/* Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ // common.c -- misc functions used in client and server #include #include #ifndef WIN32 #include #endif #include "quakedef.h" #include "utf8lib.h" cvar_t registered = {0, "registered","0", "indicates if this is running registered quake (whether gfx/pop.lmp was found)"}; cvar_t cmdline = {0, "cmdline","0", "contains commandline the engine was launched with"}; char com_token[MAX_INPUTLINE]; int com_argc; const char **com_argv; int com_selffd = -1; gamemode_t gamemode; const char *gamename; const char *gamedirname1; const char *gamedirname2; const char *gamescreenshotname; const char *gameuserdirname; char com_modname[MAX_OSPATH] = ""; /* ============================================================================ BYTE ORDER FUNCTIONS ============================================================================ */ float BuffBigFloat (const unsigned char *buffer) { union { float f; unsigned int i; } u; u.i = (buffer[0] << 24) | (buffer[1] << 16) | (buffer[2] << 8) | buffer[3]; return u.f; } int BuffBigLong (const unsigned char *buffer) { return (buffer[0] << 24) | (buffer[1] << 16) | (buffer[2] << 8) | buffer[3]; } short BuffBigShort (const unsigned char *buffer) { return (buffer[0] << 8) | buffer[1]; } float BuffLittleFloat (const unsigned char *buffer) { union { float f; unsigned int i; } u; u.i = (buffer[3] << 24) | (buffer[2] << 16) | (buffer[1] << 8) | buffer[0]; return u.f; } int BuffLittleLong (const unsigned char *buffer) { return (buffer[3] << 24) | (buffer[2] << 16) | (buffer[1] << 8) | buffer[0]; } short BuffLittleShort (const unsigned char *buffer) { return (buffer[1] << 8) | buffer[0]; } void StoreBigLong (unsigned char *buffer, unsigned int i) { buffer[0] = (i >> 24) & 0xFF; buffer[1] = (i >> 16) & 0xFF; buffer[2] = (i >> 8) & 0xFF; buffer[3] = i & 0xFF; } void StoreBigShort (unsigned char *buffer, unsigned short i) { buffer[0] = (i >> 8) & 0xFF; buffer[1] = i & 0xFF; } void StoreLittleLong (unsigned char *buffer, unsigned int i) { buffer[0] = i & 0xFF; buffer[1] = (i >> 8) & 0xFF; buffer[2] = (i >> 16) & 0xFF; buffer[3] = (i >> 24) & 0xFF; } void StoreLittleShort (unsigned char *buffer, unsigned short i) { buffer[0] = i & 0xFF; buffer[1] = (i >> 8) & 0xFF; } /* ============================================================================ CRC FUNCTIONS ============================================================================ */ // this is a 16 bit, non-reflected CRC using the polynomial 0x1021 // and the initial and final xor values shown below... in other words, the // CCITT standard CRC used by XMODEM #define CRC_INIT_VALUE 0xffff #define CRC_XOR_VALUE 0x0000 static unsigned short crctable[256] = { 0x0000, 0x1021, 0x2042, 0x3063, 0x4084, 0x50a5, 0x60c6, 0x70e7, 0x8108, 0x9129, 0xa14a, 0xb16b, 0xc18c, 0xd1ad, 0xe1ce, 0xf1ef, 0x1231, 0x0210, 0x3273, 0x2252, 0x52b5, 0x4294, 0x72f7, 0x62d6, 0x9339, 0x8318, 0xb37b, 0xa35a, 0xd3bd, 0xc39c, 0xf3ff, 0xe3de, 0x2462, 0x3443, 0x0420, 0x1401, 0x64e6, 0x74c7, 0x44a4, 0x5485, 0xa56a, 0xb54b, 0x8528, 0x9509, 0xe5ee, 0xf5cf, 0xc5ac, 0xd58d, 0x3653, 0x2672, 0x1611, 0x0630, 0x76d7, 0x66f6, 0x5695, 0x46b4, 0xb75b, 0xa77a, 0x9719, 0x8738, 0xf7df, 0xe7fe, 0xd79d, 0xc7bc, 0x48c4, 0x58e5, 0x6886, 0x78a7, 0x0840, 0x1861, 0x2802, 0x3823, 0xc9cc, 0xd9ed, 0xe98e, 0xf9af, 0x8948, 0x9969, 0xa90a, 0xb92b, 0x5af5, 0x4ad4, 0x7ab7, 0x6a96, 0x1a71, 0x0a50, 0x3a33, 0x2a12, 0xdbfd, 0xcbdc, 0xfbbf, 0xeb9e, 0x9b79, 0x8b58, 0xbb3b, 0xab1a, 0x6ca6, 0x7c87, 0x4ce4, 0x5cc5, 0x2c22, 0x3c03, 0x0c60, 0x1c41, 0xedae, 0xfd8f, 0xcdec, 0xddcd, 0xad2a, 0xbd0b, 0x8d68, 0x9d49, 0x7e97, 0x6eb6, 0x5ed5, 0x4ef4, 0x3e13, 0x2e32, 0x1e51, 0x0e70, 0xff9f, 0xefbe, 0xdfdd, 0xcffc, 0xbf1b, 0xaf3a, 0x9f59, 0x8f78, 0x9188, 0x81a9, 0xb1ca, 0xa1eb, 0xd10c, 0xc12d, 0xf14e, 0xe16f, 0x1080, 0x00a1, 0x30c2, 0x20e3, 0x5004, 0x4025, 0x7046, 0x6067, 0x83b9, 0x9398, 0xa3fb, 0xb3da, 0xc33d, 0xd31c, 0xe37f, 0xf35e, 0x02b1, 0x1290, 0x22f3, 0x32d2, 0x4235, 0x5214, 0x6277, 0x7256, 0xb5ea, 0xa5cb, 0x95a8, 0x8589, 0xf56e, 0xe54f, 0xd52c, 0xc50d, 0x34e2, 0x24c3, 0x14a0, 0x0481, 0x7466, 0x6447, 0x5424, 0x4405, 0xa7db, 0xb7fa, 0x8799, 0x97b8, 0xe75f, 0xf77e, 0xc71d, 0xd73c, 0x26d3, 0x36f2, 0x0691, 0x16b0, 0x6657, 0x7676, 0x4615, 0x5634, 0xd94c, 0xc96d, 0xf90e, 0xe92f, 0x99c8, 0x89e9, 0xb98a, 0xa9ab, 0x5844, 0x4865, 0x7806, 0x6827, 0x18c0, 0x08e1, 0x3882, 0x28a3, 0xcb7d, 0xdb5c, 0xeb3f, 0xfb1e, 0x8bf9, 0x9bd8, 0xabbb, 0xbb9a, 0x4a75, 0x5a54, 0x6a37, 0x7a16, 0x0af1, 0x1ad0, 0x2ab3, 0x3a92, 0xfd2e, 0xed0f, 0xdd6c, 0xcd4d, 0xbdaa, 0xad8b, 0x9de8, 0x8dc9, 0x7c26, 0x6c07, 0x5c64, 0x4c45, 0x3ca2, 0x2c83, 0x1ce0, 0x0cc1, 0xef1f, 0xff3e, 0xcf5d, 0xdf7c, 0xaf9b, 0xbfba, 0x8fd9, 0x9ff8, 0x6e17, 0x7e36, 0x4e55, 0x5e74, 0x2e93, 0x3eb2, 0x0ed1, 0x1ef0 }; unsigned short CRC_Block(const unsigned char *data, size_t size) { unsigned short crc = CRC_INIT_VALUE; while (size--) crc = (crc << 8) ^ crctable[(crc >> 8) ^ (*data++)]; return crc ^ CRC_XOR_VALUE; } unsigned short CRC_Block_CaseInsensitive(const unsigned char *data, size_t size) { unsigned short crc = CRC_INIT_VALUE; while (size--) crc = (crc << 8) ^ crctable[(crc >> 8) ^ (tolower(*data++))]; return crc ^ CRC_XOR_VALUE; } // QuakeWorld static unsigned char chktbl[1024 + 4] = { 0x78,0xd2,0x94,0xe3,0x41,0xec,0xd6,0xd5,0xcb,0xfc,0xdb,0x8a,0x4b,0xcc,0x85,0x01, 0x23,0xd2,0xe5,0xf2,0x29,0xa7,0x45,0x94,0x4a,0x62,0xe3,0xa5,0x6f,0x3f,0xe1,0x7a, 0x64,0xed,0x5c,0x99,0x29,0x87,0xa8,0x78,0x59,0x0d,0xaa,0x0f,0x25,0x0a,0x5c,0x58, 0xfb,0x00,0xa7,0xa8,0x8a,0x1d,0x86,0x80,0xc5,0x1f,0xd2,0x28,0x69,0x71,0x58,0xc3, 0x51,0x90,0xe1,0xf8,0x6a,0xf3,0x8f,0xb0,0x68,0xdf,0x95,0x40,0x5c,0xe4,0x24,0x6b, 0x29,0x19,0x71,0x3f,0x42,0x63,0x6c,0x48,0xe7,0xad,0xa8,0x4b,0x91,0x8f,0x42,0x36, 0x34,0xe7,0x32,0x55,0x59,0x2d,0x36,0x38,0x38,0x59,0x9b,0x08,0x16,0x4d,0x8d,0xf8, 0x0a,0xa4,0x52,0x01,0xbb,0x52,0xa9,0xfd,0x40,0x18,0x97,0x37,0xff,0xc9,0x82,0x27, 0xb2,0x64,0x60,0xce,0x00,0xd9,0x04,0xf0,0x9e,0x99,0xbd,0xce,0x8f,0x90,0x4a,0xdd, 0xe1,0xec,0x19,0x14,0xb1,0xfb,0xca,0x1e,0x98,0x0f,0xd4,0xcb,0x80,0xd6,0x05,0x63, 0xfd,0xa0,0x74,0xa6,0x86,0xf6,0x19,0x98,0x76,0x27,0x68,0xf7,0xe9,0x09,0x9a,0xf2, 0x2e,0x42,0xe1,0xbe,0x64,0x48,0x2a,0x74,0x30,0xbb,0x07,0xcc,0x1f,0xd4,0x91,0x9d, 0xac,0x55,0x53,0x25,0xb9,0x64,0xf7,0x58,0x4c,0x34,0x16,0xbc,0xf6,0x12,0x2b,0x65, 0x68,0x25,0x2e,0x29,0x1f,0xbb,0xb9,0xee,0x6d,0x0c,0x8e,0xbb,0xd2,0x5f,0x1d,0x8f, 0xc1,0x39,0xf9,0x8d,0xc0,0x39,0x75,0xcf,0x25,0x17,0xbe,0x96,0xaf,0x98,0x9f,0x5f, 0x65,0x15,0xc4,0x62,0xf8,0x55,0xfc,0xab,0x54,0xcf,0xdc,0x14,0x06,0xc8,0xfc,0x42, 0xd3,0xf0,0xad,0x10,0x08,0xcd,0xd4,0x11,0xbb,0xca,0x67,0xc6,0x48,0x5f,0x9d,0x59, 0xe3,0xe8,0x53,0x67,0x27,0x2d,0x34,0x9e,0x9e,0x24,0x29,0xdb,0x69,0x99,0x86,0xf9, 0x20,0xb5,0xbb,0x5b,0xb0,0xf9,0xc3,0x67,0xad,0x1c,0x9c,0xf7,0xcc,0xef,0xce,0x69, 0xe0,0x26,0x8f,0x79,0xbd,0xca,0x10,0x17,0xda,0xa9,0x88,0x57,0x9b,0x15,0x24,0xba, 0x84,0xd0,0xeb,0x4d,0x14,0xf5,0xfc,0xe6,0x51,0x6c,0x6f,0x64,0x6b,0x73,0xec,0x85, 0xf1,0x6f,0xe1,0x67,0x25,0x10,0x77,0x32,0x9e,0x85,0x6e,0x69,0xb1,0x83,0x00,0xe4, 0x13,0xa4,0x45,0x34,0x3b,0x40,0xff,0x41,0x82,0x89,0x79,0x57,0xfd,0xd2,0x8e,0xe8, 0xfc,0x1d,0x19,0x21,0x12,0x00,0xd7,0x66,0xe5,0xc7,0x10,0x1d,0xcb,0x75,0xe8,0xfa, 0xb6,0xee,0x7b,0x2f,0x1a,0x25,0x24,0xb9,0x9f,0x1d,0x78,0xfb,0x84,0xd0,0x17,0x05, 0x71,0xb3,0xc8,0x18,0xff,0x62,0xee,0xed,0x53,0xab,0x78,0xd3,0x65,0x2d,0xbb,0xc7, 0xc1,0xe7,0x70,0xa2,0x43,0x2c,0x7c,0xc7,0x16,0x04,0xd2,0x45,0xd5,0x6b,0x6c,0x7a, 0x5e,0xa1,0x50,0x2e,0x31,0x5b,0xcc,0xe8,0x65,0x8b,0x16,0x85,0xbf,0x82,0x83,0xfb, 0xde,0x9f,0x36,0x48,0x32,0x79,0xd6,0x9b,0xfb,0x52,0x45,0xbf,0x43,0xf7,0x0b,0x0b, 0x19,0x19,0x31,0xc3,0x85,0xec,0x1d,0x8c,0x20,0xf0,0x3a,0xfa,0x80,0x4d,0x2c,0x7d, 0xac,0x60,0x09,0xc0,0x40,0xee,0xb9,0xeb,0x13,0x5b,0xe8,0x2b,0xb1,0x20,0xf0,0xce, 0x4c,0xbd,0xc6,0x04,0x86,0x70,0xc6,0x33,0xc3,0x15,0x0f,0x65,0x19,0xfd,0xc2,0xd3, // map checksum goes here 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00 }; // QuakeWorld unsigned char COM_BlockSequenceCRCByteQW(unsigned char *base, int length, int sequence) { unsigned char *p; unsigned char chkb[60 + 4]; p = chktbl + (sequence % (sizeof(chktbl) - 8)); if (length > 60) length = 60; memcpy(chkb, base, length); chkb[length] = (sequence & 0xff) ^ p[0]; chkb[length+1] = p[1]; chkb[length+2] = ((sequence>>8) & 0xff) ^ p[2]; chkb[length+3] = p[3]; return CRC_Block(chkb, length + 4) & 0xff; } /* ============================================================================== MESSAGE IO FUNCTIONS Handles byte ordering and avoids alignment errors ============================================================================== */ // // writing functions // void MSG_WriteChar (sizebuf_t *sb, int c) { unsigned char *buf; buf = SZ_GetSpace (sb, 1); buf[0] = c; } void MSG_WriteByte (sizebuf_t *sb, int c) { unsigned char *buf; buf = SZ_GetSpace (sb, 1); buf[0] = c; } void MSG_WriteShort (sizebuf_t *sb, int c) { unsigned char *buf; buf = SZ_GetSpace (sb, 2); buf[0] = c&0xff; buf[1] = c>>8; } void MSG_WriteLong (sizebuf_t *sb, int c) { unsigned char *buf; buf = SZ_GetSpace (sb, 4); buf[0] = c&0xff; buf[1] = (c>>8)&0xff; buf[2] = (c>>16)&0xff; buf[3] = c>>24; } void MSG_WriteFloat (sizebuf_t *sb, float f) { union { float f; int l; } dat; dat.f = f; dat.l = LittleLong (dat.l); SZ_Write (sb, (unsigned char *)&dat.l, 4); } void MSG_WriteString (sizebuf_t *sb, const char *s) { if (!s || !*s) MSG_WriteChar (sb, 0); else SZ_Write (sb, (unsigned char *)s, (int)strlen(s)+1); } void MSG_WriteUnterminatedString (sizebuf_t *sb, const char *s) { if (s && *s) SZ_Write (sb, (unsigned char *)s, (int)strlen(s)); } void MSG_WriteCoord13i (sizebuf_t *sb, float f) { if (f >= 0) MSG_WriteShort (sb, (int)(f * 8.0 + 0.5)); else MSG_WriteShort (sb, (int)(f * 8.0 - 0.5)); } void MSG_WriteCoord16i (sizebuf_t *sb, float f) { if (f >= 0) MSG_WriteShort (sb, (int)(f + 0.5)); else MSG_WriteShort (sb, (int)(f - 0.5)); } void MSG_WriteCoord32f (sizebuf_t *sb, float f) { MSG_WriteFloat (sb, f); } void MSG_WriteCoord (sizebuf_t *sb, float f, protocolversion_t protocol) { if (protocol == PROTOCOL_QUAKE || protocol == PROTOCOL_QUAKEDP || protocol == PROTOCOL_NEHAHRAMOVIE || protocol == PROTOCOL_NEHAHRABJP || protocol == PROTOCOL_NEHAHRABJP2 || protocol == PROTOCOL_NEHAHRABJP3 || protocol == PROTOCOL_QUAKEWORLD) MSG_WriteCoord13i (sb, f); else if (protocol == PROTOCOL_DARKPLACES1) MSG_WriteCoord32f (sb, f); else if (protocol == PROTOCOL_DARKPLACES2 || protocol == PROTOCOL_DARKPLACES3 || protocol == PROTOCOL_DARKPLACES4) MSG_WriteCoord16i (sb, f); else MSG_WriteCoord32f (sb, f); } void MSG_WriteVector (sizebuf_t *sb, float *v, protocolversion_t protocol) { MSG_WriteCoord (sb, v[0], protocol); MSG_WriteCoord (sb, v[1], protocol); MSG_WriteCoord (sb, v[2], protocol); } // LordHavoc: round to nearest value, rather than rounding toward zero, fixes crosshair problem void MSG_WriteAngle8i (sizebuf_t *sb, float f) { if (f >= 0) MSG_WriteByte (sb, (int)(f*(256.0/360.0) + 0.5) & 255); else MSG_WriteByte (sb, (int)(f*(256.0/360.0) - 0.5) & 255); } void MSG_WriteAngle16i (sizebuf_t *sb, float f) { if (f >= 0) MSG_WriteShort (sb, (int)(f*(65536.0/360.0) + 0.5) & 65535); else MSG_WriteShort (sb, (int)(f*(65536.0/360.0) - 0.5) & 65535); } void MSG_WriteAngle32f (sizebuf_t *sb, float f) { MSG_WriteFloat (sb, f); } void MSG_WriteAngle (sizebuf_t *sb, float f, protocolversion_t protocol) { if (protocol == PROTOCOL_QUAKE || protocol == PROTOCOL_QUAKEDP || protocol == PROTOCOL_NEHAHRAMOVIE || protocol == PROTOCOL_NEHAHRABJP || protocol == PROTOCOL_NEHAHRABJP2 || protocol == PROTOCOL_NEHAHRABJP3 || protocol == PROTOCOL_DARKPLACES1 || protocol == PROTOCOL_DARKPLACES2 || protocol == PROTOCOL_DARKPLACES3 || protocol == PROTOCOL_DARKPLACES4 || protocol == PROTOCOL_QUAKEWORLD) MSG_WriteAngle8i (sb, f); else MSG_WriteAngle16i (sb, f); } // // reading functions // int msg_readcount; qboolean msg_badread; void MSG_BeginReading (void) { msg_readcount = 0; msg_badread = false; } int MSG_ReadLittleShort (void) { if (msg_readcount+2 > net_message.cursize) { msg_badread = true; return -1; } msg_readcount += 2; return (short)(net_message.data[msg_readcount-2] | (net_message.data[msg_readcount-1]<<8)); } int MSG_ReadBigShort (void) { if (msg_readcount+2 > net_message.cursize) { msg_badread = true; return -1; } msg_readcount += 2; return (short)((net_message.data[msg_readcount-2]<<8) + net_message.data[msg_readcount-1]); } int MSG_ReadLittleLong (void) { if (msg_readcount+4 > net_message.cursize) { msg_badread = true; return -1; } msg_readcount += 4; return net_message.data[msg_readcount-4] | (net_message.data[msg_readcount-3]<<8) | (net_message.data[msg_readcount-2]<<16) | (net_message.data[msg_readcount-1]<<24); } int MSG_ReadBigLong (void) { if (msg_readcount+4 > net_message.cursize) { msg_badread = true; return -1; } msg_readcount += 4; return (net_message.data[msg_readcount-4]<<24) + (net_message.data[msg_readcount-3]<<16) + (net_message.data[msg_readcount-2]<<8) + net_message.data[msg_readcount-1]; } float MSG_ReadLittleFloat (void) { union { float f; int l; } dat; if (msg_readcount+4 > net_message.cursize) { msg_badread = true; return -1; } msg_readcount += 4; dat.l = net_message.data[msg_readcount-4] | (net_message.data[msg_readcount-3]<<8) | (net_message.data[msg_readcount-2]<<16) | (net_message.data[msg_readcount-1]<<24); return dat.f; } float MSG_ReadBigFloat (void) { union { float f; int l; } dat; if (msg_readcount+4 > net_message.cursize) { msg_badread = true; return -1; } msg_readcount += 4; dat.l = (net_message.data[msg_readcount-4]<<24) | (net_message.data[msg_readcount-3]<<16) | (net_message.data[msg_readcount-2]<<8) | net_message.data[msg_readcount-1]; return dat.f; } char *MSG_ReadString (void) { static char string[MAX_INPUTLINE]; const int maxstring = sizeof(string); int l = 0,c; // read string into buffer, but only store as many characters as will fit while ((c = MSG_ReadByte()) > 0) if (l < maxstring - 1) string[l++] = c; string[l] = 0; return string; } int MSG_ReadBytes (int numbytes, unsigned char *out) { int l, c; for (l = 0;l < numbytes && (c = MSG_ReadByte()) != -1;l++) out[l] = c; return l; } float MSG_ReadCoord13i (void) { return MSG_ReadLittleShort() * (1.0/8.0); } float MSG_ReadCoord16i (void) { return (signed short) MSG_ReadLittleShort(); } float MSG_ReadCoord32f (void) { return MSG_ReadLittleFloat(); } float MSG_ReadCoord (protocolversion_t protocol) { if (protocol == PROTOCOL_QUAKE || protocol == PROTOCOL_QUAKEDP || protocol == PROTOCOL_NEHAHRAMOVIE || protocol == PROTOCOL_NEHAHRABJP || protocol == PROTOCOL_NEHAHRABJP2 || protocol == PROTOCOL_NEHAHRABJP3 || protocol == PROTOCOL_QUAKEWORLD) return MSG_ReadCoord13i(); else if (protocol == PROTOCOL_DARKPLACES1) return MSG_ReadCoord32f(); else if (protocol == PROTOCOL_DARKPLACES2 || protocol == PROTOCOL_DARKPLACES3 || protocol == PROTOCOL_DARKPLACES4) return MSG_ReadCoord16i(); else return MSG_ReadCoord32f(); } void MSG_ReadVector (float *v, protocolversion_t protocol) { v[0] = MSG_ReadCoord(protocol); v[1] = MSG_ReadCoord(protocol); v[2] = MSG_ReadCoord(protocol); } // LordHavoc: round to nearest value, rather than rounding toward zero, fixes crosshair problem float MSG_ReadAngle8i (void) { return (signed char) MSG_ReadByte () * (360.0/256.0); } float MSG_ReadAngle16i (void) { return (signed short)MSG_ReadShort () * (360.0/65536.0); } float MSG_ReadAngle32f (void) { return MSG_ReadFloat (); } float MSG_ReadAngle (protocolversion_t protocol) { if (protocol == PROTOCOL_QUAKE || protocol == PROTOCOL_QUAKEDP || protocol == PROTOCOL_NEHAHRAMOVIE || protocol == PROTOCOL_NEHAHRABJP || protocol == PROTOCOL_NEHAHRABJP2 || protocol == PROTOCOL_NEHAHRABJP3 || protocol == PROTOCOL_DARKPLACES1 || protocol == PROTOCOL_DARKPLACES2 || protocol == PROTOCOL_DARKPLACES3 || protocol == PROTOCOL_DARKPLACES4 || protocol == PROTOCOL_QUAKEWORLD) return MSG_ReadAngle8i (); else return MSG_ReadAngle16i (); } //=========================================================================== void SZ_Clear (sizebuf_t *buf) { buf->cursize = 0; } unsigned char *SZ_GetSpace (sizebuf_t *buf, int length) { unsigned char *data; if (buf->cursize + length > buf->maxsize) { if (!buf->allowoverflow) Host_Error ("SZ_GetSpace: overflow without allowoverflow set"); if (length > buf->maxsize) Host_Error ("SZ_GetSpace: %i is > full buffer size", length); buf->overflowed = true; Con_Print("SZ_GetSpace: overflow\n"); SZ_Clear (buf); } data = buf->data + buf->cursize; buf->cursize += length; return data; } void SZ_Write (sizebuf_t *buf, const unsigned char *data, int length) { memcpy (SZ_GetSpace(buf,length),data,length); } // LordHavoc: thanks to Fuh for bringing the pure evil of SZ_Print to my // attention, it has been eradicated from here, its only (former) use in // all of darkplaces. static const char *hexchar = "0123456789ABCDEF"; void Com_HexDumpToConsole(const unsigned char *data, int size) { int i, j, n; char text[1024]; char *cur, *flushpointer; const unsigned char *d; cur = text; flushpointer = text + 512; for (i = 0;i < size;) { n = 16; if (n > size - i) n = size - i; d = data + i; // print offset *cur++ = hexchar[(i >> 12) & 15]; *cur++ = hexchar[(i >> 8) & 15]; *cur++ = hexchar[(i >> 4) & 15]; *cur++ = hexchar[(i >> 0) & 15]; *cur++ = ':'; // print hex for (j = 0;j < 16;j++) { if (j < n) { *cur++ = hexchar[(d[j] >> 4) & 15]; *cur++ = hexchar[(d[j] >> 0) & 15]; } else { *cur++ = ' '; *cur++ = ' '; } if ((j & 3) == 3) *cur++ = ' '; } // print text for (j = 0;j < 16;j++) { if (j < n) { // color change prefix character has to be treated specially if (d[j] == STRING_COLOR_TAG) { *cur++ = STRING_COLOR_TAG; *cur++ = STRING_COLOR_TAG; } else if (d[j] >= (unsigned char) ' ') *cur++ = d[j]; else *cur++ = '.'; } else *cur++ = ' '; } *cur++ = '\n'; i += n; if (cur >= flushpointer || i >= size) { *cur++ = 0; Con_Print(text); cur = text; } } } void SZ_HexDumpToConsole(const sizebuf_t *buf) { Com_HexDumpToConsole(buf->data, buf->cursize); } //============================================================================ /* ============== COM_Wordwrap Word wraps a string. The wordWidth function is guaranteed to be called exactly once for each word in the string, so it may be stateful, no idea what that would be good for any more. At the beginning of the string, it will be called for the char 0 to initialize a clean state, and then once with the string " " (a space) so the routine knows how long a space is. In case no single character fits into the given width, the wordWidth function must return the width of exactly one character. Wrapped lines get the isContinuation flag set and are continuationWidth less wide. The sum of the return values of the processLine function will be returned. ============== */ int COM_Wordwrap(const char *string, size_t length, float continuationWidth, float maxWidth, COM_WordWidthFunc_t wordWidth, void *passthroughCW, COM_LineProcessorFunc processLine, void *passthroughPL) { // Logic is as follows: // // For each word or whitespace: // Newline found? Output current line, advance to next line. This is not a continuation. Continue. // Space found? Always add it to the current line, no matter if it fits. // Word found? Check if current line + current word fits. // If it fits, append it. Continue. // If it doesn't fit, output current line, advance to next line. Append the word. This is a continuation. Continue. qboolean isContinuation = false; float spaceWidth; const char *startOfLine = string; const char *cursor = string; const char *end = string + length; float spaceUsedInLine = 0; float spaceUsedForWord; int result = 0; size_t wordLen; size_t dummy; dummy = 0; wordWidth(passthroughCW, NULL, &dummy, -1); dummy = 1; spaceWidth = wordWidth(passthroughCW, " ", &dummy, -1); for(;;) { char ch = (cursor < end) ? *cursor : 0; switch(ch) { case 0: // end of string result += processLine(passthroughPL, startOfLine, cursor - startOfLine, spaceUsedInLine, isContinuation); isContinuation = false; goto out; case '\n': // end of line result += processLine(passthroughPL, startOfLine, cursor - startOfLine, spaceUsedInLine, isContinuation); isContinuation = false; ++cursor; startOfLine = cursor; break; case ' ': // space ++cursor; spaceUsedInLine += spaceWidth; break; default: // word wordLen = 1; while(cursor + wordLen < end) { switch(cursor[wordLen]) { case 0: case '\n': case ' ': goto out_inner; default: ++wordLen; break; } } out_inner: spaceUsedForWord = wordWidth(passthroughCW, cursor, &wordLen, maxWidth - continuationWidth); // this may have reduced wordLen when it won't fit - but this is GOOD. TODO fix words that do fit in a non-continuation line if(wordLen < 1) // cannot happen according to current spec of wordWidth { wordLen = 1; spaceUsedForWord = maxWidth + 1; // too high, forces it in a line of itself } if(spaceUsedInLine + spaceUsedForWord <= maxWidth || cursor == startOfLine) { // we can simply append it cursor += wordLen; spaceUsedInLine += spaceUsedForWord; } else { // output current line result += processLine(passthroughPL, startOfLine, cursor - startOfLine, spaceUsedInLine, isContinuation); isContinuation = true; startOfLine = cursor; cursor += wordLen; spaceUsedInLine = continuationWidth + spaceUsedForWord; } } } out: return result; /* qboolean isContinuation = false; float currentWordSpace = 0; const char *currentWord = 0; float minReserve = 0; float spaceUsedInLine = 0; const char *currentLine = 0; const char *currentLineEnd = 0; float currentLineFinalWhitespace = 0; const char *p; int result = 0; minReserve = charWidth(passthroughCW, 0); minReserve += charWidth(passthroughCW, ' '); if(maxWidth < continuationWidth + minReserve) maxWidth = continuationWidth + minReserve; charWidth(passthroughCW, 0); for(p = string; p < string + length; ++p) { char c = *p; float w = charWidth(passthroughCW, c); if(!currentWord) { currentWord = p; currentWordSpace = 0; } if(!currentLine) { currentLine = p; spaceUsedInLine = isContinuation ? continuationWidth : 0; currentLineEnd = 0; } if(c == ' ') { // 1. I can add the word AND a space - then just append it. if(spaceUsedInLine + currentWordSpace + w <= maxWidth) { currentLineEnd = p; // note: space not included here currentLineFinalWhitespace = w; spaceUsedInLine += currentWordSpace + w; } // 2. I can just add the word - then append it, output current line and go to next one. else if(spaceUsedInLine + currentWordSpace <= maxWidth) { result += processLine(passthroughPL, currentLine, p - currentLine, spaceUsedInLine + currentWordSpace, isContinuation); currentLine = 0; isContinuation = true; } // 3. Otherwise, output current line and go to next one, where I can add the word. else if(continuationWidth + currentWordSpace + w <= maxWidth) { if(currentLineEnd) result += processLine(passthroughPL, currentLine, currentLineEnd - currentLine, spaceUsedInLine - currentLineFinalWhitespace, isContinuation); currentLine = currentWord; spaceUsedInLine = continuationWidth + currentWordSpace + w; currentLineEnd = p; currentLineFinalWhitespace = w; isContinuation = true; } // 4. We can't even do that? Then output both current and next word as new lines. else { if(currentLineEnd) { result += processLine(passthroughPL, currentLine, currentLineEnd - currentLine, spaceUsedInLine - currentLineFinalWhitespace, isContinuation); isContinuation = true; } result += processLine(passthroughPL, currentWord, p - currentWord, currentWordSpace, isContinuation); currentLine = 0; isContinuation = true; } currentWord = 0; } else if(c == '\n') { // 1. I can add the word - then do it. if(spaceUsedInLine + currentWordSpace <= maxWidth) { result += processLine(passthroughPL, currentLine, p - currentLine, spaceUsedInLine + currentWordSpace, isContinuation); } // 2. Otherwise, output current line, next one and make tabula rasa. else { if(currentLineEnd) { processLine(passthroughPL, currentLine, currentLineEnd - currentLine, spaceUsedInLine - currentLineFinalWhitespace, isContinuation); isContinuation = true; } result += processLine(passthroughPL, currentWord, p - currentWord, currentWordSpace, isContinuation); } currentWord = 0; currentLine = 0; isContinuation = false; } else { currentWordSpace += w; if( spaceUsedInLine + currentWordSpace > maxWidth // can't join this line... && continuationWidth + currentWordSpace > maxWidth // can't join any other line... ) { // this word cannot join ANY line... // so output the current line... if(currentLineEnd) { result += processLine(passthroughPL, currentLine, currentLineEnd - currentLine, spaceUsedInLine - currentLineFinalWhitespace, isContinuation); isContinuation = true; } // then this word's beginning... if(isContinuation) { // it may not fit, but we know we have to split it into maxWidth - continuationWidth pieces float pieceWidth = maxWidth - continuationWidth; const char *pos = currentWord; currentWordSpace = 0; // reset the char width function to a state where no kerning occurs (start of word) charWidth(passthroughCW, ' '); while(pos <= p) { float w = charWidth(passthroughCW, *pos); if(currentWordSpace + w > pieceWidth) // this piece won't fit any more { // print everything until it result += processLine(passthroughPL, currentWord, pos - currentWord, currentWordSpace, true); // go to here currentWord = pos; currentWordSpace = 0; } currentWordSpace += w; ++pos; } // now we have a currentWord that fits... set up its next line // currentWordSpace has been set // currentWord has been set spaceUsedInLine = continuationWidth; currentLine = currentWord; currentLineEnd = 0; isContinuation = true; } else { // we have a guarantee that it will fix (see if clause) result += processLine(passthroughPL, currentWord, p - currentWord, currentWordSpace - w, isContinuation); // and use the rest of this word as new start of a line currentWordSpace = w; currentWord = p; spaceUsedInLine = continuationWidth; currentLine = p; currentLineEnd = 0; isContinuation = true; } } } } if(!currentWord) { currentWord = p; currentWordSpace = 0; } if(currentLine) // Same procedure as \n { // Can I append the current word? if(spaceUsedInLine + currentWordSpace <= maxWidth) result += processLine(passthroughPL, currentLine, p - currentLine, spaceUsedInLine + currentWordSpace, isContinuation); else { if(currentLineEnd) { result += processLine(passthroughPL, currentLine, currentLineEnd - currentLine, spaceUsedInLine - currentLineFinalWhitespace, isContinuation); isContinuation = true; } result += processLine(passthroughPL, currentWord, p - currentWord, currentWordSpace, isContinuation); } } return result; */ } /* ============== COM_ParseToken_Simple Parse a token out of a string ============== */ int COM_ParseToken_Simple(const char **datapointer, qboolean returnnewline, qboolean parsebackslash, qboolean parsecomments) { int len; int c; const char *data = *datapointer; len = 0; com_token[0] = 0; if (!data) { *datapointer = NULL; return false; } // skip whitespace skipwhite: // line endings: // UNIX: \n // Mac: \r // Windows: \r\n for (;ISWHITESPACE(*data) && ((*data != '\n' && *data != '\r') || !returnnewline);data++) { if (*data == 0) { // end of file *datapointer = NULL; return false; } } // handle Windows line ending if (data[0] == '\r' && data[1] == '\n') data++; if (parsecomments && data[0] == '/' && data[1] == '/') { // comment while (*data && *data != '\n' && *data != '\r') data++; goto skipwhite; } else if (parsecomments && data[0] == '/' && data[1] == '*') { // comment data++; while (*data && (data[0] != '*' || data[1] != '/')) data++; if (*data) data++; if (*data) data++; goto skipwhite; } else if (*data == '\"') { // quoted string for (data++;*data && *data != '\"';data++) { c = *data; if (*data == '\\' && parsebackslash) { data++; c = *data; if (c == 'n') c = '\n'; else if (c == 't') c = '\t'; } if (len < (int)sizeof(com_token) - 1) com_token[len++] = c; } com_token[len] = 0; if (*data == '\"') data++; *datapointer = data; return true; } else if (*data == '\r') { // translate Mac line ending to UNIX com_token[len++] = '\n';data++; com_token[len] = 0; *datapointer = data; return true; } else if (*data == '\n') { // single character com_token[len++] = *data++; com_token[len] = 0; *datapointer = data; return true; } else { // regular word for (;!ISWHITESPACE(*data);data++) if (len < (int)sizeof(com_token) - 1) com_token[len++] = *data; com_token[len] = 0; *datapointer = data; return true; } } /* ============== COM_ParseToken_QuakeC Parse a token out of a string ============== */ int COM_ParseToken_QuakeC(const char **datapointer, qboolean returnnewline) { int len; int c; const char *data = *datapointer; len = 0; com_token[0] = 0; if (!data) { *datapointer = NULL; return false; } // skip whitespace skipwhite: // line endings: // UNIX: \n // Mac: \r // Windows: \r\n for (;ISWHITESPACE(*data) && ((*data != '\n' && *data != '\r') || !returnnewline);data++) { if (*data == 0) { // end of file *datapointer = NULL; return false; } } // handle Windows line ending if (data[0] == '\r' && data[1] == '\n') data++; if (data[0] == '/' && data[1] == '/') { // comment while (*data && *data != '\n' && *data != '\r') data++; goto skipwhite; } else if (data[0] == '/' && data[1] == '*') { // comment data++; while (*data && (data[0] != '*' || data[1] != '/')) data++; if (*data) data++; if (*data) data++; goto skipwhite; } else if (*data == '\"' || *data == '\'') { // quoted string char quote = *data; for (data++;*data && *data != quote;data++) { c = *data; if (*data == '\\') { data++; c = *data; if (c == 'n') c = '\n'; else if (c == 't') c = '\t'; } if (len < (int)sizeof(com_token) - 1) com_token[len++] = c; } com_token[len] = 0; if (*data == quote) data++; *datapointer = data; return true; } else if (*data == '\r') { // translate Mac line ending to UNIX com_token[len++] = '\n';data++; com_token[len] = 0; *datapointer = data; return true; } else if (*data == '\n' || *data == '{' || *data == '}' || *data == ')' || *data == '(' || *data == ']' || *data == '[' || *data == ':' || *data == ',' || *data == ';') { // single character com_token[len++] = *data++; com_token[len] = 0; *datapointer = data; return true; } else { // regular word for (;!ISWHITESPACE(*data) && *data != '{' && *data != '}' && *data != ')' && *data != '(' && *data != ']' && *data != '[' && *data != ':' && *data != ',' && *data != ';';data++) if (len < (int)sizeof(com_token) - 1) com_token[len++] = *data; com_token[len] = 0; *datapointer = data; return true; } } /* ============== COM_ParseToken_VM_Tokenize Parse a token out of a string ============== */ int COM_ParseToken_VM_Tokenize(const char **datapointer, qboolean returnnewline) { int len; int c; const char *data = *datapointer; len = 0; com_token[0] = 0; if (!data) { *datapointer = NULL; return false; } // skip whitespace skipwhite: // line endings: // UNIX: \n // Mac: \r // Windows: \r\n for (;ISWHITESPACE(*data) && ((*data != '\n' && *data != '\r') || !returnnewline);data++) { if (*data == 0) { // end of file *datapointer = NULL; return false; } } // handle Windows line ending if (data[0] == '\r' && data[1] == '\n') data++; if (data[0] == '/' && data[1] == '/') { // comment while (*data && *data != '\n' && *data != '\r') data++; goto skipwhite; } else if (data[0] == '/' && data[1] == '*') { // comment data++; while (*data && (data[0] != '*' || data[1] != '/')) data++; if (*data) data++; if (*data) data++; goto skipwhite; } else if (*data == '\"' || *data == '\'') { char quote = *data; // quoted string for (data++;*data && *data != quote;data++) { c = *data; if (*data == '\\') { data++; c = *data; if (c == 'n') c = '\n'; else if (c == 't') c = '\t'; } if (len < (int)sizeof(com_token) - 1) com_token[len++] = c; } com_token[len] = 0; if (*data == quote) data++; *datapointer = data; return true; } else if (*data == '\r') { // translate Mac line ending to UNIX com_token[len++] = '\n';data++; com_token[len] = 0; *datapointer = data; return true; } else if (*data == '\n' || *data == '{' || *data == '}' || *data == ')' || *data == '(' || *data == ']' || *data == '[' || *data == ':' || *data == ',' || *data == ';') { // single character com_token[len++] = *data++; com_token[len] = 0; *datapointer = data; return true; } else { // regular word for (;!ISWHITESPACE(*data) && *data != '{' && *data != '}' && *data != ')' && *data != '(' && *data != ']' && *data != '[' && *data != ':' && *data != ',' && *data != ';';data++) if (len < (int)sizeof(com_token) - 1) com_token[len++] = *data; com_token[len] = 0; *datapointer = data; return true; } } /* ============== COM_ParseToken_Console Parse a token out of a string, behaving like the qwcl console ============== */ int COM_ParseToken_Console(const char **datapointer) { int len; const char *data = *datapointer; len = 0; com_token[0] = 0; if (!data) { *datapointer = NULL; return false; } // skip whitespace skipwhite: for (;ISWHITESPACE(*data);data++) { if (*data == 0) { // end of file *datapointer = NULL; return false; } } if (*data == '/' && data[1] == '/') { // comment while (*data && *data != '\n' && *data != '\r') data++; goto skipwhite; } else if (*data == '\"') { // quoted string for (data++;*data && *data != '\"';data++) { // allow escaped " and \ case if (*data == '\\' && (data[1] == '\"' || data[1] == '\\')) data++; if (len < (int)sizeof(com_token) - 1) com_token[len++] = *data; } com_token[len] = 0; if (*data == '\"') data++; *datapointer = data; } else { // regular word for (;!ISWHITESPACE(*data);data++) if (len < (int)sizeof(com_token) - 1) com_token[len++] = *data; com_token[len] = 0; *datapointer = data; } return true; } /* ================ COM_CheckParm Returns the position (1 to argc-1) in the program's argument list where the given parameter apears, or 0 if not present ================ */ int COM_CheckParm (const char *parm) { int i; for (i=1 ; i= 0 && gamemode != gamemode_info[index].mode) COM_SetGameType(index); } static void COM_SetGameType(int index) { int i, t; if (index < 0 || index >= (int)(sizeof (gamemode_info) / sizeof (gamemode_info[0]))) index = 0; gamemode = gamemode_info[index].mode; gamename = gamemode_info[index].gamename; gamedirname1 = gamemode_info[index].gamedirname1; gamedirname2 = gamemode_info[index].gamedirname2; gamescreenshotname = gamemode_info[index].gamescreenshotname; gameuserdirname = gamemode_info[index].gameuserdirname; if (gamemode == com_startupgamemode) { if((t = COM_CheckParm("-customgamename")) && t + 1 < com_argc) gamename = com_argv[t+1]; if((t = COM_CheckParm("-customgamedirname1")) && t + 1 < com_argc) gamedirname1 = com_argv[t+1]; if((t = COM_CheckParm("-customgamedirname2")) && t + 1 < com_argc) gamedirname2 = *com_argv[t+1] ? com_argv[t+1] : NULL; if((t = COM_CheckParm("-customgamescreenshotname")) && t + 1 < com_argc) gamescreenshotname = com_argv[t+1]; if((t = COM_CheckParm("-customgameuserdirname")) && t + 1 < com_argc) gameuserdirname = com_argv[t+1]; } if (gamedirname2 && gamedirname2[0]) Con_Printf("Game is %s using base gamedirs %s %s", gamename, gamedirname1, gamedirname2); else Con_Printf("Game is %s using base gamedir %s", gamename, gamedirname1); for (i = 0;i < fs_numgamedirs;i++) { if (i == 0) Con_Printf(", with mod gamedirs"); Con_Printf(" %s", fs_gamedirs[i]); } Con_Printf("\n"); } /* ================ COM_Init ================ */ void COM_Init_Commands (void) { int i, j, n; char com_cmdline[MAX_INPUTLINE]; Cvar_RegisterVariable (®istered); Cvar_RegisterVariable (&cmdline); // reconstitute the command line for the cmdline externally visible cvar n = 0; for (j = 0;(j < MAX_NUM_ARGVS) && (j < com_argc);j++) { i = 0; if (strstr(com_argv[j], " ")) { // arg contains whitespace, store quotes around it com_cmdline[n++] = '\"'; while ((n < ((int)sizeof(com_cmdline) - 1)) && com_argv[j][i]) com_cmdline[n++] = com_argv[j][i++]; com_cmdline[n++] = '\"'; } else { while ((n < ((int)sizeof(com_cmdline) - 1)) && com_argv[j][i]) com_cmdline[n++] = com_argv[j][i++]; } if (n < ((int)sizeof(com_cmdline) - 1)) com_cmdline[n++] = ' '; else break; } com_cmdline[n] = 0; Cvar_Set ("cmdline", com_cmdline); } /* ============ va does a varargs printf into a temp buffer, so I don't need to have varargs versions of all text functions. FIXME: make this buffer size safe someday ============ */ char *va(const char *format, ...) { va_list argptr; // LordHavoc: now cycles through 8 buffers to avoid problems in most cases static char string[8][1024], *s; static int stringindex = 0; s = string[stringindex]; stringindex = (stringindex + 1) & 7; va_start (argptr, format); dpvsnprintf (s, sizeof (string[0]), format,argptr); va_end (argptr); return s; } //====================================== // snprintf and vsnprintf are NOT portable. Use their DP counterparts instead #undef snprintf #undef vsnprintf #ifdef WIN32 # define snprintf _snprintf # define vsnprintf _vsnprintf #endif int dpsnprintf (char *buffer, size_t buffersize, const char *format, ...) { va_list args; int result; va_start (args, format); result = dpvsnprintf (buffer, buffersize, format, args); va_end (args); return result; } int dpvsnprintf (char *buffer, size_t buffersize, const char *format, va_list args) { int result; #if _MSC_VER >= 1400 result = _vsnprintf_s (buffer, buffersize, _TRUNCATE, format, args); #else result = vsnprintf (buffer, buffersize, format, args); #endif if (result < 0 || (size_t)result >= buffersize) { buffer[buffersize - 1] = '\0'; return -1; } return result; } //====================================== void COM_ToLowerString (const char *in, char *out, size_t size_out) { if (size_out == 0) return; if(utf8_enable.integer) { *out = 0; while(*in && size_out > 1) { int n; Uchar ch = u8_getchar_utf8_enabled(in, &in); ch = u8_tolower(ch); n = u8_fromchar(ch, out, size_out); if(n <= 0) break; out += n; size_out -= n; } return; } while (*in && size_out > 1) { if (*in >= 'A' && *in <= 'Z') *out++ = *in++ + 'a' - 'A'; else *out++ = *in++; size_out--; } *out = '\0'; } void COM_ToUpperString (const char *in, char *out, size_t size_out) { if (size_out == 0) return; if(utf8_enable.integer) { *out = 0; while(*in && size_out > 1) { int n; Uchar ch = u8_getchar_utf8_enabled(in, &in); ch = u8_toupper(ch); n = u8_fromchar(ch, out, size_out); if(n <= 0) break; out += n; size_out -= n; } return; } while (*in && size_out > 1) { if (*in >= 'a' && *in <= 'z') *out++ = *in++ + 'A' - 'a'; else *out++ = *in++; size_out--; } *out = '\0'; } int COM_StringBeginsWith(const char *s, const char *match) { for (;*s && *match;s++, match++) if (*s != *match) return false; return true; } int COM_ReadAndTokenizeLine(const char **text, char **argv, int maxargc, char *tokenbuf, int tokenbufsize, const char *commentprefix) { int argc, commentprefixlength; char *tokenbufend; const char *l; argc = 0; tokenbufend = tokenbuf + tokenbufsize; l = *text; commentprefixlength = 0; if (commentprefix) commentprefixlength = (int)strlen(commentprefix); while (*l && *l != '\n' && *l != '\r') { if (!ISWHITESPACE(*l)) { if (commentprefixlength && !strncmp(l, commentprefix, commentprefixlength)) { while (*l && *l != '\n' && *l != '\r') l++; break; } if (argc >= maxargc) return -1; argv[argc++] = tokenbuf; if (*l == '"') { l++; while (*l && *l != '"') { if (tokenbuf >= tokenbufend) return -1; *tokenbuf++ = *l++; } if (*l == '"') l++; } else { while (!ISWHITESPACE(*l)) { if (tokenbuf >= tokenbufend) return -1; *tokenbuf++ = *l++; } } if (tokenbuf >= tokenbufend) return -1; *tokenbuf++ = 0; } else l++; } // line endings: // UNIX: \n // Mac: \r // Windows: \r\n if (*l == '\r') l++; if (*l == '\n') l++; *text = l; return argc; } /* ============ COM_StringLengthNoColors calculates the visible width of a color coded string. *valid is filled with TRUE if the string is a valid colored string (that is, if it does not end with an unfinished color code). If it gets filled with FALSE, a fix would be adding a STRING_COLOR_TAG at the end of the string. valid can be set to NULL if the caller doesn't care. For size_s, specify the maximum number of characters from s to use, or 0 to use all characters until the zero terminator. ============ */ size_t COM_StringLengthNoColors(const char *s, size_t size_s, qboolean *valid) { const char *end = size_s ? (s + size_s) : NULL; size_t len = 0; for(;;) { switch((s == end) ? 0 : *s) { case 0: if(valid) *valid = TRUE; return len; case STRING_COLOR_TAG: ++s; switch((s == end) ? 0 : *s) { case STRING_COLOR_RGB_TAG_CHAR: if (s+1 != end && isxdigit(s[1]) && s+2 != end && isxdigit(s[2]) && s+3 != end && isxdigit(s[3]) ) { s+=3; break; } ++len; // STRING_COLOR_TAG ++len; // STRING_COLOR_RGB_TAG_CHAR break; case 0: // ends with unfinished color code! ++len; if(valid) *valid = FALSE; return len; case STRING_COLOR_TAG: // escaped ^ ++len; break; case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': // color code break; default: // not a color code ++len; // STRING_COLOR_TAG ++len; // the character break; } break; default: ++len; break; } ++s; } // never get here } /* ============ COM_StringDecolorize removes color codes from a string. If escape_carets is true, the resulting string will be safe for printing. If escape_carets is false, the function will just strip color codes (for logging for example). If the output buffer size did not suffice for converting, the function returns FALSE. Generally, if escape_carets is false, the output buffer needs strlen(str)+1 bytes, and if escape_carets is true, it can need strlen(str)*1.5+2 bytes. In any case, the function makes sure that the resulting string is zero terminated. For size_in, specify the maximum number of characters from in to use, or 0 to use all characters until the zero terminator. ============ */ qboolean COM_StringDecolorize(const char *in, size_t size_in, char *out, size_t size_out, qboolean escape_carets) { #define APPEND(ch) do { if(--size_out) { *out++ = (ch); } else { *out++ = 0; return FALSE; } } while(0) const char *end = size_in ? (in + size_in) : NULL; if(size_out < 1) return FALSE; for(;;) { switch((in == end) ? 0 : *in) { case 0: *out++ = 0; return TRUE; case STRING_COLOR_TAG: ++in; switch((in == end) ? 0 : *in) { case STRING_COLOR_RGB_TAG_CHAR: if (in+1 != end && isxdigit(in[1]) && in+2 != end && isxdigit(in[2]) && in+3 != end && isxdigit(in[3]) ) { in+=3; break; } APPEND(STRING_COLOR_TAG); if(escape_carets) APPEND(STRING_COLOR_TAG); APPEND(STRING_COLOR_RGB_TAG_CHAR); break; case 0: // ends with unfinished color code! APPEND(STRING_COLOR_TAG); // finish the code by appending another caret when escaping if(escape_carets) APPEND(STRING_COLOR_TAG); *out++ = 0; return TRUE; case STRING_COLOR_TAG: // escaped ^ APPEND(STRING_COLOR_TAG); // append a ^ twice when escaping if(escape_carets) APPEND(STRING_COLOR_TAG); break; case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': // color code break; default: // not a color code APPEND(STRING_COLOR_TAG); APPEND(*in); break; } break; default: APPEND(*in); break; } ++in; } // never get here #undef APPEND } // written by Elric, thanks Elric! char *SearchInfostring(const char *infostring, const char *key) { static char value [MAX_INPUTLINE]; char crt_key [MAX_INPUTLINE]; size_t value_ind, key_ind; char c; if (*infostring++ != '\\') return NULL; value_ind = 0; for (;;) { key_ind = 0; // Get the key name for (;;) { c = *infostring++; if (c == '\0') return NULL; if (c == '\\' || key_ind == sizeof (crt_key) - 1) { crt_key[key_ind] = '\0'; break; } crt_key[key_ind++] = c; } // If it's the key we are looking for, save it in "value" if (!strcmp(crt_key, key)) { for (;;) { c = *infostring++; if (c == '\0' || c == '\\' || value_ind == sizeof (value) - 1) { value[value_ind] = '\0'; return value; } value[value_ind++] = c; } } // Else, skip the value for (;;) { c = *infostring++; if (c == '\0') return NULL; if (c == '\\') break; } } } void InfoString_GetValue(const char *buffer, const char *key, char *value, size_t valuelength) { int pos = 0, j; size_t keylength; if (!key) key = ""; keylength = strlen(key); if (valuelength < 1 || !value) { Con_Printf("InfoString_GetValue: no room in value\n"); return; } value[0] = 0; if (strchr(key, '\\')) { Con_Printf("InfoString_GetValue: key name \"%s\" contains \\ which is not possible in an infostring\n", key); return; } if (strchr(key, '\"')) { Con_Printf("InfoString_SetValue: key name \"%s\" contains \" which is not allowed in an infostring\n", key); return; } if (!key[0]) { Con_Printf("InfoString_GetValue: can not look up a key with no name\n"); return; } while (buffer[pos] == '\\') { if (!memcmp(buffer + pos+1, key, keylength)) { for (pos++;buffer[pos] && buffer[pos] != '\\';pos++); pos++; for (j = 0;buffer[pos+j] && buffer[pos+j] != '\\' && j < (int)valuelength - 1;j++) value[j] = buffer[pos+j]; value[j] = 0; return; } for (pos++;buffer[pos] && buffer[pos] != '\\';pos++); for (pos++;buffer[pos] && buffer[pos] != '\\';pos++); } // if we reach this point the key was not found } void InfoString_SetValue(char *buffer, size_t bufferlength, const char *key, const char *value) { int pos = 0, pos2; size_t keylength; if (!key) key = ""; if (!value) value = ""; keylength = strlen(key); if (strchr(key, '\\') || strchr(value, '\\')) { Con_Printf("InfoString_SetValue: \"%s\" \"%s\" contains \\ which is not possible to store in an infostring\n", key, value); return; } if (strchr(key, '\"') || strchr(value, '\"')) { Con_Printf("InfoString_SetValue: \"%s\" \"%s\" contains \" which is not allowed in an infostring\n", key, value); return; } if (!key[0]) { Con_Printf("InfoString_SetValue: can not set a key with no name\n"); return; } while (buffer[pos] == '\\') { if (!memcmp(buffer + pos+1, key, keylength)) break; for (pos++;buffer[pos] && buffer[pos] != '\\';pos++); for (pos++;buffer[pos] && buffer[pos] != '\\';pos++); } // if we found the key, find the end of it because we will be replacing it pos2 = pos; if (buffer[pos] == '\\') { for (pos2++;buffer[pos2] && buffer[pos2] != '\\';pos2++); for (pos2++;buffer[pos2] && buffer[pos2] != '\\';pos2++); } if (bufferlength <= pos + 1 + strlen(key) + 1 + strlen(value) + strlen(buffer + pos2)) { Con_Printf("InfoString_SetValue: no room for \"%s\" \"%s\" in infostring\n", key, value); return; } if (value && value[0]) { // set the key/value and append the remaining text char tempbuffer[4096]; strlcpy(tempbuffer, buffer + pos2, sizeof(tempbuffer)); dpsnprintf(buffer + pos, bufferlength - pos, "\\%s\\%s%s", key, value, tempbuffer); } else { // just remove the key from the text strlcpy(buffer + pos, buffer + pos2, bufferlength - pos); } } void InfoString_Print(char *buffer) { int i; char key[2048]; char value[2048]; while (*buffer) { if (*buffer != '\\') { Con_Printf("InfoString_Print: corrupt string\n"); return; } for (buffer++, i = 0;*buffer && *buffer != '\\';buffer++) if (i < (int)sizeof(key)-1) key[i++] = *buffer; key[i] = 0; if (*buffer != '\\') { Con_Printf("InfoString_Print: corrupt string\n"); return; } for (buffer++, i = 0;*buffer && *buffer != '\\';buffer++) if (i < (int)sizeof(value)-1) value[i++] = *buffer; value[i] = 0; // empty value is an error case Con_Printf("%20s %s\n", key, value[0] ? value : "NO VALUE"); } } //======================================================== // strlcat and strlcpy, from OpenBSD /* * Copyright (c) 1998 Todd C. Miller * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ /* $OpenBSD: strlcat.c,v 1.11 2003/06/17 21:56:24 millert Exp $ */ /* $OpenBSD: strlcpy.c,v 1.8 2003/06/17 21:56:24 millert Exp $ */ #ifndef HAVE_STRLCAT size_t strlcat(char *dst, const char *src, size_t siz) { register char *d = dst; register const char *s = src; register size_t n = siz; size_t dlen; /* Find the end of dst and adjust bytes left but don't go past end */ while (n-- != 0 && *d != '\0') d++; dlen = d - dst; n = siz - dlen; if (n == 0) return(dlen + strlen(s)); while (*s != '\0') { if (n != 1) { *d++ = *s; n--; } s++; } *d = '\0'; return(dlen + (s - src)); /* count does not include NUL */ } #endif // #ifndef HAVE_STRLCAT #ifndef HAVE_STRLCPY size_t strlcpy(char *dst, const char *src, size_t siz) { register char *d = dst; register const char *s = src; register size_t n = siz; /* Copy as many bytes as will fit */ if (n != 0 && --n != 0) { do { if ((*d++ = *s++) == 0) break; } while (--n != 0); } /* Not enough room in dst, add NUL and traverse rest of src */ if (n == 0) { if (siz != 0) *d = '\0'; /* NUL-terminate dst */ while (*s++) ; } return(s - src - 1); /* count does not include NUL */ } #endif // #ifndef HAVE_STRLCPY void FindFraction(double val, int *num, int *denom, int denomMax) { int i; double bestdiff; // initialize bestdiff = fabs(val); *num = 0; *denom = 1; for(i = 1; i <= denomMax; ++i) { int inum = (int) floor(0.5 + val * i); double diff = fabs(val - inum / (double)i); if(diff < bestdiff) { bestdiff = diff; *num = inum; *denom = i; } } } // decodes an XPM from C syntax char **XPM_DecodeString(const char *in) { static char *tokens[257]; static char lines[257][512]; size_t line = 0; // skip until "{" token while(COM_ParseToken_QuakeC(&in, false) && strcmp(com_token, "{")); // now, read in succession: string, comma-or-} while(COM_ParseToken_QuakeC(&in, false)) { tokens[line] = lines[line]; strlcpy(lines[line++], com_token, sizeof(lines[0])); if(!COM_ParseToken_QuakeC(&in, false)) return NULL; if(!strcmp(com_token, "}")) break; if(strcmp(com_token, ",")) return NULL; if(line >= sizeof(tokens) / sizeof(tokens[0])) return NULL; } return tokens; } static const char base64[] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"; static void base64_3to4(const unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out, int bytes) { unsigned char i0 = (bytes > 0) ? in[0] : 0; unsigned char i1 = (bytes > 1) ? in[1] : 0; unsigned char i2 = (bytes > 2) ? in[2] : 0; unsigned char o0 = base64[i0 >> 2]; unsigned char o1 = base64[((i0 << 4) | (i1 >> 4)) & 077]; unsigned char o2 = base64[((i1 << 2) | (i2 >> 6)) & 077]; unsigned char o3 = base64[i2 & 077]; out[0] = (bytes > 0) ? o0 : '?'; out[1] = (bytes > 0) ? o1 : '?'; out[2] = (bytes > 1) ? o2 : '='; out[3] = (bytes > 2) ? o3 : '='; } size_t base64_encode(unsigned char *buf, size_t buflen, size_t outbuflen) { size_t blocks, i; // expand the out-buffer blocks = (buflen + 2) / 3; if(blocks*4 > outbuflen) return 0; for(i = blocks; i > 0; ) { --i; base64_3to4(buf + 3*i, buf + 4*i, buflen - 3*i); } return blocks * 4; }