm_shuffle_ps(v2, v3, _MM_SHUFFLE(0, 0, 3, 2)); dv = _mm_shuffle_ps(dv, dv, _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 1, 0, 3)); dv = _mm_move_ss(dv, _mm_set_ss(1.0f)); _mm_store_ps(dst + 8, _mm_shuffle_ps(dv, dv, _MM_SHUFFLE(0, 3, 2, 1))); dv = _mm_move_ss(v3, _mm_set_ss(1.0f)); _mm_store_ps(dst + 12, _mm_shuffle_ps(dv, dv, _MM_SHUFFLE(0, 3, 2, 1))); dst += 16; src += 4*sizeof(float[3]); } } } if ((((size_t)src)|stride)&(ALIGN_SIZE - 1)) { while (dst < end) { __m128 v = _mm_loadu_ps((const float *)src); v = _mm_shuffle_ps(v, v, _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 1, 0, 3)); v = _mm_move_ss(v, _mm_set_ss(1.0f)); v = _mm_shuffle_ps(v, v, _MM_SHUFFLE(0, 3, 2, 1)); _mm_store_ps(dst, v); dst += 4; src += stride; } } else { while (dst < end) { __m128 v = _mm_load_ps((const float *)src); v = _mm_shuffle_ps(v, v, _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 1, 0, 3)); v = _mm_move_ss(v, _mm_set_ss(1.0f)); v = _mm_shuffle_ps(v, v, _MM_SHUFFLE(0, 3, 2, 1)); _mm_store_ps(dst, v); dst += 4; src += stride; } } } static void DPSOFTRAST_Load2fTo4f(float *dst, const unsigned char *src, int size, int stride) { float *end = dst + size*4; __m128 v2 = _mm_setr_ps(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); if (stride == sizeof(float[2])) { float *end2 = dst + (size&~1)*4; if (((size_t)src)&(ALIGN_SIZE - 1)) // check for alignment { while (dst < end2) { __m128 v = _mm_loadu_ps((const float *)src); _mm_store_ps(dst, _mm_shuffle_ps(v, v2, _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 2, 1, 0))); _mm_store_ps(dst + 4, _mm_movehl_ps(v2, v)); dst += 8; src += 2*sizeof(float[2]); } } else { while (dst < end2) { __m128 v = _mm_load_ps((const float *)src); _mm_store_ps(dst, _mm_shuffle_ps(v, v2, _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 2, 1, 0))); _mm_store_ps(dst + 4, _mm_movehl_ps(v2, v)); dst += 8; src += 2*sizeof(float[2]); } } } while (dst < end) { _mm_store_ps(dst, _mm_loadl_pi(v2, (__m64 *)src)); dst += 4; src += stride; } } static void DPSOFTRAST_Load4bTo4f(float *dst, const unsigned char *src, int size, int stride) { float *end = dst + size*4; __m128 scale = _mm_set1_ps(1.0f/255.0f); if (stride == sizeof(unsigned char[4])) { float *end4 = dst + (size&~3)*4; if (((size_t)src)&(ALIGN_SIZE - 1)) // check for alignment { while (dst < end4) { __m128i v = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)src), v1 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(v, _mm_setzero_si128()), v2 = _mm_unpackhi_epi8(v, _mm_setzero_si128()); _mm_store_ps(dst, _mm_mul_ps(_mm_cvtepi32_ps(_mm_unpacklo_epi16(v1, _mm_setzero_si128())), scale)); _mm_store_ps(dst + 4, _mm_mul_ps(_mm_cvtepi32_ps(_mm_unpackhi_epi16(v1, _mm_setzero_si128())), scale)); _mm_store_ps(dst + 8, _mm_mul_ps(_mm_cvtepi32_ps(_mm_unpacklo_epi16(v2, _mm_setzero_si128())), scale)); _mm_store_ps(dst + 12, _mm_mul_ps(_mm_cvtepi32_ps(_mm_unpackhi_epi16(v2, _mm_setzero_si128())), scale)); dst += 16; src += 4*sizeof(unsigned char[4]); } } else { while (dst < end4) { __m128i v = _mm_load_si128((const __m128i *)src), v1 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(v, _mm_setzero_si128()), v2 = _mm_unpackhi_epi8(v, _mm_setzero_si128()); _mm_store_ps(dst, _mm_mul_ps(_mm_cvtepi32_ps(_mm_unpacklo_epi16(v1, _mm_setzero_si128())), scale)); _mm_store_ps(dst + 4, _mm_mul_ps(_mm_cvtepi32_ps(_mm_unpackhi_epi16(v1, _mm_setzero_si128())), scale)); _mm_store_ps(dst + 8, _mm_mul_ps(_mm_cvtepi32_ps(_mm_unpacklo_epi16(v2, _mm_setzero_si128())), scale)); _mm_store_ps(dst + 12, _mm_mul_ps(_mm_cvtepi32_ps(_mm_unpackhi_epi16(v2, _mm_setzero_si128())), scale)); dst += 16; src += 4*sizeof(unsigned char[4]); } } } while (dst < end) { __m128i v = _mm_cvtsi32_si128(*(const int *)src); _mm_store_ps(dst, _mm_mul_ps(_mm_cvtepi32_ps(_mm_unpacklo_epi16(_mm_unpacklo_epi8(v, _mm_setzero_si128()), _mm_setzero_si128())), scale)); dst += 4; src += stride; } } static void DPSOFTRAST_Fill4f(float *dst, const float *src, int size) { float *end = dst + 4*size; __m128 v = _mm_loadu_ps(src); while (dst < end) { _mm_store_ps(dst, v); dst += 4; } } #endif void DPSOFTRAST_Vertex_Transform(float *out4f, const float *in4f, int numitems, const float *inmatrix16f) { #ifdef SSE_POSSIBLE static const float identitymatrix[4][4] = {{1,0,0,0},{0,1,0,0},{0,0,1,0},{0,0,0,1}}; __m128 m0, m1, m2, m3; float *end; if (!memcmp(identitymatrix, inmatrix16f, sizeof(float[16]))) { // fast case for identity matrix if (out4f != in4f) memcpy(out4f, in4f, numitems * sizeof(float[4])); return; } end = out4f + numitems*4; m0 = _mm_loadu_ps(inmatrix16f); m1 = _mm_loadu_ps(inmatrix16f + 4); m2 = _mm_loadu_ps(inmatrix16f + 8); m3 = _mm_loadu_ps(inmatrix16f + 12); if (((size_t)in4f)&(ALIGN_SIZE-1)) // check alignment { while (out4f < end) { __m128 v = _mm_loadu_ps(in4f); _mm_store_ps(out4f, _mm_add_ps(_mm_mul_ps(_mm_shuffle_ps(v, v, _MM_SHUFFLE(0, 0, 0, 0)), m0), _mm_add_ps(_mm_mul_ps(_mm_shuffle_ps(v, v, _MM_SHUFFLE(1, 1, 1, 1)), m1), _mm_add_ps(_mm_mul_ps(_mm_shuffle_ps(v, v, _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 2, 2, 2)), m2), _mm_mul_ps(_mm_shuffle_ps(v, v, _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 3, 3, 3)), m3))))); out4f += 4; in4f += 4; } } else { while (out4f < end) { __m128 v = _mm_load_ps(in4f); _mm_store_ps(out4f, _mm_add_ps(_mm_mul_ps(_mm_shuffle_ps(v, v, _MM_SHUFFLE(0, 0, 0, 0)), m0), _mm_add_ps(_mm_mul_ps(_mm_shuffle_ps(v, v, _MM_SHUFFLE(1, 1, 1, 1)), m1), _mm_add_ps(_mm_mul_ps(_mm_shuffle_ps(v, v, _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 2, 2, 2)), m2), _mm_mul_ps(_mm_shuffle_ps(v, v, _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 3, 3, 3)), m3))))); out4f += 4; in4f += 4; } } #endif } void DPSOFTRAST_Vertex_Copy(float *out4f, const float *in4f, int numitems) { memcpy(out4f, in4f, numitems * sizeof(float[4])); } #ifdef SSE_POSSIBLE #define DPSOFTRAST_PROJECTVERTEX(out, in, viewportcenter, viewportscale) \ { \ __m128 p = (in), w = _mm_shuffle_ps(p, p, _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 3, 3, 3)); \ p = _mm_move_ss(_mm_shuffle_ps(p, p, _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 1, 0, 3)), _mm_set_ss(1.0f)); \ p = _mm_add_ps(viewportcenter, _mm_div_ps(_mm_mul_ps(viewportscale, p), w)); \ out = _mm_shuffle_ps(p, p, _MM_SHUFFLE(0, 3, 2, 1)); \ } #define DPSOFTRAST_PROJECTY(out, in, viewportcenter, viewportscale) \ { \ __m128 p = (in), w = _mm_shuffle_ps(p, p, _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 3, 3, 3)); \ p = _mm_move_ss(_mm_shuffle_ps(p, p, _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 1, 0, 3)), _mm_set_ss(1.0f)); \ p = _mm_add_ps(viewportcenter, _mm_div_ps(_mm_mul_ps(viewportscale, p), w)); \ out = _mm_shuffle_ps(p, p, _MM_SHUFFLE(0, 3, 2, 1)); \ } #define DPSOFTRAST_TRANSFORMVERTEX(out, in, m0, m1, m2, m3) \ { \ __m128 p = (in); \ out = _mm_add_ps(_mm_mul_ps(_mm_shuffle_ps(p, p, _MM_SHUFFLE(0, 0, 0, 0)), m0), \ _mm_add_ps(_mm_mul_ps(_mm_shuffle_ps(p, p, _MM_SHUFFLE(1, 1, 1, 1)), m1), \ _mm_add_ps(_mm_mul_ps(_mm_shuffle_ps(p, p, _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 2, 2, 2)), m2), \ _mm_mul_ps(_mm_shuffle_ps(p, p, _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 3, 3, 3)), m3)))); \ } static int DPSOFTRAST_Vertex_BoundY(int *starty, int *endy, const float *minposf, const float *maxposf, const float *inmatrix16f) { int clipmask = 0xFF; __m128 viewportcenter = _mm_load_ps(dpsoftrast.fb_viewportcenter), viewportscale = _mm_load_ps(dpsoftrast.fb_viewportscale); __m128 bb[8], clipdist[8], minproj = _mm_set_ss(2.0f), maxproj = _mm_set_ss(-2.0f); __m128 m0 = _mm_loadu_ps(inmatrix16f), m1 = _mm_loadu_ps(inmatrix16f + 4), m2 = _mm_loadu_ps(inmatrix16f + 8), m3 = _mm_loadu_ps(inmatrix16f + 12); __m128 minpos = _mm_load_ps(minposf), maxpos = _mm_load_ps(maxposf); m0 = _mm_shuffle_ps(m0, m0, _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 2, 0, 1)); m1 = _mm_shuffle_ps(m1, m1, _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 2, 0, 1)); m2 = _mm_shuffle_ps(m2, m2, _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 2, 0, 1)); m3 = _mm_shuffle_ps(m3, m3, _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 2, 0, 1)); #define BBFRONT(k, pos) \ { \ DPSOFTRAST_TRANSFORMVERTEX(bb[k], pos, m0, m1, m2, m3); \ clipdist[k] = _mm_add_ss(_mm_shuffle_ps(bb[k], bb[k], _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 2, 2, 2)), _mm_shuffle_ps(bb[k], bb[k], _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 3, 3, 3))); \ if (_mm_ucomige_ss(clipdist[k], _mm_setzero_ps())) \ { \ __m128 proj; \ clipmask &= ~(1<= 0 ? DPSOFTRAST_Array_Load(outarray, inarray) : dpsoftrast.post_array4f[outarray]; DPSOFTRAST_Vertex_Transform(data, data, dpsoftrast.numvertices, inmatrix16f); return data; } #if 0 static float *DPSOFTRAST_Array_Project(int outarray, int inarray) { #ifdef SSE_POSSIBLE float *data = inarray >= 0 ? DPSOFTRAST_Array_Load(outarray, inarray) : dpsoftrast.post_array4f[outarray]; dpsoftrast.drawclipped = DPSOFTRAST_Vertex_Project(data, dpsoftrast.screencoord4f, &dpsoftrast.drawstarty, &dpsoftrast.drawendy, data, dpsoftrast.numvertices); return data; #else return NULL; #endif } #endif static float *DPSOFTRAST_Array_TransformProject(int outarray, int inarray, const float *inmatrix16f) { #ifdef SSE_POSSIBLE float *data = inarray >= 0 ? DPSOFTRAST_Array_Load(outarray, inarray) : dpsoftrast.post_array4f[outarray]; dpsoftrast.drawclipped = DPSOFTRAST_Vertex_TransformProject(data, dpsoftrast.screencoord4f, &dpsoftrast.drawstarty, &dpsoftrast.drawendy, data, dpsoftrast.numvertices, inmatrix16f); return data; #else return NULL; #endif } void DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_Begin(DPSOFTRAST_State_Thread *thread, const DPSOFTRAST_State_Triangle * RESTRICT triangle, const DPSOFTRAST_State_Span * RESTRICT span, float *zf) { int x; int startx = span->startx; int endx = span->endx; float wslope = triangle->w[0]; float w = triangle->w[2] + span->x*wslope + span->y*triangle->w[1]; float endz = 1.0f / (w + wslope * startx); if (triangle->w[0] == 0) { // LordHavoc: fast flat polygons (HUD/menu) for (x = startx;x < endx;x++) zf[x] = endz; return; } for (x = startx;x < endx;) { int nextsub = x + DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSUBSPAN, endsub = nextsub - 1; float z = endz, dz; if (nextsub >= endx) nextsub = endsub = endx-1; endz = 1.0f / (w + wslope * nextsub); dz = x < nextsub ? (endz - z) / (nextsub - x) : 0.0f; for (; x <= endsub; x++, z += dz) zf[x] = z; } } void DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_FinishBGRA8(DPSOFTRAST_State_Thread *thread, const DPSOFTRAST_State_Triangle * RESTRICT triangle, const DPSOFTRAST_State_Span * RESTRICT span, const unsigned char* RESTRICT in4ub) { #ifdef SSE_POSSIBLE int x; int startx = span->startx; int endx = span->endx; int maskx; int subx; const unsigned int * RESTRICT ini = (const unsigned int *)in4ub; unsigned char * RESTRICT pixelmask = span->pixelmask; unsigned char * RESTRICT pixel = (unsigned char *)dpsoftrast.fb_colorpixels[0]; unsigned int * RESTRICT pixeli = (unsigned int *)dpsoftrast.fb_colorpixels[0]; if (!pixel) return; pixel += (span->y * dpsoftrast.fb_width + span->x) * 4; pixeli += span->y * dpsoftrast.fb_width + span->x; // handle alphatest now (this affects depth writes too) if (thread->alphatest) for (x = startx;x < endx;x++) if (in4ub[x*4+3] < 128) pixelmask[x] = false; // LordHavoc: clear pixelmask for some pixels in alphablend cases, this // helps sprites, text and hud artwork switch(thread->fb_blendmode) { case DPSOFTRAST_BLENDMODE_ALPHA: case DPSOFTRAST_BLENDMODE_ADDALPHA: case DPSOFTRAST_BLENDMODE_SUBALPHA: maskx = startx; for (x = startx;x < endx;x++) { if (in4ub[x*4+3] >= 1) { startx = x; for (;;) { while (++x < endx && in4ub[x*4+3] >= 1) ; maskx = x; if (x >= endx) break; ++x; while (++x < endx && in4ub[x*4+3] < 1) pixelmask[x] = false; if (x >= endx) break; } break; } } endx = maskx; break; case DPSOFTRAST_BLENDMODE_OPAQUE: case DPSOFTRAST_BLENDMODE_ADD: case DPSOFTRAST_BLENDMODE_INVMOD: case DPSOFTRAST_BLENDMODE_MUL: case DPSOFTRAST_BLENDMODE_MUL2: case DPSOFTRAST_BLENDMODE_PSEUDOALPHA: case DPSOFTRAST_BLENDMODE_INVADD: break; } // put some special values at the end of the mask to ensure the loops end pixelmask[endx] = 1; pixelmask[endx+1] = 0; // LordHavoc: use a double loop to identify subspans, this helps the // optimized copy/blend loops to perform at their best, most triangles // have only one run of pixels, and do the search using wide reads... x = startx; while (x < endx) { // if this pixel is masked off, it's probably not alone... if (!pixelmask[x]) { x++; #if 1 if (x + 8 < endx) { // the 4-item search must be aligned or else it stalls badly if ((x & 3) && !pixelmask[x]) { if(pixelmask[x]) goto endmasked; x++; if (x & 3) { if(pixelmask[x]) goto endmasked; x++; if (x & 3) { if(pixelmask[x]) goto endmasked; x++; } } } while (*(unsigned int *)&pixelmask[x] == 0x00000000) x += 4; } #endif for (;!pixelmask[x];x++) ; // rather than continue the loop, just check the end variable if (x >= endx) break; } endmasked: // find length of subspan subx = x + 1; #if 1 if (subx + 8 < endx) { if (subx & 3) { if(!pixelmask[subx]) goto endunmasked; subx++; if (subx & 3) { if(!pixelmask[subx]) goto endunmasked; subx++; if (subx & 3) { if(!pixelmask[subx]) goto endunmasked; subx++; } } } while (*(unsigned int *)&pixelmask[subx] == 0x01010101) subx += 4; } #endif for (;pixelmask[subx];subx++) ; // the checks can overshoot, so make sure to clip it... if (subx > endx) subx = endx; endunmasked: // now that we know the subspan length... process! switch(thread->fb_blendmode) { case DPSOFTRAST_BLENDMODE_OPAQUE: #if 0 if (subx - x >= 16) { memcpy(pixeli + x, ini + x, (subx - x) * sizeof(pixeli[x])); x = subx; } else #elif 1 while (x + 16 <= subx) { _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i *)&pixeli[x], _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)&ini[x])); _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i *)&pixeli[x+4], _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)&ini[x+4])); _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i *)&pixeli[x+8], _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)&ini[x+8])); _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i *)&pixeli[x+12], _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)&ini[x+12])); x += 16; } #endif { while (x + 4 <= subx) { _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i *)&pixeli[x], _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)&ini[x])); x += 4; } if (x + 2 <= subx) { pixeli[x] = ini[x]; pixeli[x+1] = ini[x+1]; x += 2; } if (x < subx) { pixeli[x] = ini[x]; x++; } } break; case DPSOFTRAST_BLENDMODE_ALPHA: #define FINISHBLEND(blend2, blend1) \ for (;x + 1 < subx;x += 2) \ { \ __m128i src, dst; \ src = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(_mm_loadl_epi64((const __m128i *)&ini[x]), _mm_setzero_si128()); \ dst = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(_mm_loadl_epi64((const __m128i *)&pixeli[x]), _mm_setzero_si128()); \ blend2; \ _mm_storel_epi64((__m128i *)&pixeli[x], _mm_packus_epi16(dst, dst)); \ } \ if (x < subx) \ { \ __m128i src, dst; \ src = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(_mm_cvtsi32_si128(ini[x]), _mm_setzero_si128()); \ dst = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(_mm_cvtsi32_si128(pixeli[x]), _mm_setzero_si128()); \ blend1; \ pixeli[x] = _mm_cvtsi128_si32(_mm_packus_epi16(dst, dst)); \ x++; \ } FINISHBLEND({ __m128i blend = _mm_shufflehi_epi16(_mm_shufflelo_epi16(src, _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 3, 3, 3)), _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 3, 3, 3)); dst = _mm_add_epi16(dst, _mm_mulhi_epi16(_mm_slli_epi16(_mm_sub_epi16(src, dst), 4), _mm_slli_epi16(blend, 4))); }, { __m128i blend = _mm_shufflelo_epi16(src, _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 3, 3, 3)); dst = _mm_add_epi16(dst, _mm_mulhi_epi16(_mm_slli_epi16(_mm_sub_epi16(src, dst), 4), _mm_slli_epi16(blend, 4))); }); break; case DPSOFTRAST_BLENDMODE_ADDALPHA: FINISHBLEND({ __m128i blend = _mm_shufflehi_epi16(_mm_shufflelo_epi16(src, _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 3, 3, 3)), _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 3, 3, 3)); dst = _mm_add_epi16(dst, _mm_srli_epi16(_mm_mullo_epi16(src, blend), 8)); }, { __m128i blend = _mm_shufflelo_epi16(src, _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 3, 3, 3)); dst = _mm_add_epi16(dst, _mm_srli_epi16(_mm_mullo_epi16(src, blend), 8)); }); break; case DPSOFTRAST_BLENDMODE_ADD: FINISHBLEND({ dst = _mm_add_epi16(src, dst); }, { dst = _mm_add_epi16(src, dst); }); break; case DPSOFTRAST_BLENDMODE_INVMOD: FINISHBLEND({ dst = _mm_sub_epi16(dst, _mm_srli_epi16(_mm_mullo_epi16(dst, src), 8)); }, { dst = _mm_sub_epi16(dst, _mm_srli_epi16(_mm_mullo_epi16(dst, src), 8)); }); break; case DPSOFTRAST_BLENDMODE_MUL: FINISHBLEND({ dst = _mm_srli_epi16(_mm_mullo_epi16(src, dst), 8); }, { dst = _mm_srli_epi16(_mm_mullo_epi16(src, dst), 8); }); break; case DPSOFTRAST_BLENDMODE_MUL2: FINISHBLEND({ dst = _mm_srli_epi16(_mm_mullo_epi16(src, dst), 7); }, { dst = _mm_srli_epi16(_mm_mullo_epi16(src, dst), 7); }); break; case DPSOFTRAST_BLENDMODE_SUBALPHA: FINISHBLEND({ __m128i blend = _mm_shufflehi_epi16(_mm_shufflelo_epi16(src, _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 3, 3, 3)), _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 3, 3, 3)); dst = _mm_sub_epi16(dst, _mm_srli_epi16(_mm_mullo_epi16(src, blend), 8)); }, { __m128i blend = _mm_shufflelo_epi16(src, _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 3, 3, 3)); dst = _mm_sub_epi16(dst, _mm_srli_epi16(_mm_mullo_epi16(src, blend), 8)); }); break; case DPSOFTRAST_BLENDMODE_PSEUDOALPHA: FINISHBLEND({ __m128i blend = _mm_shufflehi_epi16(_mm_shufflelo_epi16(src, _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 3, 3, 3)), _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 3, 3, 3)); dst = _mm_add_epi16(src, _mm_sub_epi16(dst, _mm_srli_epi16(_mm_mullo_epi16(dst, blend), 8))); }, { __m128i blend = _mm_shufflelo_epi16(src, _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 3, 3, 3)); dst = _mm_add_epi16(src, _mm_sub_epi16(dst, _mm_srli_epi16(_mm_mullo_epi16(dst, blend), 8))); }); break; case DPSOFTRAST_BLENDMODE_INVADD: FINISHBLEND({ dst = _mm_add_epi16(dst, _mm_mulhi_epi16(_mm_slli_epi16(_mm_sub_epi16(_mm_set1_epi16(255), dst), 4), _mm_slli_epi16(src, 4))); }, { dst = _mm_add_epi16(dst, _mm_mulhi_epi16(_mm_slli_epi16(_mm_sub_epi16(_mm_set1_epi16(255), dst), 4), _mm_slli_epi16(src, 4))); }); break; } } #endif } void DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_Texture2DVarying(DPSOFTRAST_State_Thread *thread, const DPSOFTRAST_State_Triangle * RESTRICT triangle, const DPSOFTRAST_State_Span * RESTRICT span, float * RESTRICT out4f, int texunitindex, int arrayindex, const float * RESTRICT zf) { int x; int startx = span->startx; int endx = span->endx; int flags; float c[4]; float data[4]; float slope[4]; float tc[2], endtc[2]; float tcscale[2]; unsigned int tci[2]; unsigned int tci1[2]; unsigned int tcimin[2]; unsigned int tcimax[2]; int tciwrapmask[2]; int tciwidth; int filter; int mip; const unsigned char * RESTRICT pixelbase; const unsigned char * RESTRICT pixel[4]; DPSOFTRAST_Texture *texture = thread->texbound[texunitindex]; // if no texture is bound, just fill it with white if (!texture) { for (x = startx;x < endx;x++) { out4f[x*4+0] = 1.0f; out4f[x*4+1] = 1.0f; out4f[x*4+2] = 1.0f; out4f[x*4+3] = 1.0f; } return; } mip = triangle->mip[texunitindex]; pixelbase = (unsigned char *)texture->bytes + texture->mipmap[mip][0]; // if this mipmap of the texture is 1 pixel, just fill it with that color if (texture->mipmap[mip][1] == 4) { c[0] = texture->bytes[2] * (1.0f/255.0f); c[1] = texture->bytes[1] * (1.0f/255.0f); c[2] = texture->bytes[0] * (1.0f/255.0f); c[3] = texture->bytes[3] * (1.0f/255.0f); for (x = startx;x < endx;x++) { out4f[x*4+0] = c[0]; out4f[x*4+1] = c[1]; out4f[x*4+2] = c[2]; out4f[x*4+3] = c[3]; } return; } filter = texture->filter & DPSOFTRAST_TEXTURE_FILTER_LINEAR; DPSOFTRAST_CALCATTRIB4F(triangle, span, data, slope, arrayindex); flags = texture->flags; tcscale[0] = texture->mipmap[mip][2]; tcscale[1] = texture->mipmap[mip][3]; tciwidth = texture->mipmap[mip][2]; tcimin[0] = 0; tcimin[1] = 0; tcimax[0] = texture->mipmap[mip][2]-1; tcimax[1] = texture->mipmap[mip][3]-1; tciwrapmask[0] = texture->mipmap[mip][2]-1; tciwrapmask[1] = texture->mipmap[mip][3]-1; endtc[0] = (data[0] + slope[0]*startx) * zf[startx] * tcscale[0]; endtc[1] = (data[1] + slope[1]*startx) * zf[startx] * tcscale[1]; if (filter) { endtc[0] -= 0.5f; endtc[1] -= 0.5f; } for (x = startx;x < endx;) { unsigned int subtc[2]; unsigned int substep[2]; float subscale = 4096.0f/DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSUBSPAN; int nextsub = x + DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSUBSPAN, endsub = nextsub - 1; if (nextsub >= endx) { nextsub = endsub = endx-1; if (x < nextsub) subscale = 4096.0f / (nextsub - x); } tc[0] = endtc[0]; tc[1] = endtc[1]; endtc[0] = (data[0] + slope[0]*nextsub) * zf[nextsub] * tcscale[0]; endtc[1] = (data[1] + slope[1]*nextsub) * zf[nextsub] * tcscale[1]; if (filter) { endtc[0] -= 0.5f; endtc[1] -= 0.5f; } substep[0] = (endtc[0] - tc[0]) * subscale; substep[1] = (endtc[1] - tc[1]) * subscale; subtc[0] = tc[0] * (1<<12); subtc[1] = tc[1] * (1<<12); if (filter) { if (flags & DPSOFTRAST_TEXTURE_FLAG_CLAMPTOEDGE) { for (; x <= endsub; x++, subtc[0] += substep[0], subtc[1] += substep[1]) { unsigned int frac[2] = { subtc[0]&0xFFF, subtc[1]&0xFFF }; unsigned int ifrac[2] = { 0x1000 - frac[0], 0x1000 - frac[1] }; unsigned int lerp[4] = { ifrac[0]*ifrac[1], frac[0]*ifrac[1], ifrac[0]*frac[1], frac[0]*frac[1] }; tci[0] = subtc[0]>>12; tci[1] = subtc[1]>>12; tci1[0] = tci[0] + 1; tci1[1] = tci[1] + 1; tci[0] = tci[0] >= tcimin[0] ? (tci[0] <= tcimax[0] ? tci[0] : tcimax[0]) : tcimin[0]; tci[1] = tci[1] >= tcimin[1] ? (tci[1] <= tcimax[1] ? tci[1] : tcimax[1]) : tcimin[1]; tci1[0] = tci1[0] >= tcimin[0] ? (tci1[0] <= tcimax[0] ? tci1[0] : tcimax[0]) : tcimin[0]; tci1[1] = tci1[1] >= tcimin[1] ? (tci1[1] <= tcimax[1] ? tci1[1] : tcimax[1]) : tcimin[1]; pixel[0] = pixelbase + 4 * (tci[1]*tciwidth+tci[0]); pixel[1] = pixelbase + 4 * (tci[1]*tciwidth+tci1[0]); pixel[2] = pixelbase + 4 * (tci1[1]*tciwidth+tci[0]); pixel[3] = pixelbase + 4 * (tci1[1]*tciwidth+tci1[0]); c[0] = (pixel[0][2]*lerp[0]+pixel[1][2]*lerp[1]+pixel[2][2]*lerp[2]+pixel[3][2]*lerp[3]) * (1.0f / 0xFF000000); c[1] = (pixel[0][1]*lerp[0]+pixel[1][1]*lerp[1]+pixel[2][1]*lerp[2]+pixel[3][1]*lerp[3]) * (1.0f / 0xFF000000); c[2] = (pixel[0][0]*lerp[0]+pixel[1][0]*lerp[1]+pixel[2][0]*lerp[2]+pixel[3][0]*lerp[3]) * (1.0f / 0xFF000000); c[3] = (pixel[0][3]*lerp[0]+pixel[1][3]*lerp[1]+pixel[2][3]*lerp[2]+pixel[3][3]*lerp[3]) * (1.0f / 0xFF000000); out4f[x*4+0] = c[0]; out4f[x*4+1] = c[1]; out4f[x*4+2] = c[2]; out4f[x*4+3] = c[3]; } } else { for (; x <= endsub; x++, subtc[0] += substep[0], subtc[1] += substep[1]) { unsigned int frac[2] = { subtc[0]&0xFFF, subtc[1]&0xFFF }; unsigned int ifrac[2] = { 0x1000 - frac[0], 0x1000 - frac[1] }; unsigned int lerp[4] = { ifrac[0]*ifrac[1], frac[0]*ifrac[1], ifrac[0]*frac[1], frac[0]*frac[1] }; tci[0] = subtc[0]>>12; tci[1] = subtc[1]>>12; tci1[0] = tci[0] + 1; tci1[1] = tci[1] + 1; tci[0] &= tciwrapmask[0]; tci[1] &= tciwrapmask[1]; tci1[0] &= tciwrapmask[0]; tci1[1] &= tciwrapmask[1]; pixel[0] = pixelbase + 4 * (tci[1]*tciwidth+tci[0]); pixel[1] = pixelbase + 4 * (tci[1]*tciwidth+tci1[0]); pixel[2] = pixelbase + 4 * (tci1[1]*tciwidth+tci[0]); pixel[3] = pixelbase + 4 * (tci1[1]*tciwidth+tci1[0]); c[0] = (pixel[0][2]*lerp[0]+pixel[1][2]*lerp[1]+pixel[2][2]*lerp[2]+pixel[3][2]*lerp[3]) * (1.0f / 0xFF000000); c[1] = (pixel[0][1]*lerp[0]+pixel[1][1]*lerp[1]+pixel[2][1]*lerp[2]+pixel[3][1]*lerp[3]) * (1.0f / 0xFF000000); c[2] = (pixel[0][0]*lerp[0]+pixel[1][0]*lerp[1]+pixel[2][0]*lerp[2]+pixel[3][0]*lerp[3]) * (1.0f / 0xFF000000); c[3] = (pixel[0][3]*lerp[0]+pixel[1][3]*lerp[1]+pixel[2][3]*lerp[2]+pixel[3][3]*lerp[3]) * (1.0f / 0xFF000000); out4f[x*4+0] = c[0]; out4f[x*4+1] = c[1]; out4f[x*4+2] = c[2]; out4f[x*4+3] = c[3]; } } } else if (flags & DPSOFTRAST_TEXTURE_FLAG_CLAMPTOEDGE) { for (; x <= endsub; x++, subtc[0] += substep[0], subtc[1] += substep[1]) { tci[0] = subtc[0]>>12; tci[1] = subtc[1]>>12; tci[0] = tci[0] >= tcimin[0] ? (tci[0] <= tcimax[0] ? tci[0] : tcimax[0]) : tcimin[0]; tci[1] = tci[1] >= tcimin[1] ? (tci[1] <= tcimax[1] ? tci[1] : tcimax[1]) : tcimin[1]; pixel[0] = pixelbase + 4 * (tci[1]*tciwidth+tci[0]); c[0] = pixel[0][2] * (1.0f / 255.0f); c[1] = pixel[0][1] * (1.0f / 255.0f); c[2] = pixel[0][0] * (1.0f / 255.0f); c[3] = pixel[0][3] * (1.0f / 255.0f); out4f[x*4+0] = c[0]; out4f[x*4+1] = c[1]; out4f[x*4+2] = c[2]; out4f[x*4+3] = c[3]; } } else { for (; x <= endsub; x++, subtc[0] += substep[0], subtc[1] += substep[1]) { tci[0] = subtc[0]>>12; tci[1] = subtc[1]>>12; tci[0] &= tciwrapmask[0]; tci[1] &= tciwrapmask[1]; pixel[0] = pixelbase + 4 * (tci[1]*tciwidth+tci[0]); c[0] = pixel[0][2] * (1.0f / 255.0f); c[1] = pixel[0][1] * (1.0f / 255.0f); c[2] = pixel[0][0] * (1.0f / 255.0f); c[3] = pixel[0][3] * (1.0f / 255.0f); out4f[x*4+0] = c[0]; out4f[x*4+1] = c[1]; out4f[x*4+2] = c[2]; out4f[x*4+3] = c[3]; } } } } void DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_Texture2DVaryingBGRA8(DPSOFTRAST_State_Thread *thread, const DPSOFTRAST_State_Triangle * RESTRICT triangle, const DPSOFTRAST_State_Span * RESTRICT span, unsigned char * RESTRICT out4ub, int texunitindex, int arrayindex, const float * RESTRICT zf) { #ifdef SSE_POSSIBLE int x; int startx = span->startx; int endx = span->endx; int flags; __m128 data, slope, tcscale; __m128i tcsize, tcmask, tcoffset, tcmax; __m128 tc, endtc; __m128i subtc, substep, endsubtc; int filter; int mip; int affine; // LordHavoc: optimized affine texturing case unsigned int * RESTRICT outi = (unsigned int *)out4ub; const unsigned char * RESTRICT pixelbase; DPSOFTRAST_Texture *texture = thread->texbound[texunitindex]; // if no texture is bound, just fill it with white if (!texture) { memset(out4ub + startx*4, 255, (span->endx - span->startx)*4); return; } mip = triangle->mip[texunitindex]; pixelbase = (const unsigned char *)texture->bytes + texture->mipmap[mip][0]; // if this mipmap of the texture is 1 pixel, just fill it with that color if (texture->mipmap[mip][1] == 4) { unsigned int k = *((const unsigned int *)pixelbase); for (x = startx;x < endx;x++) outi[x] = k; return; } affine = zf[startx] == zf[endx-1]; filter = texture->filter & DPSOFTRAST_TEXTURE_FILTER_LINEAR; DPSOFTRAST_CALCATTRIB(triangle, span, data, slope, arrayindex); flags = texture->flags; tcsize = _mm_shuffle_epi32(_mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)&texture->mipmap[mip][0]), _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 2, 3, 2)); tcmask = _mm_sub_epi32(tcsize, _mm_set1_epi32(1)); tcscale = _mm_cvtepi32_ps(tcsize); data = _mm_mul_ps(_mm_movelh_ps(data, data), tcscale); slope = _mm_mul_ps(_mm_movelh_ps(slope, slope), tcscale); endtc = _mm_mul_ps(_mm_add_ps(data, _mm_mul_ps(slope, _mm_set1_ps(startx))), _mm_load1_ps(&zf[startx])); if (filter) endtc = _mm_sub_ps(endtc, _mm_set1_ps(0.5f)); endsubtc = _mm_cvtps_epi32(_mm_mul_ps(endtc, _mm_set1_ps(65536.0f))); tcoffset = _mm_add_epi32(_mm_slli_epi32(_mm_shuffle_epi32(tcsize, _MM_SHUFFLE(0, 0, 0, 0)), 18), _mm_set1_epi32(4)); tcmax = _mm_packs_epi32(tcmask, tcmask); for (x = startx;x < endx;) { int nextsub = x + DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSUBSPAN, endsub = nextsub - 1; __m128 subscale = _mm_set1_ps(65536.0f/DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSUBSPAN); if (nextsub >= endx || affine) { nextsub = endsub = endx-1; if (x < nextsub) subscale = _mm_set1_ps(65536.0f / (nextsub - x)); } tc = endtc; subtc = endsubtc; endtc = _mm_mul_ps(_mm_add_ps(data, _mm_mul_ps(slope, _mm_set1_ps(nextsub))), _mm_load1_ps(&zf[nextsub])); if (filter) endtc = _mm_sub_ps(endtc, _mm_set1_ps(0.5f)); substep = _mm_cvtps_epi32(_mm_mul_ps(_mm_sub_ps(endtc, tc), subscale)); endsubtc = _mm_cvtps_epi32(_mm_mul_ps(endtc, _mm_set1_ps(65536.0f))); subtc = _mm_unpacklo_epi64(subtc, _mm_add_epi32(subtc, substep)); substep = _mm_slli_epi32(substep, 1); if (filter) { __m128i tcrange = _mm_srai_epi32(_mm_unpacklo_epi64(subtc, _mm_add_epi32(endsubtc, substep)), 16); if (_mm_movemask_epi8(_mm_andnot_si128(_mm_cmplt_epi32(tcrange, _mm_setzero_si128()), _mm_cmplt_epi32(tcrange, tcmask))) == 0xFFFF) { int stride = _mm_cvtsi128_si32(tcoffset)>>16; for (; x + 1 <= endsub; x += 2, subtc = _mm_add_epi32(subtc, substep)) { const unsigned char * RESTRICT ptr1, * RESTRICT ptr2; __m128i tci = _mm_shufflehi_epi16(_mm_shufflelo_epi16(subtc, _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 1, 3, 1)), _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 1, 3, 1)), pix1, pix2, pix3, pix4, fracm; tci = _mm_madd_epi16(tci, tcoffset); ptr1 = pixelbase + _mm_cvtsi128_si32(tci); ptr2 = pixelbase + _mm_cvtsi128_si32(_mm_shuffle_epi32(tci, _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 2, 2, 2))); pix1 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(_mm_loadl_epi64((const __m128i *)ptr1), _mm_setzero_si128()); pix2 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(_mm_loadl_epi64((const __m128i *)(ptr1 + stride)), _mm_setzero_si128()); pix3 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(_mm_loadl_epi64((const __m128i *)ptr2), _mm_setzero_si128()); pix4 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(_mm_loadl_epi64((const __m128i *)(ptr2 + stride)), _mm_setzero_si128()); fracm = _mm_srli_epi16(subtc, 1); pix1 = _mm_add_epi16(pix1, _mm_mulhi_epi16(_mm_slli_epi16(_mm_sub_epi16(pix2, pix1), 1), _mm_shuffle_epi32(_mm_shufflelo_epi16(fracm, _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 2, 2, 2)), _MM_SHUFFLE(1, 0, 1, 0)))); pix3 = _mm_add_epi16(pix3, _mm_mulhi_epi16(_mm_slli_epi16(_mm_sub_epi16(pix4, pix3), 1), _mm_shuffle_epi32(_mm_shufflehi_epi16(fracm, _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 2, 2, 2)), _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 2, 3, 2)))); pix2 = _mm_unpacklo_epi64(pix1, pix3); pix4 = _mm_unpackhi_epi64(pix1, pix3); pix2 = _mm_add_epi16(pix2, _mm_mulhi_epi16(_mm_slli_epi16(_mm_sub_epi16(pix4, pix2), 1), _mm_shufflehi_epi16(_mm_shufflelo_epi16(fracm, _MM_SHUFFLE(0, 0, 0, 0)), _MM_SHUFFLE(0, 0, 0, 0)))); _mm_storel_epi64((__m128i *)&outi[x], _mm_packus_epi16(pix2, _mm_shufflelo_epi16(pix2, _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 2, 3, 2)))); } if (x <= endsub) { const unsigned char * RESTRICT ptr1; __m128i tci = _mm_shufflelo_epi16(subtc, _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 1, 3, 1)), pix1, pix2, fracm; tci = _mm_madd_epi16(tci, tcoffset); ptr1 = pixelbase + _mm_cvtsi128_si32(tci); pix1 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(_mm_loadl_epi64((const __m128i *)ptr1), _mm_setzero_si128()); pix2 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(_mm_loadl_epi64((const __m128i *)(ptr1 + stride)), _mm_setzero_si128()); fracm = _mm_srli_epi16(subtc, 1); pix1 = _mm_add_epi16(pix1, _mm_mulhi_epi16(_mm_slli_epi16(_mm_sub_epi16(pix2, pix1), 1), _mm_shuffle_epi32(_mm_shufflelo_epi16(fracm, _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 2, 2, 2)), _MM_SHUFFLE(1, 0, 1, 0)))); pix2 = _mm_shuffle_epi32(pix1, _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 2, 3, 2)); pix1 = _mm_add_epi16(pix1, _mm_mulhi_epi16(_mm_slli_epi16(_mm_sub_epi16(pix2, pix1), 1), _mm_shufflelo_epi16(fracm, _MM_SHUFFLE(0, 0, 0, 0)))); outi[x] = _mm_cvtsi128_si32(_mm_packus_epi16(pix1, pix1)); x++; } } else if (flags & DPSOFTRAST_TEXTURE_FLAG_CLAMPTOEDGE) { for (; x + 1 <= endsub; x += 2, subtc = _mm_add_epi32(subtc, substep)) { __m128i tci = _mm_shuffle_epi32(_mm_shufflelo_epi16(subtc, _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 1, 3, 1)), _MM_SHUFFLE(1, 0, 1, 0)), pix1, pix2, pix3, pix4, fracm; tci = _mm_min_epi16(_mm_max_epi16(_mm_add_epi16(tci, _mm_setr_epi32(0, 1, 0x10000, 0x10001)), _mm_setzero_si128()), tcmax); tci = _mm_madd_epi16(tci, tcoffset); pix1 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(_mm_unpacklo_epi32(_mm_cvtsi32_si128(*(const int *)&pixelbase[_mm_cvtsi128_si32(tci)]), _mm_cvtsi32_si128(*(const int *)&pixelbase[_mm_cvtsi128_si32(_mm_shuffle_epi32(tci, _MM_SHUFFLE(1, 1, 1, 1)))])), _mm_setzero_si128()); pix2 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(_mm_unpacklo_epi32(_mm_cvtsi32_si128(*(const int *)&pixelbase[_mm_cvtsi128_si32(_mm_shuffle_epi32(tci, _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 2, 2, 2)))]), _mm_cvtsi32_si128(*(const int *)&pixelbase[_mm_cvtsi128_si32(_mm_shuffle_epi32(tci, _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 3, 3, 3)))])), _mm_setzero_si128()); tci = _mm_shuffle_epi32(_mm_shufflehi_epi16(subtc, _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 1, 3, 1)), _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 2, 3, 2)); tci = _mm_and_si128(_mm_add_epi16(tci, _mm_setr_epi32(0, 1, 0x10000, 0x10001)), tcmax); tci = _mm_madd_epi16(tci, tcoffset); pix3 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(_mm_unpacklo_epi32(_mm_cvtsi32_si128(*(const int *)&pixelbase[_mm_cvtsi128_si32(tci)]), _mm_cvtsi32_si128(*(const int *)&pixelbase[_mm_cvtsi128_si32(_mm_shuffle_epi32(tci, _MM_SHUFFLE(1, 1, 1, 1)))])), _mm_setzero_si128()); pix4 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(_mm_unpacklo_epi32(_mm_cvtsi32_si128(*(const int *)&pixelbase[_mm_cvtsi128_si32(_mm_shuffle_epi32(tci, _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 2, 2, 2)))]), _mm_cvtsi32_si128(*(const int *)&pixelbase[_mm_cvtsi128_si32(_mm_shuffle_epi32(tci, _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 3, 3, 3)))])), _mm_setzero_si128()); fracm = _mm_srli_epi16(subtc, 1); pix1 = _mm_add_epi16(pix1, _mm_mulhi_epi16(_mm_slli_epi16(_mm_sub_epi16(pix2, pix1), 1), _mm_shuffle_epi32(_mm_shufflelo_epi16(fracm, _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 2, 2, 2)), _MM_SHUFFLE(1, 0, 1, 0)))); pix3 = _mm_add_epi16(pix3, _mm_mulhi_epi16(_mm_slli_epi16(_mm_sub_epi16(pix4, pix3), 1), _mm_shuffle_epi32(_mm_shufflehi_epi16(fracm, _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 2, 2, 2)), _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 2, 3, 2)))); pix2 = _mm_unpacklo_epi64(pix1, pix3); pix4 = _mm_unpackhi_epi64(pix1, pix3); pix2 = _mm_add_epi16(pix2, _mm_mulhi_epi16(_mm_slli_epi16(_mm_sub_epi16(pix4, pix2), 1), _mm_shufflehi_epi16(_mm_shufflelo_epi16(fracm, _MM_SHUFFLE(0, 0, 0, 0)), _MM_SHUFFLE(0, 0, 0, 0)))); _mm_storel_epi64((__m128i *)&outi[x], _mm_packus_epi16(pix2, _mm_shufflelo_epi16(pix2, _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 2, 3, 2)))); } if (x <= endsub) { __m128i tci = _mm_shuffle_epi32(_mm_shufflelo_epi16(subtc, _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 1, 3, 1)), _MM_SHUFFLE(1, 0, 1, 0)), pix1, pix2, fracm; tci = _mm_min_epi16(_mm_max_epi16(_mm_add_epi16(tci, _mm_setr_epi32(0, 1, 0x10000, 0x10001)), _mm_setzero_si128()), tcmax); tci = _mm_madd_epi16(tci, tcoffset); pix1 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(_mm_unpacklo_epi32(_mm_cvtsi32_si128(*(const int *)&pixelbase[_mm_cvtsi128_si32(tci)]), _mm_cvtsi32_si128(*(const int *)&pixelbase[_mm_cvtsi128_si32(_mm_shuffle_epi32(tci, _MM_SHUFFLE(1, 1, 1, 1)))])), _mm_setzero_si128()); pix2 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(_mm_unpacklo_epi32(_mm_cvtsi32_si128(*(const int *)&pixelbase[_mm_cvtsi128_si32(_mm_shuffle_epi32(tci, _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 2, 2, 2)))]), _mm_cvtsi32_si128(*(const int *)&pixelbase[_mm_cvtsi128_si32(_mm_shuffle_epi32(tci, _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 3, 3, 3)))])), _mm_setzero_si128()); fracm = _mm_srli_epi16(subtc, 1); pix1 = _mm_add_epi16(pix1, _mm_mulhi_epi16(_mm_slli_epi16(_mm_sub_epi16(pix2, pix1), 1), _mm_shuffle_epi32(_mm_shufflelo_epi16(fracm, _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 2, 2, 2)), _MM_SHUFFLE(1, 0, 1, 0)))); pix2 = _mm_shuffle_epi32(pix1, _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 2, 3, 2)); pix1 = _mm_add_epi16(pix1, _mm_mulhi_epi16(_mm_slli_epi16(_mm_sub_epi16(pix2, pix1), 1), _mm_shufflelo_epi16(fracm, _MM_SHUFFLE(0, 0, 0, 0)))); outi[x] = _mm_cvtsi128_si32(_mm_packus_epi16(pix1, pix1)); x++; } } else { for (; x + 1 <= endsub; x += 2, subtc = _mm_add_epi32(subtc, substep)) { __m128i tci = _mm_shuffle_epi32(_mm_shufflelo_epi16(subtc, _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 1, 3, 1)), _MM_SHUFFLE(1, 0, 1, 0)), pix1, pix2, pix3, pix4, fracm; tci = _mm_and_si128(_mm_add_epi16(tci, _mm_setr_epi32(0, 1, 0x10000, 0x10001)), tcmax); tci = _mm_madd_epi16(tci, tcoffset); pix1 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(_mm_unpacklo_epi32(_mm_cvtsi32_si128(*(const int *)&pixelbase[_mm_cvtsi128_si32(tci)]), _mm_cvtsi32_si128(*(const int *)&pixelbase[_mm_cvtsi128_si32(_mm_shuffle_epi32(tci, _MM_SHUFFLE(1, 1, 1, 1)))])), _mm_setzero_si128()); pix2 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(_mm_unpacklo_epi32(_mm_cvtsi32_si128(*(const int *)&pixelbase[_mm_cvtsi128_si32(_mm_shuffle_epi32(tci, _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 2, 2, 2)))]), _mm_cvtsi32_si128(*(const int *)&pixelbase[_mm_cvtsi128_si32(_mm_shuffle_epi32(tci, _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 3, 3, 3)))])), _mm_setzero_si128()); tci = _mm_shuffle_epi32(_mm_shufflehi_epi16(subtc, _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 1, 3, 1)), _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 2, 3, 2)); tci = _mm_and_si128(_mm_add_epi16(tci, _mm_setr_epi32(0, 1, 0x10000, 0x10001)), tcmax); tci = _mm_madd_epi16(tci, tcoffset); pix3 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(_mm_unpacklo_epi32(_mm_cvtsi32_si128(*(const int *)&pixelbase[_mm_cvtsi128_si32(tci)]), _mm_cvtsi32_si128(*(const int *)&pixelbase[_mm_cvtsi128_si32(_mm_shuffle_epi32(tci, _MM_SHUFFLE(1, 1, 1, 1)))])), _mm_setzero_si128()); pix4 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(_mm_unpacklo_epi32(_mm_cvtsi32_si128(*(const int *)&pixelbase[_mm_cvtsi128_si32(_mm_shuffle_epi32(tci, _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 2, 2, 2)))]), _mm_cvtsi32_si128(*(const int *)&pixelbase[_mm_cvtsi128_si32(_mm_shuffle_epi32(tci, _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 3, 3, 3)))])), _mm_setzero_si128()); fracm = _mm_srli_epi16(subtc, 1); pix1 = _mm_add_epi16(pix1, _mm_mulhi_epi16(_mm_slli_epi16(_mm_sub_epi16(pix2, pix1), 1), _mm_shuffle_epi32(_mm_shufflelo_epi16(fracm, _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 2, 2, 2)), _MM_SHUFFLE(1, 0, 1, 0)))); pix3 = _mm_add_epi16(pix3, _mm_mulhi_epi16(_mm_slli_epi16(_mm_sub_epi16(pix4, pix3), 1), _mm_shuffle_epi32(_mm_shufflehi_epi16(fracm, _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 2, 2, 2)), _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 2, 3, 2)))); pix2 = _mm_unpacklo_epi64(pix1, pix3); pix4 = _mm_unpackhi_epi64(pix1, pix3); pix2 = _mm_add_epi16(pix2, _mm_mulhi_epi16(_mm_slli_epi16(_mm_sub_epi16(pix4, pix2), 1), _mm_shufflehi_epi16(_mm_shufflelo_epi16(fracm, _MM_SHUFFLE(0, 0, 0, 0)), _MM_SHUFFLE(0, 0, 0, 0)))); _mm_storel_epi64((__m128i *)&outi[x], _mm_packus_epi16(pix2, _mm_shufflelo_epi16(pix2, _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 2, 3, 2)))); } if (x <= endsub) { __m128i tci = _mm_shuffle_epi32(_mm_shufflelo_epi16(subtc, _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 1, 3, 1)), _MM_SHUFFLE(1, 0, 1, 0)), pix1, pix2, fracm; tci = _mm_and_si128(_mm_add_epi16(tci, _mm_setr_epi32(0, 1, 0x10000, 0x10001)), tcmax); tci = _mm_madd_epi16(tci, tcoffset); pix1 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(_mm_unpacklo_epi32(_mm_cvtsi32_si128(*(const int *)&pixelbase[_mm_cvtsi128_si32(tci)]), _mm_cvtsi32_si128(*(const int *)&pixelbase[_mm_cvtsi128_si32(_mm_shuffle_epi32(tci, _MM_SHUFFLE(1, 1, 1, 1)))])), _mm_setzero_si128()); pix2 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(_mm_unpacklo_epi32(_mm_cvtsi32_si128(*(const int *)&pixelbase[_mm_cvtsi128_si32(_mm_shuffle_epi32(tci, _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 2, 2, 2)))]), _mm_cvtsi32_si128(*(const int *)&pixelbase[_mm_cvtsi128_si32(_mm_shuffle_epi32(tci, _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 3, 3, 3)))])), _mm_setzero_si128()); fracm = _mm_srli_epi16(subtc, 1); pix1 = _mm_add_epi16(pix1, _mm_mulhi_epi16(_mm_slli_epi16(_mm_sub_epi16(pix2, pix1), 1), _mm_shuffle_epi32(_mm_shufflelo_epi16(fracm, _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 2, 2, 2)), _MM_SHUFFLE(1, 0, 1, 0)))); pix2 = _mm_shuffle_epi32(pix1, _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 2, 3, 2)); pix1 = _mm_add_epi16(pix1, _mm_mulhi_epi16(_mm_slli_epi16(_mm_sub_epi16(pix2, pix1), 1), _mm_shufflelo_epi16(fracm, _MM_SHUFFLE(0, 0, 0, 0)))); outi[x] = _mm_cvtsi128_si32(_mm_packus_epi16(pix1, pix1)); x++; } } } else { if (flags & DPSOFTRAST_TEXTURE_FLAG_CLAMPTOEDGE) { for (; x + 1 <= endsub; x += 2, subtc = _mm_add_epi32(subtc, substep)) { __m128i tci = _mm_shufflehi_epi16(_mm_shufflelo_epi16(subtc, _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 1, 3, 1)), _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 1, 3, 1)); tci = _mm_min_epi16(_mm_max_epi16(tci, _mm_setzero_si128()), tcmax); tci = _mm_madd_epi16(tci, tcoffset); outi[x] = *(const int *)&pixelbase[_mm_cvtsi128_si32(tci)]; outi[x+1] = *(const int *)&pixelbase[_mm_cvtsi128_si32(_mm_shuffle_epi32(tci, _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 2, 2, 2)))]; } if (x <= endsub) { __m128i tci = _mm_shufflelo_epi16(subtc, _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 1, 3, 1)); tci =_mm_min_epi16(_mm_max_epi16(tci, _mm_setzero_si128()), tcmax); tci = _mm_madd_epi16(tci, tcoffset); outi[x] = *(const int *)&pixelbase[_mm_cvtsi128_si32(tci)]; x++; } } else { for (; x + 1 <= endsub; x += 2, subtc = _mm_add_epi32(subtc, substep)) { __m128i tci = _mm_shufflehi_epi16(_mm_shufflelo_epi16(subtc, _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 1, 3, 1)), _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 1, 3, 1)); tci = _mm_and_si128(tci, tcmax); tci = _mm_madd_epi16(tci, tcoffset); outi[x] = *(const int *)&pixelbase[_mm_cvtsi128_si32(tci)]; outi[x+1] = *(const int *)&pixelbase[_mm_cvtsi128_si32(_mm_shuffle_epi32(tci, _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 2, 2, 2)))]; } if (x <= endsub) { __m128i tci = _mm_shufflelo_epi16(subtc, _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 1, 3, 1)); tci = _mm_and_si128(tci, tcmax); tci = _mm_madd_epi16(tci, tcoffset); outi[x] = *(const int *)&pixelbase[_mm_cvtsi128_si32(tci)]; x++; } } } } #endif } void DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_TextureCubeVaryingBGRA8(const DPSOFTRAST_State_Triangle * RESTRICT triangle, const DPSOFTRAST_State_Span * RESTRICT span, unsigned char * RESTRICT out4ub, int texunitindex, int arrayindex, const float * RESTRICT zf) { // TODO: IMPLEMENT memset(out4ub + span->startx*4, 255, (span->startx - span->endx)*4); } float DPSOFTRAST_SampleShadowmap(const float *vector) { // TODO: IMPLEMENT return 1.0f; } void DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_MultiplyVarying(const DPSOFTRAST_State_Triangle * RESTRICT triangle, const DPSOFTRAST_State_Span * RESTRICT span, float *out4f, const float *in4f, int arrayindex, const float *zf) { int x; int startx = span->startx; int endx = span->endx; float c[4]; float data[4]; float slope[4]; float z; DPSOFTRAST_CALCATTRIB4F(triangle, span, data, slope, arrayindex); for (x = startx;x < endx;x++) { z = zf[x]; c[0] = (data[0] + slope[0]*x) * z; c[1] = (data[1] + slope[1]*x) * z; c[2] = (data[2] + slope[2]*x) * z; c[3] = (data[3] + slope[3]*x) * z; out4f[x*4+0] = in4f[x*4+0] * c[0]; out4f[x*4+1] = in4f[x*4+1] * c[1]; out4f[x*4+2] = in4f[x*4+2] * c[2]; out4f[x*4+3] = in4f[x*4+3] * c[3]; } } void DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_Varying(const DPSOFTRAST_State_Triangle * RESTRICT triangle, const DPSOFTRAST_State_Span * RESTRICT span, float *out4f, int arrayindex, const float *zf) { int x; int startx = span->startx; int endx = span->endx; float c[4]; float data[4]; float slope[4]; float z; DPSOFTRAST_CALCATTRIB4F(triangle, span, data, slope, arrayindex); for (x = startx;x < endx;x++) { z = zf[x]; c[0] = (data[0] + slope[0]*x) * z; c[1] = (data[1] + slope[1]*x) * z; c[2] = (data[2] + slope[2]*x) * z; c[3] = (data[3] + slope[3]*x) * z; out4f[x*4+0] = c[0]; out4f[x*4+1] = c[1]; out4f[x*4+2] = c[2]; out4f[x*4+3] = c[3]; } } void DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_AddBloom(const DPSOFTRAST_State_Triangle * RESTRICT triangle, const DPSOFTRAST_State_Span * RESTRICT span, float *out4f, const float *ina4f, const float *inb4f, const float *subcolor) { int x, startx = span->startx, endx = span->endx; float c[4], localcolor[4]; localcolor[0] = subcolor[0]; localcolor[1] = subcolor[1]; localcolor[2] = subcolor[2]; localcolor[3] = subcolor[3]; for (x = startx;x < endx;x++) { c[0] = inb4f[x*4+0] - localcolor[0];if (c[0] < 0.0f) c[0] = 0.0f; c[1] = inb4f[x*4+1] - localcolor[1];if (c[1] < 0.0f) c[1] = 0.0f; c[2] = inb4f[x*4+2] - localcolor[2];if (c[2] < 0.0f) c[2] = 0.0f; c[3] = inb4f[x*4+3] - localcolor[3];if (c[3] < 0.0f) c[3] = 0.0f; out4f[x*4+0] = ina4f[x*4+0] + c[0]; out4f[x*4+1] = ina4f[x*4+1] + c[1]; out4f[x*4+2] = ina4f[x*4+2] + c[2]; out4f[x*4+3] = ina4f[x*4+3] + c[3]; } } void DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_MultiplyBuffers(const DPSOFTRAST_State_Triangle * RESTRICT triangle, const DPSOFTRAST_State_Span * RESTRICT span, float *out4f, const float *ina4f, const float *inb4f) { int x, startx = span->startx, endx = span->endx; for (x = startx;x < endx;x++) { out4f[x*4+0] = ina4f[x*4+0] * inb4f[x*4+0]; out4f[x*4+1] = ina4f[x*4+1] * inb4f[x*4+1]; out4f[x*4+2] = ina4f[x*4+2] * inb4f[x*4+2]; out4f[x*4+3] = ina4f[x*4+3] * inb4f[x*4+3]; } } void DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_AddBuffers(const DPSOFTRAST_State_Triangle * RESTRICT triangle, const DPSOFTRAST_State_Span * RESTRICT span, float *out4f, const float *ina4f, const float *inb4f) { int x, startx = span->startx, endx = span->endx; for (x = startx;x < endx;x++) { out4f[x*4+0] = ina4f[x*4+0] + inb4f[x*4+0]; out4f[x*4+1] = ina4f[x*4+1] + inb4f[x*4+1]; out4f[x*4+2] = ina4f[x*4+2] + inb4f[x*4+2]; out4f[x*4+3] = ina4f[x*4+3] + inb4f[x*4+3]; } } void DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_MixBuffers(const DPSOFTRAST_State_Triangle * RESTRICT triangle, const DPSOFTRAST_State_Span * RESTRICT span, float *out4f, const float *ina4f, const float *inb4f) { int x, startx = span->startx, endx = span->endx; float a, b; for (x = startx;x < endx;x++) { a = 1.0f - inb4f[x*4+3]; b = inb4f[x*4+3]; out4f[x*4+0] = ina4f[x*4+0] * a + inb4f[x*4+0] * b; out4f[x*4+1] = ina4f[x*4+1] * a + inb4f[x*4+1] * b; out4f[x*4+2] = ina4f[x*4+2] * a + inb4f[x*4+2] * b; out4f[x*4+3] = ina4f[x*4+3] * a + inb4f[x*4+3] * b; } } void DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_MixUniformColor(const DPSOFTRAST_State_Triangle * RESTRICT triangle, const DPSOFTRAST_State_Span * RESTRICT span, float *out4f, const float *in4f, const float *color) { int x, startx = span->startx, endx = span->endx; float localcolor[4], ilerp, lerp; localcolor[0] = color[0]; localcolor[1] = color[1]; localcolor[2] = color[2]; localcolor[3] = color[3]; ilerp = 1.0f - localcolor[3]; lerp = localcolor[3]; for (x = startx;x < endx;x++) { out4f[x*4+0] = in4f[x*4+0] * ilerp + localcolor[0] * lerp; out4f[x*4+1] = in4f[x*4+1] * ilerp + localcolor[1] * lerp; out4f[x*4+2] = in4f[x*4+2] * ilerp + localcolor[2] * lerp; out4f[x*4+3] = in4f[x*4+3] * ilerp + localcolor[3] * lerp; } } void DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_MultiplyVaryingBGRA8(const DPSOFTRAST_State_Triangle * RESTRICT triangle, const DPSOFTRAST_State_Span * RESTRICT span, unsigned char *out4ub, const unsigned char *in4ub, int arrayindex, const float *zf) { #ifdef SSE_POSSIBLE int x; int startx = span->startx; int endx = span->endx; __m128 data, slope; __m128 mod, endmod; __m128i submod, substep, endsubmod; DPSOFTRAST_CALCATTRIB(triangle, span, data, slope, arrayindex); data = _mm_shuffle_ps(data, data, _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 0, 1, 2)); slope = _mm_shuffle_ps(slope, slope, _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 0, 1, 2)); endmod = _mm_mul_ps(_mm_add_ps(data, _mm_mul_ps(slope, _mm_set1_ps(startx))), _mm_load1_ps(&zf[startx])); endsubmod = _mm_cvtps_epi32(_mm_mul_ps(endmod, _mm_set1_ps(256.0f))); for (x = startx; x < endx;) { int nextsub = x + DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSUBSPAN, endsub = nextsub - 1; __m128 subscale = _mm_set1_ps(256.0f/DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSUBSPAN); if (nextsub >= endx) { nextsub = endsub = endx-1; if (x < nextsub) subscale = _mm_set1_ps(256.0f / (nextsub - x)); } mod = endmod; submod = endsubmod; endmod = _mm_mul_ps(_mm_add_ps(data, _mm_mul_ps(slope, _mm_set1_ps(nextsub))), _mm_load1_ps(&zf[nextsub])); substep = _mm_cvtps_epi32(_mm_mul_ps(_mm_sub_ps(endmod, mod), subscale)); endsubmod = _mm_cvtps_epi32(_mm_mul_ps(endmod, _mm_set1_ps(256.0f))); submod = _mm_packs_epi32(submod, _mm_add_epi32(submod, substep)); substep = _mm_packs_epi32(substep, substep); for (; x + 1 <= endsub; x += 2, submod = _mm_add_epi16(submod, substep)) { __m128i pix = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(_mm_setzero_si128(), _mm_loadl_epi64((const __m128i *)&in4ub[x*4])); pix = _mm_mulhi_epu16(pix, submod); _mm_storel_epi64((__m128i *)&out4ub[x*4], _mm_packus_epi16(pix, pix)); } if (x <= endsub) { __m128i pix = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(_mm_setzero_si128(), _mm_cvtsi32_si128(*(const int *)&in4ub[x*4])); pix = _mm_mulhi_epu16(pix, submod); *(int *)&out4ub[x*4] = _mm_cvtsi128_si32(_mm_packus_epi16(pix, pix)); x++; } } #endif } void DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_VaryingBGRA8(const DPSOFTRAST_State_Triangle * RESTRICT triangle, const DPSOFTRAST_State_Span * RESTRICT span, unsigned char *out4ub, int arrayindex, const float *zf) { #ifdef SSE_POSSIBLE int x; int startx = span->startx; int endx = span->endx; __m128 data, slope; __m128 mod, endmod; __m128i submod, substep, endsubmod; DPSOFTRAST_CALCATTRIB(triangle, span, data, slope, arrayindex); data = _mm_shuffle_ps(data, data, _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 0, 1, 2)); slope = _mm_shuffle_ps(slope, slope, _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 0, 1, 2)); endmod = _mm_mul_ps(_mm_add_ps(data, _mm_mul_ps(slope, _mm_set1_ps(startx))), _mm_load1_ps(&zf[startx])); endsubmod = _mm_cvtps_epi32(_mm_mul_ps(endmod, _mm_set1_ps(4095.0f))); for (x = startx; x < endx;) { int nextsub = x + DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSUBSPAN, endsub = nextsub - 1; __m128 subscale = _mm_set1_ps(4095.0f/DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSUBSPAN); if (nextsub >= endx) { nextsub = endsub = endx-1; if (x < nextsub) subscale = _mm_set1_ps(4095.0f / (nextsub - x)); } mod = endmod; submod = endsubmod; endmod = _mm_mul_ps(_mm_add_ps(data, _mm_mul_ps(slope, _mm_set1_ps(nextsub))), _mm_load1_ps(&zf[nextsub])); substep = _mm_cvtps_epi32(_mm_mul_ps(_mm_sub_ps(endmod, mod), subscale)); endsubmod = _mm_cvtps_epi32(_mm_mul_ps(endmod, _mm_set1_ps(4095.0f))); submod = _mm_packs_epi32(submod, _mm_add_epi32(submod, substep)); substep = _mm_packs_epi32(substep, substep); for (; x + 1 <= endsub; x += 2, submod = _mm_add_epi16(submod, substep)) { __m128i pix = _mm_srai_epi16(submod, 4); _mm_storel_epi64((__m128i *)&out4ub[x*4], _mm_packus_epi16(pix, pix)); } if (x <= endsub) { __m128i pix = _mm_srai_epi16(submod, 4); *(int *)&out4ub[x*4] = _mm_cvtsi128_si32(_mm_packus_epi16(pix, pix)); x++; } } #endif } void DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_AddBloomBGRA8(const DPSOFTRAST_State_Triangle * RESTRICT triangle, const DPSOFTRAST_State_Span * RESTRICT span, unsigned char *out4ub, const unsigned char *ina4ub, const unsigned char *inb4ub, const float *subcolor) { #ifdef SSE_POSSIBLE int x, startx = span->startx, endx = span->endx; __m128i localcolor = _mm_shuffle_epi32(_mm_cvtps_epi32(_mm_mul_ps(_mm_loadu_ps(subcolor), _mm_set1_ps(255.0f))), _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 0, 1, 2)); localcolor = _mm_packs_epi32(localcolor, localcolor); for (x = startx;x+2 <= endx;x+=2) { __m128i pix1 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(_mm_loadl_epi64((const __m128i *)&ina4ub[x*4]), _mm_setzero_si128()); __m128i pix2 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(_mm_loadl_epi64((const __m128i *)&inb4ub[x*4]), _mm_setzero_si128()); pix1 = _mm_add_epi16(pix1, _mm_subs_epu16(pix2, localcolor)); _mm_storel_epi64((__m128i *)&out4ub[x*4], _mm_packus_epi16(pix1, pix1)); } if (x < endx) { __m128i pix1 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(_mm_cvtsi32_si128(*(const int *)&ina4ub[x*4]), _mm_setzero_si128()); __m128i pix2 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(_mm_cvtsi32_si128(*(const int *)&inb4ub[x*4]), _mm_setzero_si128()); pix1 = _mm_add_epi16(pix1, _mm_subs_epu16(pix2, localcolor)); *(int *)&out4ub[x*4] = _mm_cvtsi128_si32(_mm_packus_epi16(pix1, pix1)); } #endif } void DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_MultiplyBuffersBGRA8(const DPSOFTRAST_State_Triangle * RESTRICT triangle, const DPSOFTRAST_State_Span * RESTRICT span, unsigned char *out4ub, const unsigned char *ina4ub, const unsigned char *inb4ub) { #ifdef SSE_POSSIBLE int x, startx = span->startx, endx = span->endx; for (x = startx;x+2 <= endx;x+=2) { __m128i pix1 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(_mm_loadl_epi64((const __m128i *)&ina4ub[x*4]), _mm_setzero_si128()); __m128i pix2 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(_mm_setzero_si128(), _mm_loadl_epi64((const __m128i *)&inb4ub[x*4])); pix1 = _mm_mulhi_epu16(pix1, pix2); _mm_storel_epi64((__m128i *)&out4ub[x*4], _mm_packus_epi16(pix1, pix1)); } if (x < endx) { __m128i pix1 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(_mm_cvtsi32_si128(*(const int *)&ina4ub[x*4]), _mm_setzero_si128()); __m128i pix2 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(_mm_setzero_si128(), _mm_cvtsi32_si128(*(const int *)&inb4ub[x*4])); pix1 = _mm_mulhi_epu16(pix1, pix2); *(int *)&out4ub[x*4] = _mm_cvtsi128_si32(_mm_packus_epi16(pix1, pix1)); } #endif } void DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_AddBuffersBGRA8(const DPSOFTRAST_State_Triangle * RESTRICT triangle, const DPSOFTRAST_State_Span * RESTRICT span, unsigned char *out4ub, const unsigned char *ina4ub, const unsigned char *inb4ub) { #ifdef SSE_POSSIBLE int x, startx = span->startx, endx = span->endx; for (x = startx;x+2 <= endx;x+=2) { __m128i pix1 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(_mm_loadl_epi64((const __m128i *)&ina4ub[x*4]), _mm_setzero_si128()); __m128i pix2 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(_mm_loadl_epi64((const __m128i *)&inb4ub[x*4]), _mm_setzero_si128()); pix1 = _mm_add_epi16(pix1, pix2); _mm_storel_epi64((__m128i *)&out4ub[x*4], _mm_packus_epi16(pix1, pix1)); } if (x < endx) { __m128i pix1 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(_mm_cvtsi32_si128(*(const int *)&ina4ub[x*4]), _mm_setzero_si128()); __m128i pix2 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(_mm_cvtsi32_si128(*(const int *)&inb4ub[x*4]), _mm_setzero_si128()); pix1 = _mm_add_epi16(pix1, pix2); *(int *)&out4ub[x*4] = _mm_cvtsi128_si32(_mm_packus_epi16(pix1, pix1)); } #endif } void DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_TintedAddBuffersBGRA8(const DPSOFTRAST_State_Triangle * RESTRICT triangle, const DPSOFTRAST_State_Span * RESTRICT span, unsigned char *out4ub, const unsigned char *ina4ub, const unsigned char *inb4ub, const float *inbtintbgra) { #ifdef SSE_POSSIBLE int x, startx = span->startx, endx = span->endx; __m128i tint = _mm_cvtps_epi32(_mm_mul_ps(_mm_loadu_ps(inbtintbgra), _mm_set1_ps(256.0f))); tint = _mm_packs_epi32(tint, tint); for (x = startx;x+2 <= endx;x+=2) { __m128i pix1 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(_mm_loadl_epi64((const __m128i *)&ina4ub[x*4]), _mm_setzero_si128()); __m128i pix2 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(_mm_setzero_si128(), _mm_loadl_epi64((const __m128i *)&inb4ub[x*4])); pix1 = _mm_add_epi16(pix1, _mm_mulhi_epu16(tint, pix2)); _mm_storel_epi64((__m128i *)&out4ub[x*4], _mm_packus_epi16(pix1, pix1)); } if (x < endx) { __m128i pix1 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(_mm_cvtsi32_si128(*(const int *)&ina4ub[x*4]), _mm_setzero_si128()); __m128i pix2 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(_mm_setzero_si128(), _mm_cvtsi32_si128(*(const int *)&inb4ub[x*4])); pix1 = _mm_add_epi16(pix1, _mm_mulhi_epu16(tint, pix2)); *(int *)&out4ub[x*4] = _mm_cvtsi128_si32(_mm_packus_epi16(pix1, pix1)); } #endif } void DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_MixBuffersBGRA8(const DPSOFTRAST_State_Triangle * RESTRICT triangle, const DPSOFTRAST_State_Span * RESTRICT span, unsigned char *out4ub, const unsigned char *ina4ub, const unsigned char *inb4ub) { #ifdef SSE_POSSIBLE int x, startx = span->startx, endx = span->endx; for (x = startx;x+2 <= endx;x+=2) { __m128i pix1 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(_mm_loadl_epi64((const __m128i *)&ina4ub[x*4]), _mm_setzero_si128()); __m128i pix2 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(_mm_loadl_epi64((const __m128i *)&inb4ub[x*4]), _mm_setzero_si128()); __m128i blend = _mm_shufflehi_epi16(_mm_shufflelo_epi16(pix2, _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 3, 3, 3)), _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 3, 3, 3)); pix1 = _mm_add_epi16(pix1, _mm_mulhi_epi16(_mm_slli_epi16(_mm_sub_epi16(pix2, pix1), 4), _mm_slli_epi16(blend, 4))); _mm_storel_epi64((__m128i *)&out4ub[x*4], _mm_packus_epi16(pix1, pix1)); } if (x < endx) { __m128i pix1 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(_mm_cvtsi32_si128(*(const int *)&ina4ub[x*4]), _mm_setzero_si128()); __m128i pix2 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(_mm_cvtsi32_si128(*(const int *)&inb4ub[x*4]), _mm_setzero_si128()); __m128i blend = _mm_shufflelo_epi16(pix2, _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 3, 3, 3)); pix1 = _mm_add_epi16(pix1, _mm_mulhi_epi16(_mm_slli_epi16(_mm_sub_epi16(pix2, pix1), 4), _mm_slli_epi16(blend, 4))); *(int *)&out4ub[x*4] = _mm_cvtsi128_si32(_mm_packus_epi16(pix1, pix1)); } #endif } void DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_MixUniformColorBGRA8(const DPSOFTRAST_State_Triangle * RESTRICT triangle, const DPSOFTRAST_State_Span * RESTRICT span, unsigned char *out4ub, const unsigned char *in4ub, const float *color) { #ifdef SSE_POSSIBLE int x, startx = span->startx, endx = span->endx; __m128i localcolor = _mm_shuffle_epi32(_mm_cvtps_epi32(_mm_mul_ps(_mm_loadu_ps(color), _mm_set1_ps(255.0f))), _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 0, 1, 2)), blend; localcolor = _mm_packs_epi32(localcolor, localcolor); blend = _mm_slli_epi16(_mm_shufflehi_epi16(_mm_shufflelo_epi16(localcolor, _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 3, 3, 3)), _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 3, 3, 3)), 4); for (x = startx;x+2 <= endx;x+=2) { __m128i pix = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(_mm_loadl_epi64((const __m128i *)&in4ub[x*4]), _mm_setzero_si128()); pix = _mm_add_epi16(pix, _mm_mulhi_epi16(_mm_slli_epi16(_mm_sub_epi16(localcolor, pix), 4), blend)); _mm_storel_epi64((__m128i *)&out4ub[x*4], _mm_packus_epi16(pix, pix)); } if (x < endx) { __m128i pix = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(_mm_cvtsi32_si128(*(const int *)&in4ub[x*4]), _mm_setzero_si128()); pix = _mm_add_epi16(pix, _mm_mulhi_epi16(_mm_slli_epi16(_mm_sub_epi16(localcolor, pix), 4), blend)); *(int *)&out4ub[x*4] = _mm_cvtsi128_si32(_mm_packus_epi16(pix, pix)); } #endif } void DPSOFTRAST_VertexShader_Generic(void) { DPSOFTRAST_Array_TransformProject(DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION, dpsoftrast.uniform4f + 4*DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_ModelViewProjectionMatrixM1); DPSOFTRAST_Array_Load(DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_COLOR, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_COLOR); DPSOFTRAST_Array_Load(DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD0, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD0); if (dpsoftrast.shader_permutation & SHADERPERMUTATION_SPECULAR) DPSOFTRAST_Array_Load(DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD1, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD1); } void DPSOFTRAST_PixelShader_Generic(DPSOFTRAST_State_Thread *thread, const DPSOFTRAST_State_Triangle * RESTRICT triangle, const DPSOFTRAST_State_Span * RESTRICT span) { float buffer_z[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH]; unsigned char buffer_texture_colorbgra8[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH*4]; unsigned char buffer_texture_lightmapbgra8[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH*4]; unsigned char buffer_FragColorbgra8[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH*4]; DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_Begin(thread, triangle, span, buffer_z); if (thread->shader_permutation & SHADERPERMUTATION_DIFFUSE) { DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_Texture2DVaryingBGRA8(thread, triangle, span, buffer_texture_colorbgra8, GL20TU_FIRST, 2, buffer_z); DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_MultiplyVaryingBGRA8(triangle, span, buffer_FragColorbgra8, buffer_texture_colorbgra8, 1, buffer_z); if (thread->shader_permutation & SHADERPERMUTATION_SPECULAR) { DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_Texture2DVaryingBGRA8(thread, triangle, span, buffer_texture_lightmapbgra8, GL20TU_SECOND, 2, buffer_z); if (thread->shader_permutation & SHADERPERMUTATION_COLORMAPPING) { // multiply DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_MultiplyBuffersBGRA8(triangle, span, buffer_FragColorbgra8, buffer_FragColorbgra8, buffer_texture_lightmapbgra8); } else if (thread->shader_permutation & SHADERPERMUTATION_COLORMAPPING) { // add DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_AddBuffersBGRA8(triangle, span, buffer_FragColorbgra8, buffer_FragColorbgra8, buffer_texture_lightmapbgra8); } else if (thread->shader_permutation & SHADERPERMUTATION_VERTEXTEXTUREBLEND) { // alphablend DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_MixBuffersBGRA8(triangle, span, buffer_FragColorbgra8, buffer_FragColorbgra8, buffer_texture_lightmapbgra8); } } } else DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_VaryingBGRA8(triangle, span, buffer_FragColorbgra8, 1, buffer_z); DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_FinishBGRA8(thread, triangle, span, buffer_FragColorbgra8); } void DPSOFTRAST_VertexShader_PostProcess(void) { DPSOFTRAST_Array_TransformProject(DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION, dpsoftrast.uniform4f + 4*DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_ModelViewProjectionMatrixM1); DPSOFTRAST_Array_Load(DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD0, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD0); DPSOFTRAST_Array_Load(DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD1, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD4); } void DPSOFTRAST_PixelShader_PostProcess(DPSOFTRAST_State_Thread *thread, const DPSOFTRAST_State_Triangle * RESTRICT triangle, const DPSOFTRAST_State_Span * RESTRICT span) { // TODO: optimize!! at the very least there is no reason to use texture sampling on the frame texture float buffer_z[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH]; unsigned char buffer_texture_colorbgra8[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH*4]; unsigned char buffer_FragColorbgra8[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH*4]; DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_Begin(thread, triangle, span, buffer_z); DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_Texture2DVaryingBGRA8(thread, triangle, span, buffer_FragColorbgra8, GL20TU_FIRST, 2, buffer_z); if (thread->shader_permutation & SHADERPERMUTATION_BLOOM) { DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_Texture2DVaryingBGRA8(thread, triangle, span, buffer_texture_colorbgra8, GL20TU_SECOND, 3, buffer_z); DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_AddBloomBGRA8(triangle, span, buffer_FragColorbgra8, buffer_FragColorbgra8, buffer_texture_colorbgra8, thread->uniform4f + DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_BloomColorSubtract * 4); } DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_MixUniformColorBGRA8(triangle, span, buffer_FragColorbgra8, buffer_FragColorbgra8, thread->uniform4f + DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_ViewTintColor * 4); if (thread->shader_permutation & SHADERPERMUTATION_SATURATION) { // TODO: implement saturation } if (thread->shader_permutation & SHADERPERMUTATION_GAMMARAMPS) { // TODO: implement gammaramps } DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_FinishBGRA8(thread, triangle, span, buffer_FragColorbgra8); } void DPSOFTRAST_VertexShader_Depth_Or_Shadow(void) { DPSOFTRAST_Array_TransformProject(DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION, dpsoftrast.uniform4f + 4*DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_ModelViewProjectionMatrixM1); } void DPSOFTRAST_PixelShader_Depth_Or_Shadow(DPSOFTRAST_State_Thread *thread, const DPSOFTRAST_State_Triangle * RESTRICT triangle, const DPSOFTRAST_State_Span * RESTRICT span) { // this is never called (because colormask is off when this shader is used) float buffer_z[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH]; unsigned char buffer_FragColorbgra8[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH*4]; DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_Begin(thread, triangle, span, buffer_z); memset(buffer_FragColorbgra8 + span->startx*4, 0, (span->endx - span->startx)*4); DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_FinishBGRA8(thread, triangle, span, buffer_FragColorbgra8); } void DPSOFTRAST_VertexShader_FlatColor(void) { DPSOFTRAST_Array_TransformProject(DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION, dpsoftrast.uniform4f + 4*DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_ModelViewProjectionMatrixM1); DPSOFTRAST_Array_Transform(DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD0, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD0, dpsoftrast.uniform4f + 4*DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_TexMatrixM1); } void DPSOFTRAST_PixelShader_FlatColor(DPSOFTRAST_State_Thread *thread, const DPSOFTRAST_State_Triangle * RESTRICT triangle, const DPSOFTRAST_State_Span * RESTRICT span) { #ifdef SSE_POSSIBLE unsigned char * RESTRICT pixelmask = span->pixelmask; unsigned char * RESTRICT pixel = (unsigned char *)dpsoftrast.fb_colorpixels[0] + (span->y * dpsoftrast.fb_width + span->x) * 4; int x, startx = span->startx, endx = span->endx; __m128i Color_Ambientm; float buffer_z[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH]; unsigned char buffer_texture_colorbgra8[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH*4]; unsigned char buffer_FragColorbgra8[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH*4]; DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_Begin(thread, triangle, span, buffer_z); DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_Texture2DVaryingBGRA8(thread, triangle, span, buffer_texture_colorbgra8, GL20TU_COLOR, 2, buffer_z); if (thread->alphatest || thread->fb_blendmode != DPSOFTRAST_BLENDMODE_OPAQUE) pixel = buffer_FragColorbgra8; Color_Ambientm = _mm_shuffle_epi32(_mm_cvtps_epi32(_mm_mul_ps(_mm_load_ps(&thread->uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_Color_Ambient*4]), _mm_set1_ps(256.0f))), _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 0, 1, 2)); Color_Ambientm = _mm_and_si128(Color_Ambientm, _mm_setr_epi32(0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0)); Color_Ambientm = _mm_or_si128(Color_Ambientm, _mm_setr_epi32(0, 0, 0, (int)(thread->uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_Alpha*4+0]*255.0f))); Color_Ambientm = _mm_packs_epi32(Color_Ambientm, Color_Ambientm); for (x = startx;x < endx;x++) { __m128i color, pix; if (x + 4 <= endx && *(const unsigned int *)&pixelmask[x] == 0x01010101) { __m128i pix2; color = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)&buffer_texture_colorbgra8[x*4]); pix = _mm_mulhi_epu16(Color_Ambientm, _mm_unpacklo_epi8(_mm_setzero_si128(), color)); pix2 = _mm_mulhi_epu16(Color_Ambientm, _mm_unpackhi_epi8(_mm_setzero_si128(), color)); _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i *)&pixel[x*4], _mm_packus_epi16(pix, pix2)); x += 3; continue; } if (!pixelmask[x]) continue; color = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(_mm_setzero_si128(), _mm_cvtsi32_si128(*(const int *)&buffer_texture_colorbgra8[x*4])); pix = _mm_mulhi_epu16(Color_Ambientm, color); *(int *)&pixel[x*4] = _mm_cvtsi128_si32(_mm_packus_epi16(pix, pix)); } if (pixel == buffer_FragColorbgra8) DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_FinishBGRA8(thread, triangle, span, buffer_FragColorbgra8); #endif } void DPSOFTRAST_VertexShader_VertexColor(void) { DPSOFTRAST_Array_TransformProject(DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION, dpsoftrast.uniform4f + 4*DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_ModelViewProjectionMatrixM1); DPSOFTRAST_Array_Load(DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_COLOR, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_COLOR); DPSOFTRAST_Array_Transform(DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD0, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD0, dpsoftrast.uniform4f + 4*DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_TexMatrixM1); } void DPSOFTRAST_PixelShader_VertexColor(DPSOFTRAST_State_Thread *thread, const DPSOFTRAST_State_Triangle * RESTRICT triangle, const DPSOFTRAST_State_Span * RESTRICT span) { #ifdef SSE_POSSIBLE unsigned char * RESTRICT pixelmask = span->pixelmask; unsigned char * RESTRICT pixel = (unsigned char *)dpsoftrast.fb_colorpixels[0] + (span->y * dpsoftrast.fb_width + span->x) * 4; int x, startx = span->startx, endx = span->endx; __m128i Color_Ambientm, Color_Diffusem; __m128 data, slope; float buffer_z[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH]; unsigned char buffer_texture_colorbgra8[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH*4]; unsigned char buffer_FragColorbgra8[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH*4]; int arrayindex = DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_COLOR; DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_Begin(thread, triangle, span, buffer_z); DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_Texture2DVaryingBGRA8(thread, triangle, span, buffer_texture_colorbgra8, GL20TU_COLOR, 2, buffer_z); if (thread->alphatest || thread->fb_blendmode != DPSOFTRAST_BLENDMODE_OPAQUE) pixel = buffer_FragColorbgra8; Color_Ambientm = _mm_shuffle_epi32(_mm_cvtps_epi32(_mm_mul_ps(_mm_load_ps(&thread->uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_Color_Ambient*4]), _mm_set1_ps(256.0f))), _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 0, 1, 2)); Color_Ambientm = _mm_and_si128(Color_Ambientm, _mm_setr_epi32(0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0)); Color_Ambientm = _mm_or_si128(Color_Ambientm, _mm_setr_epi32(0, 0, 0, (int)(thread->uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_Alpha*4+0]*255.0f))); Color_Ambientm = _mm_packs_epi32(Color_Ambientm, Color_Ambientm); Color_Diffusem = _mm_shuffle_epi32(_mm_cvtps_epi32(_mm_mul_ps(_mm_load_ps(&thread->uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_Color_Diffuse*4]), _mm_set1_ps(4096.0f))), _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 0, 1, 2)); Color_Diffusem = _mm_and_si128(Color_Diffusem, _mm_setr_epi32(0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0)); Color_Diffusem = _mm_packs_epi32(Color_Diffusem, Color_Diffusem); DPSOFTRAST_CALCATTRIB(triangle, span, data, slope, arrayindex); data = _mm_shuffle_ps(data, data, _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 0, 1, 2)); slope = _mm_shuffle_ps(slope, slope, _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 0, 1, 2)); data = _mm_add_ps(data, _mm_mul_ps(slope, _mm_set1_ps(startx))); data = _mm_mul_ps(data, _mm_set1_ps(4096.0f)); slope = _mm_mul_ps(slope, _mm_set1_ps(4096.0f)); for (x = startx;x < endx;x++, data = _mm_add_ps(data, slope)) { __m128i color, mod, pix; if (x + 4 <= endx && *(const unsigned int *)&pixelmask[x] == 0x01010101) { __m128i pix2, mod2; __m128 z = _mm_loadu_ps(&buffer_z[x]); color = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)&buffer_texture_colorbgra8[x*4]); mod = _mm_cvtps_epi32(_mm_mul_ps(data, _mm_shuffle_ps(z, z, _MM_SHUFFLE(0, 0, 0, 0)))); data = _mm_add_ps(data, slope); mod = _mm_packs_epi32(mod, _mm_cvtps_epi32(_mm_mul_ps(data, _mm_shuffle_ps(z, z, _MM_SHUFFLE(1, 1, 1, 1))))); data = _mm_add_ps(data, slope); mod2 = _mm_cvtps_epi32(_mm_mul_ps(data, _mm_shuffle_ps(z, z, _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 2, 2, 2)))); data = _mm_add_ps(data, slope); mod2 = _mm_packs_epi32(mod2, _mm_cvtps_epi32(_mm_mul_ps(data, _mm_shuffle_ps(z, z, _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 3, 3, 3))))); pix = _mm_mulhi_epu16(_mm_add_epi16(_mm_mulhi_epu16(Color_Diffusem, mod), Color_Ambientm), _mm_unpacklo_epi8(_mm_setzero_si128(), color)); pix2 = _mm_mulhi_epu16(_mm_add_epi16(_mm_mulhi_epu16(Color_Diffusem, mod2), Color_Ambientm), _mm_unpackhi_epi8(_mm_setzero_si128(), color)); _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i *)&pixel[x*4], _mm_packus_epi16(pix, pix2)); x += 3; continue; } if (!pixelmask[x]) continue; color = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(_mm_setzero_si128(), _mm_cvtsi32_si128(*(const int *)&buffer_texture_colorbgra8[x*4])); mod = _mm_cvtps_epi32(_mm_mul_ps(data, _mm_load1_ps(&buffer_z[x]))); mod = _mm_packs_epi32(mod, mod); pix = _mm_mulhi_epu16(_mm_add_epi16(_mm_mulhi_epu16(mod, Color_Diffusem), Color_Ambientm), color); *(int *)&pixel[x*4] = _mm_cvtsi128_si32(_mm_packus_epi16(pix, pix)); } if (pixel == buffer_FragColorbgra8) DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_FinishBGRA8(thread, triangle, span, buffer_FragColorbgra8); #endif } void DPSOFTRAST_VertexShader_Lightmap(void) { DPSOFTRAST_Array_TransformProject(DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION, dpsoftrast.uniform4f + 4*DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_ModelViewProjectionMatrixM1); DPSOFTRAST_Array_Transform(DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD0, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD0, dpsoftrast.uniform4f + 4*DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_TexMatrixM1); DPSOFTRAST_Array_Load(DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD4, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD4); } void DPSOFTRAST_PixelShader_Lightmap(DPSOFTRAST_State_Thread *thread, const DPSOFTRAST_State_Triangle * RESTRICT triangle, const DPSOFTRAST_State_Span * RESTRICT span) { #ifdef SSE_POSSIBLE unsigned char * RESTRICT pixelmask = span->pixelmask; unsigned char * RESTRICT pixel = (unsigned char *)dpsoftrast.fb_colorpixels[0] + (span->y * dpsoftrast.fb_width + span->x) * 4; int x, startx = span->startx, endx = span->endx; __m128i Color_Ambientm, Color_Diffusem, Color_Glowm, Color_AmbientGlowm; float buffer_z[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH]; unsigned char buffer_texture_colorbgra8[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH*4]; unsigned char buffer_texture_lightmapbgra8[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH*4]; unsigned char buffer_texture_glowbgra8[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH*4]; unsigned char buffer_FragColorbgra8[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH*4]; DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_Begin(thread, triangle, span, buffer_z); DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_Texture2DVaryingBGRA8(thread, triangle, span, buffer_texture_colorbgra8, GL20TU_COLOR, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD0, buffer_z); DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_Texture2DVaryingBGRA8(thread, triangle, span, buffer_texture_lightmapbgra8, GL20TU_LIGHTMAP, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD4, buffer_z); if (thread->alphatest || thread->fb_blendmode != DPSOFTRAST_BLENDMODE_OPAQUE) pixel = buffer_FragColorbgra8; Color_Ambientm = _mm_shuffle_epi32(_mm_cvtps_epi32(_mm_mul_ps(_mm_load_ps(&thread->uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_Color_Ambient*4]), _mm_set1_ps(256.0f))), _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 0, 1, 2)); Color_Ambientm = _mm_and_si128(Color_Ambientm, _mm_setr_epi32(0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0)); Color_Ambientm = _mm_or_si128(Color_Ambientm, _mm_setr_epi32(0, 0, 0, (int)(thread->uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_Alpha*4+0]*255.0f))); Color_Ambientm = _mm_packs_epi32(Color_Ambientm, Color_Ambientm); Color_Diffusem = _mm_shuffle_epi32(_mm_cvtps_epi32(_mm_mul_ps(_mm_load_ps(&thread->uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_Color_Diffuse*4]), _mm_set1_ps(256.0f))), _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 0, 1, 2)); Color_Diffusem = _mm_and_si128(Color_Diffusem, _mm_setr_epi32(0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0)); Color_Diffusem = _mm_packs_epi32(Color_Diffusem, Color_Diffusem); if (thread->shader_permutation & SHADERPERMUTATION_GLOW) { DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_Texture2DVaryingBGRA8(thread, triangle, span, buffer_texture_glowbgra8, GL20TU_GLOW, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD0, buffer_z); Color_Glowm = _mm_shuffle_epi32(_mm_cvtps_epi32(_mm_mul_ps(_mm_load_ps(&thread->uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_Color_Glow*4]), _mm_set1_ps(256.0f))), _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 0, 1, 2)); Color_Glowm = _mm_and_si128(Color_Glowm, _mm_setr_epi32(0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0)); Color_Glowm = _mm_packs_epi32(Color_Glowm, Color_Glowm); Color_AmbientGlowm = _mm_unpacklo_epi64(Color_Ambientm, Color_Glowm); for (x = startx;x < endx;x++) { __m128i color, lightmap, glow, pix; if (x + 4 <= endx && *(const unsigned int *)&pixelmask[x] == 0x01010101) { __m128i pix2; color = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)&buffer_texture_colorbgra8[x*4]); lightmap = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)&buffer_texture_lightmapbgra8[x*4]); glow = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)&buffer_texture_glowbgra8[x*4]); pix = _mm_add_epi16(_mm_mulhi_epu16(_mm_add_epi16(_mm_mulhi_epu16(Color_Diffusem, _mm_unpacklo_epi8(_mm_setzero_si128(), lightmap)), Color_Ambientm), _mm_unpacklo_epi8(_mm_setzero_si128(), color)), _mm_mulhi_epu16(Color_Glowm, _mm_unpacklo_epi8(_mm_setzero_si128(), glow))); pix2 = _mm_add_epi16(_mm_mulhi_epu16(_mm_add_epi16(_mm_mulhi_epu16(Color_Diffusem, _mm_unpackhi_epi8(_mm_setzero_si128(), lightmap)), Color_Ambientm), _mm_unpackhi_epi8(_mm_setzero_si128(), color)), _mm_mulhi_epu16(Color_Glowm, _mm_unpackhi_epi8(_mm_setzero_si128(), glow))); _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i *)&pixel[x*4], _mm_packus_epi16(pix, pix2)); x += 3; continue; } if (!pixelmask[x]) continue; color = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(_mm_setzero_si128(), _mm_cvtsi32_si128(*(const int *)&buffer_texture_colorbgra8[x*4])); lightmap = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(_mm_setzero_si128(), _mm_cvtsi32_si128(*(const int *)&buffer_texture_lightmapbgra8[x*4])); glow = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(_mm_setzero_si128(), _mm_cvtsi32_si128(*(const int *)&buffer_texture_glowbgra8[x*4])); pix = _mm_mulhi_epu16(_mm_add_epi16(_mm_mulhi_epu16(Color_Diffusem, lightmap), Color_AmbientGlowm), _mm_unpacklo_epi64(color, glow)); pix = _mm_add_epi16(pix, _mm_shuffle_epi32(pix, _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 2, 3, 2))); *(int *)&pixel[x*4] = _mm_cvtsi128_si32(_mm_packus_epi16(pix, pix)); } } else { for (x = startx;x < endx;x++) { __m128i color, lightmap, pix; if (x + 4 <= endx && *(const unsigned int *)&pixelmask[x] == 0x01010101) { __m128i pix2; color = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)&buffer_texture_colorbgra8[x*4]); lightmap = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)&buffer_texture_lightmapbgra8[x*4]); pix = _mm_mulhi_epu16(_mm_add_epi16(_mm_mulhi_epu16(Color_Diffusem, _mm_unpacklo_epi8(_mm_setzero_si128(), lightmap)), Color_Ambientm), _mm_unpacklo_epi8(_mm_setzero_si128(), color)); pix2 = _mm_mulhi_epu16(_mm_add_epi16(_mm_mulhi_epu16(Color_Diffusem, _mm_unpackhi_epi8(_mm_setzero_si128(), lightmap)), Color_Ambientm), _mm_unpackhi_epi8(_mm_setzero_si128(), color)); _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i *)&pixel[x*4], _mm_packus_epi16(pix, pix2)); x += 3; continue; } if (!pixelmask[x]) continue; color = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(_mm_setzero_si128(), _mm_cvtsi32_si128(*(const int *)&buffer_texture_colorbgra8[x*4])); lightmap = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(_mm_setzero_si128(), _mm_cvtsi32_si128(*(const int *)&buffer_texture_lightmapbgra8[x*4])); pix = _mm_mulhi_epu16(_mm_add_epi16(_mm_mulhi_epu16(lightmap, Color_Diffusem), Color_Ambientm), color); *(int *)&pixel[x*4] = _mm_cvtsi128_si32(_mm_packus_epi16(pix, pix)); } } if (pixel == buffer_FragColorbgra8) DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_FinishBGRA8(thread, triangle, span, buffer_FragColorbgra8); #endif } void DPSOFTRAST_VertexShader_LightDirection(void); void DPSOFTRAST_PixelShader_LightDirection(DPSOFTRAST_State_Thread *thread, const DPSOFTRAST_State_Triangle * RESTRICT triangle, const DPSOFTRAST_State_Span * RESTRICT span); void DPSOFTRAST_VertexShader_FakeLight(void) { DPSOFTRAST_VertexShader_LightDirection(); } void DPSOFTRAST_PixelShader_FakeLight(DPSOFTRAST_State_Thread *thread, const DPSOFTRAST_State_Triangle * RESTRICT triangle, const DPSOFTRAST_State_Span * RESTRICT span) { DPSOFTRAST_PixelShader_LightDirection(thread, triangle, span); } void DPSOFTRAST_VertexShader_LightDirectionMap_ModelSpace(void) { DPSOFTRAST_VertexShader_LightDirection(); DPSOFTRAST_Array_Load(DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD4, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD4); } void DPSOFTRAST_PixelShader_LightDirectionMap_ModelSpace(DPSOFTRAST_State_Thread *thread, const DPSOFTRAST_State_Triangle * RESTRICT triangle, const DPSOFTRAST_State_Span * RESTRICT span) { DPSOFTRAST_PixelShader_LightDirection(thread, triangle, span); } void DPSOFTRAST_VertexShader_LightDirectionMap_TangentSpace(void) { DPSOFTRAST_VertexShader_LightDirection(); DPSOFTRAST_Array_Load(DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD4, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD4); } void DPSOFTRAST_PixelShader_LightDirectionMap_TangentSpace(DPSOFTRAST_State_Thread *thread, const DPSOFTRAST_State_Triangle * RESTRICT triangle, const DPSOFTRAST_State_Span * RESTRICT span) { DPSOFTRAST_PixelShader_LightDirection(thread, triangle, span); } void DPSOFTRAST_VertexShader_LightDirection(void) { int i; int numvertices = dpsoftrast.numvertices; float LightDir[4]; float LightVector[4]; float EyePosition[4]; float EyeVectorModelSpace[4]; float EyeVector[4]; float position[4]; float svector[4]; float tvector[4]; float normal[4]; LightDir[0] = dpsoftrast.uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_LightDir*4+0]; LightDir[1] = dpsoftrast.uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_LightDir*4+1]; LightDir[2] = dpsoftrast.uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_LightDir*4+2]; LightDir[3] = dpsoftrast.uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_LightDir*4+3]; EyePosition[0] = dpsoftrast.uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_EyePosition*4+0]; EyePosition[1] = dpsoftrast.uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_EyePosition*4+1]; EyePosition[2] = dpsoftrast.uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_EyePosition*4+2]; EyePosition[3] = dpsoftrast.uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_EyePosition*4+3]; DPSOFTRAST_Array_Load(DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION); DPSOFTRAST_Array_Transform(DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD0, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD0, dpsoftrast.uniform4f + 4*DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_TexMatrixM1); DPSOFTRAST_Array_Load(DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD1, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD1); DPSOFTRAST_Array_Load(DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD2, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD2); DPSOFTRAST_Array_Load(DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD3, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD3); for (i = 0;i < numvertices;i++) { position[0] = dpsoftrast.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION][i*4+0]; position[1] = dpsoftrast.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION][i*4+1]; position[2] = dpsoftrast.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION][i*4+2]; svector[0] = dpsoftrast.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD1][i*4+0]; svector[1] = dpsoftrast.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD1][i*4+1]; svector[2] = dpsoftrast.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD1][i*4+2]; tvector[0] = dpsoftrast.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD2][i*4+0]; tvector[1] = dpsoftrast.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD2][i*4+1]; tvector[2] = dpsoftrast.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD2][i*4+2]; normal[0] = dpsoftrast.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD3][i*4+0]; normal[1] = dpsoftrast.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD3][i*4+1]; normal[2] = dpsoftrast.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD3][i*4+2]; LightVector[0] = svector[0] * LightDir[0] + svector[1] * LightDir[1] + svector[2] * LightDir[2]; LightVector[1] = tvector[0] * LightDir[0] + tvector[1] * LightDir[1] + tvector[2] * LightDir[2]; LightVector[2] = normal[0] * LightDir[0] + normal[1] * LightDir[1] + normal[2] * LightDir[2]; dpsoftrast.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD5][i*4+0] = LightVector[0]; dpsoftrast.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD5][i*4+1] = LightVector[1]; dpsoftrast.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD5][i*4+2] = LightVector[2]; dpsoftrast.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD5][i*4+3] = 0.0f; EyeVectorModelSpace[0] = EyePosition[0] - position[0]; EyeVectorModelSpace[1] = EyePosition[1] - position[1]; EyeVectorModelSpace[2] = EyePosition[2] - position[2]; EyeVector[0] = svector[0] * EyeVectorModelSpace[0] + svector[1] * EyeVectorModelSpace[1] + svector[2] * EyeVectorModelSpace[2]; EyeVector[1] = tvector[0] * EyeVectorModelSpace[0] + tvector[1] * EyeVectorModelSpace[1] + tvector[2] * EyeVectorModelSpace[2]; EyeVector[2] = normal[0] * EyeVectorModelSpace[0] + normal[1] * EyeVectorModelSpace[1] + normal[2] * EyeVectorModelSpace[2]; dpsoftrast.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD6][i*4+0] = EyeVector[0]; dpsoftrast.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD6][i*4+1] = EyeVector[1]; dpsoftrast.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD6][i*4+2] = EyeVector[2]; dpsoftrast.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD6][i*4+3] = 0.0f; } DPSOFTRAST_Array_TransformProject(DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION, -1, dpsoftrast.uniform4f + 4*DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_ModelViewProjectionMatrixM1); } #define DPSOFTRAST_Min(a,b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b)) #define DPSOFTRAST_Max(a,b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b)) #define DPSOFTRAST_Vector3Dot(a,b) ((a)[0]*(b)[0]+(a)[1]*(b)[1]+(a)[2]*(b)[2]) #define DPSOFTRAST_Vector3LengthSquared(v) (DPSOFTRAST_Vector3Dot((v),(v))) #define DPSOFTRAST_Vector3Length(v) (sqrt(DPSOFTRAST_Vector3LengthSquared(v))) #define DPSOFTRAST_Vector3Normalize(v)\ do\ {\ float len = sqrt(DPSOFTRAST_Vector3Dot(v,v));\ if (len)\ {\ len = 1.0f / len;\ v[0] *= len;\ v[1] *= len;\ v[2] *= len;\ }\ }\ while(0) void DPSOFTRAST_PixelShader_LightDirection(DPSOFTRAST_State_Thread *thread, const DPSOFTRAST_State_Triangle * RESTRICT triangle, const DPSOFTRAST_State_Span * RESTRICT span) { float buffer_z[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH]; unsigned char buffer_texture_colorbgra8[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH*4]; unsigned char buffer_texture_normalbgra8[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH*4]; unsigned char buffer_texture_glossbgra8[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH*4]; unsigned char buffer_texture_glowbgra8[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH*4]; unsigned char buffer_texture_pantsbgra8[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH*4]; unsigned char buffer_texture_shirtbgra8[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH*4]; unsigned char buffer_texture_deluxemapbgra8[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH*4]; unsigned char buffer_texture_lightmapbgra8[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH*4]; unsigned char buffer_FragColorbgra8[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH*4]; int x, startx = span->startx, endx = span->endx; float Color_Ambient[4], Color_Diffuse[4], Color_Specular[4], Color_Glow[4], Color_Pants[4], Color_Shirt[4], LightColor[4]; float LightVectordata[4]; float LightVectorslope[4]; float EyeVectordata[4]; float EyeVectorslope[4]; float VectorSdata[4]; float VectorSslope[4]; float VectorTdata[4]; float VectorTslope[4]; float VectorRdata[4]; float VectorRslope[4]; float z; float diffusetex[4]; float glosstex[4]; float surfacenormal[4]; float lightnormal[4]; float lightnormal_modelspace[4]; float eyenormal[4]; float specularnormal[4]; float diffuse; float specular; float SpecularPower; int d[4]; Color_Glow[2] = thread->uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_Color_Glow*4+0]; Color_Glow[1] = thread->uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_Color_Glow*4+1]; Color_Glow[0] = thread->uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_Color_Glow*4+2]; Color_Glow[3] = 0.0f; Color_Ambient[2] = thread->uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_Color_Ambient*4+0]; Color_Ambient[1] = thread->uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_Color_Ambient*4+1]; Color_Ambient[0] = thread->uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_Color_Ambient*4+2]; Color_Ambient[3] = thread->uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_Alpha*4+0]; Color_Pants[2] = thread->uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_Color_Pants*4+0]; Color_Pants[1] = thread->uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_Color_Pants*4+1]; Color_Pants[0] = thread->uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_Color_Pants*4+2]; Color_Pants[3] = 0.0f; Color_Shirt[2] = thread->uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_Color_Shirt*4+0]; Color_Shirt[1] = thread->uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_Color_Shirt*4+1]; Color_Shirt[0] = thread->uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_Color_Shirt*4+2]; Color_Shirt[3] = 0.0f; DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_Begin(thread, triangle, span, buffer_z); DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_Texture2DVaryingBGRA8(thread, triangle, span, buffer_texture_colorbgra8, GL20TU_COLOR, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD0, buffer_z); if (thread->shader_permutation & SHADERPERMUTATION_COLORMAPPING) { DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_Texture2DVaryingBGRA8(thread, triangle, span, buffer_texture_pantsbgra8, GL20TU_PANTS, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD0, buffer_z); DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_Texture2DVaryingBGRA8(thread, triangle, span, buffer_texture_shirtbgra8, GL20TU_SHIRT, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD0, buffer_z); } if (thread->shader_permutation & SHADERPERMUTATION_GLOW) { DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_Texture2DVaryingBGRA8(thread, triangle, span, buffer_texture_glowbgra8, GL20TU_GLOW, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD0, buffer_z); } if (thread->shader_permutation & SHADERPERMUTATION_SPECULAR) { Color_Diffuse[2] = thread->uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_Color_Diffuse*4+0]; Color_Diffuse[1] = thread->uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_Color_Diffuse*4+1]; Color_Diffuse[0] = thread->uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_Color_Diffuse*4+2]; Color_Diffuse[3] = 0.0f; LightColor[2] = thread->uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_LightColor*4+0]; LightColor[1] = thread->uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_LightColor*4+1]; LightColor[0] = thread->uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_LightColor*4+2]; LightColor[3] = 0.0f; DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_Texture2DVaryingBGRA8(thread, triangle, span, buffer_texture_normalbgra8, GL20TU_NORMAL, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD0, buffer_z); Color_Specular[2] = thread->uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_Color_Specular*4+0]; Color_Specular[1] = thread->uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_Color_Specular*4+1]; Color_Specular[0] = thread->uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_Color_Specular*4+2]; Color_Specular[3] = 0.0f; SpecularPower = thread->uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_SpecularPower*4+0] * (1.0f / 255.0f); DPSOFTRAST_CALCATTRIB4F(triangle, span, EyeVectordata, EyeVectorslope, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD6); DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_Texture2DVaryingBGRA8(thread, triangle, span, buffer_texture_glossbgra8, GL20TU_GLOSS, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD0, buffer_z); if(thread->shader_mode == SHADERMODE_LIGHTDIRECTIONMAP_MODELSPACE) { DPSOFTRAST_CALCATTRIB4F(triangle, span, VectorSdata, VectorSslope, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD1); DPSOFTRAST_CALCATTRIB4F(triangle, span, VectorTdata, VectorTslope, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD2); DPSOFTRAST_CALCATTRIB4F(triangle, span, VectorRdata, VectorRslope, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD3); DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_Texture2DVaryingBGRA8(thread, triangle, span, buffer_texture_lightmapbgra8, GL20TU_LIGHTMAP, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD4, buffer_z); DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_Texture2DVaryingBGRA8(thread, triangle, span, buffer_texture_deluxemapbgra8, GL20TU_DELUXEMAP, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD4, buffer_z); } else if(thread->shader_mode == SHADERMODE_LIGHTDIRECTIONMAP_TANGENTSPACE) { DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_Texture2DVaryingBGRA8(thread, triangle, span, buffer_texture_lightmapbgra8, GL20TU_LIGHTMAP, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD4, buffer_z); DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_Texture2DVaryingBGRA8(thread, triangle, span, buffer_texture_deluxemapbgra8, GL20TU_DELUXEMAP, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD4, buffer_z); } else if(thread->shader_mode == SHADERMODE_FAKELIGHT) { // nothing of this needed } else { DPSOFTRAST_CALCATTRIB4F(triangle, span, LightVectordata, LightVectorslope, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD5); } for (x = startx;x < endx;x++) { z = buffer_z[x]; diffusetex[0] = buffer_texture_colorbgra8[x*4+0]; diffusetex[1] = buffer_texture_colorbgra8[x*4+1]; diffusetex[2] = buffer_texture_colorbgra8[x*4+2]; diffusetex[3] = buffer_texture_colorbgra8[x*4+3]; if (thread->shader_permutation & SHADERPERMUTATION_COLORMAPPING) { diffusetex[0] += buffer_texture_pantsbgra8[x*4+0] * Color_Pants[0] + buffer_texture_shirtbgra8[x*4+0] * Color_Shirt[0]; diffusetex[1] += buffer_texture_pantsbgra8[x*4+1] * Color_Pants[1] + buffer_texture_shirtbgra8[x*4+1] * Color_Shirt[1]; diffusetex[2] += buffer_texture_pantsbgra8[x*4+2] * Color_Pants[2] + buffer_texture_shirtbgra8[x*4+2] * Color_Shirt[2]; diffusetex[3] += buffer_texture_pantsbgra8[x*4+3] * Color_Pants[3] + buffer_texture_shirtbgra8[x*4+3] * Color_Shirt[3]; } glosstex[0] = buffer_texture_glossbgra8[x*4+0]; glosstex[1] = buffer_texture_glossbgra8[x*4+1]; glosstex[2] = buffer_texture_glossbgra8[x*4+2]; glosstex[3] = buffer_texture_glossbgra8[x*4+3]; surfacenormal[0] = buffer_texture_normalbgra8[x*4+2] * (1.0f / 128.0f) - 1.0f; surfacenormal[1] = buffer_texture_normalbgra8[x*4+1] * (1.0f / 128.0f) - 1.0f; surfacenormal[2] = buffer_texture_normalbgra8[x*4+0] * (1.0f / 128.0f) - 1.0f; DPSOFTRAST_Vector3Normalize(surfacenormal); if(thread->shader_mode == SHADERMODE_LIGHTDIRECTIONMAP_MODELSPACE) { // myhalf3 lightnormal_modelspace = myhalf3(dp_texture2D(Texture_Deluxemap, TexCoordSurfaceLightmap.zw)) * 2.0 + myhalf3(-1.0, -1.0, -1.0);\n"; lightnormal_modelspace[0] = buffer_texture_deluxemapbgra8[x*4+2] * (1.0f / 128.0f) - 1.0f; lightnormal_modelspace[1] = buffer_texture_deluxemapbgra8[x*4+1] * (1.0f / 128.0f) - 1.0f; lightnormal_modelspace[2] = buffer_texture_deluxemapbgra8[x*4+0] * (1.0f / 128.0f) - 1.0f; // lightnormal.x = dot(lightnormal_modelspace, myhalf3(VectorS));\n" lightnormal[0] = lightnormal_modelspace[0] * (VectorSdata[0] + VectorSslope[0] * x) + lightnormal_modelspace[1] * (VectorSdata[1] + VectorSslope[1] * x) + lightnormal_modelspace[2] * (VectorSdata[2] + VectorSslope[2] * x); // lightnormal.y = dot(lightnormal_modelspace, myhalf3(VectorT));\n" lightnormal[1] = lightnormal_modelspace[0] * (VectorTdata[0] + VectorTslope[0] * x) + lightnormal_modelspace[1] * (VectorTdata[1] + VectorTslope[1] * x) + lightnormal_modelspace[2] * (VectorTdata[2] + VectorTslope[2] * x); // lightnormal.z = dot(lightnormal_modelspace, myhalf3(VectorR));\n" lightnormal[2] = lightnormal_modelspace[0] * (VectorRdata[0] + VectorRslope[0] * x) + lightnormal_modelspace[1] * (VectorRdata[1] + VectorRslope[1] * x) + lightnormal_modelspace[2] * (VectorRdata[2] + VectorRslope[2] * x); // lightnormal = normalize(lightnormal); // VectorS/T/R are not always perfectly normalized, and EXACTSPECULARMATH is very picky about this\n" DPSOFTRAST_Vector3Normalize(lightnormal); // myhalf3 lightcolor = myhalf3(dp_texture2D(Texture_Lightmap, TexCoordSurfaceLightmap.zw));\n"; { float f = 1.0f / (256.0f * max(0.25f, lightnormal[2])); LightColor[0] = buffer_texture_lightmapbgra8[x*4+0] * f; LightColor[1] = buffer_texture_lightmapbgra8[x*4+1] * f; LightColor[2] = buffer_texture_lightmapbgra8[x*4+2] * f; } } else if(thread->shader_mode == SHADERMODE_LIGHTDIRECTIONMAP_TANGENTSPACE) { lightnormal[0] = buffer_texture_deluxemapbgra8[x*4+2] * (1.0f / 128.0f) - 1.0f; lightnormal[1] = buffer_texture_deluxemapbgra8[x*4+1] * (1.0f / 128.0f) - 1.0f; lightnormal[2] = buffer_texture_deluxemapbgra8[x*4+0] * (1.0f / 128.0f) - 1.0f; { float f = 1.0f / 256.0f; LightColor[0] = buffer_texture_lightmapbgra8[x*4+0] * f; LightColor[1] = buffer_texture_lightmapbgra8[x*4+1] * f; LightColor[2] = buffer_texture_lightmapbgra8[x*4+2] * f; } } else if(thread->shader_mode == SHADERMODE_FAKELIGHT) { lightnormal[0] = (EyeVectordata[0] + EyeVectorslope[0]*x) * z; lightnormal[1] = (EyeVectordata[1] + EyeVectorslope[1]*x) * z; lightnormal[2] = (EyeVectordata[2] + EyeVectorslope[2]*x) * z; DPSOFTRAST_Vector3Normalize(lightnormal); LightColor[0] = 1.0; LightColor[1] = 1.0; LightColor[2] = 1.0; } else { lightnormal[0] = (LightVectordata[0] + LightVectorslope[0]*x) * z; lightnormal[1] = (LightVectordata[1] + LightVectorslope[1]*x) * z; lightnormal[2] = (LightVectordata[2] + LightVectorslope[2]*x) * z; DPSOFTRAST_Vector3Normalize(lightnormal); } diffuse = DPSOFTRAST_Vector3Dot(surfacenormal, lightnormal);if (diffuse < 0.0f) diffuse = 0.0f; if(thread->shader_exactspecularmath) { // reflect lightnormal at surfacenormal, take the negative of that // i.e. we want (2*dot(N, i) * N - I) for N=surfacenormal, I=lightnormal float f; f = DPSOFTRAST_Vector3Dot(lightnormal, surfacenormal); specularnormal[0] = 2*f*surfacenormal[0] - lightnormal[0]; specularnormal[1] = 2*f*surfacenormal[1] - lightnormal[1]; specularnormal[2] = 2*f*surfacenormal[2] - lightnormal[2]; // dot of this and normalize(EyeVectorFogDepth.xyz) eyenormal[0] = (EyeVectordata[0] + EyeVectorslope[0]*x) * z; eyenormal[1] = (EyeVectordata[1] + EyeVectorslope[1]*x) * z; eyenormal[2] = (EyeVectordata[2] + EyeVectorslope[2]*x) * z; DPSOFTRAST_Vector3Normalize(eyenormal); specular = DPSOFTRAST_Vector3Dot(eyenormal, specularnormal);if (specular < 0.0f) specular = 0.0f; } else { eyenormal[0] = (EyeVectordata[0] + EyeVectorslope[0]*x) * z; eyenormal[1] = (EyeVectordata[1] + EyeVectorslope[1]*x) * z; eyenormal[2] = (EyeVectordata[2] + EyeVectorslope[2]*x) * z; DPSOFTRAST_Vector3Normalize(eyenormal); specularnormal[0] = lightnormal[0] + eyenormal[0]; specularnormal[1] = lightnormal[1] + eyenormal[1]; specularnormal[2] = lightnormal[2] + eyenormal[2]; DPSOFTRAST_Vector3Normalize(specularnormal); specular = DPSOFTRAST_Vector3Dot(surfacenormal, specularnormal);if (specular < 0.0f) specular = 0.0f; } specular = pow(specular, SpecularPower * glosstex[3]); if (thread->shader_permutation & SHADERPERMUTATION_GLOW) { d[0] = (int)(buffer_texture_glowbgra8[x*4+0] * Color_Glow[0] + diffusetex[0] * Color_Ambient[0] + (diffusetex[0] * Color_Diffuse[0] * diffuse + glosstex[0] * Color_Specular[0] * specular) * LightColor[0]);if (d[0] > 255) d[0] = 255; d[1] = (int)(buffer_texture_glowbgra8[x*4+1] * Color_Glow[1] + diffusetex[1] * Color_Ambient[1] + (diffusetex[1] * Color_Diffuse[1] * diffuse + glosstex[1] * Color_Specular[1] * specular) * LightColor[1]);if (d[1] > 255) d[1] = 255; d[2] = (int)(buffer_texture_glowbgra8[x*4+2] * Color_Glow[2] + diffusetex[2] * Color_Ambient[2] + (diffusetex[2] * Color_Diffuse[2] * diffuse + glosstex[2] * Color_Specular[2] * specular) * LightColor[2]);if (d[2] > 255) d[2] = 255; d[3] = (int)( diffusetex[3] * Color_Ambient[3]);if (d[3] > 255) d[3] = 255; } else { d[0] = (int)( diffusetex[0] * Color_Ambient[0] + (diffusetex[0] * Color_Diffuse[0] * diffuse + glosstex[0] * Color_Specular[0] * specular) * LightColor[0]);if (d[0] > 255) d[0] = 255; d[1] = (int)( diffusetex[1] * Color_Ambient[1] + (diffusetex[1] * Color_Diffuse[1] * diffuse + glosstex[1] * Color_Specular[1] * specular) * LightColor[1]);if (d[1] > 255) d[1] = 255; d[2] = (int)( diffusetex[2] * Color_Ambient[2] + (diffusetex[2] * Color_Diffuse[2] * diffuse + glosstex[2] * Color_Specular[2] * specular) * LightColor[2]);if (d[2] > 255) d[2] = 255; d[3] = (int)( diffusetex[3] * Color_Ambient[3]);if (d[3] > 255) d[3] = 255; } buffer_FragColorbgra8[x*4+0] = d[0]; buffer_FragColorbgra8[x*4+1] = d[1]; buffer_FragColorbgra8[x*4+2] = d[2]; buffer_FragColorbgra8[x*4+3] = d[3]; } } else if (thread->shader_permutation & SHADERPERMUTATION_DIFFUSE) { Color_Diffuse[2] = thread->uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_Color_Diffuse*4+0]; Color_Diffuse[1] = thread->uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_Color_Diffuse*4+1]; Color_Diffuse[0] = thread->uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_Color_Diffuse*4+2]; Color_Diffuse[3] = 0.0f; LightColor[2] = thread->uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_LightColor*4+0]; LightColor[1] = thread->uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_LightColor*4+1]; LightColor[0] = thread->uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_LightColor*4+2]; LightColor[3] = 0.0f; DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_Texture2DVaryingBGRA8(thread, triangle, span, buffer_texture_normalbgra8, GL20TU_NORMAL, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD0, buffer_z); if(thread->shader_mode == SHADERMODE_LIGHTDIRECTIONMAP_MODELSPACE) { DPSOFTRAST_CALCATTRIB4F(triangle, span, VectorSdata, VectorSslope, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD1); DPSOFTRAST_CALCATTRIB4F(triangle, span, VectorTdata, VectorTslope, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD2); DPSOFTRAST_CALCATTRIB4F(triangle, span, VectorRdata, VectorRslope, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD3); DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_Texture2DVaryingBGRA8(thread, triangle, span, buffer_texture_lightmapbgra8, GL20TU_LIGHTMAP, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD4, buffer_z); DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_Texture2DVaryingBGRA8(thread, triangle, span, buffer_texture_deluxemapbgra8, GL20TU_DELUXEMAP, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD4, buffer_z); } else if(thread->shader_mode == SHADERMODE_LIGHTDIRECTIONMAP_TANGENTSPACE) { DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_Texture2DVaryingBGRA8(thread, triangle, span, buffer_texture_lightmapbgra8, GL20TU_LIGHTMAP, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD4, buffer_z); DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_Texture2DVaryingBGRA8(thread, triangle, span, buffer_texture_deluxemapbgra8, GL20TU_DELUXEMAP, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD4, buffer_z); } else if(thread->shader_mode == SHADERMODE_FAKELIGHT) { DPSOFTRAST_CALCATTRIB4F(triangle, span, EyeVectordata, EyeVectorslope, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD6); } else { DPSOFTRAST_CALCATTRIB4F(triangle, span, LightVectordata, LightVectorslope, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD5); } for (x = startx;x < endx;x++) { z = buffer_z[x]; diffusetex[0] = buffer_texture_colorbgra8[x*4+0]; diffusetex[1] = buffer_texture_colorbgra8[x*4+1]; diffusetex[2] = buffer_texture_colorbgra8[x*4+2]; diffusetex[3] = buffer_texture_colorbgra8[x*4+3]; surfacenormal[0] = buffer_texture_normalbgra8[x*4+2] * (1.0f / 128.0f) - 1.0f; surfacenormal[1] = buffer_texture_normalbgra8[x*4+1] * (1.0f / 128.0f) - 1.0f; surfacenormal[2] = buffer_texture_normalbgra8[x*4+0] * (1.0f / 128.0f) - 1.0f; DPSOFTRAST_Vector3Normalize(surfacenormal); if(thread->shader_mode == SHADERMODE_LIGHTDIRECTIONMAP_MODELSPACE) { // myhalf3 lightnormal_modelspace = myhalf3(dp_texture2D(Texture_Deluxemap, TexCoordSurfaceLightmap.zw)) * 2.0 + myhalf3(-1.0, -1.0, -1.0);\n"; lightnormal_modelspace[0] = buffer_texture_deluxemapbgra8[x*4+2] * (1.0f / 128.0f) - 1.0f; lightnormal_modelspace[1] = buffer_texture_deluxemapbgra8[x*4+1] * (1.0f / 128.0f) - 1.0f; lightnormal_modelspace[2] = buffer_texture_deluxemapbgra8[x*4+0] * (1.0f / 128.0f) - 1.0f; // lightnormal.x = dot(lightnormal_modelspace, myhalf3(VectorS));\n" lightnormal[0] = lightnormal_modelspace[0] * (VectorSdata[0] + VectorSslope[0] * x) + lightnormal_modelspace[1] * (VectorSdata[1] + VectorSslope[1] * x) + lightnormal_modelspace[2] * (VectorSdata[2] + VectorSslope[2] * x); // lightnormal.y = dot(lightnormal_modelspace, myhalf3(VectorT));\n" lightnormal[1] = lightnormal_modelspace[0] * (VectorTdata[0] + VectorTslope[0] * x) + lightnormal_modelspace[1] * (VectorTdata[1] + VectorTslope[1] * x) + lightnormal_modelspace[2] * (VectorTdata[2] + VectorTslope[2] * x); // lightnormal.z = dot(lightnormal_modelspace, myhalf3(VectorR));\n" lightnormal[2] = lightnormal_modelspace[0] * (VectorRdata[0] + VectorRslope[0] * x) + lightnormal_modelspace[1] * (VectorRdata[1] + VectorRslope[1] * x) + lightnormal_modelspace[2] * (VectorRdata[2] + VectorRslope[2] * x); // lightnormal = normalize(lightnormal); // VectorS/T/R are not always perfectly normalized, and EXACTSPECULARMATH is very picky about this\n" DPSOFTRAST_Vector3Normalize(lightnormal); // myhalf3 lightcolor = myhalf3(dp_texture2D(Texture_Lightmap, TexCoordSurfaceLightmap.zw));\n"; { float f = 1.0f / (256.0f * max(0.25f, lightnormal[2])); LightColor[0] = buffer_texture_lightmapbgra8[x*4+0] * f; LightColor[1] = buffer_texture_lightmapbgra8[x*4+1] * f; LightColor[2] = buffer_texture_lightmapbgra8[x*4+2] * f; } } else if(thread->shader_mode == SHADERMODE_LIGHTDIRECTIONMAP_TANGENTSPACE) { lightnormal[0] = buffer_texture_deluxemapbgra8[x*4+2] * (1.0f / 128.0f) - 1.0f; lightnormal[1] = buffer_texture_deluxemapbgra8[x*4+1] * (1.0f / 128.0f) - 1.0f; lightnormal[2] = buffer_texture_deluxemapbgra8[x*4+0] * (1.0f / 128.0f) - 1.0f; { float f = 1.0f / 256.0f; LightColor[0] = buffer_texture_lightmapbgra8[x*4+0] * f; LightColor[1] = buffer_texture_lightmapbgra8[x*4+1] * f; LightColor[2] = buffer_texture_lightmapbgra8[x*4+2] * f; } } else if(thread->shader_mode == SHADERMODE_FAKELIGHT) { lightnormal[0] = (EyeVectordata[0] + EyeVectorslope[0]*x) * z; lightnormal[1] = (EyeVectordata[1] + EyeVectorslope[1]*x) * z; lightnormal[2] = (EyeVectordata[2] + EyeVectorslope[2]*x) * z; DPSOFTRAST_Vector3Normalize(lightnormal); LightColor[0] = 1.0; LightColor[1] = 1.0; LightColor[2] = 1.0; } else { lightnormal[0] = (LightVectordata[0] + LightVectorslope[0]*x) * z; lightnormal[1] = (LightVectordata[1] + LightVectorslope[1]*x) * z; lightnormal[2] = (LightVectordata[2] + LightVectorslope[2]*x) * z; DPSOFTRAST_Vector3Normalize(lightnormal); } diffuse = DPSOFTRAST_Vector3Dot(surfacenormal, lightnormal);if (diffuse < 0.0f) diffuse = 0.0f; if (thread->shader_permutation & SHADERPERMUTATION_GLOW) { d[0] = (int)(buffer_texture_glowbgra8[x*4+0] * Color_Glow[0] + diffusetex[0] * (Color_Ambient[0] + Color_Diffuse[0] * diffuse * LightColor[0]));if (d[0] > 255) d[0] = 255; d[1] = (int)(buffer_texture_glowbgra8[x*4+1] * Color_Glow[1] + diffusetex[1] * (Color_Ambient[1] + Color_Diffuse[1] * diffuse * LightColor[1]));if (d[1] > 255) d[1] = 255; d[2] = (int)(buffer_texture_glowbgra8[x*4+2] * Color_Glow[2] + diffusetex[2] * (Color_Ambient[2] + Color_Diffuse[2] * diffuse * LightColor[2]));if (d[2] > 255) d[2] = 255; d[3] = (int)( diffusetex[3] * (Color_Ambient[3] ));if (d[3] > 255) d[3] = 255; } else { d[0] = (int)( + diffusetex[0] * (Color_Ambient[0] + Color_Diffuse[0] * diffuse * LightColor[0]));if (d[0] > 255) d[0] = 255; d[1] = (int)( + diffusetex[1] * (Color_Ambient[1] + Color_Diffuse[1] * diffuse * LightColor[1]));if (d[1] > 255) d[1] = 255; d[2] = (int)( + diffusetex[2] * (Color_Ambient[2] + Color_Diffuse[2] * diffuse * LightColor[2]));if (d[2] > 255) d[2] = 255; d[3] = (int)( diffusetex[3] * (Color_Ambient[3] ));if (d[3] > 255) d[3] = 255; } buffer_FragColorbgra8[x*4+0] = d[0]; buffer_FragColorbgra8[x*4+1] = d[1]; buffer_FragColorbgra8[x*4+2] = d[2]; buffer_FragColorbgra8[x*4+3] = d[3]; } } else { for (x = startx;x < endx;x++) { z = buffer_z[x]; diffusetex[0] = buffer_texture_colorbgra8[x*4+0]; diffusetex[1] = buffer_texture_colorbgra8[x*4+1]; diffusetex[2] = buffer_texture_colorbgra8[x*4+2]; diffusetex[3] = buffer_texture_colorbgra8[x*4+3]; if (thread->shader_permutation & SHADERPERMUTATION_GLOW) { d[0] = (int)(buffer_texture_glowbgra8[x*4+0] * Color_Glow[0] + diffusetex[0] * Color_Ambient[0]);if (d[0] > 255) d[0] = 255; d[1] = (int)(buffer_texture_glowbgra8[x*4+1] * Color_Glow[1] + diffusetex[1] * Color_Ambient[1]);if (d[1] > 255) d[1] = 255; d[2] = (int)(buffer_texture_glowbgra8[x*4+2] * Color_Glow[2] + diffusetex[2] * Color_Ambient[2]);if (d[2] > 255) d[2] = 255; d[3] = (int)( diffusetex[3] * Color_Ambient[3]);if (d[3] > 255) d[3] = 255; } else { d[0] = (int)( diffusetex[0] * Color_Ambient[0]);if (d[0] > 255) d[0] = 255; d[1] = (int)( diffusetex[1] * Color_Ambient[1]);if (d[1] > 255) d[1] = 255; d[2] = (int)( diffusetex[2] * Color_Ambient[2]);if (d[2] > 255) d[2] = 255; d[3] = (int)( diffusetex[3] * Color_Ambient[3]);if (d[3] > 255) d[3] = 255; } buffer_FragColorbgra8[x*4+0] = d[0]; buffer_FragColorbgra8[x*4+1] = d[1]; buffer_FragColorbgra8[x*4+2] = d[2]; buffer_FragColorbgra8[x*4+3] = d[3]; } } DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_FinishBGRA8(thread, triangle, span, buffer_FragColorbgra8); } void DPSOFTRAST_VertexShader_LightSource(void) { int i; int numvertices = dpsoftrast.numvertices; float LightPosition[4]; float LightVector[4]; float LightVectorModelSpace[4]; float EyePosition[4]; float EyeVectorModelSpace[4]; float EyeVector[4]; float position[4]; float svector[4]; float tvector[4]; float normal[4]; LightPosition[0] = dpsoftrast.uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_LightPosition*4+0]; LightPosition[1] = dpsoftrast.uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_LightPosition*4+1]; LightPosition[2] = dpsoftrast.uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_LightPosition*4+2]; LightPosition[3] = dpsoftrast.uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_LightPosition*4+3]; EyePosition[0] = dpsoftrast.uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_EyePosition*4+0]; EyePosition[1] = dpsoftrast.uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_EyePosition*4+1]; EyePosition[2] = dpsoftrast.uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_EyePosition*4+2]; EyePosition[3] = dpsoftrast.uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_EyePosition*4+3]; DPSOFTRAST_Array_Load(DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION); DPSOFTRAST_Array_Transform(DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD0, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD0, dpsoftrast.uniform4f + 4*DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_TexMatrixM1); DPSOFTRAST_Array_Load(DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD1, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD1); DPSOFTRAST_Array_Load(DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD2, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD2); DPSOFTRAST_Array_Load(DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD3, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD3); DPSOFTRAST_Array_Load(DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD4, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD4); for (i = 0;i < numvertices;i++) { position[0] = dpsoftrast.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION][i*4+0]; position[1] = dpsoftrast.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION][i*4+1]; position[2] = dpsoftrast.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION][i*4+2]; svector[0] = dpsoftrast.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD1][i*4+0]; svector[1] = dpsoftrast.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD1][i*4+1]; svector[2] = dpsoftrast.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD1][i*4+2]; tvector[0] = dpsoftrast.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD2][i*4+0]; tvector[1] = dpsoftrast.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD2][i*4+1]; tvector[2] = dpsoftrast.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD2][i*4+2]; normal[0] = dpsoftrast.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD3][i*4+0]; normal[1] = dpsoftrast.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD3][i*4+1]; normal[2] = dpsoftrast.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD3][i*4+2]; LightVectorModelSpace[0] = LightPosition[0] - position[0]; LightVectorModelSpace[1] = LightPosition[1] - position[1]; LightVectorModelSpace[2] = LightPosition[2] - position[2]; LightVector[0] = svector[0] * LightVectorModelSpace[0] + svector[1] * LightVectorModelSpace[1] + svector[2] * LightVectorModelSpace[2]; LightVector[1] = tvector[0] * LightVectorModelSpace[0] + tvector[1] * LightVectorModelSpace[1] + tvector[2] * LightVectorModelSpace[2]; LightVector[2] = normal[0] * LightVectorModelSpace[0] + normal[1] * LightVectorModelSpace[1] + normal[2] * LightVectorModelSpace[2]; dpsoftrast.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD1][i*4+0] = LightVector[0]; dpsoftrast.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD1][i*4+1] = LightVector[1]; dpsoftrast.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD1][i*4+2] = LightVector[2]; dpsoftrast.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD1][i*4+3] = 0.0f; EyeVectorModelSpace[0] = EyePosition[0] - position[0]; EyeVectorModelSpace[1] = EyePosition[1] - position[1]; EyeVectorModelSpace[2] = EyePosition[2] - position[2]; EyeVector[0] = svector[0] * EyeVectorModelSpace[0] + svector[1] * EyeVectorModelSpace[1] + svector[2] * EyeVectorModelSpace[2]; EyeVector[1] = tvector[0] * EyeVectorModelSpace[0] + tvector[1] * EyeVectorModelSpace[1] + tvector[2] * EyeVectorModelSpace[2]; EyeVector[2] = normal[0] * EyeVectorModelSpace[0] + normal[1] * EyeVectorModelSpace[1] + normal[2] * EyeVectorModelSpace[2]; dpsoftrast.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD2][i*4+0] = EyeVector[0]; dpsoftrast.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD2][i*4+1] = EyeVector[1]; dpsoftrast.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD2][i*4+2] = EyeVector[2]; dpsoftrast.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD2][i*4+3] = 0.0f; } DPSOFTRAST_Array_TransformProject(DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION, -1, dpsoftrast.uniform4f + 4*DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_ModelViewProjectionMatrixM1); DPSOFTRAST_Array_Transform(DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD3, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION, dpsoftrast.uniform4f + 4*DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_ModelToLightM1); } void DPSOFTRAST_PixelShader_LightSource(DPSOFTRAST_State_Thread *thread, const DPSOFTRAST_State_Triangle * RESTRICT triangle, const DPSOFTRAST_State_Span * RESTRICT span) { #ifdef SSE_POSSIBLE float buffer_z[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH]; unsigned char buffer_texture_colorbgra8[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH*4]; unsigned char buffer_texture_normalbgra8[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH*4]; unsigned char buffer_texture_glossbgra8[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH*4]; unsigned char buffer_texture_cubebgra8[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH*4]; unsigned char buffer_texture_pantsbgra8[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH*4]; unsigned char buffer_texture_shirtbgra8[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH*4]; unsigned char buffer_FragColorbgra8[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH*4]; int x, startx = span->startx, endx = span->endx; float Color_Ambient[4], Color_Diffuse[4], Color_Specular[4], Color_Glow[4], Color_Pants[4], Color_Shirt[4], LightColor[4]; float CubeVectordata[4]; float CubeVectorslope[4]; float LightVectordata[4]; float LightVectorslope[4]; float EyeVectordata[4]; float EyeVectorslope[4]; float z; float diffusetex[4]; float glosstex[4]; float surfacenormal[4]; float lightnormal[4]; float eyenormal[4]; float specularnormal[4]; float diffuse; float specular; float SpecularPower; float CubeVector[4]; float attenuation; int d[4]; Color_Glow[2] = thread->uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_Color_Glow*4+0]; Color_Glow[1] = thread->uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_Color_Glow*4+1]; Color_Glow[0] = thread->uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_Color_Glow*4+2]; Color_Glow[3] = 0.0f; Color_Ambient[2] = thread->uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_Color_Ambient*4+0]; Color_Ambient[1] = thread->uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_Color_Ambient*4+1]; Color_Ambient[0] = thread->uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_Color_Ambient*4+2]; Color_Ambient[3] = thread->uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_Alpha*4+0]; Color_Diffuse[2] = thread->uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_Color_Diffuse*4+0]; Color_Diffuse[1] = thread->uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_Color_Diffuse*4+1]; Color_Diffuse[0] = thread->uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_Color_Diffuse*4+2]; Color_Diffuse[3] = 0.0f; Color_Specular[2] = thread->uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_Color_Specular*4+0]; Color_Specular[1] = thread->uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_Color_Specular*4+1]; Color_Specular[0] = thread->uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_Color_Specular*4+2]; Color_Specular[3] = 0.0f; Color_Pants[2] = thread->uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_Color_Pants*4+0]; Color_Pants[1] = thread->uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_Color_Pants*4+1]; Color_Pants[0] = thread->uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_Color_Pants*4+2]; Color_Pants[3] = 0.0f; Color_Shirt[2] = thread->uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_Color_Shirt*4+0]; Color_Shirt[1] = thread->uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_Color_Shirt*4+1]; Color_Shirt[0] = thread->uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_Color_Shirt*4+2]; Color_Shirt[3] = 0.0f; LightColor[2] = thread->uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_LightColor*4+0]; LightColor[1] = thread->uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_LightColor*4+1]; LightColor[0] = thread->uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_LightColor*4+2]; LightColor[3] = 0.0f; SpecularPower = thread->uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_SpecularPower*4+0] * (1.0f / 255.0f); DPSOFTRAST_CALCATTRIB4F(triangle, span, LightVectordata, LightVectorslope, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD1); DPSOFTRAST_CALCATTRIB4F(triangle, span, EyeVectordata, EyeVectorslope, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD2); DPSOFTRAST_CALCATTRIB4F(triangle, span, CubeVectordata, CubeVectorslope, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD3); DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_Begin(thread, triangle, span, buffer_z); memset(buffer_FragColorbgra8 + startx*4, 0, (endx-startx)*4); // clear first, because we skip writing black pixels, and there are a LOT of them... DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_Texture2DVaryingBGRA8(thread, triangle, span, buffer_texture_colorbgra8, GL20TU_COLOR, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD0, buffer_z); if (thread->shader_permutation & SHADERPERMUTATION_COLORMAPPING) { DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_Texture2DVaryingBGRA8(thread, triangle, span, buffer_texture_pantsbgra8, GL20TU_PANTS, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD0, buffer_z); DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_Texture2DVaryingBGRA8(thread, triangle, span, buffer_texture_shirtbgra8, GL20TU_SHIRT, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD0, buffer_z); } if (thread->shader_permutation & SHADERPERMUTATION_CUBEFILTER) DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_TextureCubeVaryingBGRA8(triangle, span, buffer_texture_cubebgra8, GL20TU_CUBE, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD3, buffer_z); if (thread->shader_permutation & SHADERPERMUTATION_SPECULAR) { DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_Texture2DVaryingBGRA8(thread, triangle, span, buffer_texture_normalbgra8, GL20TU_NORMAL, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD0, buffer_z); DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_Texture2DVaryingBGRA8(thread, triangle, span, buffer_texture_glossbgra8, GL20TU_GLOSS, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD0, buffer_z); for (x = startx;x < endx;x++) { z = buffer_z[x]; CubeVector[0] = (CubeVectordata[0] + CubeVectorslope[0]*x) * z; CubeVector[1] = (CubeVectordata[1] + CubeVectorslope[1]*x) * z; CubeVector[2] = (CubeVectordata[2] + CubeVectorslope[2]*x) * z; attenuation = 1.0f - DPSOFTRAST_Vector3LengthSquared(CubeVector); if (attenuation < 0.01f) continue; if (thread->shader_permutation & SHADERPERMUTATION_SHADOWMAP2D) { attenuation *= DPSOFTRAST_SampleShadowmap(CubeVector); if (attenuation < 0.01f) continue; } diffusetex[0] = buffer_texture_colorbgra8[x*4+0]; diffusetex[1] = buffer_texture_colorbgra8[x*4+1]; diffusetex[2] = buffer_texture_colorbgra8[x*4+2]; diffusetex[3] = buffer_texture_colorbgra8[x*4+3]; if (thread->shader_permutation & SHADERPERMUTATION_COLORMAPPING) { diffusetex[0] += buffer_texture_pantsbgra8[x*4+0] * Color_Pants[0] + buffer_texture_shirtbgra8[x*4+0] * Color_Shirt[0]; diffusetex[1] += buffer_texture_pantsbgra8[x*4+1] * Color_Pants[1] + buffer_texture_shirtbgra8[x*4+1] * Color_Shirt[1]; diffusetex[2] += buffer_texture_pantsbgra8[x*4+2] * Color_Pants[2] + buffer_texture_shirtbgra8[x*4+2] * Color_Shirt[2]; diffusetex[3] += buffer_texture_pantsbgra8[x*4+3] * Color_Pants[3] + buffer_texture_shirtbgra8[x*4+3] * Color_Shirt[3]; } glosstex[0] = buffer_texture_glossbgra8[x*4+0]; glosstex[1] = buffer_texture_glossbgra8[x*4+1]; glosstex[2] = buffer_texture_glossbgra8[x*4+2]; glosstex[3] = buffer_texture_glossbgra8[x*4+3]; surfacenormal[0] = buffer_texture_normalbgra8[x*4+2] * (1.0f / 128.0f) - 1.0f; surfacenormal[1] = buffer_texture_normalbgra8[x*4+1] * (1.0f / 128.0f) - 1.0f; surfacenormal[2] = buffer_texture_normalbgra8[x*4+0] * (1.0f / 128.0f) - 1.0f; DPSOFTRAST_Vector3Normalize(surfacenormal); lightnormal[0] = (LightVectordata[0] + LightVectorslope[0]*x) * z; lightnormal[1] = (LightVectordata[1] + LightVectorslope[1]*x) * z; lightnormal[2] = (LightVectordata[2] + LightVectorslope[2]*x) * z; DPSOFTRAST_Vector3Normalize(lightnormal); diffuse = DPSOFTRAST_Vector3Dot(surfacenormal, lightnormal);if (diffuse < 0.0f) diffuse = 0.0f; if(thread->shader_exactspecularmath) { // reflect lightnormal at surfacenormal, take the negative of that // i.e. we want (2*dot(N, i) * N - I) for N=surfacenormal, I=lightnormal float f; f = DPSOFTRAST_Vector3Dot(lightnormal, surfacenormal); specularnormal[0] = 2*f*surfacenormal[0] - lightnormal[0]; specularnormal[1] = 2*f*surfacenormal[1] - lightnormal[1]; specularnormal[2] = 2*f*surfacenormal[2] - lightnormal[2]; // dot of this and normalize(EyeVectorFogDepth.xyz) eyenormal[0] = (EyeVectordata[0] + EyeVectorslope[0]*x) * z; eyenormal[1] = (EyeVectordata[1] + EyeVectorslope[1]*x) * z; eyenormal[2] = (EyeVectordata[2] + EyeVectorslope[2]*x) * z; DPSOFTRAST_Vector3Normalize(eyenormal); specular = DPSOFTRAST_Vector3Dot(eyenormal, specularnormal);if (specular < 0.0f) specular = 0.0f; } else { eyenormal[0] = (EyeVectordata[0] + EyeVectorslope[0]*x) * z; eyenormal[1] = (EyeVectordata[1] + EyeVectorslope[1]*x) * z; eyenormal[2] = (EyeVectordata[2] + EyeVectorslope[2]*x) * z; DPSOFTRAST_Vector3Normalize(eyenormal); specularnormal[0] = lightnormal[0] + eyenormal[0]; specularnormal[1] = lightnormal[1] + eyenormal[1]; specularnormal[2] = lightnormal[2] + eyenormal[2]; DPSOFTRAST_Vector3Normalize(specularnormal); specular = DPSOFTRAST_Vector3Dot(surfacenormal, specularnormal);if (specular < 0.0f) specular = 0.0f; } specular = pow(specular, SpecularPower * glosstex[3]); if (thread->shader_permutation & SHADERPERMUTATION_CUBEFILTER) { // scale down the attenuation to account for the cubefilter multiplying everything by 255 attenuation *= (1.0f / 255.0f); d[0] = (int)((diffusetex[0] * (Color_Ambient[0] + Color_Diffuse[0] * diffuse) + glosstex[0] * Color_Specular[0] * specular) * LightColor[0] * buffer_texture_cubebgra8[x*4+0] * attenuation);if (d[0] > 255) d[0] = 255; d[1] = (int)((diffusetex[1] * (Color_Ambient[1] + Color_Diffuse[1] * diffuse) + glosstex[1] * Color_Specular[1] * specular) * LightColor[1] * buffer_texture_cubebgra8[x*4+1] * attenuation);if (d[1] > 255) d[1] = 255; d[2] = (int)((diffusetex[2] * (Color_Ambient[2] + Color_Diffuse[2] * diffuse) + glosstex[2] * Color_Specular[2] * specular) * LightColor[2] * buffer_texture_cubebgra8[x*4+2] * attenuation);if (d[2] > 255) d[2] = 255; d[3] = (int)( diffusetex[3] );if (d[3] > 255) d[3] = 255; } else { d[0] = (int)((diffusetex[0] * (Color_Ambient[0] + Color_Diffuse[0] * diffuse) + glosstex[0] * Color_Specular[0] * specular) * LightColor[0] * attenuation);if (d[0] > 255) d[0] = 255; d[1] = (int)((diffusetex[1] * (Color_Ambient[1] + Color_Diffuse[1] * diffuse) + glosstex[1] * Color_Specular[1] * specular) * LightColor[1] * attenuation);if (d[1] > 255) d[1] = 255; d[2] = (int)((diffusetex[2] * (Color_Ambient[2] + Color_Diffuse[2] * diffuse) + glosstex[2] * Color_Specular[2] * specular) * LightColor[2] * attenuation);if (d[2] > 255) d[2] = 255; d[3] = (int)( diffusetex[3] );if (d[3] > 255) d[3] = 255; } buffer_FragColorbgra8[x*4+0] = d[0]; buffer_FragColorbgra8[x*4+1] = d[1]; buffer_FragColorbgra8[x*4+2] = d[2]; buffer_FragColorbgra8[x*4+3] = d[3]; } } else if (thread->shader_permutation & SHADERPERMUTATION_DIFFUSE) { DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_Texture2DVaryingBGRA8(thread, triangle, span, buffer_texture_normalbgra8, GL20TU_NORMAL, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD0, buffer_z); for (x = startx;x < endx;x++) { z = buffer_z[x]; CubeVector[0] = (CubeVectordata[0] + CubeVectorslope[0]*x) * z; CubeVector[1] = (CubeVectordata[1] + CubeVectorslope[1]*x) * z; CubeVector[2] = (CubeVectordata[2] + CubeVectorslope[2]*x) * z; attenuation = 1.0f - DPSOFTRAST_Vector3LengthSquared(CubeVector); if (attenuation < 0.01f) continue; if (thread->shader_permutation & SHADERPERMUTATION_SHADOWMAP2D) { attenuation *= DPSOFTRAST_SampleShadowmap(CubeVector); if (attenuation < 0.01f) continue; } diffusetex[0] = buffer_texture_colorbgra8[x*4+0]; diffusetex[1] = buffer_texture_colorbgra8[x*4+1]; diffusetex[2] = buffer_texture_colorbgra8[x*4+2]; diffusetex[3] = buffer_texture_colorbgra8[x*4+3]; if (thread->shader_permutation & SHADERPERMUTATION_COLORMAPPING) { diffusetex[0] += buffer_texture_pantsbgra8[x*4+0] * Color_Pants[0] + buffer_texture_shirtbgra8[x*4+0] * Color_Shirt[0]; diffusetex[1] += buffer_texture_pantsbgra8[x*4+1] * Color_Pants[1] + buffer_texture_shirtbgra8[x*4+1] * Color_Shirt[1]; diffusetex[2] += buffer_texture_pantsbgra8[x*4+2] * Color_Pants[2] + buffer_texture_shirtbgra8[x*4+2] * Color_Shirt[2]; diffusetex[3] += buffer_texture_pantsbgra8[x*4+3] * Color_Pants[3] + buffer_texture_shirtbgra8[x*4+3] * Color_Shirt[3]; } surfacenormal[0] = buffer_texture_normalbgra8[x*4+2] * (1.0f / 128.0f) - 1.0f; surfacenormal[1] = buffer_texture_normalbgra8[x*4+1] * (1.0f / 128.0f) - 1.0f; surfacenormal[2] = buffer_texture_normalbgra8[x*4+0] * (1.0f / 128.0f) - 1.0f; DPSOFTRAST_Vector3Normalize(surfacenormal); lightnormal[0] = (LightVectordata[0] + LightVectorslope[0]*x) * z; lightnormal[1] = (LightVectordata[1] + LightVectorslope[1]*x) * z; lightnormal[2] = (LightVectordata[2] + LightVectorslope[2]*x) * z; DPSOFTRAST_Vector3Normalize(lightnormal); diffuse = DPSOFTRAST_Vector3Dot(surfacenormal, lightnormal);if (diffuse < 0.0f) diffuse = 0.0f; if (thread->shader_permutation & SHADERPERMUTATION_CUBEFILTER) { // scale down the attenuation to account for the cubefilter multiplying everything by 255 attenuation *= (1.0f / 255.0f); d[0] = (int)((diffusetex[0] * (Color_Ambient[0] + Color_Diffuse[0] * diffuse)) * LightColor[0] * buffer_texture_cubebgra8[x*4+0] * attenuation);if (d[0] > 255) d[0] = 255; d[1] = (int)((diffusetex[1] * (Color_Ambient[1] + Color_Diffuse[1] * diffuse)) * LightColor[1] * buffer_texture_cubebgra8[x*4+1] * attenuation);if (d[1] > 255) d[1] = 255; d[2] = (int)((diffusetex[2] * (Color_Ambient[2] + Color_Diffuse[2] * diffuse)) * LightColor[2] * buffer_texture_cubebgra8[x*4+2] * attenuation);if (d[2] > 255) d[2] = 255; d[3] = (int)( diffusetex[3] );if (d[3] > 255) d[3] = 255; } else { d[0] = (int)((diffusetex[0] * (Color_Ambient[0] + Color_Diffuse[0] * diffuse)) * LightColor[0] * attenuation);if (d[0] > 255) d[0] = 255; d[1] = (int)((diffusetex[1] * (Color_Ambient[1] + Color_Diffuse[1] * diffuse)) * LightColor[1] * attenuation);if (d[1] > 255) d[1] = 255; d[2] = (int)((diffusetex[2] * (Color_Ambient[2] + Color_Diffuse[2] * diffuse)) * LightColor[2] * attenuation);if (d[2] > 255) d[2] = 255; d[3] = (int)( diffusetex[3] );if (d[3] > 255) d[3] = 255; } buffer_FragColorbgra8[x*4+0] = d[0]; buffer_FragColorbgra8[x*4+1] = d[1]; buffer_FragColorbgra8[x*4+2] = d[2]; buffer_FragColorbgra8[x*4+3] = d[3]; } } else { for (x = startx;x < endx;x++) { z = buffer_z[x]; CubeVector[0] = (CubeVectordata[0] + CubeVectorslope[0]*x) * z; CubeVector[1] = (CubeVectordata[1] + CubeVectorslope[1]*x) * z; CubeVector[2] = (CubeVectordata[2] + CubeVectorslope[2]*x) * z; attenuation = 1.0f - DPSOFTRAST_Vector3LengthSquared(CubeVector); if (attenuation < 0.01f) continue; if (thread->shader_permutation & SHADERPERMUTATION_SHADOWMAP2D) { attenuation *= DPSOFTRAST_SampleShadowmap(CubeVector); if (attenuation < 0.01f) continue; } diffusetex[0] = buffer_texture_colorbgra8[x*4+0]; diffusetex[1] = buffer_texture_colorbgra8[x*4+1]; diffusetex[2] = buffer_texture_colorbgra8[x*4+2]; diffusetex[3] = buffer_texture_colorbgra8[x*4+3]; if (thread->shader_permutation & SHADERPERMUTATION_COLORMAPPING) { diffusetex[0] += buffer_texture_pantsbgra8[x*4+0] * Color_Pants[0] + buffer_texture_shirtbgra8[x*4+0] * Color_Shirt[0]; diffusetex[1] += buffer_texture_pantsbgra8[x*4+1] * Color_Pants[1] + buffer_texture_shirtbgra8[x*4+1] * Color_Shirt[1]; diffusetex[2] += buffer_texture_pantsbgra8[x*4+2] * Color_Pants[2] + buffer_texture_shirtbgra8[x*4+2] * Color_Shirt[2]; diffusetex[3] += buffer_texture_pantsbgra8[x*4+3] * Color_Pants[3] + buffer_texture_shirtbgra8[x*4+3] * Color_Shirt[3]; } if (thread->shader_permutation & SHADERPERMUTATION_CUBEFILTER) { // scale down the attenuation to account for the cubefilter multiplying everything by 255 attenuation *= (1.0f / 255.0f); d[0] = (int)((diffusetex[0] * (Color_Ambient[0])) * LightColor[0] * buffer_texture_cubebgra8[x*4+0] * attenuation);if (d[0] > 255) d[0] = 255; d[1] = (int)((diffusetex[1] * (Color_Ambient[1])) * LightColor[1] * buffer_texture_cubebgra8[x*4+1] * attenuation);if (d[1] > 255) d[1] = 255; d[2] = (int)((diffusetex[2] * (Color_Ambient[2])) * LightColor[2] * buffer_texture_cubebgra8[x*4+2] * attenuation);if (d[2] > 255) d[2] = 255; d[3] = (int)( diffusetex[3] );if (d[3] > 255) d[3] = 255; } else { d[0] = (int)((diffusetex[0] * (Color_Ambient[0])) * LightColor[0] * attenuation);if (d[0] > 255) d[0] = 255; d[1] = (int)((diffusetex[1] * (Color_Ambient[1])) * LightColor[1] * attenuation);if (d[1] > 255) d[1] = 255; d[2] = (int)((diffusetex[2] * (Color_Ambient[2])) * LightColor[2] * attenuation);if (d[2] > 255) d[2] = 255; d[3] = (int)( diffusetex[3] );if (d[3] > 255) d[3] = 255; } buffer_FragColorbgra8[x*4+0] = d[0]; buffer_FragColorbgra8[x*4+1] = d[1]; buffer_FragColorbgra8[x*4+2] = d[2]; buffer_FragColorbgra8[x*4+3] = d[3]; } } DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_FinishBGRA8(thread, triangle, span, buffer_FragColorbgra8); #endif } void DPSOFTRAST_VertexShader_Refraction(void) { DPSOFTRAST_Array_Transform(DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD1, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION, dpsoftrast.uniform4f + 4*DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_ModelViewProjectionMatrixM1); DPSOFTRAST_Array_Transform(DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD0, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD0, dpsoftrast.uniform4f + 4*DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_TexMatrixM1); DPSOFTRAST_Array_TransformProject(DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION, dpsoftrast.uniform4f + 4*DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_ModelViewProjectionMatrixM1); } void DPSOFTRAST_PixelShader_Refraction(DPSOFTRAST_State_Thread *thread, const DPSOFTRAST_State_Triangle * RESTRICT triangle, const DPSOFTRAST_State_Span * RESTRICT span) { // DIRTY TRICK: only do sideways displacement. Not correct, but cheaper and thus better for SW. float buffer_z[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH]; float z; int x, startx = span->startx, endx = span->endx; // texture reads unsigned char buffer_texture_normalbgra8[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH*4]; unsigned char buffer_FragColorbgra8[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH*4]; // varyings float ModelViewProjectionPositiondata[4]; float ModelViewProjectionPositionslope[4]; // uniforms float ScreenScaleRefractReflect[2]; float ScreenCenterRefractReflect[2]; float DistortScaleRefractReflect[2]; float RefractColor[4]; const unsigned char * RESTRICT pixelbase; const unsigned char * RESTRICT pixel[4]; DPSOFTRAST_Texture *texture = thread->texbound[GL20TU_REFRACTION]; if(!texture) return; pixelbase = (unsigned char *)texture->bytes + texture->mipmap[0][0]; // read textures DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_Begin(thread, triangle, span, buffer_z); DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_Texture2DVaryingBGRA8(thread, triangle, span, buffer_texture_normalbgra8, GL20TU_NORMAL, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD0, buffer_z); // read varyings DPSOFTRAST_CALCATTRIB4F(triangle, span, ModelViewProjectionPositiondata, ModelViewProjectionPositionslope, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD1); // or POSITION? // read uniforms ScreenScaleRefractReflect[0] = thread->uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_ScreenScaleRefractReflect*4+0]; ScreenScaleRefractReflect[1] = thread->uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_ScreenScaleRefractReflect*4+1]; ScreenCenterRefractReflect[0] = thread->uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_ScreenCenterRefractReflect*4+0]; ScreenCenterRefractReflect[1] = thread->uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_ScreenCenterRefractReflect*4+1]; DistortScaleRefractReflect[0] = thread->uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_DistortScaleRefractReflect*4+0]; DistortScaleRefractReflect[1] = thread->uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_DistortScaleRefractReflect*4+1]; RefractColor[0] = thread->uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_RefractColor*4+2]; RefractColor[1] = thread->uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_RefractColor*4+1]; RefractColor[2] = thread->uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_RefractColor*4+0]; RefractColor[3] = thread->uniform4f[DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_RefractColor*4+3]; // do stuff for (x = startx;x < endx;x++) { float SafeScreenTexCoord[2]; float ScreenTexCoord[2]; float v[3]; float iw; unsigned char c[4]; z = buffer_z[x]; // " vec2 ScreenScaleRefractReflectIW = ScreenScaleRefractReflect.xy * (1.0 / ModelViewProjectionPosition.w);\n" iw = 1.0f / (ModelViewProjectionPositiondata[3] + ModelViewProjectionPositionslope[3]*x); // / z // " vec2 SafeScreenTexCoord = ModelViewProjectionPosition.xy * ScreenScaleRefractReflectIW + ScreenCenterRefractReflect.xy;\n" SafeScreenTexCoord[0] = (ModelViewProjectionPositiondata[0] + ModelViewProjectionPositionslope[0]*x) * iw * ScreenScaleRefractReflect[0] + ScreenCenterRefractReflect[0]; // * z (disappears) SafeScreenTexCoord[1] = (ModelViewProjectionPositiondata[1] + ModelViewProjectionPositionslope[1]*x) * iw * ScreenScaleRefractReflect[1] + ScreenCenterRefractReflect[1]; // * z (disappears) // " vec2 ScreenTexCoord = SafeScreenTexCoord + vec3(normalize(myhalf3(dp_texture2D(Texture_Normal, TexCoord)) - myhalf3(0.5))).xy * DistortScaleRefractReflect.zw;\n" v[0] = buffer_texture_normalbgra8[x*4+2] * (1.0f / 128.0f) - 1.0f; v[1] = buffer_texture_normalbgra8[x*4+1] * (1.0f / 128.0f) - 1.0f; v[2] = buffer_texture_normalbgra8[x*4+0] * (1.0f / 128.0f) - 1.0f; DPSOFTRAST_Vector3Normalize(v); ScreenTexCoord[0] = SafeScreenTexCoord[0] + v[0] * DistortScaleRefractReflect[0]; ScreenTexCoord[1] = SafeScreenTexCoord[1] + v[1] * DistortScaleRefractReflect[1]; // " dp_FragColor = vec4(dp_texture2D(Texture_Refraction, ScreenTexCoord).rgb, 1.0) * RefractColor;\n" if(texture->filter & DPSOFTRAST_TEXTURE_FILTER_LINEAR) { unsigned int tc[2] = { ScreenTexCoord[0] * (texture->mipmap[0][2]<<12) - 2048, ScreenTexCoord[1] * (texture->mipmap[0][3]<<12) - 2048}; unsigned int frac[2] = { tc[0]&0xFFF, tc[1]&0xFFF }; unsigned int ifrac[2] = { 0x1000 - frac[0], 0x1000 - frac[1] }; unsigned int lerp[4] = { ifrac[0]*ifrac[1], frac[0]*ifrac[1], ifrac[0]*frac[1], frac[0]*frac[1] }; int tci[2] = { tc[0]>>12, tc[1]>>12 }; int tci1[2] = { tci[0] + 1, tci[1] + 1 }; tci[0] = tci[0] >= 0 ? (tci[0] <= texture->mipmap[0][2]-1 ? tci[0] : texture->mipmap[0][2]-1) : 0; tci[1] = tci[1] >= 0 ? (tci[1] <= texture->mipmap[0][3]-1 ? tci[1] : texture->mipmap[0][3]-1) : 0; tci1[0] = tci1[0] >= 0 ? (tci1[0] <= texture->mipmap[0][2]-1 ? tci1[0] : texture->mipmap[0][2]-1) : 0; tci1[1] = tci1[1] >= 0 ? (tci1[1] <= texture->mipmap[0][3]-1 ? tci1[1] : texture->mipmap[0][3]-1) : 0; pixel[0] = pixelbase + 4 * (tci[1]*texture->mipmap[0][2]+tci[0]); pixel[1] = pixelbase + 4 * (tci[1]*texture->mipmap[0][2]+tci1[0]); pixel[2] = pixelbase + 4 * (tci1[1]*texture->mipmap[0][2]+tci[0]); pixel[3] = pixelbase + 4 * (tci1[1]*texture->mipmap[0][2]+tci1[0]); c[0] = (pixel[0][0]*lerp[0]+pixel[1][0]*lerp[1]+pixel[2][0]*lerp[2]+pixel[3][0]*lerp[3])>>24; c[1] = (pixel[0][1]*lerp[0]+pixel[1][1]*lerp[1]+pixel[2][1]*lerp[2]+pixel[3][1]*lerp[3])>>24; c[2] = (pixel[0][2]*lerp[0]+pixel[1][2]*lerp[1]+pixel[2][2]*lerp[2]+pixel[3][2]*lerp[3])>>24; } else { int tci[2] = { ScreenTexCoord[0] * texture->mipmap[0][2], ScreenTexCoord[1] * texture->mipmap[0][3] }; tci[0] = tci[0] >= 0 ? (tci[0] <= texture->mipmap[0][2]-1 ? tci[0] : texture->mipmap[0][2]-1) : 0; tci[1] = tci[1] >= 0 ? (tci[1] <= texture->mipmap[0][3]-1 ? tci[1] : texture->mipmap[0][3]-1) : 0; pixel[0] = pixelbase + 4 * (tci[1]*texture->mipmap[0][2]+tci[0]); c[0] = pixel[0][0]; c[1] = pixel[0][1]; c[2] = pixel[0][2]; } //p = (int) bound(startx, x + (ScreenTexCoord[0] - SafeScreenTexCoord[0]) / (ModelViewProjectionPositionslope[0]*z), endx-1); buffer_FragColorbgra8[x*4+0] = c[0] * RefractColor[0]; buffer_FragColorbgra8[x*4+1] = c[1] * RefractColor[1]; buffer_FragColorbgra8[x*4+2] = c[2] * RefractColor[2]; buffer_FragColorbgra8[x*4+3] = min(RefractColor[3] * 256, 255); } DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_FinishBGRA8(thread, triangle, span, buffer_FragColorbgra8); } void DPSOFTRAST_VertexShader_Water(void) { DPSOFTRAST_Array_TransformProject(DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION, dpsoftrast.uniform4f + 4*DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_ModelViewProjectionMatrixM1); } void DPSOFTRAST_PixelShader_Water(DPSOFTRAST_State_Thread *thread, const DPSOFTRAST_State_Triangle * RESTRICT triangle, const DPSOFTRAST_State_Span * RESTRICT span) { // TODO: IMPLEMENT float buffer_z[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH]; unsigned char buffer_FragColorbgra8[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH*4]; DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_Begin(thread, triangle, span, buffer_z); memset(buffer_FragColorbgra8 + span->startx*4, 0, (span->endx - span->startx)*4); DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_FinishBGRA8(thread, triangle, span, buffer_FragColorbgra8); } void DPSOFTRAST_VertexShader_ShowDepth(void) { DPSOFTRAST_Array_TransformProject(DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION, dpsoftrast.uniform4f + 4*DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_ModelViewProjectionMatrixM1); } void DPSOFTRAST_PixelShader_ShowDepth(DPSOFTRAST_State_Thread *thread, const DPSOFTRAST_State_Triangle * RESTRICT triangle, const DPSOFTRAST_State_Span * RESTRICT span) { // TODO: IMPLEMENT float buffer_z[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH]; unsigned char buffer_FragColorbgra8[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH*4]; DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_Begin(thread, triangle, span, buffer_z); memset(buffer_FragColorbgra8 + span->startx*4, 0, (span->endx - span->startx)*4); DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_FinishBGRA8(thread, triangle, span, buffer_FragColorbgra8); } void DPSOFTRAST_VertexShader_DeferredGeometry(void) { DPSOFTRAST_Array_TransformProject(DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION, dpsoftrast.uniform4f + 4*DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_ModelViewProjectionMatrixM1); } void DPSOFTRAST_PixelShader_DeferredGeometry(DPSOFTRAST_State_Thread *thread, const DPSOFTRAST_State_Triangle * RESTRICT triangle, const DPSOFTRAST_State_Span * RESTRICT span) { // TODO: IMPLEMENT float buffer_z[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH]; unsigned char buffer_FragColorbgra8[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH*4]; DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_Begin(thread, triangle, span, buffer_z); memset(buffer_FragColorbgra8 + span->startx*4, 0, (span->endx - span->startx)*4); DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_FinishBGRA8(thread, triangle, span, buffer_FragColorbgra8); } void DPSOFTRAST_VertexShader_DeferredLightSource(void) { DPSOFTRAST_Array_TransformProject(DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION, dpsoftrast.uniform4f + 4*DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_ModelViewProjectionMatrixM1); } void DPSOFTRAST_PixelShader_DeferredLightSource(DPSOFTRAST_State_Thread *thread, const DPSOFTRAST_State_Triangle * RESTRICT triangle, const DPSOFTRAST_State_Span * RESTRICT span) { // TODO: IMPLEMENT float buffer_z[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH]; unsigned char buffer_FragColorbgra8[DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH*4]; DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_Begin(thread, triangle, span, buffer_z); memset(buffer_FragColorbgra8 + span->startx*4, 0, (span->endx - span->startx)*4); DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Span_FinishBGRA8(thread, triangle, span, buffer_FragColorbgra8); } typedef struct DPSOFTRAST_ShaderModeInfo_s { int lodarrayindex; void (*Vertex)(void); void (*Span)(DPSOFTRAST_State_Thread *thread, const DPSOFTRAST_State_Triangle * RESTRICT triangle, const DPSOFTRAST_State_Span * RESTRICT span); unsigned char arrays[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TOTAL]; unsigned char texunits[DPSOFTRAST_MAXTEXTUREUNITS]; } DPSOFTRAST_ShaderModeInfo; static const DPSOFTRAST_ShaderModeInfo DPSOFTRAST_ShaderModeTable[SHADERMODE_COUNT] = { {2, DPSOFTRAST_VertexShader_Generic, DPSOFTRAST_PixelShader_Generic, {DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_COLOR, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD0, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD1, ~0}, {GL20TU_FIRST, GL20TU_SECOND, ~0}}, {2, DPSOFTRAST_VertexShader_PostProcess, DPSOFTRAST_PixelShader_PostProcess, {DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD0, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD1, ~0}, {GL20TU_FIRST, GL20TU_SECOND, ~0}}, {2, DPSOFTRAST_VertexShader_Depth_Or_Shadow, DPSOFTRAST_PixelShader_Depth_Or_Shadow, {~0}, {~0}}, {2, DPSOFTRAST_VertexShader_FlatColor, DPSOFTRAST_PixelShader_FlatColor, {DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD0, ~0}, {GL20TU_COLOR, ~0}}, {2, DPSOFTRAST_VertexShader_VertexColor, DPSOFTRAST_PixelShader_VertexColor, {DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_COLOR, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD0, ~0}, {GL20TU_COLOR, ~0}}, {2, DPSOFTRAST_VertexShader_Lightmap, DPSOFTRAST_PixelShader_Lightmap, {DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD0, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD4, ~0}, {GL20TU_COLOR, GL20TU_LIGHTMAP, GL20TU_GLOW, ~0}}, {2, DPSOFTRAST_VertexShader_FakeLight, DPSOFTRAST_PixelShader_FakeLight, {DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD0, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD1, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD2, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD3, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD5, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD6, ~0}, {GL20TU_COLOR, GL20TU_PANTS, GL20TU_SHIRT, GL20TU_GLOW, GL20TU_NORMAL, GL20TU_GLOSS, ~0}}, {2, DPSOFTRAST_VertexShader_LightDirectionMap_ModelSpace, DPSOFTRAST_PixelShader_LightDirectionMap_ModelSpace, {DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD0, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD1, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD2, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD3, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD4, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD5, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD6, ~0}, {GL20TU_COLOR, GL20TU_PANTS, GL20TU_SHIRT, GL20TU_GLOW, GL20TU_NORMAL, GL20TU_GLOSS, GL20TU_LIGHTMAP, GL20TU_DELUXEMAP, ~0}}, {2, DPSOFTRAST_VertexShader_LightDirectionMap_TangentSpace, DPSOFTRAST_PixelShader_LightDirectionMap_TangentSpace, {DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD0, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD1, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD2, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD3, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD4, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD5, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD6, ~0}, {GL20TU_COLOR, GL20TU_PANTS, GL20TU_SHIRT, GL20TU_GLOW, GL20TU_NORMAL, GL20TU_GLOSS, GL20TU_LIGHTMAP, GL20TU_DELUXEMAP, ~0}}, {2, DPSOFTRAST_VertexShader_LightDirection, DPSOFTRAST_PixelShader_LightDirection, {DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD0, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD1, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD2, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD3, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD5, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD6, ~0}, {GL20TU_COLOR, GL20TU_PANTS, GL20TU_SHIRT, GL20TU_GLOW, GL20TU_NORMAL, GL20TU_GLOSS, ~0}}, {2, DPSOFTRAST_VertexShader_LightSource, DPSOFTRAST_PixelShader_LightSource, {DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD0, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD1, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD2, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD3, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD4, ~0}, {GL20TU_COLOR, GL20TU_PANTS, GL20TU_SHIRT, GL20TU_GLOW, GL20TU_NORMAL, GL20TU_GLOSS, GL20TU_CUBE, ~0}}, {2, DPSOFTRAST_VertexShader_Refraction, DPSOFTRAST_PixelShader_Refraction, {DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD0, DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TEXCOORD1, ~0}, {GL20TU_NORMAL, GL20TU_REFRACTION, ~0}}, {2, DPSOFTRAST_VertexShader_Water, DPSOFTRAST_PixelShader_Water, {~0}}, {2, DPSOFTRAST_VertexShader_ShowDepth, DPSOFTRAST_PixelShader_ShowDepth, {~0}}, {2, DPSOFTRAST_VertexShader_DeferredGeometry, DPSOFTRAST_PixelShader_DeferredGeometry, {~0}}, {2, DPSOFTRAST_VertexShader_DeferredLightSource, DPSOFTRAST_PixelShader_DeferredLightSource, {~0}}, }; static void DPSOFTRAST_Draw_DepthTest(DPSOFTRAST_State_Thread *thread, DPSOFTRAST_State_Span *span) { int x; int startx; int endx; unsigned int *depthpixel; int depth; int depthslope; unsigned int d; unsigned char *pixelmask; DPSOFTRAST_State_Triangle *triangle; triangle = &thread->triangles[span->triangle]; depthpixel = dpsoftrast.fb_depthpixels + span->y * dpsoftrast.fb_width + span->x; startx = span->startx; endx = span->endx; depth = span->depthbase; depthslope = span->depthslope; pixelmask = thread->pixelmaskarray; if (thread->depthtest && dpsoftrast.fb_depthpixels) { switch(thread->fb_depthfunc) { default: case GL_ALWAYS: for (x = startx, d = depth + depthslope*startx;x < endx;x++, d += depthslope) pixelmask[x] = true; break; case GL_LESS: for (x = startx, d = depth + depthslope*startx;x < endx;x++, d += depthslope) pixelmask[x] = depthpixel[x] < d; break; case GL_LEQUAL: for (x = startx, d = depth + depthslope*startx;x < endx;x++, d += depthslope) pixelmask[x] = depthpixel[x] <= d; break; case GL_EQUAL: for (x = startx, d = depth + depthslope*startx;x < endx;x++, d += depthslope) pixelmask[x] = depthpixel[x] == d; break; case GL_GEQUAL: for (x = startx, d = depth + depthslope*startx;x < endx;x++, d += depthslope) pixelmask[x] = depthpixel[x] >= d; break; case GL_GREATER: for (x = startx, d = depth + depthslope*startx;x < endx;x++, d += depthslope) pixelmask[x] = depthpixel[x] > d; break; case GL_NEVER: for (x = startx, d = depth + depthslope*startx;x < endx;x++, d += depthslope) pixelmask[x] = false; break; } while (startx < endx && !pixelmask[startx]) startx++; while (endx > startx && !pixelmask[endx-1]) endx--; } else { // no depth testing means we're just dealing with color... memset(pixelmask + startx, 1, endx - startx); } span->pixelmask = pixelmask; span->startx = startx; span->endx = endx; } static void DPSOFTRAST_Draw_DepthWrite(const DPSOFTRAST_State_Thread *thread, const DPSOFTRAST_State_Span *span) { int x, d, depth, depthslope, startx, endx; const unsigned char *pixelmask; unsigned int *depthpixel; if (thread->depthmask && thread->depthtest && dpsoftrast.fb_depthpixels) { depth = span->depthbase; depthslope = span->depthslope; pixelmask = span->pixelmask; startx = span->startx; endx = span->endx; depthpixel = dpsoftrast.fb_depthpixels + span->y * dpsoftrast.fb_width + span->x; for (x = startx, d = depth + depthslope*startx;x < endx;x++, d += depthslope) if (pixelmask[x]) depthpixel[x] = d; } } void DPSOFTRAST_Draw_ProcessSpans(DPSOFTRAST_State_Thread *thread) { int i; DPSOFTRAST_State_Triangle *triangle; DPSOFTRAST_State_Span *span; for (i = 0; i < thread->numspans; i++) { span = &thread->spans[i]; triangle = &thread->triangles[span->triangle]; DPSOFTRAST_Draw_DepthTest(thread, span); if (span->startx >= span->endx) continue; // run pixel shader if appropriate // do this before running depthmask code, to allow the pixelshader // to clear pixelmask values for alpha testing if (dpsoftrast.fb_colorpixels[0] && thread->fb_colormask) DPSOFTRAST_ShaderModeTable[thread->shader_mode].Span(thread, triangle, span); DPSOFTRAST_Draw_DepthWrite(thread, span); } thread->numspans = 0; } DEFCOMMAND(22, Draw, int datasize; int starty; int endy; ATOMIC_COUNTER refcount; int clipped; int firstvertex; int numvertices; int numtriangles; float *arrays; int *element3i; unsigned short *element3s;); static void DPSOFTRAST_Interpret_Draw(DPSOFTRAST_State_Thread *thread, DPSOFTRAST_Command_Draw *command) { #ifdef SSE_POSSIBLE int cullface = thread->cullface; int minx, maxx, miny, maxy; int miny1, maxy1, miny2, maxy2; __m128i fbmin, fbmax; __m128 viewportcenter, viewportscale; int firstvertex = command->firstvertex; int numvertices = command->numvertices; int numtriangles = command->numtriangles; const int *element3i = command->element3i; const unsigned short *element3s = command->element3s; int clipped = command->clipped; int i; int j; int k; int y; int e[3]; __m128i screeny; int starty, endy, bandy; int numpoints; int clipcase; float clipdist[4]; float clip0origin, clip0slope; int clip0dir; __m128 triangleedge1, triangleedge2, trianglenormal; __m128 clipfrac[3]; __m128 screen[4]; DPSOFTRAST_State_Triangle *triangle; DPSOFTRAST_Texture *texture; DPSOFTRAST_ValidateQuick(thread, DPSOFTRAST_VALIDATE_DRAW); miny = thread->fb_scissor[1]; maxy = thread->fb_scissor[1] + thread->fb_scissor[3]; miny1 = bound(miny, thread->miny1, maxy); maxy1 = bound(miny, thread->maxy1, maxy); miny2 = bound(miny, thread->miny2, maxy); maxy2 = bound(miny, thread->maxy2, maxy); if ((command->starty >= maxy1 || command->endy <= miny1) && (command->starty >= maxy2 || command->endy <= miny2)) { if (!ATOMIC_DECREMENT(command->refcount)) { if (command->commandsize <= DPSOFTRAST_ALIGNCOMMAND(sizeof(DPSOFTRAST_Command_Draw))) MM_FREE(command->arrays); } return; } minx = thread->fb_scissor[0]; maxx = thread->fb_scissor[0] + thread->fb_scissor[2]; fbmin = _mm_setr_epi16(minx, miny1, minx, miny1, minx, miny1, minx, miny1); fbmax = _mm_sub_epi16(_mm_setr_epi16(maxx, maxy2, maxx, maxy2, maxx, maxy2, maxx, maxy2), _mm_set1_epi16(1)); viewportcenter = _mm_load_ps(thread->fb_viewportcenter); viewportscale = _mm_load_ps(thread->fb_viewportscale); screen[3] = _mm_setzero_ps(); clipfrac[0] = clipfrac[1] = clipfrac[2] = _mm_setzero_ps(); for (i = 0;i < numtriangles;i++) { const float *screencoord4f = command->arrays; const float *arrays = screencoord4f + numvertices*4; // generate the 3 edges of this triangle // generate spans for the triangle - switch based on left split or right split classification of triangle if (element3s) { e[0] = element3s[i*3+0] - firstvertex; e[1] = element3s[i*3+1] - firstvertex; e[2] = element3s[i*3+2] - firstvertex; } else if (element3i) { e[0] = element3i[i*3+0] - firstvertex; e[1] = element3i[i*3+1] - firstvertex; e[2] = element3i[i*3+2] - firstvertex; } else { e[0] = i*3+0; e[1] = i*3+1; e[2] = i*3+2; } #define SKIPBACKFACE \ triangleedge1 = _mm_sub_ps(screen[0], screen[1]); \ triangleedge2 = _mm_sub_ps(screen[2], screen[1]); \ /* store normal in 2, 0, 1 order instead of 0, 1, 2 as it requires fewer shuffles and leaves z component accessible as scalar */ \ trianglenormal = _mm_sub_ss(_mm_mul_ss(triangleedge1, _mm_shuffle_ps(triangleedge2, triangleedge2, _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 0, 2, 1))), \ _mm_mul_ss(_mm_shuffle_ps(triangleedge1, triangleedge1, _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 0, 2, 1)), triangleedge2)); \ switch(cullface) \ { \ case GL_BACK: \ if (_mm_ucomilt_ss(trianglenormal, _mm_setzero_ps())) \ continue; \ break; \ case GL_FRONT: \ if (_mm_ucomigt_ss(trianglenormal, _mm_setzero_ps())) \ continue; \ break; \ } #define CLIPPEDVERTEXLERP(k,p1, p2) \ clipfrac[p1] = _mm_set1_ps(clipdist[p1] / (clipdist[p1] - clipdist[p2])); \ { \ __m128 v1 = _mm_load_ps(&arrays[e[p1]*4]), v2 = _mm_load_ps(&arrays[e[p2]*4]); \ DPSOFTRAST_PROJECTVERTEX(screen[k], _mm_add_ps(v1, _mm_mul_ps(_mm_sub_ps(v2, v1), clipfrac[p1])), viewportcenter, viewportscale); \ } #define CLIPPEDVERTEXCOPY(k,p1) \ screen[k] = _mm_load_ps(&screencoord4f[e[p1]*4]); #define GENATTRIBCOPY(attrib, p1) \ attrib = _mm_load_ps(&arrays[e[p1]*4]); #define GENATTRIBLERP(attrib, p1, p2) \ { \ __m128 v1 = _mm_load_ps(&arrays[e[p1]*4]), v2 = _mm_load_ps(&arrays[e[p2]*4]); \ attrib = _mm_add_ps(v1, _mm_mul_ps(_mm_sub_ps(v2, v1), clipfrac[p1])); \ } #define GENATTRIBS(attrib0, attrib1, attrib2) \ switch(clipcase) \ { \ default: \ case 0: GENATTRIBCOPY(attrib0, 0); GENATTRIBCOPY(attrib1, 1); GENATTRIBCOPY(attrib2, 2); break; \ case 1: GENATTRIBCOPY(attrib0, 0); GENATTRIBCOPY(attrib1, 1); GENATTRIBLERP(attrib2, 1, 2); break; \ case 2: GENATTRIBCOPY(attrib0, 0); GENATTRIBLERP(attrib1, 0, 1); GENATTRIBLERP(attrib2, 1, 2); break; \ case 3: GENATTRIBCOPY(attrib0, 0); GENATTRIBLERP(attrib1, 0, 1); GENATTRIBLERP(attrib2, 2, 0); break; \ case 4: GENATTRIBLERP(attrib0, 0, 1); GENATTRIBCOPY(attrib1, 1); GENATTRIBCOPY(attrib2, 2); break; \ case 5: GENATTRIBLERP(attrib0, 0, 1); GENATTRIBCOPY(attrib1, 1); GENATTRIBLERP(attrib2, 1, 2); break; \ case 6: GENATTRIBLERP(attrib0, 1, 2); GENATTRIBCOPY(attrib1, 2); GENATTRIBLERP(attrib2, 2, 0); break; \ } if (! clipped) goto notclipped; // calculate distance from nearplane clipdist[0] = arrays[e[0]*4+2] + arrays[e[0]*4+3]; clipdist[1] = arrays[e[1]*4+2] + arrays[e[1]*4+3]; clipdist[2] = arrays[e[2]*4+2] + arrays[e[2]*4+3]; if (clipdist[0] >= 0.0f) { if (clipdist[1] >= 0.0f) { if (clipdist[2] >= 0.0f) { notclipped: // triangle is entirely in front of nearplane CLIPPEDVERTEXCOPY(0,0); CLIPPEDVERTEXCOPY(1,1); CLIPPEDVERTEXCOPY(2,2); SKIPBACKFACE; numpoints = 3; clipcase = 0; } else { CLIPPEDVERTEXCOPY(0,0); CLIPPEDVERTEXCOPY(1,1); CLIPPEDVERTEXLERP(2,1,2); CLIPPEDVERTEXLERP(3,2,0); SKIPBACKFACE; numpoints = 4; clipcase = 1; } } else { if (clipdist[2] >= 0.0f) { CLIPPEDVERTEXCOPY(0,0); CLIPPEDVERTEXLERP(1,0,1); CLIPPEDVERTEXLERP(2,1,2); CLIPPEDVERTEXCOPY(3,2); SKIPBACKFACE; numpoints = 4; clipcase = 2; } else { CLIPPEDVERTEXCOPY(0,0); CLIPPEDVERTEXLERP(1,0,1); CLIPPEDVERTEXLERP(2,2,0); SKIPBACKFACE; numpoints = 3; clipcase = 3; } } } else if (clipdist[1] >= 0.0f) { if (clipdist[2] >= 0.0f) { CLIPPEDVERTEXLERP(0,0,1); CLIPPEDVERTEXCOPY(1,1); CLIPPEDVERTEXCOPY(2,2); CLIPPEDVERTEXLERP(3,2,0); SKIPBACKFACE; numpoints = 4; clipcase = 4; } else { CLIPPEDVERTEXLERP(0,0,1); CLIPPEDVERTEXCOPY(1,1); CLIPPEDVERTEXLERP(2,1,2); SKIPBACKFACE; numpoints = 3; clipcase = 5; } } else if (clipdist[2] >= 0.0f) { CLIPPEDVERTEXLERP(0,1,2); CLIPPEDVERTEXCOPY(1,2); CLIPPEDVERTEXLERP(2,2,0); SKIPBACKFACE; numpoints = 3; clipcase = 6; } else continue; // triangle is entirely behind nearplane { // calculate integer y coords for triangle points __m128i screeni = _mm_packs_epi32(_mm_cvttps_epi32(_mm_movelh_ps(screen[0], screen[1])), _mm_cvttps_epi32(_mm_movelh_ps(screen[2], numpoints > 3 ? screen[3] : screen[2]))), screenir = _mm_shuffle_epi32(screeni, _MM_SHUFFLE(1, 0, 3, 2)), screenmin = _mm_min_epi16(screeni, screenir), screenmax = _mm_max_epi16(screeni, screenir); screenmin = _mm_min_epi16(screenmin, _mm_shufflelo_epi16(screenmin, _MM_SHUFFLE(1, 0, 3, 2))); screenmax = _mm_max_epi16(screenmax, _mm_shufflelo_epi16(screenmax, _MM_SHUFFLE(1, 0, 3, 2))); screenmin = _mm_max_epi16(screenmin, fbmin); screenmax = _mm_min_epi16(screenmax, fbmax); // skip offscreen triangles if (_mm_cvtsi128_si32(_mm_cmplt_epi16(screenmax, screenmin))) continue; starty = _mm_extract_epi16(screenmin, 1); endy = _mm_extract_epi16(screenmax, 1)+1; if (starty >= maxy1 && endy <= miny2) continue; screeny = _mm_srai_epi32(screeni, 16); } triangle = &thread->triangles[thread->numtriangles]; // calculate attribute plans for triangle data... // okay, this triangle is going to produce spans, we'd better project // the interpolants now (this is what gives perspective texturing), // this consists of simply multiplying all arrays by the W coord // (which is basically 1/Z), which will be undone per-pixel // (multiplying by Z again) to get the perspective-correct array // values { __m128 attribuvslope, attribuxslope, attribuyslope, attribvxslope, attribvyslope, attriborigin, attribedge1, attribedge2, attribxslope, attribyslope, w0, w1, w2, x1, y1; __m128 mipedgescale, mipdensity; attribuvslope = _mm_div_ps(_mm_movelh_ps(triangleedge1, triangleedge2), _mm_shuffle_ps(trianglenormal, trianglenormal, _MM_SHUFFLE(0, 0, 0, 0))); attribuxslope = _mm_shuffle_ps(attribuvslope, attribuvslope, _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 3, 3, 3)); attribuyslope = _mm_shuffle_ps(attribuvslope, attribuvslope, _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 2, 2, 2)); attribvxslope = _mm_shuffle_ps(attribuvslope, attribuvslope, _MM_SHUFFLE(1, 1, 1, 1)); attribvyslope = _mm_shuffle_ps(attribuvslope, attribuvslope, _MM_SHUFFLE(0, 0, 0, 0)); w0 = _mm_shuffle_ps(screen[0], screen[0], _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 3, 3, 3)); w1 = _mm_shuffle_ps(screen[1], screen[1], _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 3, 3, 3)); w2 = _mm_shuffle_ps(screen[2], screen[2], _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 3, 3, 3)); attribedge1 = _mm_sub_ss(w0, w1); attribedge2 = _mm_sub_ss(w2, w1); attribxslope = _mm_sub_ss(_mm_mul_ss(attribuxslope, attribedge1), _mm_mul_ss(attribvxslope, attribedge2)); attribyslope = _mm_sub_ss(_mm_mul_ss(attribvyslope, attribedge2), _mm_mul_ss(attribuyslope, attribedge1)); x1 = _mm_shuffle_ps(screen[1], screen[1], _MM_SHUFFLE(0, 0, 0, 0)); y1 = _mm_shuffle_ps(screen[1], screen[1], _MM_SHUFFLE(1, 1, 1, 1)); attriborigin = _mm_sub_ss(w1, _mm_add_ss(_mm_mul_ss(attribxslope, x1), _mm_mul_ss(attribyslope, y1))); _mm_store_ss(&triangle->w[0], attribxslope); _mm_store_ss(&triangle->w[1], attribyslope); _mm_store_ss(&triangle->w[2], attriborigin); clip0origin = 0; clip0slope = 0; clip0dir = 0; if(thread->fb_clipplane[0] || thread->fb_clipplane[1] || thread->fb_clipplane[2]) { float cliporigin, clipxslope, clipyslope; attriborigin = _mm_shuffle_ps(screen[1], screen[1], _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 2, 2, 2)); attribedge1 = _mm_sub_ss(_mm_shuffle_ps(screen[0], screen[0], _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 2, 2, 2)), attriborigin); attribedge2 = _mm_sub_ss(_mm_shuffle_ps(screen[2], screen[2], _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 2, 2, 2)), attriborigin); attribxslope = _mm_sub_ss(_mm_mul_ss(attribuxslope, attribedge1), _mm_mul_ss(attribvxslope, attribedge2)); attribyslope = _mm_sub_ss(_mm_mul_ss(attribvyslope, attribedge2), _mm_mul_ss(attribuyslope, attribedge1)); attriborigin = _mm_sub_ss(attriborigin, _mm_add_ss(_mm_mul_ss(attribxslope, x1), _mm_mul_ss(attribyslope, y1))); cliporigin = _mm_cvtss_f32(attriborigin)*thread->fb_clipplane[2] + thread->fb_clipplane[3]; clipxslope = thread->fb_clipplane[0] + _mm_cvtss_f32(attribxslope)*thread->fb_clipplane[2]; clipyslope = thread->fb_clipplane[1] + _mm_cvtss_f32(attribyslope)*thread->fb_clipplane[2]; if(clipxslope != 0) { clip0origin = -cliporigin/clipxslope; clip0slope = -clipyslope/clipxslope; clip0dir = clipxslope > 0 ? 1 : -1; } else if(clipyslope > 0) { clip0origin = dpsoftrast.fb_width*floor(cliporigin/clipyslope); clip0slope = dpsoftrast.fb_width; clip0dir = -1; } else if(clipyslope < 0) { clip0origin = dpsoftrast.fb_width*ceil(cliporigin/clipyslope); clip0slope = -dpsoftrast.fb_width; clip0dir = -1; } else if(clip0origin < 0) continue; } mipedgescale = _mm_setzero_ps(); for (j = 0;j < DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TOTAL; j++) { __m128 attrib0, attrib1, attrib2; k = DPSOFTRAST_ShaderModeTable[thread->shader_mode].arrays[j]; if (k >= DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TOTAL) break; arrays += numvertices*4; GENATTRIBS(attrib0, attrib1, attrib2); attriborigin = _mm_mul_ps(attrib1, w1); attribedge1 = _mm_sub_ps(_mm_mul_ps(attrib0, w0), attriborigin); attribedge2 = _mm_sub_ps(_mm_mul_ps(attrib2, w2), attriborigin); attribxslope = _mm_sub_ps(_mm_mul_ps(attribuxslope, attribedge1), _mm_mul_ps(attribvxslope, attribedge2)); attribyslope = _mm_sub_ps(_mm_mul_ps(attribvyslope, attribedge2), _mm_mul_ps(attribuyslope, attribedge1)); attriborigin = _mm_sub_ps(attriborigin, _mm_add_ps(_mm_mul_ps(attribxslope, x1), _mm_mul_ps(attribyslope, y1))); _mm_storeu_ps(triangle->attribs[k][0], attribxslope); _mm_storeu_ps(triangle->attribs[k][1], attribyslope); _mm_storeu_ps(triangle->attribs[k][2], attriborigin); if (k == DPSOFTRAST_ShaderModeTable[thread->shader_mode].lodarrayindex) { mipedgescale = _mm_movelh_ps(triangleedge1, triangleedge2); mipedgescale = _mm_mul_ps(mipedgescale, mipedgescale); mipedgescale = _mm_rsqrt_ps(_mm_add_ps(mipedgescale, _mm_shuffle_ps(mipedgescale, mipedgescale, _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 3, 0, 1)))); mipedgescale = _mm_mul_ps(_mm_sub_ps(_mm_movelh_ps(attrib0, attrib2), _mm_movelh_ps(attrib1, attrib1)), mipedgescale); } } memset(triangle->mip, 0, sizeof(triangle->mip)); for (j = 0;j < DPSOFTRAST_MAXTEXTUREUNITS;j++) { int texunit = DPSOFTRAST_ShaderModeTable[thread->shader_mode].texunits[j]; if (texunit >= DPSOFTRAST_MAXTEXTUREUNITS) break; texture = thread->texbound[texunit]; if (texture && texture->filter > DPSOFTRAST_TEXTURE_FILTER_LINEAR) { mipdensity = _mm_mul_ps(mipedgescale, _mm_cvtepi32_ps(_mm_shuffle_epi32(_mm_loadl_epi64((const __m128i *)&texture->mipmap[0][2]), _MM_SHUFFLE(1, 0, 1, 0)))); mipdensity = _mm_mul_ps(mipdensity, mipdensity); mipdensity = _mm_add_ps(mipdensity, _mm_shuffle_ps(mipdensity, mipdensity, _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 3, 0, 1))); mipdensity = _mm_min_ss(mipdensity, _mm_shuffle_ps(mipdensity, mipdensity, _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 2, 2, 2))); // this will be multiplied in the texturing routine by the texture resolution y = _mm_cvtss_si32(mipdensity); if (y > 0) { y = (int)(log((float)y)*0.5f/M_LN2); if (y > texture->mipmaps - 1) y = texture->mipmaps - 1; triangle->mip[texunit] = y; } } } } for (y = starty, bandy = min(endy, maxy1); y < endy; bandy = min(endy, maxy2), y = max(y, miny2)) for (; y < bandy;) { __m128 xcoords, xslope; __m128i ycc = _mm_cmpgt_epi32(_mm_set1_epi32(y), screeny); int yccmask = _mm_movemask_epi8(ycc); int edge0p, edge0n, edge1p, edge1n; int nexty; float w, wslope; float clip0; if (numpoints == 4) { switch(yccmask) { default: case 0xFFFF: /*0000*/ y = endy; continue; case 0xFFF0: /*1000*/ edge0p = 3;edge0n = 0;edge1p = 1;edge1n = 0;break; case 0xFF0F: /*0100*/ edge0p = 0;edge0n = 1;edge1p = 2;edge1n = 1;break; case 0xFF00: /*1100*/ edge0p = 3;edge0n = 0;edge1p = 2;edge1n = 1;break; case 0xF0FF: /*0010*/ edge0p = 1;edge0n = 2;edge1p = 3;edge1n = 2;break; case 0xF0F0: /*1010*/ edge0p = 1;edge0n = 2;edge1p = 3;edge1n = 2;break; // concave - nonsense case 0xF00F: /*0110*/ edge0p = 0;edge0n = 1;edge1p = 3;edge1n = 2;break; case 0xF000: /*1110*/ edge0p = 3;edge0n = 0;edge1p = 3;edge1n = 2;break; case 0x0FFF: /*0001*/ edge0p = 2;edge0n = 3;edge1p = 0;edge1n = 3;break; case 0x0FF0: /*1001*/ edge0p = 2;edge0n = 3;edge1p = 1;edge1n = 0;break; case 0x0F0F: /*0101*/ edge0p = 2;edge0n = 3;edge1p = 2;edge1n = 1;break; // concave - nonsense case 0x0F00: /*1101*/ edge0p = 2;edge0n = 3;edge1p = 2;edge1n = 1;break; case 0x00FF: /*0011*/ edge0p = 1;edge0n = 2;edge1p = 0;edge1n = 3;break; case 0x00F0: /*1011*/ edge0p = 1;edge0n = 2;edge1p = 1;edge1n = 0;break; case 0x000F: /*0111*/ edge0p = 0;edge0n = 1;edge1p = 0;edge1n = 3;break; case 0x0000: /*1111*/ y++; continue; } } else { switch(yccmask) { default: case 0xFFFF: /*000*/ y = endy; continue; case 0xFFF0: /*100*/ edge0p = 2;edge0n = 0;edge1p = 1;edge1n = 0;break; case 0xFF0F: /*010*/ edge0p = 0;edge0n = 1;edge1p = 2;edge1n = 1;break; case 0xFF00: /*110*/ edge0p = 2;edge0n = 0;edge1p = 2;edge1n = 1;break; case 0x00FF: /*001*/ edge0p = 1;edge0n = 2;edge1p = 0;edge1n = 2;break; case 0x00F0: /*101*/ edge0p = 1;edge0n = 2;edge1p = 1;edge1n = 0;break; case 0x000F: /*011*/ edge0p = 0;edge0n = 1;edge1p = 0;edge1n = 2;break; case 0x0000: /*111*/ y++; continue; } } ycc = _mm_max_epi16(_mm_srli_epi16(ycc, 1), screeny); ycc = _mm_min_epi16(ycc, _mm_shuffle_epi32(ycc, _MM_SHUFFLE(1, 0, 3, 2))); ycc = _mm_min_epi16(ycc, _mm_shuffle_epi32(ycc, _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 3, 0, 1))); nexty = _mm_extract_epi16(ycc, 0); if (nexty >= bandy) nexty = bandy-1; xslope = _mm_sub_ps(_mm_movelh_ps(screen[edge0n], screen[edge1n]), _mm_movelh_ps(screen[edge0p], screen[edge1p])); xslope = _mm_div_ps(xslope, _mm_shuffle_ps(xslope, xslope, _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 3, 1, 1))); xcoords = _mm_add_ps(_mm_movelh_ps(screen[edge0p], screen[edge1p]), _mm_mul_ps(xslope, _mm_sub_ps(_mm_set1_ps(y), _mm_shuffle_ps(screen[edge0p], screen[edge1p], _MM_SHUFFLE(1, 1, 1, 1))))); xcoords = _mm_add_ps(xcoords, _mm_set1_ps(0.5f)); if (_mm_ucomigt_ss(xcoords, _mm_shuffle_ps(xcoords, xcoords, _MM_SHUFFLE(1, 0, 3, 2)))) { xcoords = _mm_shuffle_ps(xcoords, xcoords, _MM_SHUFFLE(1, 0, 3, 2)); xslope = _mm_shuffle_ps(xslope, xslope, _MM_SHUFFLE(1, 0, 3, 2)); } clip0 = clip0origin + (y+0.5f)*clip0slope + 0.5f; for(; y <= nexty; y++, xcoords = _mm_add_ps(xcoords, xslope), clip0 += clip0slope) { int startx, endx, offset; startx = _mm_cvtss_si32(xcoords); endx = _mm_cvtss_si32(_mm_movehl_ps(xcoords, xcoords)); if (startx < minx) startx = minx; if (endx > maxx) endx = maxx; if (startx >= endx) continue; if (clip0dir) { if (clip0dir > 0) { if (startx < clip0) { if(endx <= clip0) continue; startx = (int)clip0; } } else if (endx > clip0) { if(startx >= clip0) continue; endx = (int)clip0; } } for (offset = startx; offset < endx;offset += DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH) { DPSOFTRAST_State_Span *span = &thread->spans[thread->numspans]; span->triangle = thread->numtriangles; span->x = offset; span->y = y; span->startx = 0; span->endx = min(endx - offset, DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANLENGTH); if (span->startx >= span->endx) continue; wslope = triangle->w[0]; w = triangle->w[2] + span->x*wslope + span->y*triangle->w[1]; span->depthslope = (int)(wslope*DPSOFTRAST_DEPTHSCALE); span->depthbase = (int)(w*DPSOFTRAST_DEPTHSCALE - DPSOFTRAST_DEPTHOFFSET*(thread->polygonoffset[1] + fabs(wslope)*thread->polygonoffset[0])); if (++thread->numspans >= DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXSPANS) DPSOFTRAST_Draw_ProcessSpans(thread); } } } if (++thread->numtriangles >= DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXTRIANGLES) { DPSOFTRAST_Draw_ProcessSpans(thread); thread->numtriangles = 0; } } if (!ATOMIC_DECREMENT(command->refcount)) { if (command->commandsize <= DPSOFTRAST_ALIGNCOMMAND(sizeof(DPSOFTRAST_Command_Draw))) MM_FREE(command->arrays); } if (thread->numspans > 0 || thread->numtriangles > 0) { DPSOFTRAST_Draw_ProcessSpans(thread); thread->numtriangles = 0; } #endif } static DPSOFTRAST_Command_Draw *DPSOFTRAST_Draw_AllocateDrawCommand(int firstvertex, int numvertices, int numtriangles, const int *element3i, const unsigned short *element3s) { int i; int j; int commandsize = DPSOFTRAST_ALIGNCOMMAND(sizeof(DPSOFTRAST_Command_Draw)); int datasize = 2*numvertices*sizeof(float[4]); DPSOFTRAST_Command_Draw *command; unsigned char *data; for (i = 0; i < DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TOTAL; i++) { j = DPSOFTRAST_ShaderModeTable[dpsoftrast.shader_mode].arrays[i]; if (j >= DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TOTAL) break; datasize += numvertices*sizeof(float[4]); } if (element3s) datasize += numtriangles*sizeof(unsigned short[3]); else if (element3i) datasize += numtriangles*sizeof(int[3]); datasize = DPSOFTRAST_ALIGNCOMMAND(datasize); if (commandsize + datasize > DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXCOMMANDSIZE) { command = (DPSOFTRAST_Command_Draw *) DPSOFTRAST_AllocateCommand(DPSOFTRAST_OPCODE_Draw, commandsize); data = (unsigned char *)MM_CALLOC(datasize, 1); } else { command = (DPSOFTRAST_Command_Draw *) DPSOFTRAST_AllocateCommand(DPSOFTRAST_OPCODE_Draw, commandsize + datasize); data = (unsigned char *)command + commandsize; } command->firstvertex = firstvertex; command->numvertices = numvertices; command->numtriangles = numtriangles; command->arrays = (float *)data; memset(dpsoftrast.post_array4f, 0, sizeof(dpsoftrast.post_array4f)); dpsoftrast.firstvertex = firstvertex; dpsoftrast.numvertices = numvertices; dpsoftrast.screencoord4f = (float *)data; data += numvertices*sizeof(float[4]); dpsoftrast.post_array4f[DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_POSITION] = (float *)data; data += numvertices*sizeof(float[4]); for (i = 0; i < DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TOTAL; i++) { j = DPSOFTRAST_ShaderModeTable[dpsoftrast.shader_mode].arrays[i]; if (j >= DPSOFTRAST_ARRAY_TOTAL) break; dpsoftrast.post_array4f[j] = (float *)data; data += numvertices*sizeof(float[4]); } command->element3i = NULL; command->element3s = NULL; if (element3s) { command->element3s = (unsigned short *)data; memcpy(command->element3s, element3s, numtriangles*sizeof(unsigned short[3])); } else if (element3i) { command->element3i = (int *)data; memcpy(command->element3i, element3i, numtriangles*sizeof(int[3])); } return command; } void DPSOFTRAST_DrawTriangles(int firstvertex, int numvertices, int numtriangles, const int *element3i, const unsigned short *element3s) { DPSOFTRAST_Command_Draw *command = DPSOFTRAST_Draw_AllocateDrawCommand(firstvertex, numvertices, numtriangles, element3i, element3s); DPSOFTRAST_ShaderModeTable[dpsoftrast.shader_mode].Vertex(); command->starty = bound(0, dpsoftrast.drawstarty, dpsoftrast.fb_height); command->endy = bound(0, dpsoftrast.drawendy, dpsoftrast.fb_height); if (command->starty >= command->endy) { if (command->commandsize <= DPSOFTRAST_ALIGNCOMMAND(sizeof(DPSOFTRAST_Command_Draw))) MM_FREE(command->arrays); DPSOFTRAST_UndoCommand(command->commandsize); return; } command->clipped = dpsoftrast.drawclipped; command->refcount = dpsoftrast.numthreads; if (dpsoftrast.usethreads) { int i; DPSOFTRAST_Draw_SyncCommands(); for (i = 0; i < dpsoftrast.numthreads; i++) { DPSOFTRAST_State_Thread *thread = &dpsoftrast.threads[i]; if (((command->starty < thread->maxy1 && command->endy > thread->miny1) || (command->starty < thread->maxy2 && command->endy > thread->miny2)) && thread->starving) Thread_CondSignal(thread->drawcond); } } else { DPSOFTRAST_Draw_FlushThreads(); } } DEFCOMMAND(23, SetRenderTargets, int width; int height;); static void DPSOFTRAST_Interpret_SetRenderTargets(DPSOFTRAST_State_Thread *thread, const DPSOFTRAST_Command_SetRenderTargets *command) { thread->validate |= DPSOFTRAST_VALIDATE_FB; } void DPSOFTRAST_SetRenderTargets(int width, int height, unsigned int *depthpixels, unsigned int *colorpixels0, unsigned int *colorpixels1, unsigned int *colorpixels2, unsigned int *colorpixels3) { DPSOFTRAST_Command_SetRenderTargets *command; if (width != dpsoftrast.fb_width || height != dpsoftrast.fb_height || depthpixels != dpsoftrast.fb_depthpixels || colorpixels0 != dpsoftrast.fb_colorpixels[0] || colorpixels1 != dpsoftrast.fb_colorpixels[1] || colorpixels2 != dpsoftrast.fb_colorpixels[2] || colorpixels3 != dpsoftrast.fb_colorpixels[3]) DPSOFTRAST_Flush(); dpsoftrast.fb_width = width; dpsoftrast.fb_height = height; dpsoftrast.fb_depthpixels = depthpixels; dpsoftrast.fb_colorpixels[0] = colorpixels0; dpsoftrast.fb_colorpixels[1] = colorpixels1; dpsoftrast.fb_colorpixels[2] = colorpixels2; dpsoftrast.fb_colorpixels[3] = colorpixels3; DPSOFTRAST_RecalcViewport(dpsoftrast.viewport, dpsoftrast.fb_viewportcenter, dpsoftrast.fb_viewportscale); command = DPSOFTRAST_ALLOCATECOMMAND(SetRenderTargets); command->width = width; command->height = height; } static void DPSOFTRAST_Draw_InterpretCommands(DPSOFTRAST_State_Thread *thread, int endoffset) { int commandoffset = thread->commandoffset; while (commandoffset != endoffset) { DPSOFTRAST_Command *command = (DPSOFTRAST_Command *)&dpsoftrast.commandpool.commands[commandoffset]; switch (command->opcode) { #define INTERPCOMMAND(name) \ case DPSOFTRAST_OPCODE_##name : \ DPSOFTRAST_Interpret_##name (thread, (DPSOFTRAST_Command_##name *)command); \ commandoffset += DPSOFTRAST_ALIGNCOMMAND(sizeof( DPSOFTRAST_Command_##name )); \ if (commandoffset >= DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXCOMMANDPOOL) \ commandoffset = 0; \ break; INTERPCOMMAND(Viewport) INTERPCOMMAND(ClearColor) INTERPCOMMAND(ClearDepth) INTERPCOMMAND(ColorMask) INTERPCOMMAND(DepthTest) INTERPCOMMAND(ScissorTest) INTERPCOMMAND(Scissor) INTERPCOMMAND(BlendFunc) INTERPCOMMAND(BlendSubtract) INTERPCOMMAND(DepthMask) INTERPCOMMAND(DepthFunc) INTERPCOMMAND(DepthRange) INTERPCOMMAND(PolygonOffset) INTERPCOMMAND(CullFace) INTERPCOMMAND(AlphaTest) INTERPCOMMAND(AlphaFunc) INTERPCOMMAND(SetTexture) INTERPCOMMAND(SetShader) INTERPCOMMAND(Uniform4f) INTERPCOMMAND(UniformMatrix4f) INTERPCOMMAND(Uniform1i) INTERPCOMMAND(SetRenderTargets) INTERPCOMMAND(ClipPlane) case DPSOFTRAST_OPCODE_Draw: DPSOFTRAST_Interpret_Draw(thread, (DPSOFTRAST_Command_Draw *)command); commandoffset += command->commandsize; if (commandoffset >= DPSOFTRAST_DRAW_MAXCOMMANDPOOL) commandoffset = 0; thread->commandoffset = commandoffset; break; case DPSOFTRAST_OPCODE_Reset: commandoffset = 0; break; } } thread->commandoffset = commandoffset; } static int DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Thread(void *data) { DPSOFTRAST_State_Thread *thread = (DPSOFTRAST_State_Thread *)data; while(thread->index >= 0) { if (thread->commandoffset != dpsoftrast.drawcommand) { DPSOFTRAST_Draw_InterpretCommands(thread, dpsoftrast.drawcommand); } else { Thread_LockMutex(thread->drawmutex); if (thread->commandoffset == dpsoftrast.drawcommand && thread->index >= 0) { if (thread->waiting) Thread_CondSignal(thread->waitcond); thread->starving = true; Thread_CondWait(thread->drawcond, thread->drawmutex); thread->starving = false; } Thread_UnlockMutex(thread->drawmutex); } } return 0; } static void DPSOFTRAST_Draw_FlushThreads(void) { DPSOFTRAST_State_Thread *thread; int i; DPSOFTRAST_Draw_SyncCommands(); if (dpsoftrast.usethreads) { for (i = 0; i < dpsoftrast.numthreads; i++) { thread = &dpsoftrast.threads[i]; if (thread->commandoffset != dpsoftrast.drawcommand) { Thread_LockMutex(thread->drawmutex); if (thread->commandoffset != dpsoftrast.drawcommand && thread->starving) Thread_CondSignal(thread->drawcond); Thread_UnlockMutex(thread->drawmutex); } } for (i = 0; i < dpsoftrast.numthreads; i++) { thread = &dpsoftrast.threads[i]; if (thread->commandoffset != dpsoftrast.drawcommand) { Thread_LockMutex(thread->drawmutex); if (thread->commandoffset != dpsoftrast.drawcommand) { thread->waiting = true; Thread_CondWait(thread->waitcond, thread->drawmutex); thread->waiting = false; } Thread_UnlockMutex(thread->drawmutex); } } } else { for (i = 0; i < dpsoftrast.numthreads; i++) { thread = &dpsoftrast.threads[i]; if (thread->commandoffset != dpsoftrast.drawcommand) DPSOFTRAST_Draw_InterpretCommands(thread, dpsoftrast.drawcommand); } } dpsoftrast.commandpool.usedcommands = 0; } void DPSOFTRAST_Flush(void) { DPSOFTRAST_Draw_FlushThreads(); } void DPSOFTRAST_Finish(void) { DPSOFTRAST_Flush(); } int DPSOFTRAST_Init(int width, int height, int numthreads, int interlace, unsigned int *colorpixels, unsigned int *depthpixels) { int i; union { int i; unsigned char b[4]; } u; u.i = 1; memset(&dpsoftrast, 0, sizeof(dpsoftrast)); dpsoftrast.bigendian = u.b[3]; dpsoftrast.fb_width = width; dpsoftrast.fb_height = height; dpsoftrast.fb_depthpixels = depthpixels; dpsoftrast.fb_colorpixels[0] = colorpixels; dpsoftrast.fb_colorpixels[1] = NULL; dpsoftrast.fb_colorpixels[1] = NULL; dpsoftrast.fb_colorpixels[1] = NULL; dpsoftrast.viewport[0] = 0; dpsoftrast.viewport[1] = 0; dpsoftrast.viewport[2] = dpsoftrast.fb_width; dpsoftrast.viewport[3] = dpsoftrast.fb_height; DPSOFTRAST_RecalcViewport(dpsoftrast.viewport, dpsoftrast.fb_viewportcenter, dpsoftrast.fb_viewportscale); dpsoftrast.texture_firstfree = 1; dpsoftrast.texture_end = 1; dpsoftrast.texture_max = 0; dpsoftrast.color[0] = 1; dpsoftrast.color[1] = 1; dpsoftrast.color[2] = 1; dpsoftrast.color[3] = 1; dpsoftrast.usethreads = numthreads > 0 && Thread_HasThreads(); dpsoftrast.interlace = dpsoftrast.usethreads ? bound(0, interlace, 1) : 0; dpsoftrast.numthreads = dpsoftrast.usethreads ? bound(1, numthreads, 64) : 1; dpsoftrast.threads = (DPSOFTRAST_State_Thread *)MM_CALLOC(dpsoftrast.numthreads, sizeof(DPSOFTRAST_State_Thread)); for (i = 0; i < dpsoftrast.numthreads; i++) { DPSOFTRAST_State_Thread *thread = &dpsoftrast.threads[i]; thread->index = i; thread->cullface = GL_BACK; thread->colormask[0] = 1; thread->colormask[1] = 1; thread->colormask[2] = 1; thread->colormask[3] = 1; thread->blendfunc[0] = GL_ONE; thread->blendfunc[1] = GL_ZERO; thread->depthmask = true; thread->depthtest = true; thread->depthfunc = GL_LEQUAL; thread->scissortest = false; thread->alphatest = false; thread->alphafunc = GL_GREATER; thread->alphavalue = 0.5f; thread->viewport[0] = 0; thread->viewport[1] = 0; thread->viewport[2] = dpsoftrast.fb_width; thread->viewport[3] = dpsoftrast.fb_height; thread->scissor[0] = 0; thread->scissor[1] = 0; thread->scissor[2] = dpsoftrast.fb_width; thread->scissor[3] = dpsoftrast.fb_height; thread->depthrange[0] = 0; thread->depthrange[1] = 1; thread->polygonoffset[0] = 0; thread->polygonoffset[1] = 0; thread->clipplane[0] = 0; thread->clipplane[1] = 0; thread->clipplane[2] = 0; thread->clipplane[3] = 1; thread->numspans = 0; thread->numtriangles = 0; thread->commandoffset = 0; thread->waiting = false; thread->starving = false; thread->validate = -1; DPSOFTRAST_Validate(thread, -1); if (dpsoftrast.usethreads) { thread->waitcond = Thread_CreateCond(); thread->drawcond = Thread_CreateCond(); thread->drawmutex = Thread_CreateMutex(); thread->thread = Thread_CreateThread(DPSOFTRAST_Draw_Thread, thread); } } return 0; } void DPSOFTRAST_Shutdown(void) { int i; if (dpsoftrast.usethreads && dpsoftrast.numthreads > 0) { DPSOFTRAST_State_Thread *thread; for (i = 0; i < dpsoftrast.numthreads; i++) { thread = &dpsoftrast.threads[i]; Thread_LockMutex(thread->drawmutex); thread->index = -1; Thread_CondSignal(thread->drawcond); Thread_UnlockMutex(thread->drawmutex); Thread_WaitThread(thread->thread, 0); Thread_DestroyCond(thread->waitcond); Thread_DestroyCond(thread->drawcond); Thread_DestroyMutex(thread->drawmutex); } } for (i = 0;i < dpsoftrast.texture_end;i++) if (dpsoftrast.texture[i].bytes) MM_FREE(dpsoftrast.texture[i].bytes); if (dpsoftrast.texture) free(dpsoftrast.texture); if (dpsoftrast.threads) MM_FREE(dpsoftrast.threads); memset(&dpsoftrast, 0, sizeof(dpsoftrast)); }