/* Blind-ID library for user identification using RSA blind signatures Copyright (C) 2010 Rudolf Polzer This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "d0_bignum.h" #include struct d0_bignum_s { BIGNUM z; }; static d0_bignum_t temp; static BN_CTX ctx; #include #include WARN_UNUSED_RESULT BOOL d0_bignum_INITIALIZE(void) { BN_CTX_init(&ctx); d0_bignum_init(&temp); return 1; } void d0_bignum_SHUTDOWN(void) { d0_bignum_clear(&temp); BN_CTX_free(&ctx); } BOOL d0_iobuf_write_bignum(d0_iobuf_t *buf, const d0_bignum_t *bignum) { static unsigned char numbuf[65536]; size_t count = 0; numbuf[0] = BN_is_zero(&bignum->z) ? 0 : BN_is_negative(&bignum->z) ? 3 : 1; if((numbuf[0] & 3) != 0) // nonzero { count = BN_num_bytes(&bignum->z); if(count > sizeof(numbuf) - 1) return 0; BN_bn2bin(numbuf+1, &bignum->z); } return d0_iobuf_write_packet(buf, numbuf, count + 1); } d0_bignum_t *d0_iobuf_read_bignum(d0_iobuf_t *buf, d0_bignum_t *bignum) { static unsigned char numbuf[65536]; size_t count = sizeof(numbuf); if(!d0_iobuf_read_packet(buf, numbuf, &count)) return NULL; if(count < 1) return NULL; if(!bignum) bignum = d0_bignum_new(); if(!bignum) return NULL; if(numbuf[0] & 3) // nonzero { BN_bin2bn(numbuf+1, count-1, &bignum->z); if(numbuf[0] & 2) // negative BN_set_negative(&bignum->z, 1); } else // zero { BN_zero(&bignum->z); } return bignum; } ssize_t d0_bignum_export_unsigned(const d0_bignum_t *bignum, void *buf, size_t bufsize) { size_t count; count = BN_num_bytes(&bignum->z); if(count > bufsize) return -1; if(bufsize > count) { // pad from left (big endian numbers!) memset(buf, 0, bufsize - count); buf += bufsize - count; } BN_bn2bin(&bignum->z, buf); return bufsize; } d0_bignum_t *d0_bignum_import_unsigned(d0_bignum_t *bignum, const void *buf, size_t bufsize) { size_t count; if(!bignum) bignum = d0_bignum_new(); if(!bignum) return NULL; BN_bin2bn(buf, bufsize, &bignum->z); return bignum; } d0_bignum_t *d0_bignum_new(void) { d0_bignum_t *b = d0_malloc(sizeof(d0_bignum_t)); BN_init(&b->z); return b; } void d0_bignum_free(d0_bignum_t *a) { BN_free(&a->z); d0_free(a); } void d0_bignum_init(d0_bignum_t *b) { BN_init(&b->z); } void d0_bignum_clear(d0_bignum_t *a) { BN_free(&a->z); } size_t d0_bignum_size(const d0_bignum_t *r) { return BN_num_bits(&r->z); } int d0_bignum_cmp(const d0_bignum_t *a, const d0_bignum_t *b) { return BN_cmp(&a->z, &b->z); } d0_bignum_t *d0_bignum_rand_range(d0_bignum_t *r, const d0_bignum_t *min, const d0_bignum_t *max) { if(!r) r = d0_bignum_new(); if(!r) return NULL; BN_sub(&temp.z, &max->z, &min->z); BN_rand_range(&r->z, &temp.z); BN_add(&r->z, &r->z, &min->z); return r; } d0_bignum_t *d0_bignum_rand_bit_atmost(d0_bignum_t *r, size_t n) { if(!r) r = d0_bignum_new(); if(!r) return NULL; BN_rand(&r->z, n, -1, 0); return r; } d0_bignum_t *d0_bignum_rand_bit_exact(d0_bignum_t *r, size_t n) { if(!r) r = d0_bignum_new(); if(!r) return NULL; BN_rand(&r->z, n, 0, 0); return r; } d0_bignum_t *d0_bignum_zero(d0_bignum_t *r) { if(!r) r = d0_bignum_new(); if(!r) return NULL; BN_zero(&r->z); return r; } d0_bignum_t *d0_bignum_one(d0_bignum_t *r) { if(!r) r = d0_bignum_new(); if(!r) return NULL; BN_one(&r->z); return r; } d0_bignum_t *d0_bignum_int(d0_bignum_t *r, int n) { if(!r) r = d0_bignum_new(); if(!r) return NULL; BN_set_word(&r->z, n); return r; } d0_bignum_t *d0_bignum_mov(d0_bignum_t *r, const d0_bignum_t *a) { if(r == a) return r; // trivial if(!r) r = d0_bignum_new(); if(!r) return NULL; BN_copy(&r->z, &a->z); return r; } d0_bignum_t *d0_bignum_neg(d0_bignum_t *r, const d0_bignum_t *a) { if(!r) r = d0_bignum_new(); if(!r) return NULL; if(r != a) BN_copy(&r->z, &a->z); BN_set_negative(&r->z, !BN_is_negative(&r->z)); return r; } d0_bignum_t *d0_bignum_shl(d0_bignum_t *r, const d0_bignum_t *a, ssize_t n) { if(!r) r = d0_bignum_new(); if(!r) return NULL; if(n > 0) BN_lshift(&r->z, &a->z, n); else if(n < 0) BN_rshift(&r->z, &a->z, n); else if(r != a) BN_copy(&r->z, &a->z); return r; } d0_bignum_t *d0_bignum_add(d0_bignum_t *r, const d0_bignum_t *a, const d0_bignum_t *b) { if(!r) r = d0_bignum_new(); if(!r) return NULL; BN_add(&r->z, &a->z, &b->z); return r; } d0_bignum_t *d0_bignum_sub(d0_bignum_t *r, const d0_bignum_t *a, const d0_bignum_t *b) { if(!r) r = d0_bignum_new(); if(!r) return NULL; BN_sub(&r->z, &a->z, &b->z); return r; } d0_bignum_t *d0_bignum_mul(d0_bignum_t *r, const d0_bignum_t *a, const d0_bignum_t *b) { if(!r) r = d0_bignum_new(); if(!r) return NULL; BN_mul(&r->z, &a->z, &b->z); return r; } d0_bignum_t *d0_bignum_divmod(d0_bignum_t *q, d0_bignum_t *m, const d0_bignum_t *a, const d0_bignum_t *b) { if(!q && !m) m = d0_bignum_new(); if(q) { if(m) BN_div(&q->z, &m->z, &a->z, &b->z, &ctx); else BN_div(&q->z, NULL, &a->z, &b->z, &ctx); assert(!"I know this code is broken (rounds towards zero), need handle negative correctly"); } else BN_nnmod(&q->z, NULL, &a->z, &b->z, &ctx); if(m) return m; else return q; } d0_bignum_t *d0_bignum_mod_add(d0_bignum_t *r, const d0_bignum_t *a, const d0_bignum_t *b, const d0_bignum_t *m) { if(!r) r = d0_bignum_new(); if(!r) return NULL; BN_mod_add(&r->z, &a->z, &b->z, &m->z, &ctx); return r; } d0_bignum_t *d0_bignum_mod_mul(d0_bignum_t *r, const d0_bignum_t *a, const d0_bignum_t *b, const d0_bignum_t *m) { if(!r) r = d0_bignum_new(); if(!r) return NULL; BN_mod_mul(&r->z, &a->z, &b->z, &m->z, &ctx); return r; } d0_bignum_t *d0_bignum_mod_pow(d0_bignum_t *r, const d0_bignum_t *a, const d0_bignum_t *b, const d0_bignum_t *m) { if(!r) r = d0_bignum_new(); if(!r) return NULL; BN_mod_exp(&r->z, &a->z, &b->z, &m->z, &ctx); return r; } BOOL d0_bignum_mod_inv(d0_bignum_t *r, const d0_bignum_t *a, const d0_bignum_t *m) { // here, r MUST be set, as otherwise we cannot return error state! return !!BN_mod_inverse(&r->z, &a->z, &m->z, &ctx); } int d0_bignum_isprime(d0_bignum_t *r, int param) { return BN_is_prime(&r->z, param, NULL, &ctx, NULL); } d0_bignum_t *d0_bignum_gcd(d0_bignum_t *r, d0_bignum_t *s, d0_bignum_t *t, const d0_bignum_t *a, const d0_bignum_t *b) { if(!r) r = d0_bignum_new(); if(!r) return NULL; if(s) assert(!"Extended gcd not implemented"); else if(t) assert(!"Extended gcd not implemented"); else BN_gcd(&r->z, &a->z, &b->z, &ctx); return r; } char *d0_bignum_tostring(const d0_bignum_t *x, unsigned int base) { if(base == 10) return BN_bn2dec(&x->z); else if(base == 16) return BN_bn2hex(&x->z); else assert(!"Other bases not implemented"); }