// self.isactive = player is in range and coordinates/status (health and armor) are up to date // self.origin = player origin TODO: should maybe move this so it's the origin of the shownames tag already in SSQC for culling? // self.healthvalue // self.armorvalue // self.eaten // self.sameteam = player is on same team as local client // const float SHOWNAMES_FADESPEED = 4; void Draw_ShowNames(entity ent) { if(!cvar("hud_shownames")) return; if(ent.sv_entnum == player_localentnum && !cvar("chase_active")) return; if(ent.predator) // don't show names for prey return; if(ent.sameteam || (!ent.sameteam && cvar("hud_shownames_enemies"))) { ent.origin_z += cvar("hud_shownames_offset"); // offset the name by player scale, decided by health if(g_healthsize) ent.origin_z -= (g_healthsize - ent.healthvalue) * cvar("hud_shownames_offset_healthsize"); if(!ent.sameteam) { /* WIP, why does trace_ent != ent not work as intended here? if(cvar("hud_shownames_enemies") != 2) // player has to point at enemy if so { traceline(view_origin, view_origin + view_forward * MAX_SHOT_DISTANCE, MOVETYPE_FLY, world); print("trace_endpos: ", vtos(trace_endpos), " view_origin: ", vtos(view_origin), "\n"); if(trace_ent != ent) return; }*/ traceline(ent.origin, view_origin, 1, ent); } vector o, eo; o = project_3d_to_2d(ent.origin); float overlap; if(cvar("hud_shownames_antioverlap")) { // fade tag out if another tag that is closer to you overlaps entity e; for(e = world; (e = find(e, classname, "shownames_tag")); ) { if(e == ent) continue; eo = project_3d_to_2d(e.origin); if not(eo_z < 0 || eo_x < 0 || eo_y < 0 || eo_x > vid_conwidth || eo_y > vid_conheight) { eo_z = 0; if(vlen(('1 0 0' * o_x + '0 1 0' * o_y) - eo) < cvar("hud_shownames_antioverlap_distance") && vlen(ent.origin - view_origin) > vlen(e.origin - view_origin)) { overlap = TRUE; break; } } } } if(!ent.sameteam && trace_endpos != view_origin) // out of view, fade out ent.alpha = max(0, ent.alpha - SHOWNAMES_FADESPEED * frametime); else if(ent.healthvalue < 1) // dead player, fade out slowly ent.alpha = max(0, ent.alpha - SHOWNAMES_FADESPEED * 0.25 * frametime); else if(overlap) // tag overlap detected, fade out ent.alpha = max(0, ent.alpha - SHOWNAMES_FADESPEED * frametime); else // fade in ent.alpha = min(1, ent.alpha + SHOWNAMES_FADESPEED * frametime); if(!ent.alpha) return; float dist; dist = vlen(ent.origin - view_origin); float a; a = cvar("hud_shownames_alpha"); a *= ent.alpha; if(cvar("hud_shownames_maxdistance")) { if(dist >= cvar("hud_shownames_maxdistance")) return; a *= ((cvar("hud_shownames_maxdistance") - cvar("hud_shownames_mindistance")) - max(0, dist - cvar("hud_shownames_mindistance"))) / (cvar("hud_shownames_maxdistance") - cvar("hud_shownames_mindistance")); } if(!a) return; float resize; resize = 1; if(cvar("hud_shownames_resize")) // limit resize so its never smaller than 0.5... gets unreadable resize = 0.5 + 0.5 * ((cvar("hud_shownames_maxdistance") - cvar("hud_shownames_mindistance")) - max(0, dist - cvar("hud_shownames_mindistance"))) / (cvar("hud_shownames_maxdistance") - cvar("hud_shownames_mindistance")); // draw the sprite image if not(o_z < 0 || o_x < 0 || o_y < 0 || o_x > vid_conwidth || o_y > vid_conheight) { o_z = 0; vector myPos, mySize; mySize = ('1 0 0' * cvar("hud_shownames_aspect") + '0 1 0') * cvar("hud_shownames_fontsize"); myPos = o - '0.5 0 0' * mySize_x - '0 1 0' * mySize_y; // size scaling mySize_x *= resize; mySize_y *= resize; myPos_x += 0.5 * (mySize_x / resize - mySize_x); myPos_y += (mySize_y / resize - mySize_y); vector namepos; // this is where the origin of the string float namewidth; namepos = myPos; namewidth = mySize_x; string s; s = GetPlayerName(ent.sv_entnum-1); if((cvar("hud_shownames_decolorize") == 1 && teamplay) || cvar("hud_shownames_decolorize") == 2) s = playername(s, GetPlayerColor(ent.sv_entnum-1)); drawfontscale = '1 1 0' * resize; s = textShortenToWidth(s, namewidth, '1 1 0' * cvar("hud_shownames_fontsize"), stringwidth_colors); if(cvar("hud_shownames_status") && teamplay) if(ent.sameteam && ent.healthvalue > 0) { if(ent.armorvalue) s = strcat(s, " (", ftos(ent.healthvalue), "|", ftos(ent.armorvalue), ")"); else s = strcat(s, " (", ftos(ent.healthvalue), ")"); } float width; width = stringwidth(s, TRUE, '1 1 0' * cvar("hud_shownames_fontsize")); if (width != namewidth) namepos_x += (namewidth - width) / 2; drawcolorcodedstring(namepos, s, '1 1 0' * cvar("hud_shownames_fontsize"), a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawfontscale = '1 1 0'; } } } entity shownames_ent[255]; void Draw_ShowNames_All() { float i; for(i = 0; i < maxclients; ++i) { float t; t = GetPlayerColor(i); if(t == COLOR_SPECTATOR) continue; entity e; e = shownames_ent[i]; if(!e) { e = spawn(); e.classname = "shownames_tag"; e.sv_entnum = i+1; shownames_ent[i] = e; } entity entcs; entcs = entcs_receiver[i]; if(entcs) { e.healthvalue = entcs.healthvalue; e.armorvalue = entcs.armorvalue; e.sameteam = 1; /* (teamplay && (t == myteam)); */ e.predator = entcs.predator; } else { e.healthvalue = 2342; e.armorvalue = 0; e.sameteam = 0; e.predator = 0; } e.origin = getplayerorigin(i); if(e.origin == GETPLAYERORIGIN_ERROR) continue; Draw_ShowNames(e); } }