#ifdef SUPPORT_GECKO // includes everything! #include #ifdef _MSC_VER # pragma comment( lib, "OffscreenGecko" ) #endif #include "quakedef.h" #include "cl_dyntexture.h" #include "cl_gecko.h" static rtexturepool_t *cl_geckotexturepool; static OSGK_Embedding *cl_geckoembedding; struct clgecko_s { qboolean active; char name[ MAX_QPATH + 32 ]; OSGK_Browser *browser; rtexture_t *texture; }; static clgecko_t cl_geckoinstances[ MAX_GECKO_INSTANCES ]; static clgecko_t * cl_gecko_findunusedinstance( void ) { int i; for( i = 0 ; i < MAX_GECKO_INSTANCES ; i++ ) { clgecko_t *instance = &cl_geckoinstances[ i ]; if( !instance->active ) { return instance; } } return NULL; } clgecko_t * CL_Gecko_FindBrowser( const char *name ) { int i; if( !name || !*name || strncmp( name, CLGECKOPREFIX, sizeof( CLGECKOPREFIX ) - 1 ) != 0 ) { if( developer.integer > 0 ) { Con_Printf( "CL_Gecko_FindBrowser: Bad gecko texture name '%s'!\n", name ); } return NULL; } for( i = 0 ; i < MAX_GECKO_INSTANCES ; i++ ) { clgecko_t *instance = &cl_geckoinstances[ i ]; if( instance->active && strcmp( instance->name, name ) == 0 ) { return instance; } } return NULL; } static void cl_gecko_updatecallback( rtexture_t *texture, clgecko_t *instance ) { const unsigned char *data; if( instance->browser ) { // TODO: OSGK only supports BGRA right now data = osgk_browser_lock_data( instance->browser, NULL ); R_UpdateTexture( texture, data, 0, 0, DEFAULT_GECKO_WIDTH, DEFAULT_GECKO_HEIGHT ); osgk_browser_unlock_data( instance->browser, data ); } } static void cl_gecko_linktexture( clgecko_t *instance ) { // TODO: assert that instance->texture == NULL instance->texture = R_LoadTexture2D( cl_geckotexturepool, instance->name, DEFAULT_GECKO_WIDTH, DEFAULT_GECKO_HEIGHT, NULL, TEXTYPE_RGBA, TEXF_ALPHA, NULL ); R_MakeTextureDynamic( instance->texture, cl_gecko_updatecallback, instance ); CL_LinkDynTexture( instance->name, instance->texture ); } static void cl_gecko_unlinktexture( clgecko_t *instance ) { if( instance->texture ) { CL_UnlinkDynTexture( instance->name ); R_FreeTexture( instance->texture ); instance->texture = NULL; } } clgecko_t * CL_Gecko_CreateBrowser( const char *name ) { // TODO: verify that we dont use a name twice clgecko_t *instance = cl_gecko_findunusedinstance(); // TODO: assert != NULL instance->active = true; strlcpy( instance->name, name, sizeof( instance->name ) ); instance->browser = osgk_browser_create( cl_geckoembedding, DEFAULT_GECKO_WIDTH, DEFAULT_GECKO_HEIGHT ); // TODO: assert != NULL cl_gecko_linktexture( instance ); return instance; } void CL_Gecko_DestroyBrowser( clgecko_t *instance ) { if( !instance || !instance->active ) { return; } instance->active = false; cl_gecko_unlinktexture( instance ); osgk_release( instance->browser ); instance->browser = NULL; } void CL_Gecko_Frame( void ) { int i; for( i = 0 ; i < MAX_GECKO_INSTANCES ; i++ ) { clgecko_t *instance = &cl_geckoinstances[ i ]; if( instance->active ) { if( instance->browser && osgk_browser_query_dirty( instance->browser ) == 1 ) { R_MarkDirtyTexture( instance->texture ); } } } } static void cl_gecko_start( void ) { int i; cl_geckotexturepool = R_AllocTexturePool(); // recreate textures on module start for( i = 0 ; i < MAX_GECKO_INSTANCES ; i++ ) { clgecko_t *instance = &cl_geckoinstances[ i ]; if( instance->active ) { cl_gecko_linktexture( instance ); } } } static void cl_gecko_shutdown( void ) { int i; for( i = 0 ; i < MAX_GECKO_INSTANCES ; i++ ) { clgecko_t *instance = &cl_geckoinstances[ i ]; if( instance->active ) { cl_gecko_unlinktexture( instance ); } } R_FreeTexturePool( &cl_geckotexturepool ); } static void cl_gecko_newmap( void ) { // DO NOTHING } void CL_Gecko_Shutdown( void ) { int i; for( i = 0 ; i < MAX_GECKO_INSTANCES ; i++ ) { clgecko_t *instance = &cl_geckoinstances[ i ]; if( instance->active ) { cl_gecko_unlinktexture( instance ); } } osgk_release( cl_geckoembedding ); } static void cl_gecko_create_f( void ) { char name[MAX_QPATH]; if (Cmd_Argc() != 2) { Con_Print("usage: gecko_create \npcreates a browser (full texture path " CLGECKOPREFIX ")\n"); return; } // TODO: use snprintf instead sprintf(name, CLGECKOPREFIX "%s", Cmd_Argv(1)); CL_Gecko_CreateBrowser( name ); } static void cl_gecko_destroy_f( void ) { char name[MAX_QPATH]; if (Cmd_Argc() != 2) { Con_Print("usage: gecko_destroy \ndestroys a browser (full texture path " CLGECKOPREFIX ")\n"); return; } // TODO: use snprintf instead sprintf(name, CLGECKOPREFIX "%s", Cmd_Argv(1)); CL_Gecko_DestroyBrowser( CL_Gecko_FindBrowser( name ) ); } static void cl_gecko_navigate_f( void ) { char name[MAX_QPATH]; const char *URI; if (Cmd_Argc() != 3) { Con_Print("usage: gecko_destroy \nnavigates to a certain URI (full texture path " CLGECKOPREFIX ")\n"); return; } // TODO: use snprintf instead sprintf(name, CLGECKOPREFIX "%s", Cmd_Argv(1)); URI = Cmd_Argv( 2 ); CL_Gecko_NavigateToURI( CL_Gecko_FindBrowser( name ), URI ); } void CL_Gecko_Init( void ) { OSGK_EmbeddingOptions *options = osgk_embedding_options_create(); osgk_embedding_options_add_search_path( options, "./xulrunner/" ); cl_geckoembedding = osgk_embedding_create_with_options( options, NULL ); osgk_release( options ); if( cl_geckoembedding == NULL ) { Con_Printf( "CL_Gecko_Init: Couldn't retrieve gecko embedding object!\n" ); } Cmd_AddCommand( "gecko_create", cl_gecko_create_f, "Create a gecko browser instance" ); Cmd_AddCommand( "gecko_destroy", cl_gecko_destroy_f, "Destroy a gecko browser instance" ); Cmd_AddCommand( "gecko_navigate", cl_gecko_navigate_f, "Navigate a gecko browser to an URI" ); R_RegisterModule( "CL_Gecko", cl_gecko_start, cl_gecko_shutdown, cl_gecko_newmap ); } void CL_Gecko_NavigateToURI( clgecko_t *instance, const char *URI ) { if( instance && instance->active ) { osgk_browser_navigate( instance->browser, URI ); } } // TODO: write this function void CL_Gecko_Event_CursorMove( clgecko_t *instance, float x, float y ); qboolean CL_Gecko_Event_Key( clgecko_t *instance, int key, clgecko_buttoneventtype_t eventtype ); #endif