// alias for switching the teamselect menu bind f5 menu_showteamselect bind f6 team_auto bind f7 menu_showsandboxtools bind f8 "quickmenu" bind f9 "cl_cmd hud minigame" // movement bind w +forward bind a +moveleft bind s +back bind d +moveright bind UPARROW +forward bind LEFTARROW +moveleft bind DOWNARROW +back bind RIGHTARROW +moveright bind SHIFT +crouch bind SPACE +jump // weapons bind 0 weapon_group_0 bind 1 weapon_group_1 bind 2 weapon_group_2 bind 3 weapon_group_3 bind 4 weapon_group_4 bind 5 weapon_group_5 bind 6 weapon_group_6 bind 7 weapon_group_7 bind 8 weapon_group_8 bind 9 weapon_group_9 bind q weaplast bind MOUSE1 +fire bind MOUSE2 +fire2 bind MOUSE3 togglezoom bind MOUSE4 weaplast bind MOUSE5 +hook bind MWHEELUP weapnext bind MWHEELDOWN weapprev bind r reload bind BACKSPACE dropweapon bind k kill bind g dropweapon bind f +use bind v +button8 // drag object // misc bind e +hook bind ` toggleconsole bind ~ toggleconsole bind TAB +showscores bind ESCAPE togglemenu bind ENTER messagemode bind t messagemode bind y messagemode2 bind z messagemode2 bind u "+con_chat_maximize" bind m +hud_panel_radar_maximized bind b "quickmenu" bind i +show_info bind PAUSE pause bind F9 "cl_cmd hud minigame" bind F10 menu_showquitdialog bind F11 disconnect bind F12 screenshot bind F4 ready // Gamepad defaults. Tested with Logitech Rumblepad 2, I hope similar ones works as well. bind JOY1 "+crouch" bind JOY2 "+jump" bind JOY3 "weapprev" bind JOY4 "weapnext" bind JOY5 "+fire2" bind JOY6 "+fire" bind JOY7 "+zoom" bind JOY8 "dropweapon" bind JOY9 "menu_showteamselect" bind JOY10 "+show_info" bind JOY11 "+showscores" bind JOY12 "+con_chat_maximize" seta joyadvanced "1" seta joyadvaxisr "2" seta joyadvaxisx "3" seta joyadvaxisy "1" seta joyadvaxisz "4" seta joysidesensitivity "1.0" seta joypitchsensitivity "0.9" seta joyyawsensitivity "-1.8" // SDL only seta joy_deadzoneforward "0.05" seta joy_deadzonepitch "0.05" seta joy_deadzoneside "0.05" seta joy_deadzoneup "0.05" seta joy_deadzoneyaw "0.05" seta joy_sensitivitypitch "0.9" seta joy_sensitivityyaw "-1.8" // team say bind kp_ins messagemode bind kp_del messagemode2 bind kp_end "+userbind 1" bind kp_downarrow "+userbind 2" bind kp_pgdn "+userbind 3" bind kp_leftarrow "+userbind 4" bind kp_5 "+userbind 6" bind kp_rightarrow "+userbind 7" bind kp_home "+userbind 9" bind kp_uparrow "+userbind 10" bind kp_pgup "+userbind 11" bind kp_multiply "+userbind 12" bind kp_slash "+userbind 13" bind kp_enter "+userbind 16" bind kp_plus "+userbind 17" bind kp_minus "+userbind 18" bind F1 vyes bind F2 vno //used for spectate/observer mode bind F3 spec // usercommands. These can be edited and bound by the menu. seta "userbind1_press" "say_team quad soon"; seta "userbind1_release" ""; seta "userbind1_description" "team: quad soon" seta "userbind2_press" "say_team free item %x^7 (l:%y^7); g_waypointsprite_team_here_p"; seta "userbind2_release" ""; seta "userbind2_description" "team: free item, icon" seta "userbind3_press" "say_team took item (l:%l^7); g_waypointsprite_team_here"; seta "userbind3_release" ""; seta "userbind3_description" "team: took item, icon" seta "userbind4_press" "say_team negative"; seta "userbind4_release" ""; seta "userbind4_description" "team: negative" seta "userbind5_press" "say_team positive"; seta "userbind5_release" ""; seta "userbind5_description" "team: positive" seta "userbind6_press" "say_team need help (l:%l^7) (h:^1%h^7 a:^2%a^7 w:^5%w^7); g_waypointsprite_team_helpme; cmd voice needhelp"; seta "userbind6_release" ""; seta "userbind6_description" "team: need help, icon" seta "userbind7_press" "say_team enemy seen (l:%y^7); g_waypointsprite_team_danger_p; cmd voice incoming"; seta "userbind7_release" ""; seta "userbind7_description" "team: enemy seen, icon" seta "userbind8_press" "say_team flag seen (l:%y^7); g_waypointsprite_team_here_p; cmd voice seenflag"; seta "userbind8_release" ""; seta "userbind8_description" "team: flag seen, icon" seta "userbind9_press" "say_team defending (l:%l^7) (h:^1%h^7 a:^2%a^7 w:^5%w^7); g_waypointsprite_team_here"; seta "userbind9_release" ""; seta "userbind9_description" "team: defending, icon" seta "userbind10_press" "say_team roaming (l:%l^7) (h:^1%h^7 a:^2%a^7 w:^5%w^7); g_waypointsprite_team_here"; seta "userbind10_release" ""; seta "userbind10_description" "team: roaming, icon" seta "userbind11_press" "say_team attacking (l:%l^7) (h:^1%h^7 a:^2%a^7 w:^5%w^7); g_waypointsprite_team_here"; seta "userbind11_release" ""; seta "userbind11_description" "team: attacking, icon" seta "userbind12_press" "say_team killed flagcarrier (l:%y^7); g_waypointsprite_team_here_p"; seta "userbind12_release" ""; seta "userbind12_description" "team: killed flagcarrier, icon" seta "userbind13_press" "say_team dropped flag (l:%d^7); g_waypointsprite_team_here_d"; seta "userbind13_release" ""; seta "userbind13_description" "team: dropped flag, icon" seta "userbind14_press" "say_team dropped weapon ^5%w^7 (l:%l^7); g_waypointsprite_team_here; wait; dropweapon"; seta "userbind14_release" ""; seta "userbind14_description" "team: drop weapon, icon" // TODO change this to "use" once we can seta "userbind15_press" "say_team dropped flag/key ^5%w^7 (l:%l^7); g_waypointsprite_team_here; wait; +use"; seta "userbind15_release" "-use"; seta "userbind15_description" "team: drop flag/key, icon" seta "userbind16_press" "say :-) / nice one"; seta "userbind16_release" ""; seta "userbind16_description" "chat: nice one" seta "userbind17_press" "say good game"; seta "userbind17_release" ""; seta "userbind17_description" "chat: good game" seta "userbind18_press" "say hi / good luck and have fun"; seta "userbind18_release" ""; seta "userbind18_description" "chat: hi / good luck" seta "userbind19_press" "+showscores; +con_chat_maximize"; seta "userbind19_release" "-showscores; -con_chat_maximize"; seta "userbind19_description" "scoreboard / chat history" seta "userbind20_press" "toggle cl_capturevideo"; seta "userbind20_release" ""; seta "userbind20_description" "toggle recording .avi" seta "userbind21_press" "toggle vid_fullscreen; vid_restart"; seta "userbind21_release" ""; seta "userbind21_description" "toggle fullscreen" seta "userbind22_press" ""; seta "userbind22_release" ""; seta "userbind22_description" "" seta "userbind23_press" ""; seta "userbind23_release" ""; seta "userbind23_description" "" seta "userbind24_press" ""; seta "userbind24_release" ""; seta "userbind24_description" "" seta "userbind25_press" ""; seta "userbind25_release" ""; seta "userbind25_description" "" seta "userbind26_press" ""; seta "userbind26_release" ""; seta "userbind26_description" "" seta "userbind27_press" ""; seta "userbind27_release" ""; seta "userbind27_description" "" seta "userbind28_press" ""; seta "userbind28_release" ""; seta "userbind28_description" "" seta "userbind29_press" ""; seta "userbind29_release" ""; seta "userbind29_description" "" seta "userbind30_press" ""; seta "userbind30_release" ""; seta "userbind30_description" "" seta "userbind31_press" ""; seta "userbind31_release" ""; seta "userbind31_description" "" seta "userbind32_press" ""; seta "userbind32_release" ""; seta "userbind32_description" "" alias _userbind_call "${$1}" alias +userbind "_userbind_call userbind${1}_press" alias -userbind "_userbind_call userbind${1}_release"