/* Copyright (C) 2006, Stefan Greven. All Rights Reserved. This file is part of GtkRadiant. GtkRadiant is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. GtkRadiant is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GtkRadiant; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "shaderplug.h" #include "debugging/debugging.h" #include #include #include "string/string.h" #include "modulesystem/singletonmodule.h" #include "stream/stringstream.h" #include "os/file.h" #include #include "iplugin.h" #include "qerplugin.h" #include "ifilesystem.h" #include "iarchive.h" #include "ishaders.h" #include "iscriplib.h" #include "generic/callback.h" namespace { const char SHADERTAG_FILE[] = "shadertags.xml"; } class ShaderPlugPluginDependencies : public GlobalRadiantModuleRef, public GlobalFileSystemModuleRef, public GlobalShadersModuleRef { public: ShaderPlugPluginDependencies() : GlobalShadersModuleRef(GlobalRadiant().getRequiredGameDescriptionKeyValue("shaders")) { } }; namespace Shaderplug { ui::Window g_window{ui::null}; std::vector archives; std::set shaders; std::set textures; XmlTagBuilder TagBuilder; void CreateTagFile(); const char *init(void *hApp, void *pMainWidget) { g_window = ui::Window::from(pMainWidget); return ""; } const char *getName() { return "ShaderPlug"; } const char *getCommandList() { return "About;Create tag file"; } const char *getCommandTitleList() { return ""; } void dispatch(const char *command, float *vMin, float *vMax, bool bSingleBrush) { if (string_equal(command, "About")) { GlobalRadiant().m_pfnMessageBox(g_window, "Shaderplug (1.0)\n\n" "by Shaderman (shaderman@gmx.net)", "About", eMB_OK, eMB_ICONDEFAULT); } if (string_equal(command, "Create tag file")) { CreateTagFile(); } } void loadArchiveFile(const char *filename) { archives.push_back(filename); } void LoadTextureFile(const char *filename) { std::string s_filename = filename; char buffer[256]; strcpy(buffer, "textures/"); // append filename without trailing file extension (.tga or .jpg for example) strncat(buffer, filename, s_filename.length() - 4); std::set::iterator iter; iter = shaders.find(buffer); // a shader with this name already exists if (iter == shaders.end()) { textures.insert(buffer); } } void GetTextures(const char *extension) { GlobalFileSystem().forEachFile("textures/", extension, makeCallbackF(LoadTextureFile), 0); } void LoadShaderList(const char *filename) { if (string_equal_prefix(filename, "textures/")) { shaders.insert(filename); } } void GetAllShaders() { GlobalShaderSystem().foreachShaderName(makeCallbackF(LoadShaderList)); } void GetArchiveList() { GlobalFileSystem().forEachArchive(makeCallbackF(loadArchiveFile)); globalOutputStream() << "Shaderplug: " << (const Unsigned) Shaderplug::archives.size() << " archives found.\n"; } void CreateTagFile() { const char *shader_type = GlobalRadiant().getGameDescriptionKeyValue("shaders"); GetAllShaders(); globalOutputStream() << "Shaderplug: " << (const Unsigned) shaders.size() << " shaders found.\n"; if (string_equal(shader_type, "quake3")) { GetTextures("jpg"); GetTextures("tga"); GetTextures("png"); globalOutputStream() << "Shaderplug: " << (const Unsigned) textures.size() << " textures found.\n"; } if (shaders.size() || textures.size() != 0) { globalOutputStream() << "Shaderplug: Creating XML tag file.\n"; TagBuilder.CreateXmlDocument(); std::set::reverse_iterator r_iter; for (r_iter = textures.rbegin(); r_iter != textures.rend(); ++r_iter) { TagBuilder.AddShaderNode(const_cast((*r_iter).c_str()), STOCK, TEXTURE); } for (r_iter = shaders.rbegin(); r_iter != shaders.rend(); ++r_iter) { TagBuilder.AddShaderNode(const_cast((*r_iter).c_str()), STOCK, SHADER); } // Get the tag file StringOutputStream tagFileStream(256); tagFileStream << GlobalRadiant().getLocalRcPath() << SHADERTAG_FILE; char *tagFile = tagFileStream.c_str(); char message[256]; strcpy(message, "Tag file saved to\n"); strcat(message, tagFile); strcat(message, "\nPlease restart Radiant now.\n"); if (file_exists(tagFile)) { EMessageBoxReturn result = GlobalRadiant().m_pfnMessageBox(g_window, "WARNING! A tag file already exists! Overwrite it?", "Overwrite tag file?", eMB_NOYES, eMB_ICONWARNING); if (result == eIDYES) { TagBuilder.SaveXmlDoc(tagFile); GlobalRadiant().m_pfnMessageBox(g_window, message, "INFO", eMB_OK, eMB_ICONASTERISK); } } else { TagBuilder.SaveXmlDoc(tagFile); GlobalRadiant().m_pfnMessageBox(g_window, message, "INFO", eMB_OK, eMB_ICONASTERISK); } } else { GlobalRadiant().m_pfnMessageBox(g_window, "No shaders or textures found. No XML tag file created!\n" "", "ERROR", eMB_OK, eMB_ICONERROR); } } } // namespace class ShaderPluginModule { _QERPluginTable m_plugin; public: typedef _QERPluginTable Type; STRING_CONSTANT(Name, "ShaderPlug"); ShaderPluginModule() { m_plugin.m_pfnQERPlug_Init = &Shaderplug::init; m_plugin.m_pfnQERPlug_GetName = &Shaderplug::getName; m_plugin.m_pfnQERPlug_GetCommandList = &Shaderplug::getCommandList; m_plugin.m_pfnQERPlug_GetCommandTitleList = &Shaderplug::getCommandTitleList; m_plugin.m_pfnQERPlug_Dispatch = &Shaderplug::dispatch; } _QERPluginTable *getTable() { return &m_plugin; } }; typedef SingletonModule SingletonShaderPluginModule; SingletonShaderPluginModule g_ShaderPluginModule; extern "C" void RADIANT_DLLEXPORT Radiant_RegisterModules(ModuleServer &server) { initialiseModule(server); g_ShaderPluginModule.selfRegister(); }