/* BobToolz plugin for GtkRadiant Copyright (C) 2001 Gordon Biggans This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "str.h" #include "qerplugin.h" #include "mathlib.h" #include "string/string.h" #include "itoolbar.h" #include "funchandlers.h" #include "DBobView.h" #include "DVisDrawer.h" #include "DTrainDrawer.h" #include "DTreePlanter.h" #include "dialogs/dialogs-gtk.h" #include "../../libs/cmdlib.h" void BobToolz_construct() { } void BobToolz_destroy() { if(g_PathView) { delete g_PathView; g_PathView = NULL; } if(g_VisView) { delete g_VisView; g_VisView = NULL; } if(g_TrainView) { delete g_TrainView; g_TrainView = NULL; } if(g_TreePlanter) { delete g_TreePlanter; g_TreePlanter = NULL; } } // plugin name char* PLUGIN_NAME = "bobToolz"; // commands in the menu static char* PLUGIN_COMMANDS = "About...,-,Reset Textures...,PitOMatic,-,Vis Viewer,Brush Cleanup,Polygon Builder,Caulk Selection,-,Tree Planter,Drop Entity,Plot Splines,-,Merge Patches,Split patches,Split patches cols,Split patches rows,Turn edge"; // globals GtkWidget *g_pRadiantWnd = NULL; static const char *PLUGIN_ABOUT = "bobToolz for SDRadiant\n" "by digibob (digibob@splashdamage.com)\n" "http://www.splashdamage.com\n\n" "Additional Contributors:\n" "MarsMattel, RR2DO2\n"; extern "C" const char* QERPlug_Init( void* hApp, void* pMainWidget ) { g_pRadiantWnd = (GtkWidget*)pMainWidget; return "bobToolz for GTKradiant"; } extern "C" const char* QERPlug_GetName() { return PLUGIN_NAME; } extern "C" const char* QERPlug_GetCommandList() { return PLUGIN_COMMANDS; } extern "C" void QERPlug_Dispatch (const char *p, vec3_t vMin, vec3_t vMax, bool bSingleBrush) { LoadLists(); if( string_equal_nocase( p, "brush cleanup" ) ) { DoFixBrushes(); } else if( string_equal_nocase( p, "polygon builder" ) ) { DoPolygonsTB(); } else if( string_equal_nocase( p, "caulk selection" ) ) { DoCaulkSelection(); } else if( string_equal_nocase( p, "tree planter" ) ) { DoTreePlanter(); } else if( string_equal_nocase( p, "plot splines" ) ) { DoTrainPathPlot(); } else if( string_equal_nocase( p, "drop entity" ) ) { DoDropEnts(); } else if( string_equal_nocase( p, "merge patches" ) ) { DoMergePatches(); } else if( string_equal_nocase( p, "split patches" ) ) { DoSplitPatch(); } else if( string_equal_nocase( p, "split patches rows" ) ) { DoSplitPatchRows(); } else if( string_equal_nocase( p, "split patches cols" ) ) { DoSplitPatchCols(); } else if( string_equal_nocase( p, "turn edge" ) ) { DoFlipTerrain(); } else if( string_equal_nocase(p, "reset textures...") ) { DoResetTextures(); } else if( string_equal_nocase(p, "pitomatic") ) { DoPitBuilder(); } else if( string_equal_nocase(p, "vis viewer") ) { DoVisAnalyse(); } else if( string_equal_nocase(p, "about...") ) { DoMessageBox(PLUGIN_ABOUT, "About", eMB_OK); } } const char* QERPlug_GetCommandTitleList() { return ""; } #define NUM_TOOLBARBUTTONS 9 std::size_t ToolbarButtonCount( void ) { return NUM_TOOLBARBUTTONS; } class CBobtoolzToolbarButton : public IToolbarButton { public: virtual const char* getImage() const { switch( mIndex ) { case 0: return "bobtoolz_cleanup.bmp"; case 1: return "bobtoolz_poly.bmp"; case 2: return "bobtoolz_caulk.bmp"; case 3: return "bobtoolz_treeplanter.bmp"; case 4: return "bobtoolz_trainpathplot.bmp"; case 5: return "bobtoolz_dropent.bmp"; case 6: return "bobtoolz_merge.bmp"; case 7: return "bobtoolz_split.bmp"; case 8: return "bobtoolz_turnedge.bmp"; } return NULL; } virtual EType getType() const { switch( mIndex ) { case 3: return eToggleButton; default: return eButton; } } virtual const char* getText() const { switch( mIndex ) { case 0: return "Cleanup"; case 1: return "Polygons"; case 2: return "Caulk"; case 3: return "Tree Planter"; case 4: return "Plot Splines"; case 5: return "Drop Entity"; case 6: return "Merge Patches"; case 7: return "Split Patches"; case 8: return "Flip Terrain"; } return NULL; } virtual const char* getTooltip() const { switch( mIndex ) { case 0: return "Brush Cleanup"; case 1: return "Polygons"; case 2: return "Caulk selection"; case 3: return "Tree Planter"; case 4: return "Plot Splines"; case 5: return "Drop Entity"; case 6: return "Merge Patches"; case 7: return "Split Patches"; case 8: return "Flip Terrain"; } return NULL; } virtual void activate() const { LoadLists(); switch( mIndex ) { case 0: DoFixBrushes(); break; case 1: DoPolygonsTB(); break; case 2: DoCaulkSelection(); break; case 3: DoTreePlanter(); break; case 4: DoTrainPathPlot(); break; case 5: DoDropEnts(); break; case 6: DoMergePatches(); break; case 7: DoSplitPatch(); break; case 8: DoFlipTerrain(); break; } } std::size_t mIndex; }; CBobtoolzToolbarButton g_bobtoolzToolbarButtons[NUM_TOOLBARBUTTONS]; const IToolbarButton* GetToolbarButton(std::size_t index) { g_bobtoolzToolbarButtons[index].mIndex = index; return &g_bobtoolzToolbarButtons[index]; } #include "modulesystem/singletonmodule.h" #include "iscenegraph.h" #include "irender.h" #include "iundo.h" #include "ishaders.h" #include "ipatch.h" #include "ibrush.h" #include "ientity.h" #include "ieclass.h" #include "iglrender.h" #include "iplugin.h" class BobToolzPluginDependencies : public GlobalRadiantModuleRef, public GlobalUndoModuleRef, public GlobalSceneGraphModuleRef, public GlobalSelectionModuleRef, public GlobalEntityModuleRef, public GlobalEntityClassManagerModuleRef, public GlobalShadersModuleRef, public GlobalShaderCacheModuleRef, public GlobalBrushModuleRef, public GlobalPatchModuleRef, public GlobalOpenGLModuleRef, public GlobalOpenGLStateLibraryModuleRef { public: BobToolzPluginDependencies() : GlobalEntityModuleRef(GlobalRadiant().getRequiredGameDescriptionKeyValue("entities")), GlobalShadersModuleRef(GlobalRadiant().getRequiredGameDescriptionKeyValue("shaders")), GlobalBrushModuleRef(GlobalRadiant().getRequiredGameDescriptionKeyValue("brushtypes")), GlobalPatchModuleRef(GlobalRadiant().getRequiredGameDescriptionKeyValue("patchtypes")), GlobalEntityClassManagerModuleRef(GlobalRadiant().getRequiredGameDescriptionKeyValue("entityclass")) { } }; class BobToolzPluginModule : public TypeSystemRef { _QERPluginTable m_plugin; public: typedef _QERPluginTable Type; STRING_CONSTANT(Name, "bobtoolz"); BobToolzPluginModule() { m_plugin.m_pfnQERPlug_Init = QERPlug_Init; m_plugin.m_pfnQERPlug_GetName = QERPlug_GetName; m_plugin.m_pfnQERPlug_GetCommandList = QERPlug_GetCommandList; m_plugin.m_pfnQERPlug_GetCommandTitleList = QERPlug_GetCommandTitleList; m_plugin.m_pfnQERPlug_Dispatch = QERPlug_Dispatch; BobToolz_construct(); } ~BobToolzPluginModule() { BobToolz_destroy(); } _QERPluginTable* getTable() { return &m_plugin; } }; typedef SingletonModule SingletonBobToolzPluginModule; SingletonBobToolzPluginModule g_BobToolzPluginModule; class BobToolzToolbarDependencies : public ModuleRef<_QERPluginTable> { public: BobToolzToolbarDependencies() : ModuleRef<_QERPluginTable>("bobtoolz") { } }; class BobToolzToolbarModule : public TypeSystemRef { _QERPlugToolbarTable m_table; public: typedef _QERPlugToolbarTable Type; STRING_CONSTANT(Name, "bobtoolz"); BobToolzToolbarModule() { m_table.m_pfnToolbarButtonCount = ToolbarButtonCount; m_table.m_pfnGetToolbarButton = GetToolbarButton; } _QERPlugToolbarTable* getTable() { return &m_table; } }; typedef SingletonModule SingletonBobToolzToolbarModule; SingletonBobToolzToolbarModule g_BobToolzToolbarModule; extern "C" void RADIANT_DLLEXPORT Radiant_RegisterModules(ModuleServer& server) { initialiseModule(server); g_BobToolzPluginModule.selfRegister(); g_BobToolzToolbarModule.selfRegister(); }