.float status_teamhealing; // 0 = can't team heal, 1 = can team heal, 2 = team healing right now float Swallow_condition_check_bot(entity prey) { // checks the necessary conditions for a bot to swallow a player if(Swallow_condition_check(prey)) // check the normal conditions of the vore system if not(prey.BUTTON_CHAT) // don't eat players who are chatting if(self.health > cvar("g_balance_vore_kick_damage_max")) // explained below return TRUE; return FALSE; } void Vore_AI_Teamheal(entity prey) { // allows bots to use the teamheal feature and heal damaged team mates // the prey entity is only used when it's available (a player is detected in range) entity head; if not(teams_matter && cvar("g_balance_vore_teamheal")) return; if(self.deadflag != DEAD_NO || self.predator.classname == "player" || self.flagcarried || self.digesting) // a flag carrier can't waste time on team healing { self.status_teamhealing = 0; return; } // if a teamheal is ongoing, decide whether or not to abandon it when seeing a foe we can attack // this only causes the bot to regurgitate their team mate when seeing an enemy, with the hope that our enemy will still be there once we can swallow // the higher the skill, the greater the chance a bot will abandon a team heal for an enemy if(self.status_teamhealing > 1) if(Swallow_condition_check_bot(prey)) if(prey.team != self.team) if(random() * 10 < cvar("bot_ai_vore_teamhealabandon") * skill / self.bot_voreteamheal) // there are 10 bot skill steps self.BUTTON_REGURGITATE = TRUE; // release the team mate // decide if we can teamheal or not if(self.stomach_load) { self.status_teamhealing = 2; // consider a team mate is in our stomach and we are teamhealing, until proven otherwise below FOR_EACH_PLAYER(head) { if(head.predator == self) if(head.team != self.team) { self.status_teamhealing = 0; // there's a foe in our stomach, we can't teamheal now return; } } } else self.status_teamhealing = 1; // if our stomach is empty, it means we can decide to teamheal // now that we're decided if we can teamheal or not, lets go ahead and do so // if we are holding a team mate that's been healed to the limit, we can release them FOR_EACH_PLAYER(head) { if(head.predator == self) // head is automatically a team mate, or we wouldn't be reaching this part of the code if(head.health >= cvar("g_balance_vore_teamheal_stable")) self.BUTTON_REGURGITATE = TRUE; // release the team mate } // check if we can heal a team mate we come across, and if so swallow them if(prey.team == self.team) if(Swallow_condition_check_bot(prey)) if(prey.health < cvar("g_balance_vore_teamheal_stable")) if not(prey.digesting) // if our team mate is digesting someone, he likely wouldn't want us ruining his frag if not(prey.flagcarried) // don't eat the flag carrier and ruin his job self.BUTTON_ATCK = TRUE; // swallow the team mate } .float decide_swallow, decide_pred, decide_prey; void Vore_AI() { // main vore AI code if(cvar("bot_nofire") || !skill) return; // -------------------------------- // Predator bot behavior: // -------------------------------- // finding and swallowing a player // aim toward the nearest possible victim. The greater the skill, the quicker the aim // this only does the aiming, checking and swallowing is handled below entity scan; scan = findradius(self.origin, cvar("g_balance_vore_swallow_range")); if(Swallow_condition_check_bot(scan)) bot_aimdir(scan.origin + scan.view_ofs - self.origin - self.view_ofs, -1); // now do the actual checking and swallowing entity prey; float randomtry_pred, randomtry_prey; float decide_pred_time, decide_prey_time; prey = Swallow_player_check(); // check if we should run the Teamhealing AI rather than continuing with the normal vore AI Vore_AI_Teamheal(prey); if(self.status_teamhealing > 1) // if we are teamhealing, there's nothing to do from here on return; randomtry_pred = randomtry_prey = random() * 10; // there are 10 bot skill steps if(prey.items & IT_STRENGTH) // avoid eating bots that have the Strenght powerup randomtry_pred /= cvar("bot_ai_vore_fear") * self.bot_vorefear; if(prey.items & IT_INVINCIBLE) // avoid eating bots that have the Invincible powerup randomtry_pred /= cvar("bot_ai_vore_fear") * self.bot_vorefear; decide_pred_time = cvar("bot_ai_vore_decide_pred") / (skill * 2 + 1) / self.bot_vorethinkpred; decide_prey_time = cvar("bot_ai_vore_decide_prey") / (skill * 2 + 1) / self.bot_vorethinkprey; if(time > self.decide_swallow) if(Swallow_condition_check_bot(prey)) { // the greater the skill, the higher the chance bots will swallow someone each attempt if(skill >= randomtry_pred) if not(teams_matter && prey.team == self.team) { self.BUTTON_ATCK = TRUE; // swallow self.decide_pred = time + decide_pred_time; // time before the bot decides what to do with their prey } self.decide_swallow = time + cvar("bot_ai_vore_decide_swallow"); // this is needed to take decisions properly, otherwise the code would execute each frame and return 1 pretty soon } // deciding what to do with a victim: if(self.stomach_load && time > self.decide_pred) { // if the predator's health is smaller than the maximum damage a stomach kick can do, regurgitate the player(s) // otherwise the predator is putting himself at risk by keeping you inside if(self.health <= cvar("g_balance_vore_kick_damage_max")) self.BUTTON_REGURGITATE = TRUE; else if(!self.digesting) { // the higher the skill, the faster bots will start to digest you if(skill >= randomtry_pred) self.BUTTON_DIGEST = TRUE; // digest self.decide_pred = time + decide_pred_time; // time before the bot decides what to do with their prey } } // -------------------------------- // Prey bot behavior: // -------------------------------- // all we can do in the stomach is kick and do some damage / try to escape, or leave if the circumstances allow it and we should if(self.predator.classname == "player" && time > self.decide_prey) { if not(teams_matter && self.team == self.predator.team) { // the higher the skill, the more the bot will kick in your stomack if(skill >= randomtry_prey) if not(teams_matter && self.team == self.predator.team) // if someone from the same team is in the belly, don't kick the predator self.BUTTON_ATCK = TRUE; // kick } // if a bot can willingly leave the predator, do so unless there's a reason not to if(self.stat_canleave) { if(self.predator.digesting) // our predator is digesting, so get out of him regardless of who he is self.BUTTON_JUMP = TRUE; // leave else if not(teams_matter && self.team == self.predator.team && cvar("g_balance_vore_teamheal") && self.health < cvar("g_balance_vore_teamheal_stable")) // we are being team healed, don't leave self.BUTTON_JUMP = TRUE; // leave } self.decide_prey = time + decide_prey_time; // time before the bot decides what to do with their predator } }