/* Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ // client.h #ifndef CLIENT_H #define CLIENT_H #include "matrixlib.h" #include "snd_main.h" // flags for rtlight rendering #define LIGHTFLAG_NORMALMODE 1 #define LIGHTFLAG_REALTIMEMODE 2 typedef struct tridecal_s { // color and initial alpha value float texcoord2f[3][2]; float vertex3f[3][3]; unsigned char color4ub[3][4]; // how long this decal has lived so far (the actual fade begins at cl_decals_time) float lived; // if >= 0 this indicates the decal should follow an animated triangle int triangleindex; // for visibility culling int surfaceindex; // old decals are killed to obey cl_decals_max int decalsequence; } tridecal_t; typedef struct decalsystem_s { dp_model_t *model; double lastupdatetime; int maxdecals; int freedecal; int numdecals; tridecal_t *decals; float *vertex3f; float *texcoord2f; float *color4f; int *element3i; unsigned short *element3s; } decalsystem_t; typedef struct effect_s { int active; vec3_t origin; double starttime; float framerate; int modelindex; int startframe; int endframe; // these are for interpolation int frame; double frame1time; double frame2time; } cl_effect_t; typedef struct beam_s { int entity; // draw this as lightning polygons, or a model? int lightning; struct model_s *model; float endtime; vec3_t start, end; } beam_t; typedef struct rtlight_s { // shadow volumes are done entirely in model space, so there are no matrices for dealing with them... they just use the origin // note that the world to light matrices are inversely scaled (divided) by lightradius // core properties /// matrix for transforming light filter coordinates to world coordinates matrix4x4_t matrix_lighttoworld; /// matrix for transforming world coordinates to light filter coordinates matrix4x4_t matrix_worldtolight; /// typically 1 1 1, can be lower (dim) or higher (overbright) vec3_t color; /// size of the light (remove?) vec_t radius; /// light filter char cubemapname[64]; /// light style to monitor for brightness int style; /// whether light should render shadows int shadow; /// intensity of corona to render vec_t corona; /// radius scale of corona to render (1.0 means same as light radius) vec_t coronasizescale; /// ambient intensity to render vec_t ambientscale; /// diffuse intensity to render vec_t diffusescale; /// specular intensity to render vec_t specularscale; /// LIGHTFLAG_* flags int flags; // generated properties /// used only for shadow volumes vec3_t shadoworigin; /// culling vec3_t cullmins; vec3_t cullmaxs; // culling //vec_t cullradius; // squared cullradius //vec_t cullradius2; // rendering properties, updated each time a light is rendered // this is rtlight->color * d_lightstylevalue vec3_t currentcolor; /// used by corona updates, due to occlusion query float corona_visibility; unsigned int corona_queryindex_visiblepixels; unsigned int corona_queryindex_allpixels; /// this is R_GetCubemap(rtlight->cubemapname) rtexture_t *currentcubemap; /// set by R_Shadow_PrepareLight to decide whether R_Shadow_DrawLight should draw it qboolean draw; /// these fields are set by R_Shadow_PrepareLight for later drawing int cached_numlightentities; int cached_numlightentities_noselfshadow; int cached_numshadowentities; int cached_numshadowentities_noselfshadow; int cached_numsurfaces; struct entity_render_s **cached_lightentities; struct entity_render_s **cached_lightentities_noselfshadow; struct entity_render_s **cached_shadowentities; struct entity_render_s **cached_shadowentities_noselfshadow; unsigned char *cached_shadowtrispvs; unsigned char *cached_lighttrispvs; int *cached_surfacelist; // reduced light cullbox from GetLightInfo vec3_t cached_cullmins; vec3_t cached_cullmaxs; // current shadow-caster culling planes based on view // (any geometry outside these planes can not contribute to the visible // shadows in any way, and thus can be culled safely) int cached_numfrustumplanes; mplane_t cached_frustumplanes[5]; // see R_Shadow_ComputeShadowCasterCullingPlanes /// static light info /// true if this light should be compiled as a static light int isstatic; /// true if this is a compiled world light, cleared if the light changes int compiled; /// the shadowing mode used to compile this light int shadowmode; /// premade shadow volumes to render for world entity shadowmesh_t *static_meshchain_shadow_zpass; shadowmesh_t *static_meshchain_shadow_zfail; shadowmesh_t *static_meshchain_shadow_shadowmap; /// used for visibility testing (more exact than bbox) int static_numleafs; int static_numleafpvsbytes; int *static_leaflist; unsigned char *static_leafpvs; /// surfaces seen by light int static_numsurfaces; int *static_surfacelist; /// flag bits indicating which triangles of the world model should cast /// shadows, and which ones should be lit /// /// this avoids redundantly scanning the triangles in each surface twice /// for whether they should cast shadows, once in culling and once in the /// actual shadowmarklist production. int static_numshadowtrispvsbytes; unsigned char *static_shadowtrispvs; /// this allows the lighting batch code to skip backfaces andother culled /// triangles not relevant for lighting /// (important on big surfaces such as terrain) int static_numlighttrispvsbytes; unsigned char *static_lighttrispvs; /// masks of all shadowmap sides that have any potential static receivers or casters int static_shadowmap_receivers; int static_shadowmap_casters; } rtlight_t; typedef struct dlight_s { // destroy light after this time // (dlight only) vec_t die; // the entity that owns this light (can be NULL) // (dlight only) struct entity_render_s *ent; // location // (worldlight: saved to .rtlights file) vec3_t origin; // worldlight orientation // (worldlight only) // (worldlight: saved to .rtlights file) vec3_t angles; // dlight orientation/scaling/location // (dlight only) matrix4x4_t matrix; // color of light // (worldlight: saved to .rtlights file) vec3_t color; // cubemap name to use on this light // (worldlight: saved to .rtlights file) char cubemapname[64]; // make light flash while selected // (worldlight only) int selected; // brightness (not really radius anymore) // (worldlight: saved to .rtlights file) vec_t radius; // drop intensity this much each second // (dlight only) vec_t decay; // intensity value which is dropped over time // (dlight only) vec_t intensity; // initial values for intensity to modify // (dlight only) vec_t initialradius; vec3_t initialcolor; // light style which controls intensity of this light // (worldlight: saved to .rtlights file) int style; // cast shadows // (worldlight: saved to .rtlights file) int shadow; // corona intensity // (worldlight: saved to .rtlights file) vec_t corona; // radius scale of corona to render (1.0 means same as light radius) // (worldlight: saved to .rtlights file) vec_t coronasizescale; // ambient intensity to render // (worldlight: saved to .rtlights file) vec_t ambientscale; // diffuse intensity to render // (worldlight: saved to .rtlights file) vec_t diffusescale; // specular intensity to render // (worldlight: saved to .rtlights file) vec_t specularscale; // LIGHTFLAG_* flags // (worldlight: saved to .rtlights file) int flags; // linked list of world lights // (worldlight only) struct dlight_s *next; // embedded rtlight struct for renderer // (worldlight only) rtlight_t rtlight; } dlight_t; #define MAX_FRAMEGROUPBLENDS 4 typedef struct framegroupblend_s { // animation number and blend factor // (for most models this is the frame number) int frame; float lerp; // time frame began playing (for framegroup animations) double start; } framegroupblend_t; // this is derived from processing of the framegroupblend array // note: technically each framegroupblend can produce two of these, but that // never happens in practice because no one blends between more than 2 // framegroups at once #define MAX_FRAMEBLENDS (MAX_FRAMEGROUPBLENDS * 2) typedef struct frameblend_s { int subframe; float lerp; } frameblend_t; // LordHavoc: this struct is intended for the renderer but some fields are // used by the client. // // The renderer should not rely on any changes to this struct to be persistent // across multiple frames because temp entities are wiped every frame, but it // is acceptable to cache things in this struct that are not critical. // // For example the r_cullentities_trace code does such caching. typedef struct entity_render_s { // location //vec3_t origin; // orientation //vec3_t angles; // transform matrix for model to world matrix4x4_t matrix; // transform matrix for world to model matrix4x4_t inversematrix; // opacity (alpha) of the model float alpha; // size the model is shown float scale; // transparent sorting offset float transparent_offset; // NULL = no model dp_model_t *model; // number of the entity represents, or 0 for non-network entities int entitynumber; // literal colormap colors for renderer, if both are 0 0 0 it is not colormapped vec3_t colormap_pantscolor; vec3_t colormap_shirtcolor; // light, particles, etc int effects; // qw CTF flags and other internal-use-only effect bits int internaleffects; // for Alias models int skinnum; // render flags int flags; // colormod tinting of models float colormod[3]; float glowmod[3]; // interpolated animation - active framegroups and blend factors framegroupblend_t framegroupblend[MAX_FRAMEGROUPBLENDS]; // time of last model change (for shader animations) double shadertime; // calculated by the renderer (but not persistent) // calculated during R_AddModelEntities vec3_t mins, maxs; // subframe numbers (-1 if not used) and their blending scalers (0-1), if interpolation is not desired, use subframeblend[0].subframe frameblend_t frameblend[MAX_FRAMEBLENDS]; // skeletal animation data (if skeleton.relativetransforms is not NULL, it overrides frameblend) skeleton_t *skeleton; // animation cache (pointers allocated using R_FrameData_Alloc) // ONLY valid during R_RenderView! may be NULL (not cached) float *animcache_vertex3f; float *animcache_normal3f; float *animcache_svector3f; float *animcache_tvector3f; // interleaved arrays for rendering and dynamic vertex buffers for them r_vertexposition_t *animcache_vertexposition; r_meshbuffer_t *animcache_vertexpositionbuffer; r_vertexmesh_t *animcache_vertexmesh; r_meshbuffer_t *animcache_vertexmeshbuffer; // current lighting from map (updated ONLY by client code, not renderer) vec3_t modellight_ambient; vec3_t modellight_diffuse; // q3bsp vec3_t modellight_lightdir; // q3bsp // storage of decals on this entity // (note: if allowdecals is set, be sure to call R_DecalSystem_Reset on removal!) int allowdecals; decalsystem_t decalsystem; // FIELDS UPDATED BY RENDERER: // last time visible during trace culling double last_trace_visibility; // user wavefunc parameters (from csqc) float userwavefunc_param[Q3WAVEFUNC_USER_COUNT]; } entity_render_t; typedef struct entity_persistent_s { vec3_t trail_origin; // particle trail float trail_time; qboolean trail_allowed; // set to false by teleports, true by update code, prevents bad lerps // muzzleflash fading float muzzleflash; // interpolated movement // start time of move float lerpstarttime; // time difference from start to end of move float lerpdeltatime; // the move itself, start and end float oldorigin[3]; float oldangles[3]; float neworigin[3]; float newangles[3]; } entity_persistent_t; typedef struct entity_s { // baseline state (default values) entity_state_t state_baseline; // previous state (interpolating from this) entity_state_t state_previous; // current state (interpolating to this) entity_state_t state_current; // used for regenerating parts of render entity_persistent_t persistent; // the only data the renderer should know about entity_render_t render; } entity_t; typedef struct usercmd_s { vec3_t viewangles; // intended velocities float forwardmove; float sidemove; float upmove; vec3_t cursor_screen; vec3_t cursor_start; vec3_t cursor_end; vec3_t cursor_impact; vec3_t cursor_normal; vec_t cursor_fraction; int cursor_entitynumber; double time; // time the move is executed for (cl_movement: clienttime, non-cl_movement: receivetime) double receivetime; // time the move was received at double clienttime; // time to which server state the move corresponds to int msec; // for predicted moves int buttons; int impulse; int sequence; qboolean applied; // if false we're still accumulating a move qboolean predicted; // if true the sequence should be sent as 0 // derived properties double frametime; qboolean canjump; qboolean jump; qboolean crouch; } usercmd_t; typedef struct lightstyle_s { int length; char map[MAX_STYLESTRING]; } lightstyle_t; typedef struct scoreboard_s { char name[MAX_SCOREBOARDNAME]; int frags; int colors; // two 4 bit fields // QW fields: int qw_userid; char qw_userinfo[MAX_USERINFO_STRING]; float qw_entertime; int qw_ping; int qw_packetloss; int qw_movementloss; int qw_spectator; char qw_team[8]; char qw_skin[MAX_QPATH]; } scoreboard_t; typedef struct cshift_s { float destcolor[3]; float percent; // 0-255 float alphafade; // (any speed) } cshift_t; #define CSHIFT_CONTENTS 0 #define CSHIFT_DAMAGE 1 #define CSHIFT_BONUS 2 #define CSHIFT_POWERUP 3 #define CSHIFT_VCSHIFT 4 #define NUM_CSHIFTS 5 #define NAME_LENGTH 64 // // client_state_t should hold all pieces of the client state // #define SIGNONS 4 // signon messages to receive before connected typedef enum cactive_e { ca_uninitialized, // during early startup ca_dedicated, // a dedicated server with no ability to start a client ca_disconnected, // full screen console with no connection ca_connected // valid netcon, talking to a server } cactive_t; typedef enum qw_downloadtype_e { dl_none, dl_single, dl_skin, dl_model, dl_sound } qw_downloadtype_t; typedef enum capturevideoformat_e { CAPTUREVIDEOFORMAT_AVI_I420, CAPTUREVIDEOFORMAT_OGG_VORBIS_THEORA, } capturevideoformat_t; typedef struct capturevideostate_s { double startrealtime; double framerate; int framestep; int framestepframe; qboolean active; qboolean realtime; qboolean error; int soundrate; int soundchannels; int frame; double starttime; double lastfpstime; int lastfpsframe; int soundsampleframe; unsigned char *screenbuffer; unsigned char *outbuffer; char basename[MAX_QPATH]; int width, height; // precomputed RGB to YUV tables // converts the RGB values to YUV (see cap_avi.c for how to use them) short rgbtoyuvscaletable[3][3][256]; unsigned char yuvnormalizetable[3][256]; // precomputed gamma ramp (only needed if the capturevideo module uses RGB output) // note: to map from these values to RGB24, you have to multiply by 255.0/65535.0, then add 0.5, then cast to integer unsigned short vidramp[256 * 3]; // stuff to be filled in by the video format module capturevideoformat_t format; const char *formatextension; qfile_t *videofile; // always use this: // cls.capturevideo.videofile = FS_OpenRealFile(va("%s.%s", cls.capturevideo.basename, cls.capturevideo.formatextension), "wb", false); void (*endvideo) (void); void (*videoframes) (int num); void (*soundframe) (const portable_sampleframe_t *paintbuffer, size_t length); // format specific data void *formatspecific; } capturevideostate_t; #define CL_MAX_DOWNLOADACKS 4 typedef struct cl_downloadack_s { int start, size; } cl_downloadack_t; typedef struct cl_soundstats_s { int mixedsounds; int totalsounds; int latency_milliseconds; } cl_soundstats_t; // // the client_static_t structure is persistent through an arbitrary number // of server connections // typedef struct client_static_s { cactive_t state; // all client memory allocations go in these pools mempool_t *levelmempool; mempool_t *permanentmempool; // demo loop control // -1 = don't play demos int demonum; // list of demos in loop char demos[MAX_DEMOS][MAX_DEMONAME]; // the actively playing demo (set by CL_PlayDemo_f) char demoname[MAX_QPATH]; // demo recording info must be here, because record is started before // entering a map (and clearing client_state_t) qboolean demorecording; fs_offset_t demo_lastcsprogssize; int demo_lastcsprogscrc; qboolean demoplayback; qboolean timedemo; // -1 = use normal cd track int forcetrack; qfile_t *demofile; // realtime at second frame of timedemo (LordHavoc: changed to double) double td_starttime; int td_frames; // total frames parsed double td_onesecondnexttime; double td_onesecondframes; double td_onesecondrealtime; double td_onesecondminfps; double td_onesecondmaxfps; double td_onesecondavgfps; int td_onesecondavgcount; // LordHavoc: pausedemo qboolean demopaused; // sound mixer statistics for showsound display cl_soundstats_t soundstats; qboolean connect_trying; int connect_remainingtries; double connect_nextsendtime; lhnetsocket_t *connect_mysocket; lhnetaddress_t connect_address; // protocol version of the server we're connected to // (kept outside client_state_t because it's used between levels) protocolversion_t protocol; #define MAX_RCONS 16 int rcon_trying; lhnetaddress_t rcon_addresses[MAX_RCONS]; char rcon_commands[MAX_RCONS][MAX_INPUTLINE]; double rcon_timeout[MAX_RCONS]; int rcon_ringpos; // connection information // 0 to SIGNONS int signon; // network connection netconn_t *netcon; // download information // (note: qw_download variables are also used) cl_downloadack_t dp_downloadack[CL_MAX_DOWNLOADACKS]; // input sequence numbers are not reset on level change, only connect int movesequence; int servermovesequence; // quakeworld stuff below // value of "qport" cvar at time of connection int qw_qport; // copied from cls.netcon->qw. variables every time they change, or set by demos (which have no cls.netcon) int qw_incoming_sequence; int qw_outgoing_sequence; // current file download buffer (only saved when file is completed) char qw_downloadname[MAX_QPATH]; unsigned char *qw_downloadmemory; int qw_downloadmemorycursize; int qw_downloadmemorymaxsize; int qw_downloadnumber; int qw_downloadpercent; qw_downloadtype_t qw_downloadtype; // transfer rate display double qw_downloadspeedtime; int qw_downloadspeedcount; int qw_downloadspeedrate; qboolean qw_download_deflate; // current file upload buffer (for uploading screenshots to server) unsigned char *qw_uploaddata; int qw_uploadsize; int qw_uploadpos; // user infostring // this normally contains the following keys in quakeworld: // password spectator name team skin topcolor bottomcolor rate noaim msg *ver *ip char userinfo[MAX_USERINFO_STRING]; // video capture stuff capturevideostate_t capturevideo; } client_static_t; extern client_static_t cls; typedef struct client_movementqueue_s { double time; float frametime; int sequence; float viewangles[3]; float move[3]; qboolean jump; qboolean crouch; qboolean canjump; } client_movementqueue_t; //[515]: csqc typedef struct { qboolean drawworld; qboolean drawenginesbar; qboolean drawcrosshair; }csqc_vidvars_t; typedef enum { PARTICLE_BILLBOARD = 0, PARTICLE_SPARK = 1, PARTICLE_ORIENTED_DOUBLESIDED = 2, PARTICLE_VBEAM = 3, PARTICLE_HBEAM = 4, PARTICLE_INVALID = -1 } porientation_t; typedef enum { PBLEND_ALPHA = 0, PBLEND_ADD = 1, PBLEND_INVMOD = 2, PBLEND_INVALID = -1 } pblend_t; typedef struct particletype_s { pblend_t blendmode; porientation_t orientation; qboolean lighting; } particletype_t; typedef enum ptype_e { pt_dead, pt_alphastatic, pt_static, pt_spark, pt_beam, pt_rain, pt_raindecal, pt_snow, pt_bubble, pt_blood, pt_smoke, pt_decal, pt_entityparticle, pt_total } ptype_t; typedef struct decal_s { // fields used by rendering: (44 bytes) unsigned short typeindex; unsigned short texnum; int decalsequence; vec3_t org; vec3_t normal; float size; float alpha; // 0-255 unsigned char color[3]; unsigned char unused1; int clusterindex; // cheap culling by pvs // fields not used by rendering: (36 bytes in 32bit, 40 bytes in 64bit) float time2; // used for decal fade unsigned int owner; // decal stuck to this entity dp_model_t *ownermodel; // model the decal is stuck to (used to make sure the entity is still alive) vec3_t relativeorigin; // decal at this location in entity's coordinate space vec3_t relativenormal; // decal oriented this way relative to entity's coordinate space } decal_t; typedef struct particle_s { // for faster batch rendering, particles are rendered in groups by effect (resulting in less perfect sorting but far less state changes) // fields used by rendering: (48 bytes) vec3_t sortorigin; // sort by this group origin, not particle org vec3_t org; vec3_t vel; // velocity of particle, or orientation of decal, or end point of beam float size; float alpha; // 0-255 float stretch; // only for sparks // fields not used by rendering: (44 bytes) float stainsize; float stainalpha; float sizeincrease; // rate of size change per second float alphafade; // how much alpha reduces per second float time2; // used for snow fluttering and decal fade float bounce; // how much bounce-back from a surface the particle hits (0 = no physics, 1 = stop and slide, 2 = keep bouncing forever, 1.5 is typical) float gravity; // how much gravity affects this particle (1.0 = normal gravity, 0.0 = none) float airfriction; // how much air friction affects this object (objects with a low mass/size ratio tend to get more air friction) float liquidfriction; // how much liquid friction affects this object (objects with a low mass/size ratio tend to get more liquid friction) // float delayedcollisions; // time that p->bounce becomes active float delayedspawn; // time that particle appears and begins moving float die; // time when this particle should be removed, regardless of alpha // short variables grouped to save memory (4 bytes) short angle; // base rotation of particle short spin; // geometry rotation speed around the particle center normal // byte variables grouped to save memory (12 bytes) unsigned char color[3]; unsigned char qualityreduction; // enables skipping of this particle according to r_refdef.view.qualityreduction unsigned char typeindex; unsigned char blendmode; unsigned char orientation; unsigned char texnum; unsigned char staincolor[3]; signed char staintexnum; } particle_t; typedef enum cl_parsingtextmode_e { CL_PARSETEXTMODE_NONE, CL_PARSETEXTMODE_PING, CL_PARSETEXTMODE_STATUS, CL_PARSETEXTMODE_STATUS_PLAYERID, CL_PARSETEXTMODE_STATUS_PLAYERIP } cl_parsingtextmode_t; typedef struct cl_locnode_s { struct cl_locnode_s *next; char *name; vec3_t mins, maxs; } cl_locnode_t; typedef struct showlmp_s { qboolean isactive; float x; float y; char label[32]; char pic[128]; } showlmp_t; // // the client_state_t structure is wiped completely at every // server signon // typedef struct client_state_s { // true if playing in a local game and no one else is connected int islocalgame; // send a clc_nop periodically until connected float sendnoptime; // current input being accumulated by mouse/joystick/etc input usercmd_t cmd; // latest moves sent to the server that have not been confirmed yet usercmd_t movecmd[CL_MAX_USERCMDS]; // information for local display // health, etc int stats[MAX_CL_STATS]; float *statsf; // points to stats[] array // last known inventory bit flags, for blinking int olditems; // cl.time of acquiring item, for blinking float item_gettime[32]; // last known STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON int activeweapon; // cl.time of changing STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON float weapontime; // use pain anim frame if cl.time < this float faceanimtime; // for stair smoothing float stairsmoothz; double stairsmoothtime; // color shifts for damage, powerups cshift_t cshifts[NUM_CSHIFTS]; // and content types cshift_t prev_cshifts[NUM_CSHIFTS]; // the client maintains its own idea of view angles, which are // sent to the server each frame. The server sets punchangle when // the view is temporarily offset, and an angle reset commands at the start // of each level and after teleporting. // mviewangles is read from demo // viewangles is either client controlled or lerped from mviewangles vec3_t mviewangles[2], viewangles; // update by server, used by qc to do weapon recoil vec3_t mpunchangle[2], punchangle; // update by server, can be used by mods to kick view around vec3_t mpunchvector[2], punchvector; // update by server, used for lean+bob (0 is newest) vec3_t mvelocity[2], velocity; // update by server, can be used by mods for zooming vec_t mviewzoom[2], viewzoom; // if true interpolation the mviewangles and other interpolation of the // player is disabled until the next network packet // this is used primarily by teleporters, and when spectating players // special checking of the old fixangle[1] is used to differentiate // between teleporting and spectating qboolean fixangle[2]; // client movement simulation // these fields are only updated by CL_ClientMovement (called by CL_SendMove after parsing each network packet) // set by CL_ClientMovement_Replay functions qboolean movement_predicted; // if true the CL_ClientMovement_Replay function will update origin, etc qboolean movement_replay; // simulated data (this is valid even if cl.movement is false) vec3_t movement_origin; vec3_t movement_velocity; // whether the replay should allow a jump at the first sequence qboolean movement_replay_canjump; // previous gun angles (for leaning effects) vec3_t gunangles_prev; vec3_t gunangles_highpass; vec3_t gunangles_adjustment_lowpass; vec3_t gunangles_adjustment_highpass; // previous gun angles (for leaning effects) vec3_t gunorg_prev; vec3_t gunorg_highpass; vec3_t gunorg_adjustment_lowpass; vec3_t gunorg_adjustment_highpass; // pitch drifting vars float idealpitch; float pitchvel; qboolean nodrift; float driftmove; double laststop; //[515]: added for csqc purposes float sensitivityscale; csqc_vidvars_t csqc_vidvars; //[515]: these parms must be set to true by default qboolean csqc_wantsmousemove; qboolean csqc_paused; // vortex: int because could be flags struct model_s *csqc_model_precache[MAX_MODELS]; // local amount for smoothing stepups //float crouch; // sent by server qboolean paused; qboolean onground; qboolean inwater; // used by bob qboolean oldonground; double lastongroundtime; double hitgroundtime; // used by bobroll float bobroll_airtime; // don't change view angle, full screen, etc int intermission; // latched at intermission start double completed_time; // the timestamp of the last two messages double mtime[2]; // clients view of time, time should be between mtime[0] and mtime[1] to // generate a lerp point for other data, oldtime is the previous frame's // value of time, frametime is the difference between time and oldtime // note: cl.time may be beyond cl.mtime[0] if packet loss is occuring, it // is only forcefully limited when a packet is received double time, oldtime; // how long it has been since the previous client frame in real time // (not game time, for that use cl.time - cl.oldtime) double realframetime; // fade var for fading while dead float deathfade; // motionblur alpha level variable float motionbluralpha; // copy of realtime from last recieved message, for net trouble icon float last_received_message; // information that is static for the entire time connected to a server struct model_s *model_precache[MAX_MODELS]; struct sfx_s *sound_precache[MAX_SOUNDS]; // FIXME: this is a lot of memory to be keeping around, this really should be dynamically allocated and freed somehow char model_name[MAX_MODELS][MAX_QPATH]; char sound_name[MAX_SOUNDS][MAX_QPATH]; // for display on solo scoreboard char worldmessage[40]; // map title (not related to filename) // variants of map name char worldbasename[MAX_QPATH]; // %s char worldname[MAX_QPATH]; // maps/%s.bsp char worldnamenoextension[MAX_QPATH]; // maps/%s // cl_entitites[cl.viewentity] = player int viewentity; // the real player entity (normally same as viewentity, // different than viewentity if mod uses chasecam or other tricks) int realplayerentity; // this is updated to match cl.viewentity whenever it is in the clients // range, basically this is used in preference to cl.realplayerentity for // most purposes because when spectating another player it should show // their information rather than yours int playerentity; // max players that can be in this game int maxclients; // type of game (deathmatch, coop, singleplayer) int gametype; // models and sounds used by engine code (particularly cl_parse.c) dp_model_t *model_bolt; dp_model_t *model_bolt2; dp_model_t *model_bolt3; dp_model_t *model_beam; sfx_t *sfx_wizhit; sfx_t *sfx_knighthit; sfx_t *sfx_tink1; sfx_t *sfx_ric1; sfx_t *sfx_ric2; sfx_t *sfx_ric3; sfx_t *sfx_r_exp3; // indicates that the file "sound/misc/talk2.wav" was found (for use by team chat messages) qboolean foundtalk2wav; // refresh related state // cl_entitites[0].model struct model_s *worldmodel; // the gun model entity_t viewent; // cd audio int cdtrack, looptrack; // frag scoreboard // [cl.maxclients] scoreboard_t *scores; // keep track of svc_print parsing state (analyzes ping reports and status reports) cl_parsingtextmode_t parsingtextmode; int parsingtextplayerindex; // set by scoreboard code when sending ping command, this causes the next ping results to be hidden // (which could eat the wrong ping report if the player issues one // manually, but they would still see a ping report, just a later one // caused by the scoreboard code rather than the one they intentionally // issued) int parsingtextexpectingpingforscores; // entity database stuff // latest received entity frame numbers #define LATESTFRAMENUMS 32 int latestframenumsposition; int latestframenums[LATESTFRAMENUMS]; int latestsendnums[LATESTFRAMENUMS]; entityframe_database_t *entitydatabase; entityframe4_database_t *entitydatabase4; entityframeqw_database_t *entitydatabaseqw; // keep track of quake entities because they need to be killed if they get stale int lastquakeentity; unsigned char isquakeentity[MAX_EDICTS]; // bounding boxes for clientside movement vec3_t playerstandmins; vec3_t playerstandmaxs; vec3_t playercrouchmins; vec3_t playercrouchmaxs; // old decals are killed based on this int decalsequence; int max_entities; int max_csqcrenderentities; int max_static_entities; int max_effects; int max_beams; int max_dlights; int max_lightstyle; int max_brushmodel_entities; int max_particles; int max_decals; int max_showlmps; entity_t *entities; entity_render_t *csqcrenderentities; unsigned char *entities_active; entity_t *static_entities; cl_effect_t *effects; beam_t *beams; dlight_t *dlights; lightstyle_t *lightstyle; int *brushmodel_entities; particle_t *particles; decal_t *decals; showlmp_t *showlmps; int num_entities; int num_static_entities; int num_brushmodel_entities; int num_effects; int num_beams; int num_dlights; int num_particles; int num_decals; int num_showlmps; double particles_updatetime; double decals_updatetime; int free_particle; int free_decal; // cl_serverextension_download feature int loadmodel_current; int downloadmodel_current; int loadmodel_total; int loadsound_current; int downloadsound_current; int loadsound_total; qboolean downloadcsqc; qboolean loadcsqc; qboolean loadbegun; qboolean loadfinished; // quakeworld stuff // local copy of the server infostring char qw_serverinfo[MAX_SERVERINFO_STRING]; // time of last qw "pings" command sent to server while showing scores double last_ping_request; // used during connect int qw_servercount; // updated from serverinfo int qw_teamplay; // unused: indicates whether the player is spectating // use cl.scores[cl.playerentity-1].qw_spectator instead //qboolean qw_spectator; // last time an input packet was sent double lastpackettime; // movement parameters for client prediction unsigned int moveflags; float movevars_wallfriction; float movevars_waterfriction; float movevars_friction; float movevars_timescale; float movevars_gravity; float movevars_stopspeed; float movevars_maxspeed; float movevars_spectatormaxspeed; float movevars_accelerate; float movevars_airaccelerate; float movevars_wateraccelerate; float movevars_entgravity; float movevars_jumpvelocity; float movevars_edgefriction; float movevars_maxairspeed; float movevars_stepheight; float movevars_airaccel_qw; float movevars_airaccel_sideways_friction; float movevars_airstopaccelerate; float movevars_airstrafeaccelerate; float movevars_maxairstrafespeed; float movevars_airstrafeaccel_qw; float movevars_aircontrol; float movevars_aircontrol_power; float movevars_warsowbunny_airforwardaccel; float movevars_warsowbunny_accel; float movevars_warsowbunny_topspeed; float movevars_warsowbunny_turnaccel; float movevars_warsowbunny_backtosideratio; float movevars_ticrate; float movevars_airspeedlimit_nonqw; // models used by qw protocol int qw_modelindex_spike; int qw_modelindex_player; int qw_modelindex_flag; int qw_modelindex_s_explod; vec3_t qw_intermission_origin; vec3_t qw_intermission_angles; // 255 is the most nails the QW protocol could send int qw_num_nails; vec_t qw_nails[255][6]; float qw_weaponkick; int qw_validsequence; int qw_deltasequence[QW_UPDATE_BACKUP]; // csqc stuff: // server entity number corresponding to a clientside entity unsigned short csqc_server2csqcentitynumber[MAX_EDICTS]; qboolean csqc_loaded; vec3_t csqc_origin; vec3_t csqc_angles; qboolean csqc_usecsqclistener; matrix4x4_t csqc_listenermatrix; char csqc_printtextbuf[MAX_INPUTLINE]; // collision culling data world_t world; // loc file stuff (points and boxes describing locations in the level) cl_locnode_t *locnodes; // this is updated to cl.movement_origin whenever health is < 1 // used by %d print in say/say_team messages if cl_locs_enable is on vec3_t lastdeathorigin; // processing buffer used by R_BuildLightMap, reallocated as needed, // freed on each level change size_t buildlightmapmemorysize; unsigned char *buildlightmapmemory; } client_state_t; // // cvars // extern cvar_t cl_name; extern cvar_t cl_color; extern cvar_t cl_rate; extern cvar_t cl_pmodel; extern cvar_t cl_playermodel; extern cvar_t cl_playerskin; extern cvar_t rcon_password; extern cvar_t rcon_address; extern cvar_t cl_upspeed; extern cvar_t cl_forwardspeed; extern cvar_t cl_backspeed; extern cvar_t cl_sidespeed; extern cvar_t cl_movespeedkey; extern cvar_t cl_yawspeed; extern cvar_t cl_pitchspeed; extern cvar_t cl_anglespeedkey; extern cvar_t cl_autofire; extern cvar_t cl_shownet; extern cvar_t cl_nolerp; extern cvar_t cl_nettimesyncfactor; extern cvar_t cl_nettimesyncboundmode; extern cvar_t cl_nettimesyncboundtolerance; extern cvar_t cl_pitchdriftspeed; extern cvar_t lookspring; extern cvar_t lookstrafe; extern cvar_t sensitivity; extern cvar_t freelook; extern cvar_t m_pitch; extern cvar_t m_yaw; extern cvar_t m_forward; extern cvar_t m_side; extern cvar_t cl_autodemo; extern cvar_t cl_autodemo_nameformat; extern cvar_t cl_autodemo_delete; extern cvar_t r_draweffects; extern cvar_t cl_explosions_alpha_start; extern cvar_t cl_explosions_alpha_end; extern cvar_t cl_explosions_size_start; extern cvar_t cl_explosions_size_end; extern cvar_t cl_explosions_lifetime; extern cvar_t cl_stainmaps; extern cvar_t cl_stainmaps_clearonload; extern cvar_t cl_prydoncursor; extern cvar_t cl_prydoncursor_notrace; extern cvar_t cl_locs_enable; extern client_state_t cl; extern void CL_AllocLightFlash (entity_render_t *ent, matrix4x4_t *matrix, float radius, float red, float green, float blue, float decay, float lifetime, int cubemapnum, int style, int shadowenable, vec_t corona, vec_t coronasizescale, vec_t ambientscale, vec_t diffusescale, vec_t specularscale, int flags); cl_locnode_t *CL_Locs_FindNearest(const vec3_t point); void CL_Locs_FindLocationName(char *buffer, size_t buffersize, vec3_t point); //============================================================================= // // cl_main // void CL_Shutdown (void); void CL_Init (void); void CL_EstablishConnection(const char *host); void CL_Disconnect (void); void CL_Disconnect_f (void); void CL_UpdateRenderEntity(entity_render_t *ent); void CL_SetEntityColormapColors(entity_render_t *ent, int colormap); void CL_UpdateViewEntities(void); // // cl_input // typedef struct kbutton_s { int down[2]; // key nums holding it down int state; // low bit is down state } kbutton_t; extern kbutton_t in_mlook, in_klook; extern kbutton_t in_strafe; extern kbutton_t in_speed; void CL_InitInput (void); void CL_SendMove (void); void CL_ValidateState(entity_state_t *s); void CL_MoveLerpEntityStates(entity_t *ent); void CL_LerpUpdate(entity_t *e); void CL_ParseTEnt (void); void CL_NewBeam (int ent, vec3_t start, vec3_t end, dp_model_t *m, int lightning); void CL_RelinkBeams (void); void CL_Beam_CalculatePositions (const beam_t *b, vec3_t start, vec3_t end); void CL_ClientMovement_Replay(void); void CL_ClearTempEntities (void); entity_render_t *CL_NewTempEntity (double shadertime); void CL_Effect(vec3_t org, int modelindex, int startframe, int framecount, float framerate); void CL_ClearState (void); void CL_ExpandEntities(int num); void CL_ExpandCSQCRenderEntities(int num); void CL_SetInfo(const char *key, const char *value, qboolean send, qboolean allowstarkey, qboolean allowmodel, qboolean quiet); void CL_UpdateWorld (void); void CL_WriteToServer (void); void CL_Input (void); extern int cl_ignoremousemoves; float CL_KeyState (kbutton_t *key); const char *Key_KeynumToString (int keynum); int Key_StringToKeynum (const char *str); // // cl_demo.c // void CL_StopPlayback(void); void CL_ReadDemoMessage(void); void CL_WriteDemoMessage(sizebuf_t *mesage); void CL_CutDemo(unsigned char **buf, fs_offset_t *filesize); void CL_PasteDemo(unsigned char **buf, fs_offset_t *filesize); void CL_NextDemo(void); void CL_Stop_f(void); void CL_Record_f(void); void CL_PlayDemo_f(void); void CL_TimeDemo_f(void); // // cl_parse.c // void CL_Parse_Init(void); void CL_Parse_Shutdown(void); void CL_ParseServerMessage(void); void CL_Parse_DumpPacket(void); void CL_Parse_ErrorCleanUp(void); void QW_CL_StartUpload(unsigned char *data, int size); extern cvar_t qport; void CL_KeepaliveMessage(qboolean readmessages); // call this during loading of large content // // view // void V_StartPitchDrift (void); void V_StopPitchDrift (void); void V_Init (void); float V_CalcRoll (vec3_t angles, vec3_t velocity); void V_UpdateBlends (void); void V_ParseDamage (void); // // cl_part // extern cvar_t cl_particles; extern cvar_t cl_particles_quality; extern cvar_t cl_particles_size; extern cvar_t cl_particles_quake; extern cvar_t cl_particles_blood; extern cvar_t cl_particles_blood_alpha; extern cvar_t cl_particles_blood_decal_alpha; extern cvar_t cl_particles_blood_decal_scalemin; extern cvar_t cl_particles_blood_decal_scalemax; extern cvar_t cl_particles_blood_bloodhack; extern cvar_t cl_particles_bulletimpacts; extern cvar_t cl_particles_explosions_sparks; extern cvar_t cl_particles_explosions_shell; extern cvar_t cl_particles_rain; extern cvar_t cl_particles_snow; extern cvar_t cl_particles_smoke; extern cvar_t cl_particles_smoke_alpha; extern cvar_t cl_particles_smoke_alphafade; extern cvar_t cl_particles_sparks; extern cvar_t cl_particles_bubbles; extern cvar_t cl_decals; extern cvar_t cl_decals_time; extern cvar_t cl_decals_fadetime; void CL_Particles_Clear(void); void CL_Particles_Init(void); void CL_Particles_Shutdown(void); particle_t *CL_NewParticle(const vec3_t sortorigin, unsigned short ptypeindex, int pcolor1, int pcolor2, int ptex, float psize, float psizeincrease, float palpha, float palphafade, float pgravity, float pbounce, float px, float py, float pz, float pvx, float pvy, float pvz, float pairfriction, float pliquidfriction, float originjitter, float velocityjitter, qboolean pqualityreduction, float lifetime, float stretch, pblend_t blendmode, porientation_t orientation, int staincolor1, int staincolor2, int staintex, float stainalpha, float stainsize, float angle, float spin, float tint[4]); typedef enum effectnameindex_s { EFFECT_NONE, EFFECT_TE_GUNSHOT, EFFECT_TE_GUNSHOTQUAD, EFFECT_TE_SPIKE, EFFECT_TE_SPIKEQUAD, EFFECT_TE_SUPERSPIKE, EFFECT_TE_SUPERSPIKEQUAD, EFFECT_TE_WIZSPIKE, EFFECT_TE_KNIGHTSPIKE, EFFECT_TE_EXPLOSION, EFFECT_TE_EXPLOSIONQUAD, EFFECT_TE_TAREXPLOSION, EFFECT_TE_TELEPORT, EFFECT_TE_LAVASPLASH, EFFECT_TE_SMALLFLASH, EFFECT_TE_FLAMEJET, EFFECT_EF_FLAME, EFFECT_TE_BLOOD, EFFECT_TE_SPARK, EFFECT_TE_PLASMABURN, EFFECT_TE_TEI_G3, EFFECT_TE_TEI_SMOKE, EFFECT_TE_TEI_BIGEXPLOSION, EFFECT_TE_TEI_PLASMAHIT, EFFECT_EF_STARDUST, EFFECT_TR_ROCKET, EFFECT_TR_GRENADE, EFFECT_TR_BLOOD, EFFECT_TR_WIZSPIKE, EFFECT_TR_SLIGHTBLOOD, EFFECT_TR_KNIGHTSPIKE, EFFECT_TR_VORESPIKE, EFFECT_TR_NEHAHRASMOKE, EFFECT_TR_NEXUIZPLASMA, EFFECT_TR_GLOWTRAIL, EFFECT_SVC_PARTICLE, EFFECT_TOTAL } effectnameindex_t; int CL_ParticleEffectIndexForName(const char *name); const char *CL_ParticleEffectNameForIndex(int i); void CL_ParticleEffect(int effectindex, float pcount, const vec3_t originmins, const vec3_t originmaxs, const vec3_t velocitymins, const vec3_t velocitymaxs, entity_t *ent, int palettecolor); void CL_ParticleTrail(int effectindex, float pcount, const vec3_t originmins, const vec3_t originmaxs, const vec3_t velocitymins, const vec3_t velocitymaxs, entity_t *ent, int palettecolor, qboolean spawndlight, qboolean spawnparticles, float tintmins[4], float tintmaxs[4]); void CL_ParseParticleEffect (void); void CL_ParticleCube (const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, const vec3_t dir, int count, int colorbase, vec_t gravity, vec_t randomvel); void CL_ParticleRain (const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, const vec3_t dir, int count, int colorbase, int type); void CL_EntityParticles (const entity_t *ent); void CL_ParticleExplosion (const vec3_t org); void CL_ParticleExplosion2 (const vec3_t org, int colorStart, int colorLength); void R_NewExplosion(const vec3_t org); void Debug_PolygonBegin(const char *picname, int flags); void Debug_PolygonVertex(float x, float y, float z, float s, float t, float r, float g, float b, float a); void Debug_PolygonEnd(void); #include "cl_screen.h" extern qboolean sb_showscores; float RSurf_FogVertex(const vec3_t p); float RSurf_FogPoint(const vec3_t p); typedef struct r_refdef_stats_s { int renders; int entities; int entities_surfaces; int entities_triangles; int world_leafs; int world_portals; int world_surfaces; int world_triangles; int lightmapupdates; int lightmapupdatepixels; int particles; int drawndecals; int totaldecals; int meshes; int meshes_elements; int lights; int lights_clears; int lights_scissored; int lights_lighttriangles; int lights_shadowtriangles; int lights_dynamicshadowtriangles; int bloom; int bloom_copypixels; int bloom_drawpixels; int indexbufferuploadcount; int indexbufferuploadsize; int vertexbufferuploadcount; int vertexbufferuploadsize; } r_refdef_stats_t; typedef enum r_viewport_type_e { R_VIEWPORTTYPE_ORTHO, R_VIEWPORTTYPE_PERSPECTIVE, R_VIEWPORTTYPE_PERSPECTIVE_INFINITEFARCLIP, R_VIEWPORTTYPE_PERSPECTIVECUBESIDE, R_VIEWPORTTYPE_TOTAL } r_viewport_type_t; typedef struct r_viewport_s { matrix4x4_t cameramatrix; // from entity (transforms from camera entity to world) matrix4x4_t viewmatrix; // actual matrix for rendering (transforms to viewspace) matrix4x4_t projectmatrix; // actual projection matrix (transforms from viewspace to screen) int x; int y; int z; int width; int height; int depth; r_viewport_type_t type; float screentodepth[2]; // used by deferred renderer to calculate linear depth from device depth coordinates } r_viewport_t; typedef struct r_refdef_view_s { // view information (changes multiple times per frame) // if any of these variables change then r_refdef.viewcache must be regenerated // by calling R_View_Update // (which also updates viewport, scissor, colormask) // it is safe and expected to copy this into a structure on the stack and // call the renderer recursively, then restore from the stack afterward // (as long as R_View_Update is called) // eye position information matrix4x4_t matrix, inverse_matrix; vec3_t origin; vec3_t forward; vec3_t left; vec3_t right; vec3_t up; int numfrustumplanes; mplane_t frustum[6]; qboolean useclipplane; qboolean usecustompvs; // uses r_refdef.viewcache.pvsbits as-is rather than computing it mplane_t clipplane; float frustum_x, frustum_y; vec3_t frustumcorner[4]; // if turned off it renders an ortho view int useperspective; float ortho_x, ortho_y; // screen area to render in int x; int y; int z; int width; int height; int depth; r_viewport_t viewport; // which color components to allow (for anaglyph glasses) int colormask[4]; // global RGB color multiplier for rendering, this is required by HDR float colorscale; // whether to call R_ClearScreen before rendering stuff qboolean clear; // if true, don't clear or do any post process effects (bloom, etc) qboolean isoverlay; // whether to draw r_showtris and such, this is only true for the main // view render, all secondary renders (HDR, mirrors, portals, cameras, // distortion effects, etc) omit such debugging information qboolean showdebug; // these define which values to use in GL_CullFace calls to request frontface or backface culling int cullface_front; int cullface_back; // render quality (0 to 1) - affects r_drawparticles_drawdistance and others float quality; } r_refdef_view_t; typedef struct r_refdef_viewcache_s { // updated by gl_main_newmap() int maxentities; int world_numclusters; int world_numclusterbytes; int world_numleafs; int world_numsurfaces; // these properties are generated by R_View_Update() // which entities are currently visible for this viewpoint // (the used range is 0...r_refdef.scene.numentities) unsigned char *entityvisible; // flag arrays used for visibility checking on world model // (all other entities have no per-surface/per-leaf visibility checks) unsigned char *world_pvsbits; unsigned char *world_leafvisible; unsigned char *world_surfacevisible; // if true, the view is currently in a leaf without pvs data qboolean world_novis; } r_refdef_viewcache_t; // TODO: really think about which fields should go into scene and which one should stay in refdef [1/7/2008 Black] // maybe also refactor some of the functions to support different setting sources (ie. fogenabled, etc.) for different scenes typedef struct r_refdef_scene_s { // whether to call S_ExtraUpdate during render to reduce sound chop qboolean extraupdate; // (client gameworld) time for rendering time based effects double time; // the world entity_render_t *worldentity; // same as worldentity->model dp_model_t *worldmodel; // renderable entities (excluding world) entity_render_t **entities; int numentities; int maxentities; // field of temporary entities that is reset each (client) frame entity_render_t *tempentities; int numtempentities; int maxtempentities; // renderable dynamic lights rtlight_t *lights[MAX_DLIGHTS]; rtlight_t templights[MAX_DLIGHTS]; int numlights; // intensities for light styles right now, controls rtlights float rtlightstylevalue[MAX_LIGHTSTYLES]; // float fraction of base light value // 8.8bit fixed point intensities for light styles // controls intensity lightmap layers unsigned short lightstylevalue[MAX_LIGHTSTYLES]; // 8.8 fraction of base light value float ambient; qboolean rtworld; qboolean rtworldshadows; qboolean rtdlight; qboolean rtdlightshadows; } r_refdef_scene_t; typedef struct r_refdef_s { // these fields define the basic rendering information for the world // but not the view, which could change multiple times in one rendered // frame (for example when rendering textures for certain effects) // these are set for water warping before // frustum_x/frustum_y are calculated float frustumscale_x, frustumscale_y; // current view settings (these get reset a few times during rendering because of water rendering, reflections, etc) r_refdef_view_t view; r_refdef_viewcache_t viewcache; // minimum visible distance (pixels closer than this disappear) double nearclip; // maximum visible distance (pixels further than this disappear in 16bpp modes, // in 32bpp an infinite-farclip matrix is used instead) double farclip; // fullscreen color blend float viewblend[4]; r_refdef_scene_t scene; float fogplane[4]; float fogplaneviewdist; qboolean fogplaneviewabove; float fogheightfade; float fogcolor[3]; float fogrange; float fograngerecip; float fogmasktabledistmultiplier; #define FOGMASKTABLEWIDTH 1024 float fogmasktable[FOGMASKTABLEWIDTH]; float fogmasktable_start, fogmasktable_alpha, fogmasktable_range, fogmasktable_density; float fog_density; float fog_red; float fog_green; float fog_blue; float fog_alpha; float fog_start; float fog_end; float fog_height; float fog_fadedepth; qboolean fogenabled; qboolean oldgl_fogenable; // new flexible texture height fog (overrides normal fog) char fog_height_texturename[64]; // note: must be 64 for the sscanf code unsigned char *fog_height_table1d; unsigned char *fog_height_table2d; int fog_height_tablesize; // enable float fog_height_tablescale; float fog_height_texcoordscale; char fogheighttexturename[64]; // detects changes to active fog height texture qboolean draw2dstage; // true during envmap command capture qboolean envmap; // brightness of world lightmaps and related lighting // (often reduced when world rtlights are enabled) float lightmapintensity; // whether to draw world lights realtime, dlights realtime, and their shadows float polygonfactor; float polygonoffset; float shadowpolygonfactor; float shadowpolygonoffset; // rendering stats for r_speeds display // (these are incremented in many places) r_refdef_stats_t stats; } r_refdef_t; extern r_refdef_t r_refdef; #endif