g_mod_balance Nexuiz25 // {{{ starting gear set g_balance_health_start 150 set g_balance_armor_start 0 set g_start_ammo_shells 40 set g_start_ammo_nails 0 set g_start_ammo_rockets 0 set g_start_ammo_cells 0 set g_start_ammo_plasma 0 set g_start_ammo_fuel 0 set g_random_start_weapons_count 0 set g_random_start_weapons "machinegun mortar electro crylink vortex hagar devastator" set g_random_start_shells 15 set g_random_start_bullets 80 set g_random_start_rockets 15 set g_random_start_cells 25 set g_random_start_plasma 25 set g_warmup_start_health 250 "starting values when being in warmup-stage" set g_warmup_start_armor 100 "starting values when being in warmup-stage" set g_warmup_start_ammo_shells 50 "starting values when being in warmup-stage" set g_warmup_start_ammo_nails 150 "starting values when being in warmup-stage" set g_warmup_start_ammo_rockets 50 "starting values when being in warmup-stage" set g_warmup_start_ammo_cells 50 "starting values when being in warmup-stage" set g_warmup_start_ammo_plasma 50 "starting values when being in warmup-stage" set g_warmup_start_ammo_fuel 0 "starting values when being in warmup-stage" set g_lms_start_health 250 set g_lms_start_armor 100 set g_lms_start_ammo_shells 50 set g_lms_start_ammo_nails 150 set g_lms_start_ammo_rockets 50 set g_lms_start_ammo_cells 50 set g_lms_start_ammo_plasma 50 set g_lms_start_ammo_fuel 0 set g_balance_nix_roundtime 25 set g_balance_nix_incrtime 1.6 set g_balance_nix_ammo_shells 15 set g_balance_nix_ammo_nails 45 set g_balance_nix_ammo_rockets 15 set g_balance_nix_ammo_cells 15 set g_balance_nix_ammo_plasma 15 set g_balance_nix_ammo_fuel 25 set g_balance_nix_ammoincr_shells 2 // eh this will need figured out later I assume set g_balance_nix_ammoincr_nails 6 set g_balance_nix_ammoincr_rockets 2 set g_balance_nix_ammoincr_cells 2 set g_balance_nix_ammoincr_plasma 2 set g_balance_nix_ammoincr_fuel 2 // }}} // {{{ pickup items set g_pickup_ammo_anyway 0 set g_pickup_weapons_anyway 0 set g_pickup_shells 15 set g_pickup_shells_weapon 15 set g_pickup_shells_max 999 set g_pickup_nails 80 set g_pickup_nails_weapon 80 set g_pickup_nails_max 999 set g_pickup_rockets 15 set g_pickup_rockets_weapon 15 set g_pickup_rockets_max 999 set g_pickup_cells 25 set g_pickup_cells_weapon 25 set g_pickup_cells_max 999 set g_pickup_plasma 25 set g_pickup_plasma_weapon 25 set g_pickup_plasma_max 999 set g_pickup_fuel 25 set g_pickup_fuel_weapon 25 set g_pickup_fuel_jetpack 50 set g_pickup_fuel_max 999 set g_pickup_armorsmall 5 set g_pickup_armorsmall_max 999 set g_pickup_armorsmall_anyway 0 set g_pickup_armormedium 25 set g_pickup_armormedium_max 999 set g_pickup_armormedium_anyway 0 set g_pickup_armorbig 50 set g_pickup_armorbig_max 999 set g_pickup_armorbig_anyway 0 set g_pickup_armormega 100 set g_pickup_armormega_max 999 set g_pickup_armormega_anyway 0 set g_pickup_healthsmall 5 set g_pickup_healthsmall_max 999 set g_pickup_healthsmall_anyway 0 set g_pickup_healthmedium 25 set g_pickup_healthmedium_max 999 set g_pickup_healthmedium_anyway 0 set g_pickup_healthbig 50 set g_pickup_healthbig_max 999 set g_pickup_healthbig_anyway 0 set g_pickup_healthmega 100 set g_pickup_healthmega_max 999 set g_pickup_healthmega_anyway 0 set g_pickup_respawntime_short 15 set g_pickup_respawntime_medium 20 set g_pickup_respawntime_long 30 set g_pickup_respawntime_powerup 120 set g_pickup_respawntime_weapon 15 set g_pickup_respawntime_superweapon 120 set g_pickup_respawntime_ammo 15 set g_pickup_respawntime_initial_random 2 set g_pickup_respawntimejitter_short 0 set g_pickup_respawntimejitter_medium 0 set g_pickup_respawntimejitter_long 0 set g_pickup_respawntimejitter_powerup 10 set g_pickup_respawntimejitter_weapon 0 set g_pickup_respawntimejitter_superweapon 10 set g_pickup_respawntimejitter_ammo 0 // }}} // {{{ regen/rot set g_balance_health_regen 0.1 set g_balance_health_regenlinear 0 set g_balance_pause_health_regen 5 set g_balance_pause_health_regen_spawn 0 set g_balance_health_rot 0.1 set g_balance_health_rotlinear 0 set g_balance_pause_health_rot 5 set g_balance_pause_health_rot_spawn 10 set g_balance_health_regenstable 100 set g_balance_health_rotstable 100 set g_balance_health_limit 999 set g_balance_armor_regen 0 set g_balance_armor_regenlinear 0 set g_balance_armor_rot 0.1 set g_balance_armor_rotlinear 0 set g_balance_pause_armor_rot 5 set g_balance_pause_armor_rot_spawn 10 set g_balance_armor_regenstable 100 set g_balance_armor_rotstable 100 set g_balance_armor_limit 999 set g_balance_armor_blockpercent 0.6 set g_balance_fuel_regen 0.1 "fuel regeneration (only applies if the player owns IT_FUEL_REGEN)" set g_balance_fuel_regenlinear 0 set g_balance_pause_fuel_regen 2 // other than this, fuel uses the health regen counter set g_balance_fuel_rot 0.05 set g_balance_fuel_rotlinear 0 set g_balance_pause_fuel_rot 5 set g_balance_pause_fuel_rot_spawn 10 set g_balance_fuel_regenstable 50 set g_balance_fuel_rotstable 100 set g_balance_fuel_limit 999 // }}} // {{{ misc set g_balance_selfdamagepercent 0.6 set g_weaponspeedfactor 1 "weapon projectile speed multiplier" set g_weaponratefactor 1 "weapon fire rate multiplier" set g_weapondamagefactor 1 "weapon damage multiplier" set g_weaponforcefactor 1 "weapon force multiplier" set g_weaponspreadfactor 1 "weapon spread multiplier" set g_balance_firetransfer_time 0.9 set g_balance_firetransfer_damage 0.8 set g_throughfloor_damage 1 set g_throughfloor_force 1 set g_projectiles_damage 2 // possible values: // -2: absolutely no damage to projectiles (no exceptions) // -1: no damage other than the exceptions (electro combo, hagar join explode, ML mines) // 0: only damage from contents (lava/slime) or exceptions // 1: only self damage or damage from contents or exceptions // 2: allow all damage to projectiles normally set g_projectiles_keep_owner 0 set g_projectiles_newton_style 2 // possible values: // 0: absolute velocity projectiles (like Quake) // 1: relative velocity projectiles, "Newtonian" (like Tribes 2) // 2: relative velocity projectiles, but aim is precorrected so projectiles hit the crosshair (note: strafe rockets then are SLOWER than ones shot while standing, happens in 1 too when aiming correctly which is hard) set g_projectiles_newton_style_2_minfactor 0.7 set g_projectiles_newton_style_2_maxfactor 5 set g_projectiles_spread_style 0 // possible values: // 0: forward + solid sphere (like Quake) - varies velocity // 1: forward + flattened solid sphere // 2: forward + solid circle // 3: forward + normal distribution 3D - varies velocity // 4: forward + normal distribution on a plane // 5: forward + circle with 1-r falloff // 6: forward + circle with 1-r^2 falloff // 7: forward + circle with (1-r)(2-r) falloff set g_balance_falldamage_deadminspeed 150 set g_balance_falldamage_minspeed 1400 set g_balance_falldamage_factor 0.15 set g_balance_falldamage_maxdamage 25 set g_balance_damagepush_speedfactor 0 set g_balance_damagepush_scaling_speed_min 0 "speed at which reduction_slowest applies" set g_balance_damagepush_scaling_speed_max 700 "speed at which reduction_fastest applies" set g_balance_damagepush_scaling_reduction_slowest 0 "blaster self-push forward force is reduced by this fraction of original force between reduction_slowest and reduction_fastest scaled linearly" set g_balance_damagepush_scaling_reduction_fastest 0 "blaster self-push forward force is reduced by this fraction of original force between reduction_slowest and reduction_fastest scaled linearly" set g_balance_damagepush_scaling_sideways 0 "fraction of reduction to apply to sideways pushing" set g_balance_damagepush_scaling_vertical 0 "fraction of reduction to apply to vertical pushing" set g_balance_contents_damagerate 0.2 // ticrate interval for applying damage with playerdamage/projectiledamage set g_balance_contents_drowndelay 10 // time under water before a player begins drowning set g_balance_contents_playerdamage_drowning 20 // damage per second for while player is drowning set g_balance_contents_playerdamage_lava 50 // damage per second for while player is inside lava set g_balance_contents_playerdamage_lava_burn 0 // extra burning damage after leaving lava set g_balance_contents_playerdamage_lava_burn_time 2.5 // time across which the damage is applied (note: not dps!) set g_balance_contents_playerdamage_slime 30 // damage per second for while player is inside slime set g_balance_contents_projectiledamage 10000 // instantly kill projectiles upon touching lava/slime set g_maxpushtime 8.0 "timeout for kill credit when your damage knocks someone into a death trap" // }}} // {{{ powerups set g_balance_powerup_invincible_takedamage 0.2 set g_balance_powerup_invincible_takeforce 1 set g_balance_powerup_invincible_time 30 set g_balance_powerup_strength_damage 3 set g_balance_powerup_strength_force 4 set g_balance_powerup_strength_time 30 set g_balance_powerup_strength_selfdamage 1.5 set g_balance_powerup_strength_selfforce 1.5 set g_balance_superweapons_time 30 // }}} // {{{ jetpack/hook set g_jetpack_antigravity 0.8 "factor of gravity compensation of the jetpack" set g_jetpack_acceleration_side 1200 "acceleration of the jetpack in xy direction" set g_jetpack_acceleration_up 600 "acceleration of the jetpack in z direction (note: you have to factor in gravity here, if antigravity is not 1)" set g_jetpack_maxspeed_side 1500 "max speed of the jetpack in xy direction" set g_jetpack_maxspeed_up 600 "max speed of the jetpack in z direction" set g_jetpack_fuel 8 "fuel per second for jetpack" set g_jetpack_reverse_thrust 0 "if not 0, downward acceleration when crouching with the jetpack" set g_grappling_hook_tarzan 2 // 2: can also pull players set g_balance_grapplehook_speed_fly 1800 set g_balance_grapplehook_speed_pull 2000 set g_balance_grapplehook_force_rubber 2000 set g_balance_grapplehook_force_rubber_overstretch 1000 set g_balance_grapplehook_length_min 50 set g_balance_grapplehook_stretch 50 set g_balance_grapplehook_airfriction 0.2 set g_balance_grapplehook_health 130 set g_balance_grapplehook_damagedbycontents 0 set g_balance_grapplehook_refire 0.2 set g_balance_grapplehook_nade_time 0.7 set g_balance_grapplehook_crouchslide 0 set g_balance_grapplehook_gravity 0 set g_balance_grapplehook_pull_frozen 0 // }}} // {{{ port-o-launch set g_balance_portal_health 200 // these get recharged whenever the portal is used set g_balance_portal_lifetime 15 // these get recharged whenever the portal is used // }}} exec bal-wep-nexuiz25.cfg