]> git.xonotic.org Git - xonotic/xonstatdb.git/blob - scripts/refresh_player_agg_stats_mv.sql
Handle inactive players or servers in materialized views.
[xonotic/xonstatdb.git] / scripts / refresh_player_agg_stats_mv.sql
1 -- This transaction and corresponding anonymous block will update the
2 -- player_agg_stats_mv table. Change the values of "since" and "until" below to
3 -- control the window of players you want to update.
4 begin; 
6 do $$
7 declare
8     since timestamp without time zone := now() at time zone 'UTC' - interval '4 weeks';
9     until timestamp without time zone := now() at time zone 'UTC';
10 begin
11     -- clear the slots for the upcoming records
12     delete 
13     from player_agg_stats_mv
14     where player_id in (
15         select distinct player_id 
16         from player_game_stats
17         where player_id > 2
18         and create_dt between since and until
19     );
21     insert into player_agg_stats_mv
22     select
23        p.player_id,
24        agg_stats.game_type_cd game_type_cd,
25        p.nick,
26        p.stripped_nick,
27        max(agg_stats.create_dt) last_seen,
28        coalesce(sum(win) + sum(loss), 0) games,
29        coalesce(sum(win), 0) wins,
30        coalesce(sum(loss), 0) losses,
31        coalesce(sum(kills), 0) kills,
32        coalesce(sum(deaths), 0) deaths,
33        coalesce(sum(suicides), 0) suicides,
34        coalesce(sum(captures), 0) captures,
35        coalesce(sum(pickups), 0) pickups,
36        coalesce(sum(drops), 0) drops,
37        coalesce(sum(carrier_frags), 0) carrier_frags,
38        coalesce(round(sum(alivetime)/60), 0) alivetime    
39     from
40        (select
41           pgs.player_id,
42           g.game_id,
43           g.game_type_cd,
44           g.create_dt,
45           case                      
46              when g.winner = pgs.team then 1                      
47              when pgs.scoreboardpos = 1 then 1                      
48              else 0                    
49           end win,
50           case                      
51              when g.winner = pgs.team then 0                      
52              when pgs.scoreboardpos = 1 then 0                      
53              else 1                    
54           end loss,
55           pgs.kills,
56           pgs.deaths,
57           pgs.suicides,
58           pgs.captures,
59           pgs.pickups,
60           pgs.drops,
61           pgs.carrier_frags,
62           extract(epoch from pgs.alivetime) alivetime            
63        from
64           games g,
65           player_game_stats pgs             
66        where
67           g.game_id = pgs.game_id             
68           and pgs.player_id > 2
69           and pgs.player_id in (
70              select distinct player_id 
71              from player_game_stats
72              where player_id > 2
73              and create_dt between since and until
74           )
75        ) agg_stats
76     join
77        players p 
78           on p.player_id = agg_stats.player_id            
79        where
80           p.active_ind = true
81        group by
82           p.player_id,
83           p.nick,
84           p.stripped_nick,
85           agg_stats.game_type_cd
86     ;
88 exception when others then
89     raise notice 'something went wrong';
90 end$$;
92 commit;