7 Here you will find all Console Variables for changing even the most minute aspect of Darkplaces. To access the console to modify these variables, simply press the `~` key on your keyboard. This is the default bind for this action.
9 You may also get to it through this menu sequence: `Main Menu -> Options -> Go To Console` or possibly using `Shift + Escape`.
11 _cl_color is "179" ["0"] internal storage cvar for current player colors (changed by color command)
12 _cl_name is "Error" ["player"] internal storage cvar for current player name (changed by name command)
13 _cl_playermodel is "" [""] internal storage cvar for current player model in Nexuiz (changed by playermodel command)
14 _cl_playerskin is "" [""] internal storage cvar for current player skin in Nexuiz (changed by playerskin command)
15 _cl_rate is "20000" ["20000"] internal storage cvar for current rate (changed by rate command)
16 _snd_mixahead is "0.15" ["0.15"] how much sound to mix ahead of time
17 ambient_fade is "100" ["100"] rate of volume fading when moving from one environment to another
18 ambient_level is "0.3" ["0.3"] volume of environment noises (water and wind)
19 bgmvolume is "1" ["1"] volume of background music (such as CD music or replacement files such as sound/cdtracks/track002.ogg)
20 cdaudio is "1" ["1"] CD playing mode (0 = never access CD drive, 1 = play CD tracks if no replacement available, 2 = play fake tracks if no CD track available, 3 = play only real CD tracks, 4 = play real CD tracks even instead of named fake tracks)
21 cdaudioinitialized is "1" ["1"] indicates if CD Audio system is active
22 chase_active is "0" ["0"] enables chase cam
23 chase_back is "48" ["48"] chase cam distance from the player
24 chase_overhead is "0" ["0"] chase cam looks straight down if this is not zero
25 chase_pitchangle is "55" ["55"] chase cam pitch angle
26 chase_up is "24" ["24"] chase cam distance from the player
27 cl_anglespeedkey is "1.5" ["1.5"] how much +speed multiplies keyboard turning speed
28 cl_autodemo is "0" ["0"] records every game played, using the date/time and map name to name the demo file
29 cl_autodemo_nameformat is "autodemos/%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M" ["autodemos/%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M"] The format of the cl_autodemo filename, followed by the map name (the date is encoded using strftime escapes)
30 cl_backspeed is "400" ["400"] backward movement speed
31 cl_beams_instantaimhack is "0" ["0"] makes your lightning gun aiming update instantly
32 cl_beams_lightatend is "1" ["0"] make a light at the end of the beam
33 cl_beams_polygons is "1" ["1"] use beam polygons instead of models
34 cl_beams_quakepositionhack is "1" ["1"] makes your lightning gun appear to fire from your waist (as in Quake and QuakeWorld)
35 cl_bob is "0.02" ["0.02"] view bobbing amount
36 cl_bobcycle is "0.6" ["0.6"] view bobbing speed
37 cl_bobmodel is "1" ["1"] enables gun bobbing
38 cl_bobmodel_side is "0.15" ["0.15"] gun bobbing sideways sway amount
39 cl_bobmodel_speed is "7" ["7"] gun bobbing speed
40 cl_bobmodel_up is "0.06" ["0.06"] gun bobbing upward movement amount
41 cl_bobup is "0.5" ["0.5"] view bobbing adjustment that makes the up or down swing of the bob last longer
42 cl_capturevideo is "0" ["0"] enables saving of video to a .avi file using uncompressed I420 colorspace and PCM audio, note that scr_screenshot_gammaboost affects the brightness of the output)
43 cl_capturevideo_fps is "30" ["30"] how many frames per second to save (29.97 for NTSC, 30 for typical PC video, 15 can be useful)
44 cl_capturevideo_framestep is "1" ["1"] when set to n >= 1, render n frames to capture one (useful for motion blur like effects)
45 cl_capturevideo_height is "0" ["0"] scales all frames to this resolution before saving the video
46 cl_capturevideo_nameformat is "dpvideo" ["dpvideo"] prefix for saved videos (the date is encoded using strftime escapes)
47 cl_capturevideo_number is "1" ["1"] number to append to video filename, incremented each time a capture begins
48 cl_capturevideo_ogg is "1" ["1"] save captured video data as Ogg/Vorbis/Theora streams
49 cl_capturevideo_ogg_theora_bitrate is "-1" ["-1"] video bitrate (45 to 2000 kbps), or -1 to use quality only; higher is better
50 cl_capturevideo_ogg_theora_keyframe_auto_threshold is "80" ["80"] threshold for key frame decision (0 to 100)
51 cl_capturevideo_ogg_theora_keyframe_bitrate_multiplier is "1.5" ["1.5"] how much more bit rate to use for keyframes, specified as a factor of at least 1
52 cl_capturevideo_ogg_theora_keyframe_maxinterval is "64" ["64"] maximum keyframe interval (1 to 1000)
53 cl_capturevideo_ogg_theora_keyframe_mininterval is "8" ["8"] minimum keyframe interval (1 to 1000)
54 cl_capturevideo_ogg_theora_noise_sensitivity is "1" ["1"] video noise sensitivity (0 to 6); lower is better
55 cl_capturevideo_ogg_theora_quality is "32" ["32"] video quality factor (0 to 63), or -1 to use bitrate only; higher is better
56 cl_capturevideo_ogg_vorbis_quality is "3" ["3"] audio quality (-1 to 10); higher is better
57 cl_capturevideo_printfps is "1" ["1"] prints the frames per second captured in capturevideo (is only written to the log file, not to the console, as that would be visible on the video)
58 cl_capturevideo_realtime is "0" ["0"] causes video saving to operate in realtime (mostly useful while playing, not while capturing demos), this can produce a much lower quality video due to poor sound/video sync and will abort saving if your machine stalls for over a minute
59 cl_capturevideo_width is "0" ["0"] scales all frames to this resolution before saving the video
60 cl_curl_enabled is "1" ["1"] whether client's download support is enabled
61 cl_curl_maxdownloads is "1" ["1"] maximum number of concurrent HTTP/FTP downloads
62 cl_curl_maxspeed is "300" ["300"] maximum download speed (KiB/s)
63 cl_deathfade is "0" ["0"] fade screen to dark red when dead, value represents how fast the fade is (higher is faster)
64 cl_deathnoviewmodel is "1" ["1"] hides gun model when dead
65 cl_deathscoreboard is "1" ["1"] shows scoreboard (+showscores) while dead
66 cl_decals is "1" ["1"] enables decals (bullet holes, blood, etc)
67 cl_decals_bias is "0.125" ["0.125"] distance to bias decals from surface to prevent depth fighting
68 cl_decals_fadetime is "1" ["1"] how long decals take to fade away
69 cl_decals_max is "4096" ["4096"] maximum number of decals allowed to exist in the world at once
70 cl_decals_models is "0" ["0"] enables decals on animated models (if newsystem is also 1)
71 cl_decals_newsystem is "0" ["0"] enables new advanced decal system
72 cl_decals_newsystem_intensitymultiplier is "2" ["2"] boosts intensity of decals (because the distance fade can make them hard to see otherwise)
73 cl_decals_time is "20" ["20"] how long before decals start to fade away
74 cl_decals_visculling is "1" ["1"] perform a very cheap check if each decal is visible before drawing
75 cl_demo_mousegrab is "0" ["0"] Allows reading the mouse input while playing demos. Useful for camera mods developed in csqc. (0: never, 1: always)
76 cl_dlights_decaybrightness is "1" ["1"] reduces brightness of light flashes over time
77 cl_dlights_decayradius is "1" ["1"] reduces size of light flashes over time
78 cl_explosions_alpha_end is "0" ["0"] end alpha of an explosion shell (just before it disappears)
79 cl_explosions_alpha_start is "1.5" ["1.5"] starting alpha of an explosion shell
80 cl_explosions_lifetime is "0.5" ["0.5"] how long an explosion shell lasts
81 cl_explosions_size_end is "128" ["128"] ending alpha of an explosion shell (just before it disappears)
82 cl_explosions_size_start is "16" ["16"] starting size of an explosion shell
83 cl_forwardspeed is "400" ["400"] forward movement speed
84 cl_gameplayfix_soundsmovewithentities is "1" ["1"] causes sounds made by lifts, players, projectiles, and any other entities, to move with the entity, so for example a rocket noise follows the rocket rather than staying at the starting position
85 cl_iplog_name is "darkplaces_iplog.txt" ["darkplaces_iplog.txt"] name of iplog file containing player addresses for iplog_list command and automatic ip logging when parsing status command
86 cl_itembobheight is "0" ["0"] how much items bob up and down (try 8)
87 cl_itembobspeed is "0.5" ["0.5"] how frequently items bob up and down
88 cl_joinbeforedownloadsfinish is "1" ["1"] if non-zero the game will begin after the map is loaded before other downloads finish
89 cl_lerpanim_maxdelta_framegroups is "0.1" ["0.1"] maximum frame delta for smoothing between framegroups (when 0, one network frame)
90 cl_lerpanim_maxdelta_server is "0.1" ["0.1"] maximum frame delta for smoothing between server-controlled animation frames (when 0, one network frame)
91 cl_maxfps is "0" ["0"] maximum fps cap, 0 = unlimited, if game is running faster than this it will wait before running another frame (useful to make cpu time available to other programs)
92 cl_maxfps_alwayssleep is "1" ["1"] gives up some processing time to other applications each frame, value in milliseconds, disabled if cl_maxfps is 0
93 cl_maxidlefps is "20" ["20"] maximum fps cap when the game is not the active window (makes cpu time available to other programs
94 cl_minfps is "40" ["40"] minimum fps target - while the rendering performance is below this, it will drift toward lower quality
95 cl_minfps_fade is "0.2" ["0.2"] how fast the quality adapts to varying framerate
96 cl_minfps_qualitymax is "1" ["1"] highest allowed drawdistance multiplier
97 cl_minfps_qualitymin is "0.25" ["0.25"] lowest allowed drawdistance multiplier
98 cl_minfps_qualitypower is "4" ["4"] raises quality value to a power of itself, higher values make quality drop more sharply in relation to framerate
99 cl_minfps_qualityscale is "0.5" ["0.5"] multiplier for quality
100 cl_movecliptokeyboard is "0" ["0"] if set to 1, any move is clipped to the nine keyboard states; if set to 2, only the direction is clipped, not the amount
101 cl_movement is "0" ["0"] enables clientside prediction of your player movement
102 cl_movement_accelerate is "10" ["10"] how fast you accelerate (should match sv_accelerate)
103 cl_movement_airaccel_qw is "1" ["1"] ratio of QW-style air control as opposed to simple acceleration (reduces speed gain when zigzagging) (should match sv_airaccel_qw); when < 0, the speed is clamped against the maximum allowed forward speed after the move
104 cl_movement_airaccel_sideways_friction is "0" ["0"] anti-sideways movement stabilization (should match sv_airaccel_sideways_friction); when < 0, only so much friction is applied that braking (by accelerating backwards) cannot be stronger
105 cl_movement_airaccelerate is "-1" ["-1"] how fast you accelerate while in the air (should match sv_airaccelerate), if less than 0 the cl_movement_accelerate variable is used instead
106 cl_movement_edgefriction is "1" ["1"] how much to slow down when you may be about to fall off a ledge (should match edgefriction)
107 cl_movement_friction is "4" ["4"] how fast you slow down (should match sv_friction)
108 cl_movement_jumpvelocity is "270" ["270"] how fast you move upward when you begin a jump (should match the quakec code)
109 cl_movement_maxairspeed is "30" ["30"] how fast you can move while in the air (should match sv_maxairspeed)
110 cl_movement_maxspeed is "320" ["320"] how fast you can move (should match sv_maxspeed)
111 cl_movement_minping is "0" ["0"] whether to use prediction when ping is lower than this value in milliseconds
112 cl_movement_nettimeout is "0.3" ["0.3"] stops predicting moves when server is lagging badly (avoids major performance problems), timeout in seconds
113 cl_movement_stepheight is "18" ["18"] how tall a step you can step in one instant (should match sv_stepheight)
114 cl_movement_stopspeed is "100" ["100"] speed below which you will be slowed rapidly to a stop rather than sliding endlessly (should match sv_stopspeed)
115 cl_movement_track_canjump is "1" ["1"] track if the player released the jump key between two jumps to decide if he is able to jump or not; when off, this causes some "sliding" slightly above the floor when the jump key is held too long; if the mod allows repeated jumping by holding space all the time, this has to be set to zero too
116 cl_movement_wallfriction is "1" ["1"] how fast you slow down while sliding along a wall (should match sv_wallfriction)
117 cl_movement_wateraccelerate is "-1" ["-1"] how fast you accelerate while in water (should match sv_wateraccelerate), if less than 0 the cl_movement_accelerate variable is used instead
118 cl_movement_waterfriction is "-1" ["-1"] how fast you slow down (should match sv_waterfriction), if less than 0 the cl_movement_friction variable is used instead
119 cl_movespeedkey is "2.0" ["2.0"] how much +speed multiplies keyboard movement speed
120 cl_netfps is "72" ["72"] how many input packets to send to server each second
121 cl_netimmediatebuttons is "1" ["1"] sends extra packets whenever your buttons change or an impulse is used (basically: whenever you click fire or change weapon)
122 cl_netlocalping is "0" ["0"] lags local loopback connection by this much ping time (useful to play more fairly on your own server with people with higher pings)
123 cl_netpacketloss_receive is "0" ["0"] drops this percentage of incoming packets, useful for testing network protocol robustness (jerky movement, effects failing to start, sounds failing to play, etc)
124 cl_netpacketloss_send is "0" ["0"] drops this percentage of outgoing packets, useful for testing network protocol robustness (jerky movement, prediction errors, etc)
125 cl_netrepeatinput is "1" ["1"] how many packets in a row can be lost without movement issues when using cl_movement (technically how many input messages to repeat in each packet that have not yet been acknowledged by the server), only affects DP7 and later servers (Quake uses 0, QuakeWorld uses 2, and just for comparison Quake3 uses 1)
126 cl_nettimesyncboundmode is "6" ["6"] method of restricting client time to valid values, 0 = no correction, 1 = tight bounding (jerky with packet loss), 2 = loose bounding (corrects it if out of bounds), 3 = leniant bounding (ignores temporary errors due to varying framerate), 4 = slow adjustment method from Quake3, 5 = slighttly nicer version of Quake3 method, 6 = bounding + Quake3
127 cl_nettimesyncboundtolerance is "0.25" ["0.25"] how much error is tolerated by bounding check, as a fraction of frametime, 0.25 = up to 25% margin of error tolerated, 1 = use only new time, 0 = use only old time (same effect as setting cl_nettimesyncfactor to 1)
128 cl_nettimesyncfactor is "0" ["0"] rate at which client time adapts to match server time, 1 = instantly, 0.125 = slowly, 0 = not at all (bounding still applies)
129 cl_nodelta is "0" ["0"] disables delta compression of non-player entities in QW network protocol
130 cl_nolerp is "0" ["0"] network update smoothing
131 cl_noplayershadow is "0" ["0"] hide player shadow
132 cl_particles is "1" ["1"] enables particle effects
133 cl_particles_alpha is "1" ["1"] multiplies opacity of particles
134 cl_particles_blood is "1" ["1"] enables blood effects
135 cl_particles_blood_alpha is "1" ["1"] opacity of blood, does not affect decals
136 cl_particles_blood_bloodhack is "1" ["1"] make certain quake particle() calls create blood effects instead
137 cl_particles_blood_decal_alpha is "1" ["1"] opacity of blood decal
138 cl_particles_blood_decal_scalemax is "2" ["2"] maximal random scale of decal
139 cl_particles_blood_decal_scalemin is "1.5" ["1.5"] minimal random scale of decal
140 cl_particles_bubbles is "1" ["1"] enables bubbles (used by multiple effects)
141 cl_particles_bulletimpacts is "1" ["1"] enables bulletimpact effects
142 cl_particles_collisions is "1" ["1"] allow costly collision detection on particles (sparks that bounce, particles not going through walls, blood hitting surfaces, etc)
143 cl_particles_explosions_shell is "1" ["0"] enables polygonal shell from explosions
144 cl_particles_explosions_sparks is "1" ["1"] enables sparks from explosions
145 cl_particles_quake is "1" ["0"] makes particle effects look mostly like the ones in Quake
146 cl_particles_quality is "1" ["1"] multiplies number of particles
147 cl_particles_rain is "1" ["1"] enables rain effects
148 cl_particles_size is "1" ["1"] multiplies particle size
149 cl_particles_smoke is "1" ["1"] enables smoke (used by multiple effects)
150 cl_particles_smoke_alpha is "0.5" ["0.5"] smoke brightness
151 cl_particles_smoke_alphafade is "0.55" ["0.55"] brightness fade per second
152 cl_particles_snow is "1" ["1"] enables snow effects
153 cl_particles_sparks is "1" ["1"] enables sparks (used by multiple effects)
154 cl_particles_visculling is "0" ["0"] perform a costly check if each particle is visible before drawing
155 cl_pitchspeed is "150" ["150"] keyboard pitch turning speed
156 cl_port is "0" ["0"] forces client to use chosen port number if not 0
157 cl_prydoncursor is "0" ["0"] enables a mouse pointer which is able to click on entities in the world, useful for point and click mods, see PRYDON_CLIENTCURSOR extension in dpextensions.qc
158 cl_prydoncursor_notrace is "0" ["0"] disables traceline used in prydon cursor reporting to the game, saving some cpu time
159 cl_readpicture_force is "0" ["0"] when enabled, the low quality pictures read by ReadPicture() are preferred over the high quality pictures on the file system
160 cl_rollangle is "2.0" ["2.0"] how much to tilt the view when strafing
161 cl_rollspeed is "200" ["200"] how much strafing is necessary to tilt the view
162 cl_serverextension_download is "2" ["0"] indicates whether the server supports the download command
163 cl_shownet is "0" ["0"] 1 = print packet size, 2 = print packet message list
164 cl_sidespeed is "350" ["350"] strafe movement speed
165 cl_sound_hknighthit is "hknight/hit.wav" ["hknight/hit.wav"] sound to play during TE_KNIGHTSPIKE (empty cvar disables sound)
166 cl_sound_r_exp3 is "weapons/r_exp3.wav" ["weapons/r_exp3.wav"] sound to play during TE_EXPLOSION and related effects (empty cvar disables sound)
167 cl_sound_ric1 is "weapons/ric1.wav" ["weapons/ric1.wav"] sound to play with 5% chance during TE_SPIKE/TE_SUPERSPIKE (empty cvar disables sound)
168 cl_sound_ric2 is "weapons/ric2.wav" ["weapons/ric2.wav"] sound to play with 5% chance during TE_SPIKE/TE_SUPERSPIKE (empty cvar disables sound)
169 cl_sound_ric3 is "weapons/ric3.wav" ["weapons/ric3.wav"] sound to play with 10% chance during TE_SPIKE/TE_SUPERSPIKE (empty cvar disables sound)
170 cl_sound_ric_gunshot is "0" ["0"] specifies if and when the related cl_sound_ric and cl_sound_tink sounds apply to TE_GUNSHOT/TE_GUNSHOTQUAD, 0 = no sound, 1 = TE_GUNSHOT, 2 = TE_GUNSHOTQUAD, 3 = TE_GUNSHOT and TE_GUNSHOTQUAD
171 cl_sound_tink1 is "weapons/tink1.wav" ["weapons/tink1.wav"] sound to play with 80% chance during TE_SPIKE/TE_SUPERSPIKE (empty cvar disables sound)
172 cl_sound_wizardhit is "wizard/hit.wav" ["wizard/hit.wav"] sound to play during TE_WIZSPIKE (empty cvar disables sound)
173 cl_stainmaps is "0" ["0"] stains lightmaps, much faster than decals but blurred
174 cl_stainmaps_clearonload is "1" ["1"] clear stainmaps on map restart
175 cl_stairsmoothspeed is "160" ["160"] how fast your view moves upward/downward when running up/down stairs
176 cl_upspeed is "400" ["400"] vertical movement speed (while swimming or flying)
177 cl_viewmodel_scale is "1" ["1"] changes size of gun model, lower values prevent poking into walls but cause strange artifacts on lighting and especially r_stereo/vid_stereobuffer options where the size of the gun becomes visible
178 cl_yawspeed is "140" ["140"] keyboard yaw turning speed
179 cmdline is "C:\Quake\darkplaces.exe " ["C:\Quake\darkplaces.exe "] contains commandline the engine was launched with
180 collision_debug_tracelineasbox is "0" ["0"] workaround for any bugs in Collision_TraceLineBrushFloat by using Collision_TraceBrushBrushFloat
181 collision_endnudge is "0" ["0"] how much to bias collision trace end
182 collision_endposnudge is "0" ["0"] workaround to fix trace_endpos sometimes being returned where it would be inside solid by making that collision hit (recommended: values like 1)
183 collision_enternudge is "0" ["0"] how much to bias collision entry fraction
184 collision_impactnudge is "0.03125" ["0.03125"] how much to back off from the impact
185 collision_leavenudge is "0" ["0"] how much to bias collision exit fraction
186 collision_prefernudgedfraction is "1" ["1"] whether to sort collision events by nudged fraction (1) or real fraction (0)
187 collision_startnudge is "0" ["0"] how much to bias collision trace start
188 con_chat is "0" ["0"] how many chat lines to show in a dedicated chat area
189 con_chatpos is "0" ["0"] where to put chat (negative: lines from bottom of screen, positive: lines below notify, 0: at top)
190 con_chatsize is "8" ["8"] chat text size in virtual 2D pixels (if con_chat is enabled)
191 con_chatsound is "1" ["1"] enables chat sound to play on message
192 con_chattime is "30" ["30"] how long chat lines last, in seconds
193 con_chatwidth is "1.0" ["1.0"] relative chat window width
194 con_closeontoggleconsole is "1" ["1"] allows toggleconsole binds to close the console as well
195 con_completion_exec is "*.cfg" ["*.cfg"] completion pattern for the exec command
196 con_completion_playdemo is "*.dem" ["*.dem"] completion pattern for the playdemo command
197 con_completion_timedemo is "*.dem" ["*.dem"] completion pattern for the timedemo command
198 con_nickcompletion is "1" ["1"] tab-complete nicks in console and message input
199 con_nickcompletion_flags is "11" ["11"] Bitfield: 0: add nothing after completion. 1: add the last color after completion. 2: add a quote when starting a quote instead of the color. 4: will replace 1, will force color, even after a quote. 8: ignore non-alphanumerics. 16: ignore spaces.
200 con_notify is "4" ["4"] how many notify lines to show
201 con_notifyalign is "" [""] how to align notify lines: 0 = left, 0.5 = center, 1 = right, empty string = game default)
202 con_notifysize is "8" ["8"] notify text size in virtual 2D pixels
203 con_notifytime is "3" ["3"] how long notify lines last, in seconds
204 con_textsize is "8" ["8"] console text size in virtual 2D pixels
205 coop is "0" ["0"] coop mode, 0 = no coop, 1 = coop mode, multiple players playing through the singleplayer game (coop mode also shuts off deathmatch)
206 crosshair is "0" ["0"] selects crosshair to use (0 is none)
207 crosshair_color_alpha is "1" ["1"] how opaque the crosshair should be
208 crosshair_color_blue is "0" ["0"] customizable crosshair color
209 crosshair_color_green is "0" ["0"] customizable crosshair color
210 crosshair_color_red is "1" ["1"] customizable crosshair color
211 crosshair_size is "1" ["1"] adjusts size of the crosshair on the screen
212 csqc_progcrc is "-1" ["-1"] CRC of csprogs.dat file to load (-1 is none), only used during level changes and then reset to -1
213 csqc_progname is "csprogs.dat" ["csprogs.dat"] name of csprogs.dat file to load
214 csqc_progsize is "-1" ["-1"] file size of csprogs.dat file to load (-1 is none), only used during level changes and then reset to -1
215 cutscene is "1" ["1"] enables cutscenes in nehahra, can be used by other mods
216 deathmatch is "0" ["0"] deathmatch mode, values depend on mod but typically 0 = no deathmatch, 1 = normal deathmatch with respawning weapons, 2 = weapons stay (players can only pick up new weapons)
217 demo_nehahra is "0" ["0"] reads all quake demos as nehahra movie protocol
218 developer is "0" ["0"] prints debugging messages and information (recommended for all developers and level designers)
219 developer_entityparsing is "0" ["0"] prints detailed network entities information each time a packet is received
220 developer_extra is "0" ["0"] prints additional debugging messages, often very verbose!
221 developer_font is "0" ["0"] prints debug messages about fonts
222 developer_insane is "0" ["0"] prints huge streams of information about internal workings, entire contents of files being read/written, etc. Not recommended!
223 developer_loadfile is "0" ["0"] prints name and size of every file loaded via the FS_LoadFile function (which is almost everything)
224 developer_loading is "0" ["0"] prints information about files as they are loaded or unloaded successfully
225 developer_memory is "0" ["0"] prints debugging information about memory allocations
226 developer_memorydebug is "0" ["0"] enables memory corruption checks (very slow)
227 developer_networkentities is "0" ["0"] prints received entities, value is 0-4 (higher for more info)
228 developer_networking is "0" ["0"] prints all received and sent packets (recommended only for debugging)
229 developer_texturelogging is "0" ["0"] produces a textures.log file containing names of skins and map textures the engine tried to load
230 edgefriction is "1" ["1"] how much you slow down when nearing a ledge you might fall off, multiplier of sv_friction (Quake used 2, QuakeWorld used 1 due to a bug in physics code)
231 forceqmenu is "0" ["0"] enables the quake menu instead of the quakec menu.dat (if present)
232 fov is "90" ["90"] field of vision, 1-170 degrees, default 90, some players use 110-130
233 fraglimit is "0" ["0"] ends level if this many frags is reached by any player
234 freelook is "1" ["1"] mouse controls pitch instead of forward/back
235 fs_empty_files_in_pack_mark_deletions is "0" ["0"] if enabled, empty files in a pak/pk3 count as not existing but cancel the search in further packs, effectively allowing patch pak/pk3 files to 'delete' files
236 fs_gamedir is "" [""] the list of currently selected gamedirs (use the 'gamedir' command to change this)
237 gamecfg is "0" ["0"] unused cvar in quake, can be used by mods
238 gameversion is "0" ["0"] version of game data (mod-specific) to be sent to querying clients
239 gameversion_max is "-1" ["-1"] maximum version of game data (mod-specific), when client and server gameversion mismatch in the server browser the server is shown as incompatible; if -1, gameversion is used alone
240 gameversion_min is "-1" ["-1"] minimum version of game data (mod-specific), when client and server gameversion mismatch in the server browser the server is shown as incompatible; if -1, gameversion is used alone
241 gl_combine is "1" ["1"] indicates whether the OpenGL 1.3 rendering path is active
242 gl_dither is "1" ["1"] enables OpenGL dithering (16bit looks bad with this off)
243 gl_ext_separatestencil is "1" ["1"] make use of OpenGL 2.0 glStencilOpSeparate or GL_ATI_separate_stencil extension
244 gl_ext_stenciltwoside is "1" ["1"] make use of GL_EXT_stenciltwoside extension (NVIDIA only)
245 gl_finish is "0" ["0"] make the cpu wait for the graphics processor at the end of each rendered frame (can help with strange input or video lag problems on some machines)
246 gl_flashblend is "1" ["0"] render bright coronas for dynamic lights instead of actual lighting, fast but ugly
247 gl_info_driver is "opengl32.dll" [""] name of driver library (opengl32.dll, libGL.so.1, or whatever).
248 gl_info_extensions is " 1.1 GL_ARB_depth_texture GL_ARB_draw_buffers GL_ARB_fragment_shader GL_ARB_multitexture GL_ARB_occlusion_query GL_ARB_shader_objects GL_ARB_shading_language_100 GL_ARB_shadow GL_ARB_texture_compression GL_ARB_texture_cube_map GL_ARB_texture_env_combine GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two GL_ARB_texture_rectangle GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object GL_ARB_vertex_shader 2.0 GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_blend_subtract 1.2 GL_EXT_framebuffer_object GL_EXT_stencil_two_side GL_EXT_texture3D GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic " [""] indicates extension list found by engine, space separated.
249 gl_info_platform is "WGL" [""] indicates GL platform: WGL, GLX, or AGL.
250 gl_info_renderer is "GeForce 7950 GT/PCI/SSE2/3DNOW!" [""] indicates graphics chip model and other information
251 gl_info_vendor is "NVIDIA Corporation" [""] indicates brand of graphics chip
252 gl_info_version is "2.1.2" [""] indicates version of current renderer. begins with 1.0.0, 1.1.0, 1.2.0, 1.3.1 etc.
253 gl_lightmaps is "0" ["0"] draws only lightmaps, no texture (for level designers)
254 gl_max_lightmapsize is "1024" ["1024"] maximum allowed texture size for lightmap textures, use larger values to improve rendering speed, as long as there is enough video memory available (setting it too high for the hardware will cause very bad performance)
255 gl_max_size is "2048" ["2048"] maximum allowed texture size, can be used to reduce video memory usage, limited by hardware capabilities (typically 2048, 4096, or 8192)
256 gl_mesh_drawrangeelements is "1" ["1"] use glDrawRangeElements function if available instead of glDrawElements (for performance comparisons or bug testing)
257 gl_mesh_prefer_short_elements is "1" ["1"] use GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT element arrays instead of GL_UNSIGNED_INT
258 gl_mesh_testarrayelement is "0" ["0"] use glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES);glArrayElement();glEnd(); primitives instead of glDrawElements (useful to test for driver bugs with glDrawElements)
259 gl_mesh_testmanualfeeding is "0" ["0"] use glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES);glTexCoord2f();glVertex3f();glEnd(); primitives instead of glDrawElements (useful to test for driver bugs with glDrawElements)
260 gl_nopartialtextureupdates is "1" ["1"] use alternate path for dynamic lightmap updates that avoids a possibly slow code path in the driver
261 gl_paranoid is "0" ["0"] enables OpenGL error checking and other tests
262 gl_picmip is "0" ["0"] reduces resolution of textures by powers of 2, for example 1 will halve width/height, reducing texture memory usage by 75%
263 gl_polyblend is "1" ["1"] tints view while underwater, hurt, etc
264 gl_printcheckerror is "0" ["0"] prints all OpenGL error checks, useful to identify location of driver crashes
265 gl_texture_anisotropy is "16" ["1"] anisotropic filtering quality (if supported by hardware), 1 sample (no anisotropy) and 8 sample (8 tap anisotropy) are recommended values
266 gl_texturecompression is "0" ["0"] whether to compress textures, a value of 0 disables compression (even if the individual cvars are 1), 1 enables fast (low quality) compression at startup, 2 enables slow (high quality) compression at startup
267 gl_texturecompression_2d is "0" ["0"] whether to compress 2d (hud/menu) textures other than the font
268 gl_texturecompression_color is "1" ["1"] whether to compress colormap (diffuse) textures
269 gl_texturecompression_gloss is "1" ["1"] whether to compress glossmap (specular) textures
270 gl_texturecompression_glow is "1" ["1"] whether to compress glowmap (luma) textures
271 gl_texturecompression_lightcubemaps is "1" ["1"] whether to compress light cubemaps (spotlights and other light projection images)
272 gl_texturecompression_normal is "0" ["0"] whether to compress normalmap (normalmap) textures
273 gl_texturecompression_q3bspdeluxemaps is "0" ["0"] whether to compress deluxemaps in q3bsp format levels (only levels compiled with q3map2 -deluxe have these)
274 gl_texturecompression_q3bsplightmaps is "0" ["0"] whether to compress lightmaps in q3bsp format levels
275 gl_texturecompression_reflectmask is "1" ["1"] whether to compress reflection cubemap masks (mask of which areas of the texture should reflect the generic shiny cubemap)
276 gl_texturecompression_sky is "0" ["0"] whether to compress sky textures
277 gl_vbo is "3" ["3"] make use of GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object extension to store static geometry in video memory for faster rendering, 0 disables VBO allocation or use, 1 enables VBOs for vertex and triangle data, 2 only for vertex data, 3 for vertex data and triangle data of simple meshes (ones with only one surface)
278 halflifebsp is "0" ["0"] indicates the current map is hlbsp format (useful to know because of different bounding box sizes)
279 host_framerate is "0" ["0"] locks frame timing to this value in seconds, 0.05 is 20fps for example, note that this can easily run too fast, use cl_maxfps if you want to limit your framerate instead, or sys_ticrate to limit server speed
280 host_speeds is "0" ["0"] reports how much time is used in server/graphics/sound
281 hostname is "UNNAMED" ["UNNAMED"] server message to show in server browser
282 in_pitch_max is "90" ["90"] how far upward you can aim (quake used 80
283 in_pitch_min is "-90" ["-90"] how far downward you can aim (quake used -70
284 joyadvanced is "0" ["0"] use more than 2 axis joysticks (configuring this is very technical)
285 joyadvaxisr is "0" ["0"] axis mapping for joyadvanced 1 mode
286 joyadvaxisu is "0" ["0"] axis mapping for joyadvanced 1 mode
287 joyadvaxisv is "0" ["0"] axis mapping for joyadvanced 1 mode
288 joyadvaxisx is "0" ["0"] axis mapping for joyadvanced 1 mode
289 joyadvaxisy is "0" ["0"] axis mapping for joyadvanced 1 mode
290 joyadvaxisz is "0" ["0"] axis mapping for joyadvanced 1 mode
291 joyforwardsensitivity is "-1.0" ["-1.0"] how fast the joystick moves forward
292 joyforwardthreshold is "0.15" ["0.15"] minimum joystick movement necessary to move forward
293 joyname is "joystick" ["joystick"] name of joystick to use (informational only, used only by joyadvanced 1 mode)
294 joypitchsensitivity is "1.0" ["1.0"] how fast the joystick looks up/down
295 joypitchthreshold is "0.15" ["0.15"] minimum joystick movement necessary to look up/down
296 joysidesensitivity is "-1.0" ["-1.0"] how fast the joystick moves sideways (strafing)
297 joysidethreshold is "0.15" ["0.15"] minimum joystick movement necessary to move sideways (strafing)
298 joystick is "0" ["0"] enables joysticks
299 joywwhack1 is "0.0" ["0.0"] special hack for wingman warrior
300 joywwhack2 is "0.0" ["0.0"] special hack for wingman warrior
301 joyyawsensitivity is "-1.0" ["-1.0"] how fast the joystick turns left/right
302 joyyawthreshold is "0.15" ["0.15"] minimum joystick movement necessary to turn left/right
303 locs_enable is "1" ["1"] enables replacement of certain % codes in chat messages: %l (location), %d (last death location), %h (health), %a (armor), %x (rockets), %c (cells), %r (rocket launcher status), %p (powerup status), %w (weapon status), %t (current time in level)
304 locs_show is "0" ["0"] shows defined locations for editing purposes
305 log_dest_udp is "" [""] UDP address to log messages to (in QW rcon compatible format); multiple destinations can be separated by spaces; DO NOT SPECIFY DNS NAMES HERE
306 log_file is "" [""] filename to log messages to
307 lookspring is "0" ["0"] returns pitch to level with the floor when no longer holding a pitch key
308 lookstrafe is "0" ["0"] move instead of turning
309 m_accelerate is "1" ["1"] mouse acceleration factor (try 2)
310 m_accelerate_filter is "0.1" ["0.1"] mouse acceleration factor filtering
311 m_accelerate_maxspeed is "10000" ["10000"] above this speed, full acceleration is done
312 m_accelerate_minspeed is "5000" ["5000"] below this speed, no acceleration is done
313 m_filter is "0" ["0"] smoothes mouse movement, less responsive but smoother aiming
314 m_forward is "1" ["1"] mouse forward speed multiplier
315 m_pitch is "0.022" ["0.022"] mouse pitch speed multiplier
316 m_side is "0.8" ["0.8"] mouse side speed multiplier
317 m_yaw is "0.022" ["0.022"] mouse yaw speed multiplier
318 menu_options_colorcontrol_correctionvalue is "0.5" ["0.5"] intensity value that matches up to white/black dither pattern, should be 0.5 for linear color
319 mod_alias_supporttagscale is "1" ["1"] support scaling factors in bone/tag attachment matrices as supported by MD3
320 mod_collision_bih is "1" ["1"] enables use of generated Bounding Interval Hierarchy tree instead of compiled bsp tree in collision code
321 mod_generatelightmaps_borderpixels is "2" ["2"] extra space around polygons to prevent sampling artifacts
322 mod_generatelightmaps_gridradius is "64" ["64"] sampling area around each lightgrid cell center
323 mod_generatelightmaps_gridsamples is "64" ["64"] number of shadow tests done per lightgrid cell
324 mod_generatelightmaps_lightmapradius is "16" ["16"] sampling area around each lightmap pixel
325 mod_generatelightmaps_lightmapsamples is "16" ["16"] number of shadow tests done per lightmap pixel
326 mod_generatelightmaps_texturesize is "1024" ["1024"] size of lightmap textures
327 mod_generatelightmaps_unitspersample is "8" ["8"] lightmap resolution
328 mod_generatelightmaps_vertexradius is "16" ["16"] sampling area around each vertex
329 mod_generatelightmaps_vertexsamples is "16" ["16"] number of shadow tests done per vertex
330 mod_q1bsp_polygoncollisions is "0" ["0"] disables use of precomputed cliphulls and instead collides with polygons (uses Bounding Interval Hierarchy optimizations)
331 mod_q3bsp_curves_collisions is "1" ["1"] enables collisions with curves (SLOW)
332 mod_q3bsp_curves_collisions_stride is "16" ["16"] collisions against curves: optimize performance by doing a combined collision check for this triangle amount first (-1 avoids any box tests)
333 mod_q3bsp_curves_stride is "16" ["16"] particle effect collisions against curves: optimize performance by doing a combined collision check for this triangle amount first (-1 avoids any box tests)
334 mod_q3bsp_debugtracebrush is "0" ["0"] selects different tracebrush bsp recursion algorithms (for debugging purposes only)
335 mod_q3bsp_lightmapmergepower is "4" ["4"] merges the quake3 128x128 lightmap textures into larger lightmap group textures to speed up rendering, 1 = 256x256, 2 = 512x512, 3 = 1024x1024, 4 = 2048x2048, 5 = 4096x4096, ...
336 mod_q3bsp_nolightmaps is "0" ["0"] do not load lightmaps in Q3BSP maps (to save video RAM, but be warned: it looks ugly)
337 mod_q3bsp_optimizedtraceline is "1" ["1"] whether to use optimized traceline code for line traces (as opposed to tracebox code)
338 mod_q3bsp_tracelineofsight_brushes is "0" ["0"] enables culling of entities behind detail brushes, curves, etc
339 mod_q3shader_default_offsetmapping is "1" ["1"] use offsetmapping by default on all surfaces
340 mod_recalculatenodeboxes is "1" ["1"] enables use of generated node bounding boxes based on BSP tree portal reconstruction, rather than the node boxes supplied by the map compiler
341 music_playlist_current0 is "0" ["0"] current track index to play in list
342 music_playlist_current1 is "0" ["0"] current track index to play in list
343 music_playlist_current2 is "0" ["0"] current track index to play in list
344 music_playlist_current3 is "0" ["0"] current track index to play in list
345 music_playlist_current4 is "0" ["0"] current track index to play in list
346 music_playlist_current5 is "0" ["0"] current track index to play in list
347 music_playlist_current6 is "0" ["0"] current track index to play in list
348 music_playlist_current7 is "0" ["0"] current track index to play in list
349 music_playlist_current8 is "0" ["0"] current track index to play in list
350 music_playlist_current9 is "0" ["0"] current track index to play in list
351 music_playlist_index is "-1" ["-1"] selects which of the music_playlist_ variables is the active one, -1 disables playlists
352 music_playlist_list0 is "" [""] list of tracks to play
353 music_playlist_list1 is "" [""] list of tracks to play
354 music_playlist_list2 is "" [""] list of tracks to play
355 music_playlist_list3 is "" [""] list of tracks to play
356 music_playlist_list4 is "" [""] list of tracks to play
357 music_playlist_list5 is "" [""] list of tracks to play
358 music_playlist_list6 is "" [""] list of tracks to play
359 music_playlist_list7 is "" [""] list of tracks to play
360 music_playlist_list8 is "" [""] list of tracks to play
361 music_playlist_list9 is "" [""] list of tracks to play
362 music_playlist_random0 is "0" ["0"] enables random play order if 1, 0 is sequential play
363 music_playlist_random1 is "0" ["0"] enables random play order if 1, 0 is sequential play
364 music_playlist_random2 is "0" ["0"] enables random play order if 1, 0 is sequential play
365 music_playlist_random3 is "0" ["0"] enables random play order if 1, 0 is sequential play
366 music_playlist_random4 is "0" ["0"] enables random play order if 1, 0 is sequential play
367 music_playlist_random5 is "0" ["0"] enables random play order if 1, 0 is sequential play
368 music_playlist_random6 is "0" ["0"] enables random play order if 1, 0 is sequential play
369 music_playlist_random7 is "0" ["0"] enables random play order if 1, 0 is sequential play
370 music_playlist_random8 is "0" ["0"] enables random play order if 1, 0 is sequential play
371 music_playlist_random9 is "0" ["0"] enables random play order if 1, 0 is sequential play
372 music_playlist_sampleposition0 is "-1" ["-1"] resume position for track, -1 restarts every time
373 music_playlist_sampleposition1 is "-1" ["-1"] resume position for track, -1 restarts every time
374 music_playlist_sampleposition2 is "-1" ["-1"] resume position for track, -1 restarts every time
375 music_playlist_sampleposition3 is "-1" ["-1"] resume position for track, -1 restarts every time
376 music_playlist_sampleposition4 is "-1" ["-1"] resume position for track, -1 restarts every time
377 music_playlist_sampleposition5 is "-1" ["-1"] resume position for track, -1 restarts every time
378 music_playlist_sampleposition6 is "-1" ["-1"] resume position for track, -1 restarts every time
379 music_playlist_sampleposition7 is "-1" ["-1"] resume position for track, -1 restarts every time
380 music_playlist_sampleposition8 is "-1" ["-1"] resume position for track, -1 restarts every time
381 music_playlist_sampleposition9 is "-1" ["-1"] resume position for track, -1 restarts every time
382 net_address is "" [""] network address to open ipv4 ports on (if empty, use default interfaces)
383 net_address_ipv6 is "" [""] network address to open ipv6 ports on (if empty, use default interfaces)
384 net_connectfloodblockingtimeout is "5" ["5"] when a connection packet is received, it will block all future connect packets from that IP address for this many seconds (cuts down on connect floods)
385 net_connecttimeout is "15" ["15"] after requesting a connection, the client must reply within this many seconds or be dropped (cuts down on connect floods). Must be above 10 seconds.
386 net_messagetimeout is "300" ["300"] drops players who have not sent any packets for this many seconds
387 net_slist_favorites is "" [""] contains a list of IP addresses and ports to always query explicitly
388 net_slist_maxtries is "3" ["3"] how many times to ask the same server for information (more times gives better ping reports but takes longer)
389 net_slist_pause is "0" ["0"] when set to 1, the server list won't update until it is set back to 0
390 net_slist_queriesperframe is "4" ["4"] maximum number of server information requests to send each rendered frame (guards against low framerates causing problems)
391 net_slist_queriespersecond is "20" ["20"] how many server information requests to send per second
392 net_slist_timeout is "4" ["4"] how long to listen for a server information response before giving up
393 noaim is "1" ["1"] QW option to disable vertical autoaim
394 noexit is "0" ["0"] kills anyone attempting to use an exit
395 nomonsters is "0" ["0"] unused cvar in quake, can be used by mods
396 nosound is "0" ["0"] disables sound
397 pausable is "1" ["1"] allow players to pause or not
398 port is "26000" ["26000"] server port for players to connect to
399 pr_checkextension is "1" ["1"] indicates to QuakeC that the standard quakec extensions system is available (if 0, quakec should not attempt to use extensions)
400 prvm_backtraceforwarnings is "0" ["0"] print a backtrace for warnings too
401 prvm_errordump is "0" ["0"] write a savegame on crash to crash-server.dmp
402 prvm_language is "" [""] when set, loads progs.dat.LANGUAGENAME.po for string translations; when set to dump, progs.dat.dump.po is written from the strings in the progs
403 prvm_leaktest is "0" ["0"] try to detect memory leaks in strings or entities
404 prvm_leaktest_ignore_classnames is "" [""] classnames of entities to NOT leak check because they are found by find(world, classname, ...) but are actually spawned by QC code (NOT map entities)
405 prvm_reuseedicts_neverinsameframe is "1" ["1"] never allows re-use of freed entity slots during same frame
406 prvm_reuseedicts_startuptime is "2" ["2"] allows immediate re-use of freed entity slots during start of new level (value in seconds)
407 prvm_statementprofiling is "0" ["0"] counts how many times each QuakeC statement has been executed, these counts are displayed in prvm_printfunction output (if enabled)
408 prvm_traceqc is "0" ["0"] prints every QuakeC statement as it is executed (only for really thorough debugging!)
409 qport is "31514" ["31514"] identification key for playing on qw servers (allows you to maintain a connection to a quakeworld server even if your port changes)
410 r_ambient is "0" ["0"] brightens map, value is 0-128
411 r_batchmode is "1" ["1"] selects method of rendering multiple surfaces with one driver call (values are 0, 1, 2, etc...)
412 r_bloom is "1" ["0"] enables bloom effect (makes bright pixels affect neighboring pixels)
413 r_bloom_blur is "4" ["4"] how large the glow is
414 r_bloom_brighten is "2" ["2"] how bright the glow is, after subtract/power
415 r_bloom_colorexponent is "1" ["1"] how exagerated the glow is
416 r_bloom_colorscale is "1" ["1"] how bright the glow is
417 r_bloom_colorsubtract is "0.125" ["0.125"] reduces bloom colors by a certain amount
418 r_bloom_resolution is "320" ["320"] what resolution to perform the bloom effect at (independent of screen resolution)
419 r_colormap_palette is "gfx/colormap_palette.lmp" ["gfx/colormap_palette.lmp"] name of a palette lmp file to override the shirt/pants colors of player models. It consists of 16 shirt colors, 16 scoreboard shirt colors, 16 pants colors and 16 scoreboard pants colors
420 r_coronas is "1" ["1"] brightness of corona flare effects around certain lights, 0 disables corona effects
421 r_coronas_occlusionquery is "1" ["1"] use GL_ARB_occlusion_query extension if supported (fades coronas according to visibility)
422 r_coronas_occlusionsizescale is "0.1" ["0.1"] size of light source for corona occlusion checksm the proportion of hidden pixels controls corona intensity
423 r_cullentities_trace is "1" ["1"] probabistically cull invisible entities
424 r_cullentities_trace_delay is "1" ["1"] number of seconds until the entity gets actually culled
425 r_cullentities_trace_enlarge is "0" ["0"] box enlargement for entity culling
426 r_cullentities_trace_samples is "2" ["2"] number of samples to test for entity culling (in addition to center sample)
427 r_cullentities_trace_tempentitysamples is "-1" ["-1"] number of samples to test for entity culling of temp entities (including all CSQC entities), -1 disables trace culling on these entities to prevent flicker (pvs still applies)
428 r_damageblur is "0" ["0"] motionblur based on damage
429 r_depthfirst is "0" ["0"] renders a depth-only version of the scene before normal rendering begins to eliminate overdraw, values: 0 = off, 1 = world depth, 2 = world and model depth
430 r_drawdecals is "1" ["1"] enables drawing of decals
431 r_drawdecals_drawdistance is "500" ["500"] decals further than drawdistance*size will not be drawn
432 r_draweffects is "1" ["1"] renders temporary sprite effects
433 r_drawentities is "1" ["1"] draw entities (doors, players, projectiles, etc)
434 r_drawexplosions is "1" ["1"] enables rendering of explosion shells (see also cl_particles_explosions_shell)
435 r_drawexteriormodel is "1" ["1"] draw your player model (e.g. in chase cam, reflections)
436 r_drawfog is "1" ["1"] allows one to disable fog rendering
437 r_drawparticles is "1" ["1"] enables drawing of particles
438 r_drawparticles_drawdistance is "2000" ["2000"] particles further than drawdistance*size will not be drawn
439 r_drawportals is "0" ["0"] shows portals (separating polygons) in world interior in quake1 maps
440 r_drawviewmodel is "1" ["1"] draw your weapon model
441 r_dynamic is "1" ["1"] enables dynamic lights (rocket glow and such)
442 r_editlights is "0" ["0"] enables .rtlights file editing mode
443 r_editlights_cursordistance is "1024" ["1024"] maximum distance of cursor from eye
444 r_editlights_cursorgrid is "4" ["4"] snaps cursor to this grid size
445 r_editlights_cursorpushback is "0" ["0"] how far to pull the cursor back toward the eye
446 r_editlights_cursorpushoff is "4" ["4"] how far to push the cursor off the impacted surface
447 r_editlights_quakelightsizescale is "1" ["1"] changes size of light entities loaded from a map
448 r_equalize_entities_by is "0.7" ["0.7"] light equalizing: exponent of dynamics compression (0 = no compression, 1 = full compression)
449 r_equalize_entities_fullbright is "0" ["0"] render fullbright entities by equalizing their lightness, not by not rendering light
450 r_equalize_entities_minambient is "0.5" ["0.5"] light equalizing: ensure at least this ambient/diffuse ratio
451 r_equalize_entities_to is "0.8" ["0.8"] light equalizing: target light level
452 r_explosionclip is "1" ["1"] enables collision detection for explosion shell (so that it flattens against walls and floors)
453 r_farclip_base is "65536" ["65536"] farclip (furthest visible distance) for rendering when r_useinfinitefarclip is 0
454 r_farclip_world is "2" ["2"] adds map size to farclip multiplied by this value
455 r_fixtrans_auto is "0" ["0"] automatically fixtrans textures (when set to 2, it also saves the fixed versions to a fixtrans directory)
456 r_fog_exp2 is "0" ["0"] uses GL_EXP2 fog (as in Nehahra) rather than realistic GL_EXP fog
457 r_font_antialias is "1" ["1"] 0 = monochrome, 1 = grey
458 r_font_disable_freetype is "1" ["1"] disable freetype support for fonts entirely
459 r_font_hinting is "3" ["3"] 0 = no hinting, 1 = light autohinting, 2 = full autohinting, 3 = full hinting
460 r_font_kerning is "1" ["1"] Use kerning if available
461 r_font_postprocess_blur is "0" ["0"] font blur amount
462 r_font_postprocess_outline is "0" ["0"] font outline amount
463 r_font_postprocess_shadow_x is "0" ["0"] font shadow X shift amount, applied during outlining
464 r_font_postprocess_shadow_y is "0" ["0"] font shadow Y shift amount, applied during outlining
465 r_font_postprocess_shadow_z is "0" ["0"] font shadow Z shift amount, applied during blurring
466 r_font_size_snapping is "1" ["1"] stick to good looking font sizes whenever possible - bad when the mod doesn't support it!
467 r_font_use_alpha_textures is "0" ["0"] use alpha-textures for font rendering, this should safe memory
468 r_framedatasize is "1" ["1"] size of renderer data cache used during one frame (for skeletal animation caching, light processing, etc)
469 r_fullbright is "0" ["0"] makes map very bright and renders faster
470 r_fullbrights is "1" ["1"] enables glowing pixels in quake textures (changes need r_restart to take effect)
471 r_glsl is "1" ["1"] indicates whether the OpenGL 2.0 rendering path is active
472 r_glsl_deluxemapping is "1" ["1"] use per pixel lighting on deluxemap-compiled q3bsp maps (or a value of 2 forces deluxemap shading even without deluxemaps)
473 r_glsl_offsetmapping is "0" ["0"] offset mapping effect (also known as parallax mapping or virtual displacement mapping)
474 r_glsl_offsetmapping_reliefmapping is "0" ["0"] relief mapping effect (higher quality)
475 r_glsl_offsetmapping_scale is "0.04" ["0.04"] how deep the offset mapping effect is
476 r_glsl_postprocess is "0" ["0"] use a GLSL postprocessing shader
477 r_glsl_postprocess_uservec1 is "0 0 0 0" ["0 0 0 0"] a 4-component vector to pass as uservec1 to the postprocessing shader (only useful if default.glsl has been customized)
478 r_glsl_postprocess_uservec2 is "0 0 0 0" ["0 0 0 0"] a 4-component vector to pass as uservec2 to the postprocessing shader (only useful if default.glsl has been customized)
479 r_glsl_postprocess_uservec3 is "0 0 0 0" ["0 0 0 0"] a 4-component vector to pass as uservec3 to the postprocessing shader (only useful if default.glsl has been customized)
480 r_glsl_postprocess_uservec4 is "0 0 0 0" ["0 0 0 0"] a 4-component vector to pass as uservec4 to the postprocessing shader (only useful if default.glsl has been customized)
481 r_glsl_saturation is "1" ["1"] saturation multiplier (only working in glsl!)
482 r_hdr is "1" ["0"] enables High Dynamic Range bloom effect (higher quality version of r_bloom)
483 r_hdr_glowintensity is "1" ["1"] how bright light emitting textures should appear
484 r_hdr_range is "4" ["4"] how much dynamic range to render bloom with (equivilant to multiplying r_bloom_brighten by this value and dividing r_bloom_colorscale by this value)
485 r_hdr_scenebrightness is "1" ["1"] global rendering brightness
486 r_labelsprites_roundtopixels is "1" ["1"] try to make label sprites sharper by rounding their size to 0.5x or 1x and by rounding their position to whole pixels if possible
487 r_labelsprites_scale is "1" ["1"] global scale to apply to label sprites before conversion to HUD coordinates
488 r_lerpimages is "1" ["1"] bilinear filters images when scaling them up to power of 2 size (mode 1), looks better than glquake (mode 0)
489 r_lerplightstyles is "0" ["0"] enable animation smoothing on flickering lights
490 r_lerpmodels is "1" ["1"] enables animation smoothing on models
491 r_lerpsprites is "0" ["0"] enables animation smoothing on sprites
492 r_letterbox is "0" ["0"] reduces vertical height of view to simulate a letterboxed movie effect (can be used by mods for cutscenes)
493 r_lightningbeam_color_blue is "1" ["1"] color of the lightning beam effect
494 r_lightningbeam_color_green is "1" ["1"] color of the lightning beam effect
495 r_lightningbeam_color_red is "1" ["1"] color of the lightning beam effect
496 r_lightningbeam_qmbtexture is "0" ["0"] load the qmb textures/particles/lightning.pcx texture instead of generating one, can look better
497 r_lightningbeam_repeatdistance is "128" ["128"] how far to stretch the texture along the lightning beam effect
498 r_lightningbeam_scroll is "5" ["5"] speed of texture scrolling on the lightning beam effect
499 r_lightningbeam_thickness is "4" ["4"] thickness of the lightning beam effect
500 r_lockpvs is "0" ["0"] disables pvs switching, allows you to walk around and inspect what is visible from a given location in the map (anything not visible from your current location will not be drawn)
501 r_lockvisibility is "0" ["0"] disables visibility updates, allows you to walk around and inspect what is visible from a given viewpoint in the map (anything offscreen at the moment this is enabled will not be drawn)
502 r_mipskins is "0" ["0"] mipmaps model skins so they render faster in the distance and do not display noise artifacts, can cause discoloration of skins if they contain undesirable border colors
503 r_mipsprites is "1" ["1"] mipmaps sprites so they render faster in the distance and do not display noise artifacts
504 r_motionblur is "0" ["0"] motionblur value scale - 0.5 recommended
505 r_motionblur_bmin is "0.5" ["0.5"] velocity at which there is no blur yet (may be negative to always have some blur)
506 r_motionblur_maxblur is "0.88" ["0.88"] cap for motionblur alpha value
507 r_motionblur_randomize is "0.1" ["0.1"] randomizing coefficient to workaround ghosting
508 r_motionblur_vcoeff is "0.05" ["0.05"] sliding average reaction time for velocity
509 r_motionblur_vmax is "600" ["600"] maximum influence from velocity
510 r_motionblur_vmin is "300" ["300"] minimum influence from velocity
511 r_nearclip is "1" ["1"] distance from camera of nearclip plane
512 r_nosurftextures is "0" ["0"] pretends there was no texture lump found in the q1bsp/hlbsp loading (useful for debugging this rare case)
513 r_novis is "0" ["0"] draws whole level, see also sv_cullentities_pvs 0
514 r_overheadsprites_perspective is "0.15" ["0.15"] fake perspective effect for SPR_OVERHEAD sprites
515 r_overheadsprites_pushback is "16" ["16"] how far to pull the SPR_OVERHEAD sprites toward the eye (used to avoid intersections with 3D models)
516 r_picmipsprites is "1" ["1"] make gl_picmip affect sprites too (saves some graphics memory in sprite heavy games)
517 r_picmipworld is "1" ["1"] whether gl_picmip shall apply to world textures too
518 r_polygonoffset_decals_factor is "0" ["0"] biases depth values of decals to prevent z-fighting artifacts
519 r_polygonoffset_decals_offset is "-14" ["-14"] biases depth values of decals to prevent z-fighting artifacts
520 r_polygonoffset_submodel_factor is "0" ["0"] biases depth values of world submodels such as doors, to prevent z-fighting artifacts in Quake maps
521 r_polygonoffset_submodel_offset is "14" ["14"] biases depth values of world submodels such as doors, to prevent z-fighting artifacts in Quake maps
522 r_q1bsp_skymasking is "1" ["1"] allows sky polygons in quake1 maps to obscure other geometry
523 r_q3bsp_renderskydepth is "0" ["0"] draws sky depth masking in q3 maps (as in q1 maps), this means for example that sky polygons can hide other things
524 r_render is "1" ["1"] enables rendering 3D views (you want this on!)
525 r_renderview is "1" ["1"] enables rendering 3D views (you want this on!)
526 r_shadow_bumpscale_basetexture is "0" ["0"] generate fake bumpmaps from diffuse textures at this bumpyness, try 4 to match tenebrae, higher values increase depth, requires r_restart to take effect
527 r_shadow_bumpscale_bumpmap is "4" ["4"] what magnitude to interpret _bump.tga textures as, higher values increase depth, requires r_restart to take effect
528 r_shadow_debuglight is "-1" ["-1"] renders only one light, for level design purposes or debugging
529 r_shadow_deferred is "0" ["0"] uses image-based lighting instead of geometry-based lighting, the method used renders a depth image and a normalmap image, renders lights into separate diffuse and specular images, and then combines this into the normal rendering, requires r_shadow_shadowmapping
530 r_shadow_deferred_8bitrange is "2" ["2"] dynamic range of image-based lighting when using 32bit color (does not apply to fp)
531 r_shadow_frontsidecasting is "1" ["1"] whether to cast shadows from illuminated triangles (front side of model) or unlit triangles (back side of model)
532 r_shadow_gloss is "1" ["1"] 0 disables gloss (specularity) rendering, 1 uses gloss if textures are found, 2 forces a flat metallic specular effect on everything without textures (similar to tenebrae)
533 r_shadow_gloss2exponent is "32" ["32"] same as r_shadow_glossexponent but for forced gloss (gloss 2) surfaces
534 r_shadow_gloss2intensity is "0.125" ["0.125"] how bright the forced flat gloss should look if r_shadow_gloss is 2
535 r_shadow_glossexact is "0" ["0"] use exact reflection math for gloss (slightly slower, but should look a tad better)
536 r_shadow_glossexponent is "32" ["32"] how 'sharp' the gloss should appear (specular power)
537 r_shadow_glossintensity is "1" ["1"] how bright textured glossmaps should look if r_shadow_gloss is 1 or 2
538 r_shadow_lightattenuationdividebias is "1" ["1"] changes attenuation texture generation
539 r_shadow_lightattenuationlinearscale is "2" ["2"] changes attenuation texture generation
540 r_shadow_lightintensityscale is "1" ["1"] renders all world lights brighter or darker
541 r_shadow_lightradiusscale is "1" ["1"] renders all world lights larger or smaller
542 r_shadow_polygonfactor is "0" ["0"] how much to enlarge shadow volume polygons when rendering (should be 0!)
543 r_shadow_polygonoffset is "1" ["1"] how much to push shadow volumes into the distance when rendering, to reduce chances of zfighting artifacts (should not be less than 0)
544 r_shadow_projectdistance is "0" ["0"] how far to cast shadows
545 r_shadow_realtime_dlight is "1" ["1"] enables rendering of dynamic lights such as explosions and rocket light
546 r_shadow_realtime_dlight_portalculling is "0" ["0"] enables portal optimization on dynamic lights (slow!)
547 r_shadow_realtime_dlight_shadows is "1" ["1"] enables rendering of shadows from dynamic lights
548 r_shadow_realtime_dlight_svbspculling is "0" ["0"] enables svbsp optimization on dynamic lights (very slow!)
549 r_shadow_realtime_world is "0" ["0"] enables rendering of full world lighting (whether loaded from the map, or a .rtlights file, or a .ent file, or a .lights file produced by hlight)
550 r_shadow_realtime_world_compile is "1" ["1"] enables compilation of world lights for higher performance rendering
551 r_shadow_realtime_world_compileportalculling is "0" ["0"] enables portal-based culling optimization during compilation (overrides compilesvbsp)
552 r_shadow_realtime_world_compileshadow is "1" ["1"] enables compilation of shadows from world lights for higher performance rendering
553 r_shadow_realtime_world_compilesvbsp is "1" ["1"] enables svbsp optimization during compilation (slower than compileportalculling but more exact)
554 r_shadow_realtime_world_lightmaps is "0" ["0"] brightness to render lightmaps when using full world lighting, try 0.5 for a tenebrae-like appearance
555 r_shadow_realtime_world_shadows is "1" ["1"] enables rendering of shadows from world lights
556 r_shadow_scissor is "1" ["1"] use scissor optimization of light rendering (restricts rendering to the portion of the screen affected by the light)
557 r_shadow_shadowmapping is "0" ["0"] enables use of shadowmapping (depth texture sampling) instead of stencil shadow volumes, requires gl_fbo 1
558 r_shadow_shadowmapping_bias is "0.03" ["0.03"] shadowmap bias parameter (this is multiplied by nearclip * 1024 / lodsize)
559 r_shadow_shadowmapping_bordersize is "4" ["4"] shadowmap size bias for filtering
560 r_shadow_shadowmapping_depthbits is "24" ["24"] requested minimum shadowmap texture depth bits
561 r_shadow_shadowmapping_filterquality is "-1" ["-1"] shadowmap filter modes: -1 = auto-select, 0 = no filtering, 1 = bilinear, 2 = bilinear 2x2 blur (fast), 3 = 3x3 blur (moderate), 4 = 4x4 blur (slow)
562 r_shadow_shadowmapping_maxsize is "512" ["512"] shadowmap size limit
563 r_shadow_shadowmapping_minsize is "32" ["32"] shadowmap size limit
564 r_shadow_shadowmapping_nearclip is "1" ["1"] shadowmap nearclip in world units
565 r_shadow_shadowmapping_polygonfactor is "2" ["2"] slope-dependent shadowmapping bias
566 r_shadow_shadowmapping_polygonoffset is "0" ["0"] constant shadowmapping bias
567 r_shadow_shadowmapping_precision is "1" ["1"] makes shadowmaps have a maximum resolution of this number of pixels per light source radius unit such that, for example, at precision 0.5 a light with radius 200 will have a maximum resolution of 100 pixels
568 r_shadow_shadowmapping_texturetype is "-1" ["-1"] shadowmap texture types: -1 = auto-select, 0 = 2D, 1 = rectangle, 2 = cubemap
569 r_shadow_shadowmapping_vsdct is "1" ["1"] enables use of virtual shadow depth cube texture
570 r_shadow_texture3d is "1" ["1"] use 3D voxel textures for spherical attenuation rather than cylindrical (does not affect OpenGL 2.0 render path)
571 r_shadow_usenormalmap is "1" ["1"] enables use of directional shading on lights
572 r_shadows is "0" ["0"] casts fake stencil shadows from models onto the world (rtlights are unaffected by this); when set to 2, always cast the shadows in the direction set by r_shadows_throwdirection, otherwise use the model lighting.
573 r_shadows_castfrombmodels is "0" ["0"] do cast shadows from bmodels
574 r_shadows_darken is "0.5" ["0.5"] how much shadowed areas will be darkened
575 r_shadows_drawafterrtlighting is "0" ["0"] draw fake shadows AFTER realtime lightning is drawn. May be useful for simulating fast sunlight on large outdoor maps with only one noshadow rtlight. The price is less realistic appearance of dynamic light shadows.
576 r_shadows_focus is "0 0 0" ["0 0 0"] offset the shadowed area focus
577 r_shadows_shadowmapscale is "1" ["1"] increases shadowmap quality (multiply global shadowmap precision) for fake shadows. Needs shadowmapping ON.
578 r_shadows_throwdirection is "0 0 -1" ["0 0 -1"] override throwing direction for r_shadows 2
579 r_shadows_throwdistance is "500" ["500"] how far to cast shadows from models
580 r_showbboxes is "0" ["0"] shows bounding boxes of server entities, value controls opacity scaling (1 = 10%, 10 = 100%)
581 r_showcollisionbrushes is "0" ["0"] draws collision brushes in quake3 maps (mode 1), mode 2 disables rendering of world (trippy!)
582 r_showcollisionbrushes_polygonfactor is "-1" ["-1"] expands outward the brush polygons a little bit, used to make collision brushes appear infront of walls
583 r_showcollisionbrushes_polygonoffset is "0" ["0"] nudges brush polygon depth in hardware depth units, used to make collision brushes appear infront of walls
584 r_showdisabledepthtest is "0" ["0"] disables depth testing on r_show* cvars, allowing you to see what hidden geometry the graphics card is processing
585 r_showlighting is "0" ["0"] shows areas lit by lights, useful for finding out why some areas of a map render slowly (bright orange = lots of passes = slow), a value of 2 disables depth testing which can be interesting but not very useful
586 r_shownormals is "0" ["0"] shows per-vertex surface normals and tangent vectors for bumpmapped lighting
587 r_showshadowvolumes is "0" ["0"] shows areas shadowed by lights, useful for finding out why some areas of a map render slowly (bright blue = lots of passes = slow), a value of 2 disables depth testing which can be interesting but not very useful
588 r_showsurfaces is "0" ["0"] 1 shows surfaces as different colors, or a value of 2 shows triangle draw order (for analyzing whether meshes are optimized for vertex cache)
589 r_showtris is "0" ["0"] shows triangle outlines, value controls brightness (can be above 1)
590 r_skeletal_debugbone is "-1" ["-1"] development cvar for testing skeletal model code
591 r_skeletal_debugbonecomponent is "3" ["3"] development cvar for testing skeletal model code
592 r_skeletal_debugbonevalue is "100" ["100"] development cvar for testing skeletal model code
593 r_skeletal_debugtranslatex is "1" ["1"] development cvar for testing skeletal model code
594 r_skeletal_debugtranslatey is "1" ["1"] development cvar for testing skeletal model code
595 r_skeletal_debugtranslatez is "1" ["1"] development cvar for testing skeletal model code
596 r_sky is "1" ["1"] enables sky rendering (black otherwise)
597 r_skyscroll1 is "1" ["1"] speed at which upper clouds layer scrolls in quake sky
598 r_skyscroll2 is "2" ["2"] speed at which lower clouds layer scrolls in quake sky
599 r_smoothnormals_areaweighting is "1" ["1"] uses significantly faster (and supposedly higher quality) area-weighted vertex normals and tangent vectors rather than summing normalized triangle normals and tangents
600 r_speeds is "0" ["0"] displays rendering statistics and per-subsystem timings
601 r_stereo_angle is "0" ["0"] separation angle of eyes (makes the views look different directions, as an example, 90 gives a 90 degree separation where the views are 45 degrees left and 45 degrees right)
602 r_stereo_redblue is "0" ["0"] red/blue anaglyph stereo glasses (note: most of these glasses are actually red/cyan, try that one too)
603 r_stereo_redcyan is "0" ["0"] red/cyan anaglyph stereo glasses, the kind given away at drive-in movies like Creature From The Black Lagoon In 3D
604 r_stereo_redgreen is "0" ["0"] red/green anaglyph stereo glasses (for those who don't mind yellow)
605 r_stereo_separation is "4" ["4"] separation distance of eyes in the world (negative values are only useful for cross-eyed viewing)
606 r_stereo_sidebyside is "0" ["0"] side by side views for those who can't afford glasses but can afford eye strain (note: use a negative r_stereo_separation if you want cross-eyed viewing)
607 r_subdivisions_collision_maxtess is "1024" ["1024"] maximum number of subdivisions (prevents curves beyond a certain detail level, limits smoothing)
608 r_subdivisions_collision_maxvertices is "4225" ["4225"] maximum vertices allowed per subdivided curve
609 r_subdivisions_collision_mintess is "0" ["0"] minimum number of subdivisions (values above 0 will smooth curves that don't need it)
610 r_subdivisions_collision_tolerance is "15" ["15"] maximum error tolerance on curve subdivision for collision purposes (usually a larger error tolerance than for rendering)
611 r_subdivisions_maxtess is "1024" ["1024"] maximum number of subdivisions (prevents curves beyond a certain detail level, limits smoothing)
612 r_subdivisions_maxvertices is "65536" ["65536"] maximum vertices allowed per subdivided curve
613 r_subdivisions_mintess is "0" ["0"] minimum number of subdivisions (values above 0 will smooth curves that don't need it)
614 r_subdivisions_tolerance is "4" ["4"] maximum error tolerance on curve subdivision for rendering purposes (in other words, the curves will be given as many polygons as necessary to represent curves at this quality)
615 r_test is "0" ["0"] internal development use only, leave it alone (usually does nothing anyway)
616 r_textbrightness is "0" ["0"] additional brightness for text color codes (0 keeps colors as is, 1 makes them all white)
617 r_textcontrast is "1" ["1"] additional contrast for text color codes (1 keeps colors as is, 0 makes them all black)
618 r_textshadow is "0" ["0"] draws a shadow on all text to improve readability (note: value controls offset, 1 = 1 pixel, 1.5 = 1.5 pixels, etc)
619 r_texture_convertsRGB_2d is "0" ["0"] load textures as sRGB and convert to linear for proper shading
620 r_texture_convertsRGB_cubemap is "0" ["0"] load textures as sRGB and convert to linear for proper shading
621 r_texture_convertsRGB_particles is "0" ["0"] load textures as sRGB and convert to linear for proper shading
622 r_texture_convertsRGB_skin is "0" ["0"] load textures as sRGB and convert to linear for proper shading
623 r_texture_convertsRGB_skybox is "0" ["0"] load textures as sRGB and convert to linear for proper shading
624 r_texture_dds_load is "0" ["0"] load compressed dds/filename.dds texture instead of filename.tga, if the file exists (requires driver support)
625 r_texture_dds_save is "0" ["0"] save compressed dds/filename.dds texture when filename.tga is loaded, so that it can be loaded instead next time
626 r_textureunits is "4" ["32"] number of texture units to use in GL 1.1 and GL 1.3 rendering paths
627 r_track_sprites is "1" ["1"] track SPR_LABEL* sprites by putting them as indicator at the screen border to rotate to
628 r_track_sprites_flags is "1" ["1"] 1: Rotate sprites accodringly, 2: Make it a continuous rotation
629 r_track_sprites_scaleh is "1" ["1"] height scaling of tracked sprites
630 r_track_sprites_scalew is "1" ["1"] width scaling of tracked sprites
631 r_transparentdepthmasking is "0" ["0"] enables depth writes on transparent meshes whose materially is normally opaque, this prevents seeing the inside of a transparent mesh
632 r_useinfinitefarclip is "1" ["1"] enables use of a special kind of projection matrix that has an extremely large farclip
633 r_useportalculling is "1" ["1"] improve framerate with r_novis 1 by using portal culling - still not as good as compiled visibility data in the map, but it helps (a value of 2 forces use of this even with vis data, which improves framerates in maps without too much complexity, but hurts in extremely complex maps, which is why 2 is not the default mode)
634 r_water is "0" ["0"] whether to use reflections and refraction on water surfaces (note: r_wateralpha must be set below 1)
635 r_water_clippingplanebias is "1" ["1"] a rather technical setting which avoids black pixels around water edges
636 r_water_reflectdistort is "0.01" ["0.01"] how much water reflections shimmer
637 r_water_refractdistort is "0.01" ["0.01"] how much water refractions shimmer
638 r_water_resolutionmultiplier is "0.5" ["0.5"] multiplier for screen resolution when rendering refracted/reflected scenes, 1 is full quality, lower values are faster
639 r_wateralpha is ".2" ["1"] opacity of water polygons
640 r_waterscroll is "1" ["1"] makes water scroll around, value controls how much
641 r_waterwarp is "1" ["1"] warp view while underwater
642 rcon_address is "" [""] server address to send rcon commands to (when not connected to a server)
643 rcon_password is "********" [""] password to authenticate rcon commands; NOTE: changing rcon_secure clears rcon_password, so set rcon_secure always before rcon_password; may be set to a string of the form user1:pass1 user2:pass2 user3:pass3 to allow multiple user accounts - the client then has to specify ONE of these combinations
644 rcon_restricted_commands is "" [""] allowed commands for rcon when the restricted mode password was used
645 rcon_restricted_password is "********" [""] password to authenticate rcon commands in restricted mode; may be set to a string of the form user1:pass1 user2:pass2 user3:pass3 to allow multiple user accounts - the client then has to specify ONE of these combinations
646 rcon_secure is "0" ["0"] force secure rcon authentication (1 = time based, 2 = challenge based); NOTE: changing rcon_secure clears rcon_password, so set rcon_secure always before rcon_password
647 rcon_secure_challengetimeout is "5" ["5"] challenge-based secure rcon: time out requests if no challenge came within this time interval
648 rcon_secure_maxdiff is "5" ["5"] maximum time difference between rcon request and server system clock (to protect against replay attack)
649 registered is "1" ["1"] indicates if this is running registered quake (whether gfx/pop.lmp was found)
650 samelevel is "0" ["0"] repeats same level if level ends (due to timelimit or someone hitting an exit)
651 saved1 is "0" ["0"] unused cvar in quake that is saved to config.cfg on exit, can be used by mods
652 saved2 is "0" ["0"] unused cvar in quake that is saved to config.cfg on exit, can be used by mods
653 saved3 is "0" ["0"] unused cvar in quake that is saved to config.cfg on exit, can be used by mods
654 saved4 is "0" ["0"] unused cvar in quake that is saved to config.cfg on exit, can be used by mods
655 savedgamecfg is "0" ["0"] unused cvar in quake that is saved to config.cfg on exit, can be used by mods
656 sbar_alpha_bg is "0.4" ["0.4"] opacity value of the statusbar background image
657 sbar_alpha_fg is "1" ["1"] opacity value of the statusbar weapon/item icons and numbers
658 sbar_gametime is "1" ["1"] shows an overlay for the time left in the current match/level (or current game time if there is no timelimit set)
659 sbar_hudselector is "0" ["0"] selects which of the builtin hud layouts to use (meaning is somewhat dependent on gamemode, so nexuiz has a very different set of hud layouts than quake for example)
660 sbar_info_pos is "0" ["0"] pixel position of the info strings (such as showfps), from the bottom
661 sbar_miniscoreboard_size is "-1" ["-1"] sets the size of the mini deathmatch overlay in items, or disables it when set to 0, or sets it to a sane default when set to -1
662 sbar_scorerank is "1" ["1"] shows an overlay for your score (or team score) and rank in the scoreboard
663 scr_centertime is "2" ["2"] how long centerprint messages show
664 scr_conalpha is "1" ["1"] opacity of console background
665 scr_conbrightness is "1" ["1"] brightness of console background (0 = black, 1 = image)
666 scr_conforcewhiledisconnected is "1" ["1"] forces fullscreen console while disconnected
667 scr_loadingscreen_background is "0" ["0"] show the last visible background during loading screen (costs one screenful of video memory)
668 scr_loadingscreen_count is "1" ["1"] number of loading screen files to use randomly (named loading.tga, loading2.tga, loading3.tga, ...)
669 scr_menuforcewhiledisconnected is "0" ["0"] forces menu while disconnected
670 scr_printspeed is "0" ["0"] speed of intermission printing (episode end texts), a value of 0 disables the slow printing
671 scr_refresh is "1" ["1"] allows you to completely shut off rendering for benchmarking purposes
672 scr_screenshot_gammaboost is "1" ["1"] gamma correction on saved screenshots and videos, 1.0 saves unmodified images
673 scr_screenshot_hwgamma is "1" ["1"] apply the video gamma ramp to saved screenshots and videos
674 scr_screenshot_jpeg is "1" ["1"] save jpeg instead of targa
675 scr_screenshot_jpeg_quality is "0.9" ["0.9"] image quality of saved jpeg
676 scr_screenshot_name is "dp" ["dp"] prefix name for saved screenshots (changes based on -game commandline, as well as which game mode is running; the date is encoded using strftime escapes)
677 scr_screenshot_name_in_mapdir is "0" ["0"] if set to 1, screenshots are placed in a subdirectory named like the map they are from
678 scr_screenshot_png is "0" ["0"] save png instead of targa
679 scr_stipple is "0" ["0"] interlacing-like stippling of the display
680 scr_zoomwindow is "0" ["0"] displays a zoomed in overlay window
681 scr_zoomwindow_fov is "20" ["20"] fov of zoom window
682 scr_zoomwindow_viewsizex is "20" ["20"] horizontal viewsize of zoom window
683 scr_zoomwindow_viewsizey is "20" ["20"] vertical viewsize of zoom window
684 scratch1 is "0" ["0"] unused cvar in quake, can be used by mods
685 scratch2 is "0" ["0"] unused cvar in quake, can be used by mods
686 scratch3 is "0" ["0"] unused cvar in quake, can be used by mods
687 scratch4 is "0" ["0"] unused cvar in quake, can be used by mods
688 sensitivity is "3" ["3"] mouse speed multiplier
689 showblur is "0" ["0"] shows the current alpha level of motionblur
690 showbrand is "0" ["0"] shows gfx/brand.tga in a corner of the screen (different values select different positions, including centered)
691 showdate is "0" ["0"] shows current date (useful on screenshots)
692 showdate_format is "%Y-%m-%d" ["%Y-%m-%d"] format string for date
693 showfps is "0" ["0"] shows your rendered fps (frames per second)
694 shownetgraph is "0" ["0"] shows a graph of packet sizes and other information, 0 = off, 1 = show client netgraph, 2 = show client and server netgraphs (when hosting a server)
695 showpause is "1" ["1"] show pause icon when game is paused
696 showram is "1" ["1"] show ram icon if low on surface cache memory (not used)
697 showsound is "0" ["0"] shows number of active sound sources, sound latency, and other statistics
698 showspeed is "0" ["0"] shows your current speed (qu per second); number selects unit: 1 = qu/s, 2 = m/s, 3 = km/h, 4 = mph, 5 = knots
699 showtime is "0" ["0"] shows current time of day (useful on screenshots)
700 showtime_format is "%H:%M:%S" ["%H:%M:%S"] format string for time of day
701 showtopspeed is "0" ["0"] shows your top speed (kept on screen for max 3 seconds); value -1 takes over the unit from showspeed, otherwise it's an unit number just like in showspeed
702 showturtle is "0" ["0"] show turtle icon when framerate is too low
703 skill is "1" ["1"] difficulty level of game, affects monster layouts in levels, 0 = easy, 1 = normal, 2 = hard, 3 = nightmare (same layout as hard but monsters fire twice)
704 skin is "" [""] QW player skin name (example: base)
705 slowmo is "1.0" ["1.0"] controls game speed, 0.5 is half speed, 2 is double speed
706 snd_channellayout is "1" ["0"] channel layout. Can be 0 (auto - snd_restart needed), 1 (standard layout), or 2 (ALSA layout)
707 snd_channels is "2" ["2"] number of channels for the sound ouput (2 for stereo; up to 8 supported for 3D sound)
708 snd_csqcchannel0volume is "1" ["1"] volume multiplier of the auto-allocate entity channel of the world entity
709 snd_csqcchannel1volume is "1" ["1"] volume multiplier of the 1st entity channel of the world entity
710 snd_csqcchannel2volume is "1" ["1"] volume multiplier of the 2nd entity channel of the world entity
711 snd_csqcchannel3volume is "1" ["1"] volume multiplier of the 3rd entity channel of the world entity
712 snd_csqcchannel4volume is "1" ["1"] volume multiplier of the 4th entity channel of the world entity
713 snd_csqcchannel5volume is "1" ["1"] volume multiplier of the 5th entity channel of the world entity
714 snd_csqcchannel6volume is "1" ["1"] volume multiplier of the 6th entity channel of the world entity
715 snd_csqcchannel7volume is "1" ["1"] volume multiplier of the 7th entity channel of the world entity
716 snd_entchannel0volume is "1" ["1"] volume multiplier of the auto-allocate entity channel of regular entities
717 snd_entchannel1volume is "1" ["1"] volume multiplier of the 1st entity channel of regular entities
718 snd_entchannel2volume is "1" ["1"] volume multiplier of the 2nd entity channel of regular entities
719 snd_entchannel3volume is "1" ["1"] volume multiplier of the 3rd entity channel of regular entities
720 snd_entchannel4volume is "1" ["1"] volume multiplier of the 4th entity channel of regular entities
721 snd_entchannel5volume is "1" ["1"] volume multiplier of the 5th entity channel of regular entities
722 snd_entchannel6volume is "1" ["1"] volume multiplier of the 6th entity channel of regular entities
723 snd_entchannel7volume is "1" ["1"] volume multiplier of the 7th entity channel of regular entities
724 snd_initialized is "1" ["1"] indicates the sound subsystem is active
725 snd_mutewhenidle is "1" ["1"] whether to disable sound output when game window is inactive
726 snd_noextraupdate is "0" ["0"] disables extra sound mixer calls that are meant to reduce the chance of sound breakup at very low framerates
727 snd_playerchannel0volume is "1" ["1"] volume multiplier of the auto-allocate entity channel of player entities
728 snd_playerchannel1volume is "1" ["1"] volume multiplier of the 1st entity channel of player entities
729 snd_playerchannel2volume is "1" ["1"] volume multiplier of the 2nd entity channel of player entities
730 snd_playerchannel3volume is "1" ["1"] volume multiplier of the 3rd entity channel of player entities
731 snd_playerchannel4volume is "1" ["1"] volume multiplier of the 4th entity channel of player entities
732 snd_playerchannel5volume is "1" ["1"] volume multiplier of the 5th entity channel of player entities
733 snd_playerchannel6volume is "1" ["1"] volume multiplier of the 6th entity channel of player entities
734 snd_playerchannel7volume is "1" ["1"] volume multiplier of the 7th entity channel of player entities
735 snd_precache is "1" ["1"] loads sounds before they are used
736 snd_show is "0" ["0"] shows some statistics about sound mixing
737 snd_soundradius is "2000" ["2000"] radius of weapon sounds and other standard sound effects (monster idle noises are half this radius and flickering light noises are one third of this radius)
738 snd_spatialization_control is "0" ["0"] enable spatialization control (headphone friendly mode)
739 snd_spatialization_max is "0.95" ["0.95"] maximum spatialization of sounds
740 snd_spatialization_max_radius is "100" ["100"] use maximum spatialization below this radius
741 snd_spatialization_min is "0.70" ["0.70"] minimum spatializazion of sounds
742 snd_spatialization_min_radius is "10000" ["10000"] use minimum spatialization above to this radius
743 snd_spatialization_occlusion is "1" ["1"] enable occlusion testing on spatialized sounds, which simply quiets sounds that are blocked by the world
744 snd_spatialization_power is "0" ["0"] exponent of the spatialization falloff curve (0: logarithmic)
745 snd_speed is "48000" ["48000"] sound output frequency, in hertz
746 snd_staticvolume is "1" ["1"] volume of ambient sound effects (such as swampy sounds at the start of e1m2)
747 snd_streaming is "1" ["1"] enables keeping compressed ogg sound files compressed, decompressing them only as needed, otherwise they will be decompressed completely at load (may use a lot of memory)
748 snd_swapstereo is "0" ["0"] swaps left/right speakers for old ISA soundblaster cards
749 snd_wav_partitionsize is "1024" ["1024"] controls sound delay in samples, values too low will cause crackling, too high will cause delayed sounds
750 snd_width is "2" ["2"] sound output precision, in bytes (1 and 2 supported)
751 snd_worldchannel0volume is "1" ["1"] volume multiplier of the auto-allocate entity channel of the world entity
752 snd_worldchannel1volume is "1" ["1"] volume multiplier of the 1st entity channel of the world entity
753 snd_worldchannel2volume is "1" ["1"] volume multiplier of the 2nd entity channel of the world entity
754 snd_worldchannel3volume is "1" ["1"] volume multiplier of the 3rd entity channel of the world entity
755 snd_worldchannel4volume is "1" ["1"] volume multiplier of the 4th entity channel of the world entity
756 snd_worldchannel5volume is "1" ["1"] volume multiplier of the 5th entity channel of the world entity
757 snd_worldchannel6volume is "1" ["1"] volume multiplier of the 6th entity channel of the world entity
758 snd_worldchannel7volume is "1" ["1"] volume multiplier of the 7th entity channel of the world entity
759 sv_accelerate is "10" ["10"] rate at which a player accelerates to sv_maxspeed
760 sv_adminnick is "" [""] nick name to use for admin messages instead of host name
761 sv_aim is "2" ["2"] maximum cosine angle for quake's vertical autoaim, a value above 1 completely disables the autoaim, quake used 0.93
762 sv_airaccel_qw is "1" ["1"] ratio of QW-style air control as opposed to simple acceleration; when < 0, the speed is clamped against the maximum allowed forward speed after the move
763 sv_airaccel_sideways_friction is "" [""] anti-sideways movement stabilization (reduces speed gain when zigzagging); when < 0, only so much friction is applied that braking (by accelerating backwards) cannot be stronger
764 sv_airaccelerate is "-1" ["-1"] rate at which a player accelerates to sv_maxairspeed while in the air, if less than 0 the sv_accelerate variable is used instead
765 sv_aircontrol is "0" ["0"] CPMA-style air control
766 sv_airstopaccelerate is "0" ["0"] when set, replacement for sv_airaccelerate when moving backwards
767 sv_airstrafeaccelerate is "0" ["0"] when set, replacement for sv_airaccelerate when just strafing
768 sv_allowdownloads is "1" ["1"] whether to allow clients to download files from the server (does not affect http downloads)
769 sv_allowdownloads_archive is "0" ["0"] whether to allow downloads of archives (pak/pk3)
770 sv_allowdownloads_config is "0" ["0"] whether to allow downloads of config files (cfg)
771 sv_allowdownloads_dlcache is "0" ["0"] whether to allow downloads of dlcache files (dlcache/)
772 sv_allowdownloads_inarchive is "0" ["0"] whether to allow downloads from archives (pak/pk3)
773 sv_areagrid_mingridsize is "128" ["128"] minimum areagrid cell size, smaller values work better for lots of small objects, higher values for large objects
774 sv_autodemo_perclient is "0" ["0"] set to 1 to enable autorecorded per-client demos (they'll start to record at the beginning of a match); set it to 2 to also record client->server packets (for debugging)
775 sv_autodemo_perclient_nameformat is "sv_autodemos/%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M" ["sv_autodemos/%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M"] The format of the sv_autodemo_perclient filename, followed by the map name, the client number and the IP address + port number, separated by underscores (the date is encoded using strftime escapes)
776 sv_cheats is "0" ["0"] enables cheat commands in any game, and cheat impulses in dpmod
777 sv_checkforpacketsduringsleep is "0" ["0"] uses select() function to wait between frames which can be interrupted by packets being received, instead of Sleep()/usleep()/SDL_Sleep() functions which do not check for packets
778 sv_clmovement_enable is "1" ["1"] whether to allow clients to use cl_movement prediction, which can cause choppy movement on the server which may annoy other players
779 sv_clmovement_inputtimeout is "0.2" ["0.2"] when a client does not send input for this many seconds, force them to move anyway (unlike QuakeWorld)
780 sv_clmovement_minping is "0" ["0"] if client ping is below this time in milliseconds, then their ability to use cl_movement prediction is disabled for a while (as they don't need it)
781 sv_clmovement_minping_disabletime is "1000" ["1000"] when client falls below minping, disable their prediction for this many milliseconds (should be at least 1000 or else their prediction may turn on/off frequently)
782 sv_cullentities_nevercullbmodels is "0" ["0"] if enabled the clients are always notified of moving doors and lifts and other submodels of world (warning: eats a lot of network bandwidth on some levels!)
783 sv_cullentities_pvs is "1" ["1"] fast but loose culling of hidden entities
784 sv_cullentities_stats is "0" ["0"] displays stats on network entities culled by various methods for each client
785 sv_cullentities_trace is "0" ["0"] somewhat slow but very tight culling of hidden entities, minimizes network traffic and makes wallhack cheats useless
786 sv_cullentities_trace_delay is "1" ["1"] number of seconds until the entity gets actually culled
787 sv_cullentities_trace_delay_players is "0.2" ["0.2"] number of seconds until the entity gets actually culled if it is a player entity
788 sv_cullentities_trace_enlarge is "0" ["0"] box enlargement for entity culling
789 sv_cullentities_trace_entityocclusion is "0" ["0"] also check if doors and other bsp models are in the way
790 sv_cullentities_trace_prediction is "1" ["1"] also trace from the predicted player position
791 sv_cullentities_trace_prediction_time is "0.2" ["0.2"] how many seconds of prediction to use
792 sv_cullentities_trace_samples is "2" ["2"] number of samples to test for entity culling
793 sv_cullentities_trace_samples_extra is "2" ["2"] number of samples to test for entity culling when the entity affects its surroundings by e.g. dlight
794 sv_cullentities_trace_samples_players is "8" ["8"] number of samples to test for entity culling when the entity is a player entity
795 sv_curl_defaulturl is "" [""] default autodownload source URL
796 sv_curl_maxspeed is "0" ["0"] maximum download speed for clients downloading from sv_curl_defaulturl (KiB/s)
797 sv_curl_serverpackages is "" [""] list of required files for the clients, separated by spaces
798 sv_debugmove is "0" ["0"] disables collision detection optimizations for debugging purposes
799 sv_echobprint is "1" ["1"] prints gamecode bprint() calls to server console
800 sv_entpatch is "1" ["1"] enables loading of .ent files to override entities in the bsp (for example Threewave CTF server pack contains .ent patch files enabling play of CTF on id1 maps)
801 sv_fixedframeratesingleplayer is "1" ["1"] allows you to use server-style timing system in singleplayer (don't run faster than sys_ticrate)
802 sv_freezenonclients is "0" ["0"] freezes time, except for players, allowing you to walk around and take screenshots of explosions
803 sv_friction is "4" ["4"] how fast you slow down
804 sv_gameplayfix_blowupfallenzombies is "1" ["1"] causes findradius to detect SOLID_NOT entities such as zombies and corpses on the floor, allowing splash damage to apply to them
805 sv_gameplayfix_consistentplayerprethink is "1" ["1"] improves fairness in multiplayer by running all PlayerPreThink functions (which fire weapons) before performing physics, then runing all PlayerPostThink functions
806 sv_gameplayfix_delayprojectiles is "1" ["1"] causes entities to not move on the same frame they are spawned, meaning that projectiles wait until the next frame to perform their first move, giving proper interpolation and rocket trails, but making weapons harder to use at low framerates
807 sv_gameplayfix_downtracesupportsongroundflag is "1" ["1"] prevents very short moves from clearing onground (which may make the player stick to the floor at high netfps)
808 sv_gameplayfix_droptofloorstartsolid is "1" ["1"] prevents items and monsters that start in a solid area from falling out of the level (makes droptofloor treat trace_startsolid as an acceptable outcome)
809 sv_gameplayfix_droptofloorstartsolid_nudgetocorrect is "1" ["1"] tries to nudge stuck items and monsters out of walls before droptofloor is performed
810 sv_gameplayfix_easierwaterjump is "1" ["1"] changes water jumping to make it easier to get out of water (exactly like in QuakeWorld)
811 sv_gameplayfix_findradiusdistancetobox is "1" ["1"] causes findradius to check the distance to the corner of a box rather than the center of the box, makes findradius detect bmodels such as very large doors that would otherwise be unaffected by splash damage
812 sv_gameplayfix_gravityunaffectedbyticrate is "0" ["0"] fix some ticrate issues in physics.
813 sv_gameplayfix_grenadebouncedownslopes is "1" ["1"] prevents MOVETYPE_BOUNCE (grenades) from getting stuck when fired down a downward sloping surface
814 sv_gameplayfix_multiplethinksperframe is "1" ["1"] allows entities to think more often than the server framerate, primarily useful for very high fire rate weapons
815 sv_gameplayfix_noairborncorpse is "1" ["1"] causes entities (corpses, items, etc) sitting ontop of moving entities (players) to fall when the moving entity (player) is no longer supporting them
816 sv_gameplayfix_noairborncorpse_allowsuspendeditems is "1" ["1"] causes entities sitting ontop of objects that are instantaneously remove to float in midair (special hack to allow a common level design trick for floating items)
817 sv_gameplayfix_nudgeoutofsolid is "1" ["1"] attempts to fix physics errors (where an object ended up in solid for some reason)
818 sv_gameplayfix_nudgeoutofsolid_bias is "0" ["0"] over-correction on nudgeoutofsolid logic, to prevent constant contact
819 sv_gameplayfix_q2airaccelerate is "0" ["0"] Quake2-style air acceleration
820 sv_gameplayfix_setmodelrealbox is "1" ["1"] fixes a bug in Quake that made setmodel always set the entity box to ('-16 -16 -16', '16 16 16') rather than properly checking the model box, breaks some poorly coded mods
821 sv_gameplayfix_slidemoveprojectiles is "1" ["1"] allows MOVETYPE_FLY/FLYMISSILE/TOSS/BOUNCE/BOUNCEMISSILE entities to finish their move in a frame even if they hit something, fixes 'gravity accumulation' bug for grenades on steep slopes
822 sv_gameplayfix_stepdown is "0" ["0"] attempts to step down stairs, not just up them (prevents the familiar thud..thud..thud.. when running down stairs and slopes)
823 sv_gameplayfix_stepmultipletimes is "1" ["1"] applies step-up onto a ledge more than once in a single frame, when running quickly up stairs
824 sv_gameplayfix_stepwhilejumping is "1" ["1"] applies step-up onto a ledge even while airborn, useful if you would otherwise just-miss the floor when running across small areas with gaps (for instance running across the moving platforms in dm2, or jumping to the megahealth and red armor in dm2 rather than using the bridge)
825 sv_gameplayfix_swiminbmodels is "1" ["1"] causes pointcontents (used to determine if you are in a liquid) to check bmodel entities as well as the world model, so you can swim around in (possibly moving) water bmodel entities
826 sv_gameplayfix_upwardvelocityclearsongroundflag is "1" ["1"] prevents monsters, items, and most other objects from being stuck to the floor when pushed around by damage, and other situations in mods
827 sv_gravity is "800" ["800"] how fast you fall (512 = roughly earth gravity)
828 sv_heartbeatperiod is "120" ["120"] how often to send heartbeat in seconds (only used if sv_public is 1)
829 sv_idealpitchscale is "0.8" ["0.8"] how much to look up/down slopes and stairs when not using freelook
830 sv_jumpstep is "0" ["0"] whether you can step up while jumping (sv_gameplayfix_stepwhilejumping must also be 1)
831 sv_jumpvelocity is "270" ["270"] cvar that can be used by QuakeC code for jump velocity
832 sv_master1 is "" [""] user-chosen master server 1
833 sv_master2 is "" [""] user-chosen master server 2
834 sv_master3 is "" [""] user-chosen master server 3
835 sv_master4 is "" [""] user-chosen master server 4
836 sv_masterextra1 is "" [""] ghdigital.com - default master server 1 (admin: LordHavoc)
837 sv_masterextra2 is "" [""] dpmaster.deathmask.net - default master server 2 (admin: Willis)
838 sv_masterextra3 is "" [""] dpmaster.tchr.no - default master server 3 (admin: tChr)
839 sv_maxairspeed is "30" ["30"] maximum speed a player can accelerate to when airborn (note that it is possible to completely stop by moving the opposite direction)
840 sv_maxairstrafespeed is "0" ["0"] when set, replacement for sv_maxairspeed when just strafing
841 sv_maxrate is "1000000" ["1000000"] upper limit on client rate cvar, should reflect your network connection quality
842 sv_maxspeed is "320" ["320"] maximum speed a player can accelerate to when on ground (can be exceeded by tricks)
843 sv_maxvelocity is "2000" ["2000"] universal speed limit on all entities
844 sv_nostep is "0" ["0"] prevents MOVETYPE_STEP entities (monsters) from moving
845 sv_onlycsqcnetworking is "0" ["0"] disables legacy entity networking code for higher performance (except on clients, which can still be legacy)
846 sv_playerphysicsqc is "1" ["1"] enables QuakeC function to override player physics
847 sv_progs is "progs.dat" ["progs.dat"] selects which quakec progs.dat file to run
848 sv_protocolname is "DP7" ["DP7"] selects network protocol to host for (values include QUAKE, QUAKEDP, NEHAHRAMOVIE, DP1 and up)
849 sv_public is "0" ["0"] 1: advertises this server on the master server (so that players can find it in the server browser); 0: allow direct queries only; -1: do not respond to direct queries; -2: do not allow anyone to connect
850 sv_random_seed is "" [""] random seed; when set, on every map start this random seed is used to initialize the random number generator. Don't touch it unless for benchmarking or debugging
851 sv_ratelimitlocalplayer is "0" ["0"] whether to apply rate limiting to the local player in a listen server (only useful for testing)
852 sv_sound_land is "demon/dland2.wav" ["demon/dland2.wav"] sound to play when MOVETYPE_STEP entity hits the ground at high speed (empty cvar disables the sound)
853 sv_sound_watersplash is "misc/h2ohit1.wav" ["misc/h2ohit1.wav"] sound to play when MOVETYPE_FLY/TOSS/BOUNCE/STEP entity enters or leaves water (empty cvar disables the sound)
854 sv_status_privacy is "0" ["0"] do not show IP addresses in 'status' replies to clients
855 sv_status_show_qcstatus is "0" ["0"] show the 'qcstatus' field in status replies, not the 'frags' field. Turn this on if your mod uses this field, and the 'frags' field on the other hand has no meaningful value.
856 sv_stepheight is "18" ["18"] how high you can step up (TW_SV_STEPCONTROL extension)
857 sv_stopspeed is "100" ["100"] how fast you come to a complete stop
858 sv_wallfriction is "1" ["1"] how much you slow down when sliding along a wall
859 sv_warsowbunny_accel is "0.1585" ["0.1585"] how fast you accelerate until after reaching sv_maxspeed (it gets harder as you near sv_warsowbunny_topspeed)
860 sv_warsowbunny_airforwardaccel is "1.00001" ["1.00001"] how fast you accelerate until you reach sv_maxspeed
861 sv_warsowbunny_backtosideratio is "0.8" ["0.8"] lower values make it easier to change direction without losing speed; the drawback is "understeering" in sharp turns
862 sv_warsowbunny_topspeed is "925" ["925"] soft speed limit (can get faster with rjs and on ramps)
863 sv_warsowbunny_turnaccel is "0" ["0"] max sharpness of turns (also master switch for the sv_warsowbunny_* mode; set this to 9 to enable)
864 sv_wateraccelerate is "-1" ["-1"] rate at which a player accelerates to sv_maxspeed while in the air, if less than 0 the sv_accelerate variable is used instead
865 sv_waterfriction is "-1" ["-1"] how fast you slow down, if less than 0 the sv_friction variable is used instead
866 sv_writepicture_quality is "10" ["10"] WritePicture quality offset (higher means better quality, but slower)
867 sys_colortranslation is "0" ["0"] terminal console color translation (supported values: 0 = strip color codes, 1 = translate to ANSI codes, 2 = no translation)
868 sys_debugsleep is "0" ["0"] write requested and attained sleep times to standard output, to be used with gnuplot
869 sys_specialcharactertranslation is "1" ["1"] terminal console conchars to ASCII translation (set to 0 if your conchars.tga is for an 8bit character set or if you want raw output)
870 sys_ticrate is "0.0138889" ["0.0138889"] how long a server frame is in seconds, 0.05 is 20fps server rate, 0.1 is 10fps (can not be set higher than 0.1), 0 runs as many server frames as possible (makes games against bots a little smoother, overwhelms network players), 0.0138889 matches QuakeWorld physics
871 sys_usenoclockbutbenchmark is "0" ["0"] don't use ANY real timing, and simulate a clock (for benchmarking); the game then runs as fast as possible. Run a QC mod with bots that does some stuff, then does a quit at the end, to benchmark a server. NEVER do this on a public server.
872 sys_usequeryperformancecounter is "0" ["0"] use windows QueryPerformanceCounter timer (which has issues on multicore/multiprocessor machines and processors which are designed to conserve power) for timing rather than timeGetTime function (which has issues on some motherboards)
873 team is "none" ["none"] QW team (4 character limit, example: blue)
874 teamplay is "0" ["0"] teamplay mode, values depend on mod but typically 0 = no teams, 1 = no team damage no self damage, 2 = team damage and self damage, some mods support 3 = no team damage but can damage self
875 temp1 is "0" ["0"] general cvar for mods to use, in stock id1 this selects which death animation to use on players (0 = random death, other values select specific death scenes)
876 timedemo_screenshotframelist is "" [""] when performing a timedemo, take screenshots of each frame in this space-separated list - example: 1 201 401
877 timeformat is "[%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S] " ["[%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S] "] time format to use on timestamped console messages
878 timelimit is "0" ["0"] ends level at this time (in minutes)
879 timestamps is "0" ["0"] prints timestamps on console messages
880 utf8_enable is "0" ["0"] Enable UTF-8 support. For compatibility, this is disabled by default in most games.
881 v_brightness is "0" ["0"] brightness of black, useful for monitors that are too dark
882 v_centermove is "0.15" ["0.15"] how long before the view begins to center itself (if freelook/+mlook/+jlook/+klook are off)
883 v_centerspeed is "500" ["500"] how fast the view centers itself
884 v_color_black_b is "0" ["0"] desired color of black
885 v_color_black_g is "0" ["0"] desired color of black
886 v_color_black_r is "0" ["0"] desired color of black
887 v_color_enable is "0" ["0"] enables black-grey-white color correction curve controls
888 v_color_grey_b is "0.5" ["0.5"] desired color of grey
889 v_color_grey_g is "0.5" ["0.5"] desired color of grey
890 v_color_grey_r is "0.5" ["0.5"] desired color of grey
891 v_color_white_b is "1" ["1"] desired color of white
892 v_color_white_g is "1" ["1"] desired color of white
893 v_color_white_r is "1" ["1"] desired color of white
894 v_contrast is "1" ["1"] brightness of white (values above 1 give a brighter image with increased color saturation, unlike v_gamma)
895 v_contrastboost is "1" ["1"] by how much to multiply the contrast in dark areas (1 is no change)
896 v_deathtilt is "1" ["1"] whether to use sideways view when dead
897 v_deathtiltangle is "80" ["80"] what roll angle to use when tilting the view while dead
898 v_flipped is "0" ["0"] mirror the screen (poor man's left handed mode)
899 v_gamma is "1.500000" ["1"] inverse gamma correction value, a brightness effect that does not affect white or black, and tends to make the image grey and dull
900 v_glslgamma is "0" ["0"] enables use of GLSL to apply gamma correction ramps if available (note: overrides v_hwgamma)
901 v_hwgamma is "1" ["1"] enables use of hardware gamma correction ramps if available (note: does not work very well on Windows2000 and above), values are 0 = off, 1 = attempt to use hardware gamma, 2 = use hardware gamma whether it works or not
902 v_idlescale is "0" ["0"] how much of the quake 'drunken view' effect to use
903 v_ipitch_cycle is "1" ["1"] v_idlescale pitch speed
904 v_ipitch_level is "0.3" ["0.3"] v_idlescale pitch amount
905 v_iroll_cycle is "0.5" ["0.5"] v_idlescale roll speed
906 v_iroll_level is "0.1" ["0.1"] v_idlescale roll amount
907 v_iyaw_cycle is "2" ["2"] v_idlescale yaw speed
908 v_iyaw_level is "0.3" ["0.3"] v_idlescale yaw amount
909 v_kickpitch is "0.6" ["0.6"] how much a view kick from damage pitches your view
910 v_kickroll is "0.6" ["0.6"] how much a view kick from damage rolls your view
911 v_kicktime is "0.5" ["0.5"] how long a view kick from damage lasts
912 v_psycho is "0" ["0"] easter egg (does not work on Windows2000 or above)
913 vid_bitsperpixel is "32" ["32"] how many bits per pixel to render at (32 or 16, 32 is recommended)
914 vid_conheight is "480" ["480"] virtual height of 2D graphics system
915 vid_conwidth is "640" ["640"] virtual width of 2D graphics system
916 vid_forcerefreshrate is "0" ["0"] try to set the given vid_refreshrate even if Windows doesn't list it as valid video mode
917 vid_fullscreen is "0" ["1"] use fullscreen (1) or windowed (0)
918 vid_gl13 is "1" ["1"] enables faster rendering using OpenGL 1.3 features (such as GL_ARB_texture_env_combine extension)
919 vid_gl20 is "1" ["1"] enables faster rendering using OpenGL 2.0 features (such as GL_ARB_fragment_shader extension)
920 vid_grabkeyboard is "0" ["0"] whether to grab the keyboard when mouse is active (prevents use of volume control keys, music player keys, etc on some keyboards)
921 vid_hardwaregammasupported is "0" ["1"] indicates whether hardware gamma is supported (updated by attempts to set hardware gamma ramps)
922 vid_height is "768" ["480"] resolution
923 vid_minheight is "0" ["0"] minimum vid_height that is acceptable (to be set in default.cfg in mods)
924 vid_minwidth is "0" ["0"] minimum vid_width that is acceptable (to be set in default.cfg in mods)
925 vid_mouse is "1" ["1"] whether to use the mouse in windowed mode (fullscreen always does)
926 vid_pixelheight is "1" ["1"] adjusts vertical field of vision to account for non-square pixels (1280x1024 on a CRT monitor for example)
927 vid_refreshrate is "60" ["60"] refresh rate to use, in hz (higher values flicker less, if supported by your monitor)
928 vid_resizable is "0" ["0"] 0: window not resizable, 1: resizable, 2: window can be resized but the framebuffer isn't adjusted
929 vid_samples is "1" ["1"] how many anti-aliasing samples per pixel to request from the graphics driver (4 is recommended, 1 is faster)
930 vid_stereobuffer is "0" ["0"] enables 'quad-buffered' stereo rendering for stereo shutterglasses, HMD (head mounted display) devices, or polarized stereo LCDs, if supported by your drivers
931 vid_stick_mouse is "0" ["0"] have the mouse stuck in the center of the screen
932 vid_userefreshrate is "0" ["0"] set this to 1 to make vid_refreshrate used, or to 0 to let the engine choose a sane default
933 vid_vsync is "0" ["0"] sync to vertical blank, prevents 'tearing' (seeing part of one frame and part of another on the screen at the same time), automatically disabled when doing timedemo benchmarks
934 vid_width is "1024" ["640"] resolution
935 viewsize is "120" ["100"] how large the view should be, 110 disables inventory bar, 120 disables status bar
936 volume is "0.7" ["0.7"] volume of sound effects